MIE :: Volume #4

#120: Brown rice harbor

'Wings Unfoldng' Ship stopped over a evening in Karasga Island. 展翅号只是在卡拉斯加岛逗留了一晚。 Next morning, after on the ship carries a lot of living materials as well as various types of military Magic machineries of total value enough over 30,000 gold coins is transported, 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship again sets sail, navigated about 80 kilometers to Karasga Island north, bypasses one compared with after Karasga Island also wanted in a big way an island, booklet to travelling to the East. 第二天一早,当船上携带的总价值足足超过三万金币的大量生活物资以及各种军用魔法机械被运下去后,展翅号再次起航,向卡拉斯加岛的北面航行了大约八十公里,绕过一个比卡拉斯加岛还要大了一圈的岛后,折向东行。 Here has exceeded 200 kilometers from the coastline, at a rate of 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, still went from early morning to afternoon saw from afar heavy line that horizon represented the coastline. 这里已经距离海岸线超过两百公里,展翅号,依然从清晨行驶到下午时分才远远地看到了天际的一条代表海岸线的黑线。 Nival puts down the telescope in hand, said with a smile to Xu Yi: Sir President, we should reach evidently the destination smoothly, this offshore long-distance range cruise tests, is succeeded the larger part.” 涅瓦尔放下手中的望远镜,向身边的许亦笑道:“会长大人,看样子我们应该是非常顺利地到达目的地了,这次近海远距离巡航测试,已经算是成功了一大半。” The Xu Yi smile nods, actually could not bear look up because to start close to the dusk becomes slightly has dim sky. 许亦微笑点头,却忍不住抬头看了一下因为临近黄昏而开始变得略有一丝昏暗的天空。 Goal of this offshore long-distance range cruise, besides testing this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship long distance cruise ability, to let captain Nival and crew 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship on promotes the experience of long distance cruise. 这次近海远距离巡航的目的,除了测试这艘展翅号的长距离巡航能力之外,也是为了让展翅号上的船长涅瓦尔和船员们提升一下远洋巡航的经验。 On this technical extremely not developed Sainz Continent, navigates in the boundless sea level, most of the time can only depend upon the experience to judge the direction, but cannot rely on the high-tech the GPS to conduct the guidance like Earth on precisely. 在这个科技极其不发达的赛恩斯大陆上,在茫茫海面上航行,大多数时候都只能依靠经验来判断方位方向,而不能像地球上那样凭借高科技的卫星定位系统精确地进行导航。 Nival when sees the coastline seems such happy, because of even his to this piece of sea area extremely familiar captain, does not have the full assurance to lead 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship to reach the established destination smoothly accurately. 涅瓦尔之所以在看到海岸线的时候会显得这么高兴,就是因为连他这个对这片海域极为熟悉的船长,也没有十足的把握能够带领展翅号顺利准确地到达既定的目的地。 The science and technology in this world conducts the accurate localization exceptionally to be remote from the satellite launch, Xu Yi is unable to have any nitpicking to the work of Nival. 这个世界上的科技距离发射卫星进行精准定位还异常遥远,许亦无法对涅瓦尔的工作有任何挑剔。 Although in the heart is very helpless to this situation, actually must conduct the sincere praise to the Nival working ability. 尽管心中对这种情况十分无奈,却还是要对涅瓦尔的工作能力进行真诚的赞扬。 . Even Nival such captain. Xu Yi spent a lot of time to find. 要知道。就算是涅瓦尔这样的船长。还是许亦花费了很多时间才找到的。 To have massive sufficient abilities to conduct the crew of oceangoing voyage transportation. Also must need Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to train slowly is good. 想要拥有大量足够能力进行远洋航行运输的船员。还得需要新飞商会自己慢慢培养才行。 So far, situation of loss how?” Xu Yi thinks, asked to Nival. “到目前为止,损耗的情况怎么样?”许亦想了想,向涅瓦尔问道。 Is good.” A Nival face replied with ease. Before us loss in several times of departing experiment is similar, at present always consumes about 73 tons standard Magic Crystal, according to the course calculates, on average each kilometer consumption is about 150 kilograms standard Magic Crystal.” “还算不错。”涅瓦尔一脸轻松地回答。“和我们之前数次的出航试验中的损耗情况大致相同,目前总消耗大约七十三吨标准魔力水晶,按照里程算下来,平均每公里消耗大约为一百五十公斤标准魔力水晶。” „About 150 kilograms?” Xu Yi thinks, nods: Un, but also is good. The loss of this degree can definitely accept.” “一百五十公斤左右吗?”许亦想了一下,点点头:“嗯,还不错。