MC :: Volume #34

#3319: Has a tribe

3319 has a tribe 3319有尾部落 „It is not good! Luo Shantian Venerable that side has danger!” In the Ye Kong heart in great surprise, has not thought unexpectedly the large unit of person of chaos comes is so quick.) “不好!罗衫天尊那边有危险了!”叶空心中大惊,没想到混沌之人的大部队竟然来的这么快。.) Luo Shantian Venerable the chaos boat that is Ye Kong makes, defense Array Method that above covers is also under the Ye Kong arrange/cloth. However, if person of quantities these chaos are numerous, collaborates to tie to attack, feared that is the support instantaneous! 罗衫天尊所在的混沌舟是叶空所造,上边覆盖的防御阵法也是叶空布下。不过,若是这些混沌之人数量众多,又联手结阵进行攻击,怕是支持不过瞬间! But these fellow flying speeds are too fast, Ye Kong feared that is pursues cannot overtake. 而这些家伙飞行速度太快,叶空怕是追也追不上。 Luo Shan, do not spell hardly.” Ye Kong sends out a message with the chaos token, afterward drills the chaos slit, flies rapidly in the large military force opposite direction of! “罗衫,不要硬拼。”叶空用混沌令牌发出一条消息,随后钻出混沌缝隙,飞速向着大队人马相反的方向飞去! Soon, in the chaos a huge shadow, appeared in front of Ye Kong's! 不久以后,混沌之中一个庞大的黑影,已经出现在叶空的面前! I said that these people come to be so quick, originally this has a super huge chaos boat!” Small shadow swimming quietly in the past. “我就说这些人来这么快,原来这个有一个超级庞大的混沌舟!”一点小小的黑影悄悄的游了过去。 ...... …… In chaos, somewhere. 混沌之中,某处。 After Ye Kong flies away, here peace. However short one will pass, a big piece of dense person's shadow flew. But in this crowd of person's shadows, the moving form that puts on Luo Shan is striking, but she was actually suppressed with Array Method by the person of chaos. 叶空飞走以后,这里一片安静。不过短短一会过去,一大片的黑压压的人影又飞了回来。而在这群人影之中,一个穿着罗衫的动人身影更是醒目,不过她却是被混沌之人用阵法压制住。 This group of people have the people of tribe and others, their large military forces pursue, with joint forces under arrange/cloth chaos sky net, but has routed instantaneously the protector of white jade chaos boat, seized Luo Shantian Venerable. 这群人正是有尾部落的人等,他们大队人马追出,合力布下混沌天网阵,只是瞬间就击溃了白玉混沌舟的保护层,捉牢了罗衫天尊。 However what makes these monkey depressed is, they have not discovered and found beyond the day the crystal! 不过让这些“猴子”郁闷的是,他们并没有发现和找到天外晶! Therefore is detaining Luo Shan, seized the white jade chaos boat, returns to their giant chaos boats. 因此只有押着罗衫,夺了白玉混沌舟,返回他们的巨型混沌舟。 Su whinny where? Doesn't your information permit? Simply does not have beyond the day the crystal!” Vice- Boss is greatly angry, during the flight exclaimed. .com| “苏萧萧何在?你的情报准不准?根本没有天外晶!”副首领大恼,飞行之中吼道。.com| Su whinny follows hastily, the forced smile said: Vice- Boss, on that day outside crystal in the person of that male Venerate Realm, this person sly incomparable, sinister, feared that is carried beyond the day the crystal to run away.” 苏萧萧连忙跟上,苦笑道:“副首领,那天外晶在那个男的尊界之人身上,此人狡猾无比,阴险非常,怕是已经携着天外晶逃走。” Ran away? You simply have not inquired clearly, the chaotic report information, our tribe dispatches these many people, actually has achieved nothing! You deserve what crime!” In the vice- Boss heart the anger so is can it be that easy to depress. “已经逃走?那你根本没有打探清楚,就乱报情报,我们部落出动这么多人,却是一无所获!你该当何罪!”副首领心中火气岂是这么容易压下。 How can say that has achieved nothing?” Su whinny an eyeball revolution, points at Luo Shan to say with a smile: Vice- Boss, you look. This female look beauty, even if our Pure Land World 36 countries and in myriad tribes, is the unique eminent! Also was above the Venerate Realm goods, was rare! If gives to us Venerable the king monarch sovereign of country's it, I think that the king monarch sovereign Sirs definitely like tightly......” “怎么能说是一无所获?”