MIE :: Volume #5

#24: Royal court envoy

Entered when with before Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe elf tied, when through tying, Xu Yi presents a illusion at present. ∷ ∞ 和之前进入夜歌部族以及月影部族的精灵结界时一样,在通过结界的时候,许亦眼前出现了一阵幻象。∷∞ However somewhat is also different. 但是又有些不同。 When through Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe elf ties, at present has fluttered the illusion is some natural beautiful scenes, or is the life illusion that Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe elves leave behind. 通过夜歌部族月影部族的精灵结界时,眼前飘过的幻象都是一些自然的美景,或者是夜歌部族以及月影部族的精灵们留下的生活幻境。 When ties through this elf, in Xu Yi has fluttered at present illusion, is actually some occupies the magnificent great scene above clouds high, looks appears specially on big. 然而在通过这个精灵结界的时候,在许亦眼前飘过的幻象,却是一些高居云端之上的辉煌宏大景象,一看就显得特别高大上。 When the illusion gradually vanishes at present, after Xu Yi sees clearly the elf to tie the later situation, is startled. 待眼前幻象逐渐消失,许亦看清楚精灵结界之后的情形后,更是吃了一惊。 Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe elf ties to hide the elf tribe situation, does not make others discover inside elf tribe, but in fact from tying outside, can still be consistent with the environment. 夜歌部族月影部族的精灵结界都只是为了隐藏其中的精灵部族的情形,不让其他人发现里面的精灵部族,但是实际上从结界外面来看,依然会和外界的环境保持一致。 For example Night Song Tribe in Falling Rain Forest, the elf that Night Song Tribe supposes ties, regardless of looked at the past from outside from, was the scenes in Falling Rain Forest, could not see what difference, the elf will tie only being close others misled other places. 比如说夜歌部族就在落雨之森里,夜歌部族设下的精灵结界无论从外还是从内看过去,都是落雨之森里的景象,看不出有什么不同,精灵结界只会将接近的其他人误导到其它地方去。 But this elf ties outside is actually a wilderness, but the elf ties, pleasant unexpectedly is an extremely broad jungle. 可是这个精灵结界外面却是一片荒原,而精灵结界内部,入眼竟然是一片极其广阔的丛林。 And woods of this jungle and Falling Rain Forest and slightly dream are different. 并且这片丛林和落雨之森以及微梦之森都有所不同。 Woods of Falling Rain Forest and slightly dream are the ordinary forest that on Sainz Continent finds at everywhere, the forest cover is prosperous, the ground azure common vetch is graceful, but the forest of this forest actually seems somewhat sparse, among each trees was separated at least ten meters, and in the ground only has a piece of green green grass. Almost every root is equally high long. And has not mixed with any vine. It looks like a stretch of artificial lawn general simply. 落雨之森和微梦之森都是赛恩斯大陆上随处可见的普通森林,林木茂密繁盛,地面青草藤曼混杂,而这片森林的林木却显得有些稀疏,每一棵树木之间都相隔了至少十米,并且地面上只有一片茵茵青草。几乎每根都长得一样高。其中还不夹杂任何藤蔓。简直就像是一片人工草坪一般。 The Xu Yi vision in periphery each root diameter at least more than ten meters, is on the rise could not see that on the towering giant tree of peak passed over gently and swiftly, in the heart fills to shock. 许亦的目光在周围每根都直径至少有十余米,抬头根本看不到顶端的参天巨木上掠过,心中充满震撼。 Such a piece fills the special forest, do not say on Earth, even on Sainz Continent still unique. 这样一片充满特异的森林,不要说在地球上,就算在赛恩斯大陆上也绝无仅有。 