MC :: Volume #34

#3318: Chaos slit

3318 chaos slit 3318混沌缝隙 While Ye Kong pursues that injured chaos person tightly, another in chaos. 就在叶空紧追那个受伤的混沌之人的同时,混沌之中的另一处。 In not transparent light shadow of golden phosgene constitution, a huge black shadow static hovering. 金色的光气构成的不透明的光影之中,一个庞大的黑色影子正在静静的悬停。 Quick! Forms network of great array chaos! Surrounds that small chaos boat!” “快!结成混沌之网大阵!将那艘小型的混沌舟困住!” Informs the Early Stage harassment duty withdraws completely, comes back to coordinate our brigade to surround!” “通知前期骚扰任务的全部都撤回,回来配合我们大队包围!” Hurry up! At present beyond the day the crystal are getting fewer and fewer, if the capture contributes, we will have a tribe in Venerable the country the status greatly promote!” “快点!目前天外晶越来越少,如果捕获贡献上去,我们有尾部落将会在尊国之中地位大大提升!” As the loud order sound somewhere reverberates in chaos, reaches more than 500 Venerable, departs from that huge black shadow. Leads under the harassment army that before went, opened the back black feather robe, neat flying to the direction of white jade chaos boat. 随着大声的命令声在混沌某处回荡,多达500多名的尊者,从那巨大的黑色阴影之中飞出。在之前来到的骚扰部队带领下,张开背后的黑色羽衣,整齐的飞向白玉混沌舟的方向。 However carefully looks, under the huge black shadow, is actually standing two person's shadows. 不过仔细看,在巨大的黑色阴影下方,却是站着两个人影。 Whinny, usually looks at you in the tribe not making a sound, has not thought that your this time makes the great merit! Beyond day crystal, if obtains, I will appoint you become we have the Wei level high-ranking military officer of tribe!” Is growing the tail similarly, the stature big chaos person crosses the hands behind the back said fearlessly. “萧萧啊,平时看你在部落里不声不响,没想到你这次立下大功!天外晶若是得到,我会任命你成为我们有尾部落的尉级将官!”一个同样长着尾巴,身材更加的高大的混沌之人负手昂然说道。 But stands near the man radical of this dignity, is discovers Ye Kong their Su whinny. 而站在这个威严之人旁边的,就是发现叶空他们的苏萧萧。 Yes, thanks vice- Boss.” “是,谢谢副首领。” If Su Xiaoxiao obtain beyond the day the crystal to contribute Venerable the country, he will become military officer who will revere country's of! But now can only become the Wei level high-ranking military officers of tribe...... The disparity between both is really too big. However Su whinny does not have the means that this tribe dispatches these many people, vice- Boss goes into action personally, the advantage that his Su whinny can obtain is minimal. 若是苏萧萧自己得到天外晶贡献到尊国,他就会成为尊国的将领!而现在只能成为部落的一个尉级将官……两者之间的差距实在是太大。不过苏萧萧也没有办法,这次部落出动这么多人,副首领亲自出马,他苏萧萧能得到的好处微乎其微。 Is the person of that hateful Venerate Realm!” Su whinny in the heart hates, to open the mouth and say darkly: Vice- Boss, I also want other.” “都是那个可恨的尊界之人!”苏萧萧心中暗恨,开口又道:“副首领,我还要一些其他的。” The person of dignity has the Boss level character of tribe, has not thought that this boy actually bargained back and forth, immediately the scowl floated off immediately, Su whinny, you were the merit of notifying, were you what kind of?” 威严之人是有尾部落的首领级人物,没想到这小子竟然讨价还价,当下怒容立即浮起,“苏萧萧,你不过是报信之功,你还要怎样?” Vice- Boss, is not this, I do not want other rewards.” Su whinny had a scare, salutes to say hastily: Is only I and on that the person fights! I think, if captures beyond the day the crystal, seizes that to the men and women, can make them be my slave?” “副首领,不是这样,我不要其他的奖励。”苏萧萧吓了一跳,连忙行礼道:“只是我和那上边之人有交手!