MC :: Volume #34

#3321: Falls into the chaos, great pressure!

3321 fall into the chaos, great pressure! 3321落入混沌,强大压力! stone door that the channel end, blocks! These rush crazily front has a clansman, completely surface such as dying embers...... 通道尽头,封死的石门!那些疯狂冲到面前的有尾族人,全部都面如死灰…… Do not give up us!” More than ten have the clansman complete rave to get up, the black feather that carries on the back raises up, attacks completely with joint forces to giant stone door. “不要放弃我们!”十多个有尾族人全部狂吼起来,背上的黑色羽毛竖起,全部合力攻击向巨大的石门。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! stone door is used to isolate, so is can it be that easy to break through, appointed their crazy bang pounds randomly, stone door is gorgeously motionless. 石门正是用来隔绝,岂是如此容易攻破,任他们狂轰乱砸,石门巍然不动。 „It is not good!” Ye Kong to/clashes to see this scenery, knows that stone door is difficult broken. “不好!”叶空冲来看见这一景,知道石门难破。 Dragon bone whip, bang!” The Ye Kong wrist/skill lifts, dragon bone whip turns into a white light beam, one shells in channel stone wall. “龙骨鞭,轰!”叶空手腕一抬,龙骨鞭化成一道白色的光柱,一下轰击在通道旁的石壁上。 He must dig up a new channel rapidly, bypasses stone door. 他正是要迅速挖开一条新的通道,绕过石门。 Sees the Ye Kong's movement, front more than ten have a clansman also to stop attacking stone door, then helps the Ye Kong bombardment stone wall. 看见叶空的动作,前边的十多个有尾族人也停止攻击石门,转而来帮助叶空轰击石壁。 At this moment, life protection is most important, where can give a thought to the beforehand these gratitude and grudges? 此时此刻,保命最重要,哪里顾得上之前的那些恩怨? The stone wall be easier than stone door, a short while later, a channel already slowly forward thorough, but everybody knows that at this moment is urgent, digs completely earnestly forward! 石壁要比石门容易许多,没一会,一条通道就已经徐徐的向前深入,不过大家都知道此刻是刻不容缓,全部埋头向前挖! In a big hurry quick! Only strove for hurrying to enter the inner layer region! 快快快!只求赶紧进入内层区域! However vice- Boss and the others already made the arrangement, where they will dig a hole to the time? 不过副首领等人早就做好安排,哪里会给时间他们挖洞? Person of Ye Kong Venerate Realm, haha, you have beyond your day the crystal dead in the isolation strip! We do not accompany! Ha, your woman we accepted! Ha haha......” 尊界之人叶空,哈哈,你就带着你那块天外晶死在隔离带吧!我们不奉陪了!哈哈哈,你的女人我们收下了!哈哈哈……” The laughter of vice- Boss exaggeration transmits, Ye Kong heart fiercely one cool. 首领夸张的笑声传来,叶空心底猛地一凉。 Looked from the chaos, sees only that hill shape the giant shadow to split from the center loudly. The place of splitting, has the big piece golden light eye-catchingly! 从混沌之中看,只见那山形的巨大黑影轰然从中央裂开。裂开之处,有大片的金光的夺目而出! Rumbling in the sound, a great mountain as if big mouth opens, a circular cone golden color object puts out from the mouth...... 轰轰的声响之中,巨山仿佛一张大口张开,一个圆锥型的金色物体从口中吐出…… Shout! Rear the golden circular cone emits the big piece suddenly the brilliance, as if a golden warhead is the same, sneaks in chaos most deep place! 呼!金色的圆锥尾部突然冒出大片的光焰,仿佛一颗金色弹头一样,一头钻进混沌最深处! But remaining giant mountain massifs, started the crack, avalanche! 而剩下的巨大的山体,也开始了龟裂,崩塌! This giant mountain massif conforms to be able to resist the chaos together the grinding pressure, but disintegrates now, completely was extruded the crush more and more broken, getting smaller, finally becomes the powder, becomes the dust, becomes the phosgene, becomes in the chaos the most basic element! 这巨大的山体整合在一起可以对抗混沌的碾压力,可是现在散碎开来,就全部被挤压碾压得越来越碎,越来越小,最后成为粉末,成为尘埃,成为光气,成为混沌之中最基本的元素! Vanishes! 