MIE :: Volume #4

#116: Family member who Bunta City comes

The person that jumps down from Magic Powered Vehicle is called Torres, is the Afalia father Second Uncle's eldest son, takes on small two years old compared with Afalia, is his younger male cousin. 魔力机车上跳下来的这人叫做托雷斯,是阿法利亚老爹二叔的大儿子,比阿法利亚要小上两岁,也就是他的堂弟。 Two people age difference not many, lives in quite near village, is playing since childhood together, the relations are very close. 两人年岁差得不多,又住在比较近的村子里,从小就在一起玩,关系十分密切。 After the Afalia father has talked over wants returns Bunta City , the family members who live together as of late, he is one of them. 阿法利亚老爹最近这段时间一直念叨想回到邦塔城后在一起生活的亲人们,他就是其中之一。 Because the Afalia father Stantin Duchy, they have met to be few for these years in recent years. 因为阿法利亚老爹这几年一直在斯坦丁公国这边,两人最近几年见面极少。 Previous time meets, the new year has every year, returns to Bunta City time saw one time. 上次见面,还是每年新年都有的,回到邦塔城的时候见了一次。 Suddenly saw that Torres rides Magic Powered Vehicle to rush to here, the Afalia father first gawked, immediately in the heart is startled. 突然见到托雷斯乘坐魔力机车跑到这里来,阿法利亚老爹先是愣了一下,随即心中一惊。 Is it possible that is in the family/home the accident sentiment , did this make Torres rush to here to come suddenly? 莫非是家里出了什么事情,这才让托雷斯突然跑到这里来了? Second Uncle not has been healthy, is he has an accident please inadequately? 二叔的身体一直不太好,难道是他老人家出了什么事请不成? Thinks of here, the Afalia father steps the footsteps hastily, walked hurriedly. 想到这里,阿法利亚老爹连忙迈动脚步,急匆匆地走了过去。 However approaches to look, actually discovers on the Torres face not to see a posthumous fame, instead a face looks at the surrounding environment full of enthusiasm, finally exclaimed in surprise again and again, clearly shocks by this territory in unusual, neat and beautiful environment. 然而走近一看,却发现托雷斯脸上根本不见一丝哀荣,反而一脸兴致勃勃地看着周围的环境,最终惊叹连连,分明是正被这片领地上的奇特、整洁而美丽的环境所震撼到了。 In the Afalia father heart wonders, the vision has swept, discovered that follows, in Torres got down in the medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle person behind together, several his acquaintances, are Rover that Torres is at hold the villagers in village, before the childhood had also been playing with the Afalia father. 阿法利亚老爹心中纳闷,目光扫过,发现跟在托雷斯身后一起下了中型客运魔力机车的人里,也有几个他的熟人,都是托雷斯所在的罗孚托村的村民,以前小时候还和阿法利亚老爹在一起玩过的。 After these people get out the expression and Torres are similar, is a face exclaimed in surprise that looks at all around, the facial expression is infatuated extremely. 这几个人下车后的表情和托雷斯差不多,都是一脸惊叹地看着四周,神情极为陶醉。 The Afalia father is very strange. 阿法利亚老爹十分奇怪。 Did these people rush to here to come? 这些人怎么都跑到这里来了? Comes one from Bunta City, although was easier than before. However must spend most of the day time. 邦塔城过来一趟虽然比以前容易多了。但是依然要花费大半天的时间才到。 The words of no important matter. Rushes to here to do? 没什么重要事情的话。跑到这里来干嘛? The Afalia father walks quickly two steps. Arrives at side Torres, a palm of the hand claps on his shoulder. 阿法利亚老爹快走两步。来到托雷斯身边,一巴掌拍在他的肩膀上。 Torres has a scare, turns head, sees is the Afalia father, immediately gave him excitedly a big hug, laughs saying: Hey, Afalia, never expected that did I also come?” 托雷斯吓了一跳,一扭头,看到是阿法利亚老爹,顿时兴奋地给了他一个大大的拥抱,大笑道:“嘿,阿法利亚,没想到我也来了吧?” Sees his response. The Afalia father felt relieved. 看到他这种反应。阿法利亚老爹放下心来。 It seems like does not have what not good matter. 看来是没有出什么不好的事情。 After two people hugged one, lets loose mutually, the Afalia father asked immediately: I have not thought you will come. However Torres, what do you run to come to here to make suddenly? Is asks me to have what matter?” 两人拥抱了一记后,互相放开,阿法利亚老爹立即问道:“我是没想到你会来。不过托雷斯,你突然跑来这里做什么?难道是来找我有什么事?” Said that is asks you is also good.” Torres grins to say with a smile: I am newly-arrived, is not ripe to here anything, only knew you here, naturally must first make you lead me to be familiar with here. Hey, Afalia, you treated here for several years, told me. Here how? Compared with Bunta City?” “说是找你也不错。”