MIE :: Volume #5

#18: The court ladies received to sweep one, the look congealed.

At present presents an empty bedroom. 眼前出现了一个空荡荡的卧室。 …… …… …… …… A simple single bed, side is a spacious table, on the desktop places a monitor, on the screen is glittering the win7 desktop. 一张简单的单人床,旁边是一个宽大的桌子,桌面上摆放着一台显示器,屏幕上闪烁着win7的桌面。 This single bed Xu Yi is very familiar, bed nearby table and computer are also very familiar, even on win7 desktop that multi-spindle system blueprint Xu Yi that is used to make the background is exceptionally familiar. 这张单人床许亦十分熟悉,床旁边的桌子和电脑也十分熟悉,甚至连win7桌面上那个用来做背景的多轴传动系统图纸许亦更是异常熟悉。 However sees this familiar situation, in the Xu Yi heart has doubts. 然而看到这幅熟悉的情形,许亦心中却十分疑惑。 Before this is, when that small nest that on Earth occupies, but he has passed through Sainz Continent to come up now obviously, and lived for several years in this mainland, how to return to this familiar small nest? 这是自己以前还在地球上时所居住的那个小窝,可是他现在明明已经穿越到了赛恩斯大陆上来,并且在这片大陆上居住了好几年,怎么又回到了这个熟悉的小窝呢? Suddenly, did he pass through from Sainz Continent returned to Earth? 难道突然之间,他就又从赛恩斯大陆上穿越回到了地球? How many year of life on Sainz Continent also actually did he have a dream or? 又或者说,其实他在赛恩斯大陆上的几年生活都只是做了一场梦? While in Xu Yi heart surprised uncertain time, two arm you stretch out from the back suddenly, closely grasped the waist of Xu Yi. 正当许亦心中惊疑不定的时候,两条胳膊忽然你从背后伸出,紧紧地抱住了许亦的腰。 Xu Yi, do you want to leave me?” 许亦,你要离开我了吗?” Listens to this to be full of the plaintive familiar sound, Xu Yi has turned head, sees the elegant face of Stille, said with a smile hastily: How can, I how be willing to leave you?” 听着这一声充满哀怨的熟悉的声音,许亦回过头,看到斯蒂尔的俏脸,连忙笑道:“怎么会,我怎么会舍得离开你们呢?” But you are always thinking must leave Sainz Continent, returns to Earth, doesn't want to abandon me?” Stille is still plaintive. “可是你总是想着要离开赛恩斯大陆,回到地球,难道不是想抛弃我吗?”斯蒂尔依然哀怨。 Xu Yi shakes the head immediately: No, I very long have not thought must return to Earth. Even if walks, I can still walk with you. You are I most important person, how am I willing to throw down you?” 许亦立即摇头:“不,我已经很久没有想过要回地球了。而且就算是走,我也一定会和你一起走。你是我最重要的人,我怎么舍得丢下你?” Stille shows the smiling face finally, after while Xu Yi relaxes . Side resounds several sounds. 斯蒂尔终于露出笑容,可是正当许亦松了一口气后。旁边又响起几个声音。 Master. Do you want to throw down me?” “主人。您要丢下我吗?” Master. Didn't you want me?” “主人。您不要我了吗?” Master, I have not married you, you cannot walk.” “主人,我还没有嫁给您,您不能走。” Xu Yi has turned the head again, looks that Liz, Linda and Vivian three face that is full of the hope, the smile said: Relax, you are also my family member, I will not certainly abandon your.” 许亦再次转过头,看着丽丝、琳达和薇薇安的三张充满期盼的脸,微笑道:“放心吧,你们也都是我的家人,我当然也不会抛弃你们的。” Sir President, your previous time has said. Has also treated as your family member to regard me.” Another sound resounds, Xu Yi looked at the past, the discovery unexpectedly was Teresa. 会长大人,您上次说过。一直把我也当做您的家人看待的啊。”另外一个声音响起,许亦看过去,发现竟是泰瑞莎 Xu Yi somewhat hesitates, however sees the Teresa plaintive look, actually in can't help it heart one soft. 