MC :: Volume #34

#3317: The dragon bone whip reveals the prestige

3317 the dragon bone whip reveals the prestige 3317龙骨鞭显威 Shining chaos, has the assorted light shadow to bud. This is one type is singularly varied and not the real feeling. 金灿灿的混沌,其中又有着各色的光影萌动。这是一种非常奇幻和不真实的感觉。 The flight in the chaos, the feeling is completely different. 飞行在混沌之中,感受是完全不一样的。 Looking at it from the outside, the chaos probably are pot golden color are the Lord blend various color battering. But discovered since later, this batters not viscous! Meanwhile, is not the feeling of liquid current of water! 从外观看,混沌就好像是一锅金色为主参杂各种颜色的面糊。可是进入以后才发现,这面糊并不是粘稠的!同时,也不是液体水流的感觉! The true feeling is, air/Qi! 真正的感觉是,气! The source of this world, various types of elements turn into the most basic granule, they form an airtight gas world! However, do not despise these air/Qi. 这个世界的本源,各种的元素化成最基本的粒子,它们形成一种密不透风的气体世界!不过,不要小看这些气。 The chaos deep place, the grinding pressures of these air/Qi, are unable to imagine! Formidable incomparable, the might is boundless! Even the Venerable formidable spirit read the strength, already complete was suppressed, could not emit very far! 混沌深处,这些气的碾压力,根本是无法想像的!强大无比,威力无边!甚至就连尊者们强大的精神念力,都已经完全的被压制,根本放不出很远! But the visible range, is only then close remote! 而可视范围,更是只有咫尺之遥! Also therefore, Ye Kong and the others in the chaos, fly! But is not the roaming, or crawls! 也正是因此,叶空等人在混沌之中,都是飞行!而不是游,或者爬! Ye Kong and Luo Shan everyone had a chaos token of barbarian jie refinement, therefore they dare to separate. But this also makes Ye Kong bold can fly to be very far, pursues these to sneak attack the chaos person of chaos boat. 叶空和罗衫每人都有了一块蛮劼炼制的混沌令牌,因此他们才敢于分开。而这也让叶空大胆的可以飞行出很远,去追击那些想要偷袭混沌舟的混沌之人。 Several times, Ye Kong approached these strange people. 好几次,叶空都已经接近了这些奇异的人。 Can clear seeing, these people be similar to normal human, comes out only, was on the buttocks were many a monkey same tail! 可以清楚的看见,这些人都是和正常人类相似,唯一多出来的,就是屁股上多了一根猴子一样的尾巴! Shout! 呼! The light shadow dodges, a azure clothes form already hovering in golden phosgene absent-minded world center, he is raising a white dragon bone whip, in both eyes is to actually fill annoyingly. 光影一闪,一个青衣身影已经悬停在金色光气恍惚的世界中央,他提着一条白森森的龙骨鞭,双目之中却是充满懊恼。 Hateful, almost must pursue them each time!” This azure clothes form pursues Ye Kong of person of chaos. “可恶,每次都差一点就要追到他们!”这个青衣身影正是追击混沌之人的叶空 Came out from the chaos boat already some little time, his present range chaos boat is getting more and more far, approached these several times monkey. What is depressed, these monkey is throwing over the black feather robe completely, can escape each time safely! 从混沌舟之中出来已经好一会了,他现在距离混沌舟越来越远,也数次接近了那些“猴子”。只是郁闷的是,这些“猴子”全部都披着黑色的羽衣,每次都可以安然逃开! f*ck your ancestor board board, has not fought the war of such anxious person!” Ye Kong gets hold of the dragon bone whip in hand once again. 日你先人板板,从来没有打过这么急人的仗!”叶空又一次握紧手中的龙骨鞭。 His walks, a weaponry of experience are innumerable. Some are relaxed, some are difficult \; Sometimes suspicion numerous, sometimes borders on the dead boundary...... But actually like today, obviously the opposite party strength completely has not been inferior to him, but he does not have the opportunity! 他这一路走来,经历的阵仗无数。有的轻松写意,有的艰难无比\;有时候疑团重重,有时候濒临死境……可是却从来没有象今天这样,明明对方的实力完全不如他,可是他却没有用武之地! Probably an only fly, always sews on your face harasses you, but you actually cannot project on one! 