MIE :: Volume #5

#30: After the large surface area lays off,

News classics and commentaries that the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce large surface area lays off leave, immediately shocked everyone in nearby several countries. £ 新飞商会大面积裁员的消息一经传出,立即震惊了附近几个国家内的所有人。£ Although the chamber of commerce resigns employee matter that oneself do not need to be very normal, but the one breath like Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce resigned enough more than 18,000 employees unexpectedly, radically is unique. 虽说商会辞退掉自己不需要的雇工这种事情很正常,但是像新飞商会这样一口气居然辞掉了足足一万八千多名雇工的,根本是绝无仅有。 Many people are knowing that the first response of this news, was Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce must be finished. 许多人在知道这个消息的第一反应,就是新飞商会要完蛋了。 Because of under normal circumstances, a chamber of commerce , when be at the slowdown condition, will conduct the large surface area lay-off like the present. 因为在正常情况下,一家商会只有在处于下滑状态的时候,才会像现在这样进行大面积裁员。 In the ascent stage, the chamber of commerce has only recruited the employee massively, for oneself growing business establishment safeguard. 而在处于上升阶段的时候,商会只会一直大量招募雇工,为自己持续增长的业务确立保障。 But before then, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce has been continuing foreign to recruit the worker publicly. 可是在此之前,新飞商会一直都在持续对外公开招募工人的啊。 Even half a month ago, in how many countries in Stantin Duchy Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also and periphery used all channels to issue that the news recruited, why dismisses so many employees now suddenly? 甚至就在半个月前,新飞商会还在斯坦丁公国和周围几个国家内利用所有渠道发布消息进行招募,那么为什么现在突然又一口气辞退掉这么多雇工? Is only because before Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce , the strike time of erupting? 仅仅只是因为新飞商会之前爆发的罢工时间吗? If only because the employees participate in the strike resigning so many employees on the one breath, that also rather extremely in strict. 如果只是因为雇工们参与罢工就一口气辞掉这么多雇工,那也未免太过于严格了吧。 Suddenly, the matter that because the strike and large surface area of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce lay off, people in surrounding several countries launched the vigorous argument, in the major newspapers almost will publish the corresponding article to discuss every day, and reported the following development. 一时间,因为新飞商会的罢工和大面积裁员的事情,周围几个国家内的人们展开了激烈的争论,各大报纸上几乎每天都会刊登相应的文章对此进行讨论,并对后续发展进行报道。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is the chamber of commerce that periphery in these countries most receives to pay attention, without it one, now two things that because this successively has, becomes everyone's key concern. 新飞商会原本就是周围这几个国家内最受关注的商会,没有之一,现在又因为这连续发生的两件事情,就更加成为了所有人的关注焦点。 But regarding different people. The emphasis is different. 只不过对于不同的人来说。关注点却是不同的。 Most average people watch the fun. But has commercial relation people with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. What influence actually pays more attention to these two things to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 大多数普通人只是看热闹。而和新飞商会有生意往来的人们。却更加关注这两件事情对新飞商会会造成什么样的影响。 The especially those got down people of order to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, in the heart were worried extremely. 尤其是那些向新飞商会下了订单的人们,心中就极为担心。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce always appears the capacity to be insufficient, now dismisses enough more than 18,000 workers, that definitely will affect the regular production enormously, the capacity will be only more insufficient. 新飞商会一直以来都显得产能不足,现在一口气辞退了足足一万八千多名工人,那必然会极大地影响到正常生产,产能只会更加不足。 