MIE :: Volume #4

#118: Transformation of Karasga Island

With new high efficiency Wind Element Magic Engine, with the support of large-scale river system magic array, the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship cruising speed was highest simultaneously even can over 30 kilometers every hour, is about equivalent to over 15 speeds. 采用了新型的大功率风系魔力发动机,同时在大型水系魔法阵的支持下,展翅号的航行速度最高甚至可以超过三十公里每小时,大约相当于15节以上的速度。 Although on these open sea sea boats with Earth also has a big disparity, but Magic Research Institute and research and development of Magic Powered Machine Tool R & D Center to Wind Element Magic Engine also has very big space to enhance, gets angry again is the research and development of Magic Power engine already the certain extent of accumulating, may soon be able to research and develop very much successfully, therefore the power will further also enhance. 虽然和地球上的那些远洋海船还有不小差距,但是魔法研究院魔力机床研发中心风系魔力发动机的研发还有很大的空间可以提高,再加上火系魔力发动机的研发已经积累到的一定程度,很有可能用不了多久就能研发成功,所以动力还会进一步提高。 But what is more important, attaches being used bottom of Magic Power steamboat to promote using the water current, meanwhile can reduce the resistance to water flow, thus promotes Magic Power steamboat large-scale river system magic array of cruising speed to be at the preliminary research and development condition, when later to the further research and development of this magic array, or researches and develops easier-to-use river system magic array as auxiliary, the cruising speed of Magic Power steamboat will be raised without doubt again. 而更重要的是,附着在魔力轮船底部的用来利用水流推动,同时还能降低水流阻力,从而提升魔力轮船的航行速度的大型水系魔法阵目前只是处于初步研发状态,等到以后对这个魔法阵的进一步研发,或者研发出更加好用的水系魔法阵作为辅助,魔力轮船的航行速度无疑会再次提升。 Xu Yi has enough confidence, later the cruising speed of Magic Power steamboat can catch up with on Earth absolutely these sea boats, even may also surpass. 许亦有足够的信心,以后魔力轮船的航行速度绝对能够赶上地球上那些海船,甚至还有可能超过。 Because compares, large-scale river system magic array that the Magic Power steamboat is used to assist is the thing that on Earth does not have. 因为相比较起来,魔力轮船用来辅助的大型水系魔法阵是地球上不具备的东西。 And there is a help of this river system magic array, the Magic Power steamboat comes under the influence of water current also to be much smaller, navigates the storm the influence that has will drop to lowly in the sea, secure large promotion at the same time, usually goes is extremely stable, looks like walks on the land general, has almost nothing to jolt. 并且有了这个水系魔法阵的帮助,魔力轮船受到水流的影响也会小得多,航行在大海上会将风暴造成的影响降至最低,安全性大幅提升的同时,平时行驶得还极为稳定,就像是行走在陆地上一般,几乎没有什么颠簸。 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship steady navigation condition, even makes Nival this captain feel somewhat bored. 展翅号过于平稳的航行状态,甚至让涅瓦尔这个船长觉得有些无聊。 He was born in the seashore, the Shanghai ship goes to sea to hit the fishing with the parents since childhood together. This life almost passed in the sea level. Has been used to it in marine jolting, but high-risk and exciting life. Now controls this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship extremely to be really tranquil, makes him not adapt on the contrary extremely. 他出生在海边,从小就上海船随着父母一起出海打渔。这一生几乎都在海面上度过。早就习惯了在海上的颠簸而充满危险和刺激的生活。现在驾驭者这个展翅号实在太过平静,反倒让他极为不适应。 Besides him, the crew that on 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship recruits except for overwhelming majority hometown Karasga Island from Great Magician Truch, same is lives in the sea level since childhood. 除了他以外,展翅号上招募来的船员除了绝大部分都是来自特鲁奇大魔法师的家乡卡拉斯加岛,一样是从小就在海面上生活的。 When goes to sea the navigation on 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, with various wooden sea boats that they treat since childhood, the experience is completely different. 待在展翅号上出海航行,和他们从小就待的各种木制海船,体验完全不同。 Compares, rides 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship to go to sea the navigation, was really extremely easy and comfortable. 相比较起来,乘坐展翅号出海航行,实在是太过安逸了。 Naturally. To seek the exciting words, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can still provide the choice. 