MC :: Volume #34

#3316: Defensive counter-attack!

3316 defensive counter-attack! 3316防守反击! Awakened mind?” Must say that awakened mind type of thing, is really the extremely leaning crack, the unusual person knows, Luo Shanting stared the greatly beautiful pupil, curious looks to Ye Kong. “菩提心?”要说菩提心这种东西,实在是太过偏隙,少有人知,罗衫听了瞪大美眸,好奇的看向身边的叶空 Then, the Ye Kong Upper Realm time is very late, the experience wants garment to be smaller. 说起来,叶空上界的时间很迟,见识要比罗衫小很多。 Those but who let her accident/surprise is, after Ye Kong hears the awakened mind, the expression actually completely stems from her anticipation. 可是让她意外的是,叶空听见菩提心以后,表情却是完全出乎她的意料。 jie Sect Lord do you also know the awakened mind?” Ye Kong both eyes shine, obviously he not only knows the awakened mind, but also is interested in it greatly! “蛮劼门主你也知道菩提心?”叶空双目发亮,显然他不但知道菩提心,而且对其大感兴趣! What is the awakened mind?” Luo Shan asked curiously. “什么是菩提心?”罗衫好奇问道。 Does not need Ye Kong to reply, jie opens the mouth to say first: You may know, the ficus religiosa is the Buddhism eminent monk Nirvana turns into, is the magical skill deep and broad eminent monk, the ficus religiosa that melts are more, some can turn into one, some can turn into several!” 不用叶空回答,蛮劼先开口道:“你可知,菩提树就是佛门高僧涅槃化成,越是道行深广的高僧,化出的菩提树就越多,有的能化成一株,有的能化成数株!” Luo Shan nods, in the beautiful pupil includes the respect, said: This I know, Buddhism senior crosses the person by oneself, at the point of death also wants the body bodhi, making the person admire, what is this awakened mind?” 罗衫点头,美眸中含有敬意,道:“这我知道,佛门前辈以己渡人,临死还要身化菩提,让人敬佩,只是这菩提心又是何物?” jie said with a smile: „Can you know in the world the first Buddha from where? Why after Buddha Nirvana, meets the body bodhi? That is really because in the world has existence of awakened mind! The awakened mind probably is an eternal seed, lies down in the bottom of chaos, no matter the chaos do restart n times( jie kaoliang these words are moe very much modern very much? Quack), in this world the Buddha sound is unceasing, the bodhi is unceasing, passes on the torch, grows continually!” 蛮劼笑道:“那你可知世上第一个佛从何而来?为什么佛涅槃以后会身化菩提?那真是因为世上有菩提心的存在!菩提心就好像是一颗永恒的种子,躺在混沌之底,不管混沌重启n次(蛮劼蜀黍这句话是不是很现代很萌呢?嘎嘎),这世上都佛音不断,菩提不绝,薪火相传,生生不息!” So that's how it is.” Luo Shantian Venerable young Yuichi to select passes. “原来如此。”罗衫天尊小佑一点就通。 However Ye Kong hears these, thinks are actually more: Originally the awakened mind is not only the basis of ficus religiosa reason, but also is the basis of Buddhism inheritance! This had the difficulty, if so, oneself took the awakened mind, feared that was many Buddhism monks intolerable? But before , that Buddha actually vigorously helps himself, but also the body bodhi, was remembered that picture and feeling by oneself, what goal is also? 不过叶空听见这些,想的倒是更多:原来菩提心不但是菩提树来由的根本,而且更是佛门传承的根本!这就有难度了,若是如此,自己取走菩提心,怕是很多佛门僧众难容自己?但之前那位佛祖却是大力帮助自己,还身化菩提,让自己记住那景象和感受,又是什么目的呢? Although in the Ye Kong heart the train of thought flutters, but has not actually cancelled him to obtain the awakened mind the desire! 虽然叶空心中思绪翻飞,不过却没有打消他取得菩提心的愿望! Chaos samsara are innumerable, nobody breaks! Since...... This heavy responsibility falls on my Ye Kong's shoulder, must come according to my Ye's idea!” “混沌轮回无数次,无人打破!既然……这次重任落在我叶空的肩上,就要按照我叶某人的想法来!” Ye Kong thinks of here, raised the head to ask: jie Sect Lord, I asked one again, where the awakened mind, was what appearance, to obtain, which matters needing attention?” 叶空想到这里,抬头问道:“蛮劼门主,我再多问一句,菩提心到底在哪里,又是何模样,若想得到,还有哪些注意事项?” „Do you want to obtain the awakened mind?” jie hears, both eyes are startled are similar to the buphthalmo are the same. “你想得到菩提心?”