MIE :: Volume #5

#17: The facial expression looked at Xu Yi complex some little time, Sewinnie patted clapping gently, the two maidservants walked.

Heard that you and six chamber of commerce did President that produces Magic Powered Fan meet?” “听说你和六家生产魔力风扇的商会会长见面了?” Yes...., W √ ww .23 “是的。…,w√ww.23 …… …… …… …… I guess besides them, do you also plan and produce chamber of commerce President of other home Magic machineries also select several to meet?” “那我猜除了他们之外,你是不是还打算和生产其它家用魔法机械的商会会长们也挑出来几个见个面?” Has this plan.” “有这个计划。” „Do you really plan to bring these chambers of commerce to enter the markets of other countries together?” “你真的打算带着这些商会一同进军其它国家的市场吗?” I always do that you should be clear very much this point is right.” “我一直以来都是这么做的,你应该很清楚这一点才对。” Un.” “嗯。” Sewinnie nods gently, no longer inquired, lowers the head to write anything on the table. 瑟维尼轻轻点了点头,不再询问,低下头去在桌子上写着什么。 Suddenly, in the big room fell into a dreariness. 一时间,诺大的房间里陷入了一片沉寂。 Xu Yi looks to bend over one's desk the earnest written Sewinnie, discovered compares the last meeting time, she obviously wanted thinly. 许亦看着伏案认真书写的瑟维尼,发现相比起上一次见面的时候,她明显要瘦了一些。 Her cheek slightly was clear, although is not beautiful, will make one see that she feels kind. 原本她的脸蛋略显圆润,虽然不是绝美,却会让人看到她就觉得亲切。 Now after thin some, the face became tapered, but from the appearance, actually compared with before must more attractive. 现在瘦了一些后,脸庞变得尖削了一些,但从容貌上来看,却是比以前要更漂亮了点儿。 But this actually somewhat destroys her to be mild the gentle makings, is joined to her not to get angry from the facial expression of prestige, appearing wanted more dignified than before, then no longer makes the person feeling very kind. 只不过这样却有些破坏她原本温润柔和的气质,配上她不怒自威的神情,显得比以前要威严许多,便不再让人感觉特别亲切。 This actually is also the matter of not difficult understanding. 这其实也是不难理解的事情。 Who trading to do is in the Lanpali Kingdom throne sat was close for two years, met many to take is a queen proper dignity. 换做是谁在兰帕里王国的王位上坐了接近两年的时间,也会多少带上一些属于一名女王陛下应有的威严。 Naturally, in front of Xu Yi, Sewinnie basically displays relaxed nature as before very, but Xu Yi in secret to her name, still in said its as before most of the time. 当然,在许亦面前,瑟维尼还是基本像以前一样表现得十分轻松自然,而许亦私下里对她的称呼,也依然像以前一样在大多数时候都直呼其名。 After a while, Sewinnie stops the movement of writing. Takes up a paper that writes to give Xu Yi. 过了一会儿后,瑟维尼停下书写的动作。拿起写好的一张纸递给许亦 How do you have a look?” “你看看怎么样?” Xu Yi somewhat receives strangely looks. Discovered that this is a decree. 许亦有些奇怪地接过来一看。发现这是一份旨意。 Decree above content. Then is Sewinnie in the name of queen, charging the Lanpali Kingdom Magic industrial management bureau's in various Magic industry chambers of commerce to Lanpali Kingdom to provide at the technical research and development supports, urging these chambers of commerce in researching and developing the Magic machinery related technology invests are more. 旨意上面的内容。则是瑟维尼以女王陛下的名义,责成兰帕里王国魔法工业管理署对兰帕里王国内各家魔法工业商会在技术研发上提供更多支持,促使这些商会在研发魔法机械相关技术上投入更多。 And Sewinnie, allocates 50,000 gold coins from the royal family income in his own name specially, sets up a Lanpali Kingdom Magic industrial technology progress prize, specifically is used to reward for in the chamber of commerce that in the Magic machinery related technology obtains the breakthrough or is individual. 并且瑟维尼还以个人名义,从王室收入中特别拨出五万金币,设立一个兰帕里王国魔法工业技术进步奖,专门用于奖励给在魔法机械相关技术上获得突破的商会或者是个人。 