MIE :: Volume #4

#125: Heart big

Also is one year of first month of summer. 又是一年的初夏。 The burning hot air wave was the same like the old times, swept across entire Stantin Duchy. 炎热的气浪如同往年一样,席卷了整个斯坦丁公国 The Xu Yi private territory is located in north Stantin Duchy freely, but still cannot escape from the attack of heat wave, entire bathes in the summer unsurpassed might. 许亦的私人领地尽管位于斯坦丁公国北方,但依然没能逃脱热浪的侵袭,整个沐浴到夏季的无上威力之中。 The Stantin Duchy native naturally adapts to this climate, because the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce staff had treated here for several years, had adapted to this special climate. 斯坦丁公国的本地人自然对这种气候十分适应,新飞商会的员工们则因为已经在这里待了好几年的时间,也早就适应了这种特殊的气候。 However other places from the mainland arrived here people, actually regarding this talent just since first month of summer, already and deep summer general burning hot did not adapt extremely, everyone more or less appeared the whole body to be soft because of the heat wave, including usually made smooth movement somewhat to lose shape the extremely. 然而从大陆上其他地方来到这里的人们,却对于这种才刚刚进入初夏时分,就已经和深夏一般的炎热极其不适应,每个人都或多或少的因为热浪而显得全身松软,以至于连平时做得极为流畅的动作都有些走形。 Bang-” “砰-” The significant 30 kilograms circular steel pipes fall on the ground, sends out a dull thumping sound, simultaneously pounds a piece of dust. 重大三十公斤的圆形钢管落在地上,发出一声闷响,同时砸起一片灰尘。 Hart shakes the head, a hand swayed: Next!” 哈特摇了摇头,手一摆:“下一个!” Stands a face is dejected in that person of location center immediately, moves the lip, the whole face is unwilling, finally hasn't spoken, went out of the location dejectedly. 站在场地中心的那人顿时一脸颓然,动了动嘴唇,满脸不甘心,最终却没有说什么话,垂头丧气地走出了场地。 Looks that arranges another robust man walks into the field behind him, sits frowns in Hart Heinze: Perhaps can the words of such test, how many people without be qualified?” 看着排在他后面的另外一名壮汉走入场内,坐在哈特身边的海因策皱起眉头:“这样测试的话,恐怕没多少人能够合格吧?” Hart looked down form in a hand, un. 哈特低头看了一眼手中的表格,嗯了一声。 Today until now, only has 83 people of qualified.” “今天到现在为止,只有八十三人合格。” This were also too few.” Heinze cannot bear say. According to this progress, wants to recruit the full 1000 people, that does not know that also when must wait till goes.” “这也太少了吧。”海因策忍不住道。“照这个进度,想要招满一千人,那不知道还得等到什么时候去。” Hart shrugs: Sir President said in any case, too little better than toomuch. This test must strictly according to the standard execution that he assigns. Cannot achieve standard elimination. There is no face to say.” 哈特耸了耸肩:“反正会长大人说了,宁缺毋滥。这个测试必须严格按照他指定的标准执行。达不到标准的一律淘汰。没有任何情面可讲。” Heinze shakes the head slowly: He to recruit 1000 private guards, the request made strictly although does not miscalculate, but becomes this strictly, that was also too odd. You said that he requests these people to have the enough vigorous and healthy body and spirit, why can also request these person of minds to be flexible enough? He is not recruiting the staff.” 海因策缓缓摇头:“他只是为了招募一千名私人护卫罢了,要求弄得严格一点儿虽然也不算错,但是严格成这样,那也太离谱了。你说他要求则这些人拥有足够健壮的体魄也就罢了,为什么还非要要求这些人头脑足够灵活?他又不是在招募幕僚。” Sir President requests his private guard to grasp the operation military Magic machinery with ease, this request has popularized in our chamber of commerce convoy guard.” Hart said. After all is the Sir President private guard, how can also not use the military Magic machinery.” 