MIE :: Volume #5

#29: Strike

Xu Yi and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce need for with the consequence that the different race cooperation withstands, but unceasingly merely is only the sensational effect of therefore bringing. 许亦新飞商会需要为与异种族合作所承受的后果,可不绝仅仅只是因此带来的轰动效果而已。 To Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce will also bring a higher popularity unlike the advertisement effect that the sensational effect brings, there are consequences in many other aspects, is very easy to damage Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 与轰动效果带来的广告效果还会给新飞商会带来更高的知名度不同,有不少其它方面的后果,却很容易给新飞商会造成损害。 For example has puzzled the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce issue, is the different race that because in the chamber of commerce hires are too multi-, although brings the huge advantage that other chambers of commerce are unable to compare to the chamber of commerce, but actually also considerably increased the management difficulty. 比如其中一个一直困扰新飞商会的问题,就是因为商会中雇佣的异种族太多,尽管给商会带来了其它商会无法比拟的庞大优势,但是却也大大增加了管理难度。 Even with among human, still has the community to divide, let alone is not same the race. 就算同为人类之间,也是有群体划分的,更何况连种族都不怎么相同。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce scale also not specially big time, this issue is not remarkable, but Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce the subordinate has reached more than 300 various type Magic machine shops now, under the name the total employee was over the astonishing 100,000 people, regardless of the human employee different race employees grow substantially, this issue increasingly is serious. 新飞商会的规模还不算特别大的时候,这个问题并不显著,但是现在新飞商会已经下属了多达三百多家各式魔法机械工厂,名下雇员总数更是超过了惊人的十万人,无论人类雇员还是异种族雇员都大幅增长,这个问题就日益严重起来。 Now Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce surpasses in 100,000 employees, the human employee still occupied absolute majorities, altogether over 80,000 people. 现在新飞商会超过十万的雇员中,其中人类雇员依然占据了绝对多数,总共超过八万人。 But in other different races, dwarf surpasses 8000, Beast-men Clan surpasses 15,000, elf clan actually only then more than 3000 people, and in fact majority does not receive the actual jurisdiction of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 而其它异种族里,矮人超过八千,兽人族超过一万五,精灵族却只有三千余人,并且实质上大部分并不是受到新飞商会的实际管辖。 Therefore purely by the words that the population contrasts, the human employee complete steamroll different race employee. 所以单纯以人数来对比的话,人类雇员完全碾压异种族雇员。 However in the different race employee, the elf clan employees are few some are employed in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce directly, can ignore, but the dwarf employees because of dwarf the talent in forging smelting, occupying large quantities of skilled high skilled workers even are the Mechanical Engineer positions, compares the position of most human employees to be much higher. 但是异种族雇员中,精灵族雇员只有少部分直接受雇于新飞商会,可以忽略不计,而矮人雇员们却因为矮人们在锻造冶炼方面的天赋,占据了大批熟练高级技术工人甚至是机械工程师的职位,相比起绝大多数人类雇员的地位都要高出不少。 Because of the consistent high request of this Xu Yi to technical. Therefore these dwarf employees have been given favored treatment in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce. 又因此许亦对技术方面的一贯高要求。所以这些矮人雇员们在新飞商会内一直受到优待。 Although the dwarf character is honest. Extremely easy to be together. But like this special amenities, make many human employees feel that some are unfair, are disgruntled. 尽管矮人们性格敦厚。极易相处。但这样的特殊待遇,却让很多人类雇员觉得有些不公平,心存不满。 Discontented accumulation was long, naturally can erupt. 不满积累的久了,自然会爆发出来。 Therefore when Xu Yi returns to Stantin Duchy after Rudson Kingdom, encountered one to let his unexpected matter accidentally/surprisingly. 于是当许亦鲁尔逊王国回到斯坦丁公国后,意外地遭遇了一件让他意想不到的事情。 Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, presented the worker strike unexpectedly! 新飞商会内部,居然出现了工人罢工! Listens Kennard is approaching itself to report this matter time, the look on Xu Yi face has been very strange. 听着肯纳德向自己汇报这件事情的时候,许亦脸上的神色一直十分古怪。 He is not angry, but feels this matter. Is some is extremely really absurd, making him completely unexpected. 他并不是生气,而是觉得这件事情。实在是有些太过荒谬,让他完全意想不到。 