Xu Yi looks at this decree, slightly hesitates, said: „Were 50,000 gold coins...... somewhat few?” 许亦看完这份旨意,略一沉吟,道:“五万金币……似乎有点儿少了吧?” Sewinnie white Xu Yi: I am not so rich like you. These 50,000 gold coins push from the royal family income. May unable to take again.” 瑟维尼白了许亦一眼:“我可不像你这么有钱。这五万金币是从王室收入中挤出来的。再多可拿不出来。” That...... was inferior that I do come out with the money, strengthen to reward?” Xu Yi proposed. “那……不如我拿点儿钱出来,加强一下奖励?”许亦提议道。 Sewinnie shakes the head: No, this is the award item that our Lanpali Kingdom official sets up, the chamber of commerce of your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce this personal nature will participate to destroy this award item the nature, will not be suitable.” 瑟维尼摇摇头:“不,这是我们兰帕里王国官方设立的奖项,你们新飞商会这种私人性质的商会参与进来就会破坏这个奖项的性质,并不适合。” Xu Yi thinks also right, proposed: I also set up a technology advancement prize in the name of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce......” 许亦想想也对,又提议道:“那我以新飞商会的名义同样设立一个技术进步奖……” Has not waited for Sewinnie to reply, he first shook the head to deny this idea. 没等瑟维尼回答,他自己先摇头否定了这个想法。 „It is not good, is engaged in the Magic industry ranks, although our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce currently has the advantage, but will do that will cause the disaffection of other chambers of commerce. Perhaps the effect is not good.” “不行,都是从事魔法工业行列的,虽然我们新飞商会目前有优势,但这么做还是会引起其它商会的不满。恐怕效果并不好。” Sewinnie smiles: You understand well. Actually you do not need to think so many, the matter that you are handling is very good. If can make these chambers of commerce understand. So long as can be willing to invest at the technical research and development, can obtain the favor of your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, leading them to enter the markets of other countries together, earns the good money, I think that all chambers of commerce will attach great importance to the technical research and development.” 瑟维尼笑了笑:“你明白就好。其实你也不用想那么多,你现在正在做的事情就很好。如果能够让这些商会们明白。只要能够舍得在技术研发上投入,就能够获得你们新飞商会的亲睐,带他们一起进入其它国家的市场,赚取大钱,那我想所有商会都会对技术研发十分重视的。” Xu Yi laughs: Right. Speaking of the understanding of the merchant, I was clear compared with anyone. Besides the benefit, nothing can touch the merchants truly.” 许亦哈哈一笑:“没错。说到对商人的了解,我可是比谁都清楚。除了利益之外,没有什么东西能够真正打动商人们的。” Sewinnie deeply looked at Xu Yi one, suddenly sighed in a soft voice: Said, I did not have thank you.” 瑟维尼深深地看了许亦一眼,忽然轻声叹道:“说起来,我还没有谢谢你。” Xu Yi is startled: What thanked me to make suddenly?” 许亦一怔:“突然间谢我做什么?” Thank you chamber of commerce that these was engaged in the Magic industry for the kingdom to search for a new development approach, letting the kingdom can continue to develop high-speed.” Sewinnie sincere say/way. In fact I have been considering this issue. Our Lanpali Kingdom after all is a small country, now the Magic industry develops rapidly in the kingdom, but will be limited eventually by the kingdom, is very difficult to gain a better development. Now you can carry over our Lanpali Kingdom to go them, is the biggest help to kingdom.” “感谢你为王国里这些从事魔法工业的商会寻找到了一条新的发展途径,让王国能够继续高速发展下去。”瑟维尼正色道。“实际上我早就在考虑这个问题了。我们兰帕里王国毕竟是个小国家,现在魔法工业在王国内发展迅速,但终究会被王国局限住,很难获得更好的发展。现在你能够把他们带出我们兰帕里王国去,就是对王国的最大帮助。” Xu Yi smiles, shakes the head saying: Even without me, these chambers of commerce will still go out of Lanpali Kingdom sooner or later, I was just ahead of time this time slightly, is not anything.” 