当然。想要寻求刺激的话,新飞商会依然能够提供选择。 The small-scale Magic Power charge ship only pursues the limiting velocity the vessel, although also has the assistance of river system magic array, but the major function placed in the promotion speed, be much worse than this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship in the stability. 小型魔力冲锋艇是只追求极限速度的舰只,虽然也有水系魔法阵的辅助,但是主要功能是放在了提升速度上,在稳定性上就要比这艘展翅号差得多。 The speed of small-scale Magic Power charge ship most newly researching and developing even can over 50 kilometers every hour, be much smaller than build 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship by it, in words that in the sea level sprints high-speed, even meets ocean waves to soar to fly. 最新研发出来的小型魔力冲锋艇的速度甚至可以超过五十公里每小时,以它远比展翅号小得多的体型,在海面上高速冲刺起来的话,甚至遇到个海浪都会腾空飞起来。 This may compared with riding 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship stimulated innumerable times, therefore the crew of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce subordinate fleet have the opportunity time will take the small-scale Magic Power charge ship to experience this stimulation. 这可比乘坐展翅号刺激了无数倍,所以新飞商会下属舰队的船员们有机会的时候都会乘坐小型魔力冲锋艇去体验一下这种刺激。 But Great Magician Camilla is likes about this activity. 卡米拉大魔法师更是对这项活动非常喜爱。 Now in idle, Great Magician Camilla besides car race. Is driving the pleasant sensation of small-scale Magic Power charge ship experience surfing. 现在在空闲的时候,卡米拉大魔法师除了飙车之外。就是驾驶着小型魔力冲锋艇体验冲浪的快感。 Which perspective regardless of, he did not seem like one to cross the 60-year- old man. But is close to one likes pursuing the exciting young people. 无论从哪个角度来看,他都不像是一个早就过了60岁的老头子。而更接近于一个喜欢追求刺激的年轻人。 Thinks each time when Great Magician Camilla this astounding hobby, Xu Yi cannot bear in the heart whispers: „After becomes Great Magician, not only body because the stimulation of Magic Power will become young, will the psychology also change young?” 每次想到卡米拉大魔法师这这种让人惊奇的爱好时,许亦都忍不住在心中嘀咕:“难道成为大魔法师后,不仅身体会因为魔力的刺激变得年轻,连心理也会变年轻了吗?” However sees Great Magician Truch each time, always reminds Xu Yi, Great Magician Camilla obviously is only a case. 但是每次见到特鲁奇大魔法师,却总是提醒许亦,卡米拉大魔法师显然只是个例。 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship underwent four hours of navigation, finally drove into the Karasga Island harbor before the thorough at nightfall. 展翅号经过了四个多小时的航行,终于在彻底入夜之前驶入了卡拉斯加岛的港口。 Just disembarked, Great Magician Truch then and Karasga Island island lord Smilton welcomed together. 刚一下船,特鲁奇大魔法师便和卡拉斯加岛的岛主斯米尔顿一起迎了上来。 President Xu, welcome arrives at Karasga Island again.” Smilton laughed was giving a Xu Yi big hug. 许会长,欢迎再次来到卡拉斯加岛。”斯米尔顿大笑着给了许亦一个大大的拥抱。 Karasga Island is called the island of pirate, Smilton this island main in the mouths of many, even has one pirate king title. 卡拉斯加岛被人们称作为海盗之岛,斯米尔顿这个岛主在很多人的口中,甚至拥有一个“海盗王”的称号。 However facing Xu Yi time, this straightforward man actually appears the incomparable enthusiasm, under complementing that in the big laughter and smiles, on his face that long scabs also appear are not so fierce. 但是面对许亦的时候,这个粗豪的男人却总是显得无比热情,在大笑声和满脸笑容的映衬下,就连他脸上那条长长的伤疤也显得不那么狰狞起来。 Xu Yi returned to a hug, said with a smile: Smilton island lord, I disturbed you.” 许亦回了一个拥抱,笑道:“斯米尔顿岛主,我又来打扰你们了。” Smilton laughs again: Regarding disturbance of President Xu, I welcome, everyone on island think that also welcome equally, everyone hopes, President Xu you can disturb.” 斯米尔顿再次大笑:“对于许会长的打扰,我可是非常欢迎的,岛上的所有人想必也一样非常欢迎,大家都希望,许会长你能够多来打扰打扰。” Xu Yi shows a faint smile, thought oneself arrive at Karasga Island each time, in people to island will provide many solid benefits, they welcome certainly to themselves from top to bottom extremely. 许亦微微一笑,心想自己每次来到卡拉斯加岛,都会给岛上的人们带来很多实实在在的好处,他们当然从上到下都对自己极为欢迎。 After the relations and Karasga Island of Great Magician Truch have the contact, before Xu Yi did not have arrives at Karasga Island for the first time, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to Karasga Island has then sent the value to surpass 100,000 gold coins various living materials. 