MIE :: Volume #5

#11: Magic Power output network

Newmann walked. 纽曼走了。 Not is quite smooth with the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce discussion, therefore he walks seems somewhat worried, obviously is not quite very satisfied with the result. 新飞商会进行的商谈并不太顺利,所以他走的时候显得有些心事重重,很明显对结果不太满意。 Although Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce complies to strengthen the investment of Rudson Kingdom, and will assist the Rudson Kingdom foundation foundation with every effort the Magic industrial system, specifically speaking is will transmit the more Magic machinery related technology to Rudson Kingdom paid, the military Magic mechanical aspect that but most cares about regarding King Trutz, Xu Yi had not actually given the clear answer. 新飞商会虽然答应会加强对鲁尔逊王国的投资,并且会尽力协助鲁尔逊王国创建基础的魔法工业体系,具体来说就是会将更多的魔法机械相关技术有偿转交给鲁尔逊王国,但是对于特鲁茨国王陛下最为关心的军用魔法机械方面,许亦却一直没有给出明确的答案。 Although Xu Yi pledged in the future the Magic industrial system of Rudson Kingdom improves, he will consider to transmit the related technology of part of military Magic machineries to Rudson Kingdom, but this so-called when in the future will improve specifically refers, actually is really a very fuzzy concept. 尽管许亦承诺日后当鲁尔逊王国魔法工业体系完善之后,他会考虑转交一部分军用魔法机械的相关技术给鲁尔逊王国,可是这个所谓的“日后完善”具体是指什么时候,却实在是个很模糊的概念。 Let alone, according to the situation that Xu Yi described, the light was founds one to be able with the Lanpali Kingdom suitable foundation Magic industrial system, least also needed three years. 更何况,按照许亦所描述的情形,光是创建一个能够和兰帕里王国相当的基础魔法工业体系,最少也需要三年之久。 But wants the approval of Xu Yi, actually takes at least five years. 而想要得到许亦的认可,却需要最少五年。 Rudson Kingdom impossible and other years is so long, therefore Newmann understands at heart how even King Trutz does not want again, finally perhaps still can only accept the only solution that Xu Yi put forward, that purchases the military Magic machinery from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce directly, to maintain the Rudson king Dui battle efficiency and Lanpali Kingdom was balanced. 鲁尔逊王国不可能等五年这么久,于是纽曼心里明白,就算是特鲁茨国王陛下再怎么不愿意,最终恐怕也只能接受许亦提出的唯一解决方案,那就是直接从新飞商会购买军用魔法机械,以保持鲁尔逊王队的战斗力和兰帕里王国平衡。 The time is different, but also depends on the war mode that the armor sword fights as before, the strong might that had been produced the military Magic machinery that brings by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce pushing one side. 时代已经不同了,还像以前一样靠着盔甲刀剑来战斗的战争模式,早已经被新飞商会所生产的军用魔法机械带来的超强威力给挤到了一边去。 If Rudson Kingdom cannot pursue furiously, then soon, cannot do well is thrown by Lanpali Kingdom by far behind. 鲁尔逊王国如果不能奋力追赶,那么用不了多长时间,搞不好就会被兰帕里王国远远抛在身后。 When the both sides strength differs the enough big time. So-called ally. Does not have any significance. 等到双方实力相差足够大的时候。所谓的“盟国”。可不具备任何意义。 Ambassador Hakanin also walked. Moreover he is Newmann leaves about the same time one after another. 哈坎因大使也走了。而且他是和纽曼前后脚相继离开。 Compared with Newmann, Ambassador Hakanin leaves seems quite satisfied. 纽曼相比,哈坎因大使离开的时候显得相当满意。 Although about the military mechanical aspect, he and Newmann same cannot obtain the explicit reply from Xu Yi there, but the Candela empire did not care to this matter, Ambassador Hakanin naturally does not care. 虽然关于军用机械方面,他和纽曼一样没能从许亦那里获得明确的回复,但是坎德拉帝国本来就对这件事并不是十分在意,哈坎因大使自然更加不怎么在意。 Compares, what he cares is Xu Yi complies to provide to his massive home Magic machinery. 相比较起来,他更加在意的是许亦答应提供给他的大量家用魔法机械。 According to the agreement that Xu Yi and he signs in private, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce by the regular price 90% prices will sell to his type home Magic machineries amounts to over 30,000, the agreement reaches as high as 740,000 gold coins related to the amount. 按照许亦和他私下签署的协议,新飞商会将会以正常价格90%的价格售卖给他各式家用魔法机械总计超过三万台,协议涉及金额高达七十四万金币。 