MIE :: Volume #5

#16: Because the technology selects you

After is only a half hour, can the question in patience and safety department does not vanish into thin air. 仅仅只是半个小时后,里格会长心中的疑问和不安全部烟消云散。 After including President the association presidents of these six Magic Powered Fan production chambers of commerce meets, Xu Yi is only and they simply chatted, immediately then entered the subject. 在和包括里格会长在内的这六家魔力风扇生产商会的会长见面后,许亦只是和他们简单地聊了一下,立即便进入了正题。 Stems from the anticipation of six association presidents, Xu Yi this time looks for them, brings the advantage to them unexpectedly. 出乎六名会长的意料,许亦这次来找他们,竟是真的给他们带来好处的。 Xu Yi indicated to six association presidents, the new flying chamber of commerce is preparing the home Magic more countries and regions of machine promotion to the mainland in, currently speaking, a biggest goal, is the Candela empire. 许亦向六名会长表示,新飞商会正在筹划将家用魔法机械推广到大陆上更多的国家和地区中去,就目前而言,最大的一个目标,就是坎德拉帝国。 However Xu Yi indicated, by the new flying chamber of commerce current capacity limit, perhaps opened the market in Candela empire, is hard to be satisfied the Candela empire the keen demands. 但是许亦表示,以新飞商会目前的产能限制,恐怕就算打开了坎德拉帝国的市场,也难以满足坎德拉帝国的大量需求。 Therefore he hopes that can with the chamber of commerce cooperation of other production home Magic machineries, everybody enters the new market together. 所以他希望能够和其它生产家用魔法机械的商会合作,大家共同进军新市场。 In the Magic Powered Fan aspect, Xu Yi selected their these six partners, prepared to branch out part in the order that in Magic Powered Fan aspect the future new flying chamber of commerce obtains, gave these six chambers of commerce to complete. 魔力风扇方面,许亦挑中了他们这六家合作伙伴,准备在将来新飞商会获得的魔力风扇方面的订单上分出一部分,交给这六家商会来完成。 Hears the proposal that Xu Yi proposed, including President, the association presidents of these six chambers of commerce cannot believe own ear completely. 听到许亦提出的这个提案,包括里格会长在内,这六家商会的会长完全不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Even if the new flying chamber of commerce capacity cannot follow, so long as they get the order, that doesn't need to be worried to be good? 就算新飞商会产能跟不上,但是只要他们拿到订单,那就根本不需要担心好不好? Can producing? That is not simple, constructs the factory, recruits the worker and that's the end! 产能不能?那还不简单,多建工厂,多招募工人就是了! By the strength of new flying chamber of commerce, this radically is a piece of cake! 凭借新飞商会的实力,这根本是小菜一碟嘛! Six association presidents did not understand to the idea of Xu Yi, after Xu Yi the accurate cooperation agreement will take, their still some cannot believe. 六名会长都对许亦的想法非常不理解,以至于许亦将确切的合作协议拿出来后,他们依然有些不敢相信。 If Xu Yi does not have other least bit schemes. He far more than is the sage is common. Simply was the Savior! 如果许亦没有半点儿其它图谋的话。那他何止是圣人一般。简直就是救世主了! Although Lanpali Kingdom develops rapidly. In the kingdom to the demand of home Magic machinery drastically has been promoting, but Lanpali Kingdom after all is only a small country, the internal demand has the limit. 虽然兰帕里王国发展迅速。王国内对家用魔法机械的需求一直都在大幅提升,但是兰帕里王国毕竟只是一个小国家,内部需求是有极限的。 But the chamber of commerce of production Magic machinery now in the kingdom follows to present are too really many, is only produces the chamber of commerce of Magic machinery to reach 17, pushes fully the market in Lanpali Kingdom, is very difficult further space of development. 而现在王国内跟风出现的生产魔法机械的商会实在太多,光是生产魔法机械的商会就多达17家,将兰帕里王国内的市场挤得满满的,根本很难有进一步开拓的空间。 These six chambers of commerce have some original technologies, actually also can only compare other chambers of commerce to be slightly stronger. 这六家商会就算拥有一些独到的技术,却也只能相比其它商会稍微强一些。 The initial period in could develop for these years rapidly, but can want to see. Several years later, after the Lanpali Kingdom domestic market is saturated, they will meet to develop the bottleneck. 初期这几年内或许能够发展迅速,但是可以想见。再过几年,等到兰帕里王国内部市场饱和后,他们就会遇到发展瓶颈。 But at this time, Xu Yi actually has braved, claimed that must lead them to enter a broader market! 