MIE :: Volume #5

#28: Caused a stir compared with before

After staying some little time, Nival responded, slightly is running hastily side that arrived at Xu Yi. 呆了好一会儿后,涅瓦尔才反应过来,连忙小跑着来到了许亦的身边。 Sir President, how did you come?” 会长大人,您怎么来了?” Xu Yi smiles to him: Happen to has the matter to come to Rudson Kingdom, is not too far from here. Received the message saying that your fleet just arrived, took a look at the situation while convenient.” Said that turns the head to look to three Magic Power steamboats, asked: What kind of? This all the way also smooth?” 许亦冲他笑笑:“正好有事到鲁尔逊王国来,距离这里也不算太远。收到消息说你们舰队刚好到了,就顺便来看看情况。”说罢转头看向三艘魔力轮船,问道:“怎么样?这一路上还顺利吗?” Nival laughs: Holds the attendance of lucky goddess, although this all the way met slightly some troublesome, but the overall is very smooth. And......” Nival coughs lightly, lowered the sound slightly. Sir President, several days ago we in being away from a here approximately less than 200 kilometers open sea discovered a very valuable island......” 涅瓦尔哈哈一笑:“托幸运女神的照顾,这一路上虽然遇到了一些小麻烦,但是总体还是十分顺利的。并且……”涅瓦尔轻咳一声,略微压低了声音。“会长大人,几天前我们在距离这里大约不到两百公里的外海里发现了一个很有价值的小岛……” Very valuable?” Sees the appearance that Nival winks, Xu Yi in the heart understands immediately. That the situation in present this island how?” “很有价值?”看到涅瓦尔挤眉弄眼的模样,许亦顿时心中明了。“那现在这个小岛的情况如何?” Nival gave a hand signal of reassurance. 涅瓦尔做了一个放心的手势。 Basically did not have the issue, the special details I will make concrete later to you report.” “基本上没问题了,具体情况稍后我会具体向您汇报。” Xu Yi nods: You work I to feel relieved very much, perhaps but this matter I do not have the time to process temporarily, you first solve, after returning to Stantin Duchy, reported to me in detail.” 许亦点点头:“你做事情我很放心,不过这件事情我恐怕暂时没时间来处理,你先自己解决,等回到斯坦丁公国后再向我详细报告。” This......” Nival thinks, feels the situation on thunderous island is not critical, pours does not need extremely to worry to report to Xu Yi, therefore gives up. “这……”涅瓦尔想了想,觉得雷鸣岛上的情况并不紧要,倒也无需太过着急向许亦汇报,于是作罢。 However another matter, actually needs to tell Xu Yi as soon as possible. 不过另外一件事情,却需要尽快告诉许亦 Listens to Nival to say the matter that Randolph President looked to discuss a moment ago, Xu Yi shows a smile, patted the shoulder of Nival. Commended: You do very well. Told Randolph President. Our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce can consider the request of transportation cargo he set. As for specific detail, but also hopes that he can arrive at Stantin Duchy to inspect personally on the spot makes the decision again, now is not suitable decided rashly. But about minerals...... he with every effort good, does not demand.” 涅瓦尔把刚才兰多夫会长找来商议的事情讲完,许亦露出一丝微笑,拍了拍涅瓦尔的肩膀。赞许道:“你做得很好。告诉兰多夫会长。我们新飞商会可以考虑他提出的运输货物的要求。至于具体细节方面,还希望他能够亲自到斯坦丁公国实地考察再做决定,现在不宜贸然决定。而关于矿产方面嘛……他尽力就好,并不强求。” Un?” Nival is somewhat strange. “嗯?”涅瓦尔有些奇怪。 Sir President regards as important to this matter before embarking obviously extremely, how to exhibit an indifferent appearance now? 