MIE :: Volume #5

#12: Asks for money

The Akali movement is quick, before long then gust flew generally. 阿卡丽的动作很快,不一会儿便一阵风一般地飞了回来。 Just fell to the ground, she then beckoned with the hand to say high-spirited: Ok, problem solve.” 刚一落地,她便意气风发地一摆手道:“行了,问题解决了。” Xu Yi prevented her the hand according to the movement of wooden platform, asked: Is what issue, investigated thoroughly?” 许亦阻止了她将手按向木制平台的动作,问道:“到底是什么问题、查清楚了吗?” Akali is startled slightly, as if to some people to her will ask unexpectedly this issue feels the surprise, immediately responded, replied: „, Was the magic array frequency establishment made a small mistake. I had not considered that today the weather is so hot, will inlay some slightly distortions that the quarter magic array material roasts, causing magic array to have the little error. I inspected a moment ago, had revised, therefore is all right now.” 阿卡丽微微一怔,似乎对有人居然会向她问这种问题感到诧异,随即反应过来,答道:“哦,是魔法阵同频设置出现了一个小小的失误。我没有考虑到今天天气这么热,将镶刻魔法阵的材料烤的稍微有些变形,导致魔法阵出现了一点点误差。我刚才检查出来,已经修正了,所以现在没事了。” Un, knows where the issue is good.” Xu Yi nods. Akali, listening to these team members to say a moment ago, this tested you to make over a thousand times, before that should not, has not had similar problem, why didn't have to find the way to solve?” “嗯,知道问题在哪儿就好。”许亦点点头。“不过阿卡丽,听刚才这些组员说,这个实验你已经做了上千次了,那不应该以前没有出现过类似的问题啊,为什么没有想办法解决?” Akali took a look at Xu Yi one, the facial expression as if somewhat hesitates. 阿卡丽瞅了许亦一眼,神情似乎有些犹豫。 Xu Yi frowns: What's wrong? What words also had unable to say before me?” 许亦皱起眉头:“怎么?在我面前还有什么话不能说吗?” President, this was you make me say.” Akali smiles suddenly. 会长,这可是你让我说的哦。”阿卡丽忽然嘿嘿一笑。 Xu Yi somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry: You said and that's the end. Who did also block is not making you say inadequately? Do I want in this chamber of commerce, no one to be able to block you?” 许亦有些哭笑不得:“你说就是了。难道还有谁拦着不让你说不成?我想在这个商会里,没有谁能拦得住你吧?” That is uncertain, for example Evita......” a Akali face hidden bitterness said/tunnel. “那可不一定,比如艾薇塔……”阿卡丽一脸幽怨地道。 Evita?” Xu Yi is relentless. Evita you? What issue if really has, she won't tell me directly?” 艾薇塔?”许亦大为不解。“艾薇塔怎么你了?如果真有什么问题的话,她难道不会直接跟我说么?” Cannot say to you.” Akali shrugged, shot a look at Xu Yi one. Sighed: Good. Has said in any case. That told you. President, you guess right, this issue I am know that because thinks that settles the Evita injunction, I have not gone to find the way to solve.” “就是不能向你说嘛。”阿卡丽耸了耸肩,瞥了许亦一眼。叹了口气道:“好吧。反正都已经说出来了。那就告诉你吧。会长,你猜得没错,这个问题我是知道的,但是因为想到安艾薇塔的嘱咐,我就没去想办法解决。” Xu Yi wonders to ask: Why?” 许亦纳闷地问道:“为什么?” Because Evita said that must save the research cost as far as possible.” Akali quite replied reluctantly. Evita said, our Magic Research Institute last year research expenses spent much, therefore starting from this year. She requests each research team, each researcher saves the research cost as far as possible, money that should not spend cannot spend randomly. This material issue I have actually discovered, but thinks that experiments each time wants the exchanging material, and must conduct the compatible research regarding the material, certainly must spend a lot of money, therefore temporarily gave up.” “因为艾薇塔说了,要尽量节约研究成本啊。”阿卡丽颇为无奈地答道。“艾薇塔说,我们魔法研究院去年的研究费花得太多了,所以从今年开始。她就要求每个研究小组,每个研究员都尽量节约研究成本,不该花的钱不能乱花。这个材料问题其实我早就发现了,但是想到每次实验都要换新材料,并且对于材料还得重新进行适应性研究,肯定要花很多钱,所以就暂时放弃了。” Nonsense!” Xu Yi drinks suddenly sternly greatly, has a scare Akali and several other Research Institute. Saves the research cost yes right, but therefore lowered the research standard, puts the cart before the horse radically! Akali. You were also the senior researcher, does not know, if a research cannot achieve perfectly in the experimental stage. Perhaps small errors therefore extremely heavy a loss in practice process?” “胡闹!”