MIE :: Volume #4

#127: Western Guard Regiment gives you

The installment payment was Xu Yi once to the proposal that President Cruise put forward, because this payment method was quite flexible, can let not have the person of disposable payment strength also to have the long-awaited new villa, once were promoted received enormous welcome. 分期付款是许亦曾经向克鲁斯会长提出的建议,因为这种付款方式较为灵活,可以让没有一次性付款实力的人也能够拥有梦寐以求的新型别墅,一经推出就受到了极大欢迎。 New villa area that Amul Chamber of Commerce promotes, originally to Bunta City the class/flow of rich and powerful people, because this installment payment pattern, enabling in Bunta City the original ordinary household also to have the villa that the ability purchases them to admire, making the Amul Chamber of Commerce sales volume therefore promote sharply. 阿姆利商会推出的新型别墅区,原本是面向邦塔城的富豪之流,但是因为这个分期付款模式,使得邦塔城内很多原本的普通家庭也能够有能力购买一栋他们心仪的别墅,使得阿姆利商会的销售额因此大幅提升。 Solely is only this proposition, made Amul Chamber of Commerce promote over three times profits in the housing sale domain every year, President Cruise to Xu Yi naturally was extremely grateful. 单单只是这一个提议,就使得阿姆利商会每年在住房销售领域足足提升了三倍以上的利润,克鲁斯会长许亦自然是极为感激。 However because the transportation and information flow on Sainz Continent are far less than on Earth the smooth convenience, moreover this world does not have a complete credit system, therefore this pattern can only implement in a small area, was limited very much. 不过因为赛恩斯大陆上的交通和信息流通远不如地球上流畅便利,而且这个世界也没有一个完整的信用体系,所以这种模式只能在小范围内实行,很受局限。 Xu Yi besides proposed to President Cruise does this, has not recommended to other chambers of commerce actually. 许亦除了向克鲁斯会长提议这样做之外,倒是并没有向其它商会也这么推荐。 As for Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, because since always, be only the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce capacity supplies are insufficient, but has not presented the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce initiative sales promotion the situation, naturally could not use this pattern. 至于新飞商会自己,因为一向以来只有新飞商会的产能供给不足,而从来没有出现新飞商会主动推销的情况,自然也一直用不上这种模式。 Now Sewinnie proposes suddenly she wants the installment payment, making Xu Yi can't help it stare. 现在瑟维尼突然提出她想要分期付款,让许亦禁不住愣了一下。 However changes mind thinks, this proposition is actually viable. 不过转念一想,这个提议倒是极具可行性。 Although Lanpali Kingdom the fiscal situation is not still good, but it after all is a country, without gold coin payment, always large amounts of resources. 兰帕里王国虽然财政情况依然不算良好,但它毕竟是一个国家,没有金币支付,总还有大量的资源。 Although makes the transaction to have not the controllable risk with a country, but Lanpali Kingdom is controlled by Sewinnie now. 虽然和一个国家做交易存在很多不可控的风险,但是现在兰帕里王国是由瑟维尼掌控。 Regarding this queen, Xu Yi understands and has the sufficient confidence level. 对于这位女王陛下,许亦还是十分了解并拥有足够的信任度的。 So long as the control of Sewinnie to Lanpali Kingdom will not weaken. Then makes the transaction to feel relieved with Lanpali Kingdom 只要瑟维尼兰帕里王国的掌控力不会减弱。那么和兰帕里王国做交易就可以放心 Let alone Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce now and between Lanpali Kingdom is cooperating comprehensively, has the considerable high dependence to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, is naturally willing to strengthen the relation with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 何况新飞商会现在和兰帕里王国之间正在全面合作,对新飞商会拥有相当高的依赖度,自然愿意和新飞商会加强联系。 The installment payment involves the long-term transaction, is one way that continues to strengthen both sides to relate. 分期付款涉及到长期交易,也算是继续加强双方联系的一种方式。 As for the Lanpali Kingdom paying capacity, Xu Yi was not worried actually. 至于兰帕里王国的支付能力,许亦倒是不怎么担心。 Each Magic machine shop that now Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom joint capital organized has sprung up everywhere in Lanpali Kingdom. Until now, altogether set up can produce existing all type Household Magic Machine and some Magic Powered Machine Tool the product 76 factories. 