MIE :: Volume #5

#10: Has nothing to prepare

I do not want by the person, when the monkey same watches, does not go!” “我可不想被人当猴子一样观看,不去!” Great Magician Camilla throws down icy words, the hand flings, then walks toward the room. 卡米拉大魔法师丢下一句冷冰冰的话,手一甩,便向屋内走去。 They possibly dare you, when the monkey does look? Thinks to be self-satisfied your light!” “他们怎么可能敢把您当猴子看?只是想沾沾您的光罢了!” Xu Yi shouted loudly one in behind, Great Magician Camilla actually returns by cold snort/hum, entered the room that did not return. 许亦在后面高喊一句,卡米拉大魔法师却回以一声冷哼,头也不回的进了屋。 Xu Yi can only sigh reluctantly, shaking the head, thought that Sewinnie can only be disappointed evidently. 许亦只能无奈地叹了口气,摇摇头,心想看样子瑟维尼又只能失望了。 Moreover disappointed not only absolutely a Sewinnie person, the entire Lanpali Kingdom everyone will be very perhaps disappointed. 而且失望的绝对不只是瑟维尼一人,整个兰帕里王国的所有人恐怕都会十分失望。 Last year end of the year time, Great Magician Camilla finally broke the Great Magician boundary, grasped the space principle, becomes Magister. 去年年尾的时候,卡米拉大魔法师终于突破了大魔法师的界限,掌握了空间法则,成为了一名魔导师 Afterward he to Castle in the Sky that the Magician Guild headquarters are, obtained the consistent approval of Magician Guild headquarters, becomes Magister that receives the Magician Guild headquarters acknowledgment honored. 随后他去往魔法师工会总部所在的天空之城,获得了魔法师工会总部的一致认可,成为了受到魔法师工会总部承认的一名尊贵的魔导师 After vanishing feeds, not only caused a stir in entire Lanpali Kingdom, completely all causes a stir including the surrounding several countries. 消失传回后,不仅轰动了整个兰帕里王国,连周围几个国家也尽皆轰动。 On Sainz Continent several hundred years have not presented Great Magister, therefore regarding the trim mainland, Magister are fiercest Magician, do not have one. 要知道,赛恩斯大陆上已经数百年没有出现大魔导师了,所以对于整片大陆来说,魔导师就是最厉害的魔法师,没有之一。 Although the Magister strength also has low high, like the Camilla big demon......, should not call now is Magister Camilla new title Magister Magician, cannot calculate topest Magician, but in any event, he is Magister, was one grasped the space principle, was known as that comprehended the Magician true meaning, even has stepped into Spiritual God domain Super-Magic Expert. 虽然魔导师的实力同样有高有低,像卡米拉大魔……不,现在应该称呼为卡米拉魔导师这样新称谓魔导师魔法师,并不能算最顶尖的魔法师,但是无论如何,他都是魔导师,是一个掌握了空间法则,号称是领悟了魔法师真谛,甚至已经踏入了神灵领域的超级魔法师 Although seems like Magister and Great Magician only has separation, but this separation. Actually is the gap that on Sainz Continent millions of Magician are unable to bridge over for a lifetime. 尽管看起来魔导师大魔法师只有一线之隔,但是这一线之隔。却是赛恩斯大陆上千千万万的魔法师们一辈子都无法跨过的鸿沟。 Currently speaking. All Magician on entire Sainz Continent added to surpass 100,000. And receives Magister that the Magician Guild headquarters acknowledged to only have 27, obviously rare of Magister. 就目前来说。整个赛恩斯大陆上的所有魔法师加起来超过了十万之多。其中受到魔法师工会总部承认的魔导师却只有二十七名,可见魔导师的稀有。 But now, Great Magician Camilla actually becomes 28 th Magister. 而现在,卡米拉大魔法师却成为了第二十八名魔导师 This matter regarding entire Sainz Continent can be significant, because any Magister is in the mainland the topest character, even in the Candela empire and Marlow empire, is still in absolutely most top level. 