许亦突然厉声大喝,把阿卡丽和其他几名研究院都吓了一跳。“节约研究成本是没错,但是因此把研究水准降低了,根本是本末倒置!阿卡丽。你也是老研究员了,难道不知道如果一项研究在试验阶段不能做到完美的话。说不定在实践过程中一个小错漏就会因此极其重大的损失吗?” This...... I......” “这……我……” Akali rarely saw that Xu Yi will send such big fire, suddenly is somewhat in a daze. 阿卡丽很少看到许亦会发这么大的火,一时间有些发呆。 What your my, told you, so long as can raise the research standard, making the research results be able to be perfect, regardless of that spent again the multi- money, was worth the flower! You forgot on our chamber of commerce Magic Power Air Conditioning of a number of new research and development, because small taking a rash step in research and development process, causing us to be forced to recall already enough more than 20,000 Magic Power Air Conditioning that sold?” “什么你的我的,告诉你,只要是能够提升研究水准的,让研究成果能够完善的,那么无论花再多钱,都值得去花!你难道忘了我们商会上一批新研发的魔力空调,就因为一个研发过程上的小失策,导致我们被迫召回了已经卖出去的足足两万多台魔力空调吗?” Akali spits the tongue: I remember certainly. Stille said that time was forced to recall, making our chamber of commerce lose at least over 100,000 gold coins was right?” 阿卡丽吐了吐舌头:“我当然记得。斯蒂尔说,那次被迫召回,让我们商会损失了最少超过十万金币对不对?” Incessantly 100,000 gold coins!” Xu Yi sinking sound said. What is more important, before this accident lets our chamber of commerce , nearly perfect prestige received the serious harm. This point wants serious 100 times compared with the loss of only 100,000 gold coin! Therefore I do not allow to make the mistake in research and development process absolutely again, do you understand my meaning?” “不止十万金币!”许亦沉声道。“更重要的是,这次事故让我们商会之前近乎完美的声誉受到了严重的损害。这一点比区区十万金币的损失要严重一百倍!所以我绝对不允许再次出现研发过程中的失误,你明白我的意思吗?” I understand me to understand.” Akali nods again and again: But Sir President, Evita said that must save the research cost, therefore in giving in the research fund of each research team the card strictly, you looks very much......” “我懂我懂。”阿卡丽连连点头:“但是会长大人,艾薇塔说要节约研究成本,所以在给每个研究小组的研究经费上卡得很严,您看……” Xu Yi stuffy snort/hum: This issue I have discovered. You went to say with her to solve this problem, increased many research funds not to have the issue.”, Also asked: „Did 100,000 gold coins, always suffice?” 许亦闷哼一声:“这个问题我已经发现了。你去跟她说,为了解决这个问题,添加多少研究经费都没问题。”顿了顿,又问道:“十万金币,总够了吧?” Akali cheers one immediately: Sufficed!” 阿卡丽顿时欢呼一声:“太够了!” After cheers, Akali even made an effort to hold Xu Yi excitedly, laughed saying: Sir President, I know that you are most natural, definitely not like Evita that stingy ghost, including a gold coin stingily.” 欢呼过后,阿卡丽甚至激动地用力抱了许亦一下,大笑道:“会长大人,我就知道您是最大方的,肯定不会像艾薇塔那个小气鬼一样,连一枚金币都抠门得要死。” Sees the Akali exciting expression, and exciting looks on surrounding several researcher faces, in the Xu Yi heart move, if has become aware, points at Akali to say startled: Good, Akali, you radically are intentionally, wants to apply to supplement the research fund taking this opportunity to me specially is right?” 看到阿卡丽激动的表情,以及周围几名研究员脸上的兴奋神色,许亦心中一动,若有所悟,愕然指着阿卡丽道:“好啊,阿卡丽,你根本是故意的,专门想借这个机会向我申请追加研究经费对不对?” Akali laughs, grasped an arm of Xu Yi to swing swinging: Really cannot hide the truth from the wise supernatural might Sir President, but Sir President, your certainly not accountant right?” 阿卡丽嘻嘻一笑,抱住许亦的一只胳膊摇了摇:“果然瞒不过英明神武的会长大人,不过会长大人,您一定不会计较的对吗?” Xu Yi cold snort/hum: Are many on your fellow thoughts. Wants the research fund to speak frankly, I on this parsimonious. However I warned you, these 100,000 gold coins I can you, but must use in completely solving this material problem. If by some chance by me were discovered your chaotic flower, hmph hmph......” 