MIE :: Volume #5

#25: halfling

Hears this sound that makes from own waist highly, Xu Yi with astonishment lowers the head, saw that a lovable human little girl is raising head to stare at itself, the whole face is curious. 听到这个从自己腰部高度发出的声音,许亦惊愕地低下头,就看到一个可爱的人类小女孩儿仰着头盯着自己,满脸好奇。 This......” Xu Yi stares the big eye, judges instantaneously, this is not a human little girl, but yes...... “这……”许亦瞪大眼睛,瞬间判断出,这并不是一个人类小女孩儿,而是…… halfling! My God, unexpectedly is the halfling clan!” 侏儒!我的天,居然是侏儒族!” Xu Yi stayed, the squatting lower part of the body and little girl usually, carefully observed mutually, confirmed oneself have not misread. 许亦呆了呆,蹲下身和小女孩儿互相平时,仔细观察了一番,确认自己并没有看错。 This at first sight and human little girl does not have much difference the lifeform, actually and human little girl in the detail has a big difference, the main difference lies in that pair somewhat resembles with the elf clan, but actually small 1st sharp sharp ear. 这个乍一看和人类小女孩儿没太大区别的生物,在细节上其实和人类小女孩儿有不小区别,其中最主要的区别就在于那一对和精灵族有些相像,但却小了一号的尖尖耳朵。 Coordinates the slightly stubby stature again, the halfling clan that and obviously big and bright eyes, this absolutely and in the literature records is exactly the same. 再配合略微粗短一些的身材,以及明显大而亮的双眼,这绝对和文献中记载的侏儒族一模一样。 Right, this is a halfling clan! 没错,这就是一个侏儒族! But hasn't the halfling clan vanished in the entire mainland? 可是侏儒族不是早就消失在整个大陆上了吗? According to various literature records, more than 2000 years ago, the halfling clan vanished thoroughly the trail on Sainz Continent. 根据各种文献记载,早在两千多年前,侏儒族就在赛恩斯大陆上彻底消失了踪迹。 The elf clan exposes some trails to come out at more than 2000 years in also somewhat meetings, even similar Moon Shadow Tribe this can exist with human contact elf clan tribe frequently. 精灵族在这两千多年的时间内还多少会展露一些踪迹出来,甚至还有类似月影部族这样经常会和人类接触的精灵族部族存在。 However the halfling clan, in more than 2000 years, has not actually spread completely, even if tiny bit trail, even the hearsay does not have. 但是侏儒族,却在这两千多年时间内,完全没有流传出哪怕一丝一毫的踪迹,甚至连传闻都没有。 Finally below the conclusion in all literature, and even in everyone's determination, had determined that the halfling clan vanished from this mainland thoroughly. 在所有文献中最后下的结论,乃至所有人的判定中,都已经确定侏儒族彻底从这片大陆上消失了。 Perhaps really in like the legend, went to another mainland in endless sea deep place, however on Sainz Continent, had determined that has no existence of halfling clan. 或许真的如同传说中一眼,前往了无尽之海深处的另外一片大陆,但是在赛恩斯大陆上,已经确定没有任何侏儒族的存在。 But now, in front of Xu Yi, presented a living halfling clan! 可是现在,就在许亦前面,却出现了一名活生生的侏儒族! Xu Yi is staring at front this facial features lovable female halfling. Cannot bear put out a hand to touch her face. 许亦盯着面前这名面容可爱的女侏儒。忍不住伸出手去摸了摸她的脸。 A tentacle piece smooth tender, making him determine this was not the illusion. 触手一片光滑柔嫩,让他确定了这并不是什么幻象。 God! Human, you were unexpectedly casual touched a face of virtuous young woman! You definitely are not a human that has the gentleman's manner!” The halfling female shouted suddenly loudly. “天啊!人类,你居然随随便便就摸了一名淑女的脸!你肯定不是一名拥有绅士风度的人类!”侏儒女忽然高声嚷了起来。 Xu Yi the big feeling is awkward immediately. Said with a smile hastily: Sorry, I am only...... am only some cannot believe that this is real. Hasn't the halfling clan vanished on Sainz Continent thoroughly? You...... can you also here? Moreover in Azhara Tribe this elf tribe?” 许亦顿时大感尴尬。连忙笑道:“对不起,我只是……只是有些不敢相信这是真的。侏儒族不是已经早就在赛恩斯大陆上彻底消失了吗?你……你怎么还会在这里?而且是在艾萨拉部族这个精灵部族里呢?” Hey. Human, first, I have the name, you can call me Lumi, next, our halfling clan, although more than 2000 years ago decided that the entire clan leaves Sainz Continent, but not all halfling are willing to leave, remained like our Tana Family clan.” “嘿。