MIE :: Volume #5

#19: Turns around to walk

When Xu Yi comes back after the royal palace, has waited for his Flaine Manager whole face to be strange. 许亦从王宫回来后,一直等待他的法莱恩主管满脸古怪。 Yesterday evening Xu Yi entered the royal palace having an audience with queen, a night has not turned over, he has not felt strangely. 昨晚上许亦进入王宫觐见女王陛下,一夜未归,他也没觉得多奇怪。 After all cooperation between Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Lanpali Kingdom is close, Sir President and Queen Sewinnie private relationship is also quite close, does not need to be worried that Sir President encounters what danger in the royal palace. 毕竟新飞商会兰帕里王国之间的合作关系紧密,会长大人瑟维尼女王陛下的私人关系也极为密切,不用担心会长大人在王宫内遇到什么危险。 After now but Xu Yi returns, the side suddenly are many two young girls, this makes Flaine Manager feel quite surprised. 可是现在许亦归来后,身边却突然多出两个年轻女孩儿,这就让法莱恩主管感到极为惊奇了。 Although Xu Yi said that these two young girl named Betty and Carol is the maidservant who he recruits newly, but Flaine Manager suffering the world, can see that these two young girls just eradicated virgin's body, where will unable to guess correctly exactly what happened. 虽然许亦介绍说这两个叫做贝蒂卡萝的年轻女孩儿是他新招募的侍女,但法莱恩主管饱经人世,一眼就能看出这两个年轻女孩儿刚刚破除处子之身,哪里会猜不出到底发生了什么事情。 If Xu Yi is the common big aristocrat and big merchant, Flaine Manager will not feel absolutely surprised, because this is just very ordinary joining in the fun. 如果许亦是一般的大贵族、大商人,法莱恩主管对此绝对不会感到惊奇,因为这只不过是很普通的逢场作戏。 By the Xu Yi position, had a liking for two girls to bring back to the home, no one will say anything. 许亦的身份地位,看上了两个女孩儿想带回家,谁都不会说什么。 But Xu Yi always remains pure and incorruptible extremely, restrains at this matter extremely, therefore until now in the family/home is also Madame Stille this wife. 可是许亦一直以来都极为洁身自好,在这种事情上极为克制,所以迄今为止家中也不过就是斯蒂尔夫人这一名妻子罢了。 As for Liz and Linda is only the servile status, some people will not actually take seriously. 至于丽丝和琳达只是奴隶身份,却是不会有人当真的。 Now Xu Yi leads two, Flaine Manager naturally to feel surprised suddenly. 现在许亦突然领回来两个,法莱恩主管当然会感到惊奇。 But makes him surprised, which big aristocrat who is place not Sir President stayed yesterday evening or is in the big merchant family/home, but is a royal palace! 而更加让他惊奇的,则是会长大人昨天晚上住宿的地方并不是哪名大贵族或者是大商人家里,而是王宫! He lived in an evening in the royal palace, unexpectedly can lead two women to come back from the royal palace. This was too rather inconceivable! 他在王宫里住了一晚,居然能从王宫里带了两个女人回来。这未免太不可思议了! Moreover from Betty and Carol words and deeds and other details. They definitely by the royal palace maidservant who trains extremely strictly. It is not absolutely casual the woman who where looks. 而且从贝蒂卡萝的言行举止等细节来看。她们肯定是受过极其严格训练的王宫侍女。绝对不是随便从哪儿找出来的女人。 Let alone two people are so attractive, even in the Lanpali royal palace, certainly is still rarely seen. 何况两人还都这么漂亮,就算是在兰帕里王宫内,也绝不多见。 Sir President can the belt/bring from the royal palace come out them, obtained agreeing of queen inevitably, even their two people cannot do well are the queen give Sir President personally! 会长大人能够把她们两人从王宫里带出来,必然是得到了女王陛下的首肯,甚至她们两人搞不好就是女王陛下亲自送给会长大人的! If this is really the case, proved the queen and Sir President relations are absolutely unusual. 如果真的是这样的话,就证明了女王陛下和会长大人的关系绝对非同一般。 The queen since has mounted the throne, in the control regarding royal palace is extremely strict. 女王陛下自从登上王位以来,对于王宫内部的控制极严。 Do not say the common person, even the big aristocrats in Lanpali Kingdom still gave up any idea of that touches any business in royal palace. 不要说寻常人,就算是兰帕里王国内的大贵族们也休想触碰到王宫里的任何事务。 But now a Sir President such young man. Not can only all be in the female royal palace stays overnight at the present a evening, even can has the intimate relation in the royal palaces and two maidservants, finally can also the belt/bring from the royal palace come out them! 