而就在这个时候,许亦却冒了出来,声称要带领他们进入更加广阔的市场! Suffers from the chamber of commerce that was difficult to find better development approach regarding these six, what wasn't this Savior is? 对于这六家苦于很难找到更好的发展途径的商会而言,这不是救世主又是什么? President Xu, why do you want such to do?” Six meet in the patience to be full of the question, President truly asked. 许会长,你为什么要这么做?”六名会长心中都充满疑问,却还是里格会长真正问了出来。 Because your six chambers of commerce will put in the fund and energy at the technical research and development, therefore I favor you.” Xu Yi answered. I have believed, the technology is the development first core. Only then takes seriously the technology investment, can better develop for a long time. Compares other to produce the Magic Powered Fan chamber of commerce. Your these six chambers of commerce understand this truth, is more far-seeing, therefore I am willing to cooperate with you. Or...... Is willing to help you.” “因为你们六家商会会在技术研发上投入资金和精力,所以我看好你们。”许亦笑答。“我一直坚信,技术是发展的第一核心。只有重视技术方面的投入,才能更好更长久地发展下去。相比起其它生产魔力风扇的商会。你们这六家商会更加懂得这个道理,也更有远见,所以我愿意和你们合作。或者说……愿意帮助你们。” Xu Yi replied so straightforwardly, pouring made the association presidents of these six chambers of commerce dispel the misgivings. 许亦回答得如此直白,倒让这六家商会的会长打消了顾虑。 Yes, by the new flying chamber of commerce present powerful strength, what their these six small chambers of commerce also has to be worth the new flying chamber of commerce keeping thinking? 是啊,以新飞商会现在的强悍实力,他们这六家小小的商会又有什么值得新飞商会惦记的呢? Original technology? 独到技术? Crack a joke! By new flying chamber of commerce that huge research and development strength, so long as wants, can copy absolutely with ease their so-called original technologies, even does well. 开什么玩笑!以新飞商会那庞大的研发力量,只要愿意,绝对可以轻松地把他们所谓的独到技术仿造出来,甚至做得更好。 However in the market of the summer of this year, recently launched new flying Magic Powered Fan has not actually integrated the original technology that their six chambers of commerce research and develop, obviously left enough existing space to them. 然而今年夏天的市场上,新推出的新飞牌魔力风扇却并没有融入他们六家商会所研发的独到技术,显然已经给他们留出了足够的生存空间。 By this point, can see the Xu Yi sincerity. 只是凭借这一点,就可以看出许亦的诚意。 After having thought through this point, in the association president hearts of these six chambers of commerce the stone falls to the ground finally, starts seriously to consider cooperation agreement that Xu Yi proposed. 想通了这一点后,这六家商会的会长终于心中石头落地,开始认真地考虑许亦提出的合作协议来。 As for the final outcome, naturally is both sides discusses really happy. 至于最终结果,自然是双方相谈甚欢。 Finally both sides agreement agreement, new flying chamber of commerce after obtains on Science Continent except Lanpali Kingdom and Rudson Kingdom outside the national order, recommends the part of Magic Powered Fan order to give them these six chambers of commerce. 最终双方协议约定,新飞商会将在以后获得赛恩斯大陆上除开兰帕里王国鲁尔逊王国以外国家订单的时候,推荐一部分魔力风扇的订单给他们这六家商会。 But condition that these six chambers of commerce pay, is every year most little must invest is not lower than 100,000 gold coins, researches and develops to the Magic Powered Fan related technology. 而这六家商会所付出的条件,就是每年最少要投入不低于100000金币,到魔力风扇的相关技术研发上去。 Magic Powered Fan that simultaneously these six chambers of commerce produce must observe the uniform standard that the new flying chamber of commerce assigns, can not violate secretly. 同时这六家商会生产的魔力风扇必须遵守新飞商会指定的统一标准,不得私自违反。 These two conditions actually and have not said regarding these six chambers of commerce similarly. 这两个条件对于这六家商会来说其实和没讲也差不多。 Reason that they can in Magic Powered Fan technical obtains the breakthrough , because they give up the investment. 他们之所以能够在魔力风扇的技术上获得突破,就是因为他们舍得投入。 Every year although 100,000 gold coins have been higher than their present investments, but cannot calculate that is high excessively, can definitely accept. 每年100000金币虽然已经高出了他们现在的投入,但是并不能算高得过分,完全可以接受。 Let alone this is also to their development extremely helpful matters, they have no reason the rejection. 何况这也是对他们自己的发展极有帮助的事情,他们没有理由拒绝。 