MIE :: Volume #5

#14: Looks that Count Lewis could not bear the slightly strange smiling face of revealing finally finally, Xu Yi stayed, lowered the head to have a look in the hand this as if also to remain a letter/believes of fragrance, in the mind is reappearing Sewinnie t

However compares to be negligent in the anger and discontented of guard to Western Guard Regiment, Xu Yi pays more attention, is the reason of Sakk Kingdom this action. Said, w ≈ ww .2 不过相比起对镇西军疏于防范的愤怒和不满,许亦更加关注的,则是萨克王国这次行动的原因。说,w≈ww.2 …… …… Slaughters five Beast-men Clan tribes, on the Beast-men Clan influence on Heimi Wastelands is extremely naturally huge, but regarding Sakk Kingdom, where Xu Yi actually cannot see the significance. 屠杀五个兽人族部落,对于黑米荒原上的兽人族影响自然极其巨大,但是对于萨克王国来说,许亦却看不出意义何在。 Sakk Kingdom was impossible to eat to the full was all right to do, will brave to have the fight with Western Guard Regiment directly, and must break through the danger of fortification forcefully, entered Heimi Wastelands to slaughter five to the Sakk Kingdom unprevailing Beast-men Clan tribe. 萨克王国不可能吃饱了没事干,才会冒着和镇西军正面发生战斗,并且还要强行突破防御工事的危险,进入黑米荒原来屠杀掉五个对萨克王国毫无影响的兽人族部落。 However the significance of Sakk Kingdom this action, Xu Yi actually did not think clearly. 然而萨克王国这次行动的意义,许亦却一直想不明白。 If analyzes from the result purely, thinks that this action suffers loss is biggest, besides the Beast-men Clan tribe, was Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 如果纯从结果来分析,以为这次行动受到损失最大的,除了兽人族部落之外,就是新飞商会了。 Because of this event, making more than 10,000 Beast-men Clan workers moods in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce hiring very unstable, seriously affected their operating efficiency, making Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce these days capacity present certain slowdown. 因为这次事件,使得新飞商会内雇佣的一万多名兽人族工人们心情都变得很不稳定,严重影响了他们的工作效率,使得新飞商会这几天的产能出现了一定的下滑。 However Xu Yi did not think that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can be worth Sakk Kingdom attaching great importance, unexpectedly to attack Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but sweet takes such big risk. 但是许亦却不觉得新飞商会能够值得萨克王国如此重视,居然会为了打击到新飞商会而甘冒这么大的风险。 Therefore another quite reasonable explanation, that is Sakk Kingdom tries to appraise the defense strength and intensity of Western Guard Regiment through this action on Heimi Wastelands. 所以还有另外一个较为合理的解释,那就是萨克王国试图通过这次行动来评估一下镇西军黑米荒原上的防御力量和强度。 Perhaps later the Sakk Kingdom opportunity invades from the Heimi Wastelands direction, again since west captures Lanpali Kingdom. 说不定以后萨克王国机会从黑米荒原方向入侵,再从西攻入兰帕里王国 If just Sakk Kingdom considered like this, then looks like some extremely to indulge in fantasy in Xu Yi. 只不过如果萨克王国是这样考虑的,那在许亦看来就有些太过异想天开。 Since Sewinnie mounts the throne, Lanpali Kingdom and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce start the strict cooperation, merely is only less than two years. Then makes Rhambha two countries changed beyond recognition. 自从瑟维尼登上王位之后,兰帕里王国新飞商会展开严密合作,仅仅只是不到两年的时间。便使得兰帕两国的面貌焕然一新。 According to statistics. Solely was only last year one year. The grain yield in Lanpali Kingdom then promoted 6.8 million tons, before surpassing at one fell swoop, 5.9 million tons record that set, even the jump becomes in the surrounding several countries grain yield highest. 根据统计。单单只是去年一年。兰帕里王国内的粮食产量便提升到了六百八十万吨,一举超过了之前创下的五百九十万吨的记录,甚至跃升成为了周围几个国家中粮食产量最高的一个。 The grain yield in present Lanpali Kingdom not only can satisfy in the kingdom with ease everyone's daily demand, even can also during stock a lot of grain, there are ample force exit|to speak a lot of grain. 现在的兰帕里王国内的粮食产量不仅可以轻松满足王国内所有人的日常需求,甚至还能在库存大量粮食的同时,有余力出口大量粮食。 