MIE :: Volume #4

#115: Remains

The Afalia father as of late, in the heart has been very contradictory. 阿法利亚老爹最近这段时间,心中一直都很矛盾。 According to the truth, he is the Bunta City locally born person, even now in Stantin Duchy is the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce work, but must certainly return home finally, returning to Bunta City to pass the remaining years of life. 按道理来说,他是邦塔城土生土长的人,即便现在在斯坦丁公国里为新飞商会工作,但是最终肯定还是要落叶归根,回到邦塔城度过余生。 This idea before the Lanpali Kingdom turmoil seems somewhat impractical, therefore the Afalia father has pressed the heart this idea. 这种想法在以前兰帕里王国局势混乱的时候显得有些不切实际,所以阿法利亚老爹一直把这个想法压到了心底。 Since last year Queen Sewinnie coronated, the entire Lanpali Kingdom situation turned for the better day-by-day, spread the news that from Bunta City also day-by-day gets better, therefore the Afalia father the deathly stillness heart had enlivened again. 但是自从去年瑟维尼女王陛下加冕之后,整个兰帕里王国的局势一天天转好,从邦塔城传来的消息也一天天变得更好,于是阿法利亚老爹原本已经死寂的心再一次活跃起来。 He was born in Bunta City, and lived for nearly 50 years in Bunta City, if dies in other places finally, always makes him feel that some are uncomfortable. 他出生在邦塔城,并且在邦塔城生活了近五十年,如果最后死在其它地方,总让他感觉有些不舒服。 Now the Bunta City situation is excellent, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and other one large quantities of the chamber of commerce that evacuated from Bunta City returned to Bunta City in abundance, set up various types of factory stores since Bunta City again, making Bunta City little prospers, might reappear the beforehand that extremely prosperous scene very much. 现在邦塔城形势大好,新飞商会和其它一大批从邦塔城撤离的商会都纷纷回到了邦塔城,重新在邦塔城内开办起了各种工厂商铺,使邦塔城一点点重新变得繁荣起来,很有可能重现以前那种极度繁荣的景象。 The job in Bunta City same, if goes back, found a right work is not a problem absolutely. 邦塔城内的工作机会同样很多,如果回去的话,找到一份合适的工作绝对不成问题。 Although the income of this work possibly might as well continue to do here much, but there after all is a native land, many relatives and friends stay there. 尽管这份工作的收益可能不如在这里继续干下去多,但是那里毕竟是故土,还有很多亲戚和朋友留在那里。 However the wife with him stays together son Yachi as well as daughter-in-law Leiya expressed the opposition to his idea. 但是无论是妻子还是和他住在一起的儿子亚奇以及儿媳蕾雅都对他这个想法提出了反对。 According to wife's view, their had lived here for several years, had adapted to here life. And likes here relaxed happy life. 按照妻子的说法,他们一家已经在这里生活了好几年,早就适应了这里的生活。并且也非常喜欢这里的轻松愉快生活。 Moreover words that here lives. Their currently has the work in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce respectively. The Afalia father and wife contracted under the new flying farm name together reaches as high as 100 mu farmland, every year the light is the dependence farms for Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, finally the net income can reach as high as more than 300 gold coins. 而且在这里生活的话。他们一家目前都在新飞商会内各自有工作。阿法利亚老爹和妻子共同承包了新飞农场名下的高达一百亩的农田,每年光是依靠替新飞商会种田,最终净收益都可以高达三百多金币。 If returns to Bunta City, their two people does not have any special skill besides farming, even if should be able to find the work in present Bunta City with ease, most still can only find a simplest work, one month of wage absolutely over ten gold coins, will not compare the present. Every year may probably little income of enough more than 100 gold coins. 如果回到邦塔城的话,他们两个人除了种田以外没有任何特长,就算在现在的邦塔城内应该可以轻松找到工作,最多也就只能找到一份最简单的工作,一个月的薪水绝对不会超过十金币,相比较现在。每年可就要少足足一百多金币的收入。 Moreover Yachi and Leiya two people now are the technical worker in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce subordinate factory, Yachi after the effort, now had been admitted to the second-class lathe worker and second-class milling-machine operator, in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce bicycle factory is a high skilled worker, each month monthly salary reaches as high as 23 gold coins, in addition the words of various bonus benefits, the yearly income even can achieve 300 gold coins. 另外亚奇蕾雅两人现在已经是新飞商会下属工厂的技术工人,亚奇经过努力,现在已经考取了二级车工以及二级铣工,在新飞商会自行车制造厂里算是一名高级技术工人,每个月的月薪高达二十三金币之多,再加上各种奖金福利的话,年收入甚至能够达到三百金币。 Although Leiya was worse than him, but has also achieved the Household Magic Machine assembly shop group leader of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce subordinate, each month monthly salary was 20 gold coins, in addition bonus benefits. Yearly income similarly over 200 gold coins. 