许亦有些犹豫,然而看到泰瑞莎哀怨的眼神,却禁不住心中一软。 Un, I have treated as the family member to regard you, will not throw down your.” “嗯,我一直把你当做家人看待,不会丢下你的。” Teresa just showed the smiling face, the side resounds a clear sound suddenly. 泰瑞莎刚刚露出笑容,身边忽然又响起一个清亮的声音。 Un, Sir President, you also not with my copulation. Naturally cannot walk right?” “嗯,会长大人,您还没有和我交配呢。当然不能就这么走了对吗?” Xu Yi turns around startled, saw that Janice is removing clothing slowly. 许亦愕然转身,就看到亚妮丝正在缓缓褪去身上的衣物。 Sir President. The elders had urged I many were times, making me probably be good with your copulation. Now this is a very good opportunity, we come the copulation.” 会长大人。长老已经催促过我很多次了,让我一定要和您交配才行。现在这就是个很好的机会,我们来交配吧。” A Xu Yi brow wrinkle: Janice, I had said many were times, do not use copulation this word, is not of pleasant to hear.” 许亦眉头一皱:“亚妮丝,我都说过很多次了,不要用‘交配’这个词,太不好听了。” In any case is the same not? Xu Yi, you have actually wanted with the Janice union to want very long is right?” “反正都是一样的不是吗?许亦,其实你已经想和亚妮丝结合已经想很久了对不对?” Holds Stille both hands of Xu Yi to move suddenly, how does not know, the clothes of Xu Yi whole body were escaped none unexpectedly instantaneously. 抱着许亦斯蒂尔忽然双手一动,不知道怎么,许亦全身的衣服竟然瞬间被脱了个精光。 The god, surrounding Liz, Linda, Vivian have Teresa again in an instant similarly with the Janice same place, sheds all clothes, met with Xu Yi bare cheng. 再一转眼神,周围的丽丝、琳达、薇薇安还有泰瑞莎同样和亚妮丝一起,将所有衣服都褪掉,与许亦裸裎相见。 Hey! Is your does do?” Xu Yi has a big shock, just shouted, felt a pair of hand circled from the back like the snake generally, searches on little brother who under oneself lower abdomen stands tall and erect. “喂!你们这是干什么?”许亦大惊失色,刚喊了一声,就感觉到一双手如同蛇一般从背后绕了过去,探到自己小腹下高耸的小兄弟上。 President Xu, you continuously are interested in me and Ailucia these two old women, today satisfies you to be good.” 许会长,你一直对我和艾露希亚这两个老女人感兴趣,今天就满足你好了。” Does not know the Lisanya elder who when presents closely grips the Xu Yi little brother, in the look was full of the seduction. 不知道什么时候出现的利桑亚长老将许亦的小兄弟紧紧握住,眼神中充满了诱惑。 Nearby Ailucia elder same an inch wisp, the smile looks at Xu Yi, the facial expression is hopeful. 一旁的艾露希亚长老同样身上不着寸缕,微笑地看着许亦,神情充满渴望。 Xu Yi has a parched mouth immediately, looks helplessly Janice, Liz, Linda and the others threw together, encircles him instantaneously. 许亦顿时口干舌燥,眼睁睁地看着亚妮丝、丽丝、琳达等人一起扑了上来,瞬间将他团团围住。 ...... …… Blurry has not known how much time, Xu Yi suddenly awakening. 迷迷糊糊也不知道过了多少时间,许亦忽然“惊醒”。 Opens the eye to look, seeing is a pattern is then fine, fine workmanship marble ceiling. 睁开眼睛一看,入目便是一个花纹精美、做工精细的大理石天花板。 Originally has a dream......” “原来是做梦啊……” Xu Yi long exhales, does not know that is rejoiced or regretted. 许亦长长地出了一口气,也不知道是庆幸还是遗憾。 Thought of a moment ago the situation in dream, Xu Yi can't help it face slightly red. 想到刚才梦中的情形,许亦禁不住老脸微红。 The 30-year-old person, will have spring * the dream unexpectedly, really somewhat loses face. 都30多岁的人了,居然还会做春*梦,实在是有些丢脸。 