MC :: Volume #34

#3320: Escaping

3320 escapes 3320金蝉脱壳 The person of chaos has the superiority in the chaos greatly, simultaneously is skilled in the law of encirclement! If others were encircled by their massive people, acts recklessly this Venerate Realm strong to be also difficult to run away by the destiny of dismembering. 混沌之人在混沌之中大有优势,同时又精通合围之法!若是被他们大量人等合围,就连蛮乾这种尊界超强也难逃被分尸的命运。 But if discussed the operational strength of single person, actually be smaller and weaker than Ye Kong! 可是若是论单个人的作战力,却是要比叶空弱小无数! Moreover, here is chaos most bottom, little has the person of Venerate Realm to come here! 而且,这里是混沌最底,很少有尊界之人能够到达这里! Therefore has in the chaos boat of tribe, defends laxly very! 因此有尾部落的混沌舟中,防御非常的松懈! This chaos boat size quite huge, lives has a clansman altogether more than 800, therefore appears the unusual dispersion. 这艘混沌舟尺寸相当的巨大,其中居住的有尾族人一共大约800多名,所以显得还是非常的分散。 Therefore the slaughter of Ye Kong in surrounding, has the upper formation of clansman not to detect basically. 因此叶空在外围的屠杀,有尾族人的上层基本没有发觉。 Until after several days dates, the super chaos boat approached chaos most bottom the world, vice- Boss and other talented people discovered that does not suit. 直到数日后,超级混沌舟已经接近混沌最底的世界,副首领等人才发现不对劲。 What's the matter? How over the two days to ask unable to find, looks for black ink unable to find?” The vice- Boss anger said. “到底是怎么回事?这两天怎么找图桑找不到,找墨强也找不到?”副首领怒道。 Because Ye Kong's acquaintance Su Xiaoxiao offers suggestions active, now became right-hand of vice- Boss. 叶空的熟人苏萧萧因为献计有功,现在已经成为副首领的左膀右臂。 Vice- Boss, is it possible that has changes......” in Su Xiaoxiao both eyes one startled, has thought of anything, opens the mouth to say hastily: Is it possible that is mixed by the person of Venerate Realm that did run away?” “副首领,莫非其中有变……”苏萧萧双目之中一惊,想到了什么,连忙开口道:“莫非是被那逃走的尊界之人混了进来?” How possible?” Vice- Boss is startled first. “怎么可能?”副首领先是一惊。 Su whinny said: Must be careful, I surnamed Ye have had to do with the person of that Venerate Realm, this person sly cut-throat, likes taking risks!” 苏萧萧道:“还是要小心点,我和那姓叶的尊界之人打过交道,此人狡猾凶狠,又喜欢铤而走险!” „! Immediately sends for looking up! All people send in the information to count off!” “查!立即派人去查!所有人发来信息报数!” Vice- Boss ordered, a short while later statistical result came out, on the boat more than 300 people lost the contact unexpectedly, acted recklessly! 首领下令,没一会统计结果出来,舟上竟然有300多人失去联系,不知死活! „More than 300 people! Is has Venerable of hundred dimensions completely!” Vice- Boss hates to clench jaws, in both eyes stern countenances. “300多人!全部都是有着百次元的尊者!”副首领恨得咬牙切齿,双目之中一片厉色。 Vice- Boss, discovered jade Cambodia that some people leave behind!” Su whinny walks from outside, hands over a jade Cambodia. “副首领,发现有人留下的玉柬!”苏萧萧从外边走进来,递上一块玉柬。 Originally the Ye Kong feeling leaves the opposite party to discover, simply after killing one has the clan group leaders, stays behind a letter. 原来叶空感觉出对方已经发现,索性在杀死一个有尾族小头目以后,留下一封信。 Monkeys, do not play, that is amusing! After half double-hour, I ensure can kill to 400 people! If you do not want to play that in a big way, hurries to emit the friend of mine, knocks 99 knocks, sees off us to leave! Otherwise...... Ahem! Venerate Realm Highest Venerate Sect Ye Kong remains!” “猴子们,你们不是要玩嘛,那就好好玩玩!半个时辰以后,我保证可以杀到400人!如果你们不想玩那么大,就赶紧把我的朋友放出,磕上99个响头,恭送我们离开!否则……哼哼!尊界至尊门叶空留!” Vice- Boss reads this short note, has been mad results in both eyes blood red, a crumb jade Cambodia, exclaimed: Hateful Venerate Realm boy Ye Kong, you were too extremely arrogant! Bullied our Pure Land World to come unexpectedly! I must kill you!” 首领看完这封短信,已经气得双目血红,啪地一声捏碎玉柬,吼道:“可恶的尊界小子叶空,你太狂妄了!竟然欺负到我们净土世界来了!