MIE :: Volume #5

#26: halfling is the Magic talent

„Is this natural advantage of crossing over?” “这难道是穿越者的天然优势?” Looks that Lumi that face also brings like the human little girl general naivete face, in the Xu Yi heart first to brave earnestly, is actually this strange thought. « 7 ∞ x.c 看着露米那一脸认真却又带着如同人类小女孩儿一般稚气的脸,许亦心中第一个冒出来的,却是这个古怪的念头。《7∞x.c Because more than 3000 years ago race wars, human, although took away from the elf clan hand the control to entire Sainz Continent, because also causes the relations between human and other races like this has been unsatisfactory. 因为三千多年前的种族战争,人类虽然从精灵族手中夺去了对整个赛恩斯大陆的控制权,但是也因为这样使得人类和其他种族之间的关系一直不佳。 Was naturally needless to say with the elf clan, with Beast-men Clan was is almost the potential like the water and fire. 和精灵族自然不用说,和兽人族更是几乎算是势如水火。 Also has as for what halfling clan is in dragon clan anything in legend, was vanishes from this mainland directly. 至于什么侏儒族还有更加处于传说中的龙族什么的,更是直接从这片大陆上消失了。 Before Xu Yi appears, the contact electrode of human and elf clan are few, are not also many with the contacts of other races. 许亦出现之前,人类和精灵族的接触极少,和其他种族的接触同样不多。 But after Xu Yi appears, actually contacted the elf clan beyond expectation, and with Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe close cooperation, has become the intimate partner now. 许亦出现之后,却出人意料地接触到了精灵族,并且和夜歌部族月影部族紧密合作,现在已经成为了亲密无间的合作伙伴。 Later Xu Yi was Beast-men Clan achieved similarly close cooperative ties, Heimi Wastelands that was occupied by Beast-men Clan has almost turned into the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce back garden now. 之后许亦更是和兽人族达成了同样紧密的合作关系,以至于原本被兽人族占据的黑米荒原现在几乎已经变成了新飞商会的后花园。 By the present, even still jumps to be known as in front of Xu Yi had vanished halfling! 到了现在,甚至还在许亦面前蹦出一个号称早就已经消失了的侏儒 And this halfling must seek the cooperation to Xu Yi! 并且这个侏儒也要向许亦寻求合作! Presented so many unusual things on oneself, Xu Yi will have this strange thought no wonder. 在自己身上出现了这么多不同寻常的事情,也难怪许亦会产生这种古怪的念头。 Naturally, changing mind one wants to find that this is actually the matter of first even/including fleeing interconnection. 当然,转念一想就会发现这其实是一连窜相互联系的事情。 In the cause of this even/including fleeing matter, was Xu Yi emitted the thought of wanting with the dwarf clan cooperation, will run the dwarf tribe. Will meet Janice by chance. Then with the Night Song Tribe contact. And succeeds finally and Night Song Tribe cooperation. 发生这一连窜事情的起因,就是许亦冒出了想要和矮人族合作的念头,才会跑去矮人部落。才会碰巧遇到亚妮丝。然后和夜歌部族接触。并最终成功和夜歌部族合作。 The later matter, was again logical. 再之后的事情,就是顺理成章了。 Even if this halfling suddenly appears in now at present, still similarly is because this matter causes. 就算是现在这名侏儒突然出现在眼前,也同样是因为这件事情引起。 One side Xu Yi shot a look at one to fall back on are talking in a low voice the Wendini elder and Lisanya elder, thought that the Wendini elder definitely was knows oneself and other elf clans had the relations of close cooperation, will summon itself here to come, making halfling Lumi on own initiative contact itself. 许亦瞥了一眼退到一旁正在低声交谈着的温蒂尼长老和利桑亚长老,心想温蒂尼长老一定是知道自己和其他精灵族有紧密合作的关系,才会主动把自己召唤到这里来,让侏儒露米接触自己。 But Lumi is willing to contact itself on own initiative, and seeks the cooperation, the behavior. Is Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce also makes the Magic machinery, is just same as the special skill of halfling clan. 露米之所以愿意主动接触自己,并寻求合作,所为的。就是新飞商会也是生产魔法机械,和侏儒族的特长刚好相同。 