MIE :: Volume #5

#23: Explores Azhara Tribe

Next morning, the 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship three large Magic Power steamboats embark from the thunderous island. 第二天一早,展翅号三艘大型魔力轮船从雷鸣岛上出发。 With coming time, in the island the residents saw when these three giant steel monsters is somewhat frightened anxiously different, in departure, the residents on island indicated to see off, on each face is brimming with the happy smiling face. 和来的时候,岛上居民们看到这三艘巨型的钢铁怪兽时有些惊惶不安不同,在离开的时候,岛上的居民们却一个个表示欢送,每个人脸上都洋溢着幸福的笑容。 The residents on island do not know that oneself leader reached what agreement with these unexpected visitors, but they actually could see, these unexpected visitors move a lot of all kinds of living materials from that three giant sea boat. 岛上的居民们不知道自己的首领到底和这些不速之客达成了什么协议,但是他们却看得到,这些不速之客从那三艘巨大的海船上搬下来大量的各种各样的生活物资。 Not only and includes beside basic kitchen necessities these necessary life goods, but also including a lot of delicious meat, even also moves a big pile of strange iron hardware. 其中不仅包括油盐酱醋这些必备的生活物品之外,还包括大量的美味肉食,甚至还搬下来一大堆奇奇怪怪的铁器。 So long as after these made of iron machineries put Magic Crystal, since will move, will display various mysterious functions. 这些铁制的机械只要放进去魔力水晶后,就会自从动起来,发挥出各种各样神奇的功用。 For example Magic Powered Fan can the fan blade automatic super revolving, blow out the cool breeze. 比如说魔力风扇可以扇叶自动高速旋转,吹出凉风。 For example the Magic Power stove can not need to light a fire to emit the flame automatically. 比如说魔力火炉可以不用生火就自动放出火苗。 For example demon...... 比如说魔…… ...... …… Most knowledgeable several young fellow there knew from the island, these things, are now very irritable the home Magic machinery in Rudson Kingdom. 从岛上最有见识的几个小伙子那里得知,这些东西,就是现在在鲁尔逊王国里非常火爆的家用魔法机械。 These things may each value not poor, solely cheapest Magic Powered Fan, may take five gold coins. 这些东西可每个都价值不菲,单单只是最便宜的魔力风扇,一台可就要五金币之多。 But these home Magic machineries that these guests move, in addition the words selling price will surpass enough 300 gold coins absolutely. 而这些客人们搬下来的这些家用魔法机械,加起来的话售价绝对会超过足足三百金币。 If calculates these living materials again in the same place, these guests left behind the considerable gifts of over 500 gold coins on the island. 如果再把那些生活物资算在一起,这些客人在岛上可是留下了超过五百金币的可观礼物。 But they receive in exchange, actually merely is only a lot of fresh water. 而他们换取的,却仅仅只是大量的淡水罢了。 These fresh water are very perhaps precious in the sea, in this in thunderous island that has three natural mountain spring and a natural fresh water lake. Is not actually worth mentioning. 这些淡水在海上或许很宝贵,但是在这座拥有三处天然山泉和一个天然淡水湖的雷鸣岛上。却根本不值一提。 The residents on island while joyful. Actually some doubts. 岛上的居民们在欣喜的同时。却又有些疑惑。 These guests have many fully-armed subordinates. The leader does not dare to rob this to be but actually passable to them directly, but why these guests have such powerful strength, actually on the direct island does not rob their urgently needed fresh water simply, instead can trade with such precious commodity? 这些客人们拥有很多全副武装的手下。首领不敢对他们直接抢劫这倒说得过去,可是为什么这些客人们拥有这么强大的力量,却不干脆直接上岛上抢走他们急需的淡水,反而要用这么宝贵的物资来换呢? They really like that always be with smile on the face complexion dark middle-aged man says, is only the normal merchant, is fastidious about anything to want equal receiving in exchange? 