Xu Yi is certain, this forest absolutely is not the nature production, because this violated the natural law completely, then only has a possibility. This is the elf clan uses oneself strong controlling force to the plant radically, transformed this appearance forcefully. 许亦可以肯定,这片森林绝对不会是自然生成的,因为这根本违背了自然规律,那么只有一个可能。这根本就是精灵族利用自己对植物的强大控制力,硬生生改造成了这副模样。 Xu Yi listened to Janice to mention in secret, such a forest, radically is the most perfect life residence that the elf clan vainly hopes for! 许亦曾经听亚妮丝私下里提到过,这样一片森林,根本就是精灵族梦想的最完美的生活居所! Thinks of here, Xu Yi turns the head to look to the Lisanya elder, actually sees her is a face is also shocking. 想到这里,许亦转头看向利桑亚长老,却见她也是一脸震惊。 But is different from the shock of Xu Yi, in the shocking look of Lisanya elder, many mixtures some different kind mood. 只不过和许亦的震惊不同,利桑亚长老的震惊神色中,多少夹杂着一些别样的情绪。 Detected that the vision of Xu Yi doubts, the Lisanya elder has turned the head, receives on the face slowly the shocking look. Sinking sound said: Xu Yi, this Azhara Tribe...... perhaps is not ordinary elf tribe.” 察觉到许亦疑惑的目光,利桑亚长老转过头,缓缓收住脸上震惊的神色。沉声道:“许亦,这个艾萨拉部族……恐怕并不是一个普通的精灵部族。” Nonsense.” Xu Yi shows the whites of the eyes immediately. “废话。”许亦立即翻了个白眼。 The elf ties in situation is so different. This Azhara Tribe naturally and Night Song Tribe as well as Moon Shadow Tribe obviously somewhat were very different. 精灵结界内的情形如此不同。这个艾萨拉部族当然和夜歌部族以及月影部族很明显有些不同了。 What a pity before Stille and Azhara Tribe elf clan contacted time, did not know about these situations, Xu Yi has not made any ahead of time preparation actually. 可惜之前斯蒂尔艾萨拉部族的精灵族接触的时候,对这些情况都不了解,许亦倒是没有做任何提前的心理准备。 Is good has the Lisanya elder to accompany side the present, does not need extremely to be worried. 好在现在身旁有利桑亚长老相伴,并不需要太过担心。 Lisanya elder, now what to do?” Xu Yi inquired. 利桑亚长老,现在怎么办?”许亦询问道。 The Lisanya elder facial expression looked in a forest complex, beckons to Xu Yi: Comes with me, I think that they should know we arrived.” 利桑亚长老神情复杂地看了一眼森林里面,向许亦招了招手:“跟我来吧,我想他们应该已经知道我们到了。” Xu Yi nods, follows to walk toward the deep woods in the Lisanya elder behind. 许亦点点头,跟在利桑亚长老身后向森林深处走去。 Does not have in the lawn that the vine blends to walk to be especially comfortable spaciously, before long, two people have gone out of over one kilometer distance in the lawn. 宽敞而没有藤蔓参杂的草坪上行走起来格外舒适,不一会儿,两人就已经在草坪上走出超过一千米的距离。 The Lisanya elder facial expression moves suddenly, stops the footsteps. 利桑亚长老忽然神情一动,停下脚步。 Xu Yi stopped immediately, looks forward, saw that the front shines together brightly actually gently not the dazzling milky white ray suddenly, in the ray, slender forms slow leave gradually. 许亦立即停了下来,向前望去,就看到前方忽地亮起一道明亮却柔和并不刺眼的乳白色光芒,光芒之中,一个个苗条的身影缓缓步出。 Xu Yi fixes the eyes on looked, is startled. 许亦定睛一看,又是吃了一惊。 The elf clan that walks from the halo each one elegant, beautiful appearance did not say movingly, the body puts on unexpectedly is the elegant long skirt that the white fine gauze makes, serves as contrast each elf just likes the fairy maiden is ordinary. 这些从光晕中走出来的精灵族个个气质高雅、美貌动人不说,身上穿着的竟然全都是白色轻纱制成的飘逸长裙,将每名精灵都衬托得恍若仙子一般。 Xu Yi was looks suddenly unexpectedly dull. 许亦一时间竟是看呆了。 