消失一空! Without enough time these run away has a clansman, Cultivation Base of they most over a hundred dimension, how can withstand the isolation strip grinds the pressure formidable? They are the same with the detritus that on the mountain massif falls down, completely becomes the powder by the chaos crush, finally, vanishes! 那些来不及逃走的有尾族人,他们最多的不过上百次元的修为,如何能承受隔离带的强大碾压力?他们就和山体上掉下的碎屑一样,全部被混沌碾压成为粉末,最后,消失一空! The chaos bottom grinding pressure is the incomparable great strength, the huge shadow of that great mountain, but has resembled the snowman under Sun to be the same in an instant, getting smaller, the melting vanishes! 混沌最底部的碾压力是无比的强大,那巨山的庞大黑影,只是转眼之间就已经好像太阳下的雪人一样,越来越小,融化消失一空! Ye Kong has not caught up with the essence of chaos boat finally, kept in the discarded great mountain. 叶空最后还是没有赶上混沌舟的内核,留在了被丢弃的巨山之中。 Has a clansman, you will pay the price for today's all!” “有尾族人,你们会为今天的一切付出代价!” In the voice, the present mountain massif the entire dissipation, the chaos light of outside bright not being able to open eyes has resembled gold/metal Jian same to penetrate. 话音之中,眼前的山体已经整个的消散,外边亮的睁不开眼的混沌之光已经好像金剑一样穿透进来。 Does not want!” These abandoned has a clansman to be panic-stricken, falls into the chaos completely, evaporates. “不要!”那些被遗弃的有尾族人惊慌失措,全部跌入混沌之中,蒸发一空。 „It is not good, I cannot endure!” “不行,我也吃不消!” Although Ye Kong's Cultivation Base surpasses these fellows, but here is in the chaos the pressure biggest place! Compared to the chaos strength, what are 3000 dimensions? 虽然叶空的修为远超这些家伙,可是这里是混沌之中压力最大的地方!相对于混沌的力量,3000次元又算个什么? Protects the body beads, the eight precious ingredients light and seven lotus Jubao lamps......” Ye Kong this time, the preparation is also very full, offers a sacrifice to some level defense treasures that washes from the Pangu cave mansion rapidly. “护体珠、八宝光、七莲聚宝灯……”叶空这次下来,准备也是很充分,迅速祭出从盘古洞府之中淘来的一些尊级防御宝物。 Golden dazzling chaos most bottom, there is star light same bright. 金色耀眼的混沌最底部,又有了一点星光一样的明亮。 ! Finally can short rest.” Ye Kong exhaled. “呼!终于可以短暂的休息一下。”叶空吐了一口气。 Although these treasures and are insufficient long-term support, but also calculates that helps Ye Kong pass the present danger. 这些宝物虽然并不足以长期支撑,不过也算帮助叶空度过了眼前的危险。 Most in one/1st Layer protects in body pearl, Ye Kong sits cross-legged to sit down. 最内一层护体珠之中,叶空盘腿坐下。 Although I led several rank very good Pangu to keep the treasure, but these things were not the chaos boats, cannot support me to live for a long time here...... Now two roads \; first, the upward flight, flees from the chaos lowest level! Second, to continue downward thorough!” “虽然我带着了数件级别很不错的盘古留宝,不过这些东西并不是混沌舟,也不能长期支持我在这里生活……现在有两条路,一是向上飞行,逃离混沌最底层!二是继续向下深入!” The Ye Kong intention moves, completely gave up the first idea. 叶空心念一动,就已经完全的放弃了第一个想法。 However this time goal has not been achieved, said that Luo Shantian Venerable to be grasped, he cannot seeing somebody in danger and doing nothing helplessly! 不过他这次下来的目的还没有达到,就说罗衫天尊被抓了下去,他就不能眼睁睁的见死不救! Let alone, if this time does not get down, perhaps after him, forever does not have the opportunity to enter that piece is called as pure land the mysterious world! 更何况,如果这次不下去,恐怕他以后永永远远也没有机会进入那一片称作“净土”的神秘世界! Naturally walks downward!” The Ye Kong eyebrow color selects, does not glance at some worries, thought aloud: Does not know that this chaos isolation has thick, whether my treasure could support to me passed this region?” “当然是向下走!”