MIE :: Volume #4

#117: 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship

The shipyard that Torres needs to visit establishes in the seashore, is actually the place that the last talent will visit. ~ ~ x ~ 托雷斯需要参观的造船厂建立在海边,却是最后一个才会参观到的地方。~~x~ When Magic Powered Vehicle, Torres had not entered the shipyard front door of distant place, after the vision to the sea level sweeps, immediately cannot bear suck in cold air. 等到下了魔力机车,托雷斯还没走进远处的造船厂大门,目光向海面上扫过后,立即忍不住倒抽了一口凉气。 In the broad sea level, looked that from the ground has five buildings to be high fully, the long lowly over 50 meters giant ships slowly the sea level that blocks after the shipyard interviewed. 宽阔的海面上,一艘从地上看去足有五层楼高,长最低超过五十米的巨大船只缓缓地从造船厂挡住的海面后面试了出来。 Such a giant ship starts, a mountain moves in the sea level probably generally slowly. 这样巨大的一艘船开出来,就好像一座山一般缓缓地在海面上移动。 Even if away from that ship to have 200 meter/rice to be far fully, Torres actually still felt that a strong pressure caresses the face to raid. 就算距离那艘船足有两百来米远,托雷斯却依然感觉到一股强大的压力扑面袭来。 Torres this whole life saw the biggest ship is Porter Chamber of Commerce was used for the running river transportation a while ago a Magic Power steamboat, is about 30 meters, height five meters. 托雷斯这辈子见过最大的船是波特商会前段时间用来跑河运的一艘魔力轮船,长约30米,高五米。 Such a ship, on Sandy River goes has seemed extremely huge. 这样一艘船,在桑迪河上行驶的时候就已经显得极为巨大。 But if searches for the Magic Power steamboat to place by this ship that actually certainly will seem extremely pocket-sized. 但是如果把那搜魔力轮船放在这艘船旁边,却一定会显得极为袖珍。 Torres swallowed spit, turns the head to have a look at others, discovered that they are also a face delay look at that colossus. 托雷斯咽了一口吐沫,转头看看身边的其他人,发现他们也都是一脸呆滞地看着那艘庞然大物。 In the brain a thought revolution, Torres cannot bear point at this giant ship, asks to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce head Basaka that leading them visits: I said after...... we enter the shipyard, is responsible for constructing should not be this type of steamship?” 脑内念头一转,托雷斯忍不住指着这艘巨大的船,向带领他们参观的新飞商会负责人巴萨卡问道:“我说……我们进入造船厂后,负责建造的该不会就是这种大船吧?” Basaka smilingly looked at Torres one, does not find it about his response strange. 巴萨卡笑眯眯地看了托雷斯一眼,对他的反应一点儿也不觉得奇怪。 This is he brings the fifth group of new workers of visit, each group of workers when seeing this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship large freight transportation Magic Power steamboat, same will shock with the present group of people. 这已经是他带来参观的第五批新来的工人了,每一批的工人在见到这艘“展翅号”大型货运魔力轮船时,都会和眼前的这群人一样为之震惊。 Yes. Now the shipyard is making this type of large freight transportation Magic Power steamboat full power. Are you a Magic Power welder?” “是的。现在我们的造船厂正在全力制造这种大型货运魔力轮船。你是一名魔力焊接工人是吧?” After obtaining the affirmation of Torres . Basaka continues said: This large freight transportation Magic Power steamboat needs to conduct the Magic Power welding the place to be many. After your such Magic Power welder enters the shipyard, certainly will be made good use.” 得到托雷斯的肯定后。巴萨卡续道:“这艘大型货运魔力轮船需要进行魔力焊接的地方非常多。你这样的魔力焊接工人进入造船厂之后,一定会得到重用的。” Torres licked an interfering lip, raised the head to have a look at that large freight transportation Magic Power steamboat, in the heart to be full of the heroic feelings suddenly. 托雷斯舔了一下干涉的嘴唇,抬头看看那艘大型货运魔力轮船,心中忽然充满豪情。 Such a colossus, oneself can participate in its construction process unexpectedly, this was really good! 这样一艘庞然大物,自己居然能够参与到它的建造过程中,这实在是太棒了! In shock when the people gradually bring after that large freight transportation Magic Power steamboat restores, Basaka then greeted one to the people, the preparation waits them to enter the shipyard to continue to visit. 待众人逐渐从那艘大型货运魔力轮船带来的震撼中恢复过来后,巴萨卡便向众人招呼一声,准备待他们进入造船厂继续进行参观。 The shipyard is the factory that last needs to visit. After belt/bring these workers visit, he must be responsible for giving these new workers to go to and chamber of commerce personnel management department signs the official employment agreement, then arranges the dwelling to them as well as assists to solve the follow-up everyday problem. 