MIE :: Volume #4

#114: Controls the Magic Power lathe completely automatic in advance

The Lanpali Kingdom situation tends to be stable, and under the enlightened leadership of Queen Sewinnie, the entire kingdom is turning toward a more prosperous direction to keep going forward. 兰帕里王国的局势渐趋稳定,并且在瑟维尼女王陛下的英明领导下,整个王国都在向着更加繁荣的方向不停前进。 But the Stantin Duchy situation is actually just the opposite. 斯坦丁公国的局势却恰恰相反。 Officially signed the ceasefire agreement with Xu Yi, although regarding Count Velun, making him lose neared 600 square kilometers territory, meanwhile handed over many initiatives- the factory that for example both sides pooled capital was he had more control, now comprehensive the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce aspect has actually controlled. 许亦正式签署了停战协议,虽然对于威纶伯爵来说,让他损失了接近六百平方公里的领地,同时还交出了很多主动权-比如说双方合资的工厂原本是他拥有更多的控制权,现在却已经全面又新飞商会方面掌控。 However effect of Xu Yi to his commitment, instead is bigger to his help. 但是许亦对他的承诺起效,却反而对他的帮助更大。 Because Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce first provides to his enough military Magic machinery, Count Velun in seized the absolute equipment advantage with the fights of other feudal lords. 因为新飞商会优先提供给他足够的军用魔法机械,威纶伯爵在和其它领主的战斗中重新占领了绝对的装备优势。 Although no longer complete steamroll like before, but decides the fight result between Stantin Duchy feudal lords now, is looked the military Magic machinery that both sides who have are more and is more perfect. 尽管不再像之前那样完全碾压,但是现在决定斯坦丁公国领主之间的战斗结果的,就是看双方谁拥有的军用魔法机械更多、更完善。 Count Velun has the support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, other nature by far feudal lords in this point. 威纶伯爵拥有新飞商会的支持,在这一点上自然远胜其他领主。 Therefore since new year, before Velun feudal lord, erupts the fight that first even/including fled the allied armies of that four feudal lord he repels again, and gains the victory that first even/including fled in the fight. 于是进入新年以来,威纶领主和之前将他击退的那四位领主的联军再次爆发了一连窜的战斗,并在战斗中取得了一连窜的胜利。 Through these winning streaks, Count Velun only used merely for three months, the opposition force of that four feudal lord has basically routed thoroughly. 通过这些连胜,威纶伯爵仅仅只用了三个月的时间,就已经基本将那四位领主的反抗力量彻底击溃。 Count Velun also seizes the chance to put in the bag, to become north the most territory of that four feudal lord Stantin Duchy now a strength strongest feudal lord, does not have one. 威纶伯爵也趁机将那四位领主的大半领土都收入囊中,现在一跃成为斯坦丁公国北方实力最强的一位领主,没有之一。 Meanwhile, the Stantin Duchy southern this time also fell into a piece of chaos caused by war. 与此同时,斯坦丁公国南方此时也陷入了一片战乱之中。 Last year was also only fighting steadily Angkelu. Enters the mainland to undergo in 3875. Starts to conduct the fantastic expansion. 去年还只是稳扎稳打的盎克鲁。一进入大陆历3875年。就开始进行疯狂的扩张。 Because also earned the great support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. Angkelu army hand/subordinate sweeps away all obstacles south Stantin Duchy similarly, no one may keep off. 因为同样获得了新飞商会的大力支持。盎克鲁手下的军队同样在斯坦丁公国南方所向披靡,无人可挡。 Less than four months, he only has a city from one, the army also 5000 people, the occupying land area more than 1000 square kilometers young feudal lords leap to have five cities , the army surpasses 20,000, occupies a land area of over ten thousand square kilometers big feudal lord. 只是不到四个月的时间,他就从一个只拥有一个城市,手下部队也就五千人,占地不过一千多平方公里的小领主一跃成拥有五个城市,手下部队超过两万,占地上万平方公里的大领主。 Now in Stantin Duchy, Angkelu has become the duchy south-north two crest of wave most vigor with Count Velun. Momentum fiercest feudal lord. 现在在斯坦丁公国内,盎克鲁已经和威纶伯爵成为了公国一南一北两个风头最劲。势头最猛的领主。 Everyone believes, among these two feudal lords will certainly erupt the life-and-death fight. 所有人都相信,这两个领主之间一定会爆发出生死之战。 But these two feudal lords can supply domestic invincible , because they earned the great support of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 而这两位领主之所以能够在供国内所向无敌,就是因为他们获得了新飞商会的大力支持。 But if they make war officially, who then should be wins? 可是如果他们正式开战的话,那么又该是谁获得胜利呢? Most people when think that this issue, will immediately then give the answer in the heart. 绝大多数人在想到这个问题的时候,立即便会在心中给出答案。 Whose effort Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce supports to be bigger, who can win. 