MC :: Volume #34

#3322: The new clansman, Ye Kong prepares food!

3322 new clansmen, Ye Kong prepares food!( Four) 3322新的族人,叶空做菜!(四更) „It is not good! Felt that had the thing to hold my treasure!” Under the protections of several treasures rapid downward Ye Kong suddenly is being one startled! “不好!怎么感觉有东西抓住了我的宝物!”正在数件宝物的保护下飞速下行的叶空突然就是一惊! Is any unusual animals in chaos......” “难道是混沌之中的什么异兽……” Ye Kong's guessed that is not correct, soon, he and his treasure stopped in side Fangbian a flat chaos boat. 叶空的猜测并不正确,不久以后,他和他的宝物就已经停在了一只方方扁扁的混沌舟中。 Ye Kong receives the treasure, discovered that front has stood firm three person's shadows. 叶空收起宝物,发现面前已经站定了三个人影。 Middle one is a beard and hair all white old man, is standing men and women in his side about. 中间一个是一位须发皆白的老者,在他的身边左右站着一对男女。 The girl is 17-18 years old age, is long actually well. However to the first impression of person is actually the health! 那女孩十七八岁年纪,长得倒是不错。不过给人的第一印象却是健康! Her skin is not that white, slightly somewhat healthy brown. Stretches out two from the hemp long unlined close-fitting gown bare the long leg, can see the thigh muscle is very the health and sex appeal! 她的皮肤并不是那么白,略有些健康的棕色。从白麻长衫下伸出两条裸着的长腿,可以看见腿部肌肉很是健康、性感! But that boy age is smaller, 13 or 14-year-old age, fresh lively lovable. 而那男孩年纪更小,十三四岁年纪,生的活泼可爱。 The young boy sees Ye Kong to walk, immediately is greatly disappointed, to that girl depressed say/way, „? Has the person!” 小男孩看见叶空走出来,顿时大失所望,对那那女孩沮丧道,“啊?有人啊!” The middle old man stops the little grandson hastily, salutes saying: „, Is position Fellow Daoist, took the liberty obsolete actually! Also thinks that is who loses the treasure in chaos, this salvages, has not thought has the person.” 中间的老者连忙制止住小孙子,行礼道:“哦,原来是位道友,老朽倒是冒昧了!还以为是谁遗落在混沌之中的宝物,这才打捞起,没想到其中有人。” Might as well.” Ye Kong beckons with the hand hastily, watches these three people not to have the long tail, obviously does not have a tribe. “无妨。”叶空连忙摆手,观看这三人都没有长尾巴,显然不是有尾部落的。 In his heart actually a loosen, if can ride an available ship to arrive at Pure Land World, saves his lots of trouble actually. 他心中倒是一松,如果能搭个便船到达净土世界,倒是省去他很多的麻烦。 The middle old man looked that the Ye Kong vision keeps on vacillating, asked hastily, does not know that which the senior was Venerable the public figure of country which tribe?” 中间老者看叶空目光游移不定,连忙问道,“不知前辈是哪个尊国哪个部落的人士?” The world that the old men have is inferior to Ye Kong, could not see that its strength is much strong, but knows, therefore politely calls the senior. 老者拥有的世界远不如叶空,也看不出其实力多强,只是知道比自己强,所以尊称前辈。 This......” Ye Kong cannot certainly say oneself are the person of Venerate Realm, he shook tag on the neck , to continue to pretend to be saying that I have Mo Haoyu of tribe......” “这个……”叶空当然不能说自己是尊界之人,他晃了一下脖子上的胸牌,继续冒充道,“我是有尾部落的莫浩宇……” Ye Kong does not know that the relations of Pure Land World, pretended to be to have a tribe casually, has not actually thought that immediately situation big change! 叶空也不知净土世界的关系,随便冒充了一下有尾部落,却没想到,顿时形势大变! Has a tribe!” Front three people of complete facial colors are bad. “有尾部落!”面前三人全部面色不善。 The little miss throws down one, „the tailless person, actually curries favor with powerful people obviously! Shameless!” 那小姑娘更是丢下一句,“明明无尾之人,却去趋炎附势!无耻!” Said that turns around to depart. 说完转身离去。 Although the old men are also disgruntled, but looked that opposite party Cultivation Base is good, the heart said that asked the God to be easy to deliver the God to be difficult! 老者虽然也是不悦,不过看对方修为比自己好,心说请神容易送神难! He also has to smile bitterly saying that cannot think is on Powerhouse of clan, obsolete seal Peace Race Li Moru, this is my grandson Li Jing, a moment ago that was my adopted daughter Chen Jiemin.” 他也只好苦笑道,“想不到是上族的强者,老朽印第安族李墨儒,这是我的孙子李靖,刚才那个是我养女陈洁敏。” Ye Kong experiences richly, understood instantaneously. 