In the Ambassador Hakanin heart has made the appraisal. If he can return to the Candela empire to sell out these 30,000 various type home Magic mechanical belts, by these aristocrat merchants earnestly seeking to these novel home Magic machineries, he can also obtain to surpass enough 200,000 gold coins at least the astonishing profits. 哈坎因大使心中做过评估。如果他能够把这三万台各式家用魔法机械带回到坎德拉帝国卖掉,以那些贵族商人们对这些新奇的家用魔法机械的渴求,他从中最起码也能获得超过足足二十万金币的惊人利润。 Even if he is more cruel-hearted, getting profit , is higher. 甚至如果他再狠心一些,获得利润只有更高。 Therefore when leaves Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, Ambassador Hakanin as if smiles on the face the fresh flower to be in full bloom, is extremely bright. 于是在离开新飞商会的时候,哈坎因大使笑得脸上仿佛鲜花盛开,极其灿烂。 He is the Candela empire ambassadors in Rudson Kingdom, although valued, the position is extremely high, because and has no factual power, therefore the perquisite is not in fact rich. 他在鲁尔逊王国担任坎德拉帝国大使虽然备受重视,地位极高,但因为并没有什么实际权力,所以实际上油水并不算多么丰厚。 A year later, he can plunder four and 50,000 gold coins is extremely rare. 一年下来,他能够搜刮个四、五万金币就已经是极为难得。 But now does not only come Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. May obtain over 200,000 gold coins the huge profits. 而现在只不过来了新飞商会一趟。就有可能获得超过二十万金币的庞大利润。 And his almost anything matter does not serve as, because Xu Yi pledged. Will send out the motorcade personally, transports the cargo to Roggah city, even can also deliver to the Candela empire directly. 并且在这其中他几乎什么事情都不用做,因为许亦承诺了。会亲自派出车队,将货物运送到库拉卡城,甚至还可以直接送到坎德拉帝国去。 The only condition, is to make Ambassador Hakanin be responsible for the cartage expense and motorcade enters the procedure of Candela empire. 唯一的条件,就是让哈坎因大使负责运输费用以及车队进入坎德拉帝国的手续而已。 Bearing the cartage expense is natural, but makes only motorcade enter the Candela empire, regarding Ambassador Hakanin is also an extremely simple matter, therefore this condition he very relaxed complied. 承担运输费用理所当然,而让区区一支车队进入坎德拉帝国,对于哈坎因大使来说也是一件极其简单的事情,所以这个条件他非常轻松的就答应了下来。 After all came to an arrangement, Ambassador Hakanin only needed to return to Roggah city to wait for patiently. 一切谈妥之后,哈坎因大使只需要回到库拉卡城耐心等待。 When the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce motorcade transports the cargo to arrive, follows Ambassador Hakanin to return to the Candela empire together, he can sit at home medium the number gold coin. 等到新飞商会的车队运送货物到达,跟随哈坎因大使一起回到坎德拉帝国,他就可以坐在家中等着数金币了。 In the Ambassador Hakanin heart is extremely joyful, in Xu Yi heart joyful also not necessarily are less than many him. 哈坎因大使心中极度喜悦,许亦心中的喜悦却也不见得比他少多少。 With after Newmann in Rudson Kingdom aspect negotiates with, although about the military Magic mechanical aspect has not obtained the explicit result, but deepens with cooperation of Rudson Kingdom in civil Magic mechanical aspect, is actually settled. 和代表鲁尔逊王国方面的纽曼进行协商后,尽管关于军用魔法机械方面并没有得出明确的结果,但是加深和鲁尔逊王国在民用魔法机械方面的合作,却是板上钉钉。 According to favorable condition that King Trutz gives, after Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, in Rudson Kingdom the investment will put up a factory or conducts the Magic machinery to sell will obtain the enormous convenience. 按照特鲁茨国王陛下给出的优惠条件,新飞商会以后在鲁尔逊王国内无论是投资建厂还是进行魔法机械售卖都将获得极大的便利。 For example Rudson Kingdom through a resolution, other will converge the first-rate commodity the Magic machinery, adopts the brand-new tax collection system, but no longer defers to the general cargo standard to levy. 比如说鲁尔逊王国将会通过一项决议,把魔法机械另外归为一类商品,采取全新的税务征收制度,而不再按照一般的货物标准进行征收。 According to this new standard, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in the future in Rudson Kingdom sells the Magic machinery, not only will little pay beyond 5% tariffs, will also reduce about 3% taxes. 按照这个新标准,新飞商会日后在鲁尔逊王国内售卖魔法机械时,不仅会少缴纳百分之五的关税之外,还将减免大约百分之三的税赋。 Do not despise 5% and 3% these two numbers. 不要小看百分之五和百分之三这两个数字。 