许亦轻轻一笑,摇头道:“就算没有我,这些商会也迟早会走出兰帕里王国的,我只不过是把这个时间稍微提前了一些而已,算不上什么。” Without you, the Magic industry won't appear?” Sewinnie said. “如果没有你的话,根本连魔法工业都不会出现不是吗?”瑟维尼道。 Xu Yi shrugs, says with a smile: I said Sewinnie, the relations among us, do not say pleasantries that these look on as an outsider?” 许亦耸了耸肩,笑道:“我说瑟维尼,以我们之间的关系,就不要说这些见外的客套话了吧?” Among us relations?” The Sewinnie eyes are staring at Xu Yi sparklingly. Xu Yi, you thought that what among us is relates?” “我们之间的关系?”瑟维尼双眼亮晶晶地盯着许亦。“许亦,你到底觉得我们之间是什么关系呢?” Looks at the Sewinnie earnest look, Xu Yi knits the brows slightly, thinks, replied confidently: At least in my mind, has treated as own friend to regard you.” 看着瑟维尼认真的眼神,许亦微微皱眉,想了想,坦然答道:“最起码在我心目中,是一直把你当做自己的朋友来看待的。” Since is a friend, why you aren't always willing to see me?” Sewinnie asked back. This time , if not I writes to you specially, you will be will not come to the Anweimaer city to see me?” “既然是朋友,那你为什么总是不肯来见我呢?”瑟维尼反问。“这一次如果不是我特意给你写了一封信,你是不是又不会来安威玛尔城见我?” Xu Yi hollow laugh, avoided the Sewinnie staring vision. 许亦干笑一声,避开了瑟维尼的凝视目光。 Sewinnie said right, if not Sewinnie makes Count Will transmit to him specially as soon as seals the private letter, perhaps he will stop over for two days to return to Stantin Duchy to go in Bunta City, but will not go to the Anweimaer city. 瑟维尼说得没错,如果不是瑟维尼专程让里威尔伯爵转交给他一封私信,他恐怕在邦塔城逗留两天就会回到斯坦丁公国去,而不会到安威玛尔城来。 Although is also very important with meeting of that six chamber of commerce President, but these things actually do not need his President to go into action personally. 虽说和那六家商会会长的见面也很重要,但是这些事情其实根本不需要他这个会长亲自出马。 By the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce present position, so long as says a few words and ensure President of these six chambers of commerce will even go to the trouble of traveling a long distance to run Stantin Duchy and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce discussion. 新飞商会现在的地位,只要放出一句话,保证这六家商会的会长甚至会不远千里跑去斯坦丁公国新飞商会商议。 Sees the look that Xu Yi dodges, Sewinnie sighs gently. 看到许亦闪躲的眼神,瑟维尼轻轻一叹。 Actually I am know that you thought I take over the throne now. Therefore must deliberately maintain the distance with me is right?” “其实我是知道的,你觉得我现在接任了王位。所以必须要和我刻意保持距离对吗?” Xu Yi coughs lightly. Has turned the head to face up to Sewinnie. Hesitation moment, sincere say/way: Indeed has the consideration in this aspect. You now after all are the Lanpali Kingdom queen, was impossible to be able with others unashamedly like the past to contact to be together again. I and you maintain the distance, is actually also protecting among us carefully the friendship. If walked near, perhaps was not instead good.” 许亦轻咳一声。转过头正视瑟维尼。沉吟片刻,正色道:“的确有这方面的考虑。你现在毕竟是兰帕里王国的女王陛下,不可能再像从前一样可以和其他人毫无顾忌地接触相处。我和你保持距离,其实也是在小心呵护着我们之间的友谊。如果走得近了,说不定反而不好。” Sewinnie is silent, looked at Xu Yi a while, slowly nod. 瑟维尼沉默下来,看了许亦一会儿,缓缓点头。 This point actually I also understand. I am representing Lanpali Kingdom, you are representing Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. Although now between our Lanpali Kingdom and your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce have very close cooperation. both sides can maintain very friendly relations. However in any event, would having the conflicts of interest. For example...... in the present kingdom many people opposed that continued to pool capital to organize the factory with your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce.” “这一点其实我也是明白的。