我必杀你!” Informs, if discovers the Ye Kong's trail, immediately comes back to report! Regarding active, gives to reward generously!” “通知下去,若是发现叶空的踪迹,立即回来汇报!对于有功者,给予重奖!” Rewards generously the will of the people, has a tribe is also the bold disposition, a short while later, has the Powerhouse composition squad that thinks, the thorough surrounding cavern, wants to apprehend Ye Kong. 重奖动人心,有尾部落也是大胆的性格,没一会,就有很多自认为的强者组成小队,深入外围洞窟,想要捉拿叶空 One team of 78 troops are walking one after another in the cavern. 一队78个人马正在鱼贯行走在洞窟之中。 „A trivial Venerate Realm villain, wants, in our formidable has in front of a clan to act unruly!” “一个区区的尊界小人,也想在我们强大的有尾族面前撒野!” Yes, yes! These fellows usually live in the Venerate Realm space, when the chaos restart them are die! These fellows are the cowards who some waits for death uselessly, we must seize him to go back to receive an award.” “是呀,是呀!那些家伙平日都生活在尊界空间,等到混沌重启他们就是个死!这些家伙都是一些没用等死的孬种,我们一定要捉到他回去领赏。” When these seven monkey type person's shadow passes through, in a back cave wall drills a white spirit snake suddenly! 当这七个“猴子”样的人影走过,后边的一处山洞墙壁之中突然钻出一条白色的灵蛇! ! 咝! The spirit snake same dragon bone whip restrains the person of final chaos instantaneously, the innumerable barbs that at the same time, on the dragon bone joint stretches out jabbed into the neck of this person fiercely...... 灵蛇一样的龙骨鞭瞬间勒住最后的一个混沌之人,与此同时,龙骨关节上伸出的无数倒钩已经猛地刺进此人的脖子中…… ! The blood spews out. 噗!鲜血喷涌而出。 Be careful, has the enemy to raid!” The people of remaining six chaos have turned around immediately, is panic-stricken. “小心,有敌袭!”剩下的六个混沌之人顿时转过身来,惊慌失措。 However the dragon bone whip shrank cave wall, what stays behind is only hole on a corpse and a wall...... 不过龙骨鞭已经缩进山洞壁,留下的只是一具尸体和墙上的一个窟窿…… Digs!” “挖!” This chaos boat is a giant cave, momentarily can dig out the channel! Remaining six people take out tool immediately, crazy unearths to inside, seeks for Ye Kong. 这混沌舟就是一个巨型的山洞,随时可以挖出通道!剩下的六人立即取出工具,疯狂的向里边挖掘,寻找叶空 However waited for them to unearth for quite a while, actually suddenly discovered that finally two people disappeared strangely. 不过等他们挖掘了半天,却突然发现最后两人离奇消失了。 Also dug?” The remaining four people discover the people of these Venerate Realm finally, is not the coward in imagination. “还挖不挖了?”剩下的四人终于发现这些尊界之人,也并不是想象之中的孬种。 Also digs anything, hurries to notify!” “还挖什么,赶紧回去报信!” After they flee the channel that unearths, the back is actually a woods white ray flashes before, ties down person of nape of the neck fiercely! 就在他们逃离挖掘出来的通道以后,背后却又是一条森白的光芒闪现,猛地缠住一人的脖颈! The remaining three people already collapsed, the boastful talk has also forgotten, calls out in alarm one, scatters in all directions to run away. 剩下的三人早已崩溃,刚才的狂言也忘记了,惊呼一声,四散而逃。 When they run away, the scene goes out of a azure clothes form, this is already Ye Kong that restores to dress up! 等他们逃走,现场才走出一个青衣身影,这是已经恢复本来打扮的叶空 Regarding these chaos person who wants him dead, he will not have any politeness, in the mouth spits several characters lightly, 431!” 对于这些想要他死的混沌之人,他不会有任何的客气,口中轻吐几个字,“431!” ...... …… 431!” In the giant chaos boat central main hall, vice- Boss with clenched jaws has put also out these characters. “431!”巨型混沌舟中央的大殿之中,副首领同时也咬牙切齿地吐出了这几个字。 431, this has a tribe besides the war, biggest loss that suffers! 431,这是有尾部落除了战争以外,遭受的最大一次损失! Facing crazy of person of that Venerate Realm, Su whinny has somewhat feared, opens the mouth to urge: Vice- Boss, or we admit defeat then forget about it. This person of strength is tyrannical, in this chaos boat, independent combat to us is disadvantageous!” 面对那尊界之人的疯狂,苏萧萧已经有些怕了,开口劝道:“副首领,要不我们认输算了。