MIE :: Volume #5

#31: Worker Guild

Yachi passes through a corner, then saw Luna that ahead of time here waits. 亚奇走过一个转角,便看到了提前在这里等候的露娜。∽ „Does Luther ask you to go Dominoes Chamber of Commerce with him together?” Luna frowns slightly, looks at the direction that distant place Luther departed, cannot bear shake the head. „Haven't you promised him?” 卢瑟又来找你跟他一起去多米诺商会?”露娜微微皱起眉头,看了一眼远处卢瑟离去的方向,忍不住摇了摇头。“你没答应他吧?” Naturally cannot.” Yachi answered. I if really complied, the father must break my leg.” “当然不会。”亚奇笑答。“我真要是答应了,老爹非打断我的腿不可。” Luna smiles as if. 露娜宛然一笑。 A while ago, the Afalia father heard that Luther must draw Yachi to leave Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, immediately flew into a rage, warned that Yachi cannot comply absolutely, otherwise broke his leg, expelled the main house gate him. 前段时间,阿法利亚老爹听说卢瑟要拉亚奇离开新飞商会,立即大发雷霆,警告亚奇绝对不能答应,不然就打断他的腿,把他赶出家门。 The Afalia father has believed, is the appearance of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, changed a they life, therefore deeply loves to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce extremely, usually did not even allow others to say Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and President Xu malicious remarks before him, but also indicated on many occasions, this must treat for a lifetime in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, which did not go. 阿法利亚老爹一直认为,是新飞商会的出现,才改变了他们一家的生活,所以对新飞商会极为热爱,平时甚至不允许其他人在他面前说一句新飞商会许会长的坏话,还多次表示,这一辈子都要待在新飞商会里,哪儿也不去。 Regarding the workers noisy big strike, the Afalia father was angry a while ago, said that these people all are the ungrateful hybrids. 对于前段时间工人们闹大罢工,阿法利亚老爹非常生气,称这些人全都是忘恩负义的杂种。 If Yachi really dares to comply with the invitation of Luther, runs to go to Dominoes Chamber of Commerce, the Afalia father cannot do well really does to obtain him expels the main house gate matter. 亚奇如果真的敢答应卢瑟的邀请,跑去多米诺商会,阿法利亚老爹搞不好就真的做得出把他赶出家门的事情。 Naturally, even if did not consider that the Afalia father regarding the deep love of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the light from own viewpoint, Luna also does not think leaves Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce is good to choose. 当然,就算不考虑阿法利亚老爹对于新飞商会的热爱,光是从自身的角度考虑,露娜也同样不认为离开新飞商会是个好选择。 Although now other chambers of commerce to seize the chance to poach the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce skilled worker, offered the extremely high wage in abundance, some even started out double, but Luna did not think that this is what good deed. 尽管现在其它商会为了趁机挖走新飞商会的熟练工人,纷纷开出了极高的薪水,有的甚至开出了双倍,但是露娜并不觉得这是什么好事。 Even if can attain a higher wage in other chambers of commerce, what's the big deal? 就算在其它商会能够拿到更高的薪水,那又如何? Compares the wage. Various Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce welfare benefits are Luna regard as important. 相比起薪水。新飞商会其它的各种福利待遇才是露娜更加看重的。 That time that for example last year Luna had a child. Is a half year of not to have the means to work. If trades to make other chambers of commerce, will definitely rush home to treat Luna directly, even dismisses her simply. 比如说去年露娜生孩子的那段时间。前后长达半年之久都没办法工作。如果换做其它商会的话,肯定会直接将露娜赶回家待着,甚至干脆辞退她。 However Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce same makes Luna go home to rest, actually gave back to the treatment of her leave with pay. 但是新飞商会一样让露娜回家休息,却还给了她带薪休假的待遇。 In other words, she can prepares to have a child at home safely, while can also take the wage. 也就是说,她可以一边在家里安心准备生孩子,一边还能拿着薪水。 Basic salary that although takes, every month ten gold coins, but made Luna then think at that time Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce compared other chambers of commerce to have the touch of humanity many. 虽说拿的只是基本薪水,每个月十枚金币,但是却让露娜当时便觉得新飞商会相比起其它商会要有人情味得多。 