造船厂是最后一家需要参观的工厂。带这些工人参观完毕后,他还要负责给这些新来的工人们去和商会人事管理部门签署正式的雇佣协议,然后给他们安排住处以及协助解决后续的生活问题。 Then also some lot must be done, he must make the best use of the time. 接下来还有很多事情要做,他必须要抓紧时间了。 However just walked not two steps, a pure white Magic Power sedan drove from behind suddenly high-speed, after crossing the people, this Magic Power sedan stopped suddenly. 不过刚走了没两步,一辆纯白色的魔力轿车忽然从后面高速驶了过来,越过众人后,这辆魔力轿车突然又停了下来。 Torres and the others are still wondering, Basaka actually suddenly facial expression one austere, then did not straighten up the body voluntarily. 托雷斯等人还在纳闷,巴萨卡却忽然神情一肃,不自觉地便挺直了身子。 The vehicle door opens, a person walked from above. 车门打开,一个人从上面走了下来。 After seeing this person . Basaka immediately respectfully good a ritual, but Torres and the others actually cause a stir. 看到这人后。巴萨卡立即恭恭敬敬地行了一礼,而托雷斯等人却轰动起来。 President Xu! Is President Xu!” 许会长!是许会长!” President Xu. Hello! Do you still remember me? Three years ago you go to our village inspection time, I give back to you to bring to pass by the road!” 许会长。你好啊!你还记得我吗?三年前你去我们村考察的时候,我还给你带过路呢!” President Xu, are you come to see our?” 许会长,你是来看我们的吗?” President Xu, I satisfied with your here, I will certainly remain!” 许会长,我对你们这里满意极了,我一定会留下来的!” President Xu......” 许会长……” ...... …… The Xu Yi vision passed over gently and swiftly on the people face, shows a faint smile, lifts both hands, the people stopped immediately, simultaneous/uniform Qiding Xu Yi, is awaiting calmly him to open the mouth. 许亦的目光在众人脸上掠过,微微一笑,抬起双手,众人立即停了下来,齐齐盯着许亦,静待他开口。 „, I think that you should know, Bunta City can be my second hometown, you help Bunta City come, then can be my fellow villager. As fellow villager, since everyone came, I hope that you can cross here happily. If also satisfies about here environment, is willing to remain to join our chamber of commerce, I represent Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to extend vigorously welcome for you!” “诸位,我想你们应该都知道,邦塔城可以算是我的第二故乡,你们帮邦塔城来,那么就可以算是我的同乡。作为同乡,既然大家来了,我就希望你们能够在这里过得开心。如果对这里的环境还满意,愿意留下来加入我们商会的话,那我代表新飞商会对你们表示极力欢迎!” Haha, relax, President Xu, we will certainly remain.” “哈哈,放心吧,许会长,我们一定会留下来的。” Yes! Here was too simply good, I have wanted to keep the work and life impatiently here!” “就是!这里简直太棒了,我已经迫不及待地想要在这里留下来工作和生活了!” Right, here certainly will cross very comfortably, I will definitely remain!” “对对,在这里一定会过得很舒服,我肯定会留下来的!” ...... …… The people are not parsimonious praise of one to here environment and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, praised Xu Yi while convenient vigorously. 众人又是一阵对这里的环境和新飞商会的毫不吝啬的赞扬,顺便还极力赞扬了许亦一番。 Xu Yi is smiling the commendation that accepted the people, turned the head to show the look of questionnaire to Basaka. 许亦微笑着接受了众人的称赞,转头向巴萨卡露出了征询的神色。 Basaka is understanding immediately, replied loudly: Sir President please feel relieved, I will certainly arrange all things of guests these come from far away, will help them cross absolutely here feels relieved with comfortably.” 巴萨卡立即会意,大声答道:“会长大人请放心,我一定会把这些远道而来的客人们的所有事情都安排好,绝对会让他们在这里过得放心和舒适。” Xu Yi nods, turns the head to say with a smile to Torres and the others: Good, I hope that all of you can remain finally, goes forward with our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce together.” 许亦点点头,转头向托雷斯等人笑道:“那好,我希望你们所有人最终都能够留下来,和我们新飞商会共同前进。” Said that Xu Yi waves, does not have on again that Magic Power sedan, but is the body one vertical, flew unexpectedly directly, passed over gently and swiftly rapidly more than 200 meters void, fell in the deck of that huge large-scale freight transportation Magic Power steamboat directly. 说罢许亦挥了挥手,却没有重新上那辆魔力轿车,而是身子一纵,竟是直接飞了起来,迅速掠过两百多米的虚空,直接落在了那艘巨大的大型货运魔力轮船的甲板上。 In the deck is reading data report Nival to see Xu Yi to fall, walks to say to him: Sir President, it seems like you workers who recruit from Bunta City attach great importance to these very much.” 