MIE :: Volume #4

#123: The thought cannot keep up with the development

Sir President, I understand your mood, the chamber of commerce staff who also died for the harbor expressed similarly are distressed and angry, but......” Kennard looked at complexion tranquil Xu Yi, hesitant, continued said: For this reason , to promote the defense capacity of our chamber of commerce blindly, was this...... a little a little impulsive?” 会长大人,我理解您的心情,也为港口死去的商会员工同样深表痛心和愤怒,但是……”肯纳德看了一眼脸色平静的许亦,犹豫了一下,续道:“只是因为这个原因,就盲目地提升我们商会的防卫力量,这有点儿……有点儿冲动了吧?” Blind?” Xu Yi turns the head to talk to him.' Why you will think that this approach is blind?” “盲目?”许亦转头侃向他。````“你为什么会觉得这个做法是盲目的?” Kennard smiles bitterly, spreads out the hand saying: Although this word indeed not uses some to be polite, but Sir President, I cannot think through surpass 3 million gold coins on the investment all of a sudden on the chamber of commerce convoy guard, and later every year must gradually promote to invest, even according to your plan, why can invest the fund of lowest 5 million gold coin finally every year is? If no longer presents similar casualties for the staff of avoidable later chamber of commerce, actually we have the approach that many other can substitute, the expenditure is lower.” 肯纳德苦笑一声,摊开手道:“虽然这个词的确用得有些不太客气,但是会长大人,我想不通一下子就投入超过三百万金币在商会护卫队上,并且以后每年还要逐渐提升投入,甚至按照您的计划,最终每年要投入最低五百万金币的资金是为什么?如果只是为了避免以后商会的员工不再出现类似的伤亡,其实我们有很多其它可以替代的做法,花费更低。” I have said, I am a merchant. However from the present, Kennard you were comes Emma family worthily, the thought of merchant takes root me must be much deeper.” Xu Yi said with a smile. “我一直说,自己是一名商人。但是从现在来看,肯纳德你不愧是出身艾玛家族,商人的思维比我扎根得要深得多了。”许亦笑道。 Kennard knits the brows, sighs: Sir President, we after all are only a chamber of commerce.” 肯纳德皱了皱眉,叹息道:“会长大人,我们毕竟只是一家商会。” No, to me, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is only a tool in my hand.” Xu Yi shakes the head. Although Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce develops now, is the easiest-to-use tool, but it is still only a tool. My ideal changes Sainz Continent the life on people, this goal will be does not change. Makes money, to achieve this goal.” “不,对于我来说,新飞商会只是我手中的一个工具罢了。”许亦摇摇头。“虽然新飞商会发展到现在,已经是最好用的工具,但是它依然只是一个工具。我的理想是改变赛恩斯大陆上的人们的生活,这个目标是不会变的。赚钱,也只是为了实现这个目标。” Sees the look on Xu Yi face, Kennard knows oneself continue to persuade not to have the significance. Has also to sigh. No longer discussed. 看到许亦脸上的神色,肯纳德知道自己继续劝说下去根本是毫无意义。只好也叹了口气。不再讨论。 However in any event. Kennard is unable to understand the Xu Yi behavior. 然而无论如何。肯纳德也无法理解许亦的行为。 Because the brown rice harbor died several people, Xu Yi will emit unexpectedly suddenly wants to control the idea of entire Heimi Wastelands thoroughly. 因为黑米港口死了几个人,许亦竟然会突然冒出想要彻底掌控整个黑米荒原的想法。 If this idea also calculates that is not that odd, then Xu Yi even wants after controlling Heimi Wastelands, finally conducted the idea of counter-attack to Sakk Kingdom is really makes Kennard panic-strickenly inexplicable. 如果说这个想法还算不是那么离谱的话,那么许亦甚至想要在掌控黑米荒原后,最终对萨克王国进行反击的想法就实在是让肯纳德惊骇莫名了。 Although Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has developed to become a scale very big chamber of commerce now, has extremely strong influence in neighbor these countries, but in the final analysis it also is just a chamber of commerce. 尽管新飞商会现在已经发展成为了一家规模很大的商会,在附近这几个国家内都有着极强的影响力,但是说到底它也只不过是一家商会而已。 By the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce strength, what is more important is by the military Magic machinery of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce production, achieving control entire Heimi Wastelands is not perhaps difficult. After all Beast-men Clan on Heimi Wastelands has no organization sense, the resistance is very weak. 