此人实力强横,在这混沌舟里,单打独斗对我们不利!” How possible? Wants me to return that female to this person? Do I go back to confess to Sir Boss? Passes on us to have a tribe to be smiled?” Vice- Boss flies into a rage. “怎么可能?难道要我将那女子交还给此人?那我回去怎么对首领大人交代?传出去我们有尾部落岂不是要被人笑死?”副首领勃然大怒。 Appearance that although vice- Boss vowing not to rest, but he is also very clear! 虽然副首领一副誓不罢休的样子,不过他也清楚得很! Su whinny, but we place in the chaos boat, is unable to tie a joint effort to resist this person! If independent combat, feared that is only then Sir Boss can with its contend! Do your consistently strategy in many ways, what good strategy have to offer?” “苏萧萧,只是我们身处混沌舟之中,无法结阵合力对抗此人!若是单打独斗,怕是只有首领大人才能跟其相抗衡!你一向计策多端,有没有什么好计策献上?” Su whinny secretly thought: You have a need for me so being polite, having no need for me not being serious me. 苏萧萧暗道:你用得着我就如此客气,用不着我就不把我当回事。 However for all that thinks, but Su Xiaoxiao also want to leave, he is also afraid the Ye Kong's retaliation. 不过虽然如此想,可是苏萧萧自己也想离开,他也害怕叶空的报复。 He thinks, had the strategy, said with a smile dark: Had!” He drew close to near the vice- Boss ear immediately a saying, immediately saw on two faces to reveal the happy expression! 他思索一下,有了计策,阴阴一笑道:“有了!”他立即贴近副首领耳边一说,顿时就看见两人脸上都露出喜色! ...... …… The chaos most bottom, the strength of here chaos crush have gone to a terrifying situation! 混沌最底部,这里的混沌碾压之力已经达到一种恐怖的地步! Even if bottom of these chaos people, they pass this region, needs to hide in certain treasure. 就算是那些混沌之底的人,他们通过这一区域,都是需要藏在一定的宝物之中。 one/1st Layer of this most bottom, is called the insulating layer, unpopulated area! 这最底的一层,被称作隔离层,无人区! Only the large-scale chaos boat, can travel to come and go out. 只有大型的混沌舟,才能往返出入。 But around here phosgene, presents a golden light bright to the dazzling situation! 而这里四周的光气,也呈现一种金光灿烂到耀眼的地步! Does not suit the person to survive, Venerable of several hundred several thousand dimensions, is hard to support! 根本不适合人生存,几百几千次元的尊者,也难以支撑! At this moment, a huge shadow is descending slowly. 正在此刻,一个庞大的黑影徐徐降落。 This has the mountain chaos boat of tribe, the speed that here, it flies also became slow...... 这正是有尾部落的山型混沌舟,在这里,它飞行的速度也变得慢了许多…… But during the mountain chaos boat huge shadow submersion, had has let the change that the person could not think of! 可就在山型混沌舟庞大的影子下沉之中,却是有了让人想不到的变化! This is......” places Ye Kong of mountain Xing chaos boat surrounding to feel immediately is not right. “这是……”身处山型混沌舟外围的叶空顿时感觉到不对。 Looking from outside, in golden chaos, this black-brown mountain top, started the avalanche unexpectedly! 从外边看,金色的混沌中,这座黑褐色的山头,竟然开始了崩塌! „It is not good! Escapes!” “不好!金蝉脱壳!” These, Ye Kong has walked randomly in the outer layer of chaos boat on , kills a clansman! But now the avalanche, is the outer layer of chaos boat! 这几日,叶空一直在混沌舟的中外层游走,袭杀有尾族人!而现在崩塌的,正是混沌舟的外层! Hurries to walk toward in!” Ye Kong also without enough time digs a hole, along the existing cavern, is flying toward the inner layer directly crazily! “赶紧往里走!”叶空也来不及挖洞,直接沿着已有的洞窟,往着内层狂飞! In cavern, several have a clansman. Obviously vice- Boss they have not informed the person on one's own side, must give up something minor to save something major! 洞窟之中,也有数个有尾族人。显然副首领他们并没有通知自己人,要丟卒保车! Ye Kong and these have a clansman unable to attend to attack mutually, all dashes in the channel! 叶空和那些有尾族人也都顾不上互相攻击,全部都在通道之中飞奔! However waits for their, does not enter the inner layer...... 不过等待他们的,并不是进入内层…… Ka ka ka, bang! 咔咔咔,轰! In the loud sound, the channel to chaos boat inner layer, was blocked by the great gate completely instantaneously! 巨响之中,通向混沌舟内层的通道,全部在瞬间被巨门封死! ps: In the afternoon also has, asks respectfully the anticipation! ps:下午还有,敬请期待!
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