Fact also just as they expected, after the large surface area lays off, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce sent an apologetic letter to all customers that and issued the order immediately, expressed that because the chamber of commerce recent interior changed. Causes the production certainly to be affected, completes the time of order possibly to retard slightly. 事实也正如他们所料,在大面积裁员之后,新飞商会立即向和下达订单的所有客户发去了一份致歉信,表示因为商会最近内部发生变动。导致生产受到一定影响,完成订单的时间可能会稍微推后。 But the customers that receive this letter/believes can only helpless acceptance. 而收到这封信的客户们只能无奈的接受。 Without means that although in the surrounding several countries has presented the chamber of commerce of quantity manufacture Magic machinery at present, but besides the home Magic mechanical realm, other Magic machineries at present only then Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce this chamber of commerce can make to complete, they could not find other chambers of commerce to replace. 没办法,尽管目前周围几个国家内已经出现了大量生产魔法机械的商会,但是除了家用魔法机械领域之外,其余的魔法机械目前就只有新飞商会这一家商会能够制造完成,他们根本找不到其它商会来代替。 Even in the home Magic mechanical realm, the Xinfei home Magic machinery is also everyone worker best the most upscale home Magic machinery, does not have one. 甚至在家用魔法机械领域,新飞牌家用魔法机械也是所有人工人的最好最高档的家用魔法机械,没有之一。 Many people purchase the home Magic machinery time, recognized Xinfei, it did not buy. 许多人购买家用魔法机械的时候,就认准了新飞牌,非它不买。 Therefore Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce announced freely the production was affected. The order postpones, most people are actually still waiting for the restoration of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce patiently. But will not consider other brands the home Magic machineries. 所以尽管新飞商会宣布生产受到影响。订单推迟,绝大多数人却依然耐心等待着新飞商会的恢复。而不会去考虑其它品牌的家用魔法机械。 Naturally, still has some people because will use urgently needed, but will transfer to consider to purchase other brands the home Magic machineries. 当然,依然有少部分人们还是会因为急需使用,而转去考虑购买其它品牌的家用魔法机械。 Therefore has these two important matter later these days in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the home Magic mechanical sales volumes of other brands presented the promotion in varying degrees as if by prior agreement. 于是在新飞商会发生这两件大事之后的这段时间,其它品牌的家用魔法机械销量不约而同地出现了不同程度的提升。 But in the home Magic machineries of these other brands, the performance and qualities of several brands after these years development are quite good, even if still cannot compare the Xinfei home Magic machinery, however in compared with the Xinfei home Magic machinery lower price advantage, actually still therefore obtained the approvals of many. 而这些其它品牌的家用魔法机械中,有几个品牌的性能、质量经过这几年的发展已经算是相当不错,就算依然比不上新飞牌家用魔法机械,但是在比新飞牌家用魔法机械更低的价格优势上,却也因此获得了不少人的认可。 The summary, these two things of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce had a big influence on Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, but produces the chamber of commerce of Magic machinery regarding other is actually a very good opportunity. 总结来说,新飞商会发生的这两件事情对新飞商会造成了不小的影响,但是对于其它生产魔法机械的商会却是一个非常不错的机遇。 Moreover regarding other these Magic mechanical chambers of commerce, compares the temporary sales volume increase, most chamber of commerce biggest attention, actually placed by that more than 18,000 workers who on Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce dismisses. 而且对于其它这些魔法机械商会而言,相比起暂时的销量提升,绝大多数商会最大的注意力,却是放在了被新飞商会辞退的那一万八千多名工人身上。 