MC :: Volume #34

#3314: Had gone bad the good deed

3314 had gone bad the good deed 3314被人坏了好事 The suet white jade common chaos boat, the surface is covering circular hazy light, rapid dropping to chaos most deep place. 【! // 羊脂白玉一般的混沌舟,表面覆盖着一圈圆形朦光,飞速的堕向混沌最深处。【!// During the light fog wraps, Luo Shantian Venerable to grip tightly the chaos token, in the beautiful pupil is actually firm. 光雾包裹之中,罗衫天尊紧握混沌令牌,美眸中却是坚定。 When discovered when Ye Kong they pursue, at that moment, Luo Shantian Venerable a heat hot feeling to flow copiously. She knows that she had not been given up! 当发现叶空他们追上来时,那一刻,罗衫天尊有一种热热的感觉夺眶而出。她知道自己没有被放弃! Although Venerable life is infinite, the vision experience, is ultra mortal. No matter but mortal or Immortal Deity or is Venerable, is mainly the life, frightened died! 虽然尊者寿元无限,目光见识,都是远超凡人。可是不管凡人还是仙人神人又或者是尊者,主要是生命,就都恐惧死亡! Venerable is also same! 尊者也一样! Not only frightened death, desperate death that but also frightened gotten rid! 不但恐惧死亡,而且更加恐惧被人抛弃的绝望死亡! Luo Shantian Venerable also frightened, what is lucky was she has met Ye Kong, not only has not deceived her, but also in crucial time expression love...... This occurred simultaneously simply pleasantly surprised! 罗衫天尊也恐惧,不过幸运的是她遇到了叶空,不但没有欺骗她,还在关键的时刻表达爱意……这简直是惊喜交加! The women are the perceptual animals, if usually garment day Venerable to ponder, under this condition, she unexpectedly complete believing! Did not have the brain! 女人都是感性的动物,若是平日里罗衫天尊或许会思考一下,不过在这种境况下,她竟然完全的信了!无脑了! Therefore the effect is also very good, lets hope that garment ignites really seeks livehood, at least will not make the extreme piffle. 所以效果也是很不错,让罗衫真的燃起求生的希望,至少不会做过激的傻事。 However back chaos boat, although pursues, is between two boats, actually throughout is maintaining a distance! 不过后边混沌舟虽然追上来,可是两舟之间,却是始终保持着一段距离! This lets in garment heart anxious. 这让罗衫心中焦急不已。 At this moment, in the chaos token is hearing the Ye Kong's call. 正在此刻,混沌令牌中传来叶空的呼声。 Kosuke, to the outside frontline propaganda, was saying that we are willing to pass to change you with the day beyond, so long as he stops, all our talk about.” “小佑,对着外边喊话,就说我们愿意用天外通去换你,只要他停下,我们一切好谈。” Before long, in the chaos resounds shouting that Luo Shantian Venerable, Fellow Daoist of chaos deep place is listening, the friend of mine is willing to pass the exchange with the day beyond, you fast stop......” 不一会,混沌之中响起罗衫天尊的呼喊,“混沌深处的道友听着,我的朋友愿意用天外通交换,你速速停下……” Must say that person of goal that chaos God clan also truly is beyond that day passes the crystal stone. 要说那混沌神族之人目的也确实是那块天外通晶石。 Sees only in Romanian garment under foot the ship's bottom of white jade chaos boat, is having together the golden tornado. That tornado is linking ship's bottom, but another head, is actually linking the palm of person of that chaos! 只见在罗衫脚下的白玉混沌舟的船底,正有一道金色的旋风。那旋风一头连着船底,而另一头,却是连着那位混沌之人的手掌! He tows the chaos boat that Luo Shantian is revering downward! 正是他牵引着罗衫天尊的混沌舟下行! These people are willing to put out beyond the day the crystal exchange!” In person of chaos one happy. “这些人愿意拿出天外晶交换!”混沌之人目中一喜。 This downward all the way, he does not have in the oriented family to send the signal to request reinforcements, was wants to find one to have sole possession of the opportunity of crystal stone. If called the clansman, or introduced in the clan to exterminate these people, the advantage when the time comes he obtained was only very small part! 这下行的一路上,他并没有向族中发信号求援,就是想要找到一个可以自己独吞晶石的机会。如果叫来族人,又或者把这些人引入族中剿灭,到时候他分得的好处只是很小一部分! If so, actually causes seriously!” “若是当真如此,倒是使得!” After meeting, the chaos boat that really Luo Shantian Venerable starts to decelerate. 