MIE :: Volume #4

#122: Sufficient defense capacity

Xu Yi goes out of the front door of Western Guard Regiment big camp, then looked at one, frowns slightly.[ 许亦走出镇西军大营的大门,回头看了一眼,微微皱起眉头。[ The Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard in the two years and Beast-men Clan on Heimi Wastelands has fought to fight repeatedly, on Beast-men Clan regarding Heimi Wastelands has the suitable understanding, therefore then identifies very much with ease in the brown rice harbor, Beast-men Clan of these attack brown rice harbors, are not any Beast-men Clan tribe on Heimi Wastelands. 新飞商会护卫队这两年和黑米荒原上的兽人族有过多次战斗交手,对于黑米荒原上的兽人族已经有了相当的了解,所以在黑米港口很轻松地便辨认出来,这些袭击黑米港口的兽人族,并不属于黑米荒原上的任何一个兽人族部落。 Heimi Wastelands south to Stantin Duchy, north to Sakk Kingdom, in Stantin Duchy does not have existence of Beast-men Clan, then these Beast-men Clan only possibly come from Sakk Kingdom. 黑米荒原南邻斯坦丁公国,北接萨克王国,斯坦丁公国内没有兽人族的存在,那么这些兽人族只可能是从萨克王国而来。 This inference also powerful proof, that is in the person who attacks the brown rice harbor, unexpectedly has Magician to exist! 这个推断还有一个强有力的证明,那就是袭击黑米港口的人中,居然有魔法师存在! Although to Xu Yi, Magician has nothing unusually, but regarding most people on Sainz Continent, Magician is quite scarce. 虽然对许亦来说,魔法师并没什么稀奇,但是对于赛恩斯大陆上的绝大多数人来说,魔法师还是相当稀少的。 Even in the Lanpali Kingdom regular army, the high-end strength that Magician cannot provide conventional. 就算在兰帕里王国的正规军中,魔法师也不是能够常规配备的高端战力。 But Beast-men Clan inborn does not excel to Magic, is more impossible to have Magician to exist. 兽人族天生对魔法不怎么擅长,就更加不可能有魔法师存在。 Beast-men Clan of these attack brown rice harbors not only have the complete equipment and obviously after the forms of combat of training, even also provided Magician, beyond the explanation that was patted by Sakk Kingdom except for them, will not have other possibilities. 这些袭击黑米港口的兽人族不仅拥有齐全的装备和明显经过训练的战斗方式,甚至还配备了魔法师,那么除了他们是被萨克王国拍出来的这一个解释外,根本不会有其它的可能。 After Xu Yi makes this inference, these two Beast-men Clan corpse belts to Western Guard Regiment big battalion to come ; first, gave the warning to Western Guard Regiment. 许亦做出这个推断后,将这两具兽人族的尸体带到镇西军的大营来,一是向镇西军提出警告。 Sakk Kingdom has started to have an action to perform to Heimi Wastelands, then next, planned that invades Lanpali Kingdom inevitably through Heimi Wastelands. 萨克王国已经开始对黑米荒原有所动作,那么下一步,必然是打算通过黑米荒原入侵兰帕里王国 Western Guard Regiment is responsible for guarding the Lanpali Kingdom west border, main protection and attack of Sakk Kingdom border from west Heimi Wastelands and northwest side Lanpali Kingdom. 镇西军负责镇守兰帕里王国西面边境,主要防备的就是来自西面黑米荒原和西北面兰帕里王国萨克王国边境的进攻。 Now Sakk Kingdom had the movement in Heimi Wastelands. Western Guard Regiment should have an action to perform. 现在萨克王国黑米荒原内有动作了。镇西军理应有所动作。 Second. Xu Yi is planned seizes the chance Varian Atlantis to propose the new cooperation program to Commander Western Guard Regiment. Tries to strengthen the relation with Western Guard Regiment, enhances Heimi Wastelands and protection of Sakk Kingdom intersection point through Western Guard Regiment, creates a stable environment to Heimi Wastelands , helping at present already develops in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce as well as other chambers of commerce who on Heimi Wastelands takes root in smoothly. 第二。许亦则是打算趁机向镇西军提督瓦里安?兰蒂斯提出新的合作计划。试图和镇西军加强联系,通过镇西军提高黑米荒原萨克王国交界处的防备,给黑米荒原创造一个稳定的环境,有利于目前已经在黑米荒原上扎根下来的新飞商会以及其它商会们顺利发展。 However comes as a surprise to Xu Yi, to the warning that Xu Yi gave, was the new cooperation program, Commander Landis displays careless, seems to have no interest. 然而出乎许亦的意料,无论是对许亦提出的警告,还是新的合作计划,兰蒂斯提督都表现得漫不经心,似乎根本没有任何兴趣。 A moment ago with the meeting of Xu Yi. Although Commander Landis still displays very politely to Xu Yi, what is very obvious is a being perfunctory attitude, appears the interest in lack. 