这个程度的损耗完全可以接受。” According to the Magic Crystal new standard that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute put forward. Magic Power that the standard Magic Crystal embodiment that one kilogram Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce refines contains is Yiai. 按照新飞商会魔法研究院提出的魔力水晶新标准。一公斤新飞商会提炼出来的标准魔力水晶内蕴含的魔力一艾 Yiai Magic Power, enough latest Xinfei Magic Powered Fan continuous working three days. 一艾魔力,足够一台最新型的新飞牌魔力风扇连续运转三天整。 But the power that this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship needs naturally is Magic Powered Fan innumerable times, therefore navigates every time one kilometer in the sea level, must lose 150 Magic Power. 而这艘展翅号所需的动力自然是魔力风扇的无数倍,所以在海面上每航行一公里,就要足足损耗一百五十艾的魔力 Takes the new flying merchant to refine standard Magic Crystal each ton cost to calculate for 20 gold coins at present, one kilometer loses 150 kilograms, actually also spends three gold coins. 以新飞商户目前提炼标准魔力水晶每吨的成本为二十金币来算,一公里损耗一百五十公斤,其实也才花费三金币而已。 It looks like in Xu Yi, such big freight transportation Magic Power steamboat each kilometer power loss only needs to spend three gold coins unexpectedly, simply with giving for nothing is the same. 许亦看来,这样大一艘货运魔力轮船每公里的动力损耗居然只需要花费三金币,简直就和白给的一样。 Places Earth words, simply is fantasy story. 放在地球上来看的话,简直就是天方夜谭。 Naturally, this is also because Magic Crystal on Sainz Continent everywhere. Therefore appears is quite not then valuable, Magic Crystal of ordinary quality even and ordinary stone did not attach great importance to causing generally. 当然,这也是因为魔力水晶赛恩斯大陆上随处可言。所以便显得极为不值钱,普通品质的魔力水晶甚至和普通的石头一般不受人重视导致。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has bought enough 17 Magic Crystal ores from each place at present. Therefore actually paid less than the prices of 1 million gold coins. 新飞商会目前已经从各个地方买下来足足十七座魔力水晶矿。为此却只是付出了不到一百万金币的代价。 But refines the standard Magic Crystal cost, then main centralized on mining the Magic Crystal ore, other aspects have almost no investment, this causes the cost is so inexpensive. 而从中提炼出标准魔力水晶的成本,则主要集中在开采魔力水晶矿上,其它方面几乎没有什么投入,这才导致成本如此低廉。 Words that calculates from this aspect, uses 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship this carrying capacity over 3000 tons large Magic Power steamboats to conduct the freight transportation, the transportation cost lowers simply fearfully. 从这方面来算的话,使用展翅号这个载重可以超过三千吨的大型魔力轮船来进行货运,运输成本简直低得可怕。 However recently in these two years, various Magic Power machinery large surface areas that as Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and other chambers of commerce produce popularize, people gradually attach great importance to the loss of Magic Crystal. 不过最近这两年内,随着新飞商会和其它商会生产的各种魔力机械大面积普及开来,人们对于魔力水晶的损耗逐渐重视起来。 The ordinary Magic Crystal price that in the market circulates also has no change, but the high quality, the Magic Crystal price of high quality, had had the obvious growth particularly. 市场上流通的普通魔力水晶价格还没什么变化,但是中高品质,尤其是高品质的魔力水晶价格,却已经出现了明显的增长。 From this sign, the people on Sainz Continent have started to realize the importance of Magic Crystal this resources gradually. 从这个迹象来看,赛恩斯大陆上的人们已经渐渐地开始认识到了魔力水晶这种资源的重要性。 Xu Yi naturally detects this sign, therefore in the two years crazy purchases the Magic Crystal ore from each region, and encourages Evita to continue to study the Magic Crystal refinement technology, competes to do the preparatory work for the energy that the near future can have. 许亦自然察觉到这个迹象,所以这两年疯狂的从各地收购魔力水晶矿,并鼓励艾薇塔继续研究魔力水晶提炼技术,就是为不远的将来会发生的能源争夺做准备工作。 Returns to this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship to come up, besides the loss in power, such big ship, naturally the losses in other aspects. 回到这艘展翅号上来,除了动力方面的损耗外,这么大一艘船,当然还有其它方面的损耗。 As for the losses in other aspects, must lose regardless the daily life of crew beside, then main centralized in various detail attrition of capsule. 