Solely was only in the first half of this year, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce takes to the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce profit to surpass 3 million gold coins in various Magic machineries that in Rudson Kingdom sold. 要知道,单单只是今年上半年,新飞商会鲁尔逊王国内售卖的各类魔法机械带给新飞商会的利润就超过了三百万金币。 5% add on 3% words again, but was Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce saves directly was close to 300,000 gold coins, was absolutely not be ignored. 百分之五再加上百分之三的话,可是直接为新飞商会省下了接近三十万金币,绝对不可小视。 As for the Ambassador Hakanin aspect, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has not gotten any direct interests with the cooperation of Ambassador Hakanin, because on the contrary Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce needs to prevent a motorcade to transport the cargo to the Candela empire, even if Ambassador Hakanin is responsible for the cartage expense, in fact Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce must put in massive manpower and resources for this reason, the words that finally settles accounts, cannot do well, not only cannot make what money, perhaps will also owe. 至于哈坎因大使方面,新飞商会并没有从和哈坎因大使的合作中获得什么直接的利益,相反因为新飞商会需要阻止一支车队将货物运送到坎德拉帝国去,就算哈坎因大使负责运输费用,实际上新飞商会还是必须为此投入大量的人力物力,最终结算下来的话,搞不好不仅赚不到什么钱,说不定还会亏一些。 However with the Ambassador Hakanin cooperation main significance, is helps Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce open Candela empire huge market. 但是和哈坎因大使的合作最主要的意义,就是帮助新飞商会打开坎德拉帝国这个庞大的市场。 Compares Lanpali Kingdom, the Candela empire land area big dozens times, the population also were many dozens times, this market must have dozens times without doubt greatly. 相比起兰帕里王国,坎德拉帝国国土面积大了数十倍,人口同样也多了数十倍,这个市场无疑要大出了数十倍。 If the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic machinery can smoothly enter the Candela empire, and stands firm in the Candela empire, that is representing Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce prospect light without doubt. 如果新飞商会魔法机械能够顺利进入坎德拉帝国,并在坎德拉帝国站稳脚跟,那无疑代表着新飞商会的前景一片光明。 The little loss, naturally is not anything. 一点点损失而已,自然算不上什么。 # # # ### The scorching sun has climbed up the top of the head, the vision throws down from the above, turned into everyone's shadow one group of condensing in the under foot. 骄阳已经爬上头顶,的眼光从上方直直投下,将所有人的影子都变成了凝聚在脚下的一团。 Often several drops of hot perspiration fall from the above, drop in ground, was exposed to the sun in the boiling hot road surface to make a flake to be moist, was evaporated instantaneously. 不时有几滴热汗从上方滑落,滴在地面上,在被晒得滚烫的公路路面上打出一小片湿润,然后瞬间就被蒸发。 Xu Yi made an effort to wipe perspiration on forehead, the sound slightly hoarse to squatting asked in ground Akali: What kind of? Has the response?” 许亦用力抹了一把额头上的汗,声音略显嘶哑地向蹲在地上的阿卡丽问道:“怎么样?有反应吗?” Akali raised the head, on the elegant face also covers entirely the sweat, the facial expression slightly has doubts obviously. 阿卡丽抬起头,俏脸上也布满汗水,神情略显疑惑。 Strange...... should be OK normally, why hasn't responded?” “奇怪……按说应该可以了啊,为什么还是没反应呢?” Xu Yi lowers the head to have a look to place in front of her wooden platforms of-and-a-half meter square, discovered that the platform surface inlays magic array that carves to have no response, can't help it frowns: „...... Failure?” 许亦低头看看放在她面前的一个半米见方的木制平台,发现平台表面镶刻的魔法阵没有什么反应,禁不住皱起眉头:“难道……失败了?” Is impossible!” Akali raises the sound, shakes the head firmly. This tested our group several hundred times, recently almost can succeed dozens times each time, was impossible to be defeated!” “不可能!”阿卡丽提高声音,坚定地摇了摇头。“这个实验我们小组已经进行了好几百次,最近几十次几乎每次都能成功,不可能失败的!” Xu Yi nods: Un, I believe your abilities. However you do not need to worry, even is defeated time one still no. I have said that permits you at the failure of laboratory stage, but is in the actual utilization stage, actually cannot be defeated at will.” 许亦点点头:“嗯,我相信你们的能力。不过你也不用着急,就算失败一次也没什么。