可是现在会长大人这样一名年轻男性。不仅能够在现在全都是女性的王宫内留宿一晚,甚至能在王宫内和两名侍女发生亲密关系,最后还能把她们从王宫里带出来! This is really unthinkable. 这实在是匪夷所思。 Looks at the Flaine Manager extremely strange look, Xu Yi pretends not to see, coughs lightly, pulls back from the shock him. 看着法莱恩主管极其古怪的眼神,许亦装作没有看到,轻咳一声,将他从震惊中拉了回来。 Flaine, sets up the product service center about the chamber of commerce in the Anweimaer city the matter, how did you manage?” 法莱恩,关于商会在安威玛尔城设立产品服务中心的事情,你办得怎么样了?” Hears Xu Yi to ask the proper business, Flaine Manager pulls back the train of thought immediately, calms down. Replying: Sir President, the matter in this aspect has been ready basically. Originally before you. I planned that finds a time formally to announce sets up. However since now you came, that was inferior how you do come personally to preside over the opening ceremony of this service center?” 听到许亦问起正事,法莱恩主管立即将思绪拉了回来,定了定神。答道:“会长大人,这方面的事情已经基本准备就绪。本来在您之前。我就打算找个时间正式宣布开办的。不过现在既然您来了,那不如您来亲自主持这个服务中心的开幕仪式怎么样?” Looks at the facial expression of Flaine Manager whole face hope, Xu Yi actually shakes the head: „, I also had other matter to be busy, this opening ceremony you managed well. Moreover yesterday I to the matter of Magic Powered Vehicle post-sale service you said that you must continue to follow up. Yesterday that boy named Noah you can attempt to make him manage car wash this, on the one hand, as for the things in other service, I can seperately send the maintenance technology personnel to come from the chamber of commerce. Un......, if that Noah is willing to study, you can also help him. Hey, I said why you do use this look to visit me?” 看着法莱恩主管满脸期盼的神情,许亦却摇了摇头:“不了,我还有别的事情要忙,这个开幕仪式你来主持就好。另外昨天我给你说的魔力机车售后服务的事情,你也要继续跟进。昨天那个叫做诺阿的小子你可以尝试让他管理洗车这一方面,至于其它维修方面的事情,我会另外从商会派维修技术人员过来。嗯……如果那个诺阿愿意学习的话,你也可以帮帮他。喂,我说你干嘛用这种眼神看着我?” The Flaine Manager facial expression is strange: Sir President, if not that boy age named Noah is big, I will really suspect that he was your illegitimate child.” 法莱恩主管神情诡异:“会长大人,如果不是那个叫做诺阿的小子年龄已经不小,我真的会怀疑他是不是您的私生子了。” Xu Yi lifts the leg, empty kicked a Flaine Manager foot, ridicules saying: I , if there is such big illegitimate child, Stille will certainly kill me.” 许亦抬起腿,虚踢了法莱恩主管一脚,笑骂道:“我要是有这么大的私生子,斯蒂尔一定会杀了我。” Flaine Manager laughs, the vision actually cannot help but falls to the one side is sizing up this Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce stagnation point situation on curiously Betty and Carol. 法莱恩主管哈哈一笑,目光却不由自主地落到一旁正在好奇打量这个新飞商会驻点情况的贝蒂卡萝身上。 Xu Yi naturally understands that his intention, cannot bear sighs one lightly, thought that if Stille knows after oneself came to a Anweimaer city, unexpectedly brings back to the home two women, really does not know that she can be what idea. 许亦自然明白他的用意,忍不住轻叹一声,心想如果斯蒂尔知道自己来了一趟安威玛尔城后,居然就带回家里两个女人,真不知道她会是什么想法。 Shakes the head casts off these chaotic ideas, Xu Yi continues to Flaine Manager urges: You must stare to tighten with the cooperation of that six chamber of commerce, if as expected, two months later will have the orders from other countries, I will put out part to give them. When the time comes, you must be responsible for supervising their progress and product qualities. This is the first time that our chamber of commerce the cooperation attempt in this aspect, makes no mistake.” 摇摇头将这些混乱的想法甩开,许亦继续向法莱恩主管叮嘱道:“和那六家商会的合作你也要盯紧了,如果不出意外的话,两个月后就会有来自其它国家的订单,我会拿出一部分交给他们。到时候,你就要负责监督他们的进度和产品质量。这是我们商会第一次在这方面的合作尝试,不容有失。” Yes, I understand.” “是的,我明白。” Moreover, reaches the new stage with the Great Magician Aisenka jointly developed Magic Power speeding car project at present, half a month later, will send a group of technical personnel from the headquarters newly, is responsible for this project. You must be this contact person when the time comes and ensure these technical personnel and Great Magician Aisenka cooperate smoothly.” “另外,和艾森卡大魔法师合作研发的魔力飞车项目目前也到了新阶段,半个月后,会从总部新派来一批技术人员,负责这个项目。