These workers may work for few in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce are also over one year skilled worker, they can stand firmly in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, then showed that they have enough technology and experience, regarding other Magic mechanical chambers of commerce, each is the rare talents. 这些工人可都是在新飞商会效力了最少也是一年以上的熟练工人,他们能够在新飞商会站住脚,那么就证明他们具备足够的技术和经验,对于其它魔法机械商会来说,每一个都是不可多得的人才。 Therefore after Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce announced that resigns the news of more than 18,000 workers spread, countless people flooded into Stantin Duchy, immediately found these by the workers who Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce dismisses, robs. 于是在新飞商会宣布辞退这一万八千多名工人的消息传出之后,无数人涌入了斯坦丁公国,在第一时间找到了那些被新飞商会辞退的工人们,进行抢夺。 Spent half a month time merely, more than 18,000 by the workers who Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce resigns, found the work completely. 仅仅只是花了半个月的时间,这一万八千多名被新飞商会辞退的工人们,就全部找到了工作。 Because Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, when dismisses these workers, but also gave the compensation of each worker lowest 50 gold coin, therefore these workers actually have no substantive loss, completed smoothly transformed to other chambers of commerce the status of worker from a Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce worker. 因为新飞商会在辞退这些工人的时候,还给予了每名工人最低五十金币的补偿,所以这些工人们其实根本没有任何实质性的损失,非常顺畅地就完成了从一名新飞商会的工人到其它商会的工人的身份转变。 Because the innumerable chambers of commerce fight for mutually, causes these dismissed workers enter other chambers of commerce time, before the salary of obtains even must be higher, in salary that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce obtains! 而且因为无数商会互相争抢,导致这些被辞退的工人们进入其它商会的时候,所获得的薪金甚至还要高出了之前在新飞商会获得的薪金! Compared in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, instead was perhaps more advantageous. 比较起在新飞商会的时候,说不定反而更加有利了。 Suddenly, in not dismissing the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce workers on worker list, therefore the will of the people fluctuates. 一时间,就连很多不在辞退工人名单上的新飞商会工人们,也因此人心浮动起来。 Hey, Yachi, don't you really consider?” A complexion wax yellow youth blocked just left family/home not far Yachi, a face hopes that asked. The monthly salary that Dominoes Chamber of Commerce gives may compared with high of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, give me much one month 25 gold coins! You have tested into the second-level welder rank card now, with words that I go, are definitely more, cannot do well will have 30 gold coins that I will take!” “嘿,亚奇,你真的不考虑一下吗?”一名脸色蜡黄的青年拦住了刚刚离开家没多远的亚奇,一脸期盼地问道。“多米诺商会给的月薪可比新飞商会的高多了,足足给我一个月二十五金币呢!你现在已经考上了二级焊工等级证,和我一起去的话,肯定比我拿的还要多,搞不好会有三十金币!” The Yachi knitting the brows head, waves agitated, cold -ly snorted and said: Does not go. Luther, you like going to you to go, always do not come to drawing I to go. Really, when I don't know? Dominoes Chamber of Commerce pledged the condition to you in secret, so long as helps their chamber of commerce draw a person, will give you reward of ten gold coins. I said is right?” 亚奇皱了皱眉头,烦躁地挥了挥手,冷哼道:“不去。卢瑟,你爱去你去,别老是来拉我去。真的当我不知道吗?多米诺商会私下里给你开出了条件,只要帮他们商会拉过去一个人,就会给你十金币的酬劳。我说得对不对?” Is called the Luther youth to exhibit an appearance of wrongful treatment immediately. Shouts loudly: Dominoes Chamber of Commerce has indeed said like this right. However deity on. Yachi, I want to make you also go, but purely, because you are the friend of mine, hoping you to be able with me in the same place! If you are willing to come, Dominoes gives my these ten gold coins me directly to you, a oneself copper coin does not stay behind! What kind of? Hasn't this been able to demonstrate my sincerity?” 