新飞商会支持谁的力度更大,谁就能够获得胜利。 Whom then Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will support? 那么新飞商会会支持谁呢? # # # ### Xu Yi may not have the time to consider now to support anyone finally. 许亦现在可没功夫去考虑最终支持谁。 In the new year crosses, he fell into during the busy work immediately, does not have any free time considers the unnecessary matter. 新年一过,他立即陷入了忙碌的工作之中,根本没有任何闲工夫去考虑多余的事情。 In the hand obtains the 600-square kilometer territory from Count Velun, making his private territory expand all of a sudden dozens times. 威纶伯爵手中获得多达600平方公里的领地,使得他的私人领地一下子扩张了几十倍。 However wants completely to control these territories in own hand, matter that needs to make were too many. 但是想要将这些领地完全控制在自己手中,所需要做的事情那就太多了。 After careful and deep consideration . Xu Yi gave up building the territory that this piece obtained newly with the beforehand territory same idea. 经过深思熟虑后。许亦放弃了将这片新获得的领地打造得和之前的领地一样的想法。 Because wants to achieve this effect, the fund that needs to invest is astronomical figures. By the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce present strength, has no way to achieve temporarily, moreover absolutely does not have this necessity. 因为想要达成这个效果,需要投入的资金是一个天文数字。以新飞商会现在的实力,暂时还没法做到,而且也完全没有这个必要。 After obtaining this stretch of territory, the first matter that Xu Yi handles is the statistical population. 在获得这片领地后,许亦所作的第一件事情就是统计人口。 The data that finally counts showed that in this stretch of 600-square kilometer territory, at present actually merely only more than 30,000 people. 最终统计出来的数据显示,这片多达600平方公里的领地上,目前却仅仅只有区区三万多人。 Moreover in more than 30,000 people, young man between 16 and 40 unexpectedly is less than 1000 people. 而且这三万多人中,年龄在16到40岁之间的青壮男子居然只有不到一千人。 Actually before the young man in this piece of territory are not so few, but Count Velun long-term and other feudal lords makes war, the young man of military officer ground reassigned completely, here can remaining be close to 1000 people, is very good situation. 其实之前这片领地上的青壮男子并没有这么少,只不过威纶伯爵长期和其它领主开战,将领地上的青壮男子全部抽调走了,这里能够剩下接近一千人,已经算是非常不错的情况。 Is good the manpower that in Xu Yi currently needs is mainly centralized in the factory intensive industry worker who is responsible for the simple mechanized operation, therefore does not limit to the young man. 好在许亦目前所需要的人力主要是集中在工厂里的负责简单机械化操作的密集型产业工人,所以也不是那么局限于青壮男子。 After counting the population, Xu Yi will then have the population of complete ability to work to concentrate completely, conducted unified training, finally picked up reached as high as more than 19,000 people to enter each factory under Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce name, undertook in these factories the work of most simple machinery. 统计出人口后,许亦便将其中拥有完整劳动能力的人口全部集中起来,进行了统一的培训,最终挑出了足足高达一万九千余人进入新飞商会名下的各个工厂,承担起这些工厂内最为简单机械的工作。 Although these Stantin Duchy local residents consistent sluggish, however under compulsion training of Xu Yi, many were trained a little sense of discipline, in addition the status of Xu Yi this feudal lord regarding their deterrent effects, therefore basically can also complete the work in the factory well-mannered. 这些斯坦丁公国的本地居民们虽然一贯懒散,但是在许亦的强制培训下,多少还是被培训出了一点儿纪律性,再加上许亦这个领主的身份对于他们的震慑力,所以基本上还能够规规矩矩地在工厂里完成工作。 Before let alone, in the name of Count Velun different, although they entered these factories to work by the Xu Yi compulsory order, but Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will actually still open to their corresponding wages as well as makes them enjoy the corresponding benefits. 更何况和之前在威纶伯爵的名下不同,虽然他们是被许亦强制命令进入这些工厂工作的,但是新飞商会却依然会开给他们相应的工资以及让他们享受相应的福利。 Because freely they can only be engaged in the simplest mechanized operation, the wage was then low compared to other workers, but every month the income of lowest five gold coin, as well as before a series of them, never imagined the treatment/salary, made these destitute the Stantin Duchy people for a lifetime feel extremely happy. 尽管因为他们只能从事最简单的机械化操作,薪水相对于其他工人便低了一些,但是每个月最低五枚金币的收入,以及一系列他们之前想都没有想过的福利待遇,却让这些穷困了一辈子的斯坦丁公国子民们感到极为开心。 Now the work enthusiasms of these workers surge upward extremely, the operating efficiency also rapidly enhances. 现在这些工人们的工作热情极度高涨,工作效率也随之迅速提高。 