Oneself give any chamber of commerce of treatment of workers on compared with Sainz Continent to be much better, will they also strike unexpectedly? 自己给工人们的待遇比赛恩斯大陆上任何一家商会都要好得多,他们居然还会罢工? Before Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce appears, the employee maximum monthly salaries of other chambers of commerce are also only several times of gold coins. 要知道,在新飞商会出现之前,其它商会的雇员最高的月薪也不过就是区区几倍金币而已。 But after Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce appears, under Xu Yi promotes, in Bunta City the employee payroll levels of various chambers of commerce rise, has achieved by the present was close to 20 gold coins on average the ultra-high levels. 新飞商会出现之后,在许亦的一手推动下,邦塔城内各家商会的雇员薪金水准一路上扬,到现在已经达到了平均接近二十金币的超高水准。 Such a month of income, before almost can be as good as, helped him once in an ordinary family all year round household income! 这样一个月的收入,几乎可以抵得上以前帮他曾内一家平民家庭一整年的家庭收入! Like this do they have discontentedly? Also can improve the treatment the name to make the strike? 这样他们还有所不满吗?还要以提高待遇的名义闹出罢工吗? Xu Yi is not really angry, he thought this somewhat is really inconceivable. Makes the idea that he is angry not have on the contrary. 许亦真的并不怎么生气,他只是觉得这实在有些不可思议。反倒让他连生气的想法都没有。 Before then, Xu Yi had not heard the employee of which chamber of commerce will do the large surface area to strike. Even they cause trouble do not dare. 在此之前,许亦还从来没有听说过哪家商会的雇员会搞出大面积罢工来。甚至他们连闹事都不敢。 Because can enter a chamber of commerce to have the job before is quite not easy, therefore anybody treasures very much. 因为之前能够进入一家商会获得工作机会极为不易,所以任何人都很珍惜。 Perhaps however now, was the Magic industry that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce drove gave people too many jobs, enabling them easily to obtain the good work, this will no longer treasure like before. 然而现在,或许是新飞商会带动的魔法工业给与了人们太多的工作机会,使得他们能够轻易就获得不错的工作,这才会不再像之前那样珍惜。 Even if not do in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the chamber of commerce that many is also engaged in the Magic machinery industry needs large numbers of workers. 就算不在新飞商会干,还有许许多多同样从事魔法机械行业的商会需要大量工人。 The workers who comes out from Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce almost each one is skillful, the work experience is rich, but also has in various technical points that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce grasps, therefore is quite popular in other chambers of commerce, these workers do not worry the escape route. 新飞商会出来的工人们几乎个个技艺娴熟,工作经验丰富,还拥有在新飞商会掌握的各种技术要点,所以在其它商会极为受欢迎,这些工人们根本不愁后路。 Therefore Xu Yi calms the mind to think, thought has this matter is also only a necessity, and does not have any to make much ado about nothing. 所以许亦静下心一想,觉得发生这种事情也只是一种必然,并没有什么好大惊小怪的。 In the final analysis, the greed of person will never be satisfied. 说到底,人的贪欲永远不会得到满足。 When there is an opportunity, people choose better condition this is also indisputable. 在有机会的时候,人们选择更好的条件这也无可厚非。 But as Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce President, when facing several tens of thousands objects, the discussion so-called morals and conscience, do not have the significance. 而身为新飞商会会长,在面对数万名对象时,讨论所谓的道德、良心,根本毫无意义。 Has taken a manifesto that from Kennard is known as is the strike movement leader looked, Xu Yi could not bear smile. 肯纳德手上拿过一名号称是罢工运动领袖的宣言看了一下,许亦忍不住嘿嘿一笑。 At this manifesto declared that must strive for and treatments of other chamber of commerce interior different race same levels for the chamber of commerce internal human employees, the request chamber of commerce treats the human and other different races slogans fairly looks very reasonable, is completely passable, but in fact, is the greed causes trouble. 这份宣言上宣称的,要为商会内部的人类雇员们争取到和商会内部其它异种族相同水平的待遇,要求商会公平对待人类和其它异种族的口号看起来十分合理,也完全说得过去,但是实际上,也不过就是贪欲作祟罢了。 Kennard, how do you plan to process?” Xu Yi asked suddenly. 肯纳德,你打算怎么处理?”许亦忽然问道。 Kennard knows that Xu Yi this is taking the opportunity to test him, slightly hesitates, replies: My plan is this worker leader met he to discuss, everyone spreads out the discussion the condition. If discussed gathers together, that said that having no meeting of minds, again consideration next plan.” 