MIE :: Volume #4

#119: Control sea area

Great Magician Truch also has nothing, Smilton sees these military Magic machineries, immediately two shine, walked with stride, first is takes up tube shape Magic Repeating Crossbow to look right and left, the meaning of whole face liking, then holds a small-scale Magic bazooka, high and low read for quite a while, this then looks to Xu Yi. 特鲁奇大魔法师还没什么,斯米尔顿一看到这些军用魔法机械,立即两眼放光,大步走了过去,先是拿起一个筒状魔法连弩左看右看,满脸欢喜之意,然后再抱起一个小型魔法火箭筒,上下翻看了半天,这才回头看向许亦 President Xu, these good things give us?” 许会长,这些好东西都是给我们的吗?” Xu Yi cannot bear is showing the whites of the eyes at heart. 许亦忍不住在心里翻了个白眼。 This Smilton also is really when the pirate worked as, before delivered so many important living materials to Karasga Island, has not seen him to become this happily, this time sent the weaponry, his exciting vigor does not need to guess, clear placed on the face. 这个斯米尔顿还真是当海盗当惯了啊,之前给卡拉斯加岛送了这么多次重要的生活物资,也没见他高兴成这样,这次一送来武器装备,他这股兴奋劲根本不需要揣测,明明白白的都放在了脸上。 Naturally, on the Xu Yi face must maintain the smiling face, nods gently. 当然,许亦脸上还是要保持笑容,轻轻点了点头。 Yes. However does not give for nothing. The Smilton island lord, the military Magic machinery current demand is enormous, these I from receiving in plenty of orders little buckles hardly, therefore gives in vain free unlikely.” “是的。不过不是白给。斯米尔顿岛主,军用魔法机械目前的需求量极大,这些还是我从收到的大量订单中一点点硬扣下来的,所以免费白送不太可能。” Un, this I understand.” Smilton makes an effort to nod, laughs saying: President Xu, you were needless to say anything, in our island accepted the free aid of your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to be many enough, now the brothers on island can on this auspicious day, be because obtained your help. Actually you were needless to speak these idle talk, wanting us to help you make anything's words, spoke frankly by all means. Although I am no experience careless person, however the basic custom understands.” “嗯,这我明白。”斯米尔顿用力点头,大笑道:“许会长,你也不用多说什么,我们岛上接受你们新飞商会的无偿援助已经足够多了,现在岛上的兄弟们能够过上这种好日子,都是因为得到了你的帮助。其实你也不用说这些废话,想要我们帮你做什么的话,只管直说。我虽然是个没什么见识的粗人,但是基本的规矩还是懂的。” On nearby Great Magician Truch face passed over gently and swiftly a thinking deeply expression, slight nod: President Xu, you are a merchant. The business of doing business at a loss you are definitely undoable. We cannot make you do that. Although my Great Magician also a little value. However I am very clear, I have not been worth spending such big price for me. In your such attentive help island, some of your plans, this point everyone actually understands at heart.” 一旁的特鲁奇大魔法师脸上掠过一丝深思的表情,微微点头:“许会长,你是一名商人。赔本的生意你是肯定不能做的。我们也不能让你这么做。我这个大魔法师虽然还有点儿价值。但是我很清楚,我还不值得你为我花费这么大代价。你这样用心帮助岛上,想必有你的打算,这一点大家其实心里都明白。” Xu Yi spreads out both hands reluctantly, self-ridiculed that smiles: It seems like I really am not suitable to act in a play, doing was also straightforward.” 许亦无奈地摊开双手,自嘲地笑了笑:“看来我还真是不适合演戏,做得也太直白了。” Smilton beckons with the hand: Ok, President Xu, these words do not say. No matter you want also to be why good. Gives our help with your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, helping everyone has on the auspicious day, even if we worked oneself to death to you will still be, this was the most basic custom that everyone understood. Stated clearly, what wants to make us make?” 斯米尔顿摆了摆手:“行了,许会长,这些话就不要说了。不管你想干什么也好。就凭着你们新飞商会给我们的帮助,让大家都过上了好日子,那我们就算给你卖命也是应该的,这可是所有人都懂的最基本的规矩。明说吧,想让我们做什么?” Looks the inquiry vision that Great Magician Truch welcomed, Xu Yi shakes the head with a smile: Relax, Great Magician your excellency, I and has not planned to make the residents on island go to risk one's life for me. As a merchant, I always thought that this approach does not have the efficiency very much, cannot bring the biggest benefit to oneself.” 