Because these workers undertook massive simple mechanized operations, making the skilled worker in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce each factory therefore liberate, thus greatly enhanced the capacity of each factory. 由于这些工人们承担了大量的简单机械化操作,使得新飞商会各个工厂内的熟练工人因此解放出来,从而大幅提高了各个工厂的产能。 Meanwhile, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in the new year first several months, invested to build up a series of completely new factories again. 与此同时,新飞商会在新年的头几个月里,再次投资建起了一系列全新的工厂。 So long as these factories complete, various production lines are also operational, the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce capacity will certainly obtain a leap. 只要这些工厂建成,各条生产线也投入使用,新飞商会的产能一定会获得一个飞跃。 According to plan, at earliest to the second half of this year time, before the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce capacity even can mention two times and even more. 按照计划,最快到今年下半年的时候,新飞商会的产能甚至能够提到到之前的两倍甚至更多。 As the matter stands, has been puzzling the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce capacity issue, will obtain the large alleviation. 这样一来,一直困扰着新飞商会的产能问题,就会得到大幅的缓解。 Naturally. Wants completely to solve this problem. Only by the investment fund and manpower is insufficient. 当然。想要彻底解决这个问题。光靠投入资金和人力还是不够的。 It looks like in Xu Yi. The best method, is the lift technique. 许亦看来。最好的方法,还是提升技术。 Sir President, you looked, this is completely automatic controls the Magic Power lathe that our group researches and develops most newly in advance.” Sanchez excited is pointing at front grotesque machine. So long as admits in the steel plate this, then ahead of time establishes the good need the working data, it can the appearance that the steel plate automatic machining you want.” 会长大人,您看,这是我们小组最新研发出来的全自动预控制魔力车床。”桑切利一脸兴奋地指着面前一台怪模怪样的机器。“只要把钢板放进这里面,然后提前设定好需要的加工数据,它就能够把钢板自动加工成你想要的模样。” After introducing, Sanchez directed two workers to lift one length one meter eight, 80 cms in width, a depth seven millimeters steel plate is admitting in the processing trough of this Magic Power lathe. Then in same the block on a similar control bench pressed several. 介绍完后,桑切利指挥两名工人抬着一块长一米八、宽80厘米,厚七毫米的钢板放进这台魔力车床的加工槽里。然后在一个类似控制台上一样的方块上按了几下。 The Magic Power lathe thunders, sends in the steel plate the lathe machining arm, then looked that the entire steel plate passes in and out in inside, high and low swinging, after a while, had then been processed an irregular trapezoid. 魔力车床轰鸣起来,将钢板送入车床加工臂中,然后就看整块钢板在里面进进出出,上下摆动,过了一会儿,便已经被加工成一个不规则的梯形。 The steel plate of this shape size, is very important spare part of manufacture medium Magic Power excavator. 这个形状大小的钢板,是制作中型魔力挖掘机的一个很重要的零部件。 Before wanted to process such spare part words, needed at least two skilled workers to control one Magic Power lathe time-consuming a half hour and even longer to complete, but now this completely automatic controls the Magic Power lathe actually only to need the steel plate to put in advance, the entire journey no longer needed other worker participation. The entire process also only spent merely less than five minutes. 之前想要加工出这样一个零部件的话,需要最少两名熟练工人操控一台魔力车床耗时半小时甚至更长时间才能完成,而现在这台全自动预控制魔力车床却只需要将钢板放进去,全程不再需要其它工人参与。整个过程也只花了仅仅不到五分钟而已。 Compares, the efficiency without doubt is huge difference. 相比较起来,效率无疑是天壤之别。 Xu Yi looks at the steel plate that processes. In the heart shocks extremely. 许亦看着加工完毕的钢板。心中极为震撼。 This completely automatic controls the Magic Power lathe in advance, although looks very crude, the function is so powerful. 这个全自动预控制魔力车床虽然看起来十分简陋,功能却如此强大。 Can establish the data to process the spare part in advance, this has almost been able to reach the numerical control Lathe machine standard! 能够预先设定数据对零部件进行加工,这几乎已经可以达得上数控机床的标准了! Lathe machine research on Earth continued for dozens years because the development of computer technology presented numerical control Lathe machine in the true sense, but this Sanchez actually in the foundation of does not have any computer technology on Sainz Continent, developed this type of similar numerical control Lathe machine one thing unexpectedly! 地球上的机床研究持续了好几十年才因为计算机技术的发展出现了真正意义上的数控机床,而这个桑切利却在赛恩斯大陆上根本没有任何计算机技术的基础上,居然研制出了这种类似数控机床一样的东西! This simply...... simply was good! 