MIE :: Volume #5

#21: Thunderous pirate group

Regsar stares in the front dark sea level stubbornly that lighting a lamp light, in the look is projecting infinite greedy. 雷格萨尔死死盯着前方黑暗的海面上那点点灯光,眼神中射出无穷的贪婪。 Since damn Rudson Kingdom shouted that must build Western city, builds after Western city south entire Sainz Continent is biggest liveliest port city slogan, their these Rudson Kingdom sea area nearby pirates day some do not feel better. 自从该死的鲁尔逊王国喊出了要建设尼西城,把尼西城打造成整个赛恩斯大陆南方最大最繁华的港口城市这个口号后,他们这些鲁尔逊王国海域附近的海盗们日子就有些不太好过了。 In order to guarantee security peace near the Western city, south Rudson Kingdom the first fleet and in the second fleet these two months probably were simply insane generally, are all right go to sea to cruise, see the pirate on the doom attack, are relentless. 为了保证尼西城附近的安全和平,鲁尔逊王国南方第一舰队和第二舰队这两个月内简直像是疯了一般,没事就出海巡航一番,见到海盗就死命打击,毫不留情。 Past time, the pirates can also by oneself flexible, play to play hide-and-seek with the Rudson Kingdom regular fleets, but now the Rudson Kingdom first fleet and second fleet cast a net the sea area arrange/cloth near Western city to get down large quantities of ships to keep going on patrol generally, did the pirates to have no existing space, can only leave sea area near the Western city by far. 以往的时候,海盗们还可以凭借自己的灵活多变,和鲁尔逊王国的正规舰队们玩捉迷藏,但是现在鲁尔逊王国第一舰队和第二舰队撒网一般在尼西城附近的海域布下了大批舰船不停巡逻,搞得海盗们根本没有任何生存空间,只能远远地离开尼西城附近的海域。 The news obtained from other pirate there demonstrated that in this sea area biggest pirate king Sos? Was grasped in the jail by the first fleet directly. 从其它海盗那里获得的讯息显示,就连这片海域里最大的海盗王索斯?卡格都被第一舰队直接抓紧了监牢里。 But before with Sos? Is on intimate terms in secret, with Sos? Western city City Lord Count Militto who jointly disposes stolen goods was also exposed, similarly was put the jail, it is said crosses for two months to execute by beheading. 而之前和索斯?卡格私下里称兄道弟,和索斯?卡格联合销赃的尼西城城主米利托伯爵也被人揭发,同样被抓进了监牢,据说过两个月就要问斩。 These all pirates who put in order the Western city coastal water, and even the pirates of entire Rudson Kingdom sea area are all flustered, courage dot even escaped from the Rudson Kingdom sea area directly. 这一下整得尼西城附近海域的所有海盗们,乃至整个鲁尔逊王国海域的海盗们个个人心惶惶,胆子小点儿的甚至直接逃出了鲁尔逊王国海域。 But is unwilling like Regsar leaves Rudson Kingdom, enters the deep sea, arrives oneself discovered and operation long before an island to take the base. Waiting for the opportunity to act. 而像雷格萨尔这样不甘心就这么离开鲁尔逊王国的,就进入深海,来到自己很早以前就发现并经营出来的一个海岛作为基地。伺机而动。 However on general navigation level by present Sainz Continent. The commercial sea boat is also good. The ordinary fishing boat is also good, can only partially navigate in the offshore, deep sea few people come radically. 然而以现在赛恩斯大陆上的普遍航海水准。无论是商务海船也好。还是普通的渔船也好,都只能在近海部分航行,深海根本很少有人来。 In addition Western city to coastal water striking hard, will cause the coastal water unprecedented security in the near future, all merchant ship and fishing boat choice will only be drawing close to the coastline the offshore partially to move. 再加上近期尼西城对附近海域严打,使得附近海域空前安全,所有的商船、渔船更加只会选择在贴近海岸线的近海部分活动。 Therefore after Regsar leads will begin the next time to the pirate base in deep sea, in this entire two months, unexpectedly together business has not made. 于是雷格萨尔率领着手下回到深海里的海盗基地后,这整整两个月内,居然一起“生意”都没做成。 The pirate is the occupation that on a cutting edge eats meal, always one day a day. Therefore will not always leave leeway anything to save in the hand. 海盗是个刀口上吃饭的职业,向来是有一天过一天。所以一向不会在手上留有什么积蓄。 