会长大人明明在出发之前对这件事情极为看重,怎么现在又摆出一副无所谓的模样来? Sees the doubts in Nival heart, Xu Yi explains with a smile: Had some changes with the cooperation of Rudson Kingdom, if as expected, after our chamber of commerce, can obtain very high share from Rudson Kingdom the mineral resource supplies. Therefore temporarily can not worry in the minerals transaction in secret. Naturally, my meaning not does not need to handle these things, but must continue to work. Because of our chamber of commerce's demand to the mineral resource, is will be without limits forever, understands my meaning?” 看出涅瓦尔心中的疑惑,许亦笑着解释道:“和鲁尔逊王国的合作出现了一些变化,不出意外的话,我们商会以后能够从鲁尔逊王国获得非常高份额的矿产资源供给。所以暂时可以在私下里的矿产交易上不那么着急。当然了,我的意思并不是不需要做这些事情,而是要持续进行下去。因为我们商会对矿产资源的需求,是永无止境的,明白我的意思吗?” Understood!” Nival makes an effort to nod, at once also asks curiously: „Is Sir President, Rudson Kingdom needs help from our chamber of commerce, therefore is willing to yield?” “明白!”涅瓦尔用力点头,旋即又好奇地问:“会长大人,是不是鲁尔逊王国又有求于我们商会,所以才肯让步的?” Almost.” Xu Yi shows a faint smile. “差不多吧。”许亦微微一笑。 This reason is related among the cooperation with Azhara Tribe, was actually the present does not facilitate to disclose to Nival. 这个原因事关和艾萨拉部族之间的合作,却是现在并不方便透露给涅瓦尔了。 Saw Xu Yi not saying that Nival also tactful did not continue to ask. 许亦不说,涅瓦尔也知趣的不继续问下去。 Temporarily no critical matter must report. The Nival vision cannot help but moved not to know when ran up to under 'Morning Sun' Ship, is supine the face. Is interested is taking a look on 'Morning Sun' Ship that little girl. 暂时没有什么紧要的事情要汇报。涅瓦尔的目光就不由自主地挪到了不知道什么时候跑到了朝阳号下面,仰着脸。非常感兴趣地打量着朝阳号的那名小女孩儿身上。 Sir President, this little miss is......” 会长大人,这个小姑娘是……” She called Lumi, haven't you looked at her status?” Xu Yi asked. “她叫露米,你没看出来她的身份吗?”许亦笑问。 Nival shakes the head, thought oneself are not gods, how possibly light/only to see this little girl's status from the semblance. 涅瓦尔摇摇头,心想自己又不是神明,怎么可能光从外表就看出这个小女孩儿的身份。 However can guess from the Sir President tone, this little girl's status should be unusual. 不过从会长大人的语气中可以猜测出,这个小女孩儿的身份应该非同一般。 However from her attire and appearance and makings, which big aristocrat's the child of family/home actually does not seem like family background. 但是从她身上的衣着以及打扮、气质来看,却也不像是出身哪个大贵族之家的小孩儿。 Let alone by Sir President the position in Rudson Kingdom, can by him be thought at present the status is uncommon, perhaps only had the Rudson Kingdom princess? 何况以会长大人目前在鲁尔逊王国里的地位,能够被他认为身份不凡的,恐怕就只有鲁尔逊王国的公主了吧? Regardless how to see, this hair is somewhat dishevelled, wears little misses of varicolored cotton material clothing not to pull anything to relate with the princess. 然而无论怎么看,这个头发有些蓬乱,身穿一声杂色布料衣物的小姑娘都和公主扯不上什么关系。 Sees Nival indeed not to recognize the Lumi identity, Xu Yi can't help it is somewhat surprised. 涅瓦尔的确没有认出露米的身份,许亦禁不住有些惊讶。 At once feels relaxed. 旋即释然。 The halfling clan really vanished in this mainland is too long. 侏儒族实在是在这片大陆上消失太久了。 Even in various types of literature the record about halfling clan, still soon turned into the pure legend. 就算是各种文献上关于侏儒族的记载,也都快要变成了单纯的传说。 Therefore in everyone's cognition, will think that the halfling clan has vanished in this mainland. 所以在所有人的认知中,都会觉得侏儒族早就消失在这片大陆上了。 Moreover the appearance of halfling clan is really and child of human resembles extremely, the difference are few. 