MIE :: Volume #5

#15: Hard parking

Five days later, Xu Yi presents the street in Anweimaer city. 五天后,许亦出现在安威玛尔城的街头。 Along with the rapid growth of Lanpali Kingdom, the Anweimaer city Lanpali Kingdom capital also started to have the change rapidly. 随着兰帕里王国的高速发展,安威玛尔城这个兰帕里王国的首都也开始迅速发生了变化。 Most remarkable and direct-viewing, is by the Anweimaer city path, left has sold the stores of various home Magic machineries. 最为显著和直观的,就是安威玛尔城内部的道路两旁,多出了很多售卖各类家用魔法机械的商铺。 Walks on the main street and small alley in city, the finding at everywhere all kinds of home Magic machineries were being used. 走在城内的大街小巷上,随处可见各种各样的家用魔法机械被人们使用着。 Now is the summer, the residents in Anweimaer city actually as usual only cannot walk from the sultry room, found the cool place to enjoy the cool air to evade burning hot, because cannot afford Magic Power air conditioning type frequently to need two and 30 gold coin high-level home Magic machineries, most at least buys Magic Powered Fan not to have the issue. 现在正值夏季,安威玛尔城内的居民们却并不像往常一样只能从闷热的屋内走出来,找到阴凉地方纳凉逃避炎热,因为就算买不起魔力空调这种动辄需要二、30金币一台的高级家用魔法机械,最起码买一台魔力风扇还是没问题的。 The Xu Yi vision has swept, then can by the street see that the front doors of many resident open, can see that the different styles and color Magic Powered Fan are rotating high-speed. 许亦目光扫过,便可以在街道两旁看到不少居民的大门打开,从中可以看到不同样式、颜色的魔力风扇正在高速转动着。 These Magic Powered Fan all are not new flying Magic Powered Fan. 这些魔力风扇并不全都是新飞牌魔力风扇 Because Xu Yi is the Magic Powered Fan related technique of manufacture that starts foreign public to let certainly, therefore in Lanpali Kingdom emerges Magic Powered Fan of many brand now. 因为许亦最开始对外公开准让的就是魔力风扇的相关制造技术,所以兰帕里王国内现在涌现出了很多种品牌的魔力风扇 Although new flying Magic Powered Fan is still in all Lanpali Kingdom people minds should is also most upscale Magic Powered Fan, but along with other brand Magic Powered Fan quality and performance more and more approaches new flying Magic Powered Fan, then causes they had strongly with the ability of new flying Magic Powered Fan competition. 尽管新飞牌魔力风扇依然是所有兰帕里王国子民们心目中最好也是最高档的魔力风扇,但随着其它品牌魔力风扇的质量和性能越来越接近新飞牌魔力风扇,便使得它们具备了更强的和新飞牌魔力风扇竞争的能力。 According to last month statistics, this year since summer, new flying chamber of commerce's in Lanpali Kingdom Magic Powered Fan total sales volume, although compared had promoted 17% last year, was steady and rising. However market share in Lanpali Kingdom fell. Occupied lead 76% to reduce absolutely from last year 53%. 根据上个月的统计,今年进入夏季以来,新飞商会在兰帕里王国内的魔力风扇总销量虽然相比去年提升了17,算是稳中有升。但是在兰帕里王国内的市场份额却出现了下降。从去年占据绝对领先优势的76降低到了53。 These two data contrast. Fully explained the Lanpali Kingdom present economy presented the large promotion, causing can afford the Magic Powered Fan family to be getting more and more, explained the Magic Powered Fan competitiveness of other brands, has robbed not the small share from the new flying chamber of commerce hand. 这两个数据对比。充分说明了兰帕里王国现在的经济出现了大幅提升,使得能够买得起魔力风扇的家庭越来越多,却也说明了其它品牌的魔力风扇竞争力提升,从新飞商会手中抢走了不小的份额。 Regarding this situation, Kennard expressed for some new flying chamber of commerce high levels of representative worries, thought that the market share of new flying chamber of commerce dropped, dealing of certificate new flying chamber of commerce improper, should find out the solution well. Snatches the market share. 