Makes him feel what ashamed and inconceivable, * in the dream has Stille, Liz and Linda in this spring, even there is Janice also to have nothing, but...... but why will present Vivian? Why will present Teresa? 更让他感到羞耻和不可思议的是,在这个春*梦中有斯蒂尔、丽丝和琳达也就罢了,甚至有亚妮丝也没什么,但是……但是为什么会出现薇薇安?为什么会出现泰瑞莎 ...... In the subconscious also to have that type to their two **? 难道说……自己潜意识里对她们两个也有那种**? He continuously Vivian, when the younger sister looks! 他可是一直都把薇薇安当妹妹看的啊! As for Teresa, although is attractive, but Xu Yi may always have no idea to be right to her. 至于泰瑞莎,虽然非常漂亮,但许亦可从来对她没有任何想法才对。 But the Lisanya elder and Ailucia who elder finally present was absurder. 而最后出现的利桑亚长老和艾露希亚长老就更加荒谬了。 Although when is naked ** facing these two elders, Xu Yi will have the response inevitably, but this is only as a masculine instinct, does not represent him really to want with these two elders to have anything. 虽然在赤身**地面对这两位长老的时候,许亦不可避免地会生出反应,但这只是身为一名男性的本能,并不代表着他真的想和这两位长老发生什么。 Will make the so absurd spring * the dream, perhaps can only say man ** forever will be without limits, under this environment without any scruples in the dream, any strange matter may happen. 会做出如此荒谬的春*梦,恐怕只能说男人的**永无止境,在梦中这个毫无顾忌的环境下,什么稀奇古怪的事情都有可能发生。 I was insane......” the Xu Yi corners of the mouth twitched certainly, could not bear then wants to hold the volume sigh. “我一定是疯了……”许亦嘴角抽动了一下,忍不住便想要扶额叹息。 But just the twitch arm, actually bumped into a soft warm thing suddenly. 可是刚刚抽动胳膊,却忽然碰到了一个柔软温暖的东西。 Xu Yi the facial expression concentrates immediately, after the moment, the surprise is excessive, seeing is one piece snow white is then mixing with two fuchsins. 许亦顿时神情一凝,片刻后,诧异地偏过头去,入目便是一片雪白中夹杂着两点樱红。 Cannot......” “不会吧……” The Xu Yi vision uppers shift, then saw own side is lying down unexpectedly a nakedness ** woman. 许亦目光上移,便看到自己身边居然躺着一个赤身**的女人。 Looked earnestly, Xu Yi recognizes one people that in Sewinnie hand/subordinate two maidservant this woman seemed like saw yesterday. 认真一看,许亦认出这个女人似乎是昨天看到的瑟维尼手下两名侍女中的一人。 I did anything......” “我到底干了什么……” Lowered the head to have a look on the maidservant to slide the smooth appearance brightly and cleanly, Xu Yi swallowed spit difficultly, the body cannot help but to the relieving shrinking. 低头看看侍女身上光洁溜溜的模样,许亦艰难地咽了一口吐沫,身子不由自主地向后缩了缩。 Un......” “嗯……” Resounds slight ying to warn the sound. 身后又响起一声轻微的嘤咛声。 Felt soft touch that the back touches. Xu Yi petrifies immediately. 感觉到后背触碰到的柔软触感。许亦顿时石化。 This...... this is how possible!” “这……这怎么可能!” Xu Yi turns around dull. Seeing similarly is snow white. 许亦呆呆地转过身来。入目同样是一片雪白。 As expected. Lies down in another side, similarly the light the woman of body, is being another in that two maidservant. 不出所料。躺在另一边,同样光着身子的女人,是那两名侍女中的另一名。 Xu Yi looked dull met this maidservant bright and clean body, thought oneself made the spring * the dream to have the reason. 许亦呆呆地看了一会这名侍女光洁的身躯,心想自己做了春*梦原来是有原因的。 But why will turn such? 可是到底是为什么会变成这样子的呢? Just a ponder, Xu Yi then felt that immediately a fierce headache welled up. 刚一思考,许亦便立即感觉到一股剧烈的头疼涌了上来。 