Un...... Lumi, I extended unusual welcome for your idea, can obtain in the Magic mechanical aspect has the long history and profound research the help of halfling clan, our chamber of commerce's research on Magic machinery will certainly gain the considerable development. However......” Xu Yi, asked: Lumi, you choose and our chamber of commerce cooperation, what wants to obtain from here? Don't you want to tell me to study the Magic machinery?” “嗯……露米,我对你的想法表示非常欢迎,能够获得在魔法机械方面有着悠久历史和深刻研究的侏儒族的帮助,我们商会在魔法机械上的研究一定会获得长足发展。但是……”许亦顿了顿,问道:“露米,你选择和我们商会合作,想从我们这里获得什么呢?你不会是想告诉我只是想研究魔法机械吧?” Nonsense, you are not a merchant, my is discussing the business with you!” Lumi righteously loud say/way. I and your chamber of commerce cooperation. The request is to hope you can make one to enter the Magic Power steamboat of endless sea most deep place according to my meaning!” “废话,你不是商人嘛,我这是在和你谈生意!”露米理直气壮地大声道。“我和你们商会合作。要求就是希望你能够按照我的意思制造一艘能够进入无尽之海最深处的魔力轮船!” Can the Magic Power steamboat of oceangoing voyage?” Xu Yi looked at Lumi one surprisedly, thinks. Understands. If I have not guessed that wrong, you want to penetrate the endless sea, seeks your clansman?” “能够远洋航行的魔力轮船吗?”许亦惊讶地看了露米一眼,想了想。明白过来。“如果我没猜错的话,你是想深入无尽之海,去寻找你的族人?” Un.” Lumi nods, the facial expression becomes low-spirited. „Others in family died, now remaining I alone. Continues to keep on Sainz Continent 1 point meaning not to have, therefore I want to give a try, can penetrate the endless sea, seeks another mainland and my clansmen.” “嗯。”露米点点头,神情变得黯然。“家族里的其他人都死光了,现在就剩下我一个人。继续留在赛恩斯大陆上一点儿意思也没有,所以我想试试看,能不能深入无尽之海,去寻找另外一片大陆和我的族人们。” Looks the low-spirited lonely facial expression that on the small face of Lumi shows, in the Xu Yi heart sighed lightly. 看着露米的小脸上露出的黯然寂寞神情,许亦心中轻叹。 Although the elf clan now is quite rare on Sainz Continent, but is only has three tribe that Xu Yi knows now, in addition over 5000 people. 精灵族虽然现在在赛恩斯大陆上比较罕见,但光是许亦现在知道的就有三个部族,加起来超过五千人。 But halfling clan he only knows until now Lumi, do not say entire tribe, even a family cannot collect. 侏儒族到现在为止他就只知道露米一个,不要说一整个部族,甚至连一个家族都凑不出来。 Moreover in the two years on for many years entire Sainz Continent has not had the news of halfling clan, cannot do well the trim mainland only to be left over Lumi halfling now. 而且这两年多年来整个赛恩斯大陆上都没有侏儒族的消息,搞不好整片大陆现在就只剩下露米一个侏儒而已。 This loneliness, it can be imagined. 这种孤独感,可想而知。 You know our chamber of commerce manufactures the news of Magic Power steamboat, has this idea?” Xu Yi also asked. “你是知道了我们商会制作出魔力轮船的消息,才冒出这个想法的吗?”许亦又问。 Yes. Although I have not seen the Magic Power steamboat of your chamber of commerce, but asked Wendini to collect the news about your chamber of commerce Magic Power steamboat for me much, knows that your Magic Power steamboat whole body was made of the steel, was firm, and was very big. I want ship like this certainly to navigate not to have the issue in the sea very much, should be able to help me find the clansman well.” Lumi should say. “是的。我虽然没有见过你们商会的魔力轮船,但是拜托温蒂尼替我收集到了不少关于你们商会魔力轮船的消息,知道你们的魔力轮船全身都是用钢铁制成,非常坚固,而且很大。我想这样的船一定可以在海上航行出很远也没问题,应该能够帮我更好地找到族人。”露米应道。 Thank you to the praise of our Magic Power steamboat. However Lumi...... told a truth, by our chamber of commerce the research and development progress on Magic Power steamboat, I do not think that now they have enough strong deep sea oceangoing voyage ability.” “感谢你对我们的魔力轮船的夸奖。不过露米……说句实话,以我们商会现在在魔力轮船上的研发进度而言,我并不觉得它们具备足够强大的深海远洋航行能力。” Lumi stares the big eye immediately, the facial expression is somewhat anxious: „Is this insufficient? But my clansmen initially were only and dwarf clans cooperate build some pontoons to go to sea at will.” 露米顿时瞪大眼睛,神情有些急切:“这还不够吗?我的族人们当初可是只是和矮人族们合作随意打造了一些铁船就下海了啊。” Your clansmen had at that time, can bear the partial loss, but Lumi, you only have one. Understands my meaning?” “你的族人们当时有很多,可以承受部分损失,但是露米,你却只有一个。