苏萧萧眼珠子一转,指着罗衫笑道:“副首领,你看。这女子相貌姿色,就算是我们净土世界36尊国和万千的部落之中,也是绝无仅有的翘楚!再说又是上边尊界的货色,难得一见!若是将其献给我们尊国的国主,我想国主大人肯定欢喜得紧……” Vice- Boss hear of words, turn head to have a look at seized female that moving pretty face, the tall and straight physique, transfers the anger to smile immediately, is happy: Su whinny, cannot see you to pour some scheme! The speed returns to the chaos boat, we arrived at Pure Land World to say again!” 首领听言,回头看看被捉女子那动人姣颜,挺拔身姿,顿时转怒为笑,喜道:“苏萧萧啊,看不出你倒有些计谋!速度返回混沌舟,我们到达净土世界再说!” Soon, one group of people and others all returned to the huge shadow in chaos, files, Luo Shantian Venerable is also taken into. 不久以后,一群人等全部返回混沌之中的庞大黑影,鱼贯而入,罗衫天尊也被带进其中。 Waits for all people fully to enter the giant chaos boat, this huge shadow starts finally slowly, is getting quicker and quicker, sinks to chaos most deep place...... 等所有人全部进入巨型混沌舟,这个庞大的黑影终于缓缓启动,越来越快,沉向混沌最深处…… ...... …… This giant chaos boat the boat ship is completely different from the past has seen, its contour is a hill top seems to be common. But in which channel and room, cave and cavern that also extends in all directions probably! 这巨型混沌舟和以往见过的舟船完全不一样,其外形仿佛是一座小山头一般。而其中的通道和房间,也是好像四通八达的山洞和洞窟! This construction method seems like primitive, actually very advanced! 这种建造方法看似原始,却是非常的先进! The inner wall outer wall is thick, can resist the chaos pressure completely. But is its some connected is not that close, even if the collapse larger part, does not affect the flight of other half! 其内壁外壁非常厚实,可以完全抵住混沌的压力。而是其各部分相连并不是那么紧密,就算是崩溃一大半,也不影响另一半的飞行! In the cave same channel, a wear black feather robe, is growing the tail, the back and on the face have the chaos people of many blood stain to drag the heavy body, walks slowly. 在山洞一样的通道中,一个穿着黑色羽衣,长着尾巴,背后和脸上都有着很多血污的混沌之人拖着沉重的身体,缓缓走来。 Mo Haoyu! Heard that you have suffered a person of whip that Venerate Realm, this is therapy medicine pill that the tribe distributes, you rest well!” “莫浩宇!听说你挨了那尊界之人一鞭,这是部落发下的疗伤丹药,你好好休息吧!” Before this is injured appears very serious chaos person arrives at a cavern gate, discovered that here has stood several to grow the woman of tail similarly. The woman of lead seems some status, held up the head to throw out the chest, throws down medicine pill to leave. 当这名受伤显得很严重的混沌之人走到一件洞窟门前,发现这里已经站着了几个同样长着尾巴的女人。领头的女人看上去有些地位,昂头挺胸,丢下丹药就离开了。 Thanks the tribe senior.” Chaos person who is called Mo Haoyu received medicine pill, gazes after these people to leave, this enters own cavern. “谢谢部落前辈。”叫做莫浩宇的混沌之人接过丹药,目送这些人离开,这才走进自己的洞窟。 However after waiting for him to walk the enter cave hole, his movement immediately fast, slow both eyes also become bright. 不过等他走进洞窟以后,他的动作顿时迅捷起来,迟钝的双目也变得有神起来。 He turns head to trace oneself monkey tail to say with a smile, f*ck your ancestor board board, cannot think that the father can also turn into Sun Wukong!” Then, lowers the head to smell in the hand medicine pill, nods, good, is really effect good therapy medicine pill, but does not know that what material makes.” 他回头摸摸自己的猴子尾巴笑道,“日你先人板板,想不到老子也能变成孙悟空!”说完,又低头嗅嗅手中丹药,点点头,“不错,果然是效果不错的疗伤丹药,只是不知道何种材料所造。” Behavior movement that looks at this Mo Haoyu, at all not the person of injury! 看这个莫浩宇的行为动作,根本不似受伤之人! Actually this is Ye Kong that hoodwinks! 其实这正是蒙混进来的叶空 Mentioned also skillfully, Ye Kong discovered the after giant chaos boat of person of this chaos, actually does not know how to enter! Outside the boat entrance, is defending many chaos people, vigilant. 说来也巧,叶空发现这混沌之人的巨型混沌舟以后,却是不知如何进入!