Before he when entered Night Song Tribe and Moon Shadow Tribe, on the seen elf clan wore the clothing that the ordinary animal skin made, seeming like the living condition was quite difficult. 之前他在进入夜歌部族月影部族的时候,见到的精灵族身上都穿着普通兽皮制成的衣物,看起来生活条件极为艰苦。 However this Azhara Tribe elves, forest such environment of life nearly is not only perfect, clothing is also by far, obviously the living condition must feel better too. 然而这个艾萨拉部族的精灵们,不仅生活的森林这么环境近乎完美,就连身上的衣物也远胜,可见生活条件要好过太多。 A female elf that finally comes out is to actually wear not a well-known material makes, but looks at very precious light purple long gown, in the hand also takes a blue-green festival stick that seems like some type of jade to make, the makings are extremely noble. 最后出来的一名女精灵却是身穿一身不知名材料制成,但是一看就十分名贵的淡紫色长袍,手中还拿着一根似乎是某种玉石制成的青绿色节杖,气质极其高贵。 The Lisanya elder shot a look at festival stick in the female elf hand, suddenly sucked in cold air, loses one's voice to call out in alarm said: This...... is this Crescent Moon Spectre?” 利桑亚长老瞥了一眼女精灵手中的节杖,忽然倒抽了一口凉气,失声惊呼道:“这……这是新月节杖?” The female elf shows a smiling face, the facial expression became temperate, nodded to say gently: Yes. You can recognize Crescent Moon Spectre, should that be some tribe elder?” 女精灵露出一丝笑容,神情变得温和了许多,轻轻点头应道:“是的。你能够认出新月节杖,那应该是某个部族的长老吧?” The Lisanya elder looked that fills amazed to the vision of female elf, some little time, executes to the female elf strangely Xu Yi had never seen actually fills with the honored elegant aura the formality. 利桑亚长老看向女精灵的目光中充满惊诧,好一会儿后,才向女精灵施了一个许亦从未见过的古怪却又充满尊贵典雅气息的礼节。 Moon Shadow Tribe elder Sarah Aitto?? Sandy? Moon Shadow? Lisanya, has seen the royal court envoy.” 月影部族长老萨拉艾托亚?西露芙?桑迪?月影?利桑亚,见过王庭使者。” This is Xu Yi knew that the Lisanya elder is so long, first time full name that hears the Lisanya elder, but brings to the Xu Yi attention truly is actually not this, but is behind the Lisanya elder those words. 这还是许亦认识利桑亚长老这么久,第一次听到利桑亚长老的全名,但是真正引起许亦注意的却不是这个,而是利桑亚长老后面那句话。 Royal court envoy? 王庭使者? Xu Yi selected the eyebrow, the surprise looked to opposite that female elf. 许亦挑了挑眉,诧异地看向对面那名女精灵。 Is this female elf, unexpectedly the Ailucia elder as well as Janice in secret and chatted has mentioned the elf clan royal court envoy? 难道这名女精灵,竟然是艾露希亚长老以及亚妮丝在私下里和自己闲聊时提到过的精灵族王庭的使者吗? Did not say , before 3000 , after race war, the elf clan defeats, has the elf clan royal court completely vanished? 不是说自从三千年前种族战争之后,精灵族战败,精灵族王庭就已经完全消失了吗? Now how to emit a royal court envoy? 怎么现在又冒出一个王庭使者来? Perhaps is detected that the Xu Yi astonished vision, the female elf has turned the head to show a faint smile to Xu Yi, shakes the head again. Said to the Lisanya elder: Royal court has not existed. Royal court envoy anything. Also was only one has vanished the name in time river. This Crescent Moon Spectre, but is a treasure that my clan has preserved, and has no relations with the royal court.” 或许是察觉到许亦的惊异目光,女精灵转过头向许亦微微一笑,再摇摇头。向利桑亚长老道:“王庭已经不复存在了。王庭使者什么的。也只是一个早就消失在时间长河中的称呼而已。这根新月节杖,不过是我族一直保存下来的一件宝物而已,和王庭并没有什么关系。” The Lisanya elder deeply looked at that blue-green festival stick in a female elf hand, the nod, sighed a sound said slowly lightly: Yes, now is not the time of our elf clan, has vanished for several thousand years including elf imperial capital, the royal court does not certainly exist.” 