MIE :: Volume #5

#27: To extreme earnestly seeking of minerals

Western city was never so lively like these days. ¢ ≤ 尼西城从未像这几天一样如此热闹。¢≤ Three days ago, when the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce open sea fleet arrives for two months ago completed the general Western city harbor, and when the harbor moors anchors, entire Western city causes a stir. 三天前,当新飞商会的远洋舰队抵达两个月前才建成了一般的尼西城港口,并在港口下锚停靠时,整个尼西城都轰动了。 Countless people well up to the harbor place, surrounds these three it is said from Stantin Duchy more than 2000 kilometers away in the Magic Power steamboat that comes. 无数人涌到港口处,围观这三艘据说是从远在两千多公里外的斯坦丁公国而来的魔力轮船。 Looks at these three greatly incomparable, as if the hill stops generally in the Magic Power steamboat of shore, everyone cannot help but has the exclamation. 看着这三艘巨大无比,仿佛小山一般停在岸边的魔力轮船,所有人都不由自主地发生惊叹。 Such big ship, but exceeded everyone's imagination. 这么大的船,可是超出了所有人的想象。 Did not say that these three ships high and low are cast by the hard steel all over the body completely, almost cannot see any lumber from the semblance. 更不说这三艘船通体上下全部都是由坚硬的钢铁铸成,从外表几乎看不到任何木材。 Everyone after seeing these three ships, except for shocking, what in the heart are more is the question. 所有人在看到这三艘船之后,除了震撼,心中更多的是疑问。 Completely ship that is cast by the steel, that entire weight is extremely absolutely astonishing. 全部由钢铁铸成的船,那整个的重量绝对极其惊人。 Then such a heavy ship, how floats in the sea level, even can also go high-speed? 那么这么重的一艘船,是怎么漂浮在海面上,甚至还能高速行驶的呢? Stantin Duchy is close to 2000 kilometers from here straight distance, then the sea voyage far over 2000 kilometers, will unable to do well absolutely will be close to 3000 kilometers. 斯坦丁公国距离这里直线距离都接近两千公里,那么海上行程绝对远超两千公里,搞不好就会接近三千公里。 But these three ships it is said are more than 20 days ago from Stantin Duchy, then calculates the words that quite the average to navigate every day more than 100 kilometers in the sea level. 而这三艘船据说是二十余天前从斯坦丁公国出发,那么算下来的话,相当于平均每天就会在海面上航行一百多公里。 Although this speed cannot be express, is these three ships is so huge, can go already enough exaggeratingly in the sea level, did not say that consecutively more than 20 days navigated were so far, simply were the miracles. 这速度虽然不能算是特别快,可是这三艘船如此巨大,能够在海面上行驶就已经足够夸张,更不说连续二十多天航行了这么远,简直就是奇迹。 When people who when surround see with one's own eyes the sailors to keep from these three ships transporting the cargo downward, was more shocking. 而当围观的人们亲眼看到水手们不停地从这三艘船上向下搬运货物时,就更加震惊了。 Although can speculate that from the huge semblances of these three ships its freight capacity is very definitely exaggerating, when people witness the sailors not to shut down. When transported for three days not to move continuously the cargos on these three ships. Still feels inconceivable. 尽管从这三艘船的巨大外表就能推测出它的载货量肯定很夸张,可是当人们亲眼目睹水手们根本不停工。连续搬运了三天还没把这三艘船上的货物搬完时。却依然感到不可思议。 Although merely is three ships. But perhaps from this situation, the cargos on these three ships, enough can be as good as the cargo that over a hundred...... over a thousand horse-drawn vehicles do not transport simultaneously! 虽然仅仅是三艘船。