MC :: Volume #34

#3313: The chaos like the beast, the crystal stone change players.

3313 chaos like the beast, the crystal stone change players. 【:. Com writing / writing // 3313混沌如兽,晶石换人。【:.Com文字/文字// Overtook! Makes the extra effort!” “追上了!再加一把劲!” On the chaos token the red dot approaches shortly little more and more, Ye Kong and is in both eyes reveals the happy expression. 眼看混沌令牌上红色小点一点点地越来越靠近,叶空和蛮都是双目中露出喜色。 According to this speed, so long as relentless pursues, can follow the front white jade chaos boat, rescues Luo Shantian Venerable. 按照这种速度,只要坚持不懈的追下去,就能跟上前边的白玉混沌舟,解救罗衫天尊。 Fully stimulation of movement!” “全力催动!” Ye Kong and barbarian, these two are Venerate Realm to! In three your home two Sect Lord, the strength cannot be underestimated absolutely! They collaborate, output the strength of world may be called the terrifying. 叶空、蛮,这两位都是尊界至强!三尊门之中两个的门主,实力绝对不容小觑!他们联手,输出的世界之力堪称恐怖。 However is this, is pursuing, has come across the issue. 不过就算是这样,在追击之中,还是遇到了问题。 For a long time. 许久以后。 Ye Kong, is not right!” The age compared with Ye Kong not know that in a big way many, appears is more experienced. He knits the brows: According to our speeds from the beginning, was now closer, but you looked, her position still drifts away in the most border of chaos token!” 叶空,不对!”蛮年纪要比叶空不知道大了多少,显得更有经验。他皱眉道:“按照我们一开始的速度,现在已经接近了许多,可是你看,她的位置依然在混沌令牌的最边沿游离!” Pursued was so long, actually Ye Kong also already felt that difference, he nods. 追击了这么久,其实叶空也早就感觉到了异样,他点点头。 Item mesozoic cold , to continue saying: „If there is not guessed that wrong, that controls the chaos strong clan of Kosuke that side chaos boat, he is luring us intentionally! The goal must make us follow in the back, then also leads us to the chaos lowest level, then catches the whole lot in a dragnet!” 蛮目中生寒,继续说道:“如果没有猜错的话,那个控制小佑那边混沌舟的混沌强族,他故意在诱引我们!目的就是要让我们跟在后边,然后把我们也带到混沌最底层,然后一网打尽!” Ye Kong said surprised: „Is their appetite so big? Also, we have not incurred them to annoy them!” 叶空吃惊道:“他们胃口这么大?再说了,我们又没招他们惹他们!” Not strange Ye Kong is startled, the preamble has said that Ye Kong and is Venerate Realm three Luminary two! 不怪叶空吃惊,前文说过,叶空和蛮已经是尊界巨头其中之二! The chaos strong clans of these chaos floors are formidable, must have scruples three points to Venerate Realm Strongest! 那些混沌底层的混沌强族再强大,也要对尊界最强者顾忌三分吧! The words said turn head, Ye Kong and has not hated with them, they why must wage a war, can so wrestle? 话说回头,叶空和蛮与他们也并没有仇恨,他们何必要大动干戈,非要如此一搏呢? Ye Kong does not know, but maintaining composure has actually held down own sleeves. 叶空不知道,可是蛮却是不动声色的按住了自己的衣袖。 Very obviously, beyond the day in his sleeves passes, is the opposite party goal! 很显然,他衣袖中的天外通,就是对方的目标! Do not look that thing lay down many for hundred million years not to be discovered in chaos, what as luck would have it was, when took, just was also discovered by these chaos strong clans! 别看那块东西在混沌之中躺了多少亿年没被人发现,可巧的是,当蛮来取的时候,也刚好被这些混沌强族也发现了! Mother, is strange Ye Kong this boy, if took beyond this day to pass at that time, the matter does not have.” In the heart had the slight change. “妈的,都是怪叶空这小子,如果当时拿着这块天外通回去,一点事没有。”蛮心中已经有了细微的变化。 Said hesitant: Mysterious people of our Venerate Realm these chaos deep places is called as the chaos strong clan , because they revere level expert generally stronger compared with us!” 蛮犹豫道:“我们尊界将这些混沌深处的神秘人称作混沌强族,就是因为他们比我们尊级高手普遍要强!” Ye Kong knits the brows, „is more formidable?” 