蛮劼听闻,双目惊得如同牛眼一样。 Must know, jie raised awakened mind is to tell Ye Kong, below Powerhouse were many, lets the impulsion that Ye Kong cancelled. But actually has not thought, this actually strengthened Ye Kong to want, desire! 要知道,蛮劼提起菩提心是告诉叶空,下边的强者很多,让叶空打消下去的冲动。可是却没想到,这却更加加强了叶空想要下去的,愿望! You were simply insane!” jie has gawked some little time, said: Awakened mind I do not know that is any appearance, any thing. But I actually know, awakened mind regarding under world, the value wants beyond the far ultra day to pass trillion times! You think, my father acts recklessly in the past to obtain beyond this day passed on the tragic death chaos, but you actually must obtain the awakened mind......” “你简直疯了!”蛮劼了愣了好一会,才道:“菩提心我不知道是什么样子,什么东西。可是我却是知道,菩提心对于下边世界来说,价值要远超天外通亿万倍!你想想,我父蛮乾当年为了得到这块天外通就惨死混沌,而你却要得到菩提心……” jie vented anger, sighed: Really is the young bull does not fear tiger, with your this idea, you damn!” 蛮劼出了一口气,叹道:“真是初生牛犊不怕虎,凭着你这个想法,你就该死了!” Ye Kong said: I am not the young bull, by having life, I was have also lived tens of thousands of years. I am not insane, is not crazy, I am thinking, everything must try hard, must try, now the awakened mind is any appearance does not know, easily speaks to give up......” Ye Kong smiling lightly, that I was not Ye Kong.” 叶空道:“我可不是什么初生牛犊,论起寿元来,我也是活过成千上万年了。我也并不疯,也不狂,我只是在想,凡事都要努力一下,都要试一下,现在连菩提心是什么样子都不知道,就轻言放弃……”叶空淡淡一笑,“那我就不是叶空了。” jie has not thought that Ye Kong was so crazy, opens the mouth to scold one, who I managed you am!” Immediately also said: In brief getting down danger is too big, is not worth me take risking, although your Ye Kong helps me, but this matter I cannot help you!” 蛮劼没想到叶空这么疯狂,开口骂了一句,“我管你是谁!”随即又道:“总之下去危险太大,不值得我冒险,虽然你叶空帮我,但是这事我不能帮你!” Then, he looks to the Romanian garment, asked: „Do you also want to lose one's life with this boy?” 说完,他又看向罗衫,问道:“难道你也要跟着这小子送命?” Ye Kong also thought that Luo Shan is not good, urges: Kosuke, your jie Sect Lord goes back, I also facilitate to handle matters.” 叶空也觉得罗衫跟着不好,劝道:“小佑,你还是跟着蛮劼门主回去吧,我一个人也方便办事。” However Luo Shantian Venerable is actually Tingting stands on the boat tail rake, said with a smile gracefully: „The Ye Kong's goal is priceless awakened mind, but I want to find beyond the trash general day to pass together, he is not willing to give up, how can I give up?” 不过罗衫天尊却是婷婷站在舟尾翘角上,盈盈一笑道:“叶空的目的是价值连城的菩提心,而我只是想找到一块垃圾一般的天外通,他都不愿放弃,我又怎能放弃呢?” You......” about jie have a look, some little time scolded one, you were insane!” After saying, another chaos token in the hand gives Ye Kong, said: Gives you, if separates to relate.” “你们……”蛮劼左右看看,好一会才骂了一句,“你们都疯了!”说完以后,把手中另一块的混沌令牌递给叶空,道:“给你们,万一分开好联系。” Then, jie drills the narrow and small white jade chaos boat, the return goes. 说完,蛮劼钻出狭小的白玉混沌舟,返航而去。 jie walked, Senior Sister uses/gives Xujia the younger brother also makes a getaway, Ye Kong and Luo Shan push on the narrow and small chaos boat. Before two people one after the other were standing, although some fluttering flags, but concerned about the honor , was a little mutually awkward. 蛮劼走了,施旭佳师姐弟也逃之夭夭,叶空和罗衫两人挤在狭小的混沌舟上。之前两人一前一后站着,虽然有些旖旎,不过碍于脸面,互相又有点尴尬。 But now has brought to light, actually feeling optional many, one after the other shakes hand stands erect in the ship, this dangerous journey were also many several points of relaxedness. 而现在挑明了,倒是感觉随意了不少,一前一后拉着手儿卓立船中,这趟危险的旅程又多了几分轻松。 However the relaxed feeling has not maintained very for a long time. 不过轻松的感觉并没有维持很久。 