但从这个情况来看,恐怕这三艘船上的货物,足够抵得上上百辆……不上千辆马车同时运送的货物! No wonder Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce was known as that invested millions gold coins also to coordinate Western city to construct this harbor, can ship in the so terrifying cargo like a transportation, without doubt helped Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce save a huge amount of manpower, physical resources and time. 难怪新飞商会号称投资了好几百万金币也要配合尼西城把这个港口建起来,像这样一次运输就能运来如此恐怖的货物,无疑帮助新飞商会节省了大量的人力、物力以及时间。 When seeing with one's own eyes these three Magic Power steamboat terrors freight capacities, then many person thoughts are immediately detachable. 在亲眼看到了这三艘魔力轮船恐怖的载货量时,立即便有很多人心思活络起来。 Captain Nival, good morning.” 涅瓦尔舰长,上午好啊。” A fat middle-aged man smilingly moved from a Magic Power sedan, is supervising Nival that the sailors work to raise hand to greet to the harbor. 一名胖胖的中年男子笑眯眯地从一辆魔力轿车上挪了下来,向港口边正在监督水手们干活的涅瓦尔扬手打了个招呼。 Nival turns the head to look. Similarly stacked the smiling face. 涅瓦尔转头一看。同样堆起了笑容。 Good morning, Randolph President.” “上午好,兰多夫会长。” This Randolph President is in Western city chamber of commerce President that runs the spice and lumber business, since accompanied Western city new City Lord Count Compagni to attend the ceremony that welcome the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce fleet to arrive at after the day before yesterday, these in three days will come every day, chatted last a while with Nival. 这个兰多夫会长是尼西城内一家经营香料、木材生意的商会会长,自从前天陪同尼西城新任城主孔帕尼伯爵来参加了欢迎新飞商会舰队到达的仪式后,这三天内每天都会来一趟,和涅瓦尔聊上一会儿。 Captain Nival, how long do these cargos also want to be able under to end?” Randolph President looks in three ships, non-stop the busy sailors asking. 涅瓦尔舰长,这些货物还要多久才能下完呢?”兰多夫会长看着在三艘船上上下下,不停忙碌的水手们问道。 „The words that does not delay, today, can at earliest at the latest tomorrow completely under.” Nival answered one, selected the eyebrow. Asked back: What's wrong? What Randolph does President have to advise?” “不耽搁的话,最快今天,最迟明天就能全部下完了。”涅瓦尔答了一句,挑了挑眉。反问道:“怎么?兰多夫会长有什么指教吗?” Randolph President laughs: How to have anything to advise, but something want to discuss with Captain Nival. Does not know that Captain Nival can accept this invite with me at noon eats meal together?” 兰多夫会长哈哈一笑:“怎么会有什么指教,只不过有些事情想和涅瓦尔舰长商量商量。不知道涅瓦尔舰长中午能不能赏脸和我一起吃个饭呢?” Came.” In the Nival heart laughs in one's heart. On the face looks serious, shakes the head. Perhaps this can only be sorry. Before embarking, Sir President on the strict order, has not allowed anybody in fleet to participate any personal invites.” “来了。”涅瓦尔心中暗笑。脸上却神情严肃,摇了摇头。“这个恐怕只能抱歉。在出发之前,会长大人就严令过,不允许舰队里的任何人参加任何私人宴请。” Is three days ago Sir City Lord evening banquet......” “可是三天前城主大人的晚宴……” That is I in the name of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, replaces Sir President to participate. Moreover Sir City Lord to not invite as a private individual, but is representing Rudson Kingdom and Western city official.” Nival sincere say/way. “那是我以新飞商会的名义,代替会长大人参加的。而且城主大人也不是以私人名义宴请,而是代表着鲁尔逊王国和尼西城官方。”涅瓦尔正色道。 This......” sees Nival to look serious, does not seem like cracks a joke, Randolph President somewhat worries. “这……”见涅瓦尔神情严肃,不像是开玩笑,兰多夫会长有些犯难。 