凭借新飞商会的实力,更重要的是凭借新飞商会生产的军用魔法机械,做到掌控整个黑米荒原或许并不困难。毕竟黑米荒原上的兽人族没什么组织性,反抗很弱。 But if wants with the Sakk Kingdom resistance, that radically is the wishful thinking. 但是如果想要和萨克王国对抗,那根本是痴心妄想。 A country and a chamber of commerce, that radically is the completely different two concepts. 一个国家和一家商会,那根本是完全不同的两个概念。 Kennard looks at the Xu Yi profile, thinking Sir President is because Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can control the situation in Stantin Duchy now, therefore the rough estimate the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce ability, this did produce Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce even to be able with the misconception that Sakk Kingdom contends with? 肯纳德看着许亦的侧脸,心想会长大人是不是因为新飞商会现在能够左右斯坦丁公国内的局势,所以粗估了新飞商会的能力,这才产生了新飞商会甚至能够和萨克王国相抗衡的错觉呢? This issue Kennard actually does not facilitate to ask. 这个问题肯纳德却是不方便问出来的。 Chief executive officer as Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, what he is mainly responsible is the concrete administration and chamber of commerce of chamber of commerce manages, but regarding the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce great development direction, he actually can only suggest at most. But does not have any leading power. 身为新飞商会的首席执行官,他主要负责的是商会的具体行政事务和商会管理,但是对于新飞商会的大发展方向,他却顶多只能建议。而没有任何主导权。 Xu Yi has the absolute control regarding Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, so long as Xu Yi sets firm resolve. Then others of shares that only then obey. 许亦对于新飞商会有着绝对的掌控权,只要许亦下定决心。那么其他人只有听从的份。 This point, Kennard is not even able to defy. 这一点,连肯纳德也无法违抗。 Kennard thought a while silently, thinks oneself and Xu Yi work together as colleagues so many years, ideal is also close extremely, how can also visit him to fall into error helplessly? 肯纳德默默地想了一会儿,想到自己和许亦共事这么多年,理想也极为接近,又怎么能眼睁睁地看着他误入歧途呢? , Kennard sincere say/way: Sir President, I hope you can think to be clearer. Our chamber of commerce indeed has the sufficient strength to strengthen own defense capacity, but the strength of our chamber of commerce has the limit, by our chamber of commerce's current profitability, we most can only maintain not over 5000 people and at present the guard strength of same scale, will exceed this population the words, strength will erratically instead drop.” 顿了顿,肯纳德正色道:“会长大人,我还是希望你能够想得更清楚一些。我们商会的确拥有足够的实力加强自己的防卫力量,但是我们商会的力量是有极限的,以我们商会目前的盈利能力,我们最多只能维持住不超过五千人的和目前同等档次的护卫力量,超过这个人数的话,实力手不定反而会有所下降。” Xu Yi smiles, asked back: „Do you feel 5000 people few?” 许亦笑了笑,反问道:“你觉得五千人很少吗?” Kennard is startled: Naturally rarely. Sir President, don't forget, even Count Velun, still has enough 30,000 people hand/subordinate.” 肯纳德一怔:“当然很少啊。会长大人,别忘了,就算是威纶伯爵,手下也有足足三万人啊。” Xu Yi laughs: „Are 30,000 people very strong? Do not forget, that 100 people that Count Velun these 30,000 people, even Hart leads have no means.” 许亦哈哈大笑:“三万人很强吗?不要忘了,威纶伯爵这三万人,连哈特率领的那一百人都没有任何办法。” Kennard frowns: Cannot calculate. Sir President, Count Velun cannot do to that 100 guards who Chief Hart leads, this has various reasons. If facing the war......” 肯纳德皱起眉头:“不能这么算吧。会长大人,威纶伯爵奈何不了哈特队长率领的那一百名护卫,这是有多方面原因的。如果正面对战的话……” Even if facing the war, the subordinate of Count Velun cannot do to Hart that 100 people.” Xu Yi beckons with the hand to interrupt the Kennard words. “就算是正面对战,威纶伯爵的手下也奈何不了哈特那一百人。”许亦摆了摆手打断了肯纳德的话。 Kennard is startled: „Is this possible? That is 30,000 people! Possibly how unable to do to only 100 people!” 肯纳德一怔:“这怎么可能?那可是三万人啊!怎么可能奈何不了区区一百人!” Therefore , you, most people in this mainland, stay in the old thought.” Xu Yi shows a faint smile. This world, already before you that world that knows well was completely different.” “所以说,你,还有这片大陆的绝大多数人,都还停留在旧思维中。”