这件事情对于整个赛恩斯大陆来说都可以算是意义重大,因为任何一名魔导师都是大陆上最为顶尖的人物,就算在坎德拉帝国和玛洛帝国中,也是绝对处于最顶层。 But regarding Lanpali Kingdom, has special significance. 而对于兰帕里王国来说,就更是意义非凡。 The Lanpali Kingdom establishment more than 400 years, has only presented Magister from beginning to end. When that is the founding of the nation accompanies the kingdom's first emperor together expedition Magister. 兰帕里王国成立至今已经四百多年,却从头到尾就只出现过一名魔导师。那还是建国之时陪伴王国第一任皇帝一同征战的魔导师 Now more than 400 years pass by, in Lanpali Kingdom presented second Magister finally, it can be imagined Lanpali Kingdom therefore many will also be vibrated greatly. 现在四百多年过去,兰帕里王国内终于出现了第二名魔导师,可想而知兰帕里王国会也因此受到多大震动。 After obtaining Great Magician Camilla becomes the Magister news, Lanpali Kingdom issued a series of honorary titles to him without hesitation, and great kindness invited him to attend the grand ceremony that Lanpali Kingdom held specially for this reason, planned to become the Magister matter solemnly Great Magician Camilla to announce to everyone. 在获得卡米拉大魔法师成为魔导师的消息之后,兰帕里王国毫不犹豫地向他颁发了一系列的荣誉称号,并且盛情邀请他参加兰帕里王国专程为此举办的盛大仪式,打算将卡米拉大魔法师成为魔导师的事情郑重地向所有人宣告。 However not as people expected, Magister Camilla actually refused to attend this ceremony, and did not give any reason. 然而出乎人们的意料,卡米拉魔导师却拒绝了参加这个仪式,并且不给出任何理由。 Had/Left Magister with great difficulty, actually does not give completely the face, the Lanpali Kingdom aspect is quite naturally anxious. 好不容易出了一名魔导师,却完全不给自己面子,兰帕里王国方面自然对此极为不安。 Solely is only Sewinnie therefore sent several letters to Xu Yi. Inquired that Magister Camilla is because anything is not willing to attend this ceremony. 单单只是瑟维尼就因此向许亦发了好几封信。询问卡米拉魔导师到底是因为什么才不愿意参加这个仪式。 But after Xu Yi to Magister Camilla inquired, the obtained answer makes him not know whether to laugh or cry. 许亦卡米拉魔导师询问过后,得到的答案却让他哭笑不得。 Originally Camilla Magician dislikes this but purely desirably is ceremony. The ceremony of this extremely formalized and symbolic significance makes him quite repugnant, therefore refuses to participate. 原来卡米拉魔法师只是单纯地讨厌这种刻意而为的仪式罢了。这种太过形式化和象征意义的仪式让他极为反感,所以拒绝参加。 This reason Xu Yi can accept, how regardless of the Lanpali Kingdom aspect is actually unable to accept. 这个理由许亦可以接受,兰帕里王国方面却无论如何也无法接受。 Therefore in half year time, once in a while, the Lanpali Kingdom aspect will send out the invitation to Magister Camilla officially, hopes that he can attend the ceremony, did to is rejected by Magister Camilla each time. 于是在这半年时间内,每隔一段时间,兰帕里王国方面都会正式向卡米拉魔导师发出邀请,希望他能够参加仪式,奈何每次都被卡米拉魔导师拒绝了。 The response of this Magister Camilla is desolater, making the Xu Yi can't help it consideration in giving the reply of Sewinnie explains this matter well, making the Lanpali Kingdom aspect do not waste the time energy to handle the matter that this type does not flatter again. 这一次卡米拉魔导师的反应更加冷淡,让许亦禁不住考虑在给瑟维尼的回信中把这件事情好好解答一下,让兰帕里王国方面不要再浪费时间精力来做这种不讨好的事情。 