MIE :: Volume #4

#124: Has the sincerity to come

The Lisanya elder has not compelled Xu Yi to choose the thoughts of elf clan beautiful woman evidently, because she is staring at one to have every action and every movement of five meters high giant machinery at this moment concentrated fully, in the eyes often flashes through the thinking the ray, as if in the heart full is puzzled.! 利桑亚长老看样子没有逼许亦去挑选精灵族美女的心思,因为她此刻正在神情专注地盯着一个足有五米高的巨大机械的一举一动,双眼中不时闪过思索的光芒,似乎心中满是不解。! Time that however Xu Yi first sees the Lisanya elder, has not noticed her manner, but is one sees her clothes, nearly smiled to spurt. 不过许亦第一眼看到利桑亚长老的时候,并没有注意到她的神态,而是一眼瞅见她的穿着打扮,差点儿笑喷了。 This has the dignified Moon Shadow Tribe elder gracefully, noblly, mystically and beautifully, at this time actually wears a Amul Chamber of Commerce construction worker unification work uniform/subdue, on the fair smooth face is even also hanging soil, if seeing through the appearance, clearly is an ordinary construction worker. 这位优雅、高贵、神秘、美丽而颇具威严的月影部族长老,此时却穿着一身阿姆利商会施工工人统一工作制服,白皙光滑的脸上甚至还挂着一点泥土,如果只是看穿着打扮的话,分明就是一名普通的施工工人。 However the elf head of the clan old is the ordinary construction worker is completely after all different, this set like straight general, no style aesthetic sense the uniform/subdue puts 然而精灵族长老毕竟是和普通的施工工人完全不同,这套如同直筒一般,毫无样式美感可言的制服穿在她身上,依然能够透露出一股吸引人的气息,让人能够瞬间把她从人群中轻易地分辨出来。 But this image somewhat is really nondescript, making Xu Yi be able help smiling. 只不过她这个形象实在有些不伦不类,让许亦忍俊不禁。 After being able to bear smiled two, Xu Yi the vision shifts to the Lisanya elder is staring at that giant machinery on, looks that giant mechanical front hovering lazy arm had three meters thick giant tree tree trunk to carry a diameter fully, one side put, in the heart was quite gratified. 忍不住笑了两声后,许亦将目光转移到利桑亚长老盯着的那台巨大机械上,看着那台巨大机械前方悬停的吊臂将一颗直径足有三米多粗的巨木树干拎了起来,放到一边,心中颇为欣慰。 The medium Magic Power hoist crane that this researches and develops most newly in a big way lifts heavy objects over 50 tons, compared Amul Chamber of Commerce the wide scope to be operational small-scale Magic Power hoist crane less than ten tons lifting heavy objects to make a huge breakthrough. 这台最新研发出来的中型魔力起重机最大起重超过五十吨,相比起阿姆利商会已经大范围投入使用的小型魔力起重机不到十吨的起重有了一个巨大的突破。 The Lugong Road high structure roadbed lays down the resilience that the project involves to be very giant, the small-scale Magic Power hoist crane could not have met the need most times. 斯鲁公路高架路基铺设工程涉及到的工程量十分巨大,小型魔力起重机在很多时候已经满足不了需求。 Had the help of this medium Magic Power hoist crane, without doubt will reduce many work loads. 有了这个中型魔力起重机的帮助,无疑会减少很多工作量。 Moreover this medium Magic Power hoist crane starts. Magic Powered Machine Tool R & D Center after these years accumulation. Had gained in enough rationale and experience in the aspects of research of various project Magic Power machineries. Later will have various kind of project Magic Power machineries of more higher specification to research and develop successfully. 而且这台中型魔力起重机只是开始。魔力机床研发中心经过这几年的积累。已经在各类工程魔力机械的研发方面积累了足够的理论基础和实践经验。之后会有更多的更高规格的各类工程魔力机械研发成功。 Had the help of these project Magic Power machineries, laying down of Lugong Road is hopeful successfully completes truly. 有了这些工程魔力机械的帮助,斯鲁公路的铺设才有希望真正顺利完成。 Before then, no one thinks that really can succeed to construct a road, crosses directly reaches as high as more than 50 meters cliffs. 在此之前,没有人认为真的能够成功修建一条公路,直接越过高达五十多米的悬崖。 But now, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce actually turned into the reality this. 而现在,新飞商会却将这个变成了现实。 The Lisanya elder has turned head suddenly, discovered the arrival of Xu Yi. 利桑亚长老忽然回过头,发现了许亦的到来。 President Xu, the might of this medium Magic Power hoist crane is indeed good, unexpectedly can be equally matched with my clan the strength of war old tree.” The Lisanya elder said. 