甲板上正在阅读一份数据报告书的涅瓦尔许亦落了下来,走过来向他道:“会长大人,看来你对这些从邦塔城招募来的工人们很重视啊。” Naturally.” Xu Yi nods gently. Bunta City is in the trim mainland beside Magic industrial infrastructure best the place except our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. There most workers have the work experience of rich participation Magic machine manufacture, recruits the worker most enhances our chamber of commerce strength most quickly the most direct method from there, I naturally can attach great importance.” “当然。”许亦轻轻点头。“邦塔城是整片大陆上除开我们新飞商会之外魔法工业基础最好的地方。那里的大多数工人们都拥有丰富的参与魔法机械制造的工作经验,从那里招募工人是最提升我们商会实力的最快最直接的方法,我自然会重视。” But...... Bunta City and Lanpali Kingdom similarly to these technical worker also very demands? You made......” Nival like this, the expression was somewhat strange. Did not fear that Queen Sewinnie isn't happy?” “可是……邦塔城兰帕里王国同样对这些技术工人也很需求吧?您这样做……”涅瓦尔顿了顿,表情有些古怪。“就不怕瑟维尼女王陛下不高兴吗?” Xu Yi laughs: I helped Lanpali Kingdom establish enough 13 Magic industry vocational and technical training schools, but also provided many our chamber of commerce most outstanding Magic Mechanical Engineer and skilled technical workers as training the teacher, now recruits a little worker from Lanpali Kingdom. The queen will definitely not have the opinion. Also. This is also these workers comes voluntarily. I have not compelled them.” 许亦哈哈一笑:“我可是帮兰帕里王国建立了足足十三家魔法工业职业技能培训学院,还提供了好多名我们商会最为优秀的魔法机械工程师和熟练技术工人作为培训教官,现在只是从兰帕里王国招募一点儿工人罢了。女王陛下肯定不会有意见。再说了。这也是这些工人自愿来的嘛。我又没逼他们。” Nival cannot bear shake the head. 涅瓦尔忍不住摇了摇头。 Although Xu Yi has not compelled them, but pledged such excellent condition to dig the person, was the famous normal person can move good? 许亦虽然没有逼他们,但是开出了这样优厚的条件挖人,是名正常人都会动心的好吧? No matter what person, so long as arrived here to look at a here exceptionally superior life and working conditions, who can resist the seduction that the persistence gets down? 而且不管是什么人,只要来到这里看一眼这里异常优越的生活和工作环境,又有谁能够抵挡住留下来的诱惑呢? He is the steamship ship owner who in Stantin Duchy best goes to sea to fish, originally the living condition in the duchy is quite good, is not same the excellent conditions that because Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce gives rushed to here to work. 他原本是斯坦丁公国内最好的一名出海捕鱼的大船船主,本来生活条件在公国内算是相当不错,还不是一样因为新飞商会给出的优越条件跑到这里工作了。 This time departing situation how?” Xu Yi asked to Nival. “这次的出航情况怎么样?”许亦涅瓦尔问道。 Nival gives Xu Yi the report in hand, nods with a smile: Very good. Sir President. Our time farthest has penetrated into the distance coastline 100 kilometers deep sea place, the overall navigation is smooth, even if met storm on the way, this Spread Wings may be still strong, without the least bit danger.” 涅瓦尔将手中的报告递给许亦,笑着点了点头:“非常好。会长大人。我们这次最远已经深入到距离海岸线一百公里的深海处,整体航行非常顺利,就算途中遇到了一次风暴,这艘展翅可依然坚挺,没有半点儿危险。” At this point, Nival patted parapet with the hand, a face is sigh with emotion. 说到这里,涅瓦尔用手拍了拍身边的栏杆,一脸感慨。 Actually the storm of this meeting is not small, if before is, wooden boat that our these fishermen use, the probability that can live is low. However such storm in front of this Spread Wings, probably is only flexure itchy is the same. The least bit threat does not have.” “其实这次遇到的风暴可一点儿也不小,如果是以前我们这些渔民们用的木船,能够活下来的几率非常低。但是这样的风暴在这艘展翅面前,却好像只是挠痒痒一样。半点儿威胁也没有。” Xu Yi laughs: That was natural, this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship unified painstaking care of our chamber of commerce almost all researchers, engineers and workers builds. Almost gathered the strength of entire chamber of commerce, if a little small storm can destroy continually it, that was also too disappointing.” 许亦哈哈大笑:“那当然了,这艘展翅号可是凝聚了我们商会上上下下几乎所有研究员、工程师以及工人们的心血打造而成。几乎集合了整个商会的力量,如果连一点儿小风暴都能把它摧毁掉的话,那也太让人失望了。” Nival makes an effort to nod: Yes, Sir President. Before I went to sea always at heart anxious, does not know when will be buried in the seabed. So long as on this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, I thought that the entire sea as if smooth land is common, does not have the bad risk. I felt, so long as is driving 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, I even can navigate to endless sea most deep place!” 