至于其它方面的损耗,抛开船员的日常生活所需损耗之外,则主要集中在舱体的各种细节磨损方面。 For example a gate of goods warehouse suddenly could not open yesterday evening, the reason was a screw loosen. ” 比如说一个货仓的门昨天晚上突然打不开了,原因是一个螺丝松了。” Hears this report, Xu Yi the complexion sinks immediately: What is responsible for this goods warehouse screw installing is who? Writes down the name, after going back, to him a second-level disciplinary warning, and deducts this month the bonus. The class leader who moreover is responsible for the overall goods warehouse assembly also has the joint and several liability, similarly deducts this month the bonus, and imposes the third-level disciplinary warning.” 听到这个报告,许亦立即脸色一沉:“负责这个货仓螺丝安装的是谁?把名字记下来,等回去后给他一个二级警告处分,并扣除本月奖金。另外负责整体货仓组装的班长也有连带责任,同样扣除本月奖金,并给予三级警告处分。” Nival spits the tongue secretly, thought that Sir President also is really strict. 涅瓦尔暗暗吐了吐舌头,心想会长大人还真是严格。 However was a screw loosen, unexpectedly must give such severe punishment, the responsible class leader must also give the punishment. 不过就是一颗螺丝松了而已,居然就要给出这么严厉的处分,连带着负责的班长也要给出处分。 However changes mind thinks, although this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship is big enough, can have the space to allow these mistakes, but when the sea navigates in extremely dangerous, must therefore request strictly is quite good. 不过转念一想,这艘展翅号虽然足够大,可以有空间容许这些错误,但在海上航行的时候是在太过危险,所以必须要求极为严格才行。 Sir President does this, is to stand erect this concept. 会长大人这样做,就是想要竖立这个观念。 As the later most time person of city life on this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, Nival supports Xu Yi this approach. 身为以后大半时间都会生活在这艘展翅号上的人,涅瓦尔非常支持许亦这种做法。 Nival also reported the small problem that on several other 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship has, Xu Yi also offered the corresponding punishment opinion unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 涅瓦尔又报告了其它几处展翅号上出现的小问题,许亦同样毫不客气地给出了相应的处分意见。 By Xu Yi all along working style, when 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship returns to the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce harbor, these punishment results will then certainly issue. 许亦的一贯做事风格,等到展翅号回到新飞商会海港,这些处分结果便一定会发布下去。 Although strict, but Nival can affirm, the person who these receive the punishment will definitely not have half a word complaint. 虽然严格,但是涅瓦尔敢肯定,那些受到处分的人绝对不会有半句怨言。 Xu Yi has the absolute prestige in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce , because he handles matters is quite always fair, having the mistake must punish, active time rewards is not parsimonious. 许亦新飞商会内拥有绝对的威信,就是因为他处事向来极为公正,有错必罚,有功的时候奖励也毫不吝啬。 All Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce staff when discussed in secret, believes that in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, so long as is willing to try hard, will then certainly receive the large return. 所有新飞商会的员工在私下里讨论的时候,都一致认为,在新飞商会内只要肯努力,那么一定会获得丰厚的回报。 Nival to Xu Yi is reporting the time, 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship is still going toward the sea horizon steadily high-speed. 涅瓦尔许亦做着汇报的时候,展翅号依然平稳地向着海平线在高速行驶。 Xu Yi is listening to the return of Nival, while looks at distant more and more near coastline, suddenly discovered that black smoke raises from the distant place high. 许亦一边听着涅瓦尔的回报,一边看着远方越来越近的海岸线,忽然发现一股黑烟从远处高高升起。 In Xu Yi heart one startled, snatches on Nival has taken telescope, looks to the coastline. 许亦心中一惊,抢过涅瓦尔手上拿着的望远镜,向海岸线上望去。 By the lens, saw from afar the coastline the innumerable person's shadows sway, because actually the distance is too far, did not see clearly exactly what happened. 透过镜片,远远地看到海岸线上无数人影攒动,却因为距离太远,根本看不清楚到底发生了什么事情。 Nival also discovered the change on coastline, when will inquire Xu Yi, suddenly a fierce explosion sound transmits from the coastline. 涅瓦尔也发现了海岸线上的异动,正要询问许亦时,忽然一声剧烈的爆炸声响从海岸线上传来。 