MIE :: Volume #4

#126: The queen in leave

Although Stantin Duchy because of the geography reason, in entire one year the most time is in the slightly burning hot climate, but truly after summer, will not actually compare other countries on Sainz Continent to be hotter. 尽管斯坦丁公国因为地理原因,整整一年内大半时间都处于略显炎热的气候,但是真正进入夏季后,却并不会比赛恩斯大陆上的其它国家更热很多。 Moreover really compares, the bigger advantages, that close to the seashore, can go to sea cool that on the contrary at any time enjoys the sea water to bring. 而且真的比较起来,反倒有一个更大的优势,那就是临近海边,可以随时下海享受海水带来的清凉。 Instructed by Xu Yi, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce developed very big section of beach specially, usually the rest and recreation used as the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce staff, because this beach constructs very attractively, has enough supportive measures, finally now has attracted countless bystanders, treated as a very good traveling place here. 许亦的授意下,新飞商会专门开发了很大一截海滩,原本是作为新飞商会员工们平时休闲娱乐所用,但因为这段海滩修建得十分漂亮,更是有足够的配套措施,结果现在已经吸引了无数外人前来,把这里当做了一个非常不错的旅游地点。 Every summer, here much visited house, extremely busy, brought not the poor tourist income to the Xu Yi private territory in unexpectedly indirectly. 每到夏季,这里就会人头涌涌,热闹非凡,竟是间接地给许亦的私人领地上带来了不菲的旅游收入。 Xu Yi, you are like this open to such Dhoop learned person your territory, really?” Sewinnie looked at the lively scene on a while distant place beach by the telescope, turns the head to say to Xu Yi. 许亦,你这样把自己的领地对这么多普通人开放,真的好吗?”瑟维尼透过望远镜看了一会儿远处海滩上的热闹景象,转头向许亦道。 Xu Yi shrugs: This has anything is not good, in my territory is worrying for the population, can be many some people to come here, enhances here popularity, this is worth the happy matter.” 许亦耸了耸肩:“这有什么不好,我的领地上正在为人口发愁,能够多一些人来到这里,提高这里的人气,这是值得高兴的事情。” Sewinnie shot a look at Xu Yi one, in the look had a charmingly angry meaning: „ Therefore you don't even hesitate to snatch the person with the high price from Bunta City? 瑟维尼瞥了许亦一眼,眼神中带有一席娇嗔之意:“所以你甚至不惜用大价钱从邦塔城抢人吗? Xu Yi face upwarded to hit, evaded that this issue did not discuss, asked back to Sewinnie: Do not say me, Queen, you throw down the Lanpali Kingdom several million people, no matter, actually runs up to here to take vacation covertly, this really?” 许亦仰天打了个哈哈,避过这个问题不谈,向瑟维尼反问道:“不要说我,女王陛下,您丢下兰帕里王国数百万子民不管,却偷偷摸摸地跑到我这里来度假,这样真的好吗?” Sewinnie makes an effort to stretch out the arms, stretches oneself. Long puts out the one breath, the smile said: Even if how the responsible queen, still does need oneself individual time again? Also, my time came to not to take vacation, but is asks you to have the official business to discuss. Then, is the work.” 瑟维尼用力张开双臂,伸了个懒腰。长长地吐出一口气,微笑道:“就算是再怎么负责的女王陛下,也需要有自己的个人时间吧?再说了,我这次来可不是为了度假,而是来找你有公事相谈。说起来,也算是工作哦。” Xu Yi laughs: Then respected queen, since discusses the official business, why you do want to wear such cool bikini? You planned that depends upon own charming stature to make me lose the judgment, thus increases the chip for your negotiations?” 许亦哈哈一笑:“那么敬爱的女王陛下,既然是商谈公事,你为什么要穿上这么清凉的比基尼泳装呢?难道您打算依靠自己的迷人身材让我失去判断力,从而为你的谈判增添筹码吗?” Sewinnie smiles, looked down pale meter/rice color separation new model bikini. On face slightly flood red, facial expression charming. 瑟维尼抿嘴一笑,低头看了看身上的淡米分色新款比基尼泳装。脸上微微泛红,神情略带一丝娇羞。 „Does my stature have the qualifications to affect your judgment?” “我的身材有资格影响你的判断吗?” Naturally.” Xu Yi sincere nod. Sewinnie, the exciting feeling of even if regardless your queen status bringing, solely is only you, was attractive enough.” “当然。”许亦正色点头。