许亦冷哼一声:“就你这个家伙心思多。想要研究经费就直说,我什么时候在这上面吝啬过。不过我警告你,这十万金币我可以给你,但是必须全部用在解决这个材料问题上。万一被我发现你乱花,哼哼……” „, Sir President, my how chaotic tweed, you are not first day may know me.” Akali said with a smile. “不会的了,会长大人,我怎么可能乱花呢,你又不是第一天认识我。”阿卡丽笑道。 Xu Yi face upwards the deep sigh: Is because is not first day knows you, at meeting your working as.” 许亦仰天长叹:“就是因为不是第一天认识你,才会上了你的当啊。” Saw Akali also to say again, Xu Yi lifted the hand, interrupted her words. 阿卡丽还要再说,许亦抬起手,打断了她的话。 Ok, this matter stopped. Makes the best use of the time to enter the subject, if this tested successfully, that gave you many research funds to throw away carelessly.” “行了,这事情到此为止。还是抓紧时间进入正题吧,如果这个实验成功不了,那给你再多的研究经费可都是打水漂了。” I said that is impossible to be defeated.” Before Akali arrives at the wooden platform confidently, puts out a hand to press down a button in platform. “我都说了,不可能失败的。”阿卡丽信心满满地来到木制平台前,伸手按下平台上的一个按钮。 The magic array light cyan ray in platform flashes through together, Xu Yi and Akali have several other researchers also to turn the head, look to the direction of stage. 平台上的魔法阵一道淡青色光芒闪过,许亦阿卡丽还有其它几名研究员同时转头,看向高台的方向。 As Magician, they can induce to transmit a wind system Magic element to fluctuate clearly from the stage in distant place, then arrives in the wooden platform instantaneously, invests into above magic array. 身为魔法师,他们可以清楚地感应到从远处的高台上传来一股风系魔法元素波动,瞬间便来到木制平台上,投入到上面的魔法阵中。 magic array in wooden platform is suddenly sparking, immediately before the people feel, that wind system Magic element fluctuation exactly the same Magic element fluctuates from the wooden platform disperses, by careful lines, spread placed on wooden platform several home Magic machineries. 木制平台上的魔法阵陡然闪亮,随即众人又感觉到和之前那股风系魔法元素波动一模一样的魔法元素波动从木制平台上散开,透过一条条细细的线路,传入了摆放在木制平台旁边的几台家用魔法机械上。 Buzz......” “嗡……” A weak buzzing sound gets up, Magic Powered Fan starts to rotate suddenly, Magic Power Air Conditioning also opens the air outlet, blows out cool breeze, the Magic Power stove ignites automatically...... 一阵微弱的蜂鸣声响起,魔力风扇陡然开始转动起来,魔力空调也打开出风口,吹出一股凉风,魔力火炉自动燃起…… Various type home Magic machineries that were also silent a moment ago, started unexpectedly. 刚才还寂静无声的各式家用魔法机械,竟是一齐启动。 The Xu Yi vision passed over gently and swiftly on each home Magic machinery, discovered that the Magic Powered Fan fan blade rotational speed is fast, the flame that the Magic Power stove ignites is also much higher compared with the normal condition, but the cool breeze that the Magic Power Air Conditioning air outlet blows actually normal was weaker than...... 许亦目光在每个家用魔法机械上掠过,发现魔力风扇的扇叶转动速度要略快,魔力火炉燃起的火焰也比正常情况高出很多,而魔力空调出风口吹出来的凉风却是要比正常的弱了一些…… In brief, when the working condition of each home Magic machinery, with revolves normally some differences. 总之,每个家用魔法机械的运转情况,都和正常运转时有些差别。 This is also expected. 这也在意料之中。 Normally, these home Magic machineries are fill Magic Crystal to take the power supply, but these is actually time the unification uses this wooden platform, is Magic Power that the Magic Power transmission terminal provides comes to revolve as the power, definitely some differences. 正常情况下,这些家用魔法机械都是自己填充魔力水晶作为动力源,而这一次却是统一采用这个木制平台,也就是魔力传输终端提供的魔力来作为动力运转,肯定会有些区别。 These Magic Power have that Magic Power networked transmission center two kilometers away from distance here fully- Magic Power supplies station, via such long distance, having some differences is also very normal. 况且这些魔力是来自距离这里足有两公里之外的那个魔力传输网络中枢-魔力供给站,途经这么长的距离,出现些差异也很正常。 