肯纳德知道许亦这是在借机考验他,略一沉吟,答道:“我原本打算是和这个工人领袖见面他谈一谈,大家把条件摊开商议。如果谈得拢的话,那就好说,谈不拢的话,再考虑下一步方案。” Xu Yi shakes the head: This is not good.” 许亦摇摇头:“这样不好。” Kennard is not accidental/surprised, asks back: Where isn't good?” 肯纳德并不意外,反问道:“哪里不好?” First, our chamber of commerce now is insufficient on the capacity, negotiates with these workers the words, will delay the date and time inevitably, too the influence produces.” “首先,我们商会现在原本就产能不足,和这些工人们进行谈判的话,势必会拖延时日,太影响生产。” I can reduce the negotiations time as far as possible.” “我可以尽量压缩谈判时间。” This center workers below bosom, will definitely be forced to accept some they unreasonable conditions. But if not comply, is actually we cannot tow compared with the workers.” Xu Yi said. Next, had the first time with workers' negotiations, will have the second time, later will be only getting more and more difficult to process.” “这样就正中工人们的下怀,肯定会被迫答应一些他们不合理的条件。但是如果不答应的话,却是我们比工人们更拖不起。”许亦道。“其次,和工人们的谈判有了第一次,就会有第二次,以后只会越来越难处理。” „Didn't that Sir President your meaning negotiate with the workers? But we cannot tow......” Kennard to knit the brows to say. “那会长大人您的意思是不和工人们谈判?可是我们拖不起啊……”肯纳德皱眉道。 Xu Yi is very clear, by the Kennard ability, will absolutely not have the treatment method properly, but his decision actually and idea of Kennard is completely different, therefore he denied the Kennard plan directly. 许亦很清楚,以肯纳德的能力,绝对不会没有妥善的处理方法,但是他这次的决定却和肯纳德的想法完全不同,所以他直接否定了肯纳德的方案。 Cannot tow. Does not tow.” Xu Yi looked at announcement in hand. Smiling. Waves hand signal that made under one to cut. „The worker who this participation strikes, resigns completely.” “拖不起。就不拖。”许亦看了一眼手中的宣告。笑了笑。挥手做了一个下砍的手势。“这次参与罢工的工人,全部辞退。” Ah? Kennard looks at Xu Yi shocking, hardly can believe own ear. Meets...... Sir President, the worker who you...... the participation strike may have enough more than 18,000 people! Do you want to resign completely? Not only the production of our chamber of commerce was affected, cannot do well to paralyze completely! If, we least also will therefore if it's going to be like this lose surpass 3 million gold coins!” 啊?肯纳德震惊地看着许亦,几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵。“会……会长大人,您……参与罢工的工人可有足足一万八千多人啊!您要全部辞退?那我们商会的生产就不只是受到影响,搞不好会完全瘫痪掉的啊!如果这样做的话,我们最少也会因此损失超过三百万金币!” Heard 3 million gold coin numbers, Xu Yi cannot bear smile. 听到三百万金币这个数字,许亦忍不住笑了起来。 Hey, Kennard. Actually have you also considered this plan? How will otherwise you obtain this number to come?” “嘿,肯纳德。其实你也考虑过这个方案是不是?不然你怎么会得出这个数字来?” Kennard is startled, some knowing whether to laugh or cry tunnels: I stemmed from make to appraise discretely, has not thought really did.” 肯纳德一怔,有些哭笑不得地道:“我只是出于谨慎做了一下评估,可从来没有想过真的这么干啊。” Looked on a Xu Yi face the tranquil expression, by works together as colleagues many years of experience with Xu Yi, Kennard judges, Xu Yi has set firm resolve obviously. 看了一眼许亦脸上平静的表情,凭借和许亦共事多年的经验,肯纳德判断出,许亦显然是已经下定了决心。 However Xu Yi the approach is really extremely astonishing, even Kennard will not always oppose that truly the decision of Xu Yi, actually cannot bear persuade: Sir President, I thought that...... we are safe? Does not need completely such intensely. If you worker who wants disciplinary punishment part of participation to strike, warns others. We entirely only aim at these worker who takes the lead in causing trouble, why also to aim at all workers?. Some many workers received radically misled participate, perhaps they do not know oneself want to make anything.” 但是许亦的这个做法实在是太过惊人,就算肯纳德从来都不会真正反对许亦的决定,却也还是忍不住劝说道:“会长大人,我觉得……我们还是稳妥点儿吧?完全不需要这么激烈的。如果您想要惩戒一部分参与罢工的工人,来警告其他人的话。我们完全只针对那些带头闹事的工人嘛,又何必针对所有工人呢?要知道。有很多工人根本是收到了蛊惑才参加的,他们自己或许根本不知道自己想做什么。” Oneself do not know what are oneself making?” Xu Yi sneers. Everyone is an adult, cracks a joke. Ok, I have decided that does that. Kennard, you are mainly responsible for this aspect business, the specific work gives you to be done.” “自己不知道自己在做什么?”许亦冷笑一声。“大家都是成年人,开什么玩笑。行了,我已经决定了,就这么做。