许会长,这台中型魔力起重机的威力的确不错,居然能够和我族的战争古树的力量不相上下。”利桑亚长老道。 War old tree?” Xu Yi is startled. What thing is that?” “战争古树?”许亦一怔。“那是什么东西?” That is my clan most powerful war machine. Its strength no one may keep off. In any battlefield is invincible existence. Even Great Magician, cannot create to him too in a big way threatens.” Lisanya elder proud typical. “那是我族最强大的战争机器。它的力量无人可挡。在任何一个战场上都是所向无敌的存在。就算是大魔法师,也对他不能造成太大威胁。”利桑亚长老一脸骄傲地道。 Xu Yi shot a look at her one eyes, wants to ask her, since your elf clan has such fierce weapon, why also lost to human, lost to the control of this mainland? 许亦瞥了她一眼,很想问她既然你们精灵族拥有这么厉害的武器,为什么还输给了人类,失去了对这片大陆的控制权呢? Naturally, Xu Yi so will not be tactful. 当然,许亦可不会这么不知趣。 The is Magic Power hoist crane that Oh? we research and develop so unexpectedly strong?” Xu Yi smiled saying with a smile: But the Lisanya elder, this Magic Power hoist crane is not the final end product of our chamber of commerce, later we will also continue to research and develop more powerful project Magic Power machinery. Is stronger than much the Magic machineries to have this Magic Power hoist crane.” 哦?我们研发的这台魔力起重机居然有这么强?”许亦笑了笑道:“可是利桑亚长老,这台魔力起重机并不是我们商会的最终成品,以后我们还会继续研发更强大的工程魔力机械。比这台魔力起重机强得多的魔法机械也会有很多。” The Lisanya elder shot a look at Xu Yi one, slightly one hesitates, actually comes as a surprise to Xu Yi. Has not said any refutes the Xu Yi words, instead nods. Sighed: I believe that President Xu you can achieve. You have created many miracles, regardless of you make anything, I will not feel surprised.” 利桑亚长老瞥了许亦一眼,微一沉吟,却出乎许亦的意料。并没有说出任何驳斥许亦的话,反而点了点头。微叹道:“我相信许会长你能够做到。你已经创造了很多奇迹,无论你做出什么,我都不会感到惊奇。” Xu Yi is somewhat strange, thought that by the Lisanya elder the domineering character, will always show the so docile attitude to oneself suddenly, perhaps has reason. 许亦有些奇怪,心想以利桑亚长老一贯强势的性格,突然会对自己表现出如此服帖的态度,恐怕事出有因。 Should she not want through this attitude, luring oneself to accept elf clan beautiful women? 她该不会是想通过这种态度,诱使自己接受一名精灵族美女吧? Facts showed that Xu Yi wants. 事实证明,许亦想多了。 After sighing with emotion, the Lisanya elder has not actually continued this topic, but was Xu Yi mentions the Lugong Road viaduct roadbed to lay down the project the matter. 感慨完后,利桑亚长老却没有继续这个话题,而是和许亦谈起了斯鲁公路高架桥路基铺设工程的事情。 Before the Lisanya elder once proposed to Xu Yi, can use their elf race's strong control to the plant, solely only built a roadbed with the plant, this can save many costs for Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 之前利桑亚长老曾经向许亦提议,可以利用他们精灵族对植物的超强掌控,单单只用植物就架起一个路基,这样可以为新飞商会节省很多成本。 Xu Yi in the consideration in secure and stable aspect, after rejecting this proposition, the Lisanya elder has not actually lost heart, instead really used the plant to put up a platform roadbed from low to high of slightly dream. 许亦处于安全性和稳定性方面的考虑,拒绝了这个提议后,利桑亚长老却并没有死心,反而自行在微梦之森里真的利用植物搭起了一个由低到高的平台路基。 This roadbed extends to the cliff above finally, already really and Stantin Duchy connected Rudson Kingdom. 这个路基最后一路延伸到悬崖之上,已经将鲁尔逊王国真的和斯坦丁公国连通了起来。 The Lisanya elder the Xu Yi belt/bring to this completely the roadbed that in front of comprised of the plant, the expression is pleased. 利桑亚长老把许亦带到这个完全由植物组成的路基面前,表情不无得意。 What kind of? President Xu. This roadbed we only used less than four months fully completes, but stone roadbed that you persist in using, are least also takes three months to lay down completes. If you accepted my suggestion initially, now perhaps this road has finished basically.” “怎么样?许会长。这个路基我们只用了不到四个月的时间就全部完成,而你坚持采用的土石路基,却最少还需要三个月才能铺设完成。如果你当初采纳我的建议,现在说不定这条公路已经基本完工了。” Xu Yi looks that front this width is 20 meters fully, rises at a small gradient slowly, the roadbed that the pure plant that extends forward composes, had nothing to say in reply. 