MIE :: Volume #5

#13: Now after several years of development, Heimi City has become the supreme headquarters of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and several other chambers of commerce, the significance is extremely great.

One row goes by large-scale freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle of ten Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce most recent 20 tons carrying capacities on the raining road. 【 %, w 一列由十辆新飞商会最新研发的二十吨载重的大型货运魔力机车行驶在落雨公路上。【%,w …… …… …… …… Diameter one meter, 30 cms in width specially-made huge tire steamroll in the road solid ground, has bang the dull thumping sound intermittently, causes the attention of other vehicles and pedestrian who on the road passed by. 直径一米,宽30公分的特制巨大轮胎碾压在公路坚实的地面上,带起阵阵轰轰隆隆的闷响,引起了公路上路过的其它所有车辆和行人的注意。 Saw that on this motorcade with overpowering momentum hangs the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce half leaf of wing to symbolize, everyone showed the understanding smiling face. 看到这个气势磅礴的车队上面挂着新飞商会半扇翅膀标志,所有人都露出了会心的笑容。 Evidently, this was Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce transports the cargo to come to Bunta City. 看样子,这又是新飞商会运送货物到邦塔城来了。 Since Queen Sewinnie mounts the throne, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom make the contact, this scene can see frequently. 自从瑟维尼女王陛下登上王位,新飞商会兰帕里王国重新建立起联系,这种场面经常都能看到。 Especially in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce native place in Bunta City, will see the motorcade from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce every several days. 尤其是在新飞商会的“老家”邦塔城内,更是每隔几天就会见到来自新飞商会的车队。 Besides transporting various home Magic machineries, will transport the commodities in other aspects. 除了运送各类家用魔法机械之外,也会运送来一些其它方面的物资。 For example in present this motorcade, is delivering a number of new semiautomatic lathes from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 比如说在现在这个车队里,就运载着来自新飞商会的一批新型半自动化车床。 The words that assembles, can form a brand-new Magic Power Air Conditioning production line. 组装起来的话,就可以形成一条全新的魔力空调生产线。 This is one of the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Bunta City cooperation projects. 这是新飞商会邦塔城的合作项目之一。 However what is different from the beforehand cooperation project, this recently created semiautomatic lathe Magic Power Air Conditioning production line, is the property rights belongs to the Bunta City aspect completely. 不过和之前的合作项目不同的是,这条新组建的半自动化车床魔力空调生产线,却是所有权完全归属于邦塔城方面。 In other words, Magic Power Air Conditioning that in this production line produces, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will not yield half income. 也就是说,这条生产线上生产出的魔力空调,新飞商会将不会从中获得半份收益。 Straightforwarder point said, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce just sold this Magic Power Air Conditioning production line that the new semiautomatic lathe comprised to the Bunta City partner. 或者更直白点儿说,新飞商会只不过是向邦塔城的合作方卖出了这条由新型半自动化车床组成的魔力空调生产线罢了。 Before comparing, in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom all joint venture plants, this production line is the first article completely by the Lanpali Kingdom aspect independent production line, the significance regarding Lanpali Kingdom is extremely significant. 相比起之前新飞商会兰帕里王国内所有的合资工厂,这条生产线算是第一条完全由兰帕里王国方面自主的生产线,对于兰帕里王国来说意义极其重大。 Therefore when the motorcade just arrived around Falling Rain Valley. Then saw in the road front one group of people wait in the roadside. Side also built a small stage. Placed the fresh flower, scarlet cloth wait/etc. to represent the goods of jubilation, must prepare a welcome ceremony. 于是当车队刚刚来到落雨谷地附近。便在公路前方看到了一堆人候在路旁。旁边还搭建起了一个小小的高台。摆放起了鲜花、红布等等代表喜庆的物品,显然是要准备一个欢迎仪式。 The motorcade stops in the Falling Rain Valley entrance, in Bunta City City Lord Count Will then led a Bunta City official to welcome. 车队在落雨谷地入口处停下,邦塔城城主威尔伯爵便率领着邦塔城的一众官员迎了上来。 