就好像一只只的苍蝇,老是钉在你脸上骚扰你,而你却始终打不到一个! Ye Kong, your side what kind , the attack that my here comes under was getting more and more frequent, I feared Array Method on chaos boat unable to endure......” on chaos token to broadcast the sound that Luo Shan requested reinforcements. 叶空,你那边怎么样,我这边受到的攻击越来越频繁了,我怕混沌舟上的阵法吃不消了……”混沌令牌上传来罗衫求援的声音。 „It is not good!” In Ye Kong heart then one startled, knows that Luo Shantian Venerable is not the person who that type requests reinforcements easily, at this moment feared that is the situation was very critical. “不好!”叶空心中这才一惊,知道罗衫天尊不是那种轻易求援的人,此刻怕是形势已经很危急。 Kosuke, you avoids their attacks as far as possible, I immediately.” “小佑,你尽量躲避他们的攻击,我马上就到。” The Ye Kong voice has not fallen, turned into the light shadow, the pursuit chaos boat goes. 叶空话音未落,就已经化成光影,追击混沌舟而去。 Luo Shantian Venerable Cultivation Base is inferior Ye Kong, therefore she operates the chaos boat flying speed not to be quick. Under the Ye Kong hot pursuit catches up fiercely, a while free time, the end of that golden air mass, had white sheet light to be indistinct. 罗衫天尊修为远逊于叶空,所以她操纵混沌舟飞行速度并不快。在叶空猛追猛赶之下,一会儿工夫,那金色的气团的尽头,已经有一片白光隐隐约约。 When Ye Kong is approaching looked, immediately flies into a rage. 等到叶空在靠近一看,顿时勃然大怒。 Sees only outside that white jade chaos boat, gathered more than ten monkey, some are unarmed, some hands with various types of weapons, but also some are bringing the strange unusual animals, all-out attack chaos boat! 只见那白玉混沌舟外,已经聚集了十多个“猴子”,有的赤手空拳,有的手拿各种武器,还有的带着奇异的异兽,正在全力攻击混沌舟! Courts death!” The Ye Kong double pupil tightens fiercely, turns into a needle-tip general severe glow point. “找死!”叶空双瞳猛地收紧,化成针尖一般的厉芒一点。 Pursued these monkey to be so long, he also had some experiences. Knows if oneself are close, will be discovered by the people of these chaos, then disperses instantly! 追击了这些“猴子”这么久,他也有了一些经验。知道自己如果再接近一点,就会被这些混沌之人发现,然后一哄而散! Dragon bone whip, gives me to go!” The Ye Kong intention moves, the wrist/skill shakes, sees only that successively dragon bone same Sen White Dragon bone whip, already fast rises against the wind, penetrates the golden dim chaos, raiding of being quietly to most outflow boundary person of the chaos. “龙骨鞭,给我去!”叶空心念一动,手腕一抖,只见那节节龙骨一样的森白龙骨鞭,已经快速的迎风而涨,穿透金色朦胧的混沌,悄无声息的袭向最外缘的一个混沌之人。 It is well known, the Pangu senior said that hand weapon is a great axe. However Pangu loses in the treasure, does not have the Pangu axe, obviously its was brought to outside to use. 众所周知,盘古前辈称手兵器是一把巨斧。不过盘古遗宝之中,并没有盘古斧,显然被其带到界外使用。 But this dragon bone whip, is Pangu's losing soul use. Control as Pangu heart lake cave mansion, Pangu loses the soul use the treasure not to be certainly inferior, therefore this dragon bone whip may be called Pangu loses in the treasure, most tyrannical thing! 而这龙骨鞭,是盘古的遗魂使用。作为盘古心湖洞府的掌控者,盘古遗魂使用的宝物当然不会太低劣,因此这龙骨鞭堪称盘古遗宝之中,最为强横之物! May be called Venerable Top Grade in level weapon! 堪称尊级武器之中的极品 Regarding this weapon treasure, Ye Kong will be certainly impolite, just he arrived Venerable the level not to call the weapon of hand, one and inherited. 对于这种武器宝物,叶空当然不会客气,刚好他到了尊级也没有称手的兵器,也就一并继承了下来。 Said that this dragon bone whip is also unusual. 说起来这龙骨鞭也是奇特。 Also does not know that is the unusual animals vertebra of which samsara time, senior who refines this treasure then unusual animals spirit seal, as spirits! However spirit is only the soul, will dissipate! 