MIE :: Volume #4

#121: Normal retaliation

Nival, immediately to harbor arrangement rescue.” The Xu Yi calm face orders. 涅瓦尔,立即对港口安排救援。”许亦沉着脸下了命令。 Nival receives an order to go, the Xu Yi accurate aim looked to falling into the brown rice harbor in sea of fire, in the parapet of right hand makes an effort to pinch on deck, on the face passed over gently and swiftly a hesitation. 涅瓦尔领命而去,许亦准头看向陷入火海中的黑米港口,右手在甲板上的栏杆上用力捏了一下,脸上掠过一丝犹豫。 These do not know where braves in the fellow of attack brown rice harbor as if combined several Magician, properly speaking he as nine levels of Magician, should enter the war to deal with Magician of opposite party to be good. 这些不知道从哪儿冒出来的的攻击黑米港口的家伙中似乎混杂了几名魔法师,按理说他身为九级魔法师,理应参战来应对对方的魔法师才好。 However Great Magician Camilla and Stille, as well as in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce include Kennard, Heinze and the others, participates in the actual fight having the opposition to him consistently. 但是卡米拉大魔法师斯蒂尔,以及新飞商会内包括肯纳德海因策等人在内,一致对他参与实际战斗持反对态度。 In their eyes, Xu Yi is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce most important President, even if he has nine levels of Magician powerful strengths, but should not take risk. 在他们眼中,许亦新飞商会最重要的会长,就算他拥有九级魔法师的强大实力,但是也不该亲身去冒险。 If by some chance his accident sentiment, that is to the biggest attack of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 万一他出了什么事情,那才是对新飞商会的最大打击。 Let alone the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard has assembled various types of military Magic machineries now massively, even to the opponent on Great Magician Camilla this Great Magician rank, can still contend, then in this group of enemies just combines several low level Magician now, should not be their opponents. 更何况现在新飞商会护卫队已经大量装配各种军用魔法机械,就算对上卡米拉大魔法师这种大魔法师级别的对手,依然能够相抗衡,那么现在这群敌人里面只不过混杂了几个低级的魔法师而已,理应不是他们的对手。 Thinks of here, Xu Yi loosens the hand, gave up itself going forth to battle personally the idea that looks under the order of Nival, the crew on 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship and 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship along with 100 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce human guards who departed together jump up the small-scale Magic Power charge ship that in abundance put down from 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, at the extremely high speed, cleft the waves against the wind, flushed away to the brown rice harbor. 想到这里,许亦松开手,放弃了自己亲自上阵的想法,看着在涅瓦尔的命令下,展翅号上的船员们和随展翅号一同出航的一百名新飞商会人类护卫纷纷跳上从展翅号上放下的小型魔力冲锋艇,以极高的速度,迎风破浪,向黑米港口冲去。 Before the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard has not joined the fight, in the brown rice harbor has the form that these enemies wreak havoc everywhere, the brown rice harbor seems without the strength of resistance. 新飞商会护卫队没有加入战斗之前,黑米港口内到处都有那些敌人肆虐的身影,黑米港口显得毫无反抗之力。 After the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard steered the small-scale Magic Power charge ship to drive high-speed came. Also not close to seashore. Has brought full arrow rain. Covered the entire harbor. 但是当新飞商会护卫队驾驶着小型魔力冲锋艇高速驶了过来后。还没靠近海边。就已经带来了一片铺天盖地的箭雨。将整个港口都笼罩了进去。 These arrow rain do not have the dead angle, is continuous. 这些箭雨毫无死角,更是连绵不绝。 Could not move aside in the enemy who in the harbor wreaks havoc everywhere, was only a moment later, the then probably harvested wheat straw general one piece by piece but actually. 原本在港口内到处肆虐的敌人根本躲闪不开,只是片刻之后,便像是被收割的麦草一般一片片倒了下去。 When the first small-scale Magic Power charge ship stops when the wharf of brown rice harbor, the enemy in harbor had lost the imposing manner, found the bunker to give way to traffic. 等到第一辆小型魔力冲锋艇在黑米港口的码头上停下时,港口内的敌人早已经失去了刚才的气势,纷纷找到了掩体进行避让。 However what makes the enemies not think, according to the tradition hides in the bunker, although can avoid an arrow injury, but the guards of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard actually take out a dark cylinder. Will aim at the bunker, immediately thunders along with one, in a surface burnt the iron ball of flame to fly from the cylinder, after running upon the bunker, immediately exuded the deafening fierce explosive sound. 