利桑亚长老深深地看了一眼女精灵手中的那根青绿色节杖,缓缓点头,轻叹一声道:“是的,现在已经不是我们精灵族的时代了,连精灵王都已经消失数千年,王庭当然不复存在。” Ok. The Lisanya elder, does not fondly remember the beforehand honor now here the good time, we also honored guests need to entertain.” The female elf shifts to Xu Yi again, executed a elf clan to see the guest graceful formality when to Xu Yi. President Xu, welcome to Azhara Tribe, I am Azhara Tribe elder Celelaisi Anvil Aisala Wendini, you can call me for Wendini.” “好了。利桑亚长老,现在不是在这里怀念以前荣光的好时机,我们还有一位尊贵的客人需要招待。”女精灵再次转向许亦,向许亦施了一个精灵族见到客人时的优雅礼节。“许会长,欢迎来到艾萨拉部族,我是艾萨拉部族的长老瑟勒莱斯?安薇尔?艾萨拉?温蒂尼,你可以称呼我为温蒂尼。” Xu Yi receives to have an intention the strange thought that nods, says with a smile: Wendini elder, hello. Saw that you are honored.” 许亦收起心中的古怪念头,点点头,笑道:“温蒂尼长老,您好。见到您十分荣幸。” Sees you is also my being honored.” The Wendini elder shows a faint smile, waves to two people. Please come with me.” “见到你也是我的荣幸。”温蒂尼长老微微一笑,向两人招了招手。“请跟我来吧。” Xu Yi and Lisanya elder follows the Wendini elder also to have that two rows of elf clan girls who wear the white skirt entered in the light halo. At present one bright one dark, time that waits to restore, then discovered oneself arrived in a stretch of broad lawn. 许亦利桑亚长老跟随温蒂尼长老还有那两排身着白裙的精灵族女孩儿进入了光圈之中。眼前一亮一暗,等恢复过来的时候,便发现自己来到了一片宽阔的草坪上。 Around the lawn is still very broad giant tree encirclement, center the lawn, several white jade stone Dacheng statues, are actually coordinating various types of stone platform railings, composed a little Diaosu Garden center the lawn. 草坪四周依然是十分宽阔的巨木环绕,草坪正中,却有几个白玉石搭成的雕像,配合着各种石台围栏,在草坪正中组成了一个小小的雕塑花园。 Saw that the Xu Yi vision falls on that several statues, the Wendini elder smiles to explain: These statues are the statues of our elf clan last generation of elf king and most important several big elders. They fall from the sky in more than 3000 years of race wars.” 看到许亦的目光落在那几个雕像上,温蒂尼长老微笑解释道:“这几个雕像是我们精灵族最后一代的精灵王和最重要的几名大长老的雕像。他们都在三千多年的种族战争中陨落。” Heard the Wendini elder to raise the race war again, in the Xu Yi heart moves slightly, looked at Wendini elder one eyes, finally could not bear asks directly: „The Wendini elder, you seem profound to more than 3000 years ago race war impressions, why will also invite me to come here on own initiative?” 听到温蒂尼长老再次提起种族战争,许亦心中微动,看了温蒂尼长老一眼,终于还是忍不住径直问道:“温蒂尼长老,您似乎对三千多年前的种族战争印象深刻,那么为什么还会主动邀请我来到这里呢?” Nearby Lisanya elder knits the brows slightly, thought person who President Xu does not have the eyesight, how to raise the race war to come at this time on own initiative? 一旁的利桑亚长老微微皱眉,心想许会长不是这么没眼力的人啊,怎么会在这个时候主动提起种族战争来呢? The Wendini elder the appearance that does not seem to mind, the smile replies: Any thing in this world has the experience trough to the peak, to the process of final withering away, our elf clan is not again exceptional, your human is also no exception. The race war had passed for more than 3000 years, our elf clan will not hate your human specially, because this is the destiny that all races can definitely experience. If said earnestly, actually will be your human will aim at our elf clan on the contrary specially will be right?” 