Also wants discusses something taking advantage of the banquet and Nival, but Nival shows the stance that oil salt does not enter now, is really makes one be unexpected. 原本还想借着酒席和涅瓦尔商议一些事情,可现在涅瓦尔摆出一副油盐不进的架势,实在是让人始料未及。 Nival actually shows a smiling face suddenly: Randolph President, before Sir President just before leaving, has said that the food is unedible, but something can actually discuss......” 涅瓦尔却忽然露出一丝笑容:“兰多夫会长,会长大人临行之前说过,饭不能吃,但有些事情却是可以谈的……” Randolph President immediately eyes one bright, about looked, drew Nival gently. 兰多夫会长顿时双眼一亮,左右看了看,轻轻拉了一下涅瓦尔一下。 The Nival associative compound, arrives at the 'Morning Sun' Ship giant hull to block from him somewhere gloomy. 涅瓦尔会意,和他来到朝阳号巨大船体遮住的某处阴暗。 The Randolph President hesitation moment, opens the mouth saying: Captain Nival, after your time goes back, after a period of time will also come again?” 兰多夫会长沉吟片刻,开口道:“涅瓦尔舰长,你们这次回去后,想必过一段时间还会再来吧?” Naturally.” Nival nods. Rudson Kingdom also has to the cargo of our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce order needs to transport, our missions are very heavy.” “当然。”涅瓦尔点点头。“鲁尔逊王国向我们新飞商会订购的货物还有很多需要运送,我们的任务还是很重的。” „Does that...... have the possibility...... I to mean possibly, while transporting your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cargo, smuggles other cargos in inside?” Randolph President asked cautiously. “那……有没有可能……我是说可能,在运送你们新飞商会货物的同时,在里面夹带一些其它货物呢?”兰多夫会长小心翼翼地问道。 The Nival faint smile looks at Randolph President: This I may be unable to decide, must be decided by Sir President.” 涅瓦尔似笑非笑地看着兰多夫会长:“这个我可决定不了,得由会长大人决定。” Sees Nival not to say definitely the words, Randolph President immediately a facial expression loosen, smiling said/tunnel: Naturally, this must certainly decide by President Xu. However Captain Nival, you sees President Xu time, can make him propose one, I hope your fleet arrives at Western city again time, helping me transport/fortune a number of cargos from Stantin Duchy?” 涅瓦尔并没有把话说死,兰多夫会长顿时神情一松,笑眯眯地道:“当然了,这肯定要由许会长来决定。不过涅瓦尔舰长,你见到许会长的时候,能不能让他提一句,我希望你们舰队再次来到尼西城的时候,帮我从斯坦丁公国运过来一批货物呢?” Helps you propose this request not to have the issue to Sir President, but I did not guarantee Sir President can comply.” “帮你向会长大人提一下这个要求没问题,但是我可不保证会长大人能答应。” Randolph President nods again and again: Without the issue does not have the issue, so long as you can pass on for me on the line. However Captain Nival, while passing on, hopes that you can several plus one sentence, say, so long as President Xu can agree, I am willing to pay the adequate transport expense for this batch of cargos and ensure makes President Xu satisfy, how do you feel?” 兰多夫会长连连点头:“没问题没问题,只要你能够替我转告就行了。不过涅瓦尔舰长,在转告的同时,也希望你能够多加一句,就说只要许会长能够同意,我愿意为这批货物付出足够的运费,保证让许会长满意,你觉得怎么样?” Nival could not bear smile, thought that Sir President really predicted with great accuracy. 涅瓦尔忍不住笑了起来,心想会长大人真是料事如神。 Before embarking, Xu Yi in Nival on this situation has confessed specially. And had told how he should deal. 在出发之前,许亦专门就这种情况下涅瓦尔交代过。并且吩咐过他应该怎么应对。 Therefore the Nival makeup mold way of behaving goes out of an appearance of consideration. Hesitated some little time. Very then nods reluctantly. 于是涅瓦尔妆模作样地走出一副考虑的模样。沉吟了好一会儿。这才十分勉强地点了点头。 