一会以后,果然罗衫天尊的混沌舟开始减速。 Meanwhile, the news passed to back on the chaos boat. 同时,消息传到了后边混沌舟上。 You stop close, only permits that azure clothes young people's crystal beyond the day to send! Let him alone come, does not allow to use any protection appliance!” “你们停止接近,只许那个青衣年轻人将天外晶送来!让他只身前来,不允许使用任何的保护器具!” The person of chaos is not silly, knows that back two people are Powerhouse, set all sorts of exchange requests. 混沌之人也不傻,知道后边两人都是强者,提出了种种交换要求。 As the matter stands, only then stands in the distant place, making a Ye Kong person exchange in the chaos deep place flight in the past. 这样一来,蛮就只有站在远处,让叶空一个人在混沌深处飞行过去交换。 Actually this is also very dangerous. 其实这也是很危险的。 Present position, already very close chaos most deep place, if no protection of chaos boat, Ye Kong cannot stay is too long! Ye Kong light flies to the Romanian garment day Venerable the front, his strength has consumed most, how to fight with the opposite party? 现在的位置,已经非常接近混沌最深处,如果没有混沌舟的保护,叶空也不能呆在其中太久!叶空光是飞行到罗衫天尊面前,他的实力就已经消耗大半了,如何跟对方战斗? However has the means. 不过蛮却是有办法。 He hehe said with a smile, might as well, my this chaos boat can shield the outside all investigations! The person of outside can only see by light screen indistinctly, was inferior that I emit a puppet to confuse him, then you receive in me the pouch, when the time comes suddenly emits......” 他嘿嘿一笑道,“无妨,我这混沌舟可以屏蔽外边所有探查!外边之人只能透过光幕隐隐约约看见其中,不如我放出一具傀儡迷惑他,然后你将我收入囊中,到时候突然放出……” Although this act risks, but Ye Kong does not have better means. 虽然此举有些冒险,不过叶空也没有更好的办法。 So also only then this.” “如此也只有这样。” Ye Kong and this time does not want to hand over beyond the day to pass really honestly, but they also do not have a better idea, has to try reluctantly, hopes that the person of that chaos is stupider. 叶空和蛮此次并不想真的老实交出天外通,不过他们却又没有更好的主意,只好勉强一试,希望那混沌之人愚笨一些。 Was good, walks.” Emits a puppet, reduces later drills into the Ye Kong sleeves. “好了,走吧。”蛮放出一尊傀儡,缩小以后钻入叶空衣袖。 Then Ye Kong goes out of the chaos boat, stops this chaos boat there, confuses the opposite party, then he swims away to the deep place fast. 接着叶空走出混沌舟,将这架混沌舟停在那里,迷惑对方,然后他快速向深处游去。 Two chaos boats, can examine the distance through the chaos token mutually. 两只混沌舟,可以通过混沌令牌互相查看距离。 However do not look is only chaos token high and low both sides distances, actually is really quite far! 不过别看只是一个混沌令牌上下两端的距离,其实真是好远! Ye Kong does not know how long after swimming, this slowly approaches the nearby that Luo Shantian Venerable. 叶空不知道游了多久以后,这才缓缓接近了罗衫天尊的附近。 In front!” The Ye Kong spirit read the border of strength to feel that existence of own that chaos boat, tried harder again! This comes, the chaos grind pressure to be getting bigger and bigger, the chaos deep place, is really unusual!” “就在前边!”叶空精神念力的边沿已经感觉到自己的那艘混沌舟的存在,“再加把劲!这一路过来,混沌碾压力越来越大,混沌深处,真是非同一般!” Before long, Ye Kong first time saw clearly the person of this chaos God clan finally! 不一会,叶空终于第一次看清了这位混沌神族之人! This person still grows the four limbs head, the erectness is walking, the figure is slightly taller than general human, compared with tending to Ye Kong such human. 此人依然是生长着四肢头颅,直立行走,身材比一般人类略高,比较趋向于叶空这样的人类。 However what is different, this person is dragging one unexpectedly tall and slender such as the straight long tail of stick! 不过不同的是,此人的身后竟然拖着一条细长如棍的笔直长尾巴! Ye Kong saw, this person of Cultivation Base is not high! Approximately is also hundred Dimensional Venerable strengths! 叶空一眼就看出,此人修为并不高!大约也就是百次元尊者的实力! Rapidness that why this person why flies , because this person wears a black wing feather robe! That feather robe is weaves by many black feathers, covers after this person carries on the back! 