而且侏儒族的外貌实在是和人类的小孩子极为相像,区别非常少。 If before is not Xu Yi , the knowledge that in Magic Power mechanical aspect the halfling clan masters is interested, therefore glanced through a lot of material literature, when sees Lumi, side is also standing one crowd of elf clans, perhaps his also very difficult earliest possible time to recognize Lumi is the halfling clan in legend. 如果不是许亦之前侏儒族掌握的魔力机械方面的知识十分感兴趣,因此翻阅了大量的资料文献,并且在见到露米的时候,旁边还站着一群精灵族,他恐怕也很难第一时间认出露米就是传说中的侏儒族。 While Xu Yi is thinking when must the seizing the chance public Lumi status, Lumi runs over suddenly quickly, excited said to Xu Yi loudly: Hey, Xu Yi, this ship is simply wonderful! How do you make?” 正当许亦想着要不要趁机公开露米的身份时,露米忽然快步跑了过来,一脸兴奋地大声向许亦道:“嘿,许亦,这艘船简直棒极了!你是怎么造出来的?” Xu Yi smiles: This is not I alone can make, but gathered the strength manufactures of our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce countless person. What kind of, Lumi? After looking at this Magic Power steamboat, felt before oneself, only spends 5000 gold coins to build an idea of open sea ships to be very laughable?” 许亦莞尔:“这可不是我一个人能造出来的,而是集合了我们新飞商会无数人的力量制造而成。怎么样,露米?看完这艘魔力轮船后,有没有觉得自己之前只花五千金币就能打造一艘远洋舰船的想法十分可笑?” Lumi wrinkled the exquisite nose, snort/hum, mumbled gently in a low voice: I for a long time did not have much, does not know that your human now the level in this aspect is so high.” Also is at once excited. Hey, Xu Yi, these three ships are so powerful, hasn't been able to conduct the oceangoing voyage? You are certainly deceiving me!” 露米皱了皱小巧的鼻子,轻轻哼了一声,低声嘟囔道:“我很久没有出来了嘛,都不知道你们人类现在在这方面的水准已经这么高了。”旋即又兴奋起来。“嘿,许亦,这三艘船这么强大,难道还不能进行远洋航行吗?你一定是在骗我!” Xu Yi shrugs: I deceive you to make anything. Although these three Magic Power steamboats indeed had the ability of oceangoing voyage theoretically, the risk that but in fact the oceangoing voyage suffers far exceeds your imagination, does not believe you to ask Nival.” 许亦耸了耸肩:“我骗你做什么。虽然理论上这三艘魔力轮船的确具备了远洋航行的能力,但是实际上远洋航行所遭遇的风险远远超出你的想象,不信你问涅瓦尔。” Sees Xu Yi to aim at itself, Nival stares. 许亦指向自己,涅瓦尔一愣。 Heard dialogue between Xu Yi and Lumi a moment ago, in his heart was doubtful. 刚才听到许亦露米之间的对话,他心中充满疑惑。 This little girl named Lumi dares to call the Sir President name unexpectedly directly, then definitely proved her status no small matter. 这个叫做露米的小女孩儿居然胆敢直接称呼会长大人的名字,那么肯定证明了她的身份非同小可。 But after this little girl, said anything...... 可是这个小女孩儿之后又说什么…… Your human now level in this aspect? “你们人类现在在这方面的水准”? What is called your human? 什么叫做“你们人类”? Isn't she human? 难道她不是人类? Was considering the when meaning of these words, Lumi has actually jumped the Nival front. Is supine the face to ask to him: Hey. Did you call Nival? Told me. Did the deep sea oceangoing voyage really look like Xu Yi saying that dangerously?” 正在考虑着这句话的意思时,露米却已经跳到了涅瓦尔的面前。仰着脸向他问道:“嘿。你叫涅瓦尔是吗?告诉我。深海远洋航行是不是真的像许亦说得那么危险?” Glimpses Xu Yi to the look that oneself run over, Nival is understanding immediately, coughs lightly, nods, sincere replied: Yes, Lumi...... young lady. Carries on the oceangoing voyage in the endless sea, the risk is quite fearful, far exceeds your imagination.” 