As for behind condition is meaningless. 至于后面这个条件就更是毫无意义。 At present all Magic machineries are the new flying chamber of commerce first invent, how other chambers of commerce were acquire the technology that the new flying chamber of commerce transferred to learn the manufacturing completely, even including making the Magic Power engine bed production lines and a series of production standards of these Magic machineries, was completely studies from new flying chamber of commerce there. 目前所有的魔法机械都是新飞商会首先发明的,其它商会全部都是获得新飞商会转让的技术才学会了如何生产制造,甚至连制造这些魔法机械的魔力机床生产线和一系列生产标准,都是完全从新飞商会那里学来。 Under this premise, the Magic machinery that they produce naturally can only defer to the standard of new flying chamber of commerce completely, how also possibly to violate. 在这种前提下,他们生产的魔法机械自然就只能完全依照新飞商会的标准,又怎么可能违反。 Therefore the association presidents of these six chambers of commerce signed in the preliminary agreement happily. 于是这六家商会的会长非常愉快地在初步协议上签了字。 Discussed, Xu Yi declined these six chairmen of the chamber of commerce to remain to advance together the invitation of supper, was in charge to leave the restaurant with Faolain. 商谈完毕,许亦谢绝了这六家商会会长留下来共进晚餐的邀请,和法莱恩主管离开了酒楼。 That service person already drove the Xu Yi Magic Power passenger vehicle, in front of restaurant good, oneself straightly stand by the vehicle door, waits for like a guard generally in side. 那名服务员早就将许亦魔力轿车开了过来,在酒楼面前挺好,自己则笔直地站在车门旁,像一名侍卫一般守候在旁边。 Xu Yi looked at one to be scrubbed obviously, the changed beyond recognition Magic Power passenger vehicle semblance, could not bear smile, fished out a gold coin to lose from the bosom. 许亦看了一眼明显被洗刷过,焕然一新的魔力轿车外表,忍不住笑了笑,从怀里摸出一枚金币丢了过去。 This little fellow has the eyesight price actually very much, saw oneself because of going by car several hundred kilometers become the dirty Magic Power passenger vehicle, unexpectedly understood that helps him wash on own initiative cleanly. 这个小家伙倒是很有眼力价,看到自己因为驱车数百公里而变得脏兮兮的魔力轿车,居然懂得主动帮他洗干净。 Naturally, before paid his gold coin tip to play the main role obviously. 当然,之前给他的那一枚金币小费显然起到了最主要的作用。 The service people received this gold coin, the opening vehicle door of beaming from ear to ear, invited Xu Yi. 服务员接过这枚金币,笑逐颜开的打开车门,将许亦请了进去。 Xu Yi is just about to start, under that service person bow the waist, excited said to Xu Yi suddenly: „...... Are you President Xu of new flying chamber of commerce?” 许亦正要发动,那名服务员忽然弓下腰,一脸兴奋地向许亦道:“请问……请问您就是新飞商会的许会长吗?” „? Do you recognize me?” Xu Yi somewhat is astonished however. “哦?你认得我?”许亦有些讶然。 «Anweimaer Daily» and «Lanpali Weekly report» on has ascended several times your portraits, I remembered.” Obtains the confirmation of Xu Yi, the service person was more excited, hesitant, suddenly has fished out a pen and a paper from the bosom. Can ask you to sign to me?” “《安威玛尔日报》和《兰帕里周报》上登过好几次您的画像,我记下来了。”得到许亦的确认,服务员更加兴奋了,犹豫了一下,忽然从怀里摸出了一根笔和一张纸来。“能请您给我签个名吗?” Xu Yi is more stunned. 许亦更加愕然。 Cannot think that unexpectedly has met own fans. 想不到居然遇到了自己的一名粉丝。 Looks that service person that is young and excited , the somewhat in short supply face, Xu Yi shows a faint smile, received the written records to sign own name above. 看着服务员那张年轻、兴奋,又有些紧张的脸,许亦微微一笑,接过纸笔在上面签下了自己的名字。 The service people have brandished the fist happily, deeply bowed one side to Xu Yi again, falls back on. 服务员高兴地挥舞了一下拳头,再向许亦深深鞠了一躬,退到一边。 Xu Yi has not worried to start the Magic Power passenger vehicle, instead waves to the service person, hints him to come. 许亦却并没有着急发动魔力轿车,反而向服务员招了招手,示意他过来。 The service people wonder to walk: What do you have to tell?” 服务员纳闷地走过来:“您还有什么吩咐吗?” Magic Power passenger vehicle that the Xu Yi finger/refers oneself sit down: This car(riage) is you washes?” 许亦指指自己坐下的魔力轿车:“这车是你洗的吗?” The service people nod, the facial expression moves, the look is somewhat terrified. 服务员点点头,神情一动,眼神有些惶恐。 President Xu, were you blame me to independently decide your car(riage)?” 