难道说,他们真的就像那个总是面带笑容的脸色黝黑的中年男子所说的一样,只是正常的商人,讲究任何东西都要平等换取吗? The people on island disdain to this idea innermost feelings, but this does not hinder them to be filled with enjoys various gifts that these guests are leaving behind joyfully. 岛上的人们对这种想法内心不屑,可是这并不妨碍他们满心喜悦地享用着这些客人们留下的各种礼物。 Actually few people notice. In the past always straightforward refreshed Captain Regsar, after these guests left, actually became quiet, as if some were distracted, why as if has been worrying at the matter. 只是却很少有人注意到。以往总是粗豪爽快的雷格萨尔首领,在这些客人们离开后,却变得沉默寡言起来,似乎都有些精神恍惚,仿佛一直在为什么事情烦恼着。 # # # ### Captain, you said that Regsar meeting is willing to cooperate with us?” The assistants then looked at one, discovered that the thunderous island had been thrown in the place in the sea level far-end, cannot see the half silk trace, cannot bear asks to Nival. “舰长,你说那个雷格萨尔会愿意和我们合作吗?”副手回头看了一眼,发现雷鸣岛已经远在地被抛在海平面远端,根本看不到半丝踪影,忍不住向涅瓦尔问道。 Naturally wants.” Nival self-confident typical. This cooperation rolls to him and entire thunderous pirate has the huge advantage, he will definitely comply.” “当然愿意。”涅瓦尔充满自信地道。“这个合作对他和整个雷鸣海盗团都有巨大的好处,他肯定会答应。” But we walked. If by some chance he reneges on a promise......” “可是我们就这么走了。万一他反悔……” Relax, he does not dare. Does not give up.” The Nival smile said. Such good opportunity is placed in front of him, if he has not known that grasps, that can only say that he to was stupid incurable. However if he is so stupid, is impossible the leader who becomes this pirate to roll, does not think that will prepare islands to come to own pirate group to keep the escape route ahead of time. He is a far-sighted pirate chief, is definitely clear with the benefit that we cooperate to provide.” “放心,他不敢。更加舍不得。”涅瓦尔微笑道。“这么好的机会摆在他面前,如果他还不知道把握住的话,那只能说他蠢到无可救药了。但是他如果真的这么蠢的话,就不可能当上这个海盗团的首领,更加不会想到会提前准备一个岛屿来给自己的海盗团留作后路。他是一个有远见的海盗头子,肯定非常明白和我们合作带来的好处的。” The assistants think, nods: Un, I thought that is also.” 副手想了想,点点头:“嗯,我觉得也是。” Nival laughs: Actually even he is not willing to cooperate are not related. Was short of the thunderous pirate group, the grin lens that other pirate groups, we can choose have, do not limit on them. Let alone, we have verified the situation on position and island of thunderous island now, has this thunderous pirate to roll in actually also does not have much difference.” 涅瓦尔哈哈一笑:“其实就算他不愿意合作也没关系。少了雷鸣海盗团,还有其它海盗团,我们可以选择的合作目标有很多,并不局限在他们身上。更何况,现在我们已经探明到了雷鸣岛的方位和岛上的情况,有没有这个雷鸣海盗团在其实也没太大区别。” Hears Nival to mention the situation on thunderous island, the assistant cannot bear show the feeling pleased smiling face. 听到涅瓦尔提及雷鸣岛上的情况,副手忍不住露出喜滋滋的笑容。 Yes, really cannot think, in this small thunderous island will have a natural rare mineral lode unexpectedly, and a natural deep sea harbor. So long as makes the development slightly, can definitely treat as our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce foreign base. If Sir President knows, will be certainly happy.” “是啊,真是想不到,这个小小的雷鸣岛上居然会有一座天然稀有矿脉,并且还有一个天然的深海港口。只要稍作开发,就完全可以当做我们新飞商会的海外基地。