我想,若是夺得天外晶,捉到那对男女,是不是可以让他们做我的奴隶?” „, Is this.” The vice- Boss then facial color relaxes, person of him not uses these Venerate Realm. “哦,原来是这个。”副首领这才面色缓和,这些尊界之人对他来说并无用处。 Vice- Boss complied with Su whinny, in Su Xiaoxiao heart great happiness, listens to the vice- Boss arrangement, you, since has the confrontation with them, you shouted propaganda first in the past, making them be without a fight!” 首领答应了苏萧萧,苏萧萧心中大喜,又听副首领安排,“你既然跟他们有过交锋,那你先过去喊话,让他们束手就擒!” Yes!” Su whinny behind the black feather robe opens, the rapid flight goes. “是!”苏萧萧背后黑色羽衣张开,疾飞而去。 ...... …… The light shadow has flown together fiercely, the chaos fluctuate, restores the golden tranquility. 一道光影猛地飞过,混沌波动一下,又恢复金色的平静。 However after instantaneous, a hand holds the azure clothes man of dragon bone whip to dodge, appear here chaos. 不过瞬间之后,一个手执龙骨鞭的青衣男子一闪一下,出现在这片混沌之中。 Strange, this fellow injury heavy speed has reduced speed obviously much...... But how in an instant, to disappear?” “奇怪,明明这家伙受伤不轻速度已经减慢了不少……可是怎么一转眼,就不见了?” The Ye Kong's dragon bone whip pulls out in carrying on the back of person of that chaos, although pulls out and groundless. But Ye Kong is Venerable of 3000 dimensions, but the person of more than hundred dimensions this chaos, had been swept by this whip, was already seriously injured. 叶空的龙骨鞭抽在那混沌之人的背上,虽然抽的并不实。可是叶空是3000次元的尊者,而这混沌之人不过百多次元,被这一鞭扫过,早已受了重伤。 But when Ye Kong more overtakes near, actually suddenly discovered that the form of this person disappeared. 可是就在叶空越追越近的时候,却突然发现此人的身影消失了。 Where?” Ye Kong sought in the, actually not discovered. “哪里去了?”叶空在附近寻找了一圈,却是并无发现。 Hateful, cannot think that this boy was seriously injured runs away unexpectedly! This thinks that this time must obtain that black feather robe!” “可恶,想不到这小子受了重伤竟然还是逃走了!本以为这一次要得到那黑色羽衣!” Ye Kong clenches jaws, in heart annoying, the people of secretly thought these chaos are really unusual. 叶空咬牙切齿,心中懊恼,暗道这些混沌之人果然非同一般。 However at this moment, the end in his hand, actually cannot help but moved...... 不过就在这时,他手中的鞭梢,却是不由自主的动了一下…… This is......” in the Ye Kong heart moves, immediately has guessed correctly anything. “这是……”叶空心中一动,顿时猜到了什么。 This dragon bone whip is the formidable species of first several samsara time, although soul dissipation majority, but the natural disposition of that bloodthirsty has not actually vanished! 这龙骨鞭是前几个轮回时代的强大物种,虽然魂魄消散大部分,不过那种嗜血的本性却没有消失! Obviously the dragon bone whip has felt a smell of blood that the person of that chaos sends out! 显然龙骨鞭已经感受到那混沌之人散发出的一点血腥味! He in nearby!” When the Ye Kong intention moves, a formidable strength has admitted in the dragon bone whip! “他就在附近!”叶空心念动时,一股强大的力量已经放进龙骨鞭之中! After his strength puts, has not controlled this strength, but makes this strength be directed by dragon bone whip! After the beast soul in dragon bone whip obtains the great power, with the bloodthirsty natural disposition that it has, quick the end has aimed at some in chaos! 他的力量放进去以后,并没有控制这股力量,而是让这股力量受龙骨鞭自己指挥!龙骨鞭之中的兽魂得到强大力量之后,凭着它自己具有的嗜血本性,很快就将鞭梢指向了混沌之中的某一处! That side!” In Ye Kong the happy expression dodges, grasps the dragon bone whip, threw fiercely! “那边!”叶空目中喜色一闪,一握龙骨鞭,猛地扑了过去! „After here......” instantaneous, Ye Kong surprised discovery oneself place in one ** in space! “这里……”瞬间以后,叶空吃惊的发现自己身处在一个**的空间之中! This is an anomalous space, about house size, growth strip slanting. 