看着特鲁奇大魔法师迎来的询问目光,许亦笑着摇了摇头:“放心吧,大魔法师阁下,我并并没有打算让岛上的居民们去为我出生入死。身为一名商人,我从来都觉得这种做法很没效率,根本不能给自己带来最大的利益。” Great Magician Truch and Smilton look at each other one. In the look reveals curiously. 特鲁奇大魔法师斯米尔顿对视一眼。眼神中都流露出好奇。 You planned that what makes us help your? If other matter, what you do send these military Magic machineries to make?” Smilton asked. “那你到底打算让我们帮你什么?如果是别的事情的话,你送来这些军用魔法机械做什么?”斯米尔顿问道。 Un...... said that does not need you to take risk that is not right completely. After all I cannot guarantee that these places can encounter the danger.” Xu Yi waves to two people, hints them by coming. “嗯……说完全不需要你们去冒险那也不对。毕竟我也不敢保证这些地方会不会遇到危险。”许亦向两人招了招手,示意他们靠过来。 Two people wondered to collect, Xu Yi pulled out a blueprint from the bosom, the ground in warehouse spread out. 两人纳闷地凑了过来,许亦从怀中掏出一张图纸,在仓库的地面摊开。 In Magic lamp bright the ray taking advantage of warehouse, two people lower the head to look, discovered that this blueprint is a map. 借着仓库里的魔法灯明亮的光芒,两人低头望去,发现这份图纸是一份地图。 Words that carefully looks, discovered on this map most demonstrations is the sea areas, what some places demonstrate is the land. 仔细一看的话,发现这份地图上大部分显示的都是海域,只有少部分地方显示的是陆地。 But these lands, naturally are islands. 而这些陆地,自然就是一块块海岛。 Two people lines of sight passed over gently and swiftly from the line of map right edge representative coastline, finally falls , on an island that has the mark. 两人的视线从地图右边边缘代表海岸线的线条上掠过,最后落在一个带有标记的海岛上。 „Is this our Karasga Island?” Smilton points at this island to be astonished however asks. „Is this shape so how strange?” “这是我们卡拉斯加岛?”斯米尔顿指着这个海岛讶然问道。“这形状怎么这么古怪?” What's wrong? Does the island lord you from in the air not to look at the shape in entire island?” Xu Yi asked. Indeed is this type seems like a flowery shape, looks at the words that from the upper air, is very attractive.” “怎么?岛主你从来没有从空中看过整个岛的形状吗?”许亦笑问。“的确就是这种好像是一朵花一样的形状,从高空看的话,还是很好看的。” Great Magician Truch nods gently: Yes, this indeed is Karasga Island, I was all right before will frequently fly the upper air to observe, this shape and this island are exactly the same.” 特鲁奇大魔法师轻轻点头:“是的,这的确就是卡拉斯加岛,我以前没事的时候经常会飞到高空观察,这个形状和这个岛一模一样。” At once turns the head to ask to Xu Yi: „Is this from the map of upper air observation plan? Surrounding these, should be neighbor these islands.” 旋即转头向许亦问道:“这是从高空观察绘制的地图吧?周围的这几个,应该就是附近的这几个岛。” Un, this is I lets the person through the detailed map of coastal water the Magic airship draws up. Great Magician does your excellency, how you feel?” Xu Yi asked back. “嗯,这是我让人通过魔法飞艇绘制的附近海域的详细地图。大魔法师阁下,您觉得怎么样?”许亦反问。 Great Magician Truch observed a while map, the facial expression becomes prudent. 特鲁奇大魔法师观察了一会儿地图,神情变得慎重起来。 Such detailed accurate map, only then draws up in the upper air is good, to draw up precisely , can only hovering be good in the upper air, indeed only has the Magic airship to be most suitable. However President Xu, what do you make a person plan such accurate map want to make?” “这样详细精准的地图,只有在高空中绘制才行,而为了绘制精确,也只能一直悬停在高空才行,的确只有魔法飞艇最适合。不过许会长,你让人绘制这么精准的一张地图想做什么?” Smilton also looks at Xu Yi, in the look actually reveals an excitement, as if guessed correctly the plan in Xu Yi heart. 斯米尔顿也看着许亦,眼神中却流露出了一丝兴奋,似乎猜出了许亦心中的打算。 Really, Xu Yi smiles, selected several on the map, replied: Great Magician your excellency, the island lord, you looks, from Heimi Wastelands to the Stantin Duchy coastline, altogether some big 34 every large or small islands, six must be greatly more than Karasga Island. However in these islands, besides Karasga Island, only has 12 islands some people to live, another 22 islands are unmanned islands.” 