许亦微微一笑。“这个世界,早已经和你们以前所熟识的那个世界完全不同了。” Kennard looks at Xu Yi strangely, thought that he said anything is also the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce chief executive officer, is much deeper compared with this piece of mainland in most people regarding the understanding of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 肯纳德一辆古怪地看着许亦,心想他说什么也是新飞商会的首席执行官,对于新飞商会的了解比这片大陆上的绝大多数人都深得多。 However he, is not even optimistic about that scene of Xu Yi description, why is Xu Yi is so also confident? 但是就算是他,也对许亦描述的那种景象一点儿也不乐观,许亦又是凭什么这么有信心的? Xu Yi smiles, does not explain Kennard. 许亦笑了笑,也不对肯纳德多做解释。 Although Kennard is the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce chief executive officer, what he is mainly responsible is the business in administrative, actually has his limitation in many aspects, regarding the assurance of overall situation, was far less than his President. 肯纳德虽然是新飞商会的首席执行官,但是他主要负责的是行政方面的事务,在很多方面其实还是有他的局限性,对于整体局势的把握,就远不如他这个会长了。 Naturally, is not only Kennard, almost all people in this piece of mainland, will be perhaps same as Kennard, is completely incomprehensible to the idea of Xu Yi. 当然,不仅仅是肯纳德,这片大陆上的几乎所有人,恐怕都会和肯纳德一样,对许亦的想法完全不能理解。 This cannot blame them, because Xu Yi is relying on the Mechanical Engineering knowledge that brings from Earth, brought to this world far exceeded them to imagine the Magic machinery, being equivalent makes the scientific and technological standard on Sainz Continent present the Great Leap Forward general promotion. 这也不能怪他们,因为许亦凭借着从地球上带来的机械工程知识,给这个世界带来了远超他们想象中的魔法机械,相当于让赛恩斯大陆上的科技水准出现了大跃进一般的提升。 The thought of people wants to catch up with this change, needs some time inevitably. 人们的思维想要追上这种变化,必然需要一段时间。 But Xu Yi wants to use, is such period of time of having the dropping variance. 许亦想要利用的,就是这样一段存在落差的时间。 Two people are silent simultaneously, sits down the Magic Power sedan that takes to continue before the Stantin Duchy north to be Count Velun under the name, now is ceded to the Xu Yi name road under territory on the high-speed advance. 两人同时沉默下来,坐下乘坐的魔力轿车继续在斯坦丁公国北方以前属于威纶伯爵名下,现在则被割让给许亦名下的领地内的公路上高速前进。 This road is one of the in this Lugong Road, be at half completion condition, only passes two traffic lanes at present, six traffic lanes from complete completion also missed much. 这条公路属于斯鲁公路的一段,处于半完工状态,目前只通了两条车道,距离全部完工后的六车道还差了不少。 The Magic Power sedan on the road runs quickly, can see that by the path has innumerably from Lanpali Kingdom, Rudson Kingdom, Heimi Wastelands and Milano Duchy, and Stantin Duchy local worker is busy. 魔力轿车在公路上奔驰的时候,能够看到道路两旁有无数来自兰帕里王国鲁尔逊王国黑米荒原米兰多公国,以及斯坦丁公国本地的工人在忙忙碌碌。 These workers belong to Amul Chamber of Commerce mostly, few parts are responsible for the overall project plan supervision, as well as is responsible for the workers who provide the project Magic machinery to support belonging to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 这些工人大部分属于阿姆利商会,只有少部分负责整体工程规划监督,以及负责提供工程魔法机械支持的工人们属于新飞商会 Two chambers of commerce have maintained this partnership model at present lasted four years, workers of both sides are quite familiar with the opposite party, thus is extremely efficient. 两家商会目前已经保持这种合作模式长达四年,双方的工人都对对方极为熟悉,因而工作效率极高。 According to Amul Chamber of Commerce is responsible for Lugong Road laying down the project Manager, the old friend Supervisor Riley estimate of Xu Yi, at the latest to the middle of the next year time, Lugong Road will complete. 按照阿姆利商会负责斯鲁公路铺设工程的工程主管,许亦的老朋友莱利主管估算,最迟到明年年中的时候,斯鲁公路就会全部建成。 By that time, from the Stantin Duchy West coast to the words of Rudson Kingdom capital Roggah city, entire journey, although over more than 1000 kilometers, have had the smooth road connection. 