你到时候得做这个联络人,保证这些技术人员和艾森卡大魔法师顺利合作。” Un, last week, Great Magician Aisenka has also asked about this matter to me.” “嗯,就在上个星期,艾森卡大魔法师还向我询问过这件事情。” Told him not to need to worry, since I promised him, will certainly help him.” Xu Yi sinking sound said. In addition, before Alan President, has contacted with me, hopes that our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and Magician Guild cooperation studies several Magic mechanical projects, I have promised him initially, you these days and Alan President contacts, which aspect makes clear him to want to cooperate.” “告诉他不用着急,我既然答应他了,就一定会帮他。”许亦沉声道。“除此之外,艾伦会长之前也和我联系过,希望我们新飞商会魔法师工会合作研究几个魔法机械项目,我已经初步答应他了,你这段时间和艾伦会长多接触一下,搞清楚他到底想要在哪方面合作。” Un...... I thought that this matter needs the headquarters to send out a Magic Research Institute researcher to come, this facilitates and Alan President discussion.” “嗯……我觉得这件事需要总部派出一名魔法研究院的研究员过来,这样才方便和艾伦会长探讨。” Does not have the issue, my a while writes a letter to the headquarters, making them send.......” “没问题,我一会儿给总部写一封信,让他们派人过来。还有……” ...... …… A Xu Yi each article matter confesses, a Flaine Manager each article takes down. 许亦一件件事情交代下去,法莱恩主管一件件记下。 Flaine Manager is in charge of the work of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in the Anweimaer city already more than two years, even if mounted the throne and Duke Stark to start civil war in former Prince Eric. Still retains the basic function of office Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is setting up here. Manifested the extremely good ability. 法莱恩主管安威玛尔城内主持新飞商会的工作已经两年多,即便在之前艾瑞克王子登上王位、斯塔克公爵发动内战的时期。依然保留着新飞商会在这里设立的办事处的基本功用。体现出了极佳的能力。 In the two years Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce re-enters Lanpali Kingdom. He brings into full play oneself ability in the Anweimaer city, all and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in the Anweimaer city has the relation, or the people who may have the relation establish the relation, and maintained the relatively good relations, was the smooth development of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in Anweimaer city plays very big help. 这两年新飞商会重新进入兰帕里王国。他更是在安威玛尔城内充分发挥自己的能力,将安威玛尔城内一切和新飞商会有联系,或者有可能产生联系的人都创立起了联系,并保持住了相对良好的关系,为新飞商会安威玛尔城的顺利发展起到了很大帮助。 Xu Yi felt relieved to his ability very, this is willing to give him to process so many important things. 许亦对他的能力十分放心,这才愿意将这么多重要的事情都交给他来处理。 However Flaine Manager actually wondered very much, listening to Xu Yi to explain to finish, he could not bear ask: Sir President. Actually you came Anweimaer city with great difficulty, best see these people personally, discussed with them? The words that you go to personally, the effect will go to innumerable times compared with me. You this...... do not plan now seizes the chance to stay for several days in the Anweimaer city?” 然而法莱恩主管却很纳闷,听完许亦交待结束,他忍不住问道:“会长大人。其实您好不容易来了安威玛尔城一趟,最好还是亲自去见一见这些人,和他们谈一谈吧?您亲自去的话,效果会比我去好了无数倍。您现在这样……难道是不打算趁机在安威玛尔城多待几天吗?” Yes, I plan to leave today.” “是的,我打算今天就离开。” Worries?” Flaine Manager is stunned. You came yesterday.” “这么着急?”法莱恩主管愕然。“您昨天才来啊。” „The main matter has been done, other does not matter.” Xu Yi indifferent say/way. Moreover I have the important matter to do, cannot delay here too for a long time.” “最主要的事情已经做了,其它的都无所谓。”许亦淡然道。“而且我还有要紧的事情要做,不能在这里耽搁太长时间。” Flaine Manager knits the brows slightly, thought that Sir President as if somewhat speaks insincerely. 法莱恩主管微微皱眉,心想会长大人似乎有些言不由衷。 In any event, since he has arrived at the Anweimaer city, showed that he can definitely find the time. 无论如何,他既然已经来到安威玛尔城了,就证明他完全可以抽出时间。 