蕾雅虽然比他差了些,但也已经做到了新飞商会下属的家用魔力机械装配车间小组长,每个月的月薪为二十金币,加上奖金福利。年收入同样超过二百金币。 If they abandon the present life, returning to Bunta City to go. Although can found a good work by the technical capability and work experience, even the wage also has the possibility to be higher, but Yachi and Leiya believe, attains the high wage with it in these not well-known Small Chamber of Commerce, might as well continues to do in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 如果他们抛弃现在的生活,回到邦塔城去的话。尽管可以凭借技术能力和工作经验找到不错的一份工作,甚至薪水还有可能更高,但是亚奇蕾雅一致认为,与其在那些不知名的小商会里拿到高一些的薪水,还不如在新飞商会内继续干下去。 Compares other chambers of commerce, the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce prospects for development without doubt are best. 相比起其它商会,新飞商会的发展前景无疑是最好的。 Moreover Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has explicit rank promotion system, so long as you are willing to try hard, as the operating time in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce grows, the wage treatment will also certainly grow. 而且新飞商会内部有着非常明确的等级晋升制度,只要你肯努力,随着在新飞商会里的工作时间增长,薪水待遇也一定会随之增长。 Moreover the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce advantage is other chambers of commerce definitely is not a little able to compare, that is various welfare policies. 而且新飞商会有一点优势是其它商会完全无法比拟的,那就是各种福利政策。 Simplest, does the words that the retirement age retires in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, will receive the retirement pension of correspondence according to the work age! 最简单的一条,在新飞商会干到退休年龄退休的话,将会依照工作年龄领取对应的退休金! This retirement pension system, is no other semicolon besides Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 这个退休金制度,可是除了新飞商会以外别无分号。 In addition other enviable benefits, when the holiday will provide very practical daily necessities for example, every year also has fixedly by Guild being reimbursed the paid traveling leave , each staff every year free medical treatment quota of...... 再加上其它各种让人羡慕的福利,比如说每到节日都会发放非常实用的生活用品,每年还有固定的由工会报销的带薪旅游休假,每名员工每年的免费治疗额度…… If the same wage, then without a doubt is much more advantageous in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce work. 如果是同样薪水的话,那么毫无疑问是在新飞商会工作有利得多。 Even many Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce workers when discussed in secret, claimed, even if other chambers of commerce offered the double wage to oneself, he will not consider to change job. 甚至有很多新飞商会的工人们在私下里讨论的时候,声称就算其它商会给自己开出双倍的薪水,他也不会考虑跳槽。 Works in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but must compare in other chamber of commerce work comfortably is much easier more and comfortable. 新飞商会工作,可要远比在其它商会工作舒服安逸得多了。 Therefore realistic and long-term plan two aspects -based the considerations, Yachi and Leiya they do not consider to leave Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce completely, returning to Bunta City to look for the work again. 所以基于现实和长远规划两方面的考虑,亚奇蕾雅两人都完全不考虑离开新飞商会,回到邦塔城再寻找工作。 The Afalia father saw unable to convince them, persuaded them, after Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce returned to Lanpali Kingdom, will definitely also establish many factories in Lanpali Kingdom again, same will recruit the worker massively. 阿法利亚老爹见说服不了他们,就劝说他们,新飞商会回到兰帕里王国后肯定也会重新在兰帕里王国内建立很多工厂,一样会大量招募工人。 However the fact actually brutally crushed the fantasy of Afalia father. 但是事实却无情地击碎了阿法利亚老爹的幻想。 According to «Lanpali Weekly report» and situation of 《National Tower Daily》 report, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom signed the comprehensive cooperation agreement, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce the investment project massive Magic machine shops in Lanpali Kingdom. 根据《兰帕里周报》以及《邦塔日报》报道的情况,新飞商会兰帕里王国签署了全面合作协议,新飞商会将会在兰帕里王国内投资建设大量魔法机械工厂。 This point does not surprise people. 这一点并不让人意外。 What accidental/surprised is, according to disclosing news, in these factories that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom joint capital establishes, unexpectedly is the Lanpali Kingdom aspect has absolutely the dominant position, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is just provides the technical support and obtains profit sharing. 让人意外的是,根据透露出来的消息,新飞商会兰帕里王国合资建立的这些工厂中,居然是兰帕里王国方面起绝对主导地位,新飞商会只不过是提供技术支持和获得利益分成而已。 