然而让敌人们没有想到的是,按照传统躲进掩体虽然能够躲避箭枝的伤害,但是新飞商会护卫队的护卫们却取出一个黑乎乎的圆筒。将其中一头对准掩体,随即伴随着一声轰鸣,一个表面上燃烧着火焰的铁球从圆筒中飞了出来,撞上掩体后顿时发出震耳欲聋的剧烈爆炸声。 Not only the entire bunker was exploded a piece of waste, hid is also exploded piles of stump residual limbs in the bunker following enemy similarly. 不仅整个掩体被炸成了一片废物,躲在掩体后面的敌人也同样被炸成了一堆堆残肢。 Xu Yi observed a while, then put down the telescope. 许亦观察了一会儿,便放下了望远镜。 Equipped large number of military Magic machineries, and has the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce convoy guard of long-term corresponding operational experience, in the battle efficiency indeed has been able any other same magnitude military powers in complete steamroll mainland. 装备了大量的军用魔法机械,并且拥有长期相应作战经验的新飞商会护卫队,在战斗力上的确已经能够完全碾压这片大陆上的其它任何同等数量级的军事力量。 Although these enemy quantities of invasion brown rice harbor look casually also over 500, however before 100 fully-armed guard Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, probably 500 lacking the strength to truss up a chicken children is ordinary. Simply cannot make any effective resistance. 尽管入侵黑米港口的这些敌人数量随便一看也超过五百,但是在一百名全副武装的新飞商会护卫面前,却像是五百名手无缚鸡之力的小孩子一般。根本没能做出任何有效的抵抗。 Can hit back only , is only left over that several Magician. 唯一能够进行反击的,也就只剩下那几名魔法师而已。 But after experiencing chamber of commerce guards hand the terrifying might of military Magic machinery. That several Magician seemed like quick then takes the opportunity to escape, in brief in the later period of the fight had not seen that any Magic emitted again. 而在见识了商会护卫们手中军用魔法机械的恐怖威力后。那几名魔法师似乎是很快便借机逃跑了,总之战斗后期没看到有任何一个魔法再次放出。 Half hour, the fight in brown rice harbor then has not only announced the termination, the war cry that hears from afar gradually stands still. 只不过半个小时,黑米港口内的战斗便宣告终止,远远传来的喊杀声逐渐停歇。 Xu Yi then waved, ordering 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship to depend. 许亦这才一挥手,命令展翅号靠了过去。 When 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship drives into the brown rice harbor, saw that in the harbor everywhere is dark, Xu Yi cannot bear a brow wrinkle. 展翅号驶入黑米港口,看到港口内到处都是漆黑一片,许亦忍不住眉头一皱。 The brown rice harbor has not put into use, to be destroyed suddenly like this. 黑米港口还没有正式投入使用,就突然遭到这样的破坏。 The loss in financial, more importantly, this flagrantly is also provoking simply! 财务方面的损失也就罢了,重要的是,这简直就是在公然挑衅! The Xu Yi calm face, the vision sweeps has kept the corpse in harbor. 许亦沉着脸,目光扫过留在港口里的尸体。 After seeing clearly, Xu Yi can't help it stares. 待看清楚之后,许亦禁不住一愣。 The bodies of these enemies keep, clearly is some Beast-men Clan! 留下来的这些敌人的尸体,分明都是一些兽人族 Since Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce unites several other chambers of commerce on the intention after Heimi Wastelands to revolt non-periodically Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Beast-men Clan carries out the sweeping attack, in the two years in again does not have Beast-men Clan to dare to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to launch the attack. 自从新飞商会联合其它几家商会不定期地对黑米荒原上意图反抗新飞商会兽人族进行扫荡打击后,这两年内已经再也没有兽人族胆敢在对新飞商会发动攻击。 Even in Beast-men Clan most opposed regarding human, conduct attitude still most extreme Beast-men regiment, had gone into hiding long time on Heimi Wastelands. 就算是兽人族中对于人类最为反对,行事作风也最极端的兽人军团,也已经在黑米荒原上销声匿迹了很长时间。 Where then these Beast-men Clan do brave? Why do they want to attack the brown rice harbor? 那么这些兽人族是从哪儿来冒出来的?他们为什么要攻击黑米港口? This harbor simply has not put into the official use now, what these do Beast-men Clan run to attack here to make? 这个港口现在根本没投入正式使用,这些兽人族跑来攻击这里做什么? The vision passed over gently and swiftly a corpse, Xu Yi can't help it stayed. 目光又掠过一具尸体,许亦禁不住呆了一下。 On this corpse puts on, clearly is the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce work uniform/subdue! 