会长大人只是要求他的私人护卫能够轻松掌握操作军用魔法机械罢了,这个要求在我们商会护卫队里早就普及了。”哈特道。“毕竟身为会长大人的私人护卫,又怎么能够不会用军用魔法机械呢。” Heinze thinks, somewhat wonders: I am not clear. Really must make the words of this request, why doesn't he reassign some guards to be his private guard from the convoy guard of chamber of commerce simply directly? In any case Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce entire is his, how he wants to do how dry/does, but also who dares to have the opinion to be inadequate?” 海因策想了想,有些纳闷:“我不明白。真要做这个要求的话,为什么他不干脆从商会的护卫队里直接抽调一些护卫担任他的私人护卫呢?反正新飞商会整个都是他的,他想怎么干就怎么干,还有谁敢有意见不成?” Hart laughs: Sir Vice President, you are not giving the comment. Naturally, Sir President said that this is for the chamber of commerce convoy guard and his private guard's authority minute of clarity to a , in order to avoid later appears troublesome.” 哈特哈哈一笑:“副会长大人,您不就正在提出意见嘛。当然了,会长大人说了,这是为了把商会护卫队和他的私人护卫对之间的职权分清楚,以免以后出现麻烦。” What can trouble?” Heinze is more puzzled, turns the head a applicant who looked at one just to take the test, thought that Xu Yi wants is too many completely. “能有什么麻烦?”海因策更是不解,转头看了一眼刚刚接受完测试的一名应聘者,心想许亦完全是想太多了。 Although Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce the present has developed to result in the scale is quite huge. Becoming in Lanpali Kingdom can also be the extra-superior big chamber of commerce, but if said that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of commerce of Xu Yi person. Then no one will definitely oppose. 新飞商会虽然现在已经发展得规模极为庞大。成为在兰帕里王国内也可以算是超一流的大商会,但是如果说新飞商会许亦一个人的商会。那么肯定没有谁会对此反对。 Since this, why he moves unnecessarily, can seperately recruit the human guard? 既然这样,他又何必多此一举,非要另外招募人类护卫呢? These from recruit the guards who come to be obviously inferior newly very much has served several years guards to make people relieved in the chamber of commerce, the ability had also been inferior inevitably, he wants the words of private guard, naturally is the guards of chamber of commerce is more suitable. 这些从新招募而来的护卫们很明显不如已经在商会服役了数年的护卫们让人放心,能力必然也有所不如,他想要私人护卫的话,当然是商会的护卫们更加适合。 Moreover Xu Yi also not only puts the surface to do on the human guard, this he spreads the wind sound/rumor time, claimed that must recruit lots of private guards for own territory, not only contains 1000 human guards, but also contained 1000 elf clan guards, as well as 1000 guard dwarf. 而且许亦也不仅仅是在人类护卫放面这么干,这一次他放出风声,声称要为自己的领地上招募大量的私人护卫,不仅包含一千名人类护卫,还包含了一千名精灵族护卫,以及一千名矮人护卫。 Moreover according to him disclosed in private the information that he may also recruit 1000 guard Beast-men Clan from Heimi Wastelands very much. 而且根据他私下透露出来的信息,他很有可能还会从黑米荒原上招募一千名兽人族护卫。 If such a personal convoy guard forms, that may turn into more than race allied armies. 如果这样一支私人护卫队组建起来,那可就变成了一个多种族联军了。 These different races and relations between human are not harmonious, respectively is unpleasing to the eyes, them puts together, this private guard perhaps is peacefully intolerable. 这些异种族们和人类之间的关系可没有多么和睦,互相之间更是各自看不顺眼,把他们放在一起,这个私人卫队恐怕要不得安生。 After Heinze continued to look on recruiting of a while Xu Yi private guard, finally could not sit still, brings a face found Xu Yi heavyheartedly. 