如果会长大人知道的话,一定会非常高兴的。” Not is only this. The position of this thunderous island is good, just near our routes, in the surrounding 100 kilometers scopes also has many other islands, if including, can completely control this sea area in our hands. To the Rudson Kingdom naval force, is unable to care about here at present, so long as our chamber of commerce starts ahead of time, here as well as a profounder sea area, will belong to our Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce.” “不仅仅是这样。这个雷鸣岛的位置非常不错,刚好在我们的航线附近,周围一百公里范围内还有不少其它岛屿,如果连起来的话,就能够把这一片海域完全控制在我们手里。以目前鲁尔逊王国的海上力量,根本无法顾及到这里的,所以只要我们商会提前下手,这里以及更深远的海域,都会属于我们新飞商会。” Un. Sir President to us has emphasized importance that controls the sea area, I think that he will certainly take seriously this sea area.” “嗯。会长大人一直向我们强调控制海域的重要性,我想他一定会非常重视这一块海域的。” Naturally. The foresight of Sir President is not we can place on a par. Now the only issue, how makes Rudson Kingdom tacitly approve this situation.” “当然。会长大人的远见可不是我们能够相提并论的。现在唯一的问题,就是如何让鲁尔逊王国默认这个情况了。” Nival looks to Northeast. 涅瓦尔看向东北方向。 The horizon has been able to be faintly visible in the far-end. 地平线已经可以在远端依稀可见。 According to the nautical chart that Regsar provides indicated, depends on the sea from here the words, had been close to the harbor of Western city. 按照雷格萨尔提供的海图表示,从这里靠海的话,就已经接近了尼西城的海港。 Also Western city harbor, showed that their oceangoing voyage time successfully arrived in the end point. 还到了尼西城港口,也就证明他们这一次的远洋航行成功抵达了终点。 This is the total length is close to 3000 kilometers ultra length oceangoing voyage. 这可是总里程接近三千公里的超长远洋航行。 Before then, farthest oceangoing voyage that Nival knows, was goes to sea to navigate is about 1000 kilometers, and continuously in offshore range. 在此之前,涅瓦尔所知道的最远的远洋航行,也不过就是下海航行了不过一千公里而已,并且一直都在近海范围。 But this time, their navigation distances not only achieves more than two times, but also has navigated in no man's land of deep sea. 而这一次,他们的航行距离不仅达到两倍多,还一直都在深海的无人区域航行。 Compares, the difficulty must have innumerable times without doubt greatly. 相比较起来,难度无疑要大出了无数倍。 Without 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship these three giant Magic Power steamboats acts as companion, Nival does not have the courage to complete such an oceangoing voyage. 如果没有展翅号这三艘巨大的魔力轮船作伴,就连涅瓦尔也没有勇气来完成这样一次远洋航行。 However this time navigates successfully completes, let Nival and fleet all subordinates gained in the valuable and rich experience, will make their next navigation probably compare this time smoothly fast. 但是这次航行成功完成,却让涅瓦尔和舰队所有的手下们积累了宝贵而丰富的经验,会使得他们下一次航行要远比这次顺利快速。 When the experience accumulates a more sufficient time. Nival has enough confidence. Like Sir President said. The thorough endless sea, explores to the most far-end of this world. 等到经验积累更加充足的时候。涅瓦尔就有足够的信心。像会长大人所说的那样。深入无尽之海,向这个世界的最远端进行探索。 # # # ### When the Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce open sea fleet will soon arrive at Dany Western city harbor, Xu Yi is actually driving the Magic Power sedan, is galloping on a Rudson Kingdom southwest province building road. 新飞商会远洋舰队即将抵达尼西城港口的时候,许亦却驾驶着魔力轿车,正驰骋在鲁尔逊王国西南行省一条新修的公路上。 If by having the straight distance, actually he now and distance between 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship actually is also less than 500 kilometers. 如果论起直线距离的话,其实他现在和展翅号之间的距离其实还不到五百公里。 