From is so far, this explosion sound is still quite sonorous, obviously big of sound. 距离这么远,这个爆炸声响依然极为宏亮,可见声音之大。 Not only this Xu Yi and Nival notice, Spread Wings good on other crew were also captured the attention in abundance, everyone looks together to the coast, the look is surprised. 这一下不仅许亦涅瓦尔注意到,展翅好上的其他船员也纷纷被吸引了目光,所有人一起看向海岸,眼神惊疑不定。 Xu Yi puts down the telescope, the sinking sound said to Nival: Transmitted orders, adds to the maximum speed, immediately rushes to the brown rice harbor!” 许亦放下望远镜,沉声向涅瓦尔道:“传令下去,加到最高速度,立即赶往黑米港口!” Nival complied with one hastily, puts out the Magic telephone conversation box, issued the order of acceleration to the crew loudly. 涅瓦尔连忙应了一声,拿出魔法通话盒,向船员们大声下达了加速的命令。 After the moment, the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship hull shakes slightly, then the giant hull starts gradually to accelerate, gradually promoted the speed of over 40 kilometers each hour from former uniform speed the speed of 30 kilometers each hour gradually. 片刻后,展翅号船身微微一震,然后巨大的船身开始逐渐加速起来,渐渐地从之前匀速的三十公里每小时的时速逐渐提升到了超过四十公里每小时的时速。 This speed is the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship current limiting velocity, in the ordinary circumstances will not adopt this speed, because greatly enhances the power consumption like this, even there is the possibility to promote under two times to ordinary condition a power consumption. 这个速度是展翅号目前的极限速度,一般情况下是不会采取这种速度的,因为这样大幅提高动力消耗,甚至有可能将动力消耗提升到平常状况下的两倍。 Moreover under this condition regarding the oppression strength of entire ship is several times higher, is very easy to present a large area of not controllable loss. 而且这种状态下对于整艘船的压迫力高出数倍,很容易出现更大面积的不可控损耗。 However in this case, actually could ignore so many. 不过在这种情况下,却是顾不得那么多了。 The coastline approaches rapidly, Xu Yi gradually sees clearly on the coastline through the telescope the situation , the complexion sinks more and more. 海岸线迅速靠近,许亦通过望远镜逐渐看清楚海岸线上发生的情况,脸色越来越沉。 This brown rice harbor establishes in Heimi Wastelands close to the coast of endless sea , the goal is to let each factory on Heimi Wastelands for the cargo that produces to be able through this harbor to install the sea boat, then through the other places of marine transportation more convenient transporting to mainland. 这个黑米港口是建立在黑米荒原临近无尽之海的海岸上,目的就是为了让黑米荒原上的各个工厂所生产的货物能够通过这个港口装上海船,然后通过海运更方便的运往大陆的其它地方。 This harbor is window of Heimi Wastelands to lead to endless sea, is connected on Heimi Wastelands to include the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce factory under many chamber of commerce name, is quite important. 这个港口算是黑米荒原通向无尽之海的窗口,关联着黑米荒原上包括新飞商会在内的很多商会名下的工厂,极为重要。 Starting from last year establishes, until now, this harbor only completed half, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce already invested over 3 million gold coins. 从去年开始建立,到现在为止,这个港口只建成了一半,新飞商会就已经在其中投入了超过三百万金币。 To use this harbor, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also united Amul Chamber of Commerce to construct penetration entire Heimi Wastelands on Heimi Wastelands, more than 500 kilometers road. 而且为了利用好这个港口,新飞商会还联合阿姆利商会黑米荒原上修建了一条贯通整个黑米荒原,长达五百多公里的公路。 Only was this road, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce invests was close to 1 million gold coins. 光是这条公路,新飞商会就投资了足足接近一百万金币。 Thus it can be seen, Xu Yi causes to attach great importance to this harbor. 由此可见,许亦对这个港口使多么重视。 However now, actually some countless people broke in this harbor, in the hand were brandishing the weapon, rushed ahead in the harbor back and forth. 然而现在,却有无数人冲入了这个港口,手中挥舞着兵器,在港口内来回冲杀。 Often giant fireballs flew from outside, pounds into the harbor, falls into the entire harbor a sea of fire.( To be continued......) 不时还有一颗颗巨大的火球从外面飞了进来,砸入港口之中,将整个港口陷入一片火海之中。(未完待续……) ... ...
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