托雷斯咧嘴笑道:“我初来乍到的,对这里什么都不熟,只知道你在这里,当然首先要让你来带我熟悉这里了。喂,阿法利亚,你在这里待了几年了,告诉我。这里到底怎么样?是不是比邦塔城强多了?” The Afalia father was asked somewhat muddleheaded by him. 阿法利亚老爹被他问得有些稀里糊涂。 I said...... Torres, you asked that what these do make? Do you plan to make a long stay here?” “我说……托雷斯,你问这些做什么?难道你打算在这里长住下来吗?” Naturally!” Torres makes an effort to nod. My this time works here. Certainly must make a long stay. However you could rest assured that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has complied, said that already to our these new workers prepared the dwelling . Moreover the condition was very good, you did not need to worry that I will live to you.” “当然!”托雷斯用力点了点头。“我这次可是到这里来工作的。肯定要长住。不过你放心,新飞商会已经答应过了,说是早就给我们这些新来的工人准备好了的住处,而且条件还很好,你不用担心我会到你家住。” I am not worried about this.” The Afalia father beckons with the hand, knits the brows to continue to ask: You meant that...... you do want to work here?” “我才不担心这个。”阿法利亚老爹摆了摆手,皱眉继续问道:“你的意思是说……你要到这里来工作?” Right. Not is only I, Doucat their and Lopez their family/home three people, Du Leduo their will also come.” Torres made an effort to pat the Afalia father's shoulder, laughed saying: What kind of? Afalia, so many old companion accompanied you, were you happy?” “对。不光是我,艾杜卡他们一家、洛佩斯他们家三口人,还有杜乐铎他们一家也都会来。”托雷斯用力拍了拍阿法利亚老爹的肩膀,大笑道:“怎么样?阿法利亚,这么多老伙计都来陪你了,你高不高兴?” A Afalia father face does not dare to believe looks at Torres dull, some little time latter eats asks: You said that...... you said their how many can come to here to work? This...... this...... is this impossible?” 阿法利亚老爹一脸不敢置信地呆呆看着托雷斯,好一会儿后才吃吃地问道:“你说……你说他们几家都要来这里工作?这……这……这不可能吧?” Why is impossible?” Torres stared Afalia father one eyes. What's wrong? Don't you welcome us to come?” “为什么不可能?”托雷斯瞪了阿法利亚老爹一眼。“怎么?你不欢迎我们来吗?” Not! I welcome! I welcome! I welcome completely! I even look forward to you now! Right, must hurry, lets match to prepare a good vegetable/dish, we drink one cup at noon well. It is not right, you just now come, should first report? Did Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce arrange? Right, how do you come here? This is not the Magic Power passenger train, my asked......” “不不不!我欢迎!我非常欢迎!我完全欢迎!我甚至巴不得你们现在就来!对了,得赶紧回去,让赛娜准备点儿好菜,我们中午好好喝一杯。啊,不对,你才刚来,应该先去报道吧?新飞商会都安排好了吧?对了,你们是怎么来到这里的?啊,这不是魔力客车嘛,我这问的……” Because is shocking and excited, the Afalia father even somewhat speaks incoherently. 因为震惊和兴奋,阿法利亚老爹甚至有些语无伦次起来。 Looks at the Afalia father's helpless appearance, Torres smiles, shakes the head saying: Ok, Afalia, you did not need to toss about, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce arranged to us. That head said a moment ago, will first lead us to visit here environment, will then arrange the dwelling to us, you did not need to manage. Since Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce complied, will definitely arrange.” 看着阿法利亚老爹手足无措的样子,托雷斯嘿嘿一笑,摇了摇头道:“行了,阿法利亚,你不用折腾了,新飞商会都给我们安排好了。刚才那个负责人说了,会先带我们参观一下这里的环境,然后就会给我们安排住处,你不用管。新飞商会既然答应了,就肯定会安排好的。” Un un, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce may never not mean what he says. Right, how I said here was building the house a while ago, originally prepared for your these people. Let me tell you, Torres, these new houses covered may be pretty, moreover inside also unified to provide some necessary Household Magic Machine, and also connected the running water. Waits after a period of time, the street light laid down the past words, that place life may very convenient. And......” “嗯嗯,新飞商会可从来不会说话不算话。对了,我说怎么前段时间这边在盖房子呢,原来就是为你们这些人准备的。我跟你说,托雷斯,那些新房子盖得可漂亮了,而且里面还统一配备了一些必备的家用魔力机械,并且还接入了自来水。等过段时间,路灯铺设过去的话,那片地方生活可就方便得很了。而且……” Is listening to the Afalia father does not listen to introduce, Torres is getting more and more excited. 