对于这种情况,肯纳德为代表的部分新飞商会高层表示十分忧心,觉得新飞商会的市场份额下降,证明新飞商会的应对不当,应该好好想出解决办法。将市场份额重新抢回来。 Xu Yi does not care actually, instead in the heart feels somewhat joyfully. 许亦倒是对此一点儿也不在意,反而心中感觉有些欣喜。 These two data not only manifested the rate of economic development in Lanpali Kingdom, manifested the technology advancement on other chambers of commerce's in manufacturing Magic Powered Fan. 这两个数据不仅体现出了兰帕里王国内的经济发展速度,也体现出了其它商会在制作魔力风扇上的技术进步。 Abandons individually does not give a thought to the cost completely, even does business at a loss the Magic Powered Fan production chamber of commerce that gains calls not to discuss, Xu Yi reached 17 other brands Magic Powered Fan to carry on the quality investigation to Lanpali Kingdom, confirmed these Magic Powered Fan and new flying Magic Powered Fan has been almost the same in the characteristics actually, was only and not on new flying Magic Powered Fan in many manufacture details. 抛开个别完全不顾成本,甚至赔本赚吆喝的魔力风扇生产商会不谈,许亦兰帕里王国内多达17家其它品牌的魔力风扇进行了质量调查,确认了这些魔力风扇和新飞牌魔力风扇在基础性能上其实已经相差无几,只是在很多制造细节上及不上新飞牌魔力风扇罢了。 Even six chambers of commerce when produced Magic Powered Fan to join the technology of oneself newly research and development, making these six brands Magic Powered Fan appear with new flying Magic Powered Fan slightly different. 甚至有六家商会在生产魔力风扇的时候加入了自己新研发的技术,使得这六个品牌的魔力风扇出现了和新飞牌魔力风扇的些微不同。 Although these differences not necessarily completely are make Magic Powered Fan well, but manifested these six chamber of commerce research innovations technically without doubt. 尽管这些差异未必全部都是让魔力风扇变得更好,但无疑体现出了这六家商会在技术上的研究革新。 But this point, is Xu Yi most regards as important exactly. 而这一点,恰恰就是许亦最为看重的。 After this time arrives at the Anweimaer city. Xu Yi does not have first to see Sewinnie, but sets up through the new flying chamber of commerce in the sales network of Anweimaer city. Ahead of time has informed these six chambers of commerce, wants to call them in the same place met. 这次来到安威玛尔城后。许亦并没有第一时间去见瑟维尼,而是通过新飞商会设立在安威玛尔城的销售网点。提前通知了这六家商会,想把他们召集在一起见个面。 The place that both sides decide is in the Anweimaer city the most luxurious restaurant, after Xu Yi drives Magic Power is driving to enter the Anweimaer city, drives this last year recently completed restaurant, actually bumped into one to let his unexpected issue. 双方约定的地点是安威玛尔城内一家最豪华的酒楼,许亦驾驶着魔力驾车进入安威玛尔城后,直驱这家去年新建成的酒楼,却碰到了一个让他意想不到的问题。 Did not have the parking spot! 没有停车位了! Xu Yi stops the Magic Power passenger vehicle from the place of restaurant front door also distance, looks that in front of the restaurant in the square of opening places various type Magic Power passenger vehicles of chock full specially, as well as three medium passenger transportation Magic Powered Vehicle, on the face cannot bear show the extremely strange expression. 许亦魔力轿车停在距离酒楼大门还有一段距离的地方,看着酒楼面前专门开辟的广场上摆放得满满堂堂的各式魔力轿车,以及三辆中型客运魔力机车,脸上忍不住露出极其古怪的表情。 In the big city on Earth, wants to go to the hotel to eat meal, will worry for the parking spot, this is natural. 在地球上的大城市里,想去酒店吃饭,会为停车位发愁,这是理所当然的。 How however regardless of Xu Yi has not thought that in this world, unexpectedly also because this issue worries! 