我说过,允许你们在实验阶段的失败,而在进入实际运用阶段,却不能随意失败了。” Said will not be defeated!” Akali makes an effort to stamp the feet, stands up fiercely, stood erect to distant one in road nearby stage swept one, suddenly within the body Magic Power flowed, flew unexpectedly directly, immediately the figure moved, flies to that stage. “都说了不会失败了!”阿卡丽用力一跺脚,猛地站起身,向远方一个竖立在公路旁边的高台扫了一眼,忽然体内魔力流动,竟是直接飞了起来,随即身形一动,飞向那个高台。 Xu Yi cannot bear show the whites of the eyes. 许亦忍不住翻了个白眼。 This Akali, but when also is really cannot change this impatient person. 这个阿卡丽,还真是什么时候都改不掉这个急性子。 Turns the head to look that to by the wooden platform is standing several young Magician that wears Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Researcher Research Institute to overpower, Xu Yi smiles to ask: This did experiment you to make several hundred times?” 转头看向木制平台旁边站着的几个身穿新飞商会魔法研究院研究员制服的年轻魔法师,许亦笑了笑问道:“这个实验你们已经做了好几百次了吗?” Several researchers have a look mutually, an old researcher replied respectfully: Yes, Sir President. Team leader Akali started to study this Magic Power networked transmission from last year, from just started made Magic Power to transmit long away the test the time, has done several hundred experiments. After in the Magic Power transmitting range obtained the breakthrough, the later Magic Power networked transmission lays down the experiment, similarly also did several hundred times to the present. Really must be the words, the experiment about this topic, we made the minimum over a thousand times.” 几名研究员互相看看,一名年纪稍大一些的研究员恭敬地答道:“是的,会长大人阿卡丽组长从去年就开始研究这个魔力传输网络了,从刚开始做魔力传输长距测试的时候,就做过好几百次实验。后来在魔力传输距离上获得突破后,之后的魔力传输网络铺设实验,同样到现在也做了好几百次。真要算的话,关于这个课题的实验,我们做了起码上千次了。” Oh? said that Akali did add a moment ago few?” Xu Yi do not look at a stage in distant place excessively, discovered that Akali has flown to fall above the stage, seems bending the body to inspect anything. Un, since has done so many time experimented, then I believe that you are familiar with this topic, will not have problems.” 哦?这么说阿卡丽刚才还说少了?”许亦别过头看了一眼远处的高台,发现阿卡丽已经飞落在高台之上,似乎正在弓着身检查着什么。“嗯,既然已经做了这么多次试验了,那么我相信你们对这个课题已经非常熟悉,不会出什么问题的。” Yes!” Hears the praise of Xu Yi, several young Research Institute all throw out the chest, proud typical: We took so many pains in this above, is impossible to be defeated!” “是的!”听到许亦的表扬,几名年轻的研究院全都挺了挺胸,一脸自豪地道:“我们在这上面花了这么多心血,绝不可能失败!” Right! Has leadership of team leader Akali, we will definitely succeed!” “对!有阿卡丽组长的率领,我们肯定会成功的!” Xu Yi laughs, thought that several years pass by, Akali not only becomes the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute veteran senior research fellow, built enough authority in afterward Research Institute mind. 许亦哈哈一笑,心想几年过去,阿卡丽不仅成为了新飞商会魔法研究院的老牌高级研究员,也在后来的研究院心目中树立了足够的权威。 At least, in the mind of research team member in these she leads, her image is very certainly big. 最起码,在这几个她率领的研究小组组员的心目中,她的形象一定十分高大。 If makes them know that the Akali beforehand appearance, can affect the Akali glorious image in their mind?” In the Xu Yi heart somewhat thinks mischievously. “如果让他们知道阿卡丽以前的模样,会不会影响阿卡丽在他们心目中的光辉形象呢?”许亦心中有些促狭地想到。 The vision falls to that wooden platform, Xu Yi can't help it is somewhat sigh with emotion. 目光重新落向那个木制平台,许亦禁不住有些感慨。 On the electrical network regarding copy Earth creates a Magic Power output network the tentative plan, Xu Yi has mentioned this matter to Akali, has not actually thought of investment of Akali to the wholeheartedly in. 对于仿造地球上的电网创造一个魔力输出网络的设想,许亦只是向阿卡丽提过这回事,却没想到阿卡丽对全身心的投入到了其中。 At present one of the wooden platform representative Magic Power output network terminals, although also seems extremely immature, cannot call by far maturely, but actually means that this tentative plan may become realistically.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 目前这个木制平台代表的魔力输出网络终端之一,虽然还显得极为稚嫩,远远称不上成熟,但是却意味着这个设想极有可能成为现实。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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