人类,首先,我有名字,你可以叫我露米,其次,我们侏儒族虽然早在两千多年前就决定全族离开赛恩斯大陆,但并不是所有的侏儒都愿意离开,像我们塔纳家族就留了下来。” At this point. Said that Reamey's female halfling slightly dangling head, the whole face is low-spirited. 说到这里。自称雷米的女侏儒微微垂下头,满脸黯然。 But now Tana Family clan also only then I am also living, others died......” “可是现在塔纳家族也就只有我还活着,其它人都死了……” Xu Yi looks at front this like recognizing little girl generally female halfling, suddenly does not know should speak to comfort her. 许亦看着面前这个如同认了小女孩儿一般女侏儒,一时间不知道该说什么话安慰她。 Although the halfling clan with the child of human is similar from the semblance, but the actual life actually must far exceed human, is almost the same as the elf clan. 侏儒族虽然从外表来看就和人类的小孩子差不多,但是实际寿命却要远远超出人类,和精灵族相差无几。 Do not look at outside this female halfling the second like the human ten -year-old little girls, but her physical age, cannot do well has 100-200 years old. 不要看这个女侏儒外秒如同人类十来岁的小女孩儿,但她的实际年龄,搞不好就有100-200岁。 Thinks of here, Xu Yi thinks of another issue suddenly. 想到这里,许亦忽然想到另外一个问题。 Lumi, you said a moment ago your halfling clan decides to leave Sainz Continent. In other words, did they really like the legend, go to another mainland outside endless sea?” 露米,你刚才说你们侏儒族决定离开赛恩斯大陆。也就是说,他们真的像传说中一样,去往了无尽之海之外的另外一片大陆吗?” Lumi swayed a small head: I do not know. Also has a mainland regarding Sainz Continent beside. In the clan the elders act according to observe the speculation that Sainz Continent obtains. The elders said, actually we do not live on a stretch of flat land, but may live very much on a very big ball. Therefore on Sainz Continent should not be in this world the only mainland, but perhaps in the far-end of endless sea, has another mainland. But the elders do not determine this mainland in not......” 露米摇晃了一下小脑袋:“我不知道。对于赛恩斯大陆之外还有一片大陆。只是族中长老们根据观察赛恩斯大陆得出的推测。长老们说,其实我们并不是生活在一片平地上,而是很有可能生活在一个很大的球上。所以赛恩斯大陆上应该并不是这个世界上唯一一片大陆,而在无尽之海的远端,说不定就有另外一片大陆。只不过长老们也不确定这片大陆到底在不……” Xu Yi stared the big eye fiercely, both hands makes an effort to hold the shoulder of Lumi to make an effort to shake shaking. 许亦猛地瞪大眼睛,双手使劲抓住露米的肩膀用力晃了晃。 You meant that...... the halfling clan hasn't actually vanished? But went to other mainland?” “你的意思是说……侏儒族其实并没有消失?而是去往了别的大陆?” Lumi was shaken some dizziness brain bulges by Xu Yi, some little time recovers, nods dull. 露米许亦晃得有些头晕脑胀,好一会儿才回过神来,呆呆地点了点头。 Yes, but I cannot determine......” “是啊,但是我不能确定啊……” Good!” Xu Yi stands up excitedly. Transferred several circles same place, the smiling face on face could not suppress. Good! Originally the halfling clan has not really vanished. Still exists in this world. Other mainland is anything, currently my open sea ocean-going ship has. Sooner or later can find them!” “太好了!”许亦兴奋地站起身。原地转了几个圈,脸上的笑容根本抑制不住。“太好了!原来侏儒族真的没有消失。还存在在这个世界上。别的大陆算什么,现在我连远洋海轮都有了。迟早能找到他们!” Looks that Xu Yi turns circle there, Lumi raises head to look, nearby Wendini elder and Lisanya elder is somewhat in a daze similarly. 看着许亦在那里转圈,露米愣愣的仰头看着,旁边的温蒂尼长老和利桑亚长老同样有些发愣。 Although the halfling clan is indeed rare, but also being insufficient makes Xu Yi know the after news of halfling clan, will display such excitedly? 虽说侏儒族的确非常少见,但也不至于让许亦知道侏儒族的消息后,会表现得这么激动吧? Xu Yi transferred a while, finally calms down, the smiling face collects slightly, again the squatting lower part of the body and Lumi horizontally view, asked earnestly: Lumi, you can determine that which direction your clansmen from leave Sainz Continent? Is more accurate, which harbor from leaves?” 许亦转了一会儿,终于定下神来,笑容稍敛,重新蹲下身和露米平视,认真问道:“露米,你能确定你们的族人是从哪个方向离开赛恩斯大陆的吗?或者更准确些,是从哪个港口离开的?” Lumi shakes the head: Where does not know specifically, but the elder said according to the speculation, another mainland should in the west side, therefore the clansmen went to sea to the west walk.” 