也不知道是哪个轮回时代的异兽椎骨,炼制此宝的前辈便将异兽的魂灵封印其中,作为器灵!不过器灵只是魂魄而已,也会消散! Has experienced too many years, the spirit majority of strengths and will dissipated! The remaining wisps, control this formidable strange Bian! 经历过太多的岁月,器灵的大部分力量和意志都已经消散!只是剩下一缕,控制这条强大的奇鞭! However is a wisp of state of mind, might that on this whip has, may be called tyrannical, Tyrant Jue! 不过就算是一缕神魂,这鞭上带有的威力,也堪称强横,霸绝! ! 咝! Dragon bone whip as if woods white vine crazily grows, silent, penetrates the chaos not transparent golden color air current. But when approaching that uninformed at sea chaos person, sees only dragon bone whip the place of each border, will have the sharp fishbone type barb deep place! 龙骨鞭仿佛森白色的藤蔓疯狂生长,无声无息,穿透混沌不透明的金色气流。而就在接近那茫然不知的混沌之人附近时,只见龙骨鞭的每一节交界之处,都会有尖利的鱼刺样倒钩深处! As if a poisonous snake stretched out its sharp fang...... 仿佛一条毒蛇已经伸出了它锐利的獠牙…… Pursued the people of these chaos for a long time, Ye Kong had the experience. He knows, if he approaches, must be discovered by the opposite party inevitably, but the dragon bone whip can actually close opposite party! 追击了那些混沌之人好久,叶空已经颇具经验。他知道,如果他自己接近,势必要被对方发现,而龙骨鞭却是可以更加的接近对方! So long as kills one, captures on them the black feather robe, I can defeat them!” Ye Kong looks at dragon bone whip close opposite party, in the heart secretly rejoices slowly. “只要杀死一个,夺得他们身上黑色的羽衣,我就可以一个一个的击破他们!”叶空看着龙骨鞭慢慢接近对方,心中暗喜。 However obviously, these monkey same chaos people are not good to cope. 不过显然,这些猴子一样的混沌之人并不是那么好对付。 When the dragon bone whip soon approached the time of person of that chaos, suddenly, sees that to fiercely attack the fellow of Luo Shan chaos boat, his tail has set upright fiercely! 当龙骨鞭已经快要接近那个混沌之人的时刻,突然,就看见那个正在猛攻罗衫混沌舟的家伙,他的尾巴猛地竖了起来! Originally their tails really have the function of survey danger in chaos!” Ye Kong in great surprise. “原来他们的尾巴在混沌中竟然有探测危险的作用!”叶空大惊。 The person of that chaos is also in great surprise, possibly is felt that the great strength and fierceness of dragon bone whip, he cannot even attend to turning head to look, the back black feather robe fiercely opens, screamed that flies away! 那混沌之人也是大惊,可能是感觉到龙骨鞭的强大和凶猛,他甚至顾不上回头看,背后的黑色羽衣就猛地张开,尖叫一声飞走! His flies, immediately all surrounding chaos boats monkey opens the black feather robe completely, scatters in all directions to run away, is ordinary with one flock of panic-stricken crows. 他这一飞,顿时所有包围混沌舟的“猴子”全部张开黑色的羽衣,四散而逃,跟一群惊恐的乌鸦一般。 „To run away, does not have is so easy!” In Ye Kong moves, this time he most hopeful one time. “想逃,没那么容易!”叶空目中一动,这次他最有希望的一次。 Sees only the Ye Kong wrist/skill to move, the long straight dragon bone whip bent immediately fiercely. But afterward, on the whip body the wave same curve, the extreme velocity rolls together forward! 只见叶空手腕又是一动,悠长的笔直龙骨鞭顿时猛地弓了起来。而随后,鞭体上一道波浪一样的弧度,极速向前滚动! Such trundle almost arrived at the end instantaneously! 这样的滚动几乎是瞬间就来到了鞭梢! ! The chaos most deep place resounds a clear whip sound immediately! 啪!混沌的最深处顿时响起一声清脆的鞭响! ! 噗! The person of that chaos spouts a blood, staggers , to continue to run into the golden chaos deep place fiercely! 那个混沌之人喷出一口鲜血,一个踉跄,继续猛逃进金色的混沌深处! „To run away, does not have the gate!” Ye Kong both eyes one severe, the hand grasps the dragon bone whip, sharply pursues to go...... “想逃,没门!”叶空双目一厉,手握龙骨鞭,急追而去……
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