MC :: Volume #34

#3315: Also hears the awakened mind!

3315 hear the awakened mind!( Sought subscription) 3315又闻菩提心!(求订阅) uses/gives Xujia? How can be you?” “施旭佳?怎么会是你?” Ye Kong sees inside that golden sphere window good-looking youngster, feels dizzy at heart. Initially this youngster said that must with his together getting down chaos, he also thinks that is a joke. 叶空看见那个金色圆球窗口里边的俊俏少年,心里一阵发晕。当初这个少年说要跟着他一起下来混沌,他还以为是个玩笑。 Has not actually thought, this youngster also got down unexpectedly. 却没想到,这个少年竟然还就下来了。 Moreover appear here crucial time! This may want to assign! 而且还在这个关键的时刻出现!这可要了命了! That golden sphere does not know that is any treasure, can detect the outside situation unexpectedly, simultaneously achieves others unable to realize. Therefore uses/gives Xujia and Senior Sister then overtake to watch the fun, has not actually expected, some people of skills that chaos, induced their existence unexpectedly! 那金色圆球也不知道是什么宝物,竟然可以侦测外边的情况,同时做到别人无法察觉。因此施旭佳和师姐这才追上来看个热闹,却是没有料到,那混沌之人竟然有些本事,感应到了他们的存在! Went bad the important matter by this youngster, Ye Kong has flown into a rage, in the mouth roars, f*ck your ancestor board board, you want line of illegal with me, keeps you not to, you give me dead!” 被这少年坏了大事,叶空勃然大怒,口中怒吼一声,“日你先人板板,你跟着我欲行不轨,留你不得,你给我去死!” ! A white light pulls out the chaos, Ye Kong has emitted dragon bone whip strong drive that golden sphere...... 啪!一道白光抽开混沌,叶空已经放出龙骨鞭猛抽那金色的圆球…… Hides in the golden sphere, the elegant face of uses/gives Xujia that nearly woman has been scared to death. Although he is not in the person, his Cultivation Base is very low, if the sphere were broken, the chaos pressure can make his Senior Sister younger brother vanishes in a puff of smoke instantaneously! 躲在金色的圆球之中,施旭佳那近乎女人的俏脸已经吓得面无人色。虽然他不是界内之人,不过他的修为很低,若是圆球被破,混沌的压力可以让他师姐弟瞬间灰飞烟灭! Leaf Sect Lord, we passed by......” uses/gives Xujia to be frightened out of one's wits. “叶门主,我们只是路过……”施旭佳魂飞魄散。 Person of Su chaos whinny actually somewhat ignorant, thinks hides in the golden sphere of hidden place the present situation does is the Ye Kong's helper. Has not actually thought that unexpectedly is the personal enemy, met to hit. 混沌之人苏萧萧倒是被眼前的情况搞的有些懵,本来以为躲在暗处的金色圆球是叶空的帮手。却没想到竟然是仇人,一见面就打了起来。 Therefore he is also short stares. 所以他也是短暂的一愣。 However this gawks, is Ye Kong is actually wanting! 不过这一楞,却是叶空正想要的! In Ye Kong sleeves, jie already in waiting opportunity. jie is the same with Ye Kong, is the sly old demon old foxes, almost the Ye Kong make a move flash, jie knows the Ye Kong's goal. 叶空衣袖之中,蛮劼早就在等待时机。蛮劼和叶空一样,都是狡猾的老魔头老狐狸,几乎叶空出手的一瞬间,蛮劼就知道叶空的目的。 Has an ulterior motive, intends to copiously Duke! 项庄舞剑,意在沛公! Cough! The light shadow, as if a feather arrow from out of the blue, one punctures front golden chaos together! 嗽!一道光影,仿佛一根破空的羽箭,一下刺破面前的金色混沌! Goal, Su whinny! 目标,苏萧萧! Meanwhile, seemingly is attacking golden sphere Ye Kong is also rapid turning over! The dragon bone whip has gotten in a crack in the chaos! A white whip poisonous snake changes Su equally flexible whinny! 与此同时,貌似正在攻击金色圆球的叶空也是一个迅疾的翻身,啪!龙骨鞭在混沌之中打了一个鞭花!白色的鞭头毒蛇一样灵活地转向苏萧萧! Ye Kong is the same with jie two people goals, the person of chaos, Su whinny! 叶空和蛮劼两人的目标都是一样的,混沌之人,苏萧萧! Must say, whinny miss the present two people by strength Su is very farther, by fight experience and sly degree, was well below! However Su whinny actually somewhat relies on, that is that black wing feather robe that on him wears! 要说起来,论实力苏萧萧要比眼前的两人差很远,论战斗经验和狡猾程度,也是远远不如!不过苏萧萧却是有些凭借,那就是他身上穿着的那件黑翅羽衣! Hateful!” Su whinny understands immediately, indeed on several have worked as in an instant! First, that should stay a fellow on back chaos boat comes secretly! Next, that surnamed Ye feints unexpectedly, the goal is to sneak attack oneself! “可恶!”