瞥见许亦向自己跑过来的眼神,涅瓦尔立即会意,轻咳一声,点点头,正色答道:“是的,露米……小姐。在茫茫无际的大海上进行远洋航行,其中遇到的风险极为可怕,远远超出您的想象。” Sees Lumi still color of the face doubt. Nival raises the sound: Do not visit me with this suspicion look, these three ships this time from Stantin Duchy, navigated enough more than 2000 kilometers to arrive here in the sea level, but I led the commanders of these three ships. Therefore I compared with anybody was clear risk that encounters!” 露米依然一脸狐疑之色。涅瓦尔提高声音:“不要拿这种怀疑的眼神看着我,这三艘船这次从斯坦丁公国出发,在海面上航行了足足两千多公里才抵达这里,而我正是率领这三艘船的指挥官。所以我比任何人都清楚这其中遇到的风险!” Lumi whispered, lowered the head to think, when raised the head again, seemed somewhat disheartened, turns the head to sigh to Xu Yi lightly: Said that I did want and other honestly years?” 露米嘀咕一声,低头想了想,再抬起头时,似乎有些丧气,转头向许亦轻叹道:“这么说我还是要老老实实等几年了?” Xu Yi nods gently: Yes. You were not also say, you had waited for more than 100 years, again multi- didn't and other years or ten years have the issue not?” 许亦轻轻点头:“是的。你不是自己也说了嘛,你已经等了一百多年了,再多等五年或者十年也没问题不是吗?” Un......” Lumi hesitation moment. Suddenly makes an effort to pat both hands, loud un. Good. Before us reaches an agreement manages.” “嗯……”露米沉吟片刻。忽然用力一拍双手,大声嗯了一声。“好。还是按照我们之前说好的那么办。” Was saying turns the head to look to 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship, 'Morning Sun' Ship and 'Goddess of Victory - Iris' Ship, in the look reveals the strong expectation and joy. No matter how said, can see with one's own eyes these three so huge grand Magic Power steamboats, is greatly not as I expected. I believe that so long as you are willing to help me, soon, I can make more powerful Magic Power steamboat!” 说着又转头看向展翅号朝阳号胜利女神伊利斯号,眼神中流露出浓烈的期望和欣喜。“不管怎么说,能够亲眼看到这三艘如此巨大宏伟的魔力轮船,已经大大出乎我的意料了。我相信,只要你肯帮我,用不了几年,我就能够制造出更加强大的魔力轮船来!” Making clear, is not I helps you, but is you helps us.” Xu Yi said with a smile. Lumi, you now are our chamber of commerce Magic Research Institute top grade researcher, is the employees of our chamber of commerce, must therefore work for me well is right.” “搞清楚,不是我帮你,而是你帮我们。”许亦笑道。“露米,你现在是我们商会魔法研究院的特级研究员,已经是我们商会的雇员了,所以要好好为我工作才对。” Lumi lays out the small hand: No matter who helps anyone, so long as in brief can make enough powerful Magic Power steamboat to be good finally. So long as can complete my dream, why good you make me!” 露米摆了摆小手:“不管谁帮谁,总之只要最后能够制造出足够强大的魔力轮船就好。只要能够完成我的梦想,你让我干什么都行!” Xu Yi shows a faint smile: Relax, the development is better stronger Magic Power steamboat, originally is one of the we chamber of commerce goals. However Lumi, we may also reach an agreement, although you main research direction is the Magic Power steamboat, however in other aspects of research, also needs to work hard.” 许亦微微一笑:“放心,研制更好更强的魔力轮船,本来就是我们商会的目标之一。不过露米,我们可也说好了,你虽然主要研究方向是魔力轮船,但是在其它研发方面,同样也需要下功夫的。” I know. You felt relieved, our halfling clan observed the commitment, not like your human sly.” “我知道。你放心好了,我们侏儒族可是非常信守承诺的哦,才不会像你们人类这样狡猾呢。” Xu Yi cannot help laughing, will say anything, nearby Nival could not actually have borne lose one's voice to shout. 