刚才和许亦的会面中。兰蒂斯提督虽然对许亦依然表现得十分客气,但是却很明显的是一副敷衍的态度,显得兴致缺缺。 Xu Yi is very at first strange. 许亦起初对此十分奇怪。 The warning and Western Guard Regiment relations that normally Xu Yi gave were extremely deep, the new cooperation program also and Western Guard Regiment was extremely advantageous. 按说许亦提出的警告和镇西军关系极深,新的合作计划也和镇西军极其有利。 If before is , Commander Landis will agree absolutely to the plan that Xu Yi will propose and ensure will fit in easily. 如果是以前的话,兰蒂斯提督绝对会对许亦提出的这个计划深表赞同,保证是一拍即合。 But this time, even if Xu Yi proposed many favorable conditions, Commander Landis still does not have the sign that least bit relents. 可是这一次,就算许亦提出了很多的优惠条件,兰蒂斯提督却依然没有半点儿松口的迹象。 Regardless of Xu Yi said anything, Commander Landis shirks with the reason. 无论许亦说什么,兰蒂斯提督都用理由推脱。 After ending the discussion, Xu Yi just said goodbye to Commander Landis. Turns around, actually wants to understand suddenly. 后来结束会谈后,许亦刚刚向兰蒂斯提督告辞。一转身,却忽然想明白了过来。 The issue left in Lanpali Kingdom. 问题出在了兰帕里王国内部。 After Sewinnie coronates to become Queen Lanpali . Is relying on the where the popular will inclines, the powerful strength that as well as before the wartime showed that obtained in the kingdom the support of all aristocrats, only used less than six months, almost to control entire Lanpali Kingdom merely comprehensively. 瑟维尼加冕成为兰帕里女王后。凭借着民心所向,以及之前内战时表现出来的强悍实力,得到了王国内所有贵族们的支持,仅仅只用了不到半年时间,就几乎全面掌控了整个兰帕里王国 Compared with King Eric of predecessor, Queen Sewinnie must far exceed to the Lanpali Kingdom control now. 和前任的艾瑞克国王相比,瑟维尼女王陛下现在对兰帕里王国的掌控力要远远超出。 Even Xu Yi believes that so long as gives Sewinnie period of not long time again, she can control entire Lanpali Kingdom completely. 甚至许亦相信,只要再给瑟维尼一段并不长的时间,她就能完全掌控整个兰帕里王国 Because routed in Lanpali Kingdom by the civil war all opposition forces, the control of Sewinnie to Lanpali Kingdom, even may exceed Lanpali 13 th. 而且因为凭借内战击溃了兰帕里王国内所有的反对力量,瑟维尼兰帕里王国的掌控力,甚至有可能超过兰帕里十三世。 Under this situation, Commander Landis naturally impossible to regard own back garden to manipulate Western Guard Regiment like before will. 在这种局势下,兰蒂斯提督自然不可能像之前那样把镇西军当成自己的后花园般随意摆弄。 If by some chance makes what mistake, the queen will perhaps not let off her. 万一闹出什么差错,女王陛下恐怕不会放过她。 If according to Lanpali kingdom * the strategy of section, the kingdom main defense capacity will concentrate in the north and Sakk Kingdom border, the Western Guard Regiment aspect main duty is to guard against the Beast-men Clan harassment on Heimi Wastelands. 而如果按照兰帕里王**部的战略,王国主要的防卫力量都会集中在北方和萨克王国的边境,镇西军方面主要的任务就是防备黑米荒原上的兽人族骚扰。 Because there is Heimi Wastelands to take the cushion, therefore west Lanpali Kingdom was not too worried about from the west attack, therefore the investment to Western Guard Regiment not has been high. 因为有黑米荒原作为缓冲,所以兰帕里王国西面一直并不太担心来自西面的攻击,所以对镇西军的投入一直也不怎么高。 What is more important, the kingdom finance of Lanpali Kingdom did not have the sufficient ability to this to expand the investment. 更重要的是,兰帕里王国的王国财政一直也没有足够的能力对这面加大投入。 Therefore regarding Commander Landis, the best dealing method, defends the west border honestly, do not handle the unnecessary matter to be good. 所以对于兰蒂斯提督来说,最好的应对方法,就是老老实实地守住西面边境,不要做多余的事情就好。 After these issues want to be clear, Xu Yi understood Commander Landis around mixed reaction, somewhat is helpless. 把这些问题想清楚后,许亦理解了兰蒂斯提督的前后反应不一,却也有些无奈。 Even he and Sewinnie private relationship again how good, however is relating to entire Lanpali Kingdom national policy, Sewinnie impossible looks after to him and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce specially. 就算他和瑟维尼的私人关系再怎么好,但是在关系到整个兰帕里王国的国策方面,瑟维尼也不可能对他和新飞商会特别照顾。 Simply speaking, Western Guard Regiment was unreliable, wanted to give Heimi Wastelands to create a peace stable development environment, can only depend upon itself. 