这具尸体身上穿的,分明是新飞商会的工作制服! In the Xu Yi look passed over gently and swiftly a sorrow, immediately in the heart surges a not restrainable anger, shouts to Nival loudly: Goes to find to me the people of survival!” 许亦的眼神中掠过一丝悲哀,随即心中涌起一股无可抑制的怒火,大声向涅瓦尔喊道:“去把幸存的人都给我找出来!” Nival and time of Xu Yi understanding contact is not short, actually sees Xu Yi to show such angry expression for the first time, immediately has a scare, told from 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship hastily crew and guards of convoy guard, sought in the harbor. 涅瓦尔许亦认识接触的时间也不算短,却还是第一次见许亦露出这样的愤怒表情,顿时吓了一跳,连忙吩咐从展翅号上下来的船员们以及护卫队的护卫们,在港口里寻找起来。 Fortunately, when constructs this harbor, Xu Yi considered that here places the Heimi Wastelands center after all, definitely will take some risks, therefore arranged to construct some covert fortifications in the harbor. 幸运的是,在建造这个港口的时候,许亦考虑到这里毕竟身处黑米荒原腹地,必然会冒一些风险,所以在港口内安排建造了一些隐蔽工事。 When the enemies attack, the administrators who most workers in harbor and keep hid in the hiding fortification, these Beast-men Clan could not find suddenly, survived actually finally overwhelming majorities. 敌人来袭时,港口内的大部分工人和留下来的管理人员都躲进了隐蔽工事,那些兽人族们一时间也找不到,倒是最终存活下来了绝大多数。 However even so, according to counts finally, in the foray of this Beast-men Clan, still nine workers is actually buried under these Beast-men Clan butcher knives. 然而即便如此,根据最终统计,在这次兽人族的突然袭击中,却依然有九名工人葬身于这些兽人族的屠刀之下。 Looks after being looked, suspends a body of row of nine worker, the Xu Yi complexion as if must drop the water leakage gloomy. 看着被找出来后摆成一排的九名工人的尸体,许亦脸色阴沉地仿佛要滴出水来。 In his heart filled remorse. 他心中充满了自责。 He is obviously clear establishes the harbor to be high-risk here, actually must act willfully, does not obey the advice of Kennard and Heinze, insisted that must establish the harbor here. 他明明非常清楚在这里建立港口充满危险,却还要一意孤行,根本不听从肯纳德海因策的劝告,坚持要在这里建立港口。 Now these nine were therefore killed just when the mature worker, it can be said that has the relations of being able to withdraw with him. 现在这九名正值壮年的工人因此丧命,可以说是和他有着脱不开的关系。 Stared at the bodies of these nine workers to look silently some little time, Xu Yi then long inspires, the facial expression on face returned to normal. 盯着这九名工人的尸体默默地看了好一会儿,许亦这才长长地吸了一口气,脸上的神情恢复平静。 These workers had died , to continue to regret not to have the significance here, Xu Yi does not like handling this matter. 这些工人们已经死了,继续在这里后悔毫无意义,许亦不喜欢做这种事情。 Compares, what is more important is arranges these workers the things to do after death that as well as...... revenges for them! 相比较起来,更重要的是安排这些工人们的后事,以及……为他们报仇! The head of brown rice harbor also hid in the hiding fortification to survive, Xu Yi called him, lets various information of nine workers he counted this dead, then according to the stipulation of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce conducted the corresponding compensation to these nine workers. 黑米港口的负责人也躲进了隐蔽工事存活了下来,许亦把他叫了过来,让他统计出这死去的九名工人的各种信息,然后按照新飞商会的规定对这九名工人进行相应的补偿。 Sir President, in this five people are not our chambers of commerce, is Amul Chamber of Commerce.” The heads proposed the different opinions. 会长大人,这里面有五个人都不是我们商会的,是阿姆利商会的啊。”负责人提出了不同意见。 Xu Yi coldly shot a look at his one eyes: Amul Chamber of Commerce isn't a person? Since they are here for our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce work, then we must treat impartially!” 许亦冷冷地瞥了他一眼:“阿姆利商会的就不是人吗?他们既然是在这里为我们新飞商会工作,那么我们就要一视同仁!” But...... but they after all are the Amul Chamber of Commerce workers, like this is...... me to fear......” “可是……可是他们毕竟是阿姆利商会的工人,这样做……我怕……” Listens to my order!” Xu Yi interrupted his words. President Cruise there, I will go to negotiate with him personally, you only needed to complete the compensation measure according to my arrangement on the line.” “听我的命令!”许亦打断了他的话。“克鲁斯会长那里,我会去亲自和他交涉,你只需要按照我的安排做好赔偿措施就行了。” Sees on the Xu Yi face the solemn look, the head shrank the head unrestrainedly, immediately nodded to comply. 看到许亦脸上冷峻的神色,负责人情不自禁地缩了缩脑袋,立即点头答应了下来。 