被称作卢瑟的青年立即摆出一副冤屈的模样。大声嚷道:“多米诺商会的确是这样说过没错。但是天神在上。亚奇,我想让你也去,只是单纯地因为你是我的朋友,希望你能够和我在一起罢了!你如果肯来,多米诺给我的这十枚金币我直接给你,自己一个铜币都不留下!怎么样?这样还不能显示出我的诚意吗?” I do not go.” Yachi coldly the said/tunnel. I treat now very well in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, has not thought runs up to other chambers of commerce to go. Actually you, Luther. Since you also work as the friend me, I urged your one, do not look that you go to Dominoes Chamber of Commerce to attain a higher monthly salary now, but you have thought that how later can? Can Dominoes Chamber of Commerce place on a par with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce? Can obtain in Dominoes Chamber of Commerce in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce same treatment/salary? Can even when old motionless can also attain the retirement pension?” “那我也不去。”亚奇冷冷地道。“我现在在新飞商会待得很好,从来没想过跑到其它商会去。倒是你,卢瑟。你既然还把我当朋友,那我劝你一句,别看你现在去多米诺商会可以拿到更高的月薪,但是你有没有想过,以后会怎么样?多米诺商会能够和新飞商会相提并论吗?在多米诺商会能够获得和在新飞商会一样的福利待遇吗?能够甚至在老了不动的时候还能拿到退休金吗?” Luther curls the lip: „, You think that treated in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can attain inadequately? Do not look that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce utters fine words now, but the wizard knows how long Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can also have, could not do well will go out of business tomorrow also perhaps.” 卢瑟撇了撇嘴:“切,你以为在新飞商会待着就能拿到了不成?别看新飞商会现在说得好听,但是鬼才知道新飞商会还能存在多久,搞不好明天就倒闭了也说不定。” A Yachi frown vertical stroke, gets angry: Luther, do not think that you left Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to curse it at will here! I know you, because was dismissed by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. Therefore bears a grudge, but I had also urged you initially. Do not follow that fellows to join in the fun to wanton mischief. Now because caused trouble by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is dismissed, did this also result in others strangely?” 亚奇双眉一竖,怒道:“卢瑟,不要以为你离开了新飞商会就可以随意在这里诅咒它!我知道你因为被新飞商会辞退了。所以怀恨在心,但是当初我也劝过你。不要跟着那帮家伙去凑热闹瞎胡闹。现在因为自己闹事被新飞商会辞退了,这难道还怪得了别人吗?” Luther neck one hard, supports the face to shout: „Did I request to improve the treatment? Isn't this good? Why these dwarf can have that good treatment, isn't our human worker good? Wanted me saying that was Sir President has the prejudice radically! He shields these alien races in chamber of commerce, worker who actually never takes seriously our human! Is he also human?” 卢瑟脖子一硬,挺着脸喝道:“我要求提高待遇怎么了?这难道不行吗?凭什么那些矮人们就可以有那么好的待遇,我们人类工人就不行?要我说,根本是会长大人有偏见!他袒护商会里的那些异族,却从来不重视我们人类的工人!他还算是人类吗?” Looks at a Luther face exciting appearance, Yachi on the contrary calm. 看着卢瑟一脸激动的模样,亚奇反倒冷静了下来。 Narrowed the eye to look at Luther a while, Yachi continued tranquilly said: Luther, in your Magic Power Air Conditioning assembly shop, having three dwarf mechanics is right?” 眯着眼睛看了卢瑟一会儿,亚奇平静地续道:“卢瑟,你们魔力空调装配车间里,有三名矮人技工对吧?” Yes , because these three dwarf mechanics, regardless of other wage benefits in other human workers compared with our workshop are much better, I will refuse to accept. If Sir President gives our same treatments, we possibly do cause trouble? Why everyone is dry/does living, can they compared with our treatment?” A Luther face extremely angry said/tunnel. “是啊,就是因为这三名矮人技工无论薪水还是其它福利都比我们车间里的其他人类工人好得多,我才会这么不服。要是会长大人给我们一样的待遇,我们怎么可能闹事?凭什么大家都是干的一样的活,他们就要比我们的待遇强?”卢瑟一脸愤愤地道。 