Although Regsar as the leader who the thunderous pirate rolls, many foresights, built a base on deep sea island, and stockpiled some commodities to prepare above does not contract, but 1-2 months did not have business to do, these reserve materials appeared somewhat beset with problems. 尽管雷格萨尔身为雷鸣海盗团的首领,多少还是有些远见,在深海这个岛上打造出了一个基地,并且在上面储备了一些物资以备不患,但是1-2月都没“生意”做,这些储备物资就显得有些捉襟见肘。 If were not three days of previous listens to him to order the subordinate return that searched in the coastal water saying that saw a huge fleet, Regsar could not do well will be putting together the held risk, crashed in the Western city coastal water also to make a ticket to say again. 如果不是三天前一个听他命令在附近海域里搜索的手下回报说看到了一只庞大的舰队,雷格萨尔搞不好会拼着被抓住的风险,冲进尼西城附近海域也要做一票再说。 Now greatly sees with one's own eyes three that the distant place presents incomparable, like the beast of prey common big pontoon, Regsar besides the heart in shocks, more is wild with joy. 现在亲眼看到远处出现的三艘巨大无比、如同猛兽一般的大铁船,雷格萨尔除了心中震撼之外,更多的则是欣喜若狂。 Such big three ships. Inside definitely loaded large quantities of cargos that exceed the imagination. 这么大的三艘船。里面肯定装载了超出想象的大批货物。 If can snatch the cargos in these three ships, that got rich! 如果能把这三艘船里的货物都抢了过来,那就发财了! Old...... the eldest child......” stands an assistant side Regsar opens the mouth suddenly. “老……老大……”站在雷格萨尔身边的一名副手忽然开口。 Un? What's wrong?” Regsar is looking at that three more and more near giant sea boat wholly absorbed. In the heart acclaimed while keeps the saliva, hears word was not complying with one patiently. “嗯?怎么了?”雷格萨尔正在专心致志地看着那三艘越来越近的巨型海船。心中一边赞叹一边留着口水,闻言不耐烦地应了一声。 Eldest child, this...... are these three ships so big...... we really to begin?” “老大,这……这三艘船这么大……我们真的要动手吗?” The Regsar knitting the brows head, turns the head to see that the face of assistant was on nettles, scolded one, reprimanded: Nonsense! Do the words that does not begin, make the brothers have nothing to eat? You are not do not know that the situation on traffic island, could not support for several days. Rushes to nearby Western city to go to and that group of brats of first fleet and second fleet with it goes all out, might as well snatches a ticket here.” 雷格萨尔皱了皱眉头,转头看到副手的一脸忐忑不安,骂了一句,斥道:“废话!不动手的话,难道让兄弟们喝西北风吗?你又不是不知道岛上的情况,根本撑不住几天了。与其冲到尼西城附近去和第一舰队、第二舰队的那帮兔崽子们拼命,还不如在这里抢一票。” But...... these three ships are so big, I thought that...... is not quite fond of playing jokes.” “可是……这三艘船这么大,我觉得……不太好弄啊。” Nonsense!” A Regsar palm of the hand hits on the head of assistant. „Are you first day work as the pirate? The ship greatly is not again useful, is not the personnel controls. A while we to embarking to see the person to kill, but also feared that couldn't control these ships?” “狗屁!”雷格萨尔一巴掌打在副手的脑袋上。“你是第一天当海盗?船再大有个屁用,还不是得用人来操控。一会儿我们冲上船去见人就杀,还怕控制不了这几艘船?” But...... but these three ships are so big, the person on ship should also be many......” assistant somewhat is still anxious. “可是……可是这三艘船这么大,船上的人应该也不少吧……”副手依然有些不安。 „The rookies of these running ships fear! Which time saw that we aren't the little darling surrender? Really is not good, kills several and that's the end.” Regsar flung waving the arms about, cold snort/hum, turns the head to look to that three steamships, cannot help but licked the lip. Speaking of that even if on these three ships what goods do not have, solely gives to take these three ships, can still get rich......” “这些跑船的菜鸟怕个屁!哪次见到我们不是乖乖投降的?实在不行,多杀几个就是了。”雷格萨尔甩了甩手,冷哼一声,转头看向那三艘大船,不由自主地舔了舔嘴唇。“你还别说,就算这三艘船上什么货都没有,单单只是把这三艘船给弄到手,也能发大财啊……” Sees the Regsar expression, the assistant endured enduring, is only in the heart sighs eventually secretly, has not continued to persuade. 看到雷格萨尔的表情,副手忍了忍,终究只是心中暗叹,没有继续劝说。 