Last year solely in exit|to speak grain this, on the one hand, Lanpali Kingdom therefore yielded the incomes of over 600,000 gold coins. 去年单单只是在出口粮食这一方面,兰帕里王国就因此获得了超过六十万金币的收益。 But with exporting compared with various Magic machineries, the grain export yielded the income insufficiently to look. 而和出口各类魔法机械相比,粮食出口获得收益就不够看了。 According to statistics, last year in a year. Each Magic machine shop that in Lanpali Kingdom and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce joint capital constructs total makes various over 7 million type home Magic machineries. 根据统计,去年一年内。兰帕里王国内和新飞商会合资兴建的各个魔法机械工厂总计生产出超过七百万台各式家用魔法机械。 Besides 2.6 million in the kingdom interior digestion, remaining were close to 5 million various type home Magic machineries exporting completely through various channels except other countries outside Rudson Kingdom, Drake Duchy as well as Milano Duchy, was Lanpali Kingdom brought enough the terrifying incomes of over 6 million gold coins. 除了两百六十万台在王国内部消化之外,剩下接近五百万台各式家用魔法机械全部通过各类渠道出口到了除开鲁尔逊王国德拉克公国以及米兰多公国外的其它国家去,为兰帕里王国带来了足足超过六百万金币的恐怖收益。 From the incomes in these two aspects, the Lanpali Kingdom finance then gathered the astonishing tax revenue of reaching as high as 2 million gold coins. 从这两方面的收益中,兰帕里王国财政便收取了高达两百万金币的惊人赋税收入。 Moreover in various payment of taxes of kingdom interior collection, the kingdom finance also obtained over 3 million gold coins. 另外在王国内部征收的各类赋税中,王国财政同样获得了超过三百万金币。 Therefore last year one year, was only Sewinnie mounted the throne's first year merely, the kingdom finance of Rhambha two countries then obtained the promotion of terrifying, amounted to the tax revenue to surpass 6 million gold coins. 于是去年一年,仅仅只是瑟维尼登上王位第一年,兰帕两国的王国财政便获得了恐怖的提升,总计赋税收入超过六百万金币。 Such astonishing financial revenue, in Lanpali Kingdom establishes for several hundred years the first time. 这样惊人的财政收入,在兰帕里王国建立数百年间还是第一次。 Rich easy to do matter. 正所谓,有钱好办事。 Before the Lanpali Kingdom financial revenue is always beset with problems. Therefore does not have the means to spend too much money to invest in the most essential military, therefore makes Lanpali Kingdom be suppressed by Sakk Kingdom everywhere. Is incapable of revolting. 以前兰帕里王国的财政收入总是捉襟见肘。于是在最为关键的军事上也没办法拿出太多钱投入进去,所以使得兰帕里王国处处被萨克王国压制。无力反抗。 But now the Lanpali Kingdom financial revenue dramatically improves, had money Lanpali Kingdom conducts on the army invests vigorously. 而现在兰帕里王国财政收入大幅改善,有钱了的兰帕里王国在军队上进行大力投入。 Last year one year, the military expenses from the former pitiful 300,000 gold coins, promoted 1.3 million gold coins unexpectedly all of a sudden, were many 1 million gold coins! 去年一年,将军费从之前可怜兮兮的不过三十万金币,竟是一下子提升到了一百三十万金币,足足多了一百万金币! Like this increases the consequence that the investment causes, was several main force regiments of present Lanpali Kingdom royal family subordinate all exchanges the brand-new equipment now, and provided massive military Magic machineries that purchased from the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce hand. 这样加大投入带来的后果,就是现在兰帕里王国王室直属的几个主力军团现在全都换上了崭新的装备,并且都配备上了从新飞商会手中购买的大量军用魔法机械。 But in Northern Guard Regiment, this point manifests obviously. 而在镇北军中,这一点体现得更加明显。 Greedy Wolf Regiment of fully-armed Northern Guard Regiment in the two countries north border and Sakk Kingdom has had several times of fights, every wins total victories one time. 全副武装的镇北军在两国北方边境上和萨克王国贪狼军团发生过数次战斗,每一次都大获全胜。 Now Northern Guard Regiment guards on Murto Mountain Range, the Sakk Kingdom army then does not dare to jump over perimeter/thunder pool half step, not to mention as before is all right to enter invades in Lanpali Kingdom. 现在镇北军镇守在穆尔托山脉上,萨克王国的军队便不敢越雷池半步,更不用说像以前一样没事进入侵兰帕里王国境内。 