“瑟维尼,就算抛开你女王身份带来的刺激感,单单只是你本身,就足够有吸引力了。” Real?” In the Sewinnie look flashes through a pleasant surprise. Compared with Stille how?” “真的吗?”瑟维尼眼神中闪过一丝惊喜。“比起斯蒂尔怎么样?” This......” Xu Yi smiles. Stille is In my mind no one can place on a par with her, like this compares is not unfair to you.” “这个嘛……”许亦笑了笑。“斯蒂尔是我的妻子。在我心目中没有人能够和她相提并论,这样做比较对你并不公平。” Sewinnie sighed gently, the facial expression transferred the ordinary smile immediately, high and low swept Xu Yi one: Ok, I have changed the clothes, you?” 瑟维尼轻轻叹了口气,神情随即转为平常的微笑,上下扫了许亦一眼:“好了,我都已经换好衣服了,你呢?” Xu Yi lowers the head to have a look at shirt, shakes the head: Liz they should prepare to me, I trade to the seashore again.” 许亦低头看看身上的短衫,摇摇头:“丽丝她们应该已经给我准备好了,我到海边再换。” Two people leave the Xu Yi private manor. Actually arrived at the cliff after manor directly. 两人离开许亦的私人庄园。却是直接来到了庄园后的悬崖边上。 Under this cliff is the personal beach that Xu Yi opens specially, before Xu Yi and Stille also had Liz, Linda got down the swimming to play, is Xu Yi and Stille one person has one directly to fly. Afterward the visitor were many, in addition Evita and Akali and the others played frequently, in addition the visitor also increased, liked going to sea to have a good swim, Xu Yi is then hanging stage nearby not far away to install a wind system power elevator, facilitated high and low. 这个悬崖下面就是许亦专门开辟的私人海滩,之前许亦斯蒂尔还有丽丝、琳达下去游泳玩耍的时候,都是许亦斯蒂尔一人带着一个直接飞下去。后来访客多了,再加上艾薇塔阿卡丽等人经常来玩,加上访客也增多,都喜欢下海去畅游一番,许亦便在悬台旁边不远处安装了一个风系动力升降机,方便上下。 Xu Yi arrives at elevator side. Will turn on the elevator, was actually stopped by calling by Sewinnie. 许亦来到升降机旁边。正要打开升降机,却被瑟维尼喊住。 Then looks. Sewinnie outstretches both hands to Xu Yi, said with a smile tenderly: Xu Yi. Hugs me to get down.” 回头一看。瑟维尼许亦伸开双手,娇笑道:“许亦。抱我下去。” Xu Yi was startled being startled, frowns. 许亦怔了怔,微皱眉头。 This is not good, Queen, seen words, I am actually indifferent, perhaps but will affect to your wind comments.” “这样不好吧,女王陛下,被人看到的话,我倒是无所谓,但是恐怕会影响对你的风评。” Cannot.” Sewinnie shakes the head gently, chuckle: „Does today is my rare can relax, let my willful one chapter?” “不会的。”瑟维尼轻轻摇头,轻笑一声:“今天是我难得的能够放松的时候,就让我任性一回好吗?” Xu Yi and Sewinnie understanding is so long, but also never sees Sewinnie has revealed such nearly in acting like a spoiled brat the general manner. 许亦瑟维尼认识这么久,还从未见过瑟维尼露出这样的近乎于撒娇一般的神态。 Although the Sewinnie appearance and was inferior that Stille and Princess Caroline are like that bright-colored, but is quite worth looking, and she is always displays very strongly, the mentality is gentle, rarely will display the girl manner, now suddenly reveals this appearance, making Xu Yi unable to bear in the heart move slightly. 虽然瑟维尼的容貌并不如斯蒂尔卡洛琳郡主那般明艳,但却极为耐看,并且她一贯都是表现得十分坚强,心态平和,很少会表现出女孩儿神态,现在突然露出这种模样,让许亦忍不住心中微动。 Thinks after one next, Xu Yi shakes the head with a smile, walked confidently, puts out a hand to block the waist of Sewinnie, within the body Magic Power flows, flew from the high cliff directly. 想了一下后,许亦笑着摇了摇头,坦然走了过去,伸手拦住瑟维尼的腰,体内魔力流动,从高高的悬崖上直接飞了下去。 Just soared, Sewinnie cannot help but exuded one to call out in alarm, when Xu Yi is hugging her when the airborne rapid whereabouts, Sewinnie was the startled sound again and again, in the sound was full of exciting pleased. 刚一腾空,瑟维尼不由自主地发出了一声惊呼,等到许亦抱着她在空中快速下落时,瑟维尼更是惊声连连,声音中充满了兴奋的快意。 Xu Yi cannot bear shake the head, thought Sewinnie, although expensive/noble is the Lanpali Kingdom queen, but in the final analysis is also only 20 -year-old little miss, some are the girls proper appearance eventually. 许亦忍不住摇了摇头,心想瑟维尼虽然贵为兰帕里王国的女王陛下,但是说到底也只是个二十来岁的小姑娘罢了,终究还是有一些属于女孩儿们应有的模样。 After the moment, two people in the soft sand beach fall under the cliff. 