听着阿法利亚老爹的不听介绍,托雷斯越来越兴奋。 Although before coming , the head who Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is responsible for recruiting their these workers has described here superior environment to them, but sees with one's own eyes the surrounding this neat and beautiful environment now, some Afalia this trustworthy people's introductions, he believes truly here living conditions indeed look like in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce propaganda is so good. 虽然来之前新飞商会负责招募他们这些工人的负责人就已经向他们描述过这里的优越环境,但是现在亲眼看到周围这整洁而美丽的环境,又有阿法利亚这个信得过的人的介绍,他才真正相信这里的生活环境的确就像是新飞商会宣传中的那么好。 Even listens to the Afalia father unceasingly in Kou commendation, here environment only feared that the ratio also propagandizes is better! 甚至听阿法利亚老爹不绝于口的称赞,这里的环境只怕比宣传得还要好! Thinks of here, in the Torres heart was excited and rejoiced. 想到这里,托雷斯心中大为激动和庆幸。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce recruited the worker luckily initially time, he held the mentality of trying to choose participated to recruit. 幸好当初新飞商会招募工人的时候,他抱着试试的心态选择了参加招募。 Now arrived here truly, then discovery here living conditions indeed be stronger than is too many Bunta City. 现在真正来到这里,便发现这里的生活环境的确要比邦塔城强出太多。 But Bunta City environment, already, because the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce beforehand several years coordinate the Bunta City City Lord mansion to keep transforming, are much stronger compared with other Lanpali Kingdom places. 邦塔城的环境,也已经因为新飞商会之前几年配合邦塔城城主府不停地进行改造,比起兰帕里王国其它地方强得多。 Moreover recruitment agreement that according to him and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce signs, he will enter in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce shipyard to be a Magic Power welder. 而且按照他和新飞商会签署的招聘协议,他将会进入新飞商会的造船厂里担任一名魔力焊接工人。 Has the ability of second-level Magic Power welding skill by him, enters the shipyard, will enjoy the monthly salaries of minimum each month 20 gold coins. 以他本身拥有二级魔力焊接技能的能力,一进入造船厂,就会享用最低每个月二十金币的月薪。 If the first year performance is qualified, this month the firewood will also promote next year to 25 gold coins. 而如果第一年表现合格,这个月薪还将会在明年提升到二十五枚金币。 Although by him also calculates currently speaking the scarce Magic Power welding technology, he same can find the work of same even higher wage in Bunta City, but Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce must be more attractive than without doubt other chambers of commerce. 虽然凭借他在目前来说还算稀少的魔力焊接技术,在邦塔城他一样能够找到相同甚至更高薪水的工作,但是无疑新飞商会要远比其它商会更具吸引力。 But really arrived here one to look, Torres does not regret own choice. 而真来到这里一看,托雷斯就更加不后悔自己的选择。 If can live in such beautiful environment every day, even wage few ten...... good, few ten gold coins were too many, but few five gold coins, he still wants even absolutely. 如果能够每天在这样美丽的环境中生活,就算薪水少个十……好吧,一下少十金币太多了,但是就算少五金币,他也是绝对愿意的。 The Afalia father has not introduced here advantage, bringing the worker who Torres these recruit newly to come here Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce head to start to mention by name, prepares to take inventory the population. 阿法利亚老爹还没有把这里的好处介绍完,带托雷斯这些新招募的工人来到这里的新飞商会负责人已经开始进行点名,准备清点人数。 Torres is laughing shoulder that patted the Afalia father: In the evening asks you to drink.” 托雷斯大笑着拍了拍阿法利亚老爹的肩膀:“晚上找你喝酒。” Said that then ran to flee in the crowd, arranged well-mannered according to the team. 说罢便一路小跑着窜到了人群之中,规规矩矩地按照队伍排好。 Saw the overcautious appearance that Torres that obeys the custom, Afalia father can't help it smiled. 看到托雷斯那一副守规矩的谨小慎微模样,阿法利亚老爹禁不住笑了起来。 This Torres since childhood character bracelet, even now quick 50 still are still one fearless mixes to be liberal with the character, now here actually seems so obeys the custom, obviously he is quite satisfied with here, becoming the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce worker attaches great importance. 