许会长,您是不是怪我自作主张动了您的车?” I am not mean-spirited.” Xu Yi smiles. Let alone you wash very cleanly, I am very satisfied. Asked you to come, but remembered a matter suddenly, wants to ask you. Told me, now in the Anweimaer city has the place of special car wash?” “我还没那么小气。”许亦莞尔。“何况你洗得很干净,我很满意。叫你过来,只是忽然想起一件事情,想问问你。告诉我,现在安威玛尔城内有专门洗车的地方吗?” „The place of special car wash?” The service people knit the brows to think, shakes the head. Not this place. President Xu do you also want to wash? If you also need, can look for me, I help you wash free cleanly.” “专门洗车的地方?”服务员皱眉想了想,摇摇头。“没有这种地方。许会长你还想洗吗?如果您还需要的话,可以来找我,我免费帮您洗干净。” I am not this meaning. Since the Anweimaer city does not have the place of special car wash, that...... You did not think that this is actually a very good opportunity?” “我不是这个意思。既然安威玛尔城内没有专门洗车的地方,那么……你不觉得这其实是一个很不错的机会吗?” Very good opportunity?” The service people still wonder. “很不错的机会?”服务员依然纳闷。 Nearby Faolain is in charge of the facial expression to move, says with a smile: Isn't clear? Association president Sir was reminding you, if you opened a shop of special car wash, the business will be very certainly good, can make money.” 一旁的法莱恩主管神情一动,笑道:“还不明白吗?会长大人在提醒你,如果你开一个专门洗车的店铺,生意一定会很好,能赚大钱的。” Service people immediately at present one bright: Right! How I have not thought!” 服务员顿时眼前一亮:“对啊!我怎么没有想到!” Faolain is in charge to laugh: „Can you compare with association president Sir?” 法莱恩主管哈哈一笑:“你能和会长大人比吗?” The service people have not paid attention to teasing that Faolain is in charge, flexure scratching the head, after transferred several circles excitedly same place, dejected sighed. 服务员没有理会法莱恩主管的调侃,挠了挠头,兴奋地原地转了几个圈后,却又颓然叹了口气。 Wants a store to spend a lot of money, I...... I do not have these much money......” “想要开一家商铺要花很多钱的,我……我没这么多钱……” This very can be solved.” Xu Yi turns the head to Faolain main pipe line: Car wash service can be counted part of our chamber of commerce product to Magic Power passenger vehicle post-sale service, Faolain, I decided that first tries out in the Anweimaer city. You with this...... Right, did you call wha name?” “这个很好解决。”许亦转头向法莱恩主管道:“洗车服务可以算作我们商会产品对魔力轿车售后服务的一部分,法莱恩,我决定在安威玛尔城内优先试行。你和这个……对了,你叫什名字?” Noah! Alain Noah! Association president Sir!” The service people replied immediately loudly. “诺阿!阿莱恩?诺阿!会长大人!”服务员立即大声回答。 Good. Alain Noah, you are willing to join our new flying chamber of commerce product service center, full-time Magic Power passenger vehicle post-sale maintenance work?” Xu Yi asked. “好。阿莱恩?诺阿,你愿意加入我们新飞商会产品服务中心,专职魔力轿车售后维护工作吗?”许亦问道。 Noah has gawked staring, stares big both eyes excitedly, said loudly: I want! I want! I have a dream want to join your new flying chamber of commerce!” 诺阿愣了愣,兴奋地瞪大双眼,大声道:“我愿意!我愿意!我做梦都想加入你们新飞商会!” Good, Faolain, takes down this matter. Noah, hopes that you process the work in restaurant as soon as possible, then in the post-sale service center report of our chamber of commerce to city. You can contact with Faolain directly, understood?” Xu Yi told. “那好,法莱恩,记下这件事情。诺阿,希望你尽快处理好酒楼里的工作,然后到城里我们商会的售后服务中心报道。你可以直接和法莱恩接触,明白了吗?”许亦吩咐道。 Un! I understand!” Noah layer on layer/heavily nods. Association president Sir, I will certainly spell to go all-out at your service!” “嗯!我明白!”诺阿重重点头。“会长大人,我一定会拼尽全力为您服务的!” Xu Yi shows a faint smile, this starts the Magic Power passenger vehicle, swaggers away. 许亦微微一笑,这才发动魔力轿车,扬长而去。 Noah looks to disappear in the Magic Power passenger vehicle of corner dull, some little time, made an effort to brandish the fist. 身后的诺阿呆呆地看着消失在街角的魔力轿车,好一会儿后,才用力挥舞了一下拳头。 Turns around walks toward the restaurant, originally because of professional custom, but has been bending the back, actually supports at this moment straightly.( To be continued please search the floating astronomy, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 转身向酒楼走去的时候,原本因为职业习惯而一直弓着的后背,此刻却挺得笔直。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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