到了那个时候,从斯坦丁公国西海岸到鲁尔逊王国首都库拉卡城的话,全程虽然超过一千多公里,却一直都有平坦的公路连通。 Drives the speed to maintain at over 40 kilometers freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle words, only requires day of time to arrive. 驾驶着时速能够保持在四十公里以上的货运魔力机车的话,只需要一天时间就能到达。 If driving the latest Magic Power sedan that Xu Yi and Kennard take now, the speed can maintain at over 60 kilometers, that only needs to spend for more than ten hours. 而如果是驾驶着许亦肯纳德现在乘坐的这辆最新款魔力轿车的话,时速能够保持在六十公里以上,那就更是只需要花费十余个小时而已。 Naturally, Lugong Road wants the entire journey to complete to be open to traffic, the main part, is Stantin Duchy and that cliff of Rudson duchy. 当然,斯鲁公路想要全程完成通车,最主要的部分,还是斯坦丁公国鲁尔逊公国的那条悬崖。 Specifically speaking, is the Lugong Road viaduct lays down the project whether successfully to complete. 具体来说,就是斯鲁公路高架桥铺设工程能否顺利完成。 The Magic Power sedan is carrying two people after on the road went a section of road, entered one piece as far as eyes can reach continuous, in extremely green and luxuriant forest. 魔力轿车载着两人又在公路上行驶了一段路后,进入了一片一眼望去连绵不绝,极为郁郁葱葱的森林之中。 Enters this forest, even entered the Moon Shadow Tribe control area. 进入这片森林,就算是进入了月影部族的控制范围。 Before Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, in Stantin Duchy no one dares arbitrarily to enter this film title for the woods of slightly dream forest, because that is very likely to suffer the retaliation of Moon Shadow Tribe elf clan. 新飞商会之前,斯坦丁公国内没有任何人胆敢随意进入这片名为微梦之森的森林,因为那极有可能遭受月影部族精灵族的报复。 However now, this piece had calmly had several thousand years of forest, actually during fell into one piece to make noise. 然而现在,这片已经静静存在了数千年之久的森林,却陷入了一片喧闹之中。 Just entered the forest, can hear the distant place to transmit bang as if thunders the common fierce sound. 刚一进入森林,就能听到远处传来轰轰隆隆仿佛打雷一般的剧烈响声。 Catches the eye to look, but can also see that a towering giant tree is dropping down askewly, pounds on the ground, raises everywhere snagged and dust. 抬眼望去,还能看到一颗参天巨木正在歪歪倒下,砸在地上,扬起漫天断枝和尘土。 Sir President, if did not see with own eyes, I am really cannot believe that the elf clan will allow human to make such big noise in their homelands unexpectedly, even permits the millennium old trees that the human felling most treasures to them.” Kennard looks at that giant tree that the distant place drops down, quite sigh with emotion said/tunnel. 会长大人,如果不是亲眼见到,我是真不敢相信,精灵族居然会允许人类在他们的家园里闹出这么大的动静,甚至允许人类砍伐对于他们来说最为珍视的千年古树。”肯纳德看着远处倒下的那根巨木,颇为感慨地道。 Xu Yi smiles: Elf clan wants to develop, fits into the human society, this is must one step.” 许亦轻轻一笑:“精灵族想要重新发展,融入人类社会,这是必经的一步。” That is also because Sir President your charm is unusual. The elf clan on Sainz Continent with our human co-existence several thousand years, this is the first time that really attempted with the human fusion.” Kennard said. “那也是因为会长大人你的魅力与众不同。精灵族在赛恩斯大陆上和我们人类共同生存了数千年,这还是第一次真的试图和人类融合。”肯纳德道。 Xu Yi laughs, thought that other elf clan is not quite clear, however in Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe elf clan mind, indeed has very strong charm. 许亦哈哈一笑,心想别的精灵族不太清楚,但是在夜歌部族月影部族的精灵族心目中,的确拥有很强的魅力。 Otherwise, the Ailucia elder and Lisanya elder will not compel to with females of elf clan unify. 不然的话,艾露希亚长老和利桑亚长老也不会逼着自己非要和一位精灵族的女性相结合了。 Thinks that immediately must see the Lisanya elder, Xu Yi can't help it has a headache. 想到马上就要见到利桑亚长老,许亦禁不住头疼起来。 Hopes Lisanya elder time can let off itself, do not meet forces itself to elect elf clan beautiful women.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 希望利桑亚长老这次能够放过自己,不要一见面就逼迫自己选一个精灵族美女吧。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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