But because military power of both sides has had the reversal, Xu Yi to Sakk Kingdom sudden on the action of Beast-men Clan in view of Heimi Wastelands is puzzled. 而正是因为双方的军事实力已经产生了逆转,许亦才会对萨克王国突如其来的针对黑米荒原兽人族的行动感到困惑。 Sakk Kingdom can defend own territory to be good now, but also presumptuously thinks to invade Lanpali Kingdom again as before? This has does not have the brain. 萨克王国现在能够守住自己的领土就不错了,还妄想着再像以前一样入侵兰帕里王国?这是有多没脑子。 Xu Yi immerses to the thinking of Sakk Kingdom action, in Count Will because also the Xu Yi interrogation was somewhat awkward, in the car(riage) was silent suddenly. 许亦沉浸在对萨克王国行动的思索中,里威尔伯爵也因为许亦刚才的质问有些尴尬,车内一时间沉默下来。 How long however to be useless, the automobile body strenuous vibration of Magic Power sedan, awakens suddenly from the ponder Xu Yi. 不过没用多久,魔力轿车的车身忽然一阵剧烈震动,将许亦从沉思中惊醒过来。 Feels the buttocks, because falls the ache that the seat brings, the intermittence of automobile body jolts now, Xu Yi knit the brows then looked at one, discovered in the raining road surface that just passed through has many every large or small pits, no wonder will go so difficultly. 感受到屁股因为重新摔回座椅带来的疼痛,还有现在车身的间歇性颠簸,许亦皱眉回头看了一眼,发现刚刚走过的落雨公路路面上有着很多大大小小的坑洼,难怪会行驶得如此艰难。 Sir City Lord, previous time I come time, the state of roads of raining road is very good, how also less than do several months turn into this now?” Xu Yi cannot bear ask. 城主大人,上次我来的时候,落雨公路的路况还是很好的啊,怎么现在还不到几个月就变成这样了?”许亦忍不住问道。 In Count Will also then looked at one, the facial expression is awkward. 威尔伯爵也回头看了一眼,神情更是尴尬。 This...... freight transportation Magic Powered Vehicle of these days Falcao Chamber of Commerce transportation ore always walks from this road, this raining road crashing.” “这个……这段时间法尔考商会运输矿石的货运魔力机车总是从这条路上走,这才把落雨公路给压垮了。” Falcao Chamber of Commerce mine car?” Xu Yi thinks, understands. Transports to the city north Falcao Steel Mill is right?” 法尔考商会的运矿车?”许亦想了想,明白过来。“是运往城北的法尔考炼钢厂对吧?” Un. President Xu, this steel mill or Falcao Chamber of Commerce and your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation completes, you should not forget.” In Count Will said. “嗯。许会长,这个炼钢厂还是法尔考商会和你们新飞商会合作建成的,你应该不会忘了吧。”里威尔伯爵道。 I remember certainly. This is besides our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the steel mill that other first chambers of commerce complete, is a little close to the Magic Power Air Conditioning production line nature that my time delivers.” Xu Yi looked at a road surface, knits the brows: „The mine car crushed is not like this good the raining road. Sir City Lord, haven't you considered the restore road surface?” “我当然记得。这是除了我们新飞商会之外,第一座其它商会建成的炼钢厂,和我这次送过来的魔力空调生产线性质有点儿接近。”许亦又看了一眼路面,皱眉道:“不过运矿车把落雨公路压坏成这样了也不行啊。城主大人,你没考虑过修复路面吗?” Is under study.” In the Count Will nod said. Moreover my time is to not only plan to restore the raining road, but also calculates to seize the chance to expand, the raining road will expand eight traffic lanes to be good at least. Because of the raining road carrying/sustaining our Bunta City heaviest transportation responsibility, the beforehand road surface is too narrow, could not have met the need.” “正在研究中。”里威尔伯爵点头道。“而且我这次不仅仅是打算修复落雨公路,还算趁机拓宽,将落雨公路最少拓宽成八车道才行。因为落雨公路承载着我们邦塔城最为重大的运输职责,之前的路面太窄,已经满足不了需求了。” Xu Yi laughs: Does not have the means that before our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce when constructed this raining road, was no money, without the means cultivated too widely. However Sir City Lord you can realize that now this issue, that may really be makes one appreciate.” 许亦哈哈一笑:“没办法,以前我们新飞商会在修建这条落雨公路的时候,可是没什么钱的,没办法修太宽。不过城主大人你现在能够意识到这个问题,那可实在是让人赞赏。” This is my City Lord responsibility.” In the Count Will smile said. Speaking of constructing the road, President Xu you know decree that the queen issued recently?” “这是我这个城主的职责。”