但是许亦无论如何也没有想到,在这个世界上,居然也会因为这个问题发愁! Has saying that the development speed of Magic industry on Science Continent, has far exceeded the imagination of Xu Yi. 不得不说,魔法工业在赛恩斯大陆上的发展速度,远远超出了许亦的想象。 Most at least, to the receptivity of Magic Power passenger vehicle , the people of this world appears extremely rapid. 最起码,在对魔力轿车的接受程度上,这个世界的人们显得极为迅速。 According to data that new flying chamber of commerce counts, solely is only Sewinnie mounts the throne in this year half time, the new flying chamber of commerce sold to Lanpali Kingdom has reached as high as over 10,000 Magic Power passenger vehicles, has brought over 3 million gold coins huge profits for the new flying chamber of commerce. 根据新飞商会统计出来的数据,单单只是瑟维尼登上王位的这一年半时间内,新飞商会就向兰帕里王国内售出了高达超过10000辆魔力轿车,为新飞商会带来了超过3000000金币的庞大利润。 Before Xu Yi was still feeling for this digit joyful, now actually, because this digit felt that worried. 之前许亦还在为这个数字感到欣喜,现在却在因为这个数字感到发愁了。 Hesitates should the Magic Power passenger vehicle to turn nearby alley to find a place to stop considering as finished first, the front door of restaurant is locating three person vision to sweep, falls on the Xu Yi Magic Power passenger vehicle, immediately shows the smiling face, a face welcomed joyfully. 正犹豫着是不是应该把魔力轿车拐进旁边的小巷找个地方先停着算了,酒楼的大门处三个人目光扫了过来,落在许亦魔力轿车身上,顿时露出笑容,一脸欣喜都迎了上来。 Walks in the forefront, is the new flying chamber of commerce in Anweimaer City Lord manages Faolain. 走在最前面的,就是新飞商会驻安威玛尔城主管法莱恩。 As for the other two, the uniform/subdue that wears from body, possibly is the service person in this restaurant, another Xu Yi actually did not know. 至于另外两人,一个从身上穿的制服来看,可能是这个酒楼的服务员,另外一个许亦却不认识。 Faolain half step arrives by the Magic Power passenger vehicle, Xu Yi put down the glass to look at his one eyes, the vision had fluttered in another two people again, hinted to Faolain with the vision. 法莱恩快步来到魔力轿车旁边,许亦放下车窗看了他一眼,目光再在另外两人身上飘过,用目光向法莱恩示意。 Faolain bowed to Xu Yi slightly good a ritual, has referred to the young humanity of that service person appearance: Association president Sir, in front of the restaurant parking spot has filled, making him help you stop the car(riage) to other places.” 法莱恩向许亦微微鞠躬行了一礼,指了指那名服务员模样的年轻人道:“会长大人,酒楼前面的停车位满了,让他帮您把车停到其它地方吧。” Xu Yi somewhat surprisedly looked at that service person one eyes, cannot think that this restaurant unexpectedly has provided a child now and parks the service, keeps pace with the times actually very much. 许亦有些惊讶地看了那名服务员一眼,想不到这个酒楼现在居然已经配备了门童和泊车服务,倒是很与时俱进嘛。 Got out, the car(riage) key hands over in the service person hand at the same time, Xu Yi also fished out a gold coin to lose to him. 下了车,将车钥匙交到服务员手中的同时,许亦还摸出一枚金币丢给了他。 The service people do not dare to believe are looking in the hand the shining gold coin, looks again to Xu Yi, the facial expression hesitates. 服务员不敢置信地看着手中金灿灿的这枚金币,再看向许亦,神情犹豫。 Taking. This pays your tip.” Xu Yi said with a smile. “拿着吧。这是给你的小费。”许亦微笑道。 The service people then accept the gold coin. Deeply bowed to Xu Yi. Then gets in the Magic Power passenger vehicle, starts skilled, the curve, sneaks by in a restaurant alley. 服务员这才收下金币。深深地向许亦鞠了个躬。