我代表着兰帕里王国,你代表着新飞商会。虽然现在我们兰帕里王国和你们新飞商会之间有很密切的合作。双方可以保持非常友好的关系。但是无论如何,总会生出利益冲突。比如说……现在王国内就有很多人反对继续和你们新飞商会合资创办工厂。” Opposes to pool capital?” On the Xu Yi face passed over gently and swiftly to ridicule the meaning. Meaning wants to expel Lanpali Kingdom our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, do they do? But these fellows have not thought that without our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce words, actually Lanpali Kingdom simply doesn't even have the means to indenpendently produce now has over five kinds of Magic machineries?” “反对合资?”许亦脸上掠过一丝嘲弄之意。“意思是想把我们新飞商会赶出兰帕里王国,他们自己干喽?可是这些家伙就没有想过,没有我们新飞商会的话,其实兰帕里王国现在甚至根本没办法自行生产出超过五类魔法机械吗?” This point I am very clear, but these people are not clear.” Sewinnie sighed, the facial expression was slightly exhausted. I am the Lanpali Kingdom queen, must consider for the interests of kingdom. The choice continued to pool capital to organize the factory with your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, looked like in these people, is betraying the interests of kingdom.” “这一点我很清楚,但是那些人却并不明白。”瑟维尼叹了口气,神情略显疲惫。“我是兰帕里王国的女王,必须要为王国的利益考虑。选择继续和你们新飞商会合资创办工厂,在那些人看来,就是在出卖王国的利益。” Xu Yi cannot bear sneer: Hey. The ideas of these idiots, do not need to consider also to have nothing.” 许亦忍不住冷笑:“嘿。这些蠢货的想法,不用去考虑也没什么。” Sewinnie forced smile: Issue is these idiots who you said. Is actually representing in the kingdom a large part of people.” 瑟维尼苦笑:“问题是你所说的这些蠢货。却代表着王国内很大一部分人哦。” Xu Yi looked at Sewinnie a while with rapt attention, looks at exhausted in her facial expression, in the heart can't help it somewhat loves dearly. 许亦凝神看了瑟维尼一会儿,看着她神情中的疲惫,心中禁不住有些心疼。 Actually Sewinnie also less than 25 years old, actually must shoulder the entire Lanpali Kingdom such important responsibility this year now, the death that others in Lanpali royal family die, living in seclusion of living in seclusion, no one can help her radically, she can only undertake alone. 其实瑟维尼今年还不到二十五岁而已,现在却要承担整个兰帕里王国这么重要的责任,偏偏兰帕里王室中的其他人死的死,隐居的隐居,根本没有人能够帮她,她只能独自承担。 Actually does not need to be worried, so long as the kingdom is still maintaining the development, in the entire kingdom no one dares really to oppose me.” The Sewinnie frown raises suddenly, the facial expression on face is full of the dignity, the whole person seems inviolably imposing. If really some people do not take the entire situation into account, I did not mind that makes them be taught.” “其实也不用担心,只要王国依然保持着发展,整个王国内就没有人胆敢真的反对我。”瑟维尼忽然双眉一扬,脸上的神情重新充满威严,整个人都仿佛凛然不可侵犯。“如果真的有人不顾全大局,我并不介意让他们受到教训。” Xu Yi could not bear staring. 许亦忍不住愣了愣。 Beforehand Sewinnie will rarely present this fill bone-chilling cold meaning the appearance. 之前的瑟维尼可是很少会出现这种充满凛冽之意的模样。 Really sat a long time in the throne, will turn into like this naturally? 果然是在王位上坐久了,自然而然地就会变成这样子吗? However this regarding Sewinnie, is a good transformation. 不过这对于瑟维尼来说,是一个好的转变。 If she character like before were extremely still temperate, that sat in the throne only feared that not necessarily was a good deed. 假如她依旧像以前那样性格太过温和的话,那坐在王位上只怕未必是件好事。 Turns head to see surprise on slightly Xu Yi face, Sewinnie to titter suddenly smiles, the facial features such as the fresh flower is in full bloom, is instantaneously sunny. 一扭头看见许亦脸上的微微诧异,瑟维尼忽然噗嗤一笑,面容如鲜花盛开,瞬间充满阳光。 As if all of a sudden, she from former that queen who filled dignified and murderous aura, turned into an ordinary neighbor girl general. 