Although this beats severely forget it sorely his ponder, but this experienced several times of familiar aching feelings also to make him think instantaneously. 虽然这股疼痛打算了他的思考,但是这个经历过数次的熟悉疼痛感却也让他瞬间想了起来。 Yesterday evening, he should be detained by Sewinnie, matched Sewinnie to drink in the royal palace while chats. 昨天晚上,他应该是被瑟维尼挽留,在王宫内配瑟维尼一边喝酒一边聊天。 Beforehand matter. He only remembers that chatted the past events to be very happy with Sewinnie. 之前的事情。他只记得和瑟维尼聊着往事很开心。 As for the later matter, he actually records is completely not clear. 至于之后的事情,他却是完全记不清楚了。 Has a look at about two ** the maidservant of body, the Xu Yi corners of the mouth twitches again, cannot bear smile bitterly. 看看左右两个**身躯的侍女,许亦嘴角再次抽搐,忍不住苦笑起来。 After this is the liquor in legend, disturbs the disposition? 难道这就是传说中的酒后乱性? While Xu Yi also in spelling is having a headache about ponder yesterday evening detail, the gate of bedroom was shoved open suddenly, four royal palace maidservants under a court lady's leadership. 正当许亦还在拼着头疼思考昨晚上的细节时,卧室的门忽然被推开,四名王宫侍女在一名女官的带领下走了进来。 These sounds also awakened two maidservants who side Xu Yi fell asleep, two people had a look at the smooth body, had a look at Xu Yi again, and had no startled meaning, was only the elegant face is being slightly red. Actually does not dare to have the meaning that least bit hates to get out of bed, crawled from the bed hastily. 这些动静将许亦身旁睡着的两名侍女也惊醒了过来,两人看看自己光溜溜的身子,再看看许亦,并没有任何惊慌之意,只是俏脸微微红着。却不敢有半点儿赖床的意思,连忙从床上爬了起来。 Xu Yi sighed. The facial expression restores calmly, sat to set out, looks at the court lady to walk. 许亦叹了口气。神情重新恢复镇定,坐起身,看着女官走了过来。 „Does President Xu, rest fortunately may?” The court ladies asked. 许会长,休息得可还好吗?”女官问。 Sees on the poker face of court lady and does not have any ** the smiling face, Xu Yi nods gently: Also good.” 看到女官的扑克脸上并没有任何**的笑容,许亦轻轻点头:“还不错。” Un.” The court ladies nod, shouted to Xu Yi two maidservants sternly: Isn't about to take care of President Xu to get out of bed? What depends makes on the bed?” “嗯。”女官点点头,向许亦身边两名侍女厉声喝道:“还不快起来服侍许会长起床?赖在床上做什么?” Two maidservants have a scare, cannot attend to oneself anything not putting on, immediately crawled from the bed, first puts on the clothes to oneself, then comes to prepare to take care of Xu Yi to get out of bed. 两名侍女吓了一跳,也顾不得自己什么都没穿,立即从床上爬了起来,先给自己套上衣服,然后过来准备服侍许亦起床。 Xu Yi after all is not beginning elder brother who that type has not seen the world, in this case, naturally knows how should do. 许亦毕竟不是那种没见过世面的初哥,在这种情况下,自然知道该怎么做。 Honestly, whatever two maidservants held from the bed, then helps him wear each clothes carefully. 老老实实地任由两名侍女将自己从床上扶了起来,然后细心地帮他穿好每一件衣服。 Although during this, periphery has had the own of flesh maidservant besides these two with him, that age minimum 30-year-old court ladies and another four young maidservants, but Xu Yi has not actually displayed any awkward appearance, looks calm. 虽然这期间周围除了这两名和他有过肌肤之亲的侍女外,还有那名年纪起码30多岁的女官和另外四名年轻侍女,但许亦却没有表现出任何尴尬的模样,神情自如。 