涅瓦尔用力点点头:“是的,会长大人。之前我出海的时候总是心里紧张,不知道什么时候就会葬身海底。但是只要上了这艘展翅号,我就觉得整个大海就仿佛平坦的陆地一般,根本毫无凶险可言。我觉得,只要驾驶着展翅号,我甚至能够一直航行到无尽之海的最深处!” Good! Courage praise worthy!” Xu Yi patted his shoulder. In the future our chamber of commerce organization open sea explores the fleet time, I will certainly let you hold the post of this ship to the commander-in-chief!” “好!勇气可嘉!”许亦拍了拍他的肩膀。“将来我们商会组织远洋探索船队的时候,我一定会让你担任这艘船对的总指挥官!” Nival goes all out the exciting, high sound said immediately: Many thanks the trust of Sir President, I will certainly lead this fleet, explores the endless deep place of this sea!” 涅瓦尔顿时大干兴奋,高声道:“多谢会长大人的信任,我一定会率领这支船队,探索到这片海洋的无尽深处!” Xu Yi smiles, beckons with the hand saying: Ok, this words kept later open sea exploration fleet to establish truly said again. Before then, we first completed the first long distance offshore cruise to say again.” 许亦笑了笑,摆摆手道:“好了,这种话还是留到以后远洋探索船队真正建立的时候再说吧。在此之前,我们还是先完成第一次长距离近海巡航再说。” Nival smiles: Reported Sir President, 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship has prepared, please order!” 涅瓦尔嘿嘿一笑:“报告会长大人,展翅号已经准备好了,请您下令!” Xu Yi nods, sinking sound said: Good !” 许亦点点头,沉声道:“好,!” Nival pulls out a palm size from the bosom the Magic telephone conversation box, shouted in a low voice: All preparations, 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship !” 涅瓦尔从怀里掏出一个手掌大小的魔法通话盒,低声喝道:“全体准备,展翅号,!” In the Magic telephone conversation box resounds several immediately receiving reply, after the moment, a huge hull vibration slightly, then drove out of the harbor of anchoring suddenly slowly, drives toward the deep place of endless sea. 魔法通话盒内立即响起数个“收到”的回答,片刻后,巨大的船体忽然一个微微的震动,然后缓缓地驶出了停泊的港口,向着无尽之海的深处驶去。 This 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship built up chamber of commerce's lots of researchers and Mechanical Engineer puts into the research and development, and transferred enough 5000 workers, the greatness of investment fund 2.39 million gold coin, time-consuming eight months constructs to complete. 这艘展翅号集结了商会大量的研究员和机械工程师投入研发,并调用了足足五千名工人,投入资金二百三十九万金币之巨,耗时八个月的时间才建造完成。 This huge theoretically completes the open sea deep sea navigation the Magic Power steamboat to complete sufficiently, symbolizes that technical research and development of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce on Magic machinery obtains the major breakthrough again. 这艘庞大的理论上足以完成远洋深海航行的魔力轮船建成,标志着新飞商会魔法机械上的技术研发再次获得重大突破。 Although this is only a Magic Power steamboat, but contains the innumerable technologies. 这虽然只是一艘魔力轮船,但是其中却包含着无数的技术在内。 The large Magic Power steamboat of so high tonnage constructs successfully, not only means that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has created a quite complete Magic industrial system initially, means that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce obtained the success on the construction large-scale Magic machinery, on the industrial system of that perfect and high-tech content from Earth, from the dream of Xu Yi, near one step. 如此高吨位的大型魔力轮船建造成功,不仅意味着新飞商会已经初步创建起了一个较为完整的魔法工业体系,也意味着新飞商会在建造大型魔法机械上取得了成功,距离地球上那种完善而高技术含量的工业体系,距离许亦的梦想,又近了一步。 When 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship drives out of the harbor, when toward boundless endless sea deep place by 11 speed high-speed navigation, Xu Yi stands in the bow, looks at the scarlet red setting sun in distant place sea horizon, is blowing coming the sea breeze of fishy smell, only thought that a powerful self-confidence floods the whole body. 所以当展翅号驶出港口,向着茫茫的无尽之海深处以十一节的速度高速航行时,许亦立在船头,看着远处海平线上的深红色夕阳,吹着迎面而来的略带腥气的海风,只觉得一股强大的自信充斥全身。 One day, he in this world reappears the industrial science and technology miracle on Earth!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 总有一天,他会在这个世界重现地球上的工业科技奇迹!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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