明白我的意思吗?” Looks at the Xu Yi earnest look, Lumi stayed. 看着许亦认真的眼神,露米呆了呆。 Human, are you...... you caring about me?” “人类,你……你是在关心我吗?” Xu Yi is startled: Un...... I considered from the safe aspect. You look, the oceangoing voyage is not the simple matter, the marine danger was unforeseen, therefore to be cautious, must prepare completely safe being able to conduct. You now only then a person, if has an accident to invite, making you encounter the misfortune in the sea, that may all end. I said right?” 许亦一怔:“嗯……我只是从稳妥方面考虑。你看,远洋航行并不是简单的事情,海上的危险无法预料,所以为了稳妥起见,必须要做好万全准备才能进行。你现在只有一个人,如果出了什么事请,让你在大海上遭遇不幸,那可就一切都完了。我说的对吗?” Lumi looked at Xu Yi a while, suddenly the body threw forward, stretches out the arms to make an effort to hold Xu Yi, happy said/tunnel: Elder has not really spoken incorrectly, human is not an unprincipled person. Good, didn't the person......, you call Xu Yi? Xu Yi, you are a good person, I like you. I want to put out part my race's knowledge in Magic mechanical aspect and you cooperate, now I am willing to share all research results of my clan with you completely!” 露米愣愣地看了许亦一会儿,忽然身子向前一扑,张开双臂用力抱了许亦一下,开心地道:“长老果然没说错,人类并不全都是坏人。太好了,人……不,你叫许亦是吗?许亦,你是一个好人,我喜欢你。原本我只是想拿出一部分我族在魔法机械方面的知识和你合作的,现在我愿意和你完全分享我族的所有研究成果了!” Looks on the Lumi face the joyful smiling face, Xu Yi somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry. 看着露米脸上喜悦的笑容,许亦有些哭笑不得。 He just based on the Mechanical Engineer consistent discrete thought that proposed to Lumi own worry, has not actually thought that was makes Lumi be moved unexpectedly. 他只不过是出于机械工程师一贯的谨慎思维,向露米提出了自己的顾虑,却没想到竟是让露米感动了。 However this naturally is the good deed, therefore Xu Yi does not defend, smiled saying with a smile: Right? Can your trust, that be my being honored. However Lumi, I must remind you, studies to suit the oceangoing voyage the Magic Power steamboat to need long time truly, but conducts the preparation of oceangoing voyage also to require lots of time, in addition are perhaps least also needs to spend on for five years to be even longer, are you willing to wait for?” 不过这当然是好事,于是许亦并不做辩解,笑了笑道:“是吗?能够得到你的信任,那是我的荣幸。但是露米,我依然要提醒你,研究出能够真正适合远洋航行的魔力轮船需要很长时间,而进行远洋航行的前期准备同样需要大量时间,加起来恐怕最少也需要花上五年甚至更久,你愿意等待吗?” Lumi makes an effort to nod: Naturally wants. 100 years waited, what multi- was other years or ten years was considered as again?” 露米用力点头:“当然愿意。一百年都等过来了,再多等五年或者是十年又算得了什么?” Her really at least 100 years old......” “她果然起码一百岁了……” In the strange thought Xu Yi mind flashes past, he then discussed specific cooperation with Lumi. 古怪的念头许亦脑海中一闪而过,他便和露米商讨起具体合作的事宜。 Finally the both sides agreement determined, Lumi joins Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute, is mainly responsible for the research work in Magic Power steamboat. 最终双方协议确定,露米加入新飞商会魔法研究院,主要负责魔力轮船方面的研究工作。 Happen to Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce just starts to launch the ocean shipping industry now, massive desperately short of this talents in aspect, but Lumi earnestly seeks to the oceangoing steamer extremely, this cooperation is it can be said that happy. 正好新飞商会现在刚刚开始展开远洋运输行业,正大量急缺这方面的人才,而露米又对远洋轮船极为渴求,这个合作可以说是皆大欢喜。 When talks about Lumi joins the Magic Research Institute reward, Lumi thought does not need, but Xu Yi actually insisted that must give. 谈及露米加入魔法研究院的报酬时,露米原本觉得并不需要,但是许亦却坚持要给。 But is talking about the specific detail, Xu Yi asks the Lumi Magic strength, good for her definite salary standard time, actually has a scare. 可是在谈到具体细节,许亦问起露米魔法实力,好为她确定薪金标准时,却吓了一跳。 