If by some chance really causes the dislike of Magister Camilla, that really is quite disadvantageous to Lanpali Kingdom. 万一真的引起卡米拉魔导师的厌恶,那才真的对兰帕里王国极为不利。 President Xu, actually this is the matter that is good to understand. What powerful Magician most pays attention is own great strength, how naturally will not pay attention to the ordinary people to consider.” Does not know when arrives at Xu Yi Lisanya elder to open the mouth to say. 许会长,其实这是很好理解的事情。一名强大的魔法师最为关注的是自身的强大,当然不会去理会平常人是如何考虑的。”不知道什么时候来到许亦身边的利桑亚长老开口道。 Xu Yi turned the head to look at her one eyes, in the heart moved: „The Lisanya elder, in your elf clan should have Magister?” 许亦转头看了她一眼,心中一动:“利桑亚长老,你们精灵族内应该也是有魔导师的吧?” Naturally.” The Lisanya elder nods. Before the race war, our elf clan heyday, Magister is not anything, even Great Magister will maintain at over five.......” The Lisanya elder shakes the head as for the present, in the look passed over gently and swiftly low-spirited. Although I definitely should have Magister, but actually does not know any about their news.” “当然。”利桑亚长老点点头。“在种族战争之前,我们精灵族全盛时期,魔导师根本算不上什么,甚至连大魔导师都会保持在五名以上。至于现在……”利桑亚长老摇摇头,眼神中掠过一丝黯然。“虽然我肯定应该还有魔导师在,但是却根本不知道任何关于他们的消息。” You felt, in Rudson Kingdom Azhara Tribe can have the elf of Magister rank?” Xu Yi also asked. “那您觉得,鲁尔逊王国艾萨拉部族里有可能有魔导师级别的精灵吗?”许亦又问。 This I am not clear. However haven't you had the contact with Azhara Tribe? Doesn't this information know?” The Lisanya elder asked back. “这我可不清楚。不过你不是已经和艾萨拉部族取得联系了吗?难道连这点儿情报也不知道?”利桑亚长老反问。 The Xu Yi forced smile shakes the head: You should be clear about elf race's alert to our human very much. Although by also has relation between your Moon Shadow Tribe with Night Song Tribe, obtained the approval of Azhara Tribe initially, but until now, where our Azhara Tribe does not even know.” 许亦苦笑摇头:“您应该很清楚精灵族对我们人类的戒备。虽然凭借和夜歌部族还有你们月影部族之间的联系,初步取得了艾萨拉部族的认同,但是迄今为止,我们甚至连艾萨拉部族到底在什么地方都不知道。” This fellows, the time are now different, hides again as before, but does not have any significance.” The Lisanya elder snort/hum , said to Xu Yi gently: This, waits after a period of time, I go to Rudson Kingdom to walk personally with you. Has me to accompany, believing Azhara Tribe should be easier to admit you.” “这帮家伙,现在时代不同了,再像以前一样躲起来可是没有任何意义的。”利桑亚长老轻轻哼了一声,顿了顿,向许亦道:“这样吧,等过一段时间,我亲自和你去鲁尔逊王国走一趟。有我陪同,相信艾萨拉部族应该会更加容易接纳你。” Xu Yi immediately great happiness: That was too good! The matter cannot be delayed, next month I will select time, we together. How do you look?” 许亦顿时大喜:“那就太好了!事不宜迟,下个月我就挑一个时间,我们一起出发。您看怎么样?” Next month?” The Lisanya elder knits the brows slightly. Begins to think crookedly. Next month only has two competitions. Went in the gaps of two competitions.” “下个月?”利桑亚长老微微皱眉。歪起头想了想。“下个月只有两场比赛。就在两场比赛的间隙去好了。” Xu Yi could not bear wipe cold sweat. 许亦忍不住抹了一把冷汗。 Has not thought, Lisanya elder is very noble, graceful and mysterious, cold proud the elf head of the clan is certainly old in bystander opinion, unexpectedly will so wallow to the race car! 