肯纳德,你是主要负责这方面事务的,具体工作交给你来做。” Kennard the face was receiving that manifesto that Xu Yi hands over painstakingly, looks the name of worker leader inscribes, wishes one could to bite to death this fellow one at heart. 肯纳德苦着脸接过许亦递回来的那份宣言,看着落款上的工人领袖的名字,心里恨不得将这个家伙一口咬死。 What character did this fellow really regard himself inadequately? Unexpectedly dares to enrage Sir President! 这个家伙真把自己当成什么人物了不成?居然胆敢触怒会长大人 Although Sir President in has rarely meddled the management chamber of commerce concrete affair in the two years, but he has absolutely in Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to high authority, so long as he decided the matter, Kennard this chief executive officer still has no possibility of opposition even. 尽管会长大人这两年内已经很少插手管理商会内部的具体事务,但是他在新飞商会内拥有着绝对的至高权威,只要他决定了的事情,就算是肯纳德这个首席执行官也没有任何反对的可能。 However thinks that must dismiss enough more than 18,000 workers all of a sudden, the head of Kennard feels the incomparable ache instantaneously. 但是想到一下子就要辞退足足一万八千多名工人,肯纳德的脑袋瞬间觉得无比疼痛。 Looked at painful expression on a Kennard face, Xu Yi showed a faint smile, patted the shoulder of Kennard, the shape made the comfort. 看了一眼肯纳德脸上的痛苦表情,许亦微微一笑,拍了拍肯纳德的肩膀,状做安慰。 Ok, Kennard , I was not really am don't worry angry. I believe, the long pain is inferior to the short pain. This strike reminded me, chamber of commerce internal various issues of present have accumulated the certain extent, indeed needed to reform one time thoroughly. This strike worker leader said well , the chamber of commerce among the treatments to different races somewhat is always different, they will not feel no wonder fairly.” “行了,肯纳德,不用担心,我并不是真的生气了。我只是认为,长痛不如短痛。这一次罢工事件提醒了我,商会内部现在的各种问题已经积累到了一定程度,的确需要一次彻底的改革了。这个罢工工人领袖说得不错,一直以来,商会内部对不同种族之间的待遇都有些不同,也难怪他们会觉得不公平。” Kennard knits the brows to think, asked: How that...... Sir President do you plan to do?” 肯纳德皱眉想了想,问道:“那……会长大人您打算怎么做?” „Very simple, the heart flew away the fellow all has first kicked this crowd, in view of remaining all employees conduct the differentiating grade. Before we between Magic Research Institute and ordinary workers, although established some ranks, but was very rough. For example the workers differentiate the rank according to the age limit completely, this is unfair. Now I request to defer to the skill to add on the operating time to appraise simultaneously, separates out the rank of employees. The technology is better, is longer for the chamber of commerce servicing time, the rank is higher, the treatment that enjoys is better.” “很简单,先把这群已经心都飞走了的家伙全都踢走,针对剩下来的所有雇员们重新进行等级划分。之前我们在魔法研究院和普通工人之间虽然都设定了一些等级,但是却很粗糙。比如说工人们完全是按照年限来区分等级,这并不公平。现在我要求按照技能加上工作时间来同时进行评估,把雇员们的等级区分开来。技术越好的,为商会服务时间越长的,等级就越高,所享受的待遇就越好。” Kennard thinks, gently nod: This idea actually I have, but the chamber of commerce development speed is too fast, the employee number grows is also too quick, did not have the time to set aside the hand to reform.” 肯纳德想了想,轻轻点头:“这个想法其实我早就有了,只不过商会发展速度太快,雇员数量增长也太快,一直没时间腾出手来进行改革。” Therefore , reforms while this opportunity wide scope well.” Xu Yi said with a smile. If did not have this matter, we are not good the reform of excuse such wide scope. These workers did not say that the dwarf treatment is good, is unfair. Good, wants to obtain with the dwarf similar treatment, must pay with the dwarf same diligent work. If refuses to accept that is very simple, leaves our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce and that's the end. However left wanted to come back again......, only then started from the beginning.” “所以说,趁这个机会大范围改革一下也好。”许亦笑道。“如果不是出了这件事,我们还不好有借口这么大范围的改革呢。那些工人们不是说矮人们的待遇太好,不公平嘛。那好啊,想获得和矮人们同样的待遇,就要付出和矮人们相同的勤奋工作。如果不服那也很简单,离开我们新飞商会就是了。但是离开了想要再回来……嘿嘿,就只有从头开始了。” Looks the smiling face that a Xu Yi face takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, Kennard shakes the head slightly. 看着许亦一脸幸灾乐祸的笑容,肯纳德微微摇头。 Sir President kept on proclaiming have not been angry, but looked at his performance, divided to engage in introspection gets angry.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 会长大人口口声声说着自己没生气,但是看他这个表现,分明心中还是怒了。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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