简单来说,镇西军是靠不住了,想要给黑米荒原创造一个和平稳定的发展环境,只能依靠自己。 After thinking through this point, Xu Yi is driving medium freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle, left complying of Western Guard Regiment fast, rushed to be away from Western Guard Regiment big camp less than 200 kilometers Heimi City with lightning speed. 想通了这一点后,许亦驾驶着中型货运魔力机车,快速离开了镇西军的答应,风驰电掣地奔回了距离镇西军大营不到两百公里的黑米城 Also is one year passes, Heimi City was only an appearance of embryonic form gradually develops one to tend to be the perfect city from before. 又是一年过去,黑米城从之前只是一个雏形的模样逐渐发展成了一个渐趋完善的城市。 Not only the quarters, industrial district and business district are clear, various infrastructure constructions also gradually emerge. 不仅生活区、工业区、商业区清晰分明,各种基础设施建设也逐渐兴起。 Enters the Heimi City range, by the broad path then shone bright street lights. 一进入黑米城的范围,宽阔的道路两旁便亮起了一盏盏明亮的路灯。 The ray of Magic lamp scatters in all directions, is coordinating in the city the ray in each room, complements brilliantly illuminated the entire city. 魔法灯的光芒四散出去,配合着城市内各个房间里的光芒,将整个城市都映衬得一片灯火通明。 Although was unable on these big cities with Earth to place on a par, however on entire Sainz Continent, actually absolutely is unique. 尽管还不能和地球上那些大城市相提并论,但是在整个赛恩斯大陆上,却绝对是独一无二。 Arrives at the person who Heimi City looks for the work from other places in admiration of somebody's fame, but sees the night light, then deeply had been attracted. 很多从其它地方慕名来到黑米城寻找工作的人,只是见到夜晚的灯光,便已经被深深吸引。 According to statistics that in previous Heimi City conducts, Heimi City has reached as high as more than 186,000 people in the population of registration at present, but the population without registered are least must over 50,000. 根据上次黑米城内做的统计,黑米城目前在登记的人口已经高达十八万六千余人,而没有登记的人口最少也要超过五万。 The cities close to 250,000 population, in Lanpali Kingdom, can still be the top position even absolutely. 足足接近二十五万人口的城市,就算在兰帕里王国内,也绝对是能够位居前列。 If compared with business prosperity, in Lanpali Kingdom does not have any city can absolutely compared with Heimi City. 而如果比较商业繁荣方面,兰帕里王国内绝对没有任何一个城市能够和黑米城相比。 Freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle of Xu Yi driving drove into brilliantly illuminated of Heimi City from the darkness of Heimi Wastelands open country, guard Heimi City who two are responsible for performing duties the vision swept to look at one, has not cared. 许亦驾驶的货运魔力机车黑米荒原野外的黑暗中驶入了黑米城的灯火通明中,两名负责执勤的黑米城护卫目光扫过来看了一眼,并没有太在意。 In Heimi City every day at least over 1000 freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle pass in and out, even big evening's still has, this only medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle naturally cannot cause their too pays attention. 黑米城内每天至少有超过一千辆货运魔力机车进进出出,就算是大晚上的也有很多,这区区一辆中型客运魔力机车自然不会引起他们的太多关注。 However Xu Yi actually reduced the vehicle speed, looked at these two guard one eyes, from these two guard's symbols, recognizing them should be the Armani Chamber of Commerce guard. 然而许亦却降低了车速,多看了这两名护卫一眼,从这两名护卫身上的标志上,认出他们应该是阿玛尼商会的护卫。 The management of Heimi City by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, Amul Chamber of Commerce, Armani Chamber of Commerce and Rimet Chamber of Commerce four chamber of commerce joint administrations, the defense is also four chambers of commerce is naturally responsible for together. 黑米城的管理是由新飞商会阿姆利商会阿玛尼商会以及雷米特商会四家商会共同管理,防卫自然也是四家商会共同负责。 In this regard, four chamber of commerce each people are responsible for a Heimi City region, now has basically become the fixture. 在这方面,四家商会每人负责黑米城的一片区域,现在基本上已经成了固定模式。 Before Xu Yi, has no opinion to this pattern, because he to defending the aspect has not cared. 许亦之前对这种模式没什么意见,因为他对防卫方面并没有太在意。 However the after matter of brown rice harbor erupts, Xu Yi actually discovered this pattern existing defect. 