万万没有想到,利桑亚长老这个在外人看来一定是非常高贵、优雅、神秘、冷傲的精灵族长老,居然会对赛车如此沉迷! The Lisanya elder looked at expression strange Xu Yi, the facial expression moves, probably remembered anything, closed the eye, thread of magic power swung from her. 利桑亚长老看了一眼表情古怪的许亦,神情动了动,像是想起了什么事情,闭上眼睛,一丝魔力从她身上荡开。 After the moment, the Lisanya elder please shout toward the darkness of right manor in: Janice. Comes out!” 片刻后,利桑亚长老向着右边庄园的黑暗中请喝道:“亚妮丝。出来!” Xu Yi looks startled to that direction, saw that in the darkness a light shadow sways from side to side, the Janice form appeared. 许亦愕然看向那个方向,就看到黑暗中一阵光影扭动,亚妮丝的身影从中显现了出来。 Janice, you are the President Xu companion, here is your family/home, what do you hide to make?” The Lisanya elder knits the brows to drink to ask. 亚妮丝,你已经是许会长的伴侣了,这里是你的家,你躲起来做什么?”利桑亚长老皱眉喝问道。 Xu Yi also somewhat wonders: Yes, Janice, do you hide here to do?” 许亦也有些纳闷:“是啊,亚妮丝,你躲这儿干嘛?” Janice is excessive, facial expression some avoid the vision of Lisanya elder artificially, hesitant. Said in a soft voice: „The Lisanya elder, I fears you.” 亚妮丝偏过头,神情有些不自然地躲开利桑亚长老的目光,犹豫了一下。轻声道:“利桑亚长老,我怕您。” Xu Yi cannot help laughing immediately. 许亦顿时哑然失笑。 Janice feared that what the Lisanya elder does make? 亚妮丝利桑亚长老做什么? However changes mind thinks. Thought that can understand. 不过转念一想。却又觉得可以理解。 The Lisanya elder and personality of Ailucia elder is critically different, must for severe. 利桑亚长老和艾露希亚长老的性格大为不同,要远为严厉。 Although she is not the Night Song Tribe elder, but regarding Janice, actually is still the honored elder, will see some of her definitely awes. 尽管她并不是夜歌部族的长老,但对于亚妮丝来说,却依然是尊贵的长老阁下,见到她肯定会有些敬畏的。 However speaking of fearing...... some...... 不过说到怕……这就有些过了吧…… Fears me?” The Lisanya elder knits the brows, the vision has cast aside on Janice, on the face appears suddenly the facial expression. I understood. No wonder you will fear me. Janice, you have become the companion with President Xu for a long time, why to the present pure body? Why also not with the President Xu union?” “怕我?”利桑亚长老皱了皱眉,目光在亚妮丝身上撇过,脸上浮现出恍然神情。“我明白了。难怪你会怕我。亚妮丝,你已经和许会长成为伴侣这么长时间了,为什么到现在都还是纯洁之体?为什么还没有和许会长结合?” Ha?” Xu Yi stares the big eye to look at the Lisanya elder. “哈?”许亦瞪大眼睛看着利桑亚长老。 What ghost issue is this? 这是什么鬼问题? Although he until now indeed also not with Janice union, but isn't this question that the Lisanya elder should ask? 虽说他到现在为止的确还没有和亚妮丝相“结合”,但这可不是利桑亚长老该问的问题吧? The Lisanya elder has actually turned the head directly, is looking straight ahead Xu Yi, asked: President Xu, was you chose Janice initially, I will lead our tribe girls. However now a half year passes by, you simply have not actually bumped Janice, why is this? Is you are unsatisfied about Janice? Said you to be perfunctory me and Ailucia radically?” 利桑亚长老却直接转过头,直视着许亦,问道:“许会长,当初是你自己选择了亚妮丝,我才会把我们部族的女孩儿都带了回去。但是现在半年过去了,你却根本没碰过亚妮丝,这是为什么?是你对亚妮丝不满意吗?还是说你根本只是为了敷衍我和艾露希亚?” „, Does not close his matter, is I......” Janice beckons with the hand again and again. “不不不,不关他的事,是我……”亚妮丝连连摆手。 Is you? Is how you?” The Lisanya elder sinking sound asked. “是你?是你怎么样?”