温蒂尼长老却似乎毫不介意的样子,微笑答道:“这个世界上的任何事物都有经历低谷到巅峰,再到最终消亡的过程,我们精灵族不例外,你们人类也不会例外。种族战争已经过去了三千多年,我们精灵族并不会特别仇恨你们人类,因为这是所有种族都必然会经历的命运。如果认真说起来,其实反倒是你们人类会特意针对我们精灵族才对吧?” This......” the Xu Yi facial expression obstructs, can only smile bitterly. “这……”许亦神情一窒,只能苦笑。 According to various aspects that he read about the record literature of Sainz Continent history, after the race war, the elf clan indeed went into hiding directly, rarely had among the conflict and even the war with human on own initiative. 根据他阅读的各方面关于赛恩斯大陆历史的记载文献来看,在种族战争之后,精灵族的确就那么直接销声匿迹了,很少主动发生和人类之间的冲突乃至战争。 On the contrary is human to eliminate the potential threat of elf clan, after the race war ended in several hundred years, continuously relentless is seeking for the elf clan everywhere, wants to wither away the elf clan thoroughly. 反倒是人类为了消除精灵族的潜在威胁,在种族战争结束后数百年内,一直都在坚持不懈的到处寻找着精灵族,想要将精灵族彻底消亡。 If to the hatred, the elf clan has not displayed too to hate, but human actually because of dreading to have been publicizing this viewpoint. 所以如果说到仇恨,精灵族并没有表现出太多仇恨,而人类却因为忌惮而一直宣扬着这个观点。 Naturally, more than 3000 years pass by, regardless of both sides have anything to hate, now has desalinated completely does not exist. 当然,三千多年过去,双方无论有什么仇恨,现在都已经淡化得完全不复存在。 On the contrary because the elf clan almost vanishes in the mainland, human sees the elf clan time, will become will treasure specially. 相反因为精灵族在大陆上几乎完全消失,以至于人类见到精灵族的时候,会变得特别珍惜。 Before more than four years, Janice when Bunta City makes an appearance on own initiative, triggered crazy praise. 四年多前,亚妮丝邦塔城主动露面的时候,就引发了一阵疯狂的追捧。 Good, this is my is not right, should not raise this feeling disappointed matter.” Xu Yi shakes the head, smiles , to continue said: Then the Wendini elder, you disclosed intentionally your Azhara Tribe whereabouts, and invited me to come here specially, for what matter? If for and our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce cooperation, I expressed that is glad to accept.” “好吧,这是我的不对,不该提起这种扫兴的事情。”许亦摇了摇头,笑了笑,续道:“那么温蒂尼长老,您故意将你们艾萨拉部族的行踪透露出来,并专程邀请我来到这里,到底是为了什么事情呢?如果是为了和我们新飞商会合作,我表示非常乐意接受。” Matter of cooperation does not worry, before then, one side I have an old friend to want with you to see, moreover I believe, President Xu you will also certainly see very much happily his.” The Wendini elder smiles to say. “合作的事情并不着急,在此之前,我有一位老朋友一直想和你见一面,而且我相信,许会长你也一定会很高兴见到他的。”温蒂尼长老微笑道。 Old friend?” Xu Yi is somewhat strange. “老朋友?”许亦有些奇怪。 From the tone of Wendini elder, this old friend, seems not the elf clan. 温蒂尼长老的口气来看,她这位老朋友,似乎并不是精灵族。 Will inquire time, then resounds rapid and lively sound of footsteps. 正要询问的时候,身后便响起一阵急促而轻快的脚步声。 Xu Yi turns head startled, then hears resounds one behind just like the small girl's general clear voice. 许亦愕然回头,便听到身后响起一个恍如小女孩儿一般的清脆声音。 God! You are really high!”( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! “天啊!你真高!”(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快!
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