Yachi exudes one to sneer: Luther, if I have not remembered incorrectly, in your workshop that three dwarf mechanic most inferior have the Fourth Class technical class card, and also incessantly a kind of work in a factory is right?” 亚奇发出一声冷笑:“卢瑟,如果我没记错的话,你们车间里那三名矮人技工最次的一个也拥有四级技术等级证,并且还不止一个工种对不对?” Luther snort/hum: How is?” 卢瑟哼了一声:“是又怎么样?” You?” Yachi sneers again. „Haven't you tested to the present second-level welder rank continually?” “那你呢?”亚奇再次冷笑。“你到现在连二级焊工等级都没考过吧?” On Luther face slightly one red, immediately gets angry: Does? Do you want to ridicule me? Do not think that you did test the second-class welder to ridicule me casually? Aren't you better than my how many?” 卢瑟脸上微微一红,随即怒道:“干嘛?你想嘲笑我吗?别以为你考过了二级焊工就可以随便嘲笑我?你也没比我强多少好不好?” Yachi shakes the head gently: I am not saying myself, but is saying that three dwarf mechanics. Your second-level welder rank cannot test, was shouting must obtain and dwarf mechanics who have the Fourth Class technical class card at least have the same treatment, you really did not think that blushes?” 亚奇轻轻摇头:“我不是在说自己,而是在说那三名矮人技工。你连二级焊工等级都考不过,却喊着要获得和最少拥有四级技术等级证的矮人技工们拥有相同的待遇,你真的不觉得脸红吗?” The Luther facial expression obstructs , made an effort to wave agitated, said loudly: Hey! Yachi, which do you stand in one side? You and Sir President are the same, can speak for these dwarf? Are you also human? Also is the friend of mine? Ah? 卢瑟神情一窒,顿了顿,烦躁地用力一挥手,大声道:“喂!亚奇,你到底站在哪一边的?难道你和会长大人一样,要为那些矮人说话吗?你还是不是人类?还是不是我的朋友?啊? Yachi is staring at Luther, is speak unhurriedly and clearly typical: I am human, but I stand this side the truth. Sir President has said that the ability is stronger, the treatment is better , like all workers, no matter other human races. As for you...... Luther, if you pester endlessly again like this, that...... we break ties.” 亚奇盯着卢瑟,一字一顿地道:“我是人类,但是我站在道理这一边。会长大人早就说过了,能力越强,待遇越好,对所有工人都一样,不管是人类还是其他种族。至于你……卢瑟,如果你再这样胡搅蛮缠下去,那……我们绝交吧。” Breaks ties?” Luther looks at Yachi dull, cannot bear back up two steps, is pointing at Yachi, the trembling said/tunnel: You...... you how many dwarf unexpectedly to maintain, wants...... to with me break ties? I...... we play the big friend since childhood together......” “绝交?”卢瑟呆呆地看着亚奇,忍不住倒退两步,指着亚奇,哆哆嗦嗦地道:“你……你居然为了维护几名矮人,要……要和我绝交?我……我们可是从小一起玩到大的朋友啊……” The Yachi facial expression was slightly moderate, the silent moment, sighed gently, walked to pat the shoulder of Luther. 亚奇神情略微缓和了一些,沉默片刻,轻轻叹息一声,走过去拍了拍卢瑟的肩膀。 Luther, if crosses not well in Dominoes Chamber of Commerce, finds the way to come back as far as possible. Believes me, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce have the future compared with all chambers of commerce many, treats safely here, must compare in other chambers of commerce is much stronger.” 卢瑟,如果在多米诺商会过得不好的话,就尽量想办法回来吧。相信我,新飞商会要比所有的商会都有前途得多,安心待在这里,要远比在其它商会强得多。” Said that did not wait for Luther to say anything again, turned around to walk. 说罢也不等卢瑟再说什么,转身就走。 Luther looks at the back that Yachi departs dull, after a while, anger well ups, snort/hum, turned around to walk layer on layer/heavily to another direction. 卢瑟呆呆地看着亚奇离去的背影,过了一会儿,一丝怒意涌上心头,重重地哼了一声,转身向另一个方向走过去。 Dominoes Chamber of Commerce complied, so long as he can draw a Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce worker, gives him in private the rewards of 50 gold coins. 多米诺商会可是答应了,只要他能拉过去一名新飞商会的工人,就私下给他五十金币的报酬。 Yachi does not comply, he must make the best use of the time to look for others.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 亚奇不答应,他还得抓紧时间去找别人呢。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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