Un...... I can pass on to President truthfully. However Randolph President, if actually your other selects a way, I think Sir President will have in a big way possibly accepts your request......” “嗯……我可以如实向会长转告。不过兰多夫会长,其实如果你另外选取一种方式,我想会长大人就会有更大的可能答应你的要求……” Un?” Randolph President listens to the meaning in Nival words immediately, said hastily: Asked Captain Nival to indicate clearly.” “嗯?”兰多夫会长立即听出涅瓦尔话中的意思,连忙道:“请涅瓦尔舰长明示。” Nival coughs lightly, looked about, deliberately lowers the sound saying: Randolph President, you should know, our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce mainly makes the Magic machinery. This makes the Magic machinery. Naturally needs a lot of iron ore, other at sixes and sevens metalliferous ore. But you also know, Stantin Duchy is a small place, the mineral resource is very limited, therefore Sir President has hoped can buy enough metalliferous ore from other places......” 涅瓦尔轻咳一声,看了看左右,刻意压低声音道:“兰多夫会长,你应该知道,我们新飞商会主要是制造魔法机械的。这制造魔法机械呢。当然需要大量的铁矿啊,还有一些其它乱七八糟的金属矿。可是你也知道,斯坦丁公国是个小地方,矿产资源十分有限,所以会长大人一直希望能够从其它地方买到足够的金属矿……” Heard that the song sung to a stringed instrument accompaniment knows the noble affection, Randolph President as chamber of commerce President, where hear the meaning in Nival words, hehe said with a smile: This simplicity. Although I in Western city am an unimportant person, but gets so far as the mineral resource not to have the issue.” 正所谓闻弦歌而知雅意,兰多夫会长身为一家商会会长,哪里听不出涅瓦尔话中的含义,呵呵笑道:“这个简单。我虽然在尼西城里是个小人物,但弄到点儿矿产资源还是没问题的。” Spoke these words, in the Randolph President heart moves suddenly. Knits the brows slightly. 说完这句话,兰多夫会长忽然心中一动。微微皱眉。 Nival President, by your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce now and close cooperation of our Rudson Kingdom. If really needs a lot of metalliferous ore, I think that President Xu can definitely propose to King Trutz directly, to our Rudson Kingdom purchase, why can also adopt this way?” “不过涅瓦尔会长,以你们新飞商会现在和我们鲁尔逊王国的紧密合作关系。如果真的需要大量金属矿的话,我想许会长完全可以直接向特鲁茨国王陛下提议,向我们鲁尔逊王国购买的吧,为什么还要通过这种途径呢?” Nival sighed: Sir President has thought that King Trutz has proposed, obtained the agreement of King Trutz. Did not fear that disclosed a secret to you, actually King Trutz had reached the agreement with our chamber of commerce, agreed to resell Rudson Kingdom the exploit rights in five metalliferous ore. However Sir President finds it not enough, this wants to make through other channels, do you understand?” 涅瓦尔叹了口气:“会长大人早就想特鲁茨国王陛下提议过,也得到了特鲁茨国王陛下的同意。不怕向你透露个机密,其实特鲁茨国王陛下已经和我们商会达成了协议,同意转卖鲁尔逊王国内的五座金属矿的开采权。但是会长大人还是觉得不够,这才想通过其它渠道多弄点儿,你明白吗?” Randolph President thought a while, the frown gradually stretch/leisurely launches. 兰多夫会长想了一会儿,双眉逐渐舒展开。 Since King Trutz is willing to sign the agreement with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, the metalliferous ore in sell kingdom, then showed that the king will not limit the transaction in this aspect. 既然特鲁茨国王陛下愿意和新飞商会签署协议,出售王国内的金属矿,那么证明国王陛下并不会限制这方面的交易。 Moreover Rudson Kingdom has not restricted in this business, then he, even if in secret and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce makes the deal, should not have problems. 