通过特鲁奇大魔法师的关系和卡拉斯加岛取得联系后,在许亦还没有第一次来到卡拉斯加岛之前,新飞商会便已经向卡拉斯加岛上送来了价值超过十万金币的各种生活物资。 When Xu Yi personally arrives at Karasga Island for the first time, besides bringing the total value surpassed 50,000 gold coins various home Magic machineries, did the detailed on-the-spot investigation to this island, finally decides to build up two factory as well as a mine here. 而当许亦第一次亲自来到卡拉斯加岛的时候,除了带来了总价值超过五万金币的各类家用魔法机械外,也对这座小岛进行了详细的实地考察,最终决定在这里建起两座工厂以及一座矿山。 Two factories are the cement processing factory and small-scale steel mill, the mine can be a coup respectively. 两座工厂分别是水泥加工厂和小型炼钢厂,矿山则可以算是一个意外之喜。 Although Karasga Island is not big, the area is also less than ten square kilometers, above has iron ore, and is a surface iron, the mineral reserves are very rich. 卡拉斯加岛虽然并不大,面积还不到十平方公里,上面却藏有一个铁矿,并且还是个露天铁矿,矿藏量更是十分丰富。 Before Xu Yi , conducts various support to Karasga Island on, originally to hit to relate with Great Magician Truch, to win over Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to build the foundation Great Magician Truch. 许亦之前对卡拉斯加岛上进行各种支援,本来只是为了和特鲁奇大魔法师打好关系,为将特鲁奇大魔法师拉拢到新飞商会打下基础而已。 However sees this iron ore after the island, Xu Yi actually transformed immediately the localization to Karasga Island, starts to consider Karasga Island to build to become the offshore seabase on Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 但是在岛上看到这座铁矿之后,许亦却立即转变了对卡拉斯加岛的定位,开始考虑将卡拉斯加岛打造成为新飞商会上的近海海上基地。 After these two factories and mines complete, relies on a lot of iron ore that this mine is producing, is coordinating the producing of cement processing factory and small-scale steel mill, Xu Yi first built up a large-scale port on Karasga Island. 这两座工厂和矿山建成后,凭借着这座矿山出产的大量铁矿,配合着水泥加工厂和小型炼钢厂的出产,许亦首先在卡拉斯加岛上建起了一个大型海港码头。 Outside that wharf actually only completes less than half at present, can only hold three large Magic Power steamboats to anchor. 外面那个码头目前其实只建成了不到一半,只能容纳三艘大型魔力轮船停靠。 According to the plan of Xu Yi, this wharf are least can also simultaneously hold ten large Magic Power steamboats to anchor is good. 按照许亦的规划,这个码头最少也能够同时容纳十艘大型魔力轮船停靠才行。 After Xu Yi and Smilton fire off greeting, the vision shifts to Great Magician Truch, to him good a Magician ritual. 许亦斯米尔顿打完招呼后,目光转向特鲁奇大魔法师,向他行了一个魔法师礼。 Great Magician your excellency , why can you also come out to greet late?” 大魔法师阁下,这么晚了,您何必还要出来迎接呢?” Great Magician Truch shows a faint smile: You now are my President, if I do not come out to greet, that may extremely be disrespectful.” 特鲁奇大魔法师微微一笑:“你现在可是我的会长,我如果不出来迎接的话,那可就太过失礼了。” Xu Yi beckons with the hand again and again: You were too polite. I have said that you are only our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute special researcher, does not need like the common staff of our chamber of commerce me, when President looks.” 许亦连连摆手:“您太客气了。我早就说过了,您只是我们新飞商会魔法研究院的特约研究员,可不需要像我们商会的一般员工一样把我当会长看。” But do I take the wage that you are opening after all not?” Great Magician Truch referred to being brilliantly illuminated with a smile behind, piece of bright Karasga Island. Moreover If nothing else, solely was only you to the change that Karasga Island brought about, how had the qualifications to make me not have the issue to you again politely.” “但是我毕竟拿着你开的薪水不是吗?”特鲁奇大魔法师笑着指了指身后灯火通明,一片亮光的卡拉斯加岛。“而且别的不说,单单只是你给卡拉斯加岛带来的变化,就有资格让我对你再怎么客气都没问题。” What Great Magician Truch said is the real soul talk. 特鲁奇大魔法师说的是真心话。 He was born in Karasga Island, on the poverty regarding Karasga Island has the feelings. 他出生在卡拉斯加岛,对于卡拉斯加岛上的贫困既有感触。 This island because of far away from the land, regarding under scientific and technological standard Sainz Continent, simply looks like secluded from the world general. 这座小岛因为远离陆地,对于科技水准底下的赛恩斯大陆来说,简直就像是与世隔绝一般。 Because the land on Karasga Island is barren, therefore causes the residents on island to live has been very impoverished, chooses to be the pirate, was lived to compel. 因为卡拉斯加岛上的土地贫瘠,所以导致岛上的居民们生活一直十分贫困,选择去做海盗,也是被生活所逼。 