然后钻进魔力轿车内,熟练地发动,转弯,钻进酒楼旁边的一个小巷中。 A while you leave, only needed to say one, he will help you open the car(riage).” Faolain takes back looks to the vision of Magic Power passenger vehicle, answered to Xu Yi. “一会儿您离开的时候,只需要说一声,他就会帮您把车开回来的。”法莱恩收回看向魔力轿车的目光,向许亦解释道。 Xu Yi nods, turns the head to look that to middle-aged man who that does not know. 许亦点点头,转头看向那名不认识的中年男子。 Association president Sir. Please allow me to introduce, this is association president Passaro of Chamber of commerce?.” Farlet N'dow. “会长大人。请容我介绍一下,这位是里格商会的会长帕萨罗?里格。”法莱恩道。 The middle-aged man has shown the slightly humble smiling face to Xu Yi immediately, bows to hint slightly. 中年男子立即向许亦露出了略显谦卑的笑容,微微鞠躬示意。 President Xu, sees you are my being honored.” 许会长,见到您是我的荣幸。” Chamber of commerce?” Xu Yi has sized up middle-aged man one eyes earnestly, gently nod. Magic Powered Fan that President, your chamber of commerce produces, has the fresh idea in the Magic Powered Fan automatic start and stop technology very much, I appreciate.” “里格商会?”许亦认真打量了中年男子一眼,轻轻点头。“里格会长,你们商会生产的里格牌魔力风扇,在魔力风扇自动启停技术上很有新意,我非常赞赏。” President laughs: Can obtain President Xu your approval, I said is extremely honored. However compared with new flying Magic Powered Fan, our Magic Powered Fan also has many insufficiencies. Also needs to be good to your new flying chamber of commerce many studies.” 里格会长哈哈一笑:“能够得到许会长您的认可,我表示非常荣幸。不过和新飞牌魔力风扇相比,我们里格牌魔力风扇还有着非常多的不足。还需要向你们新飞商会多多学习才行。” Has the progress is good phenomenon, develops according to this trend. I believe that your Magic Powered Fan one day can overtake eventually even surmounts our new flying Magic Powered Fan.” Xu Yi said with a smile. “有进步就是好现象,按照这个趋势发展下去。我相信你们里格牌魔力风扇终究有一天能够追上甚至超越我们新飞牌魔力风扇的。”许亦笑道。 President looks at the smiling face on Xu Yi face, in the vision passed over gently and swiftly to carefully examine and have doubts. 里格会长看着许亦脸上的笑容,目光中掠过一丝审视和疑惑。 By he many years of life experiences, can look at the Xu Yi smiling face and commendation is from the heart. 凭借他多年的生活经验,看得出来许亦的笑容和称赞都是发自内心。 This rather was too but strange. 可是这未免太奇怪了。 Magic Powered Fan obtained the technical breakthrough, will rob some Magic Powered Fan markets from the new flying chamber of commerce hand inevitably. 里格牌魔力风扇获得了技术上的突破,势必会从新飞商会手中抢走部分魔力风扇的市场。 According to the idea of ordinary business man, certainly regards as Magic Powered Fan the threat and competitor, will not give the complexion to be right absolutely. 按照一般商人的想法,一定会将里格牌魔力风扇视为威胁和竞争对手,绝对不会给好脸色才对。 But now Xu Yi displays so happily, he is really similar to the hearsay is the same, will support fully other chambers of commerce's investments in Magic industry, obtains the breakthrough to feel joyful in the Magic industry related technology for other chambers of commerce inadequate? 而现在许亦表现得如此高兴,难道说他真的如同传闻中一样,会全力支持其它商会在魔法工业上的投入,为其它商会在魔法工业相关技术获得突破而感到欣喜不成? If he is really such sage, that might as well simply completely free of charge contribute the related technologies of all Magic machineries the new flying chamber of commerce currently masters. 他如果真是这样的圣人的话,那不如干脆把新飞商会目前所掌握的所有魔法机械的相关技术全部无偿贡献出来好了。 