叶空经历丰富,瞬间就明白了。 This has a clan surely is Pure Land World Powerhouse, but seal Peace Race that is at obsolete is actually the small and weak nationality! 这有尾族定是净土世界强者,而老朽所在的印第安族却是弱小民族! Between both has the hatred surely, therefore has the scene of present! 两者之间必定是有仇恨,因此才有当前的情景! Ye Kong said oneself had a clan, now but actually also unable to explain, only then the nod said, Li felt relieved, so long as you and others delivered me to return to Pure Land World, I will not feel embarrassed in you.” 叶空已经说自己是有尾族了,现在倒也无法解释,只有点头道,“李老放心,只要你等送我返回净土世界,我不会为难于你。” So good!” Old man Li Moru then relaxed, calls said that Jin Er, on clan honored guest taking away guest room.” “如此甚好!”老者李墨儒这才松了一口气,唤道,“靖儿,将上族贵客带去客房。” About Ye Kong looks, discovered that this chaos boat is very crude exquisite, compared with having the mountain chaos boat of clan wanted not to have the several fold pocket-sized. 叶空左右一看,发现这个混沌舟很是简陋小巧,比起有尾族的山型混沌舟要袖珍了无数倍。 Moreover is most important, this chaos boat before Ye Kong has seen the boat ship is the same, the front has a deck, the sky covers Array Method, stands in the deck, can observe the situation outside boat! 而且最重要的,这混沌舟和叶空以前见过的舟船一样,前方有一个甲板,上空覆盖阵法,站在甲板上,可以观察舟外的情况! Therefore Ye Kong beckons with the hand to say hastily, does not use the taking away inner room, I in this deck, together upholstery foot!” 因此叶空连忙摆手道,“不用带去内室,我就在这甲板上,一块铺垫足矣!” Since everybody is the enemy non- friend, indoor Ye Kong does not enter, everybody in province guard mutually. 既然大家是敌非友,叶空也就不进室内,省的大家互相防备。 In the voice, Ye Kong throw together the upholstery, sits cross-legged sits in the deck. 话音之中,叶空自己扔出一块铺垫,盘膝就地坐在甲板上。 Sees this person to be actually aware, old man then relaxed, the polite say/way, Jin Er, carries open/stretch Xiaozhuo to come, if the honored guest does not shut out, our some inferior wine side dishes are filial piety.” 看见此人倒是自觉,老者这才松了一口气,客气道,“靖儿,端张小桌来,如果贵客不嫌弃,我们一些薄酒小菜孝敬。” Ye Kong has not eaten under the chaos actually the food and wine of world, naturally satisfies, the nod said, that good, tastes to me!” 叶空倒是没有吃过混沌下方世界的酒菜,当然大为满意,点头道,“那好,给我尝尝!” When are not many, that young boy Li Jing non- sentiment hope does not carry the small table, puts the food and wine. 不多时,那小男孩李靖不情不愿地端上小桌,放上酒菜。 Ye Kong lowers the head looked, these dishes have the meat sound thorough, has not seen. Tastes slightly, how feeling flavor/smell not! Tastes that liquor again, is bitter and astringent hemp/numb She, being hard deglutition. 叶空低头一看,那些菜有荤有素,很多都没有见过。略微品尝一下,感觉味道并不如何!再尝那酒,也是苦涩麻舌,难以下咽。 He starts also to think that these seal Peace Race people put in order themselves intentionally, but looked that old man Li Moru eats with great interest, like faking. 他开始还以为这些印第安族人故意整自己,不过看那老者李墨儒吃的津津有味,不像作伪。 Come, the honored guest, drinks several cups.” Old men to flatter Powerhouse, unceasing proposing a toast. “来,贵客,多喝几杯。”老者为了讨好强者,不断的敬酒。 Ye Kong has drunk several, solid being hard deglutition, beckons with the hand to ask, „does Pure Land World everybody eat such cooked food liquor?” 叶空喝了几口,实在难以下咽,摆手问道,“难道净土世界大家都吃如此的菜肴酒品?” Is sees Ye Kong not to be feeling well probably, old man is startled, said hastily, senior appeases anger, we print Peace Race to place the bitter cold, does not know that the senior usually is the sumptuous lifestyle, but this is we best food......” 大概是看出叶空不爽,老者惊慌,连忙道,“前辈息怒,我们印第安族身处苦寒,不知道前辈平时都是锦衣玉食,不过这已经是我们最好的食物了……” Ye Kong shakes the head, said that food good and is not good, on the one hand is the food, on the other hand is the procedure! Although your food are simple, but does well, such will not be unpalatable!” 叶空摇头,道,“食物的好与不好,一方面是食材,另一方面是做法!你们这些食材虽然简单,可是好好做,也不会这么难吃!” The so-called young bull does not fear the tiger frightened, the old man to Ye Kong must die, that over ten -year-old youngster is actually straightforward, holds up the head saying that dislikes not delicious who the Elder Sister is to do!” 