果然,许亦笑了笑,在地图上点了几下,答道:“大魔法师阁下,岛主,你们看,从黑米荒原斯坦丁公国的海岸线附近,总共有多大三十四个大大小小的岛屿,其中还有六个比卡拉斯加岛还要大不少。但是这些岛屿中,除了卡拉斯加岛之外,只有十二个岛屿有人居住,另外二十二个岛屿都是无人岛屿。” The Smilton frown selects: President Xu, do you want to make me help you snatch in your hand these islands?” 斯米尔顿双眉一挑:“许会长,你想让我帮你把这些岛都抢到自己手中吗?” Xu Yi shows a faint smile: Specifically, wants to make these islands be able during my control. I have little interest in these islands, what is interested is only various resources on these islands. On Karasga Island can have mineral reserves good iron ore, then in these islands may have the similarly important resources very much.” 许亦微微一笑:“准确地说,是想让这些岛都能够在我的控制之中。我对这些岛本身没有太大兴趣,感兴趣的只是这些岛上的各类资源。卡拉斯加岛上能有拥有一个矿藏量不错的铁矿,那么这些岛上很有可能也有同样重要的资源。” Un, this actually real.” Smilton nods. I know that distance here not too far in an island also iron ore named Saxon, before some of your Lanpali Kingdom people had also inspected, but thought transports/fortunes is not cost-effective afterward from the Saxon island mine iron, therefore no one has paid attention.” “嗯,这倒是真的。”斯米尔顿点点头。“我就知道距离这里不太远的一个叫做撒克逊的岛上也有一处铁矿,以前你们兰帕里王国还有人上去考察过,不过后来觉得从撒克逊岛开采铁矿运回去太不划算,所以一直没人理会。” I also thought that is not quite cost-effective.” Great Magician Truch frowns. President, if you want to mine the resources to transport from these islands, I thought that the cost was too high, perhaps is inappropriate.” “我也觉得不太划算。”特鲁奇大魔法师皱起眉头。“会长,如果你想从这些岛上开采资源运回去的话,我觉得成本太高了,恐怕并不合适。” You are only because the present marine transportation is not very developed, this will have this feeling.” Xu Yi shakes the head, referred to the sole. Now but where do you have a look at you to be?” “你们只是因为现在的海运不够发达,这才会产生这种感觉。”许亦摇了摇头,指了指脚底。“但是你们看看你们现在正待在什么地方?” Great Magician Truch and Smilton are startled, immediately thinks, place that oneself two people treat now, is in a floor warehouse of super big Magic Power steamboat. 特鲁奇大魔法师斯米尔顿都是一怔,随即想起来,自己两人现在所待的地方,就是一个超级大的魔力轮船的底层仓库里。 This named 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship Magic Power steamboat is too big, light/only before is they treat the warehouse that even can install them , an large wooden sea boat in impression now. 这艘名为展翅号魔力轮船实在太大,光是他们现在待的这个仓库甚至就能装下他们以前印象中的一艘大型木制海船。 Has such an ultra-large Magic Power steamboat, cargo that a time can load may be more than several times even dozens times former that type of wooden sea boat. 拥有这样一艘超大型的魔力轮船,一次所能装载的货物那可比以前那种木制海船多出数倍甚至数十倍。 In addition such big Magic Power steamboat meets the dangerous possibility certainly to lower a lot in the sea level, therefore calculates the words that the cost of marine transportation transportation definitely almost probably risk neck the marine transportation that conducts to lower former that type is too more, also does not appear will not be cost-effective. 再加上这样大的魔力轮船在海面上遇到危险的可能性一定会低得多,所以算下来的话,海运运输的成本必然要比以前那种几乎要冒着生命危险进行的海运低出太多了,也就不会显得那么不划算。 No wonder Xu Yi has the self-confidence, is actually because has this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship to take the energy. 难怪许亦这么有自信,却是因为有这艘展翅号作为底气。 Sees two people to show facial expression suddenly, Xu Yi smiles, the finger skids, drew a circle on the map. 见两人露出恍然的神情,许亦笑了笑,手指滑动,在地图上画了一个圈。 Actually compares the resources on these islands, I regard as important, is actually this sea area.” “其实相比起这些岛上的资源,我更看重的,其实是这片海域。” Great Magician Truch and Smilton reveal the doubts immediately again the expression. 特鲁奇大魔法师斯米尔顿立即再次露出疑惑的表情。 This so-called sea area is the sea water, attractively what has heavy? 