海因策继续旁观了一会儿许亦私人护卫的招募后,终于还是坐不住,带着一脸的忧心忡忡找到了许亦 Xu Yi in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Powered Machine Tool R & D Center, is gathering round a strange installment to make the vigorous discussion with Kanbe and other engineers at this moment, made an effort to pat his shoulder until Heinze, noticed the arrival of Heinze. 许亦此刻正在新飞商会魔力机床研发中心里,和坎比等工程师们围着一个奇怪的装置做着激烈讨论,直到海因策用力拍了一下他的肩膀,才注意到海因策的到来。 When Heinze asked the matter that recruited the private guard to him, he also gawked to respond unexpectedly. 而当海因策向他问起招募私人护卫的事情时,他居然还愣了一下才反应过来。 From the performance, he seems like to this matter does not care unexpectedly general. 从表现来看,他竟然像是对这件事情根本不怎么在意一般。 This...... Heinze, I thought that there is no need to be worried. Becoming my personal guard treatment is so good, how even if they mutually again look unpleasing to the eyes, is impossible to have an accident noisily. | “这个嘛……海因策,我觉得这用不着担心。成为我的私人护卫待遇那么好,他们就算互相再怎么看不顺眼,也不可能闹出什么事来。|” But......” “可是……” Heinze also wants to say again, was actually blocked his shoulder by Xu Yi, points at that grotesque installment say/way that the people are gathering round passionate: Ok, these minor matters, came to see this leave alone, this was the thing that I cared about truly, was the thing that your Sir Vice President needs to pay attention to truly.” 海因策还想再说,却被许亦一把拦住他的肩膀,热情洋溢地指着众人围着的那台怪模怪样的装置道:“行了,别管这些小事,来看看这个,这才是我真正关心的东西,也是你这位副会长大人真正需要关注的东西。” Heinze cannot bear show the whites of the eyes, knew in the heart that Xu Yi exhibits this attitude, how regardless of he asked, perhaps Xu Yi will not reply. 海因策忍不住翻了个白眼,心知许亦摆出这幅态度,那无论他怎么问,恐怕许亦也不会回答了。 However he and Xu Yi knew so many years, fully realized Xu Yi will not make what meaningless action absolutely. 不过他和许亦认识了这么多年,深知许亦绝对不会做什么毫无意义的举动。 He wants to recruit the full so many private guards suddenly, certainly has his long-term perspective. 他突然想要招满这么多私人护卫,一定有他的长远考虑。 Heinze had been at the semi-retirement, this time runs up to Stantin Duchy to come from Bunta City suddenly far away , because heard suddenly Xu Yi needs to recruit personal guard news, cannot repress in the heart the concern to Xu Yi and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, wants to come to ask why to Xu Yi. 海因策原本已经处于半退休状态,这次突然从邦塔城大老远跑到斯坦丁公国来,就是因为突然听说许亦需要招募私人护卫这个消息,按捺不住心中对许亦新飞商会的关切,想来向许亦问个究竟。 Now although has not asked his actual plan from the Xu Yi mouth, manner that but displays from Xu Yi, he definitely has the plan early. Naturally does not need him excessively to be worried. 现在虽然没有从许亦口中问出他的实际打算,但是从许亦表现出的神态来看,他绝对是早有打算。自然无需他过多担心。 Thinks of here. Heinze shakes the head. Felt relieved that worry, focuses on front in this strange installment. 想到这里。海因策摇了摇头。放下了心中的担忧,将注意力集中在面前这个奇怪的装置上。 After looking at a while, Heinze as if sees some features. 看了一会儿后,海因策似乎看出一些眉目。 This...... and Wind Element Magic Engine looks like very much.” “这个……和风系魔力发动机很像啊。” Xu Yi laughed, patted the Heinze shoulder, said loudly: Worthily is my old companion, then recognized. Right, this is the newest developed fire is the Magic Power engine!” 许亦哈哈一笑,拍了拍海因策肩膀,大声道:“不愧是我的老伙计,一眼便认出来了。没错,这个就是最新研制出来的火系魔力发动机!” Heinze the pair of eyes circle opens the eyes immediately: Unexpectedly is the fire is the Magic Power engine? Did it...... it finally successfully develop?” 海因策顿时双眼圆睁:“居然是火系魔力发动机?