When Xu Yi is well-dressed, washes, he then looked at point red trace on a bed, takes a look at taking a look to stand in oneself again behind, very obvious action somewhat inconvenient that two maidservants, nods, to female major road: Queen? Should she have the words to confess to me?” 许亦穿戴整齐,洗漱完毕,他回头看了一眼床上的点点红色痕迹,再瞅瞅站在自己身后,很明显行动有些不便的那两名侍女,点点头,向女官道:“女王陛下呢?她应该有话向我交代吧?” The court ladies nod saying: Queen is ill, is convalescing in the resting palace. However she had gotten down the decree, asking President Xu to glance.” 女官点头道:“女王陛下身体不适,正在寝宫静养。不过她已经下了旨意,请许会长过目。” „Did she also get drunk?” “她也喝醉了?” The Xu Yi brow slightly wrinkle, received the decree from the court lady hand. 许亦眉头微皱,从女官手上接过旨意。 This decree is very long, front confessed some yesterday's Xu Yi and Sewinnie discussion between matters concerned that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom cooperate, seems very official, but was adding one finally. 这份旨意挺长,前面是交代了一些昨天许亦瑟维尼讨论的关于新飞商会兰帕里王国之间合作的事宜,显得十分正式,只是在最后加了一句。 Betty and Carol are two maidservants who I most like, since you also like, that gave you to be good them. I understood that your character, will you certainly treat well their right? After you, they will also cross happily.” 贝蒂卡萝是我最喜欢的两名侍女,不过既然你也喜欢的话,那就把她们送给你好了。我了解你的性格,你一定会好好待她们的是吗?跟了你之后,想必她们也会过得开心。” Betty and Carol?” Xu Yi turns the head to look to two still the elegant face ruddy maidservant. 贝蒂卡萝?”许亦转头看向两名依然俏脸红润的侍女。 I am Betty.” The facial features are slightly rounder, seemingly appear the somewhat immature maidservant to say immediately. “我是贝蒂。”脸型稍圆一些,看起来显得有些幼小的侍女立即应道。 I am Carol.” The Carol figure slightly is taller, actually the build is much more plentiful than Betty, has the mature charm. “我是卡萝。”卡萝身材略高一些,倒是体型比贝蒂丰满得多,更具成熟魅力。 Looks at two people slightly tense facial expression, Xu Yi slightly hesitates, gently nod. 看着两人略显紧张的神情,许亦略一沉吟,轻轻点头。 If you do not have the opinion, follows me together.” “如果你们没有意见的话,就跟我一起走吧。” Betty and Carol the eyes stare the circle immediately, happy. 贝蒂卡萝立即双眼瞪圆,喜形于色。 However the guidance that they receive obviously is quite strict, does not dare to cheer, but looks to that court lady. 不过她们显然受到的教导极为严格,并不敢欢呼,而是看向那名女官。 The court ladies nod: Queen had gotten down the decree, starting today, you were the President Xu people, henceforth with royal palace irrelevant.” 女官点点头:“女王陛下已经下了旨意,从今天开始,你们就是许会长的人了,从此和王宫无关。” Betty and Carol two people then cannot bear the excitement in heart, cheered one. 贝蒂卡萝两人这才忍不住心中的兴奋,欢呼了一声。 Sees two people happy appearances, has a look around other four maidservant admiring expressions, Xu Yi actually to shake the head again gently, in the heart smiles bitterly. 看到两人高兴的模样,再看看旁边其它四名侍女一副艳羡的表情,许亦却轻轻摇头,心中苦笑。 After the moment, he has taken a pen, gave in his decree to inscribe in the court lady a moment ago sets, gives the court lady. 片刻后,他取过一支笔,在刚才女官给他的旨意上写上一排字,递给女官。 Transmits for me to the queen.” “替我转交给女王陛下。”
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