Let alone the marine transportation on Sainz Continent is not developed, even if the residents on island are the pirate not to snatch anything, can only say that maintains the livelihood reluctantly. 何况赛恩斯大陆上的海运一点儿也不发达,岛上的居民们就算去做海盗也根本抢不到什么东西,只能说是勉强维持生活。 After Xu Yi starts to pay attention to Karasga Island, the environment on island actually had the huge change in just three years. 而当许亦开始关注卡拉斯加岛后,岛上的环境却在短短三年之间发生了巨大的变化。 On beforehand Karasga Island only then several ruined low brick wood mix the house that builds, can be occupied by the person reluctantly, the function that keeps out wind and rain is extremely limited. 以前的卡拉斯加岛上只有数间破败的低矮砖木混搭的房屋,勉强可以住人,来遮风挡雨的功能都极其有限。 But Xu Yi built up the cement plant and small-scale steel mill after the island, during construction wharf, in the residential building of resident to the island made all -around transformation. 许亦在岛上建起了水泥厂和小型炼钢厂后,在修建码头的同时,也对岛上居民的居住房屋进行了全方位的改造。 Tries hard under the Amul Chamber of Commerce worker who Xu Yi brings, now on Karasga Island has built up large expanse of attractive neatly and extremely solid house, in the house has various home Magic machineries that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is sending, making in the island the life of residents probably facilitate innumerable times compared with before. 许亦带来的阿姆利商会的工人努力下,现在卡拉斯加岛上已经建起了成片的漂亮整齐并且极为结实的房屋,房屋内更是拥有着新飞商会送来的各种家用魔法机械,使得岛上居民们的生活远比以前要便利了无数倍。 Moreover Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can send people to send a lot of the grain, oil, salt wait/etc. living materials every month regularly, enabling the residents present on island definitely to achieve the life no worries. 而且新飞商会每个月都会定期派人送来大量的粮食、油、盐等等生活物资,使得岛上的居民们现在完全可以做到生活无忧。 Before Great Magician Truch, has wanted to change in the island the life of residents, but actually continuously helpless. 特鲁奇大魔法师以前一直想改变岛上居民们的生活,但是却一直无能为力。 Now he sees with one's own eyes the change that Xu Yi brings, in the heart is quite naturally grateful to Xu Yi. 现在他亲眼看到许亦带来的改变,心中对许亦自然极为感激。 Moreover freely at first is only because the gratitude choice to Xu Yi joins Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but participates truly after the research and development of Magic machinery, actually discovered oneself more and more deeply feel the pleasure about this work. 而且尽管起初只是因为对许亦的感激选择加入新飞商会,但是真正参与到对魔法机械的研发中后,却发现自己越来越对这种工作深感乐趣。 Therefore now the Great Magician Truch innermost feelings have approved Xu Yi extremely, opens the mouth to ask him President to appear no psychological barrier. 所以现在特鲁奇大魔法师内心已经极为认同许亦,开口叫他一声“会长”显得毫无心理障碍。 This 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship is making the offshore long distance cruise, arrives at Karasga Island time, brought this month living materials supplies while convenient simultaneously. 这一次展翅号在做近海长距离巡航,来到卡拉斯加岛的时候,顺便同时带来了这个月的生活物资补给。 After Xu Yi and Great Magician Truch have greeted, then confessed with Smilton several, Smilton wields, had the islanders of preparation then to get up 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship early, on the crew with 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship moved various types of living materials together. 许亦特鲁奇大魔法师打过招呼后,便和斯米尔顿交代了几句,斯米尔顿手一挥,身后早有准备的岛民们便上了展翅号,和展翅号上的船员们一起将各种生活物资搬了下来。 When all living materials move, Xu Yi signals with the eyes to Great Magician Truch and Smilton, three people embark together, arrive in the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship third-class cabin another warehouse. 待所有生活物资都搬完,许亦特鲁奇大魔法师斯米尔顿使了个眼色,三人一起上了船,来到展翅号的底舱内另外一个仓库。 Opens the warehouse front door, Smilton and Great Magician Truch sweeps, simultaneously pulled out the one breath. 打开仓库大门,斯米尔顿特鲁奇大魔法师一眼扫过去,同时抽了一口气。 Sees to look, unexpectedly is the full warehouse all kinds of military Magic machineries.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 入目望去,竟是满仓库各式各样的军用魔法机械。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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