片刻后,两人在悬崖下软软的沙滩上落下。 Sewinnie exhales the one breath gently, patted the chest, seems somewhat still shaken. 瑟维尼轻轻呼出一口气,拍了拍胸口,似乎有些惊魂未定。 Xu Yi, I have actually wanted to experience the feeling of flying the sky, really with I imagined, was really...... is really exciting.” 许亦,其实我早就想体验一下飞上天空的感觉了,果然和我想象的一样,实在是……实在是太刺激了。” Xu Yi can't help it laughs: I said the queen, if you want to fly to ascend the sky, looks for Magician to lead you casually to fly like this, what difficulty also there is?” 许亦禁不住哈哈大笑:“我说女王陛下,你如果想飞上天的话,随便找个魔法师都可以带你这样飞,又有什么难度呢?” Sewinnie shakes the head: Finding Magician was easy, but wanted to find one to hold Magician that I am flying to ascend the sky, was actually the impossible matter.” 瑟维尼摇了摇头:“找到一个魔法师容易,但是想要找到一个能够抱着我飞上天的魔法师,却是不可能的事情。” Why?” Xu Yi is astonished however. “为什么?”许亦讶然。 Sewinnie shot a look at Xu Yi one, in the look could not say pleasantly surprised or rebukes. 瑟维尼瞥了许亦一眼,眼神中说不出是惊喜还是嗔怪。 Because besides you, no Magician will hug me to fly the sky like this brave impolitely.” “因为除了你之外,没有哪名魔法师会这样胆大无礼地抱着我飞上天空。” Xu Yi shows the whites of the eyes: This is you requests, cannot blame me.” 许亦翻了个白眼:“这可是你自己要求的,不能怪我。” I do not certainly blame you,” Sewinnie said with a smile lightly. Can hover in the sky is my dream since childhood, what a pity I do not have the Magic talent, otherwise I will certainly wallow during the research to Magic, but like the present, will not sit on throne that in this I do not like, every day in various numerous and diverse business for the kingdom racks brains.” “我当然不怪你,”瑟维尼轻笑道。“能够在天空翱翔是我从小的梦想,可惜我并不具备魔法天赋,不然我一定会沉迷于对魔法的研究之中,而不会像现在这样,坐在这个我并不怎么喜欢的王座上,每天为王国内各种繁杂的事务绞尽脑汁。” The Xu Yi forced smile shakes the head: For the Lanpali Kingdom people, this is the loss that you must bear, I could not help you in this point, however in other places, I can actually help your some. For example you want to hover in the sky, actually has no need to look for Magician to lead you to fly. Only needs to buy our chamber of commerce newly developed Commodity Magic the airship, you can the free soaring in the sky, moreover how long wants to fly to fly how long.” 许亦苦笑摇头:“为了兰帕里王国的子民们,这是你必须承受的损失,在这一点上我帮不了你,但是在其它地方,我却可以帮你一些。比如说你想要在天空翱翔,其实用不着非要找魔法师带你飞上去。只需要买一艘我们商会新开发的商品-魔法飞艇,你就可以在天空中自由飞翔,而且想飞多久就飞多久。” Sewinnie somewhat looks at Xu Yi funnily: Xu Yi, I discovered that you were really more and more a profiteer, at this kind of time, had not forgotten sold the new product of your chamber of commerce unexpectedly to me.” 瑟维尼有些好笑地看着许亦:“许亦,我发现你真是越来越奸商了,在这种时候,居然也没忘记向我推销你们商会的新产品。” Xu Yi complains of injustice to say immediately: „Is my the conscience recommendation is good? The Magic airship is our chamber of commerce most recent product, before technology content far ultra, our chamber of commerce's all Magic machineries, represented this world's largest scientific and technological standard. Has this Magic Power airship, can with grasping wind system Magic Magician was the same, in sky free ballooning, thinks to look, this doesn't have the sufficient attraction?” 许亦立即叫屈道:“我这可是良心推荐好不好?魔法飞艇是我们商会最新研发的产品,科技含量远超之前我们商会所有的魔法机械,代表了这个世界最高的科技水准。拥有这个魔力飞艇,就可以和掌握了风系魔法魔法师一样,在天空自由翱翔,想想看,这难道没有足够的吸引力吗?” Un, I acknowledged that is very indeed attractive......” Sewinnie to nod, while Xu Yi is mentally prepared, waits for her to say when, Sewinnie actually shows a slightly cunning smiling face , to continue said: Therefore Xu Yi, I planned that orders 100 Magic Power airships from your chamber of commerce, how do you feel?” “嗯,我承认的确很有吸引力……”瑟维尼点点头,正当许亦做好心理准备,等着她说出“但是”时,瑟维尼却露出一个略显狡黠的笑容,续道:“所以许亦,我打算向你们商会订购一百艘魔力飞艇,你觉得怎么样?” Ha?” Xu Yi tarries immediately. “哈?”