现在新飞商会兰帕里王国合资创办的各个魔法机械工厂已经在兰帕里王国内遍地开花。迄今为止,共开办了能够生产已有的所有类型家用魔力机械、部分魔力机床在内产品的七十六家工厂。 Solely was only last month, the Household Magic Machine quantity that these 76 joint venture plants produced has even exceeded the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce output. 单单只是上个月,这七十六家合资工厂所生产的家用魔力机械数量甚至已经超过了新飞商会的产量。 Because freely the quality quality also has certain disparity, without the means and upfront competition of Xinfei Household Magic Machine in the high-end market, in the low-and-middle Household Magic Machine aspect, actually has however been able to contend with Household Magic Machine that the beforehand these Magic mechanical chambers of commerce produce. 尽管因为质量品质还有一定差距,没办法和新飞牌家用魔力机械在高端市场上正面竞争,但是在中低端家用魔力机械方面,却已经能够和之前那些魔法机械商会生产的家用魔力机械一较高下。 But in Lanpali Kingdom. The reason that because these factory and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce joint capital undertakes, can be classified as the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce brand, in addition is in Lanpali the kingdom local chamber of commerce factory, naturally had Lanpali Kingdom the support of most people. 而在兰帕里王国内。因为这些工厂和新飞商会合资承办的缘故,可以被冠以新飞商会的品牌,再加上都是兰帕里里王国本地的商会工厂,自然得到了兰帕里王国内的绝大多数子民的支持。 In addition, Lanpali Kingdom also sold peripheral to reach in six countries these products. Similarly earned a substantial amount of gold coins. 除此之外,兰帕里王国还将这些产品出售到了周边多达六个国家内。同样从中赚取到了大量的金币。 Even, at the suggestion of Xu Yi, the Lanpali Kingdom aspect massive home Magic machineries will also smuggle Sakk Kingdom to go through the special channel, similarly received in exchange for the solid advantage from the Sakk Kingdom hand. 甚至,在许亦的提议下,兰帕里王国方面还通过特殊渠道将大量家用魔法机械走私到了萨克王国去,同样从萨克王国手中换取到了许多实在的好处。 According to the beforehand Lanpali Kingdom aspect to the data that joint venture partner Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce provides, merely was only the last year three months, the Lanpali Kingdom aspect then yielded the huge incomes of over 2 million gold coins through the Magic machineries of these joint venture plant production. 根据之前兰帕里王国方面向合资方新飞商会提供的数据,仅仅只是去年三个月的时间,兰帕里王国方面便通过这些合资工厂生产的魔法机械获得了超过两百万金币的庞大收益。 But through these incomes, the Lanpali Kingdom finance obtained the income of being close to 500,000 gold coins, making the financial revenue of Lanpali Kingdom whole year exceed 3 million gold coins last year. 而通过这些收益,兰帕里王国财政获得了接近五十万金币的收入,使得去年兰帕里王国全年的财政收入一举突破了三百万金币。 This year passes half to the present from the beginning of the year. The Lanpali Kingdom finance through the business tax that the Magic machinery industry collects already over 2 million gold coins, the payment of taxes that other industries that in addition the necessary industry and Magic industry drive have, the kingdom finance solely obtained in this aspect the high income of reaching as high as over 3.4 million gold coins. 今年从开年到现在过去了一半。兰帕里王国财政通过魔法机械行业所收上来的商税已经超过两百万金币,再加上配套产业以及魔法工业行业带动的其它产业所产生的赋税,王国财政单单只是在这方面就获得了高达超过三百四十万金币的高额收入。 According to this trend calculated. This year the whole year ended, the financial revenue of Lanpali Kingdom whole year even may break through the unprecedented astonishing 5 million gold coins! 按照这个趋势推算。今年全年结束,兰帕里王国全年的财政收入甚至有可能突破史无前例的惊人的五百万金币! From Lanpali Kingdom, in the Lanpali Kingdom more than 600 years of history, which year also never has to seem like such financial conditions is so good since the founding of the nation this year. 兰帕里王国建国至今,兰帕里王国六百多年的历史中,还从来没有哪一年像是今年这样财政状况如此良好。 Has the good financial conditions, Sewinnie then had enough energy to carry out various reforms to Lanpali Kingdom. 