所谓初生牛犊不怕虎,老者对叶空恐惧的要死,那十多岁少年却是耿直,昂首道,“嫌姐姐做的不好吃自己去做!” The old men have pulled out the youngster skull hastily, cursed angrily, your this brat, how dares to speak with the previous clan seniors like this.” 老者连忙抽了少年脑壳,怒骂道,“你这兔崽子,怎么敢和上族前辈这样说话。” Actually Ye Kong does not matter the food and drink but actually, but by this boy saying, had some meanings to move actually, said with a smile, my Ye Kong cannot make the meal since birth, but will be I not, delicious that also made compared with your older sister! I make two to eat to you!” 其实叶空倒无所谓吃喝,不过被这小子一说,倒是有了些意动,笑道,“我叶空生来就不太会做饭菜,不过就算是我再不会,也比你姐姐做的好吃!我做两个给你们吃吃!” The old men hear in this clan Powerhouse to prepare food eat to them, where they dare to accept this treatment/salary, frightens and beats and scolds youngster Li Jing. 老者听说这位上族强者要做菜给他们吃,他们哪敢接受这种待遇,吓得又打骂少年李靖。 Ye Kong puts out a hand to block hastily, says with a smile, might as well, I must eat!” Said that also said to the youngster, kitchen where, front guides!” 叶空连忙伸手拦住,笑道,“无妨,我自己也要吃的!”说完又对少年道,“厨房何在,前边带路!” The boy youngster disposition, brings Ye Kong to move toward in the cabin immediately the kitchen, back the old man called not to dare continually. 男孩少年心性,立即带着叶空走向舱内厨房,后边跟着的老者连叫不敢。 Arrives at the kitchen, the young girl who really sees that stature tall and straight and healthy heroic spirit is busy at work! 来到厨房,果然看见那身材挺拔、健康英气的少女正在忙活! Also let alone, this healthy, sunlight UK , US the stature of young girl that tall Tiao, the exquisite skin, the muscle of long leg, the simple and beautiful face, has a comparison of not being able to say in addition happily specially! 还别说,这种健健康康,阳光英美的少女那高挑的身材,细腻的皮肤,长腿的肌肉,加上清丽面孔,有着一种说不出的比较特别的美好! He must prepare food!” Young girl Chen Jiemin first time knows actually these have the evil people of clan, will go unexpectedly also to the kitchen to prepare food? “他要做菜!”少女陈洁敏倒是第一次知道这些有尾族的恶人们,竟然还会下厨做菜? Those who make her unable to think, Ye Kong takes up some food in kitchen casually, inquired simply food characteristics, when are not many, has made several types of the side dishes of steam winding around smell sharp aromas. 更让她想不到的是,叶空随便拿起厨房中的一些食材,简单询问一下食材特性,不多时,就已经做了数样热气缭绕香气扑鼻的小菜。 Actually Ye Kong this whole life also really little prepares food, but he lived was so big, has eaten that many good food, looked that also looked to meet! The meal that let alone, the young girl makes was really unpalatable! 其实叶空这辈子还真的很少做菜,不过他活了那么大,吃了那么多美食,看也看会了!更何况,那少女做的菜实在是太难吃了! On the chaos boat forecastle, near a small table, Ye Kong and this seal Peace Race three people sit a side respectively, sits cross-legged to sit, Ye Kong takes out one bottle of Highest Venerate Sect to supply the nice wine that his Sect Lord drinks especially, started the dinner of chaos lowest level! 混沌舟前甲板上,一张小桌边,叶空和这印第安族三人各坐一方,盘膝而坐,叶空又取出一瓶至尊门特供他门主饮用的好酒,开始了混沌最底层的晚饭! „! Really delicious!” Young Li Jing has eaten one, immediately the pleasantly surprised say/way, Elder Sister, really does you delicious were too more than!” “呀!果然好吃!”少年李靖吃了一口,顿时惊喜道,“姐姐,果然比你做的好吃太多了!” The young girl has eaten one, long phoenix immediately curved. However listened to Li Jing this saying, she stared immediately, the anger said, what the Indian female soldiers most excelled was the God bends/bow the advantage arrow and Venerable lance, did not cook to prepare food!” 那少女吃了一口,长长的凤目顿时弯弯了起来。不过听李靖这一说,她顿时瞪眼,怒道,“印第安女战士最擅长的是神弓利箭、尊者长矛,可不是烧饭做菜!” ps: Four. Wants more, but the steamed bun thought that was somewhat tired, today this! Fellow Daoist thought the steamed bun attentive under the support! ps:四更。本来想再多些,不过馒头觉得有些累了,今天就这样了!道友们觉得馒头用心了就支持下! Sought the support! Slightly thanks politely! 求支持!小蛮拜谢!
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