仿佛一下子之间,她就从之前那个充满威严和杀气的女王,变成了一个普通的邻家女孩儿一般。 Saw that she transforms like this rapidly, in the Xu Yi heart expressed admiration, when thought regardless , the women were existence that he is unable to understand. 看到她这样迅速的转变,许亦心中啧啧称奇,心想无论什么时候,女人都是他无法理解的存在。 Sewinnie looked at Xu Yi one, suddenly side pressed started a button. 瑟维尼看了许亦一眼,忽然按了一下手旁的一个按钮。 Before long, two royal palace maidservants held some night food and wine to walk. 不一会儿,两名王宫侍女捧着一些宵夜酒菜走了进来。 Xu Yi looks startled to out of the window, discovered that at this time still the weather transfers unexpectedly black. 许亦愕然看向窗外,发现此时竟然依然天色转黑。 In the afternoon he in the Anweimaer city and several approximately good the person meets ahead of time, has the dinner to accept the invitation of Sewinnie to enter the royal palace, now two people chatted one, has not actually thought that it is so black. 下午他在安威玛尔城内又和几位提前约好的人见了一面后,吃过晚饭才接受了瑟维尼的邀请进入王宫,现在两人聊了一阵,却没想到天已经这么黑了。 Xu Yi sets out to prepare to say goodbye hastily, was actually drawn his arm by Sewinnie, hints him to sit down. 许亦连忙起身准备告辞,却被瑟维尼拉了一下他的胳膊,示意他坐下。 Very long had not met, accompanies me to chat to walk again?” “很久没见面了,陪我多聊聊再走好吗?” Looks in Sewinnie look to plead the meaning, thinks that Sewinnie talked about among two people a moment ago the relations, in the Xu Yi heart one soft, nods to sit. 看着瑟维尼眼神中的一丝恳求之意,想到刚才瑟维尼谈及两人之间的关系,许亦心中一软,点点头重新坐了下来。 Sewinnie reveals a happy expression immediately, beckons with the hand, hints two maidservants to go out, then gave Xu Yi personally but actually one glass of liquor, again to oneself booing, held up the wine glass to Xu Yi. 瑟维尼立即露出一丝喜色,摆了摆手,示意两名侍女出去,然后亲自给许亦倒了一杯酒,再给自己倒好,向许亦举起酒杯。 Come, Xu Yi, makes our both forget each other status tonight, purely chat between time how makes friends?” “来,许亦,今天晚上就让我们两个都忘了彼此的身份,单纯做一次朋友之间的聊天怎么样?” Xu Yi shows a faint smile: Good, is rare you to have the interest, how can I not accompany?” 许亦微微一笑:“好啊,难得你有兴致,我怎么能不奉陪呢?” Two people touched a wine glass, tosses down. 两人碰了一下酒杯,一饮而尽。 Xu Yi also has nothing, Sewinnie the elegant face slightly is red immediately, appears extremely the potency of alcohol, made on her face reduce a dignity, were many charming. 许亦还没什么,瑟维尼却立即俏脸微红起来,显得不胜酒力,却也让她的脸上减少了一丝威严,多了一丝妩媚。 Xu Yi, but also remembers that we do meet for the first time?” The Sewinnie gentle voice asked. 许亦,还记得我们第一次见面吗?”瑟维尼柔声问道。 Naturally remembers.” Xu Yi answered. At that time, I arrive at the Anweimaer city for the first time, plans to sell the farmland Magic Power machinery......” “当然记得。”许亦笑答。“那时候,还是我第一次来到安威玛尔城,打算推销农田魔力机械……” ...... …… The dim light of night is strong, the good wine fumigates with incense, two people, while is giving free reign to the imagination the past events, chatting slow to chat. 夜色浓烈,美酒熏香,两人一边品着,一边畅想着往事,闲聊慢叙。 Also does not know that is because good wine intoxicant, because past events intoxicant, drinks is drinking, Xu Yi thought unexpectedly head dizzy heavy, before long, soft to chair, the mud no longer moves generally. 也不知道是因为美酒醉人,还是因为往事醉人,喝着喝着,许亦竟是觉得脑袋晕晕沉沉,不一会儿后,就软到在椅子上,烂泥一般不再动弹。 Looks opposite falls into Xu Yi in lethargic sleep, should also fall into to immerse Sewinnie double to be suddenly bright, although the elegant face is still ruddy, actually does not see the least bit feeling of being drunk. 看着对面陷入昏睡中的许亦,本应该也陷入沉醉中的瑟维尼忽然双眼亮起,虽然依然俏脸红润,却不见半点儿醉意。
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