里威尔伯爵微笑道。“说到修建公路,许会长你知道女王陛下最近颁发的旨意吗?” About strengthening Lanpali Kingdom highway traffic proposal?” Xu Yi asked back. “是关于强化兰帕里王国公路交通的提案吗?”许亦反问。 Yes. The queen plans to construct to amount to 13 brand-new roads in the kingdom next year again, as linking up the main road in nation. In addition, but also prepares to restore or develop to construct other 39 roads, the highway traffic transport network of strengthened kingdom. This plan has obtained in the Kingdom Parliament passed initially, believes that quick will formally pass.” “是的。女王陛下计划明年在王国内再修建总计十三条全新的公路,作为贯通全国的主干道。除此之外,还准备修复或者拓建其余三十九条公路,强化王国的公路交通运输网络。这个计划已经在王国议会获得了初步通过,相信很快就会正式通过了。” This is the good deed.” Xu Yi shrugs. In the final analysis, Lanpali Kingdom has money now, the queen can do a lot.” “这是好事。”许亦耸耸肩。“说到底,现在兰帕里王国有钱了,女王陛下就可以干很多事情。” But this plan very important issues have not been solved.” Count Lewis the flashing eyes looks at Xu Yi. “但是这个计划还有一个很重要的问题没有解决。”里维斯伯爵目光炯炯地看着许亦 Sees the look of Count Lewis, Xu Yi cannot help laughing. 看到里维斯伯爵的眼神,许亦哑然失笑。 I said Sir City Lord, you should not be the queen will send to inquire my rumor specially? By do the relations between me and queen, what matter have unable to speak frankly?” “我说城主大人,你该不会是女王陛下专程派来打探我口风的吧?以我和女王陛下之间的关系,有什么事情不能直说吗?” Count Lewis shows a somewhat strange smiling face, immediately coughs lightly, sincere say/way: „The issue of this plan lies in the construction and restores and develops to construct the road, needs to use a lot of cements and steel bars and other materials. The steel bar solves fortunately, because the Falcao Chamber of Commerce steel mill has been able to provide the finished steel products now, although the quality is not high, but was used to build roads is enough. But cement......” 里维斯伯爵露出一丝有些古怪的笑容,随即轻咳一声,正色道:“这个计划的问题就在于修建和修复、拓建公路,都需要用到大量的水泥和钢筋等材料。钢筋还好解决,因为法尔考商会的炼钢厂现在已经能够提供成品钢材,尽管品质不高,但是用来修路还是足够了。只不过水泥……” Does not have the issue. I am disliking ship in the cement is too troublesome from Stantin Duchy far away, planned that establishes several cement processing factories in Lanpali Kingdom.” Xu Yi said. “没问题。我正嫌大老远从斯坦丁公国运来水泥太麻烦,打算在兰帕里王国建立几个水泥加工厂呢。”许亦道。 Count Lewis is startled, immediately great happiness. 里维斯伯爵一怔,随即大喜。 He indeed searched the Xu Yi rumor according to the confession of queen, has not actually thought that Xu Yi readily agreed unexpectedly! 他本来的确是依照女王陛下的交代来探探许亦的口风,却没想到许亦竟然一口答应了! Do not think so me.” Xu Yi shot a look at Count Lewis, then the look flutters to the direction of Anweimaer city, shakes the head saying: Told the queen for me, I help Lanpali Kingdom establish the original intention of Magic industrial system do not change, therefore she does not need too has scruples.” “别这么看着我。”许亦瞥了里维斯伯爵一眼,然后眼神飘向安威玛尔城的方向,摇摇头道:“替我告诉女王陛下,我帮助兰帕里王国建立魔法工业体系的初衷不会变,所以她心里不必有太多顾忌。” Count Lewis deeply looked at Xu Yi one, the facial expression is somewhat strange. 里维斯伯爵深深地看了许亦一眼,神情有些古怪。 President Xu, these words did not need me to pass on to the queen, best tell her by you personally.” 许会长,这些话就不需要我去转告给女王陛下了,最好还是由你亲口告诉她。” Told her personally?” Xu Yi is somewhat strange. “亲口告诉她?”许亦有些奇怪。 Right.” The facial expression of Count Lewis suddenly becomes serious, pulls out a pink envelope from the bosom, hands on Xu Yi. President Xu, this is the queen holds me to give your private letter. The queen makes me pass on to you, if you have the free time, hopes that you can go to Anweimaer city, the queen wants...... to cough with you...... drinks tea, chats......” “对。”里维斯伯爵的神情忽然变得严肃起来,从怀里掏出一封粉红色的信封,递到许亦手上。“许会长,这是女王陛下托我交给你的私人信件。女王陛下让我转告你,如果你有空闲的话,希望你能够去安威玛尔城一趟,女王陛下想和你……咳……喝喝茶,聊聊天……”
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