在舟门口外,守着很多的混沌之人,警惕的很。 However when he touches own ears and cheeks, was in the hand was raising the dragon bone whip had the sound first. 不过就在他抓耳挠腮的时候,却是手中提着的龙骨鞭先有了动静。 In the chaos, the induction of dragon bone whip is also unexpectedly better than Ye Kong! 混沌之中,龙骨鞭的感应竟然比叶空还要好! The dragon bone whip induces to is approached by the smell of blood of that fellow he wounds! 龙骨鞭感应到被他击伤的那个家伙的血腥味在靠近! Under the reminder of dragon bone whip, Ye Kong stops up the chaos person who that staggered along to catch up in the half-way quickly. 在龙骨鞭的提醒下,叶空很快就在半道堵住了那个跌跌撞撞赶来的混沌之人。 Person of name this chaos called Mo Haoyu, he received the heavy wound, knows that Ye Kong chased down in the back. Therefore this person very careful, drills in the chaos slit specially, has not actually thought that missed has met the opportunity of large unit. Moreover also lost the time, speed that therefore he comes back, is slower than Ye Kong. 这个混沌之人名叫莫浩宇,他受了不轻的伤,又知道叶空在后边追杀。所以此人非常的小心,专门在混沌缝隙之中钻来钻去,却没想到错过了遇上大部队的机会。而且也耽误了时间,所以他回来的速度,比叶空还慢。 Ye Kong blocks off the half-way, strikes to kill the person of this chaos with ease, and refine his black feather robe and front token, changed make this person of appearance, smears this person of bloodstain on own upper eyelid, this muddledly enters in the super chaos boat. 叶空堵截半道,轻松将这个混沌之人击杀,并且炼化了他的黑色羽衣和胸前令牌,变作此人模样,又在自己身上脸上抹上此人血迹,这才蒙混进入超级混沌舟之中。 It is not the person of each chaos has in this boat ** room, Mo Haoyu is most low status detection soldier, therefore his dwelling is four people of one. 并不是每个混沌之人在这舟中都是有**房间的,莫浩宇是最低等的侦查兵,所以他的住处是四人一间。 He just came back shortly, another three people came back. 他刚回来没多久,另外三人就回来了。 Really is hateful, this white happy one time, simply has not obtained beyond the day the crystal! Also prepared to show off one time in front of white item of tribe.” “真是可恶,这次白高兴一次,根本没有得到天外晶!本来还准备在白目部落面前显摆一回。” All right! This time we have a tribe to feel proud and elated ironclad!” “没事!这次我们有尾部落铁定要扬眉吐气!” How possible? Does not have beyond the day the crystal contribution to the country, we have a tribe to be ridiculed are the monkeys, is revering the country not to have the status!” “怎么可能?没有天外晶贡献给尊国,我们有尾部落还是要被人讥笑为猴子,在尊国没有地位!” I heard! Yeah, Mo Haoyu you also come to listen...... It is said vice- Boss must give to king our that Venerate Realm females of this capture, that female skin snow white, after first drum curls upwards, hehe, when the time comes the King likes, do we have status what Chou of tribe not to promote?” “我可是听说了!哎,莫浩宇你也过来听听……据说副首领要把我们这次捕获的那个尊界女子送给尊国王者,那个女子皮肤雪白,前鼓后翘,嘿嘿,到时候王者喜爱,我们有尾部落的地位何愁不提升?” Hears these three people to whoop, stands is angry in one side Ye Kong heart. 听见这三人议论纷纷,站在一侧的叶空心中大怒。 A Dawson's white ray flashes through, the dragon bone whip offers a sacrifice , the people of three chaos cannot think of brothers in dormitory at the point of death to their make a move! 一道森白的光芒闪过,龙骨鞭祭出,三名混沌之人临死也想不到一个宿舍的兄弟对他们出手 Hateful chaos have a clansman, I was well-meant! But you first are beyond the seize day the crystal, had gotten afterward Kosuke's idea, that do not blame me not being impolite!” “可恶的混沌有尾族人,我本来没有恶意!可是你们先是抢夺天外晶,后来又打上了小佑的主意,那就别怪我不客气!” Ye Kong cold snort/hum, has drilled the room. 叶空冷哼一声,一头又钻出了房间。 ps: In the afternoon also has, today will not be short, everybody monthly ticket anything do not hide, I may really be at cost of the life, waterdrop drop. ps:下午还有,今天不会少哦,大家月票什么不要藏了,我可真是拼老命了,泪滴滴的。
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