叶空皱眉,“要强大很多么?” That is but actually uncertain, I want to be the chaos strong clan, in them has several thousand dimension strengths Powerhouse like us, not many......” “那倒不一定,我想就算是混沌强族,他们之中象我们这样拥有几千次元力量的强者,也并不会很多……” Listened to this saying, Ye Kong to feel relieved slightly. 听蛮这一说,叶空略微放心。 However heard also saying: Your 10 million/absolutely do not despise the chaos strong clan, they are different from us, the time that they survive be glorious than Venerate Realm! Because, their quantities, may be called huge! Moreover another, the year that because they have suffices the long time, therefore their organizational systems and social scales also stern! Therefore, they can the community send out, to unite the strength frequently, cannot slightly peep!” 不过听见蛮又说:“不过你千万不要小看混沌强族,他们和我们不一样,他们生存的时间要比尊界悠久很多!因为,他们的数量,堪称巨大!而且另一个,正是因为他们存在的年头够久,所以他们的组织体系和社会等级也更加的森严!所以,他们经常都会群体出动,联合力量,不可小窥!” Cannot think of the bottom of chaos world splendidly unexpectedly so.” Ye Kong cannot help but sighed, asked: Sect Lord, you know actually in detail.” “想不到混沌之底的世界竟然是如此的精彩。”叶空不由得感叹,又问道:“蛮门主,你倒是知道详细。” The forced smile said: My father acts recklessly does not know many under chaos, the unusual happening of experience comes back to say with us, we will certainly know secret hard.” 蛮苦笑道:“我父蛮乾不知道多少次下混沌,经历的奇事回来跟我们讲,我们当然会知道很多秘辛。” Ye Kong asked back, that Sect Lord, you already know below has the chaos strong clan, had not told me!” 叶空反问,“那蛮门主,您早就知道下边有混沌强族,却一直都没有告诉我呢!” Said: Who knows that you are leading Luo Shan, otherwise my two people do these fellows, running away should not be a problem!” 蛮道:“谁知道你带着罗衫,要不然我二人就算干不过那些家伙,逃走应该不成问题!” Runs away?” Ye Kong has wanted to understand many matters, cold -ly snorted and said: Acting recklessly senior strength must surpass us, he cannot run away, was hewn more than 300, your my two people of strengths are strong, is inferior to act recklessly on the same day.” “逃走?”叶空已经想明白很多事,冷哼道:“蛮乾前辈实力要远超过我们,他都逃不走,被砍成300多块,你我二人实力再强,也不如当日蛮乾吧。” Nod, good! Was inferior! Therefore we must take very big risk now.” 蛮点头,“不错!不如!所以我们现在要冒很大风险。” Ye Kong does not pay attention to him, opens the mouth to continue saying: Acting recklessly senior under enters the chaos innumerable, so understands the chaos strong clan, perhaps also some friendship. But why the opposite party must hew more than 300 in chaos it, thinks that was the acting recklessly senior obtained any treasure or the advantage! In this chaos, everybody seeks, perhaps beyond does the day pass?” 叶空也不理会他,开口继续道:“蛮乾前辈无数次下入混沌,又如此了解混沌强族,说不定还有些交情。可是为什么对方非要在混沌之中将其砍成300多块呢,想必是蛮乾前辈得到了什么宝物或者好处!这混沌之中,大家所寻找的,恐怕还是天外通吧?” When Ye Kong said beyond the day to pass, a face was startled to accommodate immediately. 叶空说出天外通,蛮顿时一脸惊容。 Ye Kong still again said that „the crisis that but now, we face, that chaos strong clan makes us enter most deep place, with Kosuke as the bait, wants to catch the whole lot in a dragnet us, perhaps beyond the goal or the day pass!” 叶空依然再说,“而现在,我们面临的危机,那混沌强族引着我们进入最深处,用小佑作为诱饵,想要把我们一网打尽,恐怕目的还是天外通!” More startled, he has not thought that Ye Kong is so quick, the matter thinks of that is so well-organized. 蛮更惊,他没想到叶空这么快,就把事情想到如此的条理清晰。 As if own actions were all seen by him general! 仿佛自己的所作所为全被他看见一般! Sees the surprised appearance, Ye Kong to know oneself guessed completely correctly. 看见蛮吃惊的样子,叶空知道自己猜测全部正确。 He nods to open the mouth saying: Good! Since these chaos strong clan their goals do not kill us, we had the means! We can pass with the day beyond take the bait, received exchange for Kosuke!” 