First large-scale freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle stops steadily, the vehicle door opens, Xu Yi is actually first jumps down from above. 第一辆大型货运魔力机车稳稳停住,车门打开,许亦却是第一个从上面跳了下来。 This new cooperation project is not only major to the Lanpali Kingdom significance, was also very important to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, is representing the cooperation of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom enters in -depth level, Xu Yi this President naturally must come to participate on behalf of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 这次新的合作项目不仅对兰帕里王国意义重大,对新飞商会来说也十分重要,代表着新飞商会兰帕里王国的合作进入到了更深层的层面,许亦这个会长自然也要代表新飞商会前来参加。 He is the plan drove the Magic Power sedan to come two days ahead of schedule. Because actually on Heimi Wastelands had/left a matter suddenly, causing him couple of days ago to arrive at Heimi City. 原本他是打算提前两天自己驾驶魔力轿车前来。却因为黑米荒原上突然出了点儿事情,导致他前两天就已经到了黑米城 When this motorcade passed by Heimi City time, Xu Yi treated simply on large-scale freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle follows to come together. 等到这个车队路过黑米城的时候,许亦干脆就待在大型货运魔力机车上跟着一起过来了。 Xu Yi just fell to the ground, in Count Will is laughing stretching out the arms, gave a Xu Yi big hug passionate. 许亦刚一落地,里威尔伯爵就大笑着张开双臂,热情洋溢地给了许亦一个大大的拥抱。 President Xu, does not see for a long time, you were really even more energetic.” 许会长,好久不见,你真是越发精神了。” Xu Yi loosens both hands, high and low sized up next in Count Will, the smile said: Sir City Lord, you are actually do not see some time. Seemingly thin and pale many. In Bunta City were the official business too many these days, making you tired?” 许亦松开双手,上下打量了一下里威尔伯爵,微笑道:“城主大人,你却是一段时间不见。看起来憔悴了不少啊。难道说这段时间邦塔城内公事实在太多,让你过于劳累了吗?” In Count Will sighed one lightly. Shakes the head saying: Bunta City is in the most crucial period of development now, my City Lord needs certainly to do utmost. Let alone the queen holds such heavy burden junction to me, how I dare to disappoint her.” 威尔伯爵轻叹一声。摇摇头道:“邦塔城现在正处于最关键的发展时期,我这个城主当然需要竭尽全力。何况女王陛下将这样的重担交托给我,我怎么敢让她失望。” Xu Yi smiles, unashamedly patted his shoulder, said: Relax, the Bunta City present development is very smooth, compared with before the queen mounted the throne had striven to excel several times, this naturally was your Sir City Lord merit.” 许亦笑了笑,毫无顾忌地拍了拍他的肩膀,道:“放心吧,邦塔城现在的发展十分顺利,已经比女王陛下登上王位之前要强了好几倍,这当然是你这位城主大人的功劳。” In Count Will smilingly nods: This is actually good. If as expected, perhaps this year's Bunta City financial revenue can be last year over three times, even has exceeded the highest level several years ago. Naturally, this is President Xu and result of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce great support. Then, I should thank President Xu you to be right well.” 威尔伯爵笑眯眯地点点头:“这倒是不错。如果不出意外的话,今年的邦塔城财政收入恐怕会是去年的三倍以上,甚至已经超出了前几年的最高水准。当然了,这都是许会长新飞商会大力支持的结果。说起来,我应该好好感谢许会长你才对。” Xu Yi beckons with the hand: I do not use. In the final analysis, I am only a merchant, the cooperation also to make money.” 许亦摆了摆手:“我就不用了。说到底,我只是一名商人,合作也只是为了赚钱而已。” In Count Will laughs, looked that implied the profound meaning to the Xu Yi vision. 威尔伯爵哈哈一笑,看向许亦的目光中暗含深意。 Actually every so often he thought somewhat cannot understand Xu Yi. 其实很多时候他都觉得有些看不懂许亦 If Xu Yi really such as he said that is only an ordinary merchant, handles anything to make money, that also understood easily. 如果许亦真的像他自己所说的那样,只是一个普通的商人,做什么事情都只是为了赚钱的话,那还容易理解。 But looks like in Count Will, if actually stands in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce benefit angle purely, stands the angle of money-making, many choices and movements of Xu Yi are very strange. 可是在里威尔伯爵看来,其实如果单纯站在新飞商会的利益角度,站在赚钱的角度来看,许亦的很多选择和动作都十分奇怪。 