苏萧萧顿时明白,敢情自己转眼之间已经上了几个当!首先,那个本来应该呆在后边一艘混沌舟上的家伙偷偷来了!其次,那个姓叶的竟然是指东打西,目的是偷袭自己! Understood these, in Su Xiaoxiao heart great anger, in pupil blood red piece, wished one could to eat uncooked two people. 明白了这些,苏萧萧心中盛怒,眸子之中血红一片,恨不得生吃了两人。 However his strength was inferior, the situation also loses, wants to defeat front two old fox that is impossible. 不过他实力不如,先机也失,想要战胜面前的两个老狐狸那是不可能的。 Moreover is most important, Ye Kong drives off uses/gives Xujia time, unintentionally has blocked Su Xiaoxiao to attack the direction that Luo Shantian Venerable! 而且最重要的,叶空追打施旭佳的时候,就已经有意无意封死了苏萧萧攻击罗衫天尊的方向! You wait for death!” Su whinny behind the black feather robe raises up fiercely completely! Afterward turns into together the pitch-black light, sneaked in the chaos deep place! “你们等死吧!”苏萧萧背后黑色羽衣猛地全部竖起!随后化成一道乌黑的光,钻进了混沌深处! Ye Kong sees Su Xiaoxiao to flee, does not pursue, rushes to that small chaos boat hastily. Actually Luo Shantian on chaos boat Venerable has harnessed the chaos boat to move toward here. 叶空看见苏萧萧遁走,也不追赶,连忙奔向那艘小型的混沌舟。其实混沌舟上的罗衫天尊已经驾着混沌舟往这边移动了。 Two light shadow in the chaos, meet together! 两道光影在混沌之中,会合在一起! Ye Kong......” 叶空……” When Ye Kong sneaks in the chaos boat, looks that Luo Shantian Venerable that pair of wonderful item with tears, pretty, the affection visits him leisurely, in his heart sighed one darkly: Elder Sister, my sincerity does not soak intentionally your...... 叶空钻进混沌舟之中,看着罗衫天尊那双含泪的妙目,楚楚动人,深情款款的看着他,他心中暗叹一声:姐姐,我真心不是故意泡你的呀…… Initially Ye Kong Venerable the palace to be individualistic because of it in the day, caused that Luo Shantian Venerable to look askance. However afterward the jade made her bring goal close Ye Kong positive, lets her and Ye Kong somewhat is awkward and repugnant, on the contrary move back two people distances. But at present Ye Kong at risk of life rescues, vindicated on the point of death, moves the heart that Luo Shantian Venerable actually. 当初叶空在天尊殿就因其特立独行,引得罗衫天尊侧目。不过后来玉阳让她带着目的接近叶空,又让她和叶空都有些尴尬和反感,反倒拉远了两人的距离。可是眼下叶空又是拼死相救,又是临危表白,倒是打动了罗衫天尊的芳心。 Cannot think...... You have been unrequited loving me, you are, when do you start to like my?” Luo Shantian Venerable to blush, pretty neat, asked bashfully. “想不到……你一直都在暗恋我,你是,你是何时开始喜欢我的?”罗衫天尊红着脸,俏丽楚楚,含羞问出。 Eh, this......” pitiful dealt with the person of chaos a moment ago also appears leaf the demon of wily old fox, facing this issue, showed the whites of the eyes immediately, how reply does not know. “额,这个……”可怜刚才对付混沌之人还显得老奸巨猾的叶老魔,面对这个问题,顿时翻了白眼,不知道如何的回答。 Was good infiltrated because of jie afterward, broke awkwardly, Ye Kong, Kosuke, you left anxiously the love, now the situation is not very good! As far as I know, the people of these chaos are the collective oppose the enemy, I guess that grew the monkey of tail certainly to be called the person! Their people are many, familiar terrain, does not abstain from here formidable chaos pressure, therefore, we must hurry to leave!” 好在蛮劼随后钻了进来,打破了尴尬,“叶空,小佑,你们别急着浓情蜜意,现在情况很不好!据我所知,那些混沌之人都是集体对敌,我猜那个长着尾巴的猴子一定去叫人了!他们人多,又熟悉地形,更是不忌讳这里的强大混沌压力,所以,我们必须赶紧离开!” Hurries to leave! 赶紧离开! When jie said these four characters, Ye Kong and Luo Shan simultaneously blurted saying that was not good!” 当蛮劼说出这四个字,叶空和罗衫同时脱口说出,“不行!” Ye Kong said: jie Sect Lord, your this time the goal achieved, but my goal has not achieved! The skeleton and relic of acting recklessly senior had found, but I get down actually to verify the reason of chaos revolving! If unable to verify, my how could it not be white to come?” 叶空道:“蛮劼门主,你这次下来的目的已经达成,可是我的目的还没有达成!蛮乾前辈的尸骨和遗物都已经找到,但是我下来却是为了查明混沌旋转的原因!若是无法查明,我岂非白来一场?” Ye Kong said, passes the day in hand beyond gives jie. 叶空说完,将手中的天外通递给蛮劼。 