After let alone, Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also sends people to care about the Luna situation regularly. Simultaneously regularly sends some daily necessities to her, said that is to the special accommodation of her having a child period. 更何况之后新飞商会还定期派人来关心露娜的情况。同时隔三差五地给她发一些生活用品,说是对她生孩子时期的特殊照顾。 Is this point, Luna had not only heard other chambers of commerce have achieved. 光是这一点,露娜就从来没有听说过其它商会做到过。 Moreover has a child, Luna also relies on the status of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce staff, entered neighbor the hospital that is set up by Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, enjoys receives with the later medical maintenance treatment free. 而且生孩子的时候,露娜还凭借新飞商会员工的身份,进入了附近由新飞商会设立的医院,享受免费接生和之后的医疗保养待遇。 Is only part, was Luna saved at least the expenditures of over 20 gold coins. 仅仅只是这一部分,就为露娜节省了最少超过二十金币的花费。 If counted usually in the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce benefits in all kinds of names again, is actually not in all chambers of commerce is perhaps highest in the wage that in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce obtains, the treatment that but in fact the overall enjoys will not compare in other chambers of commerce misses. 如果再算上平日里新飞商会的各种名目的福利,其实在新飞商会内获得的薪水或许已经不是所有商会中最高,但实际上总体享受到的待遇绝不会比在其它商会差。 As to concern of worker, except for Amul Chamber of Commerce President, because relates closely with President Xu. Therefore quite pays great attention to beyond this aspect, any other chambers of commerce definitely are unable to place on a par with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 至于在对工人的关怀方面,除了阿姆利商会会长因为和许会长关系密切。所以比较注重这方面之外,其它任何商会都完全无法和新飞商会相提并论。 Thinks of here. In the Luna look is somewhat confused, sighed gently: Really does not know how Luther also has these people to think, crosses well in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, must make trouble. Finally is now good, stirs up the Sir President vitality/angry, drove out by Sir President directly. Do not visit now them as if also well, later will definitely regret.” 想到这里。露娜眼神中有些迷茫,轻轻叹息道:“真不知道卢瑟还有那些人是怎么想的,在新飞商会过得这么好,非要闹事。结果现在好了,惹得会长大人生气,被会长大人直接赶了出去。别看现在他们似乎还不错,以后肯定会后悔的。” Yachi shrugs: Without the means that some people are too greedy, always does not feel satisfiedly. Right, mentioned this, Luna, should your workshop also receive the message?” 亚奇耸了耸肩:“没办法,有些人就是太贪心,总是觉得不满足。对了,说起这个,露娜,你们车间应该也收到消息了吧?” Ah? Luna thinks, responded. You were said that established the worker Guild matter? Our workshop also received.” 啊?露娜想了想,反应过来。“你是说成立工人工会的事情吗?我们车间也收到了。” Un, really does not know how Sir President actually thinks. You said that if the beforehand these people cause trouble to stir up him to be angry, he has driven away now, this matter ended even, why can also cause worker Guild? Also indicated must make Guild offer an opinion, this did not look for trouble for oneself.” Yachi is frowning, a face wonders. “嗯,真不知道会长大人到底怎么想的。你说如果之前那些人闹事惹得他生气的话,那他现在已经把人都赶走了,这事就算结束了,为什么还要弄出一个工人工会呢?还指明了要让工会提意见,这不是给自己找麻烦嘛。”亚奇皱着眉头,一脸纳闷。 Luna stretched out the finger to poke a Yachi forehead: How the idea of Sir President you possibly can guess. However I thought that...... these people caused trouble actually also reminded Sir President, making him pay attention to the ideas of our these ordinary workers. This to us is the good deed, at least we had what opinion to say directly through Guild.” 露娜伸出手指戳了一下亚奇的额头:“会长大人的想法你怎么可能猜得透。不过我觉得……那些人闹事其实也算是提醒了会长大人吧,让他更加注意我们这些普通工人的想法。这对我们可是好事啊,起码我们有什么意见可以直接通过工会提出来了。” Un, the good deed is the good deed, but I feel nothing necessity. Various welfare benefits of chamber of commerce present are good, I cannot think that has what opinion to be good to raise.” “嗯,好事是好事,只是我觉得没什么必要罢了。商会现在的各种福利待遇已经非常好了,我根本想不出来有什么意见好提。” You have not represented others not to have.” Luna grinning said/tunnel: For example I hope that can cap several restrooms near the workshop. Now arrives at the rest time, goes to bathroom must line up, may trouble.” “你没有不代表别人没有哦。”