MIE :: Volume #5

#20: Unknown route

The setting sun in sinks behind unceasingly, must fall into most far-end in shortly the sea horizon. 夕阳在身后不断下沉,眼看着就要落入最远端的海平线中。 The setting sun afterglow sprinkled, the sea level dyed orange yellow at the same time, in 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship and 'Morning Sun' Ship and 'Goddess of Victory - Iris' Ship the body put on faint yellow to paint, was really attractive. 落日的余晖洒了过来,将海面染成了一面橙黄的同时,也在“展翅号”、“朝阳号”、“胜利女神伊利斯号”的身上披上了一层淡黄色涂装,煞是好看。 Nival is narrowing the eye, after looking into a lower part of the body , the vast sea, turns around to have a look at the front also unable to see that again the end, has started to transfer the black sea level, the nod, said to nearby assistant confession gently: Confesses, starts the underspeed, is in the night flight stage.” 涅瓦尔微眯着眼睛,眺望了一下身后一望无际的大海,再转身看看前方同样看不到尽头、已经开始转黑的海面,轻轻点头,向旁边的副手交代道:“交代下去,开始降低速度,进入夜航阶段。” The assistants receive an order to go, after the moment, the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship speed then obviously slowed down very much, followed also slowed down the speed in left and right slightly 'Morning Sun' Ship and 'Goddess of Victory - Iris' Ship near the bottom, is still maintaining a formation of triangle with 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, in the boundless sea, continued to east leads the way. 副手领命而去,片刻后,展翅号的速度便很明显放缓了一些,跟在左右两侧略靠后的朝阳号胜利女神伊利斯号也同样放缓了速度,依然和展翅号保持着一个三角形的阵型,在茫茫大海上,继续向东前行。 Nival arrives at the parapet, took possession to look at a sea level. 涅瓦尔来到栏杆边上,附身看了一眼海面。 Because although reduced the speed, the spray that 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship has is smaller than a moment ago, but before Nival has taken any sea boat still wanted in a big way innumerable times. 虽然因为降低了速度,展翅号带起的浪花已经比刚才小了许多,但是和涅瓦尔以前乘坐过的任何一艘海船依然要大了无数倍。 If just runs upon together the wave, spray splash, even can on straight several meters high. 如果刚好撞上一道波浪的话,浪花飞溅,甚至可以直上数米之高。 Nival such many years had lived in the sea, has liked the spray that watches the sea boat to hit. 涅瓦尔在海上过了这么多年生活,一直都非常喜欢观赏海船撞起的浪花。 However before then, he has not seen any sea boat to be able like 'Morning Sun' Ship, hits such high spray in the sea level, actually can still maintain goes steadily fast forward. 然而在此之前,他还没有见过任何一艘海船能够像朝阳号一样,在海面上撞起这么高的浪花,却依然能够保持平稳快速地向前行驶。 Steady and safe, is Nival since has mounted this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, is close to three months in most profound feeling by the present. 平稳和安全,就是涅瓦尔自从登上这艘展翅号以来,到现在接近三个月时间内最深刻的感受。 Before comparing, these wooden sea boats that Nival takes, 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship wanted in a big way dozens times in the scale, because whole body was the fine steel builds, in the sea level navigated. It seems especially steady. 相比起以前涅瓦尔乘坐的那些木制海船,展翅号在规模上要大了数十倍,而且因为全身上下都是精钢打造,在海面上航行的时候。就显得格外平稳。 Before steered these wooden sea boats time, often met a big wave, the entire sea boat will sway to jolt fiercely. Let the person would having the next quarter to put in order the misconception that a ship overturns. 以前驾驶那些木制海船的时候,往往遇到一个较大的浪头,整艘海船就会剧烈摇晃颠簸。让人总会产生下一刻就会整艘船都翻掉的错觉。 But on this 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, the general wave cannot have the least bit influence. When treats in the deck probably on the flat land general. 而在这艘展翅号上,一般的浪头根本不能造成半点儿影响。待在甲板上就好像待在平地上一般。 Even bumped into is big, the intense wave, 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship can still steadily the steamroll in the past, will not experience any fluctuation, making people particularly think to feel at ease. 就算是碰到较大、较激烈的浪头,展翅号依然能够稳稳地碾压过去,不会出现任何波动,让人分外觉得心安。 