这简直……简直是太棒了! Xu Yi really cannot bear in the heart joyfully, smiled cheerfully, made an effort to pat the shoulder of Sanchez, the excitement can be seen in speech and appearance. 许亦实在忍不住心中的喜悦,乐呵呵地笑了起来,用力拍了拍桑切利的肩膀,兴奋之情溢于言表。 This fellow initially him picked from the Anweimaer city, what Xu Yi settles on was only he has to Magic conducts to be close in the program design same special capability, hopes that he can have some research results in this aspect, has not actually thought that Sanchez quiet after these two years, unexpectedly studied such an astonishing thing. 这个家伙当初把他从安威玛尔城捡回来的时候,许亦看中的只是他拥有对魔法进行接近于编程设计一样的特殊能力,希望他能够在这方面拥有一些研究成果,却没想到,桑切利沉寂了这两年多后,居然又研究出了这样一件惊人的东西。 Very good! Sanchez! Good!” Xu Yi is laughing shoulder that is patting Sanchez. This completely automatic controls the Magic Power lathe in advance, it can be said that our chamber of commerce......, should not say this year is in these years the most important invention! Its appearance, will change the entire Magic industry overall! Sanchez, I by the President status, award the first-level reward to you now!” “很好!桑切利!太好了!”许亦大笑着拍着桑切利的肩膀。“这个全自动预控制魔力车床,可以说是我们商会今年……不,应该说是这几年内最为重要的发明!它的出现,甚至会改变整个魔法工业行业的整体面貌!桑切利,我现在以会长的身份,对你授予一级奖励!” Unexpectedly is the first-level reward!” “居然是一级奖励!” God, first-level reward! Very long has no one obtained the first-level reward?” “天啊,一级奖励!已经很久没人获得一级奖励了吧?” „It is not very long, is no one has obtained!” “不是很久,是根本就没人获得过!” ...... …… Other surroundings person of simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform showed the shocking look. 周围其他人齐齐露出了震惊的神色。 Although they were clear that 虽然他们都清楚桑切利这次研发的这个全自动预控制魔力车床十分强大,但是却没人想到,会长大人居然会这么看重这个东西,甚至会授予桑切利之前新飞商会从未有人获得过的一级奖励! Sanchez is also excited the whole face red light, even is excited unable to speak, only understood that nods again and again. 桑切利也兴奋得满脸红光,激动得甚至说不出话来,只懂得连连点头。 In his heart has been saving the deep gratitude to Xu Yi, as well as extremely strong guilt. 他的心中一直都对许亦存着深深的感激,以及极强的愧疚。 Gratitude because of Xu Yi him from most trough lira of life, and realized his dream, gave him such a relaxed environment to let the matter that he can be itself to like handling. 感激是因为许亦把他从人生的最低谷里拉了出来,并且实现了他的梦想,给了他这样一个宽松的环境让他能够一直做自己喜欢做的事情。 Guilty, was such long, he provided to the return of Xu Yi is few. 愧疚的,则是这么久了,他提供给许亦的回报却非常少。 Now saw that Xu Yi completely automatic controls the Magic Power lathe is so satisfied to this unexpectedly in advance, even gave the first-level reward, in the Sanchez heart is quite naturally excited. 现在看到许亦居然对这个全自动预控制魔力车床这么满意,甚至给出了一级奖励,桑切利心中自然极为兴奋。 He has not made Xu Yi take back this reward, because he is very clear, with the Xu Yi character, since has said that that will not take back absolutely. 他并没有让许亦收回这个奖励,因为他很清楚,以许亦的性格,既然已经说出口了,那就绝对不会收回。 What is more important, the extremely rare first-level reward is he makes the best proof of major contributions to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, this can reduce in his heart well to the guilt of Xu Yi. 更重要的是,极其难得的一级奖励是他为新飞商会做出重大贡献的最好证明,这样才能更好地减轻他心中对许亦的愧疚。 However the surrounding workers are also good, is Sanchez is also good, is inferior to the Xu Yi heart excited. 然而无论是周围的工人们也好,还是桑切利也好,都不如许亦心中兴奋。 Him who passes through from Earth, compared with anybody understands that such a machine is representing anything. 从地球上穿越过来的他,比任何人都明白这样一台机器代表着什么。 If entire Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can on these factories like Earth, realize the entire automatic production, that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce capacity issue will obtain solution in the true sense. 如果整个新飞商会都能像地球上那些工厂一样,实现全自动化生产的话,那新飞商会的产能问题才会得到真正意义上的解决。 Although this completely automatic controls the Magic Power lathe in advance is only a start, so long as took the first step, he believes after Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, certainly will walk firmly on this road.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 虽然这台全自动预控制魔力车床只是一个开始,但是只要迈出了第一步,他相信新飞商会以后一定会在这条路上坚定地走下去。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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