露娜笑嘻嘻地道:“比如我就希望能够在车间附近多加盖几个厕所。现在一到休息的时候,上厕所就要排队,可麻烦了。” Yachi takes a look at Luna, reveals color suddenly. 亚奇瞅了瞅露娜,露出恍然之色。 The women go to bathroom the man are much more troublesome, therefore this but actually indeed is an issue. 女人上厕所比男人麻烦得多,所以这倒的确是个问题。 Sir President is always very natural in this aspect, I think that this opinion will certainly obtain to pass.” Yachi smiles, looks up a weather. Ok, the time, we did not hurry to go to work early. As for opinion...... work time met said again.” 会长大人一向在这方面很大方,我想这个意见一定会获得通过的。”亚奇笑了笑,抬头看了一眼天色。“行了,时间也不早了,我们还是赶紧上班去吧。至于意见……工作的时候遇到了再说。” Un.” Luna nods, along with Yachi walks toward the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce industrial district in distant place together. “嗯。”露娜点点头,随亚奇一起向远处的新飞商会工业区走去。 The peak at this time in the morning going to work, from the quarters to lead to the road in industrial district on, was filled everywhere Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce worker who wore the uniform/subdue. 这时候正是早晨上班的高峰期,从生活区通向工业区的路上,到处都挤满了身穿制服的新飞商会工人。 Workers in twos and threes gathers together, is talking to each other while the going to work beforehand leisure time. 工人们三三两两的聚在一起,趁着上班之前的闲暇时间正在互相交谈着。 If earnestly listens attentively, will discover the topics of almost all people strongly on the downsizing. 如果认真倾听的话,就会发现几乎所有人的话题都集中在了大裁员上。 To this time downsizing, these workers viewpoint extraordinary consistency that keeps, thought completely these cause trouble the workers of strike to take the consequences for own actions completely, now is dismissed by the chamber of commerce directly, has only self to blame radically, is not worth sympathizing. 对这次的大裁员,留下来的这些工人们观点出奇的一致,全部觉得那些闹事罢工的工人们完全是自作自受,现在被商会直接辞退,根本是咎由自取,不值得同情。 Moreover this fellows were dismissed to basically found the new work in other chambers of commerce, and mostly obtained a higher wage, makes the workers who keep have on the contrary much envies. 而且这帮家伙被辞退到基本上都在其它商会找到了新工作,并且大多获得了更高的薪水,反倒让留下来的工人们有不少都心生羡慕。 Naturally, most people keep sober like Yachi and Luna, they know that keeps the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce advantage, as well as from the enormous superiority of long-term perspective, therefore supports to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce in the conversation extremely, and be relentless criticizes the workers who these leave. 当然,大多数人还是像亚奇露娜一样保持清醒的,他们知道留在新飞商会的好处,以及从长远考虑的巨大优势,所以在交谈中对新飞商会极为支持,并毫不留情地批评那些离开的工人们。 The stream of people entered the industrial district lively, is divided into a share to disperse from various paths. 人流热热闹闹地进入了工业区,然后从各条道路上分成一股股分散开来。 The place of Luna work is the Magic Powered Fan assembly shop, the Yachi work place is actually the steel plate processing welding shop, is actually the branch industry park different positions, therefore enters the industry park, two people then wave to say goodbye. 露娜工作的地方是魔力风扇装配车间,亚奇工作的地方却是钢板加工焊接车间,却是分处工业园不同的位置,于是一进入工业园,两人便挥手道别。 About after ten minutes, Yachi marched into the steel plate processing welding shop, sweeps, in the discovery workshop seemed much lonely. 大约十分钟后,亚奇步入了钢板加工焊接车间,一眼扫过去,发现车间里似乎冷清了不少。 The workers in steel plate processing welding shop mostly need to master certain technology, therefore in the big strike, participated in the worker proportion comparing many workshops to want high. 钢板加工焊接车间里的工人们大多需要掌握一定的技术,所以在大罢工中,参与进去了工人比例相比起很多车间都要高了一些。 In addition other chambers of commerce these days outwardly with the digging person in secret, causing many workers to leave this workshop. 再加上其它商会这段时间明面和私下里的挖人,导致有很多工人都先后离开了这个车间。 This steel plate processing welding shop beforehand total number of people are 376 people, now actually is only left over 243 people, was short of 123 people all of a sudden, naturally met the Jeanno big workshop appears before was lonelier than much. 