Thinks of here, the thrilling situation in the Nival mind not being able to bear braves three days ago that night experiences again. 想到这里,涅瓦尔脑海中就会忍不住再次冒起三天前那个夜晚所经历的惊险情形。 Three days ago, the fleet when the night flight passed a bay corner/horn, met sudden storm carelessly. 三天前,船队在夜航度过一个湾角的时候,不慎遇上了一个突如其来的暴风雨。 The storm was extremely at that time violent, the situation was quite bad. If before is, meets this type of violent storm in going to sea, almost does not have any possibility of returning alive. 当时暴风雨极其猛烈,情形极为恶劣。如果是以前在出海的时候遇上这种猛烈的暴风雨,几乎没有任何生还的可能。 However when facing such violent storm, 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship these three giant Magic Power steamboats actually showed safety performance that far exceeded the ordinary wooden sea boat. 然而在面对这么猛烈的暴风雨时,展翅号这三艘巨大的魔力轮船却展现出了远远超出普通木制海船的安全性能。 Although the hull will still meet the influence on jolt, but the whole exceptionally is steady. 虽然船身依然会遇到影响而颠簸,但整体却异常平稳。 Specifically is used to deal with the marine severe weather situation wind system and river system that magic array coordinates outside three Magic Power steamboats to attach, three Magic Power steamboats truly do not have from beginning to end encounters what danger. 配合三艘魔力轮船外面附着的专门用来应对海上恶劣天气情况的风系和水系魔法阵,三艘魔力轮船从头到尾都没有真正的遇到什么危险。 When the storm in the past, the sea level returned tranquilly, including Nival, everyone some does not dare to believe. 等到暴风雨过去,海面重归平静,包括涅瓦尔在内,所有人都有些不敢置信。 The people on these three ships seek a livelihood many years of old sailor in the sea, understand a lot compared with the average person regarding the marine danger, therefore they very clear this sudden storm is hiding how terrifying danger. Even most people in had sentenced the death penalty to oneself at heart. 这三艘船上的人都是在海上讨生活多年的老水手,对于海上的危险要比一般人了解得多,所以他们很清楚这个突如其来的暴风雨隐藏着多么恐怖的危险。甚至大多数人都已经在心里给自己宣判了死刑。 But everyone has not thought, 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship these three Magic Power steamboats so passed this danger unexpectedly with ease. 可是所有人都没有想到,展翅号这三艘魔力轮船居然如此轻松地就度过了这个危险。 After the people are saved from death, had the brand-new understanding and trust to the abilities of these three Magic Power steamboats immediately. 众人死里逃生之后,对这三艘魔力轮船的能力顿时产生了全新的认识以及信任。 If from new flying harbor. In all person hearts thought that some are unpredictable, is afraid, but after experiencing this storm, everyone thought instantaneously filled self-confidently. 如果说在从新飞港口出发的时候。所有人心中都觉得有些前途未卜,不免心生恐惧,但是经历了这一次暴风雨之后,所有人瞬间觉得充满了自信。 Everyone believes, is relying on these three powerful Magic Power steamboats, they even can in navigate from the sea level to this world's farthest corner in! 所有人坚信,凭借着这三艘强大的魔力轮船,他们甚至能够在从海面上航行到这个世界最远的角落中去! Nival also believes in firmly to this point. 涅瓦尔也对这一点深信不疑。 However he commander as this fleet, actually must consider more actual situations. 不过他身为这个舰队的指挥官,却也必须考虑更多的实际情况。 From the new flying harbor, has passed by the present was close for 20 days. 从新飞港口出发,到现在已经过去了接近二十天。 From the nautical chart, the entire traveling schedule had passed most probably. 从海图来看,整个行程已经过去了大半。 If approaches shore now landing. Had entered Rudson Kingdom within the boundaries. 假如现在靠岸登陆。想必已经进入了鲁尔逊王国的境内。 If as expected, so long as insists again less than one week. Should be able successfully to arrive in the Nixi city. 不出意外的话,只要再坚持不到一个星期的时间。应该就可以成功到达尼西城。 Actually highest-energy keeps the cruising speed of 40 kilometers each hour with 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship these three Magic Power steamboats, they do not need to use such a long time. But knows to take one week is less than can complete this navigation. 其实以展翅号这三艘魔力轮船最高能保持四十公里每小时的航行速度,他们本来不需要用这么长时间。而知需要一个星期不到就能完成这一趟航行的。 