利桑亚长老沉声问道。 Janice shot a look at Xu Yi one, on the pure elegant face appeared to blush very rarely. 亚妮丝瞥了许亦一眼,纯净的俏脸上十分难得地浮现起了一丝羞红。 I...... Sir President said that...... he will not force me, will wait for me to be ready to unify patiently with me. However......, but......” “我……会长大人说……他不会强迫我,会耐心地等待我做好准备才会和我相结合。但是……但是……” But hadn't you prepared?” Lisanya elder cold snort/hum asked. “但是你一直没有准备好?”利桑亚长老冷哼问道。 Janice un, dangled to go gently. 亚妮丝轻轻嗯了一声,垂下头去。 The Lisanya elder deeply looked at Janice one, shoots a look at Xu Yi that nearby knit the brows again , slowed down the tone, said to Janice: Janice, the copulation is any species instinct, no need prepares specially. You did not say that likes with President Xu in the same place? Then with his copulation is actually very natural matter, there is nothing to need shy or is the fear. Treads this bravely, this is the path that you can definitely experience.” 利桑亚长老深深地看了亚妮丝一眼,再瞥了一眼一旁皱眉的许亦,顿了顿,放缓了语气,向亚妮丝道:“亚妮丝,交配是任何物种的本能,没有什么需要特别准备的。你不是说喜欢和许会长在一起吗?那么和他交配其实是很自然的事情,这没什么需要害羞或者是害怕的。勇敢都踏出这一步吧,这是你必然会经历的道路。” Xu Yi facial expression strange takes a look at the Lisanya elder. 许亦神情古怪的瞅了瞅利桑亚长老。 Although her these words are very reasonable, but one one copulation, is really makes his abnormal irritable and embarrassed. 虽说她这段话很有道理,但是一口一个“交配”的,实在是让他感觉异常别扭和难堪。 Is Janice makes an effort to nod on the contrary, turns the head to look to Xu Yi, on the face, although somewhat blushes as before, the facial expression is firm. 反倒是亚妮丝用力点了点头,转头看向许亦,脸上虽然依旧有些羞红,却神情坚定。 Un, the Lisanya elder, I can hand over with Sir President......” “嗯,利桑亚长老,我一定会和会长大人交……” On the Xu Yi face the muscle twitches, within the body Magic, used a short distance to transmit Magic directly, arrived at side Janice, covered her mouth. 许亦脸上肌肉抽搐,体内魔法,直接用了一个短距离传送魔法,来到亚妮丝身边,一把捂住她的嘴。 This...... Lisanya elder, this is the things between our couples, do not care? Un?” “这个……利桑亚长老,这是我们夫妻之间的事情,您还是不要过于关心了吧?嗯?” Looks that Xu Yi to the look that oneself threw, the Lisanya elder actually misunderstood probably, nods saying: You said well. However President Xu, how if you are conduct the copulation not to understand to and elf clan, then I can help you. Un...... your taste is quite special, if real liking, I can consider to come to you to demonstrate personally.” 看着许亦向自己抛过来的眼神,利桑亚长老却好像误会了,点点头道:“你说得不错。不过许会长,如果你是对如何和精灵族进行交配不了解的话,那么我可以帮你。嗯……你的口味比较特殊,如果真的喜欢的话,我可以考虑亲自来给你做示范。” On the Xu Yi face the muscle twitched violently, constrains the impulsion that oneself spit blood with great difficulty, said one word at a time earnestly: No, many thanks your good intention. Matter in this aspect, I can study with Janice well, un,...... the research......”( please search the floating astronomy well to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 许亦脸上肌肉猛烈抽搐了一下,好不容易才压抑住自己吐血的冲动,一字一顿地认真道:“不,多谢您的好意。这方面的事情,我会和亚妮丝好好研究的,嗯,好好……研究……”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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