许亦顿时呆住。 Sees the smiling face on Sewinnie face, Xu Yi understands immediately. 看到瑟维尼脸上的笑容,许亦顿时明白过来。 After a while, Sewinnie this time comes prepared radically. 搞了半天,瑟维尼这次根本是有备而来。 Obviously, she researched and developed some Magic Power airship early understanding of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, and has the wish of order, now actually follows the Xu Yi words to set the request. 很显然,她对新飞商会研发出了魔力飞艇早有了解,并且早就有了订购的意愿,现在却顺着许亦的话提出了要求。 Thinks of here, in the Xu Yi heart somewhat aerobic somewhat is also funny, shakes the head to Sewinnie: I said the queen, you want to buy the Magic Power airship are not the misdemeanor, why to talk circuitously?” 想到这里,许亦心中有些好气又有些好笑,冲瑟维尼摇了摇头:“我说女王陛下,你想要买魔力飞艇又不是什么坏事,干嘛这么绕圈子?” „Very simple, because...... I do not have money.” The Sewinnie smile said. “很简单,因为……我没钱。”瑟维尼微笑道。 Xu Yi ill-humored said/tunnel: Did not have money you to tell that me can buy the Magic Power airship? Also can the one breath buy 100? Told you, our chamber of commerce's pricing to the Magic Power airship was each 300,000 gold coins, 100 that was 30 million gold coins! Good, calculates, your Lanpali Kingdom indeed does not have money. How do you want to solve this problem?” 许亦没好气地道:“没钱你跟我说要买魔力飞艇?还一口气要买一百艘?告诉你,我们商会对魔力飞艇的定价是每艘三十万金币,一百艘那就是三千万金币!好吧,这么算下来,你们兰帕里王国的确没钱。那你想怎么解决这个问题?” Sewinnie shows a faint smile: Xu Yi, our Lanpali Kingdom indeed does not have the means one time on the payment 30 million gold coin such great sums of money, but your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also impossible one breath to provide 100 Magic Power airships to us not?” 瑟维尼微微一笑:“许亦,我们兰帕里王国的确没办法一次性就支付三千万金币这样的巨款,但是你们新飞商会同样也不可能一口气就向我们提供一百艘魔力飞艇不是吗?” Yes.” Xu Yi nods reluctantly. “是啊。”许亦无奈地点了点头。 The capacity issue has been puzzling the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce unsolved problem, although because of the unceasing promotion of personnel, as well as automatic Magic Powered Machine Tool of Sanchez research and development, making the capacity obtain the enhancement, the order that but with the continuation development of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the further popularization of Magic machinery, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce received were also getting more and more, the capacity is always still unassuageable. 产能问题一直是困扰着新飞商会的老问题,虽然因为人员的不断提升,以及桑切利研发的自动魔力机床,使得产能获得了提高,但是随着新飞商会的继续发展,魔法机械的进一步普及,新飞商会接下的订单却也越来越多,产能依然总是不能满足。 Especially after Sewinnie coronates to become the Lanpali Kingdom queen, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce returns Lanpali Kingdom, after being many Lanpali Kingdom this huge and mature much markets, the order demand much had explosive increase. 尤其是当瑟维尼加冕成为兰帕里王国的女王之后,新飞商会重新回到兰帕里王国,多出兰帕里王国这个庞大且成熟得多的市场后,订单需求就更多出现了爆发性增长。 As of late, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce everyone is quite busy, but even the leave reduced. 最近这段时间,新飞商会上上下下所有人都极为忙碌,可是连休假时间都减少了许多。 Since we are impossible to meet the need of opposite party one time, why we don't elongate this transaction as far as possible?” Sewinnie continues said. Xu Yi, I heard, Amul Chamber of Commerce when sells their new villas, can allow the customer to adopt a more flexible trading mode.” “既然我们双方都不可能一次性满足对方的需求,那么我们为什么不把这笔交易尽量拉长一些呢?”瑟维尼续道。“许亦,我听说,阿姆利商会在售卖他们的新型别墅的时候,可以允许顾客采取一种更加灵活的交易方式。” Xu Yi is startled: You say the installment payment?” ( to be continued ) 许亦一怔:“你是说分期付款?”(未完待续) ... ...
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