Because this is first departing, the duty that this fleet shoulders not only successfully transports the cargo to Western city, needs to verify the route, builds the foundation for the later navigation. 但是因为这是第一次出航,这支舰队背负的任务不仅仅是把货物成功运送到尼西城,也需要探明航路,为以后的航行打下基础。 Therefore during the entire navigation, Nival seems cautious, strictly is controlling the cruising speed, and will conduct the detailed record the situation of route peripheral sea area all the way, draws up the nautical chart, the overall speed was naturally slower. 所以在整个航行之中,涅瓦尔都显得小心翼翼,严格控制着航行速度,并且一路上都会把航线周边海域的情况进行详细记录,绘制成海图,整体的速度自然就慢了许多。 Walked slowly, although was safer, actually also brought many issues. 走得慢了,虽然安全一些,却也带来了不少问题。 Bears the brunt, is the logistical materials issue. 首当其冲的,就是后勤物资问题。 Although from new flying harbor, Nival has set one month of navigation time, and according to one month prepares the supplies commodity, however navigates in the sea level, various accidents/surprises could not avoid after all, causing these commodities to consume must be much quicker than the Nival plan. 尽管从新飞港口出发的时候,涅瓦尔已经定下了一个月的航行时间,并且也是按照一个月的时间来准备补给物资,但是在海面航行,各种意外总归是避免不了的,导致这些物资消耗得远比涅瓦尔计划中得要快得多。 On surplus commodities with present these three Magic Power steamboats, can support the entire fleet ten days of consumptions probably. 以现在这三艘魔力轮船上剩余的物资,大概还能支持整支舰队十天的消耗。 Theoretically, should enough make the fleet persist in arriving in the Nixi city. 从理论上来说,应该足够让舰队坚持到达尼西城。 But if has what accident/surprise again, that was very difficult to say. 可是如果再发生什么意外,那就很难说了。 Other commodity also calculates to solve, however in the sea most important fresh water resource, once did not have, that is really nowhere may ask. 别的物资还算好解决,但是在海上最重要的淡水资源一旦没了,那真是无处可求。 Thinks the gravity that this issue, Nival thinks departed beforehand Sir President to mention to him a matter, said that he is considering to research and develop the Magic Power fresh water purifier. 想到这个问题的严重性,涅瓦尔就不免想到了出航之前会长大人曾经向他提到过一件事情,说他正在考虑研发魔力淡水净化器。 If this thing success researched and developed, that later went to sea the navigation time prepared several, but will facilitate are too many. 如果这东西成功研发出来了的话,那以后出海航行的时候备上几个,可就会方便太多了。 However now...... must first solve the present problem. 不过现在嘛……还得先解决眼前的问题。 Nival looked at a front boundless sea level of fleet navigation, looks up to the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship middle observation post, takes up the Magic telephone conversation box in hand, said: Metz, favored to me, if sees nearby has what greatly a little island, informs ahead of time, we strive for in these islands to make to supply.” 涅瓦尔看了一眼舰队航行的前方茫茫海面,抬起头看向展翅号中间上方的瞭望台,拿起手中的魔法通话盒,道:“梅斯,给我看好了,如果看到附近有什么大一点儿的海岛的话,就提前通知,我们争取到这些岛上弄点儿补给来。” Compliant!” In the Magic telephone conversation box resounds a slightly frivolous sound, immediately actually reduces the intonation. Captain, on this day wanted black, did not see clearly.” “遵命!”魔法通话盒中响起一个略显轻佻的声音,随即却降低声调。“不过舰长,这天都要黑了,根本看不清楚嘛。” Few idle talk, making you look look. Incessantly is today, later every day must pay attention to this, got it?” The Nival sinking sound shouted. “少废话,让你看就看。不止是今天,以后每天也要注意这个,明白了吗?”涅瓦尔沉声喝道。 „, I understood. However my looked all the way was so long, from the start has not seen several big islands. I said the captain, is the route that we choose has issue Ah? I to feel, if approaches some coastlines again, such island will be more.” “哦,我明白了。不过我这一路上看了这么久,压根就没看到几个大点儿的岛。我说舰长,是不是我们选择的航线有问题啊?我觉得要是再靠近一些海岸线的话,这样的岛可能会多一些。” Needs you rubbish?” Nival angrily rebukes. “需要你来废话?”涅瓦尔怒斥一句。 If possible, he knows certainly that approaches the coastline navigation to be much safer, easier to obtain the military supplies from the coast. 如果可能的话,他当然知道更加靠近海岸线航行会安全得多,也更加容易从海岸上获得补给品。 