After arranging these things, Xu Yi makes one look for the corpse that two Beast-men Clan left behind from the ground, loses, in the brown rice harbor is used for in a medium freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle trunk that transports uses, is driving personally high-speed to the Heimi Wastelands east. 安排好这些事情后,许亦让人从地上找来了两具兽人族留下的尸体,丢在黑米港口用来运输用的一辆中型货运魔力机车的后备箱中,然后亲自驾驶着高速驶往黑米荒原的东部。 At nightfall, Xu Yi drove medium freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle to drive into the Lanpali Kingdom Western Guard Regiment big camp directly. 入夜时分,许亦驾驶着中型货运魔力机车直接驶入了兰帕里王国镇西军大营。 Was responsible for defending the two Western Guard Regiment soldiers in camp to block Magic Powered Vehicle, Xu Yi poked head from the car(riage), cold say/way: „ I am Xu Yi, please for my circular one, say that I have the urgent matter to seek an interview provincial commander Sir. 负责守营的两名镇西军士兵把魔力机车拦了下来,许亦从车里探出头来,冷然道:“我是许亦,请替我通传一声,就说我有紧急事情求见提督大人。 Two soldiers look at each other one, a soldier turned the head slightly to run immediately the camp. 两名士兵对视一眼,其中一名士兵立即转头小跑着进了营去。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce now is the Western Guard Regiment main equipment and other living materials supplies business, even if provincial commander Sir saw each time Xu Yi will be polite. 新飞商会现在是镇西军最主要的装备和其它生活物资补给商,就算是提督大人每次见到许亦都会客客气气的。 After the moment, a Western Guard Regiment vice general half step welcomed, sees Xu Yi, immediately laughed to welcome. 片刻后,镇西军的一名副将快步迎了出来,一眼看到许亦,立即大笑着迎了过来。 After two people have greeted, the vision of vice general falls on Xu Yi behind medium freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle, the facial expression is somewhat strange. 两人打过招呼后,副将的目光落在许亦身后的中型货运魔力机车上,神情有些奇怪。 President Xu, how hasn't this time driven your attractive Magic Power sedan?” 许会长,怎么这次没有开你那辆漂亮的魔力轿车来?” Xu Yi did not answer, arrived at the trunk place, put out a hand, the trunk back plate fell, lies down also tumbles in inside two Beast-men Clan corpses, pounded on the ground, bang bang made noise. 许亦不答,走到后备箱处,伸手一拉,后备箱挡板落下,躺在里面的两句兽人族尸体随之滚落下来,砸在地上,砰砰作响。 The several soldiers of vice general and his side have a scare. 副将和他身边的几名士兵都吓了一跳。 Takes a look at the ground the corpse, the vice general frowns: President Xu, what is this?” 瞅了瞅地上的尸体,副将皱起眉头:“许会长,这是什么意思?” Xu Yi suffered the attack the matter roughly to describe the brown rice harbor tranquilly. 许亦平静地将黑米港口遭受袭击的事情大致描述了一遍。 After the vice generals listen, the facial expression is strange, thinks, slightly awkward said/tunnel: This...... President Xu, your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce harbor was attacked, this as if...... and our does Western Guard Regiment have no relations? And......” 副将听完后,神情更是古怪,想了想,略显尴尬地道:“这个……许会长,你们新飞商会的港口遭受袭击,这似乎……和我们镇西军没什么关系吧?而且……” The vice generals, continued said: President Xu, to be honest, your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in that what Beast-men Clan purge that on Heimi Wastelands carried out, but offended many Beast-men Clan on Heimi Wastelands, suffering to retaliate this is also normal......” 副将顿了顿,续道:“许会长,说句实话,你们新飞商会黑米荒原上搞出来的那个什么兽人族清理行动,可是得罪了黑米荒原上的很多兽人族,遭受报复这也是正常的嘛……” Normal?” Xu Yi sneers, kicks on the ground that Beast-men Clan corpse. Suffers the Beast-men Clan retaliation on Heimi Wastelands, it can be said that is normal. However suffers the Beast-men Clan retaliation of Sakk Kingdom, do you also feel normal?” “正常?”许亦冷笑一声,一脚踢在地上那具兽人族的尸体上。“遭受黑米荒原上的兽人族报复,可以说是正常。但是遭受萨克王国兽人族报复,你还觉得正常吗?” This is how possible!” A vice general face looked at ground that two Beast-men Clan corpse one shocking, with rapt attention, the squatting lower part of the body carefully observes only. “这怎么可能!”副将一脸震惊地重新看了地上那两句兽人族尸体一眼,唯一凝神,蹲下身仔细观察起来。 After the moment, his complexion big change.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 片刻后,他脸色大变。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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