拥有良好的财政状况,瑟维尼便有了足够的底气对兰帕里王国内进行各项改革。 Coronated the present also to pass over six months time from Sewinnie, various livelihoods of the people in Lanpali Kingdom then obtained the enormous transformation. 瑟维尼加冕到现在也不过过去了半年多时间,兰帕里王国内的各项民生便获得了极大转变。 This also makes prestige of Sewinnie in Lanpali Kingdom promote suddenly. Increased to the control of entire kingdom. 这也使得瑟维尼兰帕里王国内的声望急剧提升。更是增加了对整个王国的掌控力。 If not the Lanpali Kingdom internal situation moves toward steadily stable, how Sewinnie this queen also possibly has the time and leisurely mood runs up to Stantin Duchy. 如果不是兰帕里王国内部的局势走向平稳安定,瑟维尼这位女王陛下又怎么可能有时间和闲心跑到斯坦丁公国来。 Un...... the installment payment does not have the issue. However Sewinnie, the total prices of 100 Magic Power airships are 30 million gold coins. Even by stages 100 years, you must repay 300,000 gold coins every year, moreover this is in I do not request any interest in the foundation, let alone, I will not accept 100 years of such long deadline obviously.” Xu Yi thinks, sincere say/way. “嗯……分期付款没问题。但是瑟维尼,一百艘魔力飞艇的总价为三千万金币。就算是分期一百年,每年你们也必须偿还三十万金币,而且这还是在我不要求任何利息的基础上,更何况,我显然不会接受一百年这么长的期限。”许亦想了想,正色道。 Obviously, I will not accept 100 years of such long deadline very much. Like this, I suggested that the deadline of installment payment decides as for 20 years, how do you look?” Sewinnie asked. “很显然,我也不会接受一百年这么长的期限。这样吧,我建议分期付款的期限定为二十年,你看怎么样?”瑟维尼问道。 20 years?” Xu Yi frowns. That non- interest calculation, still needs also 1.5 million gold coins even every year. Although your Lanpali Kingdom current kingdom finance is good, but this will also result in the considerably large pressure. For the words of 100 Magic Power airships, I do not recommend you to make this choice.” “二十年?”许亦皱起眉头。“那就算不计算利息,每年也需要还一百五十万金币。虽然你们兰帕里王国目前的王国财政还不错,但是这也会造成相当大的压力吧。只是为了一百艘魔力飞艇的话,我不怎么推荐你做出这个选择。” Sewinnie shows a faint smile: Who stipulates must every year also the same amount? Our kingdom current financial revenue is not enough, then just started, only pays few amounts. When later the condition of kingdom finance continues to turn for the better, undertakes a higher payment again. So long as the time limit were scheduled 20 years on the line. The concrete amount, we can discuss again in detail.” 瑟维尼微微一笑:“谁规定每年就必须还相同的金额呢?我们王国目前的财政收入还不足够,那么刚开始的时候,就只支付较少的金额。等到之后王国财政的状况继续转好,就再承担更高的付款。只要时限定于20年就行了。具体的金额,我们可以再详细商议。” This actually method. However Sewinnie, why you think that I will comply with this proposition? This proposition is no good to our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. Although we are the friends, but stands in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce President standpoint, I am unable to promise you.” Xu Yi said. “这倒是个方法。不过瑟维尼,你凭什么认为我会答应这个提议呢?这个提议对我们新飞商会没有任何好处。虽然我们是朋友,但是站在新飞商会会长的立场上,我无法答应你。”许亦道。 This I understand.” Sewinnie said with a smile. Therefore besides this proposition, I also has another cooperation plan, doesn't know you interested?” “这我明白。”瑟维尼笑道。“所以除了这个提议之外,我还有另外一个合作方案,不知道你有兴趣吗?” What is?” Xu Yi is somewhat curious. What advantage has to our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce?” “是什么?”许亦有些好奇。“对我们新飞商会有什么好处吗?” Naturally is good to you.” Sewinnie nods. Xu Yi, weren't you had seen Commander Landis before? And proposed to him, hopes Western Guard Regiment strengthens the garrison on Heimi Wastelands, preventing Sakk Kingdom to invade right?” “当然对你们有好处。”瑟维尼点点头。“许亦,之前你不是去见过兰蒂斯提督吗?并且向他提议,希望镇西军加强在黑米荒原上的警备,防止萨克王国入侵对吗?” Xu Yi not strange Sewinnie will know this matter, but is quite strange she to raise the matter that this matter and said a moment ago to have anything to be connected suddenly. 许亦并不奇怪瑟维尼会知道这件事,但是比较奇怪她突然提起这件事和刚才所说的事情有什么关联。 