这个钢板加工焊接车间之前总人数为三百七十六人,现在却只剩下了二百四十三人,一下子足足少了一百二十三人之多,自然会让诺大的车间显得比以前冷清了不少。 Moreover these days in the chamber of commerce experienced such big shake continuously, makes in the heart of workers many somewhat anxious, dialogue was short, causes the atmosphere in workshop obviously dignified. 而且这段时间商会内连续经历了这么大的震荡,也使得工人们的心中多少有些不安,互相之间的对话就少了许多,使得车间内的气氛更显凝重。 Sees this scene, Yachi cannot bear shake the head, in the heart sighed slightly. 看到这个景象,亚奇忍不住摇了摇头,心中微微叹息。 Although these time is quite serious to the attack of chamber of commerce, but Yachi to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, is extremely particularly confident to Sir President. 虽然这一次对商会的打击比较严重,但是亚奇新飞商会,尤其是对会长大人极有信心。 Sir President grows out of nothing Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, develops to become now such a colossus, this time matter in others opinion without doubt is to the serious attack of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, however looks like in Sir President, perhaps is only a minor matter. 会长大人可是把新飞商会从无到有,一路发展成为了现在这样一个庞然大物,这次的事情在别人看来无疑是对新飞商会的沉重打击,但是在会长大人看来,恐怕就只是一件小事罢了。 If, Sir President also so will not be simple, taking letting everyone for the shocking way, did cut enough more than 18,000 staff to solve this matter directly? 如果不是的话,会长大人又怎么会如此干脆的,以让所有人都为之震惊的方式,直接裁掉了足足一万八千多名员工来解决这件事情呢? Yachi takes up the tool, prepares work, when will arrive on own post starts a day of work, actually suddenly hears entrance one of the workshop to make noise. 亚奇拿起工具,做好工作准备,正要走到自己的岗位上开始一天的工作时,却忽然听到车间的大门口一阵喧闹。 Turns the head to look, saw dwarf Mechanical Engineer that two wear the Magic Powered Machine Tool R & D Center uniform/subdue, leading one group of human workers to walk. 转头一看,就看到两名身穿魔力机床研发中心制服的矮人机械工程师,率领着一群人类工人走了进来。 That group of human workers are pushing several small-scale Magic Power transportation locomotives, above is loading several grotesque machines. 那群人类工人推着几个小型魔力运输机车,上面装载着几台怪模怪样的机器。 The workers in workshop cannot help but stopped the work in hand, the vision fell on that several machines in abundance. 车间内的工人们都不由自主地停下了手中的工作,目光纷纷落在那几台机器上。 Workshop Manager Nuuk welcomed, talked two with two dwarf Mechanical Engineer, when turns the head to look again to the curious workers, on the face hung up the exciting facial expression. 车间主管佐努克迎了过去,和两名矮人机械工程师交谈了两句,再转头看向好奇的工人们时,脸上挂上了兴奋的神情。 Brothers, this is Magic Powered Machine Tool R & D Center most recent completely automatic Magic Powered Machine Tool! Had this thing, we later worked must be more relaxed!” “兄弟们,这是魔力机床研发中心最新研发的全自动魔力机床!有了这个东西,我们以后干活就要轻松多了!” Completely automatic Magic Powered Machine Tool?” “全自动魔力机床?” The workers look at each other in blank dismay. 工人们面面相觑。 Before then, Magic Powered Machine Tool R & D Center once researched and developed a series of semiautomatic Magic Powered Machine Tool, the steel plate processing welding shop currently has several. 在此之前,魔力机床研发中心曾经研发出一系列的半自动魔力机床,钢板加工焊接车间现在就有好几台。 These semiautomatic Magic Powered Machine Tool operating efficiencies indeed compare beforehand must be much higher by manual control Magic Powered Machine Tool, and quality is quite stable, greatly raised the operating efficiency in workshop. 这些半自动魔力机床的工作效率的确比之前的必须由人工操作的魔力机床高得多,并且质量极为稳定,大幅提高了车间内的工作效率。 What thing however this completely automatic is Magic Powered Machine Tool? 但是这个全自动魔力机床又是什么东西? So-called is completely automatic, to compare the semiautomatic high level? Is the meaning does not need to operate completely every? 所谓的全自动,就是要比半自动更加高级?意思是完全不需要人手操作? This was too rather unthinkable......( please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel was better to renew is quicker! 这未免太匪夷所思了吧……(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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