To solve this problem, besides conducts a more thorough careful research to the Magic Power networked transmission, what is more important is like these household electrical appliances on Earth, determined that unified power supply standard, this can let these home Magic machinery smoother accesses in this Magic Power networked transmission. 想要解决这个问题,除了对魔力传输网络进行更深入细致的研究之外,更重要的是像地球上的那些家用电器一样,确定统一的供电标准,这样才能让这些家用魔法机械更加顺畅的接入到这个魔力传输网络中来。 Finally the goal, like on Earth, each family only needs to arrange one to be similar this wooden platform same Magic Power networked transmission terminal, can not need to go out purchases Magic Crystal also to be able all home Magic machineries in normal use. 最终目的,就是像在地球上一样,每个家庭只需要布置一个类似这个木制平台一样的魔力传输网络终端,就可以不需要出门采购魔力水晶也能正常使用家中的所有家用魔法机械。 Not only under this can save to purchase the Magic Crystal time energy to the home use, can save some money. 这不仅能够给家用使用节省下自己去购买魔力水晶的时间精力,也可以省下一些钱。 More importantly, then can make the family of use home Magic machinery integrate to this Magic Power networked transmission. 更重要的,则是可以让使用家用魔法机械的家庭纳入到这个魔力传输网络中来。 But this Magic Power networked transmission, naturally is by a Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce control, the control that can provide is quite naturally fearful. 而这个魔力传输网络,自然是由新飞商会一手掌控,所能够提供的掌控力自然极为可怕。 The people on Sainz Continent generally are not quite intense regarding the national concept, besides educational level issue, because also regarding most ordinary civilians, the so-called country is only a noun, the difference only lies in many of collecting taxes. 赛恩斯大陆上的人们之所以普遍对于国家概念并不太强烈,除了受教育程度问题之外,也因为对于大多数普通平民来说,所谓的国家只是一个名词而已,区别只在于收税的多少罢了。 Once this Magic Power networked transmission constructs successfully, everyone integrates to this network, will make people very difficult to be separated from this network, similarly also being in the people in this network, beyond people very obvious discrimination with network. 而一旦这个魔力传输网络构建成功,所有人纳入到这个网络中来,就会让人们很难脱离这个网络,同样还会将处于这个网络中的人们,和网络之外的人们很明显的区分开。 A swayed in the present illustration, is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce at present the automatic watering system that vigorously promotes. 一个摆在眼前的例证,就是新飞商会目前正在大力推广的自动供水系统。 In the Xu Yi private territory, the automatic watering system has laid down comprehensively, almost in territory each family, in each building connection automatic watering system. 许亦的私人领地上,自动供水系统已经全面铺设开来,几乎领地上每个家庭,每栋建筑中都接驳了自动供水系统。 Now in this Xu Yi private territory, almost can like Earth on, want the convenience that anytime and anywhere uses the automatic watering to bring. 现在这许亦的私人领地上,几乎可以像地球上一样,随时随地想用到自动供水带来的便利。 But merely is only because this point is convenient, causes is not the people in Xu Yi private territory, welled up from other places, settles down in the Xu Yi private territory. 而仅仅只是因为这一点便利,就使得很多原本并不是许亦私人领地上的人们,从其它地方涌了过来,在许亦私人领地上定居下来。 Starts to promote the automatic watering system also less than one year to the present from Xu Yi, the population in his private territory has grown from the beforehand about 201,000 tones 300,000. 许亦开始推广自动供水系统到现在还不到一年,他的私人领地上的人口已经从之前的大约二十万一口气增长到了三十万。 Moreover according to present this trend, crosses this year, cannot do well in the Xu Yi private territory to have entire Stantin Duchy to exceed half of population, becomes the Stantin Duchy absolute core region.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 而且按照现在这个趋势,今年一过,搞不好许亦的私人领地上就会拥有整个斯坦丁公国超过一半的人口,成为斯坦丁公国绝对的核心区域。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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