Accepts beyond the day to pass, the jie surface has the awkwardness, after all everybody reaches an agreement comes to walk together, mutual help. However thinks again dangerously, he seriously said: Ye Kong, this time you helped me find my father remains relic, I thanked you. But I must tell you a matter......” 收下天外通,蛮劼面有尴尬,毕竟大家说好一起来一起走,互相帮助的。不过再想想其中危险,他还是郑重道:“叶空,这次你帮我找到家父遗骨遗物,我感谢你。可是我还要告诉你一件事……” jie was saying, takes out thinks of the acting recklessly skeleton the white bag, opens the mouth saying: My father although in the past could not catch up with Pangu, may also be has Powerhouse of several thousand dimensions, the strength absolutely above your me! Does the people of these chaos including him, finally was hacked to death to dismember in the chaos......” 蛮劼说着,取出装着蛮乾尸骨的白袋子,开口道:“我爹当年虽然赶不上盘古,可也是有着数千次元的强者,实力绝对在你我之上!连他都干不过那些混沌之人,最后被砍死分尸在混沌之中……” Cannot think death that acts recklessly, is really the person of behavior chaos. Were the primitive two disciples, the Junior Brother of Pangu, killed by the chaos people of these legal proceedings unexpectedly? Really incredible! 想不到蛮乾的死,果然就是混沌之人所为。原始的二弟子,盘古的师弟,竟然被那些籍籍无名的混沌之人杀死?实在让人难以置信! Looks at Ye Kong and Luo Shan shocking complexion, jie both eyes stare the main road: Do not despise the person of chaos, when these people may each time the chaos restart Powerhouse that leaves behind! The formidable, unimaginable! Moreover as far as I know, the people of these chaos are the collective actions, Venerable your Ye Kong of hundred dimension does not care, is 100, 1000, 10,000?” 看着叶空和罗衫震惊的脸色,蛮劼双目瞪大道:“你们不要小看混沌之人,那些人可都是每次混沌重启时留下的强者!其强大,不可想象!而且据我所知,这些混沌之人都是集体行动,一个百次元的尊者你叶空不在乎,可是100个,1000个,10000个呢?” Where has that many!” Ye Kong stares dumbfounded, entire Venerate Realm also several thousand Venerable, hundred dimension above Venerable feared that altogether does not have several hundred! “哪有那么多!”叶空瞠目结舌,整个尊界也不过几千个尊者,百次元以上的尊者怕是总共也没有几百个! How not to have!” jie sneers saying that chaos opened many samsara time until now, Venerable of our Venerate Realm completely is this samsara time production, but the world under chaos, has actually existed! And Venerable quantity, unimaginable!” “怎么没有!”蛮劼冷笑道,“混沌至今开启了多少轮回时代,我们尊界的尊者全部都是这个轮回时代产生的,而混沌之下的世界,却是一直都存在!其中尊者数量之多,不可想象!” Luo Shantian Venerable to hear here, in the beautiful pupil has the question, some are not right, if that many, their what come that many ficus religiosas, what comes that many sweetsops, what comes that many world?” 罗衫天尊听到这里,美眸中生出疑问,“有些不对,若是那么多尊者,他们何来那么多菩提树,何来那么多菩提果,何来那么多世界?” jie smile however smiles, asked back: „Haven't you heard awakened mind?” 蛮劼哂然一笑,反问道:“难道你们没有听说过菩提心么?” ps: Haha, I come back! En, this time really has endured hardship, eats without paying a blade, before the counter- sour stomach hurts now is the same, fortunately did not have the mesenchymoma that the doctor guessed, unfortunately lucky schoolmates! Waterdrop drop! In brief, the person who the body cardinal health, these incantations I die do not appear! ps:哈哈,蛮头我回来啦!恩,这次真是吃苦了,白吃一刀,之前反酸胃疼现在还一样,所幸没有医生猜测的间质瘤,不幸中万幸啊同学们!泪滴滴的!总之,蛮头身体还是基本健康的,那些咒我死的人就不要出现了! However after all has been stabbed, but also wants the training, has a fracture also for 100 days, opens up the stomach...... Good, hearing some people saying that worked as the woman Caesarean birth, do others also want to pass first month after childbirth are not? 不过毕竟是挨过刀了,还要修养,伤筋动骨还100天,开膛破肚……好吧,听见有人说就当女人剖腹产,那人家也要坐月子不是? Therefore under recently every day 1, making me recuperate, this book ending well. 所以最近每天1更吧,让我休养下,把这本书好好的结尾了。 Finally asked to subscribe, after all after was came back , the first chapter, let my a little face, quack! 最后求下订阅,毕竟是回来以后第一章,让我有点面子,嘎嘎! Also must thank the next these days to keep thinking about my person, thanks, ! 还要感谢下这段时间所有惦记我的人,谢谢朵朵,么么哒!
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