那为何此人为何飞行的那么快,是因为此人身披一件黑翅羽衣!那羽衣是由许多黑色羽毛织造,就覆盖在此人的后背上! This treasure does not know that uses the feather refinement of any unusual animals, in chaos, flying speed exceptionally quick! 此宝也不知道使用什么异兽的羽毛炼制,在混沌之中,飞行速度异常得快! „Below Ye Kong, does not know how Fellow Daoist did call?” Ye Kong shows a faint smile, asked politely. “在下叶空,不知道友如何称呼?”叶空微微一笑,客气问道。 Su whinny.” The person of this chaos is also but actually refreshed, opens the mouth to ask, beyond day the crystal may bring!” “苏萧萧。”这混沌之人倒也是爽快,开口问道,“天外晶可有带来!” Please look.” The Ye Kong palm turns, one seems the person eyeball splits an corner/horn the crystal stone, appears in the face of this person. “请看。”叶空手掌一翻,一枚仿佛是人眼珠裂开一角的晶石,出现在此人面前。 Really is this crystal stone.” Person of Su Xiaoxiao chaos flashes through immediately is greedy and joyful, shouts, that you throw to me!” “果然就是这枚晶石。”混沌之人苏萧萧顿时目中闪过贪婪和欣喜,喝道,“那你给我扔过来!” Ye Kong in light of this will certainly not throw the crystal stone, a finger/refers of not far away white jade chaos boat, I now and my friend met.” 叶空当然不会就此扔出晶石,一指不远处白玉混沌舟,“我现在和我朋友见个面。” You cannot enter that to be only chaos the boat! I can only allow you to approach, if I discovered that you have want to crash in idea little, I will tow it to go directly to the chaos immediately most bottom!” “你不能进入那只混沌舟!我只能允许你接近,如果我发现你有一点点想要冲进其中的想法,我立即会拖着它直达混沌最底部!” In the warning sound of person of this chaos, the Ye Kong laughter said, Fellow Daoist, you feel relieved! Our time comes in line with becoming friends with the aristocrat, the mutual exchange, treasures hunt second, the friendship first objective! Perhaps you have not gone to Venerate Realm, after you, went to know, my Ye Kong in the Venerate Realm prestige, the post post, depended on my Ye Kong's gold-lettered signboard, beyond 10,000 days passed can also do to......” 在这混沌之人的警告声中,叶空嬉笑道,“道友,您就放心吧!我们这次来是本着结交贵族,互相交流,寻宝第二,友谊第一的宗旨来的!或许你没有去过尊界,等你以后去了就知道,我叶空尊界的信誉,岗岗的,就凭我叶空的金字招牌,10000块天外通也能搞的到……” Hides in the Ye Kong sleeve hears funnily, ancestor who this boy boasted, beyond logically coherent argument day probably was the trash is ordinary. 蛮躲在叶空袖子里听得好笑,这小子真是吹牛皮的祖宗,把天外通说的好像是垃圾一般。 Person of Su Xiaoxiao that chaos listened not to believe that everybody's opposition relaxed actually much, regarding the Ye Kong's protection, was smaller. 那混沌之人苏萧萧听了也不太信,不过大家的对立倒是缓和不少,对于叶空的防备,也小了许多。 However is getting better and better because of the situation, more and more close Luo Shantian Venerable...... 不过就在形势越来越好,越来越接近罗衫天尊的时候…… Su whinny a sudden brow wrinkle, fierce say/way, surnamed Ye, you led other people to come!” 苏萧萧突然眉头一皱,厉声道,“姓叶的,你带其他人来了!” Ye Kong thump, heart said at heart f*ck your ancestor board board, was discovered? 叶空心里咯噔一下,心说日你先人板板,难道蛮被发现了? Is impossible!” Ye Kong categorically denied. “不可能!”叶空断然否认。 Cultivation Base is higher than this person, hides in the Ye Kong sleeve. 修为远高于此人,又躲在叶空袖中。 However Su whinny the sound is swifter and fiercer, „hadn't you acknowledged? Comes out!” 不过苏萧萧声音却更加凌厉,“你还不承认?出来!” He to Ye Kong behind not far away chaos void finger/refers, immediately, the scene that Ye Kong has not thought is appearing. 他对着叶空身后不远处的混沌虚空一指,顿时,叶空都没想到的情景出现了。 Sees only the chaos to open, a circular treasure appears, on the window inside by treasure, can see young men and women...... 只见混沌打开,一个圆形宝物出现,透过宝物上的窗口,可以看见里边一对年轻男女…… Looks adless, entire writing correct novel, //-w.w.w. .c.o.m, your optimization! 看无广告,全文字无错小说,//-w.w.w..c.o.m,您的最佳选择!
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