他点头开口道:“好!既然那些混沌强族他们的目的并不是杀我们,那我们就有办法了!我们可以用天外通作为诱饵,换取小佑!” Ye Kong this saying, categorically rejected, was impossible!” 叶空这一说,蛮断然拒绝,“不可能!” Also said: My father for this valuable being killed chaos, but I spend completely countless year of painstaking care , the localization search, in the heart worry about, for fear that ahead of time was discovered by others, braved death to search for several times...... This time succeeds in obtaining finally, how possibly again to send out?” 蛮又道:“我父为了此宝丧命混沌,而我又费尽无数年的心血,定位查找,心中记挂,生怕被别人提前发现,冒死数次搜寻……这次终于到手,怎么可能再送出?” Ye Kong has saying: Sect Lord, currently Kosuke has difficult, we cannot stand by. But if continues to be directed like this by him, the consequence feared that is worse! I promise you, so long as received exchange Kosuke, I help you recapture beyond the day to pass!” 叶空只好道:“蛮门主,现在小佑有难,我们总不能袖手旁观吧。可是如果继续这样被他引下去,后果怕是更糟!我答应你,只要换回小佑,我帮你夺回天外通!” Shakes the head hastily, is not good, if can't seize?” 蛮连忙摇头,“不行不行,万一夺不回呢?” Sees does not hope, a Ye Kong item of color feels cold, clenches teeth saying: I compare notes with Sect Lord, snatches beyond the day to pass, trades hostage!” 见蛮不愿,叶空目色发冷,咬牙道:“那我就跟蛮门主切磋一下,抢到天外通,去换人质!” You!” Flies into a rage, but has a look on chaos token red, he sighed, surnamed Ye, I did not fear that you compare notes! Rather, Kosuke she with me...... Ok, if changes other people, I will not comply absolutely!” “你!”蛮勃然大怒,不过看看混沌令牌上的红点,他还是叹了一口气,“姓叶的,我可不是怕你切磋!而是,小佑她跟我……算了,若是换其他人,我绝对不会答应!” During the speech, he lifts hand one, in the palm, has the person of pupil same small crystal stone together, is dispersing the brown flowing light, appeared in front of Ye Kong's. 说话之中,他抬手一张,掌心中,一块有着人瞳孔一样的小小晶石,发散着褐色的流光,出现在了叶空的面前。 This is beyond the day passes!” “这就是天外通!” The nod said: Good, this thing already appeals to heaven outside passes, outside appealing to heaven crystal, but also outside appealing to heaven eye! Quantity scarce precious! It is said the original quantity are many, when the chaos discovered that this thing can outside, it does not certainly allow this thing to exist, therefore is slightly bigger, was destroyed by it!” 蛮点头道:“不错,此物既叫天外通,也叫天外晶,还叫天外之眼!数量稀少珍贵至极!据说原先数量不少,不过当混沌发现这东西可以通向界外,它当然不容此物存在,因此略微大一些的,都被它毁去!” Ye Kong nods, so that's how it is, why chaos not all ruining? We discussed in this, can be realized by the chaos?” 叶空点头,“原来如此,那为何混沌不把所有的都毁掉?还有我们在此谈论,会否被混沌察觉?” Do not be serious the chaos.” Haha said with a smile: Chaos, although was known as that 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 eye ears, is this chaos such hugeness, some minor details it cannot manage, otherwise where has these partial collapses? Otherwise can make generations of Heavenly Mandate Chosen inherit? Draws an inappropriate analogy...... Although the chaos are formidable, but obviously is also only the super giant beast that has not opened the spirit wisdom completely!” “你也别把混沌太当一回事。”蛮哈哈笑道:“混沌虽然号称1e+20的眼耳,可是这混沌如此之巨大,有些细枝末节它也根本管不过来,否则哪有那些局部崩坏?否则又怎么能让代代天命者传承?打个不恰当的比方……混沌虽然强大,可是显然还只是一个并未完全开灵智的超级巨兽!” The Ye Kong forced smile said: If its which naive opened the spirit wisdom completely, that does not know really terroristly!” 叶空苦笑道:“若是它哪一天真的完全的开了灵智,那真的不知道有多恐怖!” Looks adless, entire writing correct novel, //-w.w.w. .c.o.m, your optimization! 看无广告,全文字无错小说,//-w.w.w..c.o.m,您的最佳选择! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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