露米摇摇头:“不知道具体在什么地方,但是长老说按照推测,另外一片大陆应该是在西边,所以族人们都是出海向西走了。” To west?” Xu Yi turned the head to look at one to the West, thought that not from Stantin Duchy the flying harbor words were newly just right? At once thinks of an issue. Lumi, you said a moment ago your elders speculated we do not live on a stretch of flat land, but is the life on a very big ball, what there is to act according to?” “向西?”许亦转头向西方看了一眼,心想那不是从斯坦丁公国的新飞港口出发的话正好?旋即又想到一个问题。“露米,你刚才说你们长老推测出我们并不是生活在一片平地上,而是生活在一个很大的球上,有什么根据吗?” Lumi wrinkled two short delicate eyebrows to think a while, shook the head again. 露米皱起两条短小秀气的眉毛想了一会儿,再次摇头。 I not clear......” “我不清楚……” From the response of Lumi, her relevant detail to halfling clan indeed is not clear. 露米的反应来看,她对一些侏儒族的相关细节方面的确不清楚。 However changes mind one to be also right. 不过转念一想也对。 The present range halfling clan left Sainz Continent already more than 2000 years, but Lumi at most was also 100-200 years old, was not clear that these things were also normal. 现在距离侏儒族离开赛恩斯大陆已经两千多年了,而露米顶多也就是100-200岁而已,不清楚这些事情也属正常。 Said that...... human, why you will notice that I so will be excited?” Lumi asked suddenly. Thinks that I am halfling?” “说起来……人类,你为什么会看到我会这么激动?”露米忽然问道。“就以为我是侏儒吗?” Xu Yi shows a faint smile: It can be said that but merely is because you are the halfling clan, what is more important is because of your halfling race's knowledge in Magic mechanical aspect. Do you understand my meaning?” 许亦微微一笑:“可以这么说,但并仅仅是因为你是侏儒族,更重要的是因为你们侏儒族在魔法机械方面的知识。你明白我的意思吗?” Lumi eyes one bright: Naturally yes. Human, what Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce President you are that is right? Is that chambers of commerce that invent big pile of strange Magic machineries.” 露米双眼一亮:“当然明白。人类,你是那个什么新飞商会会长对不对?就是那个发明出一大堆奇奇怪怪的魔法机械的商会。” Right. Have you listened to me?” Xu Yi asked back with a smile. “对。你听过我?”许亦笑着反问。 Naturally. If not know that your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic machinery, how I will beg Wendini to bring to come you.” Lumi nods. Hey, human, I have inspected these strange Magic machineries of your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce production, I thought that they have the characteristics very much, even does in many aspects is not worse than the Magic machinery of our halfling research.” “当然。如果不是知道你们新飞商会魔法机械,我怎么会央求温蒂尼把你带过来。”露米点点头。“嘿,人类,我检查过你们新飞商会生产的那些奇怪的魔法机械,我觉得它们都很有特点,甚至在很多方面做得不比我们侏儒研究的魔法机械差。” Isn't bad?” Xu Yi cannot bear smile, thought that this halfling is actually very self-confident. “只是不差吗?”许亦忍不住笑了笑,心想这个侏儒倒是挺自信的。 The high-quality goods that after these Magic machineries of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce production are he unified the Magic knowledge on complete mechanical theoretical knowledge and Sainz Continent on Earth, make, finally Lumi actually appraises not the high appearance. 新飞商会生产的这些魔法机械都是他结合了地球上的完整机械理论知识和赛恩斯大陆上的魔法知识后做出来的精品,结果露米却评价并不高的样子。 Lumi as if saw the idea in Xu Yi heart, laughs. 露米似乎看出了许亦心中的想法,嘻嘻一笑。 Human, your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce these Magic machineries, are actually you invent?” “人类,你们新飞商会的那些魔法机械,其实都是你发明的吧?” Xu Yi shrugs: Most merit should give credit to the researcher of our chamber of commerce, I gave an idea.” 许亦耸耸肩:“大部分功劳应该归功于我们商会的研究员,我只是提出一个想法而已。” Having the idea is most important.” Lumi puts out a hand into the bosom to trace suddenly, pulls out a paper to give Xu Yi. Looked that in the shares of these Magic machineries you invent, I can allow you to watch this blueprint.” “有想法才是最重要的啊。”露米忽然伸手入怀摸了摸,掏出一张纸递给许亦。