Although is only first time sees Xu Yi, President actually discovered that how regardless of oneself perhaps are unable to understand that this looked the appearance is somewhat young excessively, even the idea of under 30-year-old new flying chairman of the chamber of commerce. 虽然只是第一次见到许亦,里格会长却发现,自己恐怕无论如何也无法理解这个看面相有些年轻得过分,甚至还不到30岁的新飞商会会长的想法。 Three people walk toward the restaurant, after entering the front door, President slightly has hesitated, asked to Xu Yi: President Xu, does not know that your this time convenes our six chambers of commerce specially in the same place, what wants to make?” 三人一齐向酒楼里走去,进入大门后,里格会长略略沉吟了一下,向许亦问道:“许会长,不知道您这次特意召集我们六家商会在一起,是想做什么呢?” President Xu has swept his one eyes, thought that this President does not know searches the rumor for other five chambers of commerce, wants to obtain some information from oneself here ahead of time. 许会长扫了他一眼,心想这个里格会长也不知道是为其它五家商会来探口风的,还是想提前从自己这里获得一些信息的。 Everybody makes Magic Powered Fan, calls you to gather together, naturally is the matter of discussion about Magic Powered Fan aspect.” Xu Yi said with a smile. President, including your Chamber of commerce, these six chambers of commerce of today has the chamber of commerce of original technology on Magic Powered Fan, I appreciate to your independently developed these original technologies , is also interested. Today and you meet, wants to chat the matters about these technologies.” “大家都是做魔力风扇的,召集你们聚在一起,当然是商讨关于魔力风扇方面的事情。”许亦微笑道。“里格会长,包括你们里格商会在内,今天的这六家商会都是在魔力风扇上拥有独到技术的商会,我对你们自行研发的这些独到技术十分赞赏,也十分感兴趣。今天和你们见面,就是想聊聊关于这些技术方面的事情。” Hears this reply, President immediately in the heart thump, the facial expression one tight. 听到这个回答,里格会长顿时心中咯噔一声,神情一紧。 ...... Did the new flying chamber of commerce have a liking for the these six chambers of commerce's unique skills on Magic Powered Fan? 难道说……新飞商会看上了自己这六家商会在魔力风扇上的独有技术? Surpasses the powerful strengths of these six chambers of commerce by the new flying chamber of commerce, in addition the new flying chamber of commerce almost earned the Lanpali Kingdom official full power support, if the new flying chamber of commerce wants to rob the original technology that they research and develop from their six chamber of commerce, then they simply do not have any possibility of revolt. 以新飞商会远超自己这六家商会的强大实力,再加上新飞商会几乎获得了兰帕里王国官方的全力支持,如果新飞商会真的想从他们六家商会手上抢走他们自行研发出来的独到技术,那么他们根本没有任何反抗的可能。 As if can the facial expression change on long face spy on the idea in his heart from, Xu Yi has smiled , to continue said: Does not need to be worried, President. I purely am interested, will not make anything to harm your matters. Just the opposite, this time looks for you, brings the advantage to you.” 似乎从里格会长脸上的神情变化窥探出了他心中的想法,许亦轻轻一笑,续道:“不用担心,里格会长。我只是单纯地感兴趣,并不会做什么损害你们的事情。恰恰相反,这次来找你们,是给你们带来好处的。” Looks at temperate smiling face on Xu Yi face, why President does not know, felt that in the heart has stabilized slightly. 看着许亦脸上的温和笑容,里格会长不知道为什么,感觉心中稍稍安定了一些。 Before has not obtained Xu Yi goal truly, actually is still in the heart frightened. 然而在没有获得许亦的确实目的前,却依然是心中惴惴。 Hopes Xu Yi really like hearsay in......( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 希望许亦真的像传闻中一样吧……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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