这个托雷斯从小就性格跳脱,就算现在快五十了也依然是一副天不怕地不怕的混不吝性格,现在在这里却显得如此守规矩,可见他对这里极为满意,对于成为新飞商会的工人非常重视。 Naturally, the Afalia father understands his idea. 当然,阿法利亚老爹非常理解他的想法。 Arrives here, sees such beautiful environment, thinks satisfying wage and that treatment/salary again the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce consistent good reputation and gives, who is willing to miss this job? 来到这里,看到这样美丽的环境,再想到新飞商会一贯的良好口碑和给出的让人满意的薪水和福利待遇,又有谁愿意错过这个工作机会呢? Thinks that Torres is very likely to remain like this, later here makes a long stay, thinks again Torres added a moment ago including Doucat their and Lopez their family/home three people, Du Leduo they these important relatives will come here, the Afalia father only thought that circles for a long time dark cloud in the top of the head disperses all of a sudden completely, the mood is excellent immediately. 想到托雷斯极有可能就这样留下来,以后在这里长住,再想到托雷斯刚才还说包括艾杜卡他们一家、洛佩斯他们家三口人,还有杜乐铎他们一家这几家重要的亲戚都会来到这里,阿法利亚老爹只觉得盘旋在头顶上许久的乌云一下子完全散开,心情顿时大好。 Looks that Torres got up medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle again, Afalia father turning head of a laugh walked toward the family/home. 看着托雷斯再次上了中型客运魔力机车,阿法利亚老爹笑呵呵的扭头向家中走去。 Torres said that in the evening can ask him to drink? Hehe, the alcohol capacity of this fellow is so bad, tonight must fill to turn on the ground unable to crawl him! 托雷斯说晚上要来找他喝酒?嘿嘿,这个家伙的酒量这么差,今天晚上一定要把他灌翻在地上爬不起来! The direction that medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle marches forward is the direction that and Afalia father walks entirely is opposite. 中型客运魔力机车重新行进的方向却是和阿法利亚老爹步行的方向完全相反。 The Afalia father is returns to be located in the family/home of quarters, medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle actually carries the workers who Torres these are recruiting newly to go to various factories in industrial district, planned that makes them visit the environment of factory, will have to have certain understanding of the industry and to own future work of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 阿法利亚老爹是回到位于生活区的家中,中型客运魔力机车却是载着托雷斯这些新招募来的工人们前往工业区内的各家工厂,打算让他们参观一下工厂的环境,对新飞商会的产业和对自己将来的工作有产生一定的认识。 Although they arrived here from Bunta City far away, but actually does not represent them certainly to keep the relieved work. 虽然他们从邦塔城大老远来到了这里,但是却并不代表着他们一定会留下来安心工作。 However one each family factory visits, these more than ten medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle are carrying the worker who 276 recruit newly actually revealed very satisfactory facial expression to the environment of these factories. 不过一家家工厂参观下来,这十余辆中型客运魔力机车载着的二百七十六名新招募来的工人却对这些工厂的环境都流露出了十分满意的神情。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce each factory internal environment is very neat the clean, overall work order is also quite orderly, seems like very smooth nature. 新飞商会的每家工厂内部环境都十分整洁干净,整体的工作秩序也极为井然,看起来十分流畅自然。 All workers in the work, a screw bolt in probably this giant factory are common, is playing own role accurately. 所有的工人在工作的时候,都好像这个巨大工厂里的一颗螺丝钉一般,非常准确地发挥着自己的作用。 Before comparing them , in the factories under other chamber of commerce names works that messy and dirty environment, the chaotic working routine, the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce factory one passes shortly seems incomparably regular, the scale high did not know many. 相比起他们之前在其它商会名下的工厂里工作时那种脏乱的环境,混乱的工作程序,新飞商会的工厂一眼看过去就显得无比正规,档次高了不知道多少。 Again before the relation , the environment of quarters sees, all workers had gradually determined the last option in the heart. 再联系之前看到的生活区的环境,所有的工人们在心中已经逐渐确定了最后的选择。 Must remain!( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 一定要留下来!(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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