However 'Wings Unfoldng' Ship navigation in boundless sea, Magic Power sedan actually high-speed running quickly of Xu Yi driving in a wilderness. 但是展翅号航行在茫茫大海之中,许亦驾驶的魔力轿车却高速奔驰在一片荒野上。 The only similarity, takes a broad view at all around, is a piece of boundless no one. 唯一的相同点,就是放眼四周,都是一片茫茫无人。 Xu Yi. Do you really determine Azhara Tribe nearby this?” 许亦。你真的确定艾萨拉部族在这附近?” Sat the Lisanya elder in copilot station looked at around one desolated situation, knit the brows asks to Xu Yi. 坐在副驾驶位置上的利桑亚长老看了一眼四周荒芜的情况,皱眉向许亦问道。 The agreement among two people, Xu Yi returns to Stantin Duchy after the Anweimaer city, the Lisanya elder then and Xu Yi together, goes to Rudson Kingdom, with Rudson Kingdom elf tribe Azhara Tribe that before discovered had the thorough contact. 按照两人之间的约定,许亦安威玛尔城回到斯坦丁公国后,利桑亚长老便和许亦一同出发,前往鲁尔逊王国,和之前发现的鲁尔逊王国的精灵部族-艾萨拉部族进行深入接触。 The Lisanya elder has totally accepted the cooperation between elf clan and human now, and she agreed issue that the Ailucia elder is worried about. 利桑亚长老现在已经完全接受了精灵族和人类之间的合作,并且她非常同意艾露希亚长老所担心的问题。 If the elf clan lives in seclusion for a long time, will then cast off by the trim mainland sooner or later by far, finally can only vanish in the river of history slowly. 如果精灵族长期隐居,那么迟早会被整片大陆远远甩开,最终只能慢慢消失在历史的长河之中。 Therefore knew Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce found unexpectedly after Rudson Kingdom the news in Azhara Tribe, the Lisanya elder then hopes that this Azhara Tribe can also have their Moon Shadow Tribe to be the same with Night Song Tribe. Cooperates with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, expands entire only tribe. 于是得知新飞商会居然找到了位于鲁尔逊王国内的艾萨拉部族的消息后,利桑亚长老便非常希望这个艾萨拉部族也能够和夜歌部族还有她们月影部族一样。和新飞商会进行合作,壮大整只部族 Currently on Sainz Continent also has news elf tribe to be getting fewer and fewer. As the elf tribe elder, the Lisanya elder and Ailucia elder is the same, to continue elf clan race, can say wants completely the means. 现在赛恩斯大陆上还有消息的精灵部族越来越少。身为精灵部族长老,利桑亚长老和艾露希亚长老一样,为了延续精灵族这个种族,可以说想尽了办法。 Among the cooperation with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce made her see made the elf clan and human peace common, hope that continued to continue, she naturally hopes that other elf tribe can also imitate. 新飞商会之间的合作让她看到了让精灵族与人类和平共同,继续延续下去的希望,她当然希望其它精灵部族也能效仿。 Un, before trail of Stille discovery, with afterward elves initial contact with Azhara Tribe time, nearby this.” Xu Yi nods, at once some doubts. Is indeed strange, around this is a wilderness, hasn't your elf clan liked in the jungle of cover?” “嗯,之前斯蒂尔发现的踪迹,和后来与艾萨拉部族的精灵们初步接触的时候,都是在这附近。”许亦点点头,旋即有些疑惑。“不过的确奇怪,这四周都是荒野啊,你们精灵族不是一直喜欢住在茂密的丛林中吗?” Normally, our elf clan indeed likes in the forest, because we like the intimate nature. But if were forced, other places are not cannot live. Your human without the means that can't live in various bad environment?” In the tone that the Lisanya elder replied many were somewhat helpless. “正常情况下,我们精灵族的确喜欢住在森林里,因为我们喜欢亲近自然。但是如果被逼无奈,其它的地方也不是不能住。你们人类在没办法的时候,不也能够居住在各种恶劣的环境中吗?”利桑亚长老回答的语气中多少有些无奈。 Xu Yi looked at the front wilderness, thought here, although seems somewhat desolated, but must say that bad is also actually far. 许亦看了看前方的荒野,心想这里虽然显得有些荒芜,但要说恶劣却也谈不上吧。 