The assistant as Regsar, he is also very clear to the situation that the present thunderous pirate rolls. 身为雷格萨尔的副手,他对现在雷鸣海盗团的情况也很清楚。 If really could not insist that Regsar will not definitely choose such risky action. 如果不是实在坚持不住了,雷格萨尔肯定也不会选择这么冒险的行动的。 However compares to enter the Western city sea area, or is the second fleet preys with the Rudson Kingdom first fleet directly, then by the steamroll, is robbed these three ships should the risk to be smaller unsuspensefully. 不过相比起进入尼西城海域,和鲁尔逊王国第一舰队或者是第二舰队正面搏杀,然后毫无悬念地被碾压,来抢夺这三艘船应该风险会小很多。 In the final analysis, these three ships again how big, from these days observed situation was also only the merchant ship, on the sailor who because put on simply has not even provided the weapon that any can see. 说到底,这三艘船再怎么大,从这几天观察到的情况来看也只是商船,因为穿上的水手身上甚至根本没有配备任何可以看到的武器。 Hey, runs up to our Rudson Kingdom deep sea, but also dares is so negligent, clarified simply sent to work as the food that goes well with wine.” “嘿,跑到我们鲁尔逊王国的深海来,还敢这么大意,简直就是摆明了送来当下酒菜嘛。” Thinks of here, in the vice- palm decided slightly, tightened the steel knife of right hand, the flashing eyes looked that covered entirely the three great ships of lights to the distant place dark sea level. 想到这里,副手心中稍定,紧了紧右手的钢刀,目光炯炯地看向远处黑暗海面上那布满灯火的三艘巨船。 This group of rookies! Also dares to select to oneself in the night sea level be so bright, clarified simply told others to snatch. 这帮菜鸟!在深夜的海面上还敢把自己点得这么亮,简直就是摆明了告诉别人来抢嘛。 Hehe, Sir my non- guest...... 嘿嘿,大爷我就不客…… On the assistant face the smiling face just appeared, actually saw that on suddenly a nearest giant sea boat shone several points of pale blue rays fiercely, was rapid to fly. 副手脸上笑容刚刚浮现,却忽然看到距离最近的一艘巨大海船上猛地亮起了几点淡蓝色的光芒,然后迅速向这么飞了过来。 , These rays are suddenly close at hand. 只是眨眼之间,这几点光芒就已经近在眼前。 What ghost thing is this?” “这是什么鬼东西?” Regsar and assistants in a daze, then noticed that these rays fall into the present jet black sea level. 雷格萨尔和副手都在发呆的时候,便看到这几点光芒落入眼前的漆黑海面。 Rumbling rumbling-” “轰轰轰轰-” The fierce and depressed explosive sound resounds continuously, at nightfall tranquil sea level was exploded the dreadful monstrous waves instantaneously. 剧烈而沉闷的爆炸声连续响起,入夜的平静海面瞬间被炸出了滔天巨浪。 Regsar and assistant, and dozens pirates of same boat look at the monstrous waves but helplessly loudly, raises to soar to the heavens to fly the wooden boat under place. 雷格萨尔和身边的副手,以及同船的数十名海盗眼睁睁地看着巨浪轰然而至,将座下的木船掀得冲天飞起。 Also in in the air, the wooden boat had been struck against one group of broken wood by the monstrous waves. 还在空中的时候,木船就已经被巨浪拍击成了一团碎木。 Regsar and assistant only felt that throat one sweet, was shaken a blood to spout by the huge impulse, immediately at present one black, unconscious. 雷格萨尔和副手只感觉喉头一甜,被巨大的冲击力震得一口鲜血喷出,随即眼前一黑,不省人事。 # # # ### Also has not known how long, Regsar dazzling is dazzled the light that outside the eyelid transmitted to awaken. 也不知道过了多久,雷格萨尔被眼皮外传来的刺目炫光惊醒过来。 The murky head made him stay a while to respond, opened the eye to look reluctantly, seeing was blue skies. 昏昏沉沉的脑袋让他呆了一会儿才反应过来,勉强睁开眼睛一看,入目就是一片蓝天白云。 Awoke?” The one side resounds an untender sound. “醒了?”一旁响起一个毫无感情的声音。 Regsar leaning leaning head, saw that has the small beard, is dark complexioned, looked is all day long the middle-aged man who seeks a livelihood in the sea. 雷格萨尔偏了偏头,看到一个留着小胡子,面色黝黑,一看就是成天在海上讨生活的中年男子。 Has turned the head to have a look at about the situation again, discovered oneself should in a giant deck, everywhere is the fine iron manufacture pillar parapet. 再转过头看看左右情况,发现自己应该是在一个巨大的甲板上,到处都是精铁制作的柱子栏杆。 Feels fluctuating of slightly body, Regsar judges very much with ease still above the sea level. 