但是黑米港口的事情爆发后,许亦却发现了这种模式存在缺陷。 In the normal condition this pattern is good, if meets the urgent sudden outbreak, and is needs massive defense capacities the situation, this pattern may expose the hidden danger very much. 正常情况下这种模式还好,但一旦遇到紧急突发状况,并且是需要大量防卫力量的情况,这种模式则很有可能暴露隐患。 Xu Yi drives medium freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle to arrive at Heimi City jointly to manage the front door place of parliament to stop directly. 许亦驾驶着中型货运魔力机车直接开到黑米城联合管理议会的大门处停下。 Jumped out of the car(riage), the guard of guarding a gate recognized Xu Yi immediately, invited him hastily. 一跳下车,守门的护卫立即认出了许亦,连忙把他请了进去。 President of these four chambers of commerce and other important leaders are naturally impossible to keep in Heimi City to participate in the concrete management for a long time, usually is jointly managing the parliament, is the representative who four chambers of commerce send out. 这四家商会的会长等重要领导人自然不可能长期留在黑米城内参与具体管理,平时在联合管理议会的,都是四家商会派出的代表。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is in these four chambers of commerce eldest child without a doubt, Xu Yi is jointly managing the position in parliament extremely to be naturally high. 新飞商会是这四家商会中毫无疑问的老大,许亦在联合管理议会中的地位自然极高。 He late at night visits now suddenly, immediately caused a tumult. 他现在突然深夜造访,顿时引起了一阵骚动。 Waited for shortly, basically went to sleep four chambers of commerce to represent to catch up completely in a hurry. 等了没多久,基本已经都入睡了的四家商会代表全部匆匆赶了过来。 At the beginning of the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce representative is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce just established enters the senior staff of chamber of commerce, after seeing Xu Yi, sees on the Xu Yi face the dignified look, immediately in heart one cold. 新飞商会的代表是新飞商会刚建立之初就进入商会的一名老员工,见到许亦后,一眼瞅见许亦脸上凝重的神色,顿时心中一凛。 Followed Xu Yi already more than five years, this first time was he saw the so serious look on the face of Sir President. 跟随许亦已经五年多了,这还是他第一次在会长大人的脸上看到如此郑重的神色。 Has what important matter? 难道是发生什么大事了? Xu Yi waves to four representatives, hints them to sit in the front, the vision has swept on four faces, the hesitation moment, asked: You also treated not the short time on Heimi Wastelands, now I asked that your issue, hopes that you replied truthfully.” 许亦向四位代表招了招手,示意他们在面前坐好,目光在四人脸上扫过,沉吟片刻,问道:“你们在黑米荒原上也待了不短时间了,现在我问你们一个问题,希望你们如实回答。” Four representatives have a look mutually, in the look has doubts. 四位代表互相看看,眼神中都带有一丝疑惑。 President Xu so treats a matter seriously, this issue is not perhaps good to reply. 许会长如此郑重其事,这个问题恐怕并不好回答。 Sir President, you asked freely.” Silent moment, sees no one to reply, the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce representative said immediately. 会长大人,您尽管问吧。”沉默了片刻,见没人应答,新飞商会的代表立即接话道。 The representatives of other three chambers of commerce then responded, should say repeatedly: Right, asking President Xu to ask freely, so long as were we knows that replied certainly.” 其它三家商会的代表这才反应过来,连声应道:“对对,请许会长尽管问,只要是我们知道的,一定如此回答。” Good.” Xu Yi nods. You told me, we needed many manpower, or more concrete, what defense capacity we needed, enough controlled entire Heimi Wastelands in own hand. Even if Sakk Kingdom wants to invade Heimi Wastelands, can still counter-attack?” “那好。”许亦点点头。“你们告诉我,我们需要多少人手,或者更具体一点,我们需要什么样的防卫力量,才足够把整个黑米荒原都控制在自己手中。就算萨克王国想要入侵黑米荒原,也能够反击回去?” Ah? 啊? Four representative all faces look at Xu Yi shocking. 四名代表全都一脸震惊地看着许亦 President Xu does he...... he want to make war unexpectedly inadequately with Sakk Kingdom?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 许会长他……他居然想和萨克王国开战不成?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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