许亦看着面前这个宽足有二十米,以一个微小的坡度缓慢上升,一路向前延伸的纯植物组成的路基,无言以对。 Although this roadbed is completely comprised of the plant, but the surface processes after the elf clan, is actually extremely compact smooth, besides seeming like somewhat strangely, treading is steps the solid road surface to have no difference unexpectedly. 这个路基虽然是完全由植物组成,但是表面经过精灵族处理后,却是极为紧致平坦,除了看起来有些古怪之外,踏上去竟是和踏上坚实的路面没有任何区别。 Xu Yi turned around the Magic Power sedan, opened this roadbed, felt that the ground even also had the softness of certain extent, although will affect the speed, but actually made the travel process quite steady, without feeling that least bit jolted. 许亦转身上了魔力轿车,开上了这个路基,感觉地面甚至还带有一定程度的松软,虽然会影响速度,但却使得行驶过程极为平稳,没有半点儿颠簸的感觉。 Compares, unexpectedly is much more comfortable than on the common freeway the travel. 相比较起来,竟是比行驶在普通公路上还要舒适得多。 After above transferred one, in the Xu Yi heart has actually approved to this roadbed. 在上面转了一圈后,许亦心中其实对这个路基已经十分认可。 The elf clan is this mainland mountain is worthily most mystical the ancient race, really has many mysterious things. 精灵族不愧是这片大陆山最为神秘古老的种族,果然拥有很多神奇的东西。 However thinks that this thing after all comprised of the plant, Xu Yi still did not feel relieved. 但是想到这个东西毕竟是由植物组成,许亦依然不怎么放心。 Lisanya elder, since you have this ability. Why that does not connect above the cliff earlier. This can make you more convenient enters Rudson Kingdom.” Xu Yi cannot bear ask. 利桑亚长老,既然你们有这个能力。那为什么不早点儿连通悬崖上方。这样就能让你们更方便得进入鲁尔逊王国了。”许亦忍不住问道。 Why can we enter Rudson Kingdom?” The Lisanya elder asked back. Just the opposite. We do not hope that other human enter this forest, this cliff is the best hindrance.” “我们为什么要进入鲁尔逊王国?”利桑亚长老反问。“恰恰相反。我们就是不希望其他人类进入这片森林,这个悬崖就是最好的阻碍。” Xu Yi shrugs, thought oneself asked an idle talk. 许亦耸了耸肩,心想自己问了句废话。 Before Moon Shadow Tribe , will obviously repel human to enter the woods of slightly dream, now because of the change of belief, will present this change. 月影部族以前显然会排斥人类进入微梦之森,现在则是因为观念转变了,才会出现这种改变。 Thinks after one next, Xu Yi continues said: This, the Lisanya elder, this roadbed retains. However that roadbed that we are constructing also same continues to construct. I will supplement part of investments, Jeance Lugong Road is divided into two, connection these two roadbeds, this has two choice that respectively connects Rudson Kingdom.” 想了一下后,许亦续道:“这样吧,利桑亚长老,这个路基保留。但是我们正在修建的那个路基也一样继续修建。我会追加一部分投资,让斯鲁公路分成两段,分别连通这两处路基,这样就拥有两处连通鲁尔逊王国的选择。” The Lisanya elder knits the brows slightly: President Xu, you know why I hope you do use the plan that I put forward?” 利桑亚长老微微皱眉:“许会长,你知道我为什么希望你采用我提出的方案吗?” I know.” The Xu Yi smile nodded, looked about, hinted the Lisanya elder and to talks at the same time. “我知道。”许亦微笑点头,看了看左右,示意利桑亚长老和自己到一边去交谈。 The Lisanya elder shakes the head gently, the hand raises, the pale blue light screen falls together, covers two people. 利桑亚长老轻轻摇头,手一扬,一道淡蓝色的光幕落下,将两人笼罩在内。 Ok. Has this small-scale space to isolate Magic , others cannot see us now. Cannot hear our sounds, you want to say anything, said directly.” “行了。有这个小型空间隔绝魔法在,其他人现在看不见我们。也听不见我们的声音,你想说什么,直接说吧。” Xu Yi looked at a pale blue ray surprisedly, thought that this thing clearly is on Earth that type also has the one-sided lens of sound-insulated function. 许亦惊奇地看了一眼身边的淡蓝色光芒,心想这玩意分明就是地球上那种还带有隔音功能的单面透镜嘛。 Cannot think that also has such convenience easy-to-use space Magic, but also really makes him broaden the outlook. 想不到还有如此方便好用的空间魔法,还真是让他大开眼界。 After acclaiming two, Xu Yi takes a fresh look to the Lisanya elder, sincere say/way: I think that...... the elder you are the hope can grasp control of this road to lead to Rudson Kingdom. The plan that if said with you, so long as you want, can cancel this roadbed at any time, was equal to interrupting road of Lugong Road directly to lead to Rudson Kingdom. I said right?” 