The elf clan to this environment not satisfactory words, can only say that their requests were too high. 精灵族对这种环境不满意的话,只能说她们的要求太高了。 However thinks that elf clan regarding perfect persistent pursuit, this is not but actually strange. 不过想想精灵族对于完美的执着追求,这倒也不奇怪。 Oh, if Stille can come to be good, her previous time has contacted the elf clan personally here. What a pity this Azhara Tribe does not know that what's the matter, most actually only agreed makes us come two people, Lisanya elder your elf clan compatriots do not trust.” “唉,如果斯蒂尔能来就好了,她上次可是亲自在这里接触过精灵族的。可惜这个艾萨拉部族不知道怎么回事,最多却只同意让我们来两个人,就连利桑亚长老你这个精灵族同胞都不怎么信任。” Xu Yi sighed, stops, pulled out a not detailed map to look from the bosom, identified a direction, the direction booklet that will go forward slightly to approached the northern some, continued. 许亦叹了口气,停下车,从怀里掏出一份并不怎么详细的地图看了看,辨认了一下方向,稍微将前进的方向折向更靠近北方一些,继续前行。 Does not have the means that our elf clan always does not trust human. As for the compatriot...... is not with tribe, too will not trust.” The Lisanya elder is also very helpless, cannot bear shake the head. “没办法,我们精灵族对人类一向不怎么信任。至于同胞嘛……不是同部族的,也不会太信任。”利桑亚长老也很无奈,忍不住摇了摇头。 The before characteristics of entire elf clan her, had not felt to have the issue, but cooperated for a long time with Fresh Flight Chamber of Commerce, after experiencing various things, actually felt sincerely this was called arrogantly the characteristics were really not much. 整个精灵族的特性她以前一直没觉得有问题,但是和新飞商会合作得久了,经历了各种事情后,却深切感觉到这个被称之为“高傲”的特性实在不怎么样。 Hope a while sees the Azhara Tribe compatriots, can chat with them well.” In the Lisanya elder heart sighed. “希望一会儿见到艾萨拉部族的同胞们,能够和她们好好谈谈吧。”利桑亚长老心中叹息。 The Magic Power sedan continued to go in the wilderness high-speed some time, the Lisanya elder facial expression moved suddenly, hints Xu Yi to stop. 魔力轿车继续在荒野中高速行驶了一段时间,利桑亚长老忽然神情一动,示意许亦停下来。 Un?” Xu Yi selected the eyebrow to hint to the Lisanya elder. “嗯?”许亦利桑亚长老挑了挑眉示意。 I as if felt our elf clan unique knot, but...... some not too same...... the Lisanya elder knit the brows probably slightly, some facial expression doubts. “我似乎感觉到了我们精灵族特有的结界,不过……好像又有些不太一样……”利桑亚长老微微皱眉,神情有些疑惑。 After closing one's eyes felt a while, the Lisanya elder opens the vehicle door, after getting out, then put out a hand to touch void. 闭眼感受了一会儿后,利桑亚长老推开车门,下车走了一段后,然后伸出手摸向虚空。 After the moment, on the Lisanya long expert shines the light green ray, immediately entire void like twisted half suddenly, appears the different scenes gradually. 片刻后,利桑亚长老手上亮起淡淡的绿色光芒,随即整个虚空就像陡然扭曲了一半,渐渐显现出不一样的景象来。 After a while, Lisanya elder right hand, in front void opened a door suddenly. 过了一会儿,利桑亚长老右手一阵,前方的虚空中陡然打开了一个门。 Really hides, in the elf ties behind, no wonder could not find.” The Lisanya elder beckons to Xu Yi with a smile. Walks, they should not welcome you to open the Magic Power sedan.” “果然是藏在精灵结界后面,难怪找不到。”利桑亚长老笑着向许亦招了招手。“走吧,她们应该不欢迎你把魔力轿车开进去。” Xu Yi nods, gets out, arrives in front of that void door, swept one to, condenses Magic Power, walked confidently.( Please search the floating astronomy to be continued, the novel is better to renew is quicker! 许亦点点头,下了车,来到那扇虚空之门面前,向里面扫了一眼,凝聚起魔力,坦然走了进去。(未完待续请搜索飄天文學,小说更好更新更快! ... ...
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