For example this Xu Yi complies to provide to Bunta City a semiautomatic lathe Magic Power Air Conditioning production line of new research and development, and gives the Bunta City aspect to process completely, was equivalent gives the Bunta City aspect to research and develop completely independently produces the Magic Power Air Conditioning ability. 比如说这次许亦答应提供给邦塔城一条新研发的半自动化车床魔力空调生产线,并全部交给邦塔城方面处理,就相当于完全交给了邦塔城方面自主研发生产魔力空调的能力。 Acts according to the technology that acquires after Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce there with other chamber of commerce, indenpendently developing the production is different, this cooperation, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will not only provide the technical support, will also provide the complete mechanical device, will also provide the adequate personnel support, finally is also willing to drop completely, does not meddle like the beforehand joint venture plant, and division income. 和其它商会自己根据从新飞商会那里获得的技术之后,自行研发生产不同,这一次的合作,新飞商会不仅会提供技术支持,还会提供完整的机械设备,甚至还会提供足够的人员支持,最后还愿意完全放手,并不像之前的合资工厂一样插手其中,并且分割收益。 This production line, almost can represent Lanpali Kingdom, in the Magic industry maintained independence and kept initiative on to take finally the solid first step. 这条生产线,几乎可以代表着兰帕里王国魔法工业独立自主上终于迈出了坚实的第一步。 If lets Count Will, this is helping the Bunta City aspect be the same simply selflessly. 如果让里威尔伯爵来说的话,这简直就是在无私帮助邦塔城方面一样。 Because by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce now in the domineering of Magic industry and absolutely leading position, even if he does not do that still no one can oppose. 因为以新飞商会现在在魔法工业行业的强势和绝对领先地位,就算他不这么做,也没人能够反对。 Xu Yi really did. 偏偏许亦就真的做出来了。 Each time when pondered that this issue, in Count Will can only to oneself also calculate that credible answer, that is the Xu Yi scheme and merely is the ordinary monetary proceed, but has a higher pursue. 每次在思考这个问题的时候,里威尔伯爵只能给自己一个还算靠谱的答案,那就是许亦图谋的并仅仅是普通的金钱收益,而是有着更高追求。 As for this higher pursue is anything...... 至于这个更高追求是什么…… Before returned to the Anweimaer city to report on activities, in Count Will has had an audience with the queen, but also contacted many predecessor Bunta City City Lord Count Samo to talk over thoroughly with before and Xu Yi, two people said that Xu Yi actually paid great attention to promote the development of Magic industry, but made money is only next. 之前回到安威玛尔城述职的时候,里威尔伯爵觐见过女王陛下,还和之前和许亦接触最多的前任邦塔城城主萨摩伯爵深谈过,两人都表示许亦其实更注重推动魔法工业的发展,而赚钱只是其次。 Regarding this answer, in Count Will does not believe. 对于这个答案,里威尔伯爵是不怎么相信的。 However besides this explanation, he actually cannot think of a better explanation. 但是除了这个解释外,他却也想不到更好的解释。 According to the beforehand definite flow, the motorcade arrives, in Count Will then on behalf of the Bunta City aspect, invited to attend a grand welcome ceremony on behalf of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Xu Yi together. 按照之前确定的流程,车队到达,里威尔伯爵便代表邦塔城方面,邀请代表新飞商会许亦一起参加了一个隆重的欢迎仪式。 When the ceremony ended, in Count Will made people lead into Falling Rain Valley the motorcade, after prepared to rest, in the afternoon then assembled this brand-new production line, oneself and Bunta City City Lord several officials together, inviting Xu Yi to return to Bunta City to have the lunch together. 等到仪式结束,里威尔伯爵让人将车队领入了落雨谷地,准备休息过后,下午便组装这条全新的生产线,自己则和邦塔城城主的数名官员一起,邀请许亦一起回到邦塔城共进午餐。 Two people rode the same Magic Power sedan, fast running quickly on raining road. 两人坐上了同一辆魔力轿车,快速奔驰在落雨公路上。 This three months ago in Xu Yi gives Count Will the speed of Magic Power sedan, does not take one hour, can enter Bunta City. 以这辆三个月前许亦送给里威尔伯爵魔力轿车的速度,不需要一个小时,就能够进入邦塔城 On the vehicle, after two people chatted several, in Count Will, lowered the sound slightly, asked to Xu Yi: President Xu, you, since were just came from Heimi Wastelands, then compared on the matter to Heimi Wastelands also enough to understand?” 车上,两人闲聊了几句后,里威尔伯爵顿了顿,略微压低声音,向许亦问道:“许会长,你既然是刚从黑米荒原过来,那么相比对黑米荒原上的事情也够所了解吧?” Un.” Xu Yi nods. “嗯。”