This seems like the stature, as if human little girl's general female halfling, has the third-level Great Magician powerful strength unexpectedly! 这个看起来个子小小,仿佛人类小女孩儿一般的女侏儒,居然拥有三级大魔法师的强大实力! „Is this very strange?” Sees the shocking expression on Xu Yi face, Lumi snort/hum, a face was gently favorite. Our halfling clan each one is the Magic talent, why otherwise to have such profound research on the Magic machinery? Before elf clan , the most powerful Magic battleship, may be our halfling clan helps them design to build. Does not believe you to ask Wendini.” “这很奇怪吗?”看到许亦脸上的震惊表情,露米轻轻哼了一声,一脸得意。“我们侏儒族个个都是魔法天才,不然凭什么在魔法机械上有这么深刻的研究呢?要知道,就连精灵族以前最强大的魔法战舰,可都是我们侏儒族帮助他们设计打造的。不信你问温蒂尼。” Xu Yi turns the head to look wooden to the Wendini elder, the Wendini elder smiles to nod to him. 许亦木然转头看向温蒂尼长老,温蒂尼长老向他微笑点头。 After staying a while, Xu Yi returns to normal. 呆了一会儿后,许亦才恢复正常。 Looks at Lumi again time, Xu Yi immediately in heart great happiness. 再看露米的时候,许亦顿时心中大喜。 The words then, mean Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute now besides Great Magician Truch, wants several plus one position Great Magician rank Great Magician? 这么说来的话,岂不是意味着新飞商会魔法研究院现在除了特鲁奇大魔法师之外,又要多加一位大魔法师级别的大魔法师 If also counted Xu Yi, that has enough three Great Magician! 如果把许亦自己也算上的话,那可是拥有足足三位大魔法师了! Do not say, Magister Camilla exists! 更不要说,还有卡米拉魔导师存在! Intrepid should such Magician lineup, be unique in the chamber of commerce on entire Sainz Continent? 这么强悍的魔法师阵容,在整个赛恩斯大陆上的商会中都应该是绝无仅有吧? Xu Yi is the Lumi Magic strength feels surprised, Lumi has a scare to the wage that she offers for Xu Yi. 许亦露米魔法实力感到惊奇,露米更是为许亦给她开出的薪水吓了一跳。 „A year 10,000 gold coins? Extra bonus?” Lumi stares the big eyes to look at Xu Yi, inconceivable of face. Joins your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce to make money? If we had known is such words, I should join! If in my present can have 10,000 gold coins...... not, even only needs 5000 gold coins, I was enough to produce a ship!” “一年一万金币?还有额外奖金?”露米瞪大双眼看着许亦,一脸的不可思议。“加入你们新飞商会这么赚钱吗?早知道是这样的话,我早就应该加入了!如果我现在手里能有一万金币……不,甚至只需要五千金币,我就足够自己造一艘船了!” „......” Xu Yi does not beckon with the hand again and again. Lumi, you may do not impulse. You now are our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute most important top grade researcher, cannot, because own impulsion fell into the danger by oneself. If by some chance you have an accident, that is our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce massive loss. You could rest assured that only needs several years later, we can certainly research and develop enough powerful Magic Power steamboat, can carry you to explore the endless sea each, making you look everywhere the whole world also to find your clansman, was good?” “不不不……”许亦连连摆手。“露米,你可千万不要冲动。你现在已经是我们新飞商会魔法研究院最为重要的特级研究员了,可不能因为自己的冲动让自己落入危险之中。万一你出了什么事,那可是我们新飞商会巨大的损失。你放心,只需要再过几年,我们一定能够研发出足够强大的魔力轮船,可以载着你探索无尽之海的每一处,让你找遍整个世界也要找到你的族人,好不好?” A Lumi big eye transferred the revolutions turning round, smilingly nods. 露米一双大眼睛滴溜溜转了转,笑眯眯地点了点头。 Good. Now since has such good condition, I will certainly treasure myself.” “好啊。现在既然有这么好的条件,我当然会珍惜自己。” Xu Yi relaxes: Then right.” 许亦松了一口气:“这才对嘛。” The Wendini elder and Lisanya in elder distant place does not know when ended the talk, sees Xu Yi and Lumi discussion establishes provisionally, the Wendini elder walked, said with a smile to Xu Yi: „Can President Xu, discuss among us now the cooperation?”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 远处的温蒂尼长老和利桑亚长老不知道什么时候结束了谈话,见许亦露米商谈暂定,温蒂尼长老走了过来,向许亦笑道:“许会长,现在能不能谈一下我们之间的合作呢?”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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