这所谓的海域全都是海水,有什么好看重的? At present my also means to you explain importance that controls this sea area, after this must wait, everyone to sea competition more intense time, you understand.” The Xu Yi smile said. But in any event, I need this sea area, had better be able completely control this sea area. The Smilton island lord, can you achieve for me?” “目前我还办法向你们解释控制这片海域的重要性,这必须要等到以后大家对海洋的争夺更加激烈的时候,你们才会明白。”许亦微笑道。“但是无论如何,我需要这片海域,最好能够完全控制住这片海域。斯米尔顿岛主,你能替我做到吗?” Smilton lowers the head to have a look at the map, the ponder moment, then has a look in the warehouse again all kinds of military Magic machineries, finally has a look in the top of the head the warehouse ceiling and floor, then sincere said to Xu Yi: Besides these military Magic machineries, gives me again several ships, had better be able have one like the steamship, I can definitely achieve.” 斯米尔顿低头看看地图,沉思片刻,再回头看看仓库里各式各样的军用魔法机械,最后看看头顶上仓库天花板和地板,然后正色向许亦道:“除了这些军用魔法机械外,再给我几艘船,最好能够有一艘像这样的大船,我就肯定能做到。” Xu Yi laughs: Gives you several ships not to have the issue, but the steamship like 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship does not have the means temporarily. Such a ship consumed our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce all strengths, used for enough eight months completes. Several that later produces must serve as the chamber of commerce ocean shipping use, is in the short-term does not have the means to provide to your.” 许亦哈哈一笑:“给你几艘船没问题,但是像展翅号这样的大船暂时却是没办法。这样一艘船可是耗费了我们新飞商会上上下下所有的力量,用了足足八个多月的时间才完成。之后生产的几辆也要用作商会远洋运输使用,却是短期内没办法提供给你的。” „......” Smilton is somewhat disappointed. Perhaps without the words of such steamship, wanted the deterrent force to be much smaller in the sea level. The marine matter is very simple, whose ship is loud whose voice to be big. If can have such a steamship, I only need this driving past and ensure this piece of marine other ships can only the little darling be obedient.” “哦……”斯米尔顿有些失望。“没有这样的大船的话,在海面上恐怕就要威慑力小得多了。海上的事情很简单,谁的船大谁的声音就大。如果能有一艘这样的大船,我只需要把这个开过去,保证这片海上的其它所有船都只能乖乖听话。” Xu Yi patted his shoulder with a smile: You do not use too disappointedly. Such big ship I do not have the means to provide to you in a short time, but other slightly small ship can provide. These ships are smaller than 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship yes right, but compares other you heaviest these sea boats, that may be is much bigger. Moreover I ensure in performance, these anything sea boat is unable to place on a par with him.” 许亦笑着拍了拍他的肩膀:“你也不用太失望。这么大的船我短时间内没办法提供给你,但是其它稍小一些的船还是可以提供的。那些船比展翅号小是没错,但是相比起你最重的那些其它的海船,那可还是要大得多了。而且我保证,在性能方面,那些什么海船根本无法和他相提并论。” Smilton eyes one bright: Really? President Xu, you planned that the small-scale Magic Power charge ship good ship also to plan to give me continually like this?” 斯米尔顿双眼一亮:“真的?许会长,难道你打算连小型魔力冲锋艇这样的好船也打算给我?” Xu Yi smiles: This must look at that you can show many sincerity to come.” 许亦嘿嘿一笑:“这就要看你能拿出多少诚意来了。” Smilton accumulates the fist immediately, makes an effort to pound on own chest, sinking sound said: President Xu, is in front of Great Magician Truch, I promised you. I, Smilton, will certainly control this marine place every inchs for you firmly in the palm, even a fish from this sea area upstream in the past, must first probably solicit me...... not, solicited your agreement!”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 斯米尔顿立即攒起拳头,用力在自己的胸膛上一砸,沉声道:“许会长,当着特鲁奇大魔法师的面,我向你保证。我,斯米尔顿,一定会替你把这片海上的每一寸地方都牢牢掌控在手心里,就算是一条鱼从这片海域上游过去,也必须先要征求我……不,征求你的同意!”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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