而且鲁尔逊王国还从没有在这种生意上做出过限制,那么他就算私下里和新飞商会达成交易,应该也不会出什么问题。 Naturally, this matter needs more discrete well, therefore Randolph President has not readily agreed that but told Nival, he will seriously consider, and strove to give a Nival explicit answer in these days. 当然,这件事还是需要谨慎一些好,所以兰多夫会长也没有一口答应,而是告诉涅瓦尔,他会认真考虑,并争取在这几天内就给涅瓦尔一个明确的答复。 This result also in Nival is expected, this time arrives at Western city in any case is only searched to explore the way, with some merchants in Western city as well as Rudson Kingdom contacts, disclosed this meaning. 这个结果也在涅瓦尔的预料之中,反正这次来到尼西城原本就只是来探探路,和尼西城以及鲁尔逊王国内的一些商人们接触一下,透露出这个意思来。 By powerful shock that Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce these three giant Magic Power steamboats bring, believes that will have many portrait Randolph President same therefore to move. 新飞商会这三艘巨大魔力轮船带来的强大震撼,相信会有很多人像兰多夫会长一样因此而动心。 However to be honest, why in fact Nival not too clear Sir President must so earnestly seek to the mineral resource. 不过说老实话,实际上涅瓦尔并不太明白会长大人为什么要对矿产资源如此渴求。 Although the mineral resource in Stantin Duchy is not very rich limited to the area, but actually can definitely meet the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce current need, even enormous extra. 斯坦丁公国内的矿产资源虽然受限于面积并不是特别丰富,但是却完全能够满足新飞商会目前的需求,甚至还有极大的富余。 But Sir President seems like cannot obtain to satisfy to be the same completely, not only requests Nival in the deep sea navigation process, every time discovered enough big islands must come up to explore one beyond, but also confessed specially after he arrived in Western city, must perform in a play like this. 可是会长大人却像是完全得不到满足一样,不仅要求涅瓦尔在深海航行过程中,每发现一个足够大的岛屿就要上去勘探一番之外,还特别交代他到了尼西城后要这样演一番戏。 However this besides the thunderous island, were not all the way many in the island that in the route discovers, implication mineral resource is few. 然而这一路上除了雷鸣岛之外,在航线上发现的小岛本来就不多,其中蕴含矿产资源的就是没有几个。 Does not know that after Sir President reports, can he be greatly disappointed......” “也不知道回去向会长大人汇报后,他会不会大失所望……” Nival shakes the head, sighs, saw that after Randolph President sneaks in the Magic Power sedan leaves the harbor, this from shadow. 涅瓦尔摇摇头,叹了口气,看到兰多夫会长钻进魔力轿车离开港口后,这才从阴影中走了出来。 Will continue to turn the head directs the sailors to try harder, the corner of the eye split vision suddenly glimpses the Magic Power sedan that ten points look familiar from the harbor high-speed to drive. 正要继续转头指挥水手们加把劲的时候,眼角余光忽然瞥见一辆十分眼熟的魔力轿车从港口外高速驶来。 This pure white Magic Power sedan stops in 'Morning Sun' Ship nearby harbor open area directly, the vehicle door opened, revealed the Xu Yi tall and straight body. 这辆纯白色的魔力轿车直接在朝阳号旁边的港口空地上停下,车门打开,露出了许亦挺拔的身躯。 Nival gawked staring, will hurry to welcome the past time, actually discovery another side vehicle door opens, actually gets down from inside a ten -year-old little girl. 涅瓦尔愣了愣,正要赶紧迎过去的时候,却发现另一边车门打开,却从里面下来一个十来岁的小女孩儿。 Nival tarries immediately. 涅瓦尔顿时呆住。 When Sir President is he...... many such a big illegitimate daughter?( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 会长大人他……什么时候多出一个这么大的私生女?(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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