“看在你发明的那些魔法机械的份上,我可以允许你观看一下这张图纸。” Blueprint?” Xu Yi wonders to receive, opens looks, the discovery unexpectedly is really a blueprint, moreover is a standard mechanism schematic drawing. “图纸?”许亦纳闷地接了过来,打开一看,发现居然真的是一张图纸,而且是一张标准的机械结构示意图。 After sweeping one, Xu Yi judges immediately. 扫了一眼后,许亦立即判断出来。 „Does this seem like a blueprint of Magic Power airship?” “这好像是一个魔力飞艇的设计图?” Un!” Lumi makes an effort to nod, even also stood on tiptoes to start to pat the shoulder of Xu Yi gently, an appreciation language gas channel/angrily said: ” You really have the talent in the Magic mechanical aspect very much, I have not misread. ” “嗯!”露米用力点点头,甚至还踮起脚轻轻拍了拍许亦的肩膀,一副赞赏的语气道:”你果然在魔法机械方面很有天赋,我没看错。” Xu Yi is very speechless, shakes the head to be disinclined to pay attention to face self-satisfied Lumi, lowers the head to size up the blueprint in hand earnestly. 许亦很是无语,摇摇头懒得理会一脸得意的露米,低头认真打量起手中的图纸。 This watches earnestly, he saw the Magic Power airship and Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce that Magic Power airship in immediately this blueprint expressed had the difference greatly. 这一认真观看,他立即看出这张图纸上所表示的魔力飞艇和新飞商会魔力飞艇大有不同。 The Magic Power airship principle of design of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce centralized in the mechanical aspect, the Magic aspect mainly provides an output power. 新飞商会魔力飞艇设计原理还是集中在机械方面,魔法方面则主要提供出一个输出动力。 But the Magic Power airship in this blueprint actually main centralized in the Magic aspect, the design in mechanical aspect is to mainly complete an overall construction. 而这张图纸上的魔力飞艇却主要集中在魔法方面,在机械方面的设计主要是完成一个整体架构而已。 As for the power of entire Magic Power airship, then is completely depends upon Magic to have an effect. 至于整个魔力飞艇的动力,则完全是依靠魔法来起作用。 Such design in can cause the structure and power component of design entire Magic Power airship is slightly simpler, because these are depend upon Magic to complete. 这样的设计在可以使得整个魔力飞艇的结构和动力组成部分设计稍微简单一些,因为这些都是依靠魔法来完成。 The Magic Power airship that however on the other hand, designs like this is extremely high regarding the request of Magic, is much bigger in the Magic Power consumption. 但是相对来说,这样设计出来的魔力飞艇对于魔法的要求极高,在魔力消耗上也要大得多。 Only by the explosive and easy manoeuvring, such design is stronger than much the Magic Power airship of Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce design, because is fine regarding the integrated manufacturing requirements, magic array that in addition needs to erect are too many, causing the production cost to be ultra-high, therefore very difficult to achieve the mass production like the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Power airship. 单论爆发性和易操控性,这样的设计比新飞商会设计的魔力飞艇强出不少,但因为对于整体制造要求过于精细,再加上需要架设的魔法阵太多,导致制作成本超高,所以很难像新飞商会魔力飞艇那样做到批量生产。 Because the power consumption is too high, the words of daily use, were far less than that the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce Magic Power airship is so economical, was accepted by the populace easily. 而且因为动力消耗太高,日常使用的话,就远不如新飞商会魔力飞艇那样节省,也更容易被大众接受了。 After Xu Yi looked at a while, has not asked these issues to Lumi eagerly, but thinks, asked to her: Hey, Lumi, you make me look at this blueprint, what wants to make?” 许亦看了一会儿后,并没有急于向露米提出这些问题,而是想了想,向她问道:“嘿,露米,你让我看这个图纸,是想做些什么呢?” Lumi looks at Xu Yi usually own eyes, the crack opens the mouth, shows a frank lovable smiling face. 露米看着许亦平时自己的双眼,裂开嘴,露出一个爽朗可爱的笑容。 Human, because of you to my respect, therefore I decided that with your Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation, jointly manufactures the Magic machinery!” ( to be continued ) “人类,因为你对我的尊重,所以我决定了,和你们新飞商会合作,共同制作魔法机械!”(未完待续) ... ... ... ...
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