Person of Su chaos whinny does not want to call the person of consanguinity, wants to have sole possession of beyond that day to pass the crystal stone together. But discovers to lose all now, in the heart is angry, hides in the chaos, opens the five fingers. 混沌之人苏萧萧本来并不想叫来同族之人,想要独吞那一块天外通晶石。可现在发现鸡飞蛋打,心中大怒,躲在混沌之中,张开五指。 Sees only in the five fingers slit to have in the light mist faint trace permeating chaos, a short while later, vanishes does not see. 只见五指缝隙中有淡淡的雾气丝丝渗入混沌之中,没一会,就消失不见。 Waits to accept us to have the rear penalty!” Su whinny in both eyes lightens different kind gloomy and cold. “等着接受我们有尾部的惩罚吧!”苏萧萧双目之中闪出别样的阴冷。 ...... …… Bang!” The extreme velocity shakes to the white jade chaos boat whole body of chaos base flight fiercely, deviated the position instantaneously! “轰!”极速向混沌底部飞行的白玉混沌舟猛地全身一震,瞬间偏离了方位! In boat. 舟中。 Ye Kong, be careful!” Luo Shan has closely gripped Ye Kong's, the attack that with the lapse of time, they come under are getting more and more, is getting more and more frequent! 叶空,小心!”罗衫紧紧握住了叶空的手,随着时间的推移,他们受到的攻击越来越多,越来越频繁! Is controlling the Ye Kong brow tight wrinkle of chaos boat, „, although jie said somewhat shocking, but cannot have a low opinion of the enemy! I felt that the enemy are getting more and more, they now are only the fragmentary attacks, if after waiting till enough quantity, perhaps was the collective attacks!” 正在操控混沌舟的叶空眉头紧皱,“虽然蛮劼说的有些耸人听闻,不过不能轻敌!我已经感觉到敌人越来越多,他们现在只是零星的进攻,如果等到足够的数量以后,恐怕就是集体进攻了!” That what to do?” In Luo Shanmu surprised uncertain. “那怎么办?”罗衫目中惊疑不定。 Only then before they form surrounds Array Method, escapes from their tracing!” “只有在他们形成包围阵法之前,逃出他们的追踪!” The bang, during the Ye Kong speeches, the chaos boat fiercely is shaking, again deviates the position. However, how even if the chaos boat to deviate the position again, still in the track and pursuit of opposite party. 轰,正在叶空说话之间,混沌舟又是猛地一震,再一次偏离方位。不过,就算是混沌舟再怎么样偏离方位,也依然在对方的跟踪和追击中。 These hateful chaos people, their Cultivation Base were worse than me is far! They rely on, is that black feather robe! They with the fast speed, making us be at wit's end!” Ye Kong hesitant, forwards to Luo Shan the domination of chaos boat. “这些可恶的混沌之人,他们的修为比我差远了!他们所凭借的,就是那黑色的羽衣!他们凭着迅捷的速度,让我们无计可施!”叶空犹豫一下,将混沌舟的控制权转给罗衫。 Kosuke, your control chaos boat continues downward, I slip out to do their! This time was really aggravates me!” Ye Kong scolded an ancestors board board, sneaks in beside chaos boat Array Method. “小佑,你控制混沌舟继续向下,我溜出去干他们一下!这次真是把我惹火了!”叶空骂了一句先人板板,一头钻进混沌舟阵法之外。 Leaves the protection of chaos boat, strength of the formidable chaos crush raids immediately. Ye Kong is Venerable of 3000 dimensions, cannot for a long time moves, does not understand how long time the people of these chaos are stays. 离开混沌舟的保护,一股强大的混沌碾压之力顿时袭来。叶空已经是3000次元的尊者,都不能长期在其中活动,不明白那些混沌之人又是如何的长时间在其中停留。 That side has a shadow!” Ye Kong inspired the dragon bone whip to pursue fiercely...... “那边有一个黑影!”叶空一振龙骨鞭猛地追了过去…… ps: Under thank secure face|color Mo, and cercis chinensis Xiaoli, the faint clearance and sky blue cloud Yang, Mao God, horse attractive Immortal Cultivation and Pok wind wind and water stage smoke...... When the monthly ticket of friend and hits to enjoy, thanks! ps:感谢下安颜墨、朵朵、紫荆晓丽、幽幽净空、天蓝云扬、毛神、马倩修仙、德福风风、水台烟子……等朋友的月票和打赏,谢啦! Under the chaos has anything, what the situation of that world is, can Ye Kong this line be smooth, has any fortuitous encounter...... Small has thought that only hates slow that oneself write, hehe, was sorry. 混沌之下到底有什么呢,那个世界的情况又是什么样,叶空此行会不会顺利,有什么奇遇……小蛮都已经想好了,只恨自己写的慢,呵呵,抱歉了。
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