But came with great difficulty. He actually only waited one to walk merely in the evening, these quite important matter is not willing to go into action. But gives itself to do completely, this was too rather strange. 可是好不容易来了。他却仅仅只待了一个晚上就走,连这些比较重要的事情都不愿意出马。而全部交给自己去做,这未免太奇怪了。 The matter that if he confessed a moment ago is really unimportant, then actually he saw that six chamber of commerce President matter also definitely to give Flaine yesterday to do, but does not need to go into action personally. 如果说他刚才交代的事情真的不重要的话,那么昨天其实他去见那六家商会会长的事情也完全可以交给法莱恩去做,而不需要自己亲自出马。 Why is only an evening passes merely, was Sir President then full of the positive condition from yesterday to the matter becomes such negative? 为什么仅仅只是一晚上过去,会长大人便从昨天对事情充满积极的状态变得这么消极了呢? ...... Yesterday evening he what happened in the royal palace, causing him to be somewhat dejected? 难道说……昨天晚上他在王宫里发生了什么事情,导致他有些心灰意冷? Flaine Manager shot a look around Betty and Carol, in the heart strange. 法莱恩主管瞥了一眼一旁的贝蒂卡萝,心中奇怪。 Properly speaking, Sir President yesterday evening in royal palace, but good deed...... 按理说,会长大人昨天晚上在王宫里发生的可是好事啊…… Xu Yi has not paid attention to the Flaine Manager strange look, thinks to see nothing omission, then no longer makes any stay, plans to leave directly. 许亦并没有理会法莱恩主管古怪的眼神,想了想见没有什么事情遗漏,便不再做任何停留,打算直接离开。 Betty and Carol sent in the royal palace since childhood, the parental relations have cut off, no relatives and friends in the Anweimaer city, therefore wants to walk actually walks. 贝蒂卡萝从小就被送入了王宫,父母关系早已经断绝,在安威玛尔城内也没有什么亲朋好友,所以倒是想走就走。 Xu Yi decides to leave, their two people naturally obediently and Xu Yi leave together. 许亦决定离开,她们两人自然乖乖地和许亦一起离开。 After riding the Xu Yi Magic Power sedan, two people are very excited. 坐上许亦魔力轿车后,两人还都十分兴奋。 Because this is they long such greatly few several time leave the royal palace, and also before sitting, Magic Power sedan that can only watch by far. 因为这是她们长这么大为数不多的几次离开王宫,并且还坐上了以前只能远远观赏的魔力轿车。 Is thinking brand-new life that will soon welcome, in two people of hearts exciting hope, is anxious anxious. 想着即将迎来的全新生活,两人心中既是兴奋期盼,又是紧张不安。 Looks at the front to drive Magic Power sedan the profile of Xu Yi, in two people of hearts is frightened. 看着前排驾驶魔力轿车的许亦的侧脸,两人心中更是惴惴。 Although the queen to them commended in secret many President Xu are temperate, treats female also continuously equality of treatment, even treats the slaves not to discriminate, is a rare good man. 尽管女王陛下私下里对她们两人称赞多很多次许会长性格温和,对待女性也一直平等对待,甚至对待奴隶都并不歧视,是个不可多得的好男人。 However now observes from one side, will actually discover that in the Xu Yi tranquil facial expression seems to be hiding a dry intent, seemed not very happy. 但是现在从侧面观察,却会发现许亦平静的神情中似乎隐藏着一丝燥意,似乎并不是很高兴。 Is President Xu actually does not satisfy us?” Betty and in the Carol can't help it heart guessed secretly. “难道是许会长其实并不满意我们?”贝蒂卡萝禁不住心中暗暗猜测。 No matter but Xu Yi likes them, in the queen determined when must let they assist themselves to complete that plan, their destinies have determined, does not have any possibility of change. 可是不管许亦到底是不是喜欢她们,在女王陛下确定要让她们来协助自己完成那个计划时,她们的命运就已经确定了,没有任何改变的可能。 But now they have ridden the Xu Yi Magic Power sedan, that is more impossible to have any change. 而现在她们已经坐上了许亦魔力轿车,那就更加不可能有任何更改。 Two people can do only, only then prayed that Xu Yi really looks like the queen to describe that well. 两人唯一能够做的,就只有祈祷许亦真的像女王陛下所描述得那么好。 But changes mind again thinks yesterday evening matter, two people still still think that just like in the dream. 可是再转念一想昨天晚上的事情,两人至今依然觉得犹如处在梦中。 This President Xu, cannot do well does not know for a lifetime, yesterday evening exactly had anything......( to search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 这个许会长,搞不好一辈子都不会知道,昨天晚上到底发生了什么吧……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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