However 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship these three Magic Power steamboats thousand good ten thousand good, the issue, that is the hull is too big, because is the fine steel casting, the tonnage is extremely heavy, causing the drinking water is too deep. 但是展翅号这三艘魔力轮船千好万好,却有一个问题,那就是船身太大,并且因为全都是精钢铸造,吨位极重,导致吃水太深。 Extremely close to coastline words, familiar sea area, in not familiar sea area perhaps, but the hidden rock everywhere, will bump into the hidden rock directly, causes to reach a deadlock. 太过靠近海岸线的话,熟悉的海域也就罢了,不熟悉的海域里可是暗礁处处,说不定就会直接碰到暗礁,导致搁浅。 If really had/left this matter, he also has what face countenance to go back to see Sir President. 真要是出了这种事情,那他还有什么颜面回去见会长大人 Also, this fleet main duty is to verify the route, therefore Nival selects the situation not too transparent route all the way intentionally. 再说了,这次这只舰队最主要的任务就是探明航路,所以涅瓦尔一路上都是故意选取情况不太明了的航路。 However on his route of this selection had not bumped into any appropriate island to be the middle supply depot, causing the military supplies is unable to be supplemented. 但是偏偏他这次选取的航路上一直没碰到什么合适的海岛可以作为中间补给站,导致补给品无法得到补充。 He now because just this matter is worrying, this Metz also here wordy, naturally causes him to feel bad. 他现在正因为这件事烦恼着呢,这个梅斯还在这里啰嗦,自然引得他心中不快。 Metz is under the Nival expert, naturally listens to his present tone to be bad. 梅斯涅瓦尔的老手下,自然听出他现在的语气不善。 The probe head looked at one to below deck, saw that Nival is pacing to circle the circle in the deck, knows in his heart possibly in the ponder key issue, Metz spits the tongue, no longer spoke, turns the head to look to the sea condition in distant place. 探头向下方的甲板上看了一眼,看到涅瓦尔正在甲板上踱步绕起了圈,知道他心中可能在思考重要问题,梅斯吐了吐舌头,不再说话,转头看向远方的海面情况。 At this time the setting sun has the larger part to sink to the sea horizon of rear distant place, in the east sea level has become dim one piece, even if the Metz vision were always excellent, and provided the telescope, actually could not see anything. 这时候夕阳已经有一大半沉入了后方远处的海平线,东面的海面上早就变得昏暗一片,即便梅斯视力一向极好,并且配备了望远镜,却也根本看不到什么东西。 After taking a fast look around one, Metz whispered, will put down the telescope, rest a while, actually the corner of the eye glimpsed in the sea level of distant place to emit bunch of shadows suddenly, approached to here rapidly. 扫视了一圈后,梅斯嘀咕一声,正要放下望远镜,休息一会儿,却忽然眼角瞥见远方的海面上冒出一团团黑影,迅速向这边靠近。 Metz was startled being startled, immediately responded, jumped, the probe head shouted to below deck loudly. 梅斯怔了怔,立即反应过来,跳了起来,探头向下方的甲板高声喊了起来。 Has the pirate!” “有海盗!” The sad and shrill shout spreads to everyone ear on 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship deck, immediately makes everyone be startled. 凄厉的喊声传入展翅号甲板上的每个人耳朵,顿时让所有人都吃了一惊。 The pirates, are at life at sea many years of people regarding their these, is not the strange noun. 海盗,对于他们这些在海上生活多年的人们来说,并不是什么陌生的名词。 But this all the way navigation more than ten days, perhaps is because the route happen to enters the deep sea, avoided close to the coastline place, therefore has been very safe, the people nearly forgot pirate matter. 可是这一路上航行已经十几天了,或许是因为航线正好进入深海,避开了靠近海岸线的地方,于是一直都十分平安,众人差点儿都忘记了海盗这回事。 Cannot think that now entered the Rudson Kingdom sea area, is not far from the destination, actually bumped into the pirate. 想不到现在进入了鲁尔逊王国的海域,距离目的地已经不远,却碰到了海盗。 Hears the Metz shout, Nival stops the footsteps, first looked up an observation post, then looked to the front, has not actually seen what trace from dim. 听到梅斯的喊声,涅瓦尔停下脚步,先抬头看了一眼瞭望台,再看向前方,却没有从昏暗中看到什么踪影。 After staying stayed, on the Nival face has not actually shown any look of being frightened, instead in the look reveals the pleasant surprise. 呆了呆后,涅瓦尔脸上却没有露出任何惊惶的神色,反而眼神中露出惊喜。 Has the pirate? Haha, good!” ( to be continued ) “有海盗?哈哈,太好了!”(未完待续) ... ...
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