许亦点点头。 How is matter solved?” In Count Will asked. “事情解决得怎么样?”里威尔伯爵问道。 In Xu Yi looks at Count Will face the meaning of concern, thinks, replied: Basic no issue. Attacked that several Beast-men Clan tribes I had been sent people to comfort, and gives them in the name of our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce the follow-up placement, now these Beast-men Clan are calm, has not made anything. However......” 许亦看着里威尔伯爵一脸的关切之意,想了想,答道:“基本没什么问题了。受到攻击的那几个兽人族部落我已经派人去进行安抚,并且以我们新飞商会的名义给予他们后续安置,现在那些兽人族的情绪还算稳定,并没有闹出什么事情来。不过……” The Xu Yi look transfers suddenly severely, the sinking sound asked: Sir City Lord, my time goes to Heimi City not to see Commander Landis, therefore no means inquired to him face to face why Sakk Kingdom will so easily invade Heimi Wastelands? Hasn't Western Guard Regiment guarded the Heimi Wastelands northern border line? And our chamber of commerce also constructed the complete fortification. If such Western Guard Regiment cannot resist the attack of Sakk Kingdom, then after perhaps, Sakk Kingdom invades Rhambha both countries, they same cannot resist!” 许亦忽地神色转厉,沉声问道:“城主大人,我这次去黑米城并没有看到兰蒂斯提督,所以没办法向他当面询问,为什么萨克王国会如此轻易地入侵到黑米荒原来?镇西军不是已经镇守了黑米荒原北方的边境线吗?并且我们商会还修建了完整的防御工事。如果这样镇西军都抵御不住萨克王国的进攻,那么恐怕以后萨克王国入侵兰帕两国的话,他们一样抵挡不住!” The thunderbolt on Heimi Wastelands, is on Heimi Wastelands approaches the five Beast-men Clan tribes of north and Sakk Kingdom border encounters the invasion of Sakk Kingdom suddenly, result these five Beast-men Clan tribes almost by the army slaughter of Sakk Kingdom completely, created the enormous vibration on Heimi Wastelands, suddenly makes Beast-men Clan on all Heimi Wastelands flustered. 黑米荒原上发生的突发事件,就是黑米荒原上靠近北方和萨克王国边境的五个兽人族部落突然遭遇到萨克王国的入侵,结果这五个兽人族部落几乎被萨克王国的军队屠杀殆尽,在黑米荒原上造成了极大的震动,一时间让所有黑米荒原上的兽人族们都人心惶惶。 After receiving this astonishing message, Xu Yi first rushed to Heimi Wastelands, conducted aftermath properly to this matter. 收到这个惊人的消息后,许亦第一时间赶往了黑米荒原,对这件事进行了妥善的后续处理。 The influence that however this matter has is very serious, Xu Yi will certainly be angry for this reason. 然而这件事造成的影响很严重,许亦当然会为此生气。 This......” in Count Will coughs lightly, the facial expression is somewhat awkward. Commander Landis has not possibly thought of...... the attack of Sakk Kingdom very suddenly, and is only the small stock elite army to/clashes, guards very much difficultly completely.” “这个……”里威尔伯爵轻咳一声,神情有些尴尬。“兰蒂斯提督可能也是没有想到吧……萨克王国的进攻来得很突然,并且只是小股精锐部队冲进来,很难完全防备。” Right?” Xu Yi sneers, has not actually continued to interrogate. “是吗?”许亦冷笑一声,却并没有继续质问。 Actually he is very clear, Western Guard Regiment has this loophole, making Sakk Kingdom have an opportunity, is completely because Rhambha both countries have not treated as oneself territory to regard Heimi Wastelands, but treats as buffer between Sakk Kingdom and Lanpali Kingdom. 其实他心里很清楚,镇西军之所以出现这个漏洞,让萨克王国有机可乘,完全是因为兰帕两国从来没有把黑米荒原当做自己的领土看待,而是当做一个萨克王国兰帕里王国之间的缓冲区。 After all on Heimi Wastelands overwhelming majorities are Beast-men Clan, regardless of Beast-men Clan suffered anything to damage, had nothing to do with Lanpali Kingdom. 毕竟黑米荒原上绝大多数都是兽人族,无论兽人族遭受了什么损伤,都和兰帕里王国无关。 But Xu Yi actually cannot think. 许亦却不能这么想。 In present Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, altogether has big more than 70,000 worker staff members, over 10,000 are Beast-men Clan, in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is a unignorable strength. 现在的新飞商会中,总共拥有多大七万多名工人职员,其中有超过一万都是兽人族,在新飞商会里是一股不可忽视的力量。 The Beast-men Clan mood, is the matter that Xu Yi must consider. 兽人族的情绪,是许亦必须要考虑的事情。 Moreover Heimi City of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce on Heimi Wastelands, is a Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce very important industrial base. 而且新飞商会黑米荒原上的黑米城,也是新飞商会一个很重要的工业基地。
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