它……它终于研制成功了?” Yes!” Xu Yi laughs saying: What kind of? Feels very excited?” “是啊!”许亦大笑道:“怎么样?是不是觉得很兴奋?” Heinze nods again and again. 海因策连连点头。 This fire is the Magic Power engine has then put into the research and development before more than three years, in this period Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce put in massive manpower and resources for this reason. Has actually made little progress. 这个火系魔力发动机在三年多前便已经投入研发,期间新飞商会为此投入了大量的人力物力。却一直进展不大。 As the Xu Yi oldest partner, Heinze fully realized that Xu Yi to this fire is attaching great importance to of Magic Power engine, very clear Xu Yi concentrated on the big painstaking care in this above. 身为许亦最老的合作伙伴,海因策深知许亦对这个火系魔力发动机的重视,也很清楚许亦在这上面投注了多大的心血。 This puzzled Xu Yi is so long, it can be said that the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce establishment so far the most difficult R & D program researches and develops now finally successfully, although the Heinze also not too clear this fire was the concrete significance that the Magic Power engine represented, still was very excited. 这个困扰了许亦这么久,可以说是新飞商会成立到目前为止最艰难的一个研发项目现在终于研发成功了,尽管海因策还不太明白这个火系魔力发动机所代表的具体意义,却依然十分激动。 Good! Finally success!” Heinze nods to say with a laugh: Was then good, before Xu Yi you, said that this fire is the Magic Power engine, how to be coming?” “太好了!终于成功了!”海因策笑呵呵地点头道:“这下好了,许亦你之前说有了这个火系魔力发动机,就会怎么样来着?” Xu Yi cannot bear laugh in spite of trying not to shake the head. 许亦忍不住失笑摇头。 Heinze clearly did not know about this thing from the start, actually displays such exciting appearance, obviously because of his reason. 海因策分明对这玩意压根不了解,却还是表现出这样兴奋的样子,显然是因为他的缘故。 In the Xu Yi heart passed over gently and swiftly to be moved. Blocks the shoulder of Heinze, pointing at this fire is being the Magic Power engine explains: Heinze. You should know, the Magic Powered Vehicle maximum speed that our chamber of commerce researches and develops at present did not have the means to break through 60 kilometers every hour.” 许亦心中掠过一丝感动。拦住海因策的肩膀,指着这台火系魔力发动机解释道:“海因策。你应该知道,我们商会目前研发的魔力机车最高时速一直没办法突破六十公里每小时。” Un...... you have said that this is because Wind Element Magic Engine has the inborn limit, before the machine capability does not have the major breakthrough again, purely depends upon Wind Element Magic Engine to break through this limit the speed very much difficultly.” Heinze said. Illuminated you saying that having this fire is the Magic Power engine, the Magic Powered Vehicle speed can break through 60 kilometers every hour?” “嗯……你说过,这是因为风系魔力发动机有天生局限,再机械性能上没有重大突破前,很难单纯依靠风系魔力发动机本身将速度突破这个局限。”海因策道。“照你这么说,有了这个火系魔力发动机,魔力机车的速度就能突破六十公里每小时?” Xu Yi laughs: Far more than is breaks through 60 kilometers every hour, told you, having this fire was the Magic Power engine, the Magic Powered Vehicle speed even can break through the speed 200 kilometers!” 许亦哈哈一笑:“何止是突破六十公里每小时,告诉你,拥有这台火系魔力发动机,魔力机车的速度甚至可以突破时速两百公里!” Heinze is flabbergasted immediately: 200 kilometers? Was this too also exaggerating?” 海因策顿时咋舌:“两百公里?这也太夸张了吧?” „, This is not exaggerating. 200 kilometers are very slow, the goal in my heart, but least must break through 400 kilometers! So long as the fire is the Magic Power engine continues to research and develop, applies on the Magic Power airship, making the speed of Magic Power airship break through 1000 kilometers also same possibly to have!” “不不不,这一点儿也不夸张。