Regarding the control of these factories, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce almost does not have. 对于这些工厂的控制权,新飞商会则几乎没有。 In other words, these chambers of commerce regardless of in fact, are actually the Lanpali Kingdom aspect in name, but is not big with the relations of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 换句话说,这些商会无论从名义上还是实际上,其实都属于兰帕里王国方面,而和新飞商会的关系并没有那么大。 Joins to the words that in these factories works, what enjoyed is in name and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce joint capital sets up the wage treatment that the Lanpali chambers of commerce of these factories give , there is nothing to do with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 加入到这些工厂里工作的话,享受的是名义上和新飞商会合资开办这些工厂的兰帕里商会所给出的薪水待遇,和新飞商会无关。 But except these joint venture plants beside, according to agreement content, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce not sole ownership construction factory in Lanpali Kingdom, if returns to Lanpali Kingdom, is actually how regardless of also can only be separated from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 而除开这些合资工厂之外,根据协议内容,新飞商会并不会在兰帕里王国内独资建设工厂,所以如果回到兰帕里王国的话,却是无论如何也只能脱离新飞商会了。 Because of this news, Afalia father's last convinced the family member possibly was also disillusioned. 因为这条消息,阿法利亚老爹的最后一丝说服家人的可能也随之破灭。 Therefore in the Afalia father heart is very contradictory. 于是阿法利亚老爹心中十分矛盾。 He wants to return Bunta City to settle down. 他很想重新回到邦塔城去定居。 In his opinion, making how much money is not so actually important, moreover they for these years were the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce work. Has made a lot of money. 在他看来,赚多少钱其实并不是那么重要,而且他们这几年为新飞商会工作。已经赚到了不少钱。 Solely is only he and spouse two people. For these years had saved got down over 500 gold coins. 单单只是他和老伴两个人。这几年就已经积攒了下来了超过五百金币。 But Yachi and Leiya because, although lived a boy. For these years spent quite high, but is still relying on their high wage and high benefits, similarly accumulated was close to 1000 gold coins at least. 亚奇蕾雅虽然因为生了个大胖小子。这几年花费比较高,但是依然凭借着他们的高薪水和高福利,同样攒了最少接近一千金币。 By these money, even if they return to Bunta City anything is not dry/does, still enough lets them merrily the latter half of life. 凭借这些钱,就算他们回到邦塔城什么都不干,也足够让他们快活地过完下半辈子。 They farmed in the rural area of hometown before, every year income cannot even fill the belly, wasn't same lives? 要知道,以前他们在家乡的农村里种田,每年的收入甚至连肚子都填不饱,还不是一样生活下来了? Naturally. The Afalia father knows, if he said this saying at home, certainly will obtain the spouse be relentless to criticize. 当然。阿法利亚老爹知道,如果他把这话在家里说出来,一定会得到老伴毫不留情的批驳。 Before was before! The present is now! 以前是以前!现在是现在! Now eats well here, rests well, dresses well, the rotten life that the work is good, is high-income, before why can returns to Bunta City, that even belly unable to eat to the full? 现在在这边吃得好,睡得好,穿得好,工作好,收入高,为什么要回到邦塔城过以前那种连肚子都吃不饱的烂生活? Looks although will not state clearly, but on the face the expression was disclosing the son and daughter-in-law of obvious meaning, the Afalia father had nothing to say in reply. 看着虽然不会明说,但是脸上表情透露着明显意思的儿子和儿媳,阿法利亚老爹无言以对。 Here anything is good. But is nothing family member!” In the Afalia father heart is somewhat indignant. “这里什么都好。可是就是没什么亲人!”阿法利亚老爹心中有些愤愤不平。 Although in Bunta City had many people initially and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce moves Stantin Duchy to come together, but Afalia father in Bunta City big group of family members. Arrives here together, actually only then his spouse and son daughter-in-law. 虽然邦塔城内有很多人当初都和新飞商会一起搬迁到了斯坦丁公国来,但是阿法利亚老爹一家在邦塔城的一大堆亲人们。一起来到这边的,却只有他的老伴和儿子儿媳。 Knew many new friends here several years actually, but this after all and has the family member of blood relationship to be different. 在这边几年倒是认识了不少新朋友,可这毕竟和有着血缘关系的亲人不同。 Even if currently has the road, had Magic Powered Vehicle, returned to Bunta City one unable to spend from here too for a long time, but eventually and stayed together different. 就算现在有了公路,有了魔力机车,从这里回到邦塔城一趟也花费不了太长时间,但是终究和住在一起不同。 Because has passed the spring to receive the spring plowing the busiest time interval, these days in the farmland does not have too many things to do, the Afalia father then finished eating the food then to come out to take a stroll every noon several. 