叶空眉色一挑,不过目中还是有担心,自言自语道:“只是不知道这混沌隔离带有多厚,我的宝物是不是能支撑到我度过这段区域?” He lifts the hand, in palm were many many things. 他一抬手,掌中已经多了很多的物件。 These things, have the black feather robe of reduction, there are various types of strange weapons, has size small blue emerald Cambodia, is tags! 这些物件,有缩小的黑色羽衣,有各种奇怪的武器,有大小小的碧绿玉柬,还有就是一块块的胸牌! Ye Kong received other things, stays behind only, is that resembles the necklace to be the same, the middle puts on one does not know rectangular small sign that what metal makes. 叶空把其他东西都收了起来,唯独留下的,就是那一块块好像项链一样,中间穿着一块的不知何种金属制成的长方形小牌子。 Mo Haoyu!” “莫浩宇!” Ye Kong kills to have a clansman to give to take off its token, but first that in the hand this, he kills has the tag of clansman. 叶空杀死一个有尾族人就会将其的令牌给摘下,而手中这一块,正是他杀死的第一个有尾族人的胸牌。 Before took this sign to pretend to be from don't Haoyu to infiltrate the chaos boat, but Ye Kong thought indistinctly, this sign perhaps, not only the proof status was so simple! 之前从莫浩宇身上拿下这块牌子只是想要冒充一下混进混沌舟,不过叶空隐约觉得,这牌子恐怕并不只是证明身份那么简单! refine!” The Ye Kong intention moves, a Venerable strength has urged into the sign, immediately saw that metal the sign brightly. 炼化!”叶空心念一动,一股尊者的力量就已经催入牌中,顿时就看见那金属的牌子明亮了起来。 On the golden sign have several a ray to project, the gassed thread that these rays form is not optional! 金色的牌子上有数道光芒射出,这些光芒形成的光丝并不是随意的! The gassed thread quantity has about hundred, but the gassed thread aims at a below direction completely...... 光丝数量有近百条,而光丝全部都指向下方的一个方向…… „, I understood!” Ye Kong understood anything immediately! “哦,我明白了!”叶空顿时明白了什么! This sign is not only representative status, but also explained this person of strength! More than hundred gassed threads, explained that it is less than Venerable of hundred dimensions! But the direction of gassed thread direction, he has the world position!” “这牌子不但代表着身份,而且说明了此人实力!百多条光丝,说明其是不到百次元的尊者!而光丝指引的方向,正是他拥有世界所处的位置!” Thinks of here, in the Ye Kong heart has had the doubts. 想到这里,叶空心中又产生了疑惑。 The person of Venerate Realm also has the world, but these world are the float in the chaos surface, probably is the things of float on water surface. But the people of bottom of these chaos, they have the world, but these world, all sink unexpectedly in the chaos lowest level! 尊界之人也有世界,不过那些世界都是漂浮在混沌表面,就好像是漂浮在水面上的一颗颗的物件。而这些混沌之底的人,他们也拥有世界,而那些世界,竟然全部都沉在混沌最底层! No matter these, wait later to see that these world knew.” The Ye Kong's intention moves, surveyed to be away from approximately. “不管那些,等以后看到那些世界就知道了。”叶空的心念又动,大致探测了一下距离。 Is at to the world from here, the distance got off the subject not far, said that was near! Also does not know that can overtake promptly!” “从这里到世界所在,距离说远不远,说近不近!也不知道能不能及时赶过去!” Had the direction, had distance, Ye Kong has stimulated to movement to protect oneself Venerable immediately, was bringing itself, rapid below dropped to go! 有了方向,有了距离,叶空当即催动护身尊器,带着自己,飞速的下堕而去! However flew short after meeting, has actually encountered some situations. 不过只是飞了短短的一会以后,却是又遇到了一些情况。 Sees only the place above, side Fangbian a flat chaos boat depresses fiercely, on the boat has the youngster to call out in alarm, Elder Sister, under has a treasure! I saw, flicks!” 只见上方,一艘方方扁扁的混沌舟猛地压下,舟上有少年惊呼,“姐姐,下边有一件宝物!我看见了,一闪一闪的!” ps: Three, waited also to have! Fellow Daoist, under support! ps:三更了,等会还有!道友们,支持下!
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