这是一个不规则的空间,大约有一间房子大小,成长条斜型。 Stands in this space, cannot feel the strength of any chaos crush! Moreover places, Ye Kong clear feeling this space very slow distortion, migration. 站在这空间之中,根本感受不到任何的混沌碾压之力!而且身处其中,叶空清楚的感觉到这空间正在很缓慢的扭曲,移动。 This is the slit in chaos!” “这就是混沌之中的缝隙!” Ye Kong has gawked, immediately understood. Before just entered the chaos time, listened to jie saying that along with the chaos agitation, bottom of the chaos randomly will present many vacuum the slits! 叶空愣了一下,顿时明白了。之前刚进入混沌的时候,就听蛮劼说过,随着混沌的搅动,混沌底部就会随机出现很多真空的缝隙! These slits are the origins of chaos air bubble, is these in the chaos is unable the best rest place of person of support! 这些缝隙即是混沌气泡的来源,又是那些在混沌之中无法支撑之人的最佳休息地! No wonder a moment ago the person of that chaos one vanished, originally hid in this chaos air bubble!” Ye Kong stayed long time in the chaos, at this moment enters the chaos air bubble, just can rest. “怪不得刚才那个混沌之人一下就消失了,原来正是躲进了这混沌气泡之中!”叶空已经在混沌之中呆了很长时间,此刻进入混沌气泡,刚好可以休息一下。 This chaos slit is really good thing.” Ye Kong training, feeling physical strength complete restoration. “这混沌缝隙真是好东西。”叶空修养了一下,感觉体力完全的恢复。 However passes through this tossing about, that injured chaos person, already does not know where ran away. 不过经过他这番折腾,那个受伤的混沌之人,早就不知道逃到哪里去了。 Really is frustrated! day his ancestors board board!” Ye Kong cursed angrily one, this time perhaps was a he most vexed weaponry, the match obviously strength was inferior he, but he had no alternative. “真是出师不利!日他先人板板!”叶空怒骂一句,这次恐怕是他最窝囊的一仗,对手明明实力远逊于他,可是他却是无可奈何。 However leaves chaos slit in Ye Kong, wants to hurry back protects Luo Shantian Venerable, actually sees the front light shadow to flash. 不过就在叶空离开混沌缝隙,想要赶回守护罗衫天尊,却看见前方光影闪动。 The shadow of big piece passed over gently and swiftly rapidly! 大片的黑影飞速掠过! „The people of many chaos!” In Ye Kong heart one startled, moves sideways, retracted in the slit space. “好多混沌之人!”叶空心中一惊,一闪身,又缩回了缝隙空间之中。 The shadow of that big piece, has the follow-up unit that a tribe catches up with, lead has vice- Boss of tribe. 那大片的黑影,正是有尾部落赶来的后续部队,领头的就是有尾部落的副首领 Felt a moment ago probably some people......” in big piece shadow, vice- Boss stops fiercely. In this chaos, these have the person feeling of tribe very keenly, they felt that Ye Kong had flashed before a moment ago. “刚才好像感觉到有人……”大片黑影之中,副首领猛地停下。在这混沌之中,这些有尾部落的人感觉是非常的灵敏,他们已经感觉到叶空刚才闪现了一下。 Vice- Boss, should be the people in other tribes or other countries', it seems like we acted to speed up!” Has the military officers of tribe to remind. “副首领,应该是其他部落或者其他尊国的人,看来我们动作要加快了!”身边一个有尾部落的将领提醒道。 Yes! Beyond day crystal type of thing very precious, if others knew that must have a fierce battle, we speed up, leave alone he!” “是呀!天外晶这种东西非常的珍贵,若是别人得知肯定少不了一场恶战,我们加快,别管他!” In the howling sound, the large military forces pounce on the direction that Luo Shantian Venerable to be. 呼啸声中,大队人马猛扑向罗衫天尊所在的方向。 ps: Today is one chapter, tomorrow many will possibly select, many looks at my physical state specifically, today a little catches cold, en, performs please anticipate ps:今天还是一章,明天可能多更点,具体多少看我身体情况,今天又有点感冒,恩,尽请期待
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