赞叹了两声后,许亦重新看向利桑亚长老,正色道:“我想……长老您是希望能够掌握这条公路通向鲁尔逊王国的控制权。如果采用您所说的这种方案,只要您愿意,就可以随时取消这块路基,等于直接截断了斯鲁公路通向鲁尔逊王国的公路。我说的对吗?” The Lisanya elder nods gently: President Xu, you are really very intelligent human. Right, this is my plan, what opinion do you have?” 利桑亚长老轻轻点头:“许会长,你果然是个非常聪明的人类。没错,这就是我的打算,你有什么意见吗?” Xu Yi shakes the head with a smile: I have no opinion, but is the firm opposition. You should the overall strategy of very clear this Lugong Road to our chamber of commerce have the extremely great significance, therefore in any event, I need this road to be able during my control. If according to your plan, this road whether links up, must look at your wish, then constructs this road to be not meaningful to me.” 许亦笑着摇了摇头:“我没什么意见,而是坚决反对。您应该非常清楚这条斯鲁公路对我们商会的整体战略具备着极其重大的意义,所以无论如何,我都需要这条公路能够在自己的掌控之中。如果按照您的打算,这条公路是否贯通,都必须要看您的意愿,那么修建这条公路就对我没有任何意义。” You have not said is so serious.” The Lisanya elder shakes the head slowly. Extreme condition that I am worried about, will have this situation truly time will be few, even might never appear one time, therefore you will not be necessary to be worried about this issue.” “并没有你说的那么严重。”利桑亚长老缓缓摇头。“我所担心的只是极端情况,真正会出现这种情况的时候会非常非常少,甚至有可能永远也不会出现一次,所以你大可不必担心这个问题。” This different. This road regarding our chamber of commerce, is similar to the aorta of human body to be equally important, therefore no matter what, I must make it control in my hand. Lisanya elder, in this regard, does not have any leeway of discussion.” Xu Yi sinking sound said. Regardless of you are willing not to want, I will insist that constructs another roadbed.” “这不一样。这条公路对于我们商会来说,就如同人体的一条大动脉一样重要,所以不管怎么样,我都必须让它掌控在自己手中。利桑亚长老,在这一点上,没有任何商讨的余地。”许亦沉声道。“无论您愿意还是不愿意,我都会坚持把另外一条路基修建起来。” The Lisanya elder complexion sinks: President Xu, I have thought you are our Moon Shadow Tribe firmest friend and partner, now you planned that has a falling out with us at this matter thoroughly?” 利桑亚长老脸色微沉:“许会长,我一直以为你是我们月影部族最坚定的朋友、伙伴,现在你打算在这件事情上和我们彻底闹翻吗?” I do not have this idea.” Xu Yi smiles: But regarding the control of this road, I actually must take, therefore this time, I have the sincerity to come.” “我没有这个想法。”许亦笑了笑:“但是对于这条公路的控制权,我却是一定要拿到手的,所以这一次,我是带着诚意来的。” Sincerity?” The Lisanya elder still looks at Xu Yi. “诚意?”利桑亚长老依然看着许亦 Were many with the Xu Yi having to do number of times, she is very clear, in the Xu Yi mouth said sincerity, generally refers to some solid advantage. 许亦打交道次数多了,她很清楚,许亦口中所说的“诚意”,一般都是指一些实实在在的好处。 Lisanya elder, if you can yield at this matter, then I will recruit 1000 elf clan soldiers from your Moon Shadow Tribe, enters my private guard..” Xu Yi said. 利桑亚长老,如果您能够在这件事情上让步的话,那么我将会从你们月影部族中招募一千名精灵族战士,进入我的私人卫队。。”许亦道。 The Lisanya elder is startled. 利桑亚长老一怔。 Allow 1000 precious elf clan soldiers to enter the Xu Yi private guard, what advantage does this have to Moon Shadow Tribe? 让一千名宝贵的精灵族战士进入许亦的私人卫队,这对月影部族有什么好处? Xu Yi sincerity where? 许亦的诚意在哪里? It seems like sees the idea in Lisanya elder heart, Xu Yi shows a relieved smiling face to her. 似乎是看出利桑亚长老心中的想法,许亦冲她露出一个安心的笑容。 „After these 1000 elf soldiers enter my private guard, I to provide the individual military Magic machinery of complete set for them free. And permits them , from my private guard retirement, the belt/bring returns to Moon Shadow Tribe.” “这一千名精灵战士进入我的私人卫队后,我为免费为他们配备全套的单兵军用魔法机械。并允许他们在从我的私人卫队退役的时候,带回到月影部族。” Hears these words brightly, the Lisanya elder eyes suddenly one.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 听到这句话,利桑亚长老双眼猛然一亮。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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