因为已经过了春收春耕的最繁忙时段,这段时间农田里没有太多事情可做,阿法利亚老爹便每天中午吃完饭便出来溜达几圈。 Besides digestion, for does not remain at home, argues again for these issues with the spouse. 除了消食之外,也是为了不留在家里,和老伴为这些问题再次发生争吵。 Has saying that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce arrives here several years later, is not freely desolated this piece of originally, actually appears extremely disorderly land remediation cleanly is quite neat and beautiful. 不得不说,新飞商会来到这里几年后,已经把这片原本尽管不怎么荒芜,却显得极为杂乱的土地整治得极为干净整洁而美丽。 Under the guidance of beautiful live concept that Xu Yi proposed, the elf clans made several years of relentless transformation to this lands, now this piece of Xu Yi private territory besides having the uniform road makes the transportation extremely convenient, planned neat and not disorderly the trim territory obviously. 许亦提出的美丽生活概念的指导下,精灵族们对这片土地进行了好几年坚持不懈的改造,现在这片许亦的私人领地除了有整齐划一的公路使得交通变得极为便利之外,也将整片领地规划得整齐而不显一丝杂乱。 Because Xu Yi specially established an environmental sanitation section, hired massive Stantin Duchy local residents specialty to be responsible for the sanitary condition of trim territory doing the clearing, therefore the trim territory at any time seemed extremely neat. 又因为许亦专门成立了一个环境卫生部,雇佣了大量的斯坦丁公国当地居民专职负责为整片领地的卫生环境做清洁工作,所以整片领地在任何时候都显得极为整洁。 So long as anybody arrives in this stretch of territory, will cannot help but voice opinions. 任何人只要一来到这片领地上,都会不由自主地发出一声感叹。 Such a place, looks like the heaven in legend simply! 这样的一片地方,简直就像是传说中的天堂! But this point, is the spouse and Yachi as well as Leiya opposes to leave one of the here important reasons. 而这一点,也是老伴和亚奇以及蕾雅反对离开这里的重要理由之一。 Here living conditions, even if looked everywhere entire Sainz Continent is not impossible to find is better, why that can also leave here? 这里的生活环境,就算找遍整个赛恩斯大陆都不可能找到更好的,那为什么还要离开这里? Even Afalia father, still approve regarding this point at heart extremely, is to make him very difficult to be determined to leave this stretch of territory. 就算是阿法利亚老爹自己,心里对于这一点也是极为认同,更是让他很难下定决心离开这片领地。 Periphery raised the head to have a look at the beautiful and neat environment, the Afalia father deeply inspires, only thought that the air is fresh charming. 抬头看看周围美丽而整洁的环境,阿法利亚老爹深深地吸了一口气,只觉得空气都是清新迷人。 This similarly is the merit of elf clan, actually because of insistence of President Xu. 这同样是精灵族的功劳,却是因为许会长的坚持。 It is said to maintain existing environment, the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce initial investment reaches as high as over a million gold coins, the following every year invests reaches as high as 100,000 gold coins similarly. 据说为了保持现有的这种环境,新飞商会初期投资就高达上百万金币,后续每年投入同样高达十万金币。 Besides Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, no chamber of commerce, or has no aristocrat feudal lord for the environment expenditure so large amount of money in own territory certainly absolutely. 除了新飞商会外,绝没有哪家商会,或者说绝对没有哪名贵族领主会为自己领地上的环境花费如此巨资。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is a good chamber of commerce, President Xu is best President and feudal lord Sir, but here does not have the family member eventually.” The Afalia father is smiling bitterly shaking the head. If Bunta City these family members can move to here, that was too good.” 新飞商会是一家好商会,许会长更是最好的会长和领主大人,但是这里终究没有亲人在。”阿法利亚老爹苦笑着摇了摇头。“要是邦塔城的那些亲人们能够搬到这里来的话,那就太好了。” This thought has relayed in the Afalia father's mind are innumerable, but he is very clear, this radically is an expectation. 这个念头已经在阿法利亚老爹的脑海中转过无数次,但是他却很清楚,这根本是一种奢望。 Therefore after these emits this thought time, he still can only heave a deep sigh reluctantly. 于是这一次冒出这个念头后,他依然只能无奈地摇头叹息。 However after this time he swings, actually on the road in discovery distant place quantity medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle drives fast. 然而这一次当他摇完头后,却发现远处的公路上数量中型客运魔力机车快速驶来。 After the front door of new flying farm, these medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle stopped slowly. 进入新飞农场的大门后,这些中型客运魔力机车缓缓停了下来。 Jumps down a person to come from first medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle, Afalia father eyes sweep, immediately is startled. 从第一辆中型客运魔力机车上跳下一个人来,阿法利亚老爹一眼扫过去,顿时一怔。 Cannot!( To be continued......) 不会吧!(未完待续……) ... ...
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