We do not have ability comprehensive control entire Heimi Wastelands temporarily, because such investment is too big, the kingdom finance is unable to support such big consumption temporarily. However our Lanpali Kingdom does not have money, Xu Yi, your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is actually very rich.” “我们暂时没有能力全面掌控整个黑米荒原,因为这样投入太大,王国财政暂时无法支持这么大的消耗。但是我们兰帕里王国没钱,许亦,你的新飞商会却是很有钱的哦。” Looks at the smiling face of Sewinnie, the Xu Yi facial expression is strange. 看着瑟维尼的笑脸,许亦神情古怪。 ...... 难道说…… This cooperation proposition is very simple, is your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce disburses money, our Lanpali Kingdom aspect has the person, I can assemble some Western Guard Regiment to accept the order of your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. So long as involves the business on Heimi Wastelands, you have to the Western Guard Regiment complete command jurisdiction.” “这个合作提议很简单,就是你们新飞商会出钱,我们兰帕里王国方面出人,我可以调集部分镇西军接受你们新飞商会的命令。只要是涉及到黑米荒原上的事务,你拥有对镇西军的完全指挥权。” Although guessed correctly a little, Xu Yi still in the heart is quite shocking. 虽然猜到了一点儿,许亦却依然心中极为震惊。 Sewinnie said, to be equivalent to Western Guard Regiment handed over in his hand completely. 瑟维尼这么说,岂不是相当于把镇西军完全交到了他的手上了嘛。 The queen as Lanpali Kingdom, actually gave a chamber of commerce the Kingdom Regular armies, moreover is one not in Lanpali Kingdom the hand of chamber of commerce President, this approach simply is shocking! 身为兰帕里王国的女王陛下,却把王国正规军交给了一家商会,而且是一家不在兰帕里王国内的商会会长的手上,这个做法简直就是骇人听闻! Sewinnie, you do this, did not fear that after the Lanpali Kingdom person knows, scolds you?” 瑟维尼,你这样做,就不怕被兰帕里王国的人知道后,骂死你吗?” Sewinnie gently snort/hum. 瑟维尼轻轻哼了一声。 Words that who dares to oppose, who I make find the way to make these 30 million gold coins. Without this skill, shuts up on the little darling.” “谁敢反对的话,我就让谁去想办法把这三千万金币挣来。没有这个本事,就乖乖闭嘴。” Sees the dignity in the Sewinnie feature revealing, Xu Yi can't help it smiled. 看到瑟维尼眉目中流露出的威严,许亦禁不住笑了起来。 Beforehand Sewinnie may rarely say such words to come, after the queen flight of steps leading to a palace hall were many in the second half of the year, had the dignity naturally. 之前的瑟维尼可很少会说出这样的话来,当了女王陛下半年多后,就自然而然的生出了威严。 Good, I must acknowledge, this proposition has the attraction to me very much. However Sewinnie, I still did not think that this enough makes me agree before you, installment payment proposition that proposed. Because from your words, I listens to another meaning. Sewinnie, are you plan...... make me be responsible for all expenditures of Western Guard Regiment?” “好吧,我必须承认,这个提议对我很有诱惑力。但是瑟维尼,我依然不觉得这足够让我同意你之前提出的分期付款提议。因为从你的话里,我听出另一层意思。瑟维尼,你是打算……让我来负责镇西军的所有花费吗?” Naturally.” Sewinnie shrugs. If I have enough money, why also to take the risk that many people oppose to put forward this proposal?” “当然。”瑟维尼耸了耸肩。“如果我有足够的钱的话,又何必冒着很多人反对的风险提出这种建议呢?” Good, I can only express the rejection.” Xu Yi shakes the head. Only if you can really give me Western Guard Regiment, otherwise I did not think completely does this to me and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has any advantage.” “那好吧,我只能表示拒绝了。”许亦摇了摇头。“除非你能够真的把镇西军送给我,不然我完全不觉得这样做对我和新飞商会有任何好处。” „If like this insufficient, then I add a condition again.” Sewinnie said with a smile. Not is only on Heimi Wastelands, even involves Stantin Duchy anything, Western Guard Regiment can still accept your direction. How do you feel?” “如果这样不够的话,那么我再加一个条件。”瑟维尼笑道。“不仅是黑米荒原上,甚至是涉及到斯坦丁公国的任何事物,镇西军依然可以接受你的指挥。你觉得怎么样呢?” Looks at the smiling face of Sewinnie, in the Xu Yi heart the big quake, the surface actually still maintains composure. 看着瑟维尼的笑脸,许亦心中大震,表面却依然不动声色。 Good, transaction establishment.” ( to be continued ) “好,交易成立。”(未完待续) ... ...
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