感受到身体的微微起伏,雷格萨尔很轻松地就判断出自己依然是在海面之上。 Then such big deck, besides that three giant steel monster common sea boats, at all possibly is not other ships. 那么这么大的甲板,除了那三艘巨大的钢铁怪兽一般的海船之外,根本不可能是其它船只。 Said, I was held by this fellows on the contrary?” Regsar looked down a string that helped the body, was excessive, knits the brows asks to middle-aged man cold sound: Why can save me to get up?” “这么说,我反倒是被这帮家伙抓住了?”雷格萨尔低头看了一眼帮助自己身子的绳子,偏过头,皱眉向中年男子冷声问道:“为什么要救我起来?” He had remembered the matter of yesterday evening at this time. 他这时候已经想起了昨天晚上发生的事情。 They want to attack these three giant sea boats, simply has not actually approached, by not the well-known thing that on these three ships launches, directly exploding ascends the sky. 他们本想突袭这三艘巨大海船,却还根本没有靠近,就被这三艘船上发射出来的不知名东西,直接给炸上了天。 Entire long brief simply, he simply has not even done to understand that exactly had anything, had been exploded faints. 整个过长简短干脆,他甚至根本没搞明白到底发生了什么,就已经被炸昏了过去。 Because you also use.” Nival lowered the head to size up Regsar, nods satisfied. “因为你还有用。”涅瓦尔低头打量了一下雷格萨尔,满意地点了点头。 This pirate chief spirit is good, draws out the information that wants to have no issue from his mouth evidently. 这个海盗头子精神还算不错,看样子从他嘴中套出想要的情报没什么问题。 Useful?” Regsar wonders to look at Nival. “有用?”雷格萨尔纳闷地看着涅瓦尔 This fellows have such big three sea boats, but also has the might that terrifying weapon, keeping is useful? 这帮家伙拥有这么大的三艘海船,还拥有威力那么恐怖的武器,留着自己有什么用? Right.” Nival smiles, drew a stool to sit by Regsar. Hey, did you call Regsar? Heard that is leader who this thunderous pirate rolls?” “对。”涅瓦尔嘿嘿一笑,拉了一把凳子坐在雷格萨尔旁边。“嘿,你叫雷格萨尔是吧?听说是这个雷鸣海盗团的首领?” Regsar cold snort/hum, knew in the heart that this fellows definitely rescue to continue, only feared that had known the part from other pirate mouths in pirate group about own confidence. 雷格萨尔冷哼一声,心知这帮家伙肯定救起来不止自己一人,只怕已经从海盗团中的其他海盗口中得知了部分关于自己的信心。 Is I, how?” “是我,怎么?” The attitude and caring of Nival to Regsar, patted his shoulder with a smile. 涅瓦尔雷格萨尔的态度并不在意,笑着拍了拍他的肩膀。 Also does not know that is intends or has no intention, this palm of the hand happen to claps in the wound on Regsar shoulder, cannot help but hurts Regsar to frown. 也不知道是有意还是无意,这一巴掌正好拍在雷格萨尔肩膀上的伤口上,疼得雷格萨尔不由自主地皱起了眉头。 Heard that your thunderous pirate did roll in the nearby made an island as the base?” Nival also asked. “听说你们雷鸣海盗团在附近弄了个小岛作为基地?”涅瓦尔又问。 Since the opposite party from working in partnership there found out by secret inquiry not to divide the information, Regsar was also disinclined to do not to have covering up of significance again. 既然对方已经从同伙那里探知到了不分情报,雷格萨尔也懒得再做没意义的遮掩。 Right. I made an island, you interested?” “没错。我是弄了个小岛,你有兴趣?” Naturally has.” Nival smiles. Since this island can serve as the base by you, on that might have something that we want. What kind of? Does Regsar, have the interest and we cooperates?” “当然有。”涅瓦尔嘿嘿一笑。“既然这个小岛能够被你们用做基地,那上面很可能会有我们想要的一些东西。怎么样?雷格萨尔,有没有兴趣和我们合作呢?” Cooperation?” Regsar looks at Nival startled. “合作?”雷格萨尔愕然看着涅瓦尔 Was this person insane? 这人是不是疯了? He held a oneself pirate, has not looked like itself the merchants of other running ships to throw down the sea to feed the fish generally, has not grasped to deliver the pass/test oneself, actually wants to discuss the cooperation with? 他抓住了自己个海盗,没有像其他跑船的商户一般把自己丢下海喂鱼,也没有把自己抓去送关,却想和自己谈合作? What...... has to be good to cooperate with this not having a thing in the world pirate?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 和自己这个一无所有的海盗……有什么好合作的?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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