两百公里已经很慢了,我心中的目标,可是最少也要突破四百公里!而且只要火系魔力发动机继续研发下去,应用到魔力飞艇上的话,让魔力飞艇的时速突破一千公里也一样不是没可能!” Heinze shakes the head: Your this rambled on. One hour can run 1000 kilometers, thinks that is impossible.” 海因策摇了摇头:“你这就太瞎扯了。一个小时就能跑一千公里,想想也不可能嘛。” Xu Yi smiles, signals with the eyes to Kanbe. 许亦笑了笑,向坎比使了个眼色。 Kanbe coughs lightly, sincere say/way: Heinze vice- President, what Sir President said is real. According to us gets a light from another light at present is the data projection result of Magic Power engine, theoretically, caused to equip the fire is the Magic Power mechanical speed of Magic Power engine breaks through 1000 kilometers to have the possibility. Naturally, this point only exists in theoretically, wants really to achieve this goal, but also needs to study and practice massively is good.” 坎比轻咳一声,正色道:“海因策会长,会长大人说的是真的。根据我们目前对火系魔力发动机的数据推算结果来看,在理论上,使得装备了火系魔力发动机的魔力机械时速突破一千公里是有可能的。当然,这一点目前只存在于理论上,想要真的实现这个目标,还需要大量的研究和实践才行。” The dwarf character always does not like talking nonsense, if Heinze said to Xu Yi also has the suspicion, then even Kanbe also said, is beyond control he not to believe. 矮人们的性格可是一向不爱说瞎话的,如果说海因策许亦所说的还有怀疑的话,那么连坎比也这么说,就由不得他不信了。 Speed 1000 kilometers? Thinks, Heinze thought has a dizzy spell. 时速一千公里?只是想一想,海因策就觉得一阵头晕目眩。 Even if only possibility theoretically, this was too still inconceivable! 就算只是理论上的可能,这也太不可思议了! The daydream a while, Heinze could not bear to Xu Yi said: Did not say the speed 1000 kilometers, even if 400 kilometers that only then you said that that was still too oddly quick? Runs up to another head from Lanpali Kingdom this, is 1000 kilometers, illuminated you saying that only to use for two hours to be able from this to run up to that head? It is necessary is so quick?” 遐想了一会儿,海因策忍不住向许亦道:“不说时速一千公里,就算是只有你说的四百公里,那也快得太离谱了吧?从兰帕里王国这一头跑到另一头,也不过就是一千公里而已,照你这么说,岂不是只用两个小时就能从这头跑到那头?有必要这么快吗?” Xu Yi shows a faint smile: I said Heinze, was your heart too also small? Lanpali Kingdom from this to that 1000 kilometers, but the territory of Candela empire and Marlow empire, but by far incessantly such certain.” 许亦微微一笑:“我说海因策,你的心也太小了吧?兰帕里王国从这头到那头只有一千来公里,但是坎德拉帝国和玛洛帝国的领土,可远远不止这么一定儿。” Heinze white Xu Yi, thought that this is not my heart is too small, but was your heart is too big. 海因策白了许亦一眼,心想这可不是我的心太小,而是你的心太大了。 Lanpali Kingdom is just a small country on Sainz Continent, how can places on a par with the Candela empire and Marlow empire these two big empires? 兰帕里王国只不过是赛恩斯大陆上的一个小国家,怎么能够和坎德拉帝国和玛洛帝国这两大帝国相提并论? When the mind flashed through suddenly recruited the Xu Yi private guard situation, in the Heinze heart to pass over gently and swiftly a moment ago suddenly a fearful thought that immediately made him unable to bear suck in cold air. 脑海里忽然闪过刚才招募许亦私人护卫时的情形,海因策心中陡然掠过一个可怕的念头,顿时让他忍不住倒抽了一口凉气。 If Xu Yi really thinks, his heart far more than was too big...... is...... indulges in fantasy simply!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 如果许亦真的是这么想的话,那他的心何止是太大……简直就是……就是异想天开了!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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