许亦哑然失笑,正要说什么,一旁的涅瓦尔却已经忍不住失声嚷了出来。 halfling? Gods above! you unexpectedly are halfling! This was too simply unbelievable! Sir President, is this real? Presented halfling in my front unexpectedly? This certainly is the illusion! This was too inconceivable!” 侏儒天神在上!你居然是侏儒!哦,这简直太难以置信了!会长大人,这是真的吗?在我的面前居然出现了一名侏儒?这一定是幻觉!这太不可思议了!” Xu Yi looks even to shock incoherent some Nival, thinks the halfling clan, although has soon turned into the lifeform in legend, but also does being insufficient make Nival so rude? 许亦看着震惊得甚至有些语无伦次的涅瓦尔,心想侏儒族虽然已经快要变成传说中的生物,但是也不至于让涅瓦尔这么失态吧? Has not waited for Xu Yi to speak, Lumi has been forking the waist, is supine the face to shout to Nival: Hey, human, halfling? Why will you feel unbelievable? Amn't I living halfling?” 还没等许亦说话,露米已经叉着腰,仰着脸冲涅瓦尔喝道:“嘿,人类,侏儒怎么了?你为什么会觉得难以置信?难道我不是一名活生生的侏儒吗?” A Nival face delay wooden nod. 涅瓦尔一脸呆滞地木然点头。 Yes, you should be halfling. But......, but hasn't halfling vanished from this mainland?” “是,你应该是一名侏儒。可是……可是侏儒不是早就从这片大陆上消失了吗?” Xu Yi patted the shoulder of Nival with a smile: Ok, everything had the exception. Wasn't the elf clan known as on Sainz Continent almost goes into hiding? However aren't you can contact the elf clan in the chamber of commerce now all day long? Even 'Goddess of Victory - Iris' Ship also has two elf clan researchers. Although halfling was scarcer than the elf clan, don't you use such exaggeratingly?” 许亦笑着拍了拍涅瓦尔的肩膀:“行了,凡事都有例外。精灵族不是也号称在赛恩斯大陆上几乎销声匿迹了吗?但是你现在在商会了难道不是成天都能接触到精灵族?甚至连胜利女神伊利斯号还有两名精灵族研究员呢。虽然侏儒比精灵族更稀少了一些,你也不用这么夸张吧?” Nival opens mouth, thought that Sir President said such superficially, but the halfling clan reappears unexpectedly on Sainz Continent, is this is not the flash news of unimaginable super stir good! 涅瓦尔张了张嘴,心想会长大人说得这么轻描淡写,但是侏儒族居然重新出现在赛恩斯大陆上,这是根本让人无法想象的超级轰动的大新闻好不好! Saw expression that Nival still a face does not dare to believe that some Xu Yi actually headaches. 看到涅瓦尔依然一脸不敢置信的表情,许亦倒是有些头疼起来。 Several years ago she Janice belt/bring to Bunta City in front of the public makes an appearance, initiated unexpected, can be the fearful sensational effect, even Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also because of surrounding the Janice crowd caused the normal work of chamber of commerce to receive the long-term serious influence. 几年前她将亚妮丝带到邦塔城在公众面前露面时,就引发了让人意想不到的、可以算是可怕的轰动效果,甚至连新飞商会也因为围观亚妮丝的人群而导致商会的正常工作都收到了很长时间的严重影响。 Now if he goes back the Lumi belt/bring, openly announced again, on the by Nival present response, the sensational effect of creates, not being able to do well compared with Janice also probably several times. 现在他如果把露米带回去,再次向所有人公开宣布的话,就以涅瓦尔现在的反应来看,所造成的轰动效果,搞不好要比亚妮丝还要强了好几倍。 Looks that is the exaggerating response of Nival is discontented, be angry blows up Lumi of cheeks, in the Xu Yi heart smiles bitterly. 看着还在为涅瓦尔的夸张反应而不满,生气地鼓起脸颊的露米,许亦心中苦笑。 Wants with the different race cooperation, this is also one of consequences must withstand.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 想要和异种族合作,这也算是必须承受的后果之一吧。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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