MC :: Volume #34

#3312: The acute disease uses the potent drug

3312 the acute diseases use the potent drug 3312急病用猛药 Quick!” Barbarian and Ye Kong look at each other one, the chaos boat accelerates suddenly. 【 Ka " . Com writing / writing // “快!”蛮和叶空对视一眼,混沌舟骤然加速。【ka".Com文字/文字// As if a sharp sword, breaks chaos, directly soars under! 仿佛一把利剑,破开混沌,直奔下方! However is this, on chaos token in hand red, is away from pull slowly! 不过就算是这样,蛮手中的混沌令牌上的红点,还是距离缓缓的拉开! This is not good!” Ye Kong both eyes concentrate, exclaim: Depending on your strength, is unable following! Her that side speed is faster!” “这样不行!”叶空双目一凝,吼道:“光凭你一个人的力量,根本无法的跟上!她那边的速度更快!” Blames you!” With a bigger sound, stares to exclaim: You are leading her, we any matter does not have now, can explore on downward downward, cannot downward, we go back......” “都怪你!”蛮用更大的声音,瞪眼吼道:“要不是你带着她,我们现在什么事都没有,能向下探索就向下,不能向下,我们就回去……” Looks stares big both eyes, anxious Ye Kong returns to stare saying: Sect Lord, perhaps you from the beginning think is oneself, but thinks that I help the remains that you seek to act recklessly, simply has not thought helps me survey the chaos?” 看着蛮瞪大的双眼,焦急的叶空回瞪道:“蛮门主,恐怕你一开始想的就是自己,只是想我下来帮你寻找蛮乾的遗骨,根本没有想过帮助我探测混沌吧?” Was said the soft rib by Ye Kong, is speechless, is only cold snort/hum one. 蛮被叶空说中软肋,无话可说,只是冷哼一声。 Ye Kong continues saying that „, moreover you concealed to me! You have said the corpse of acting recklessly senior is the bacteria division, may dry out in the person by these chaos to be killed actually! Is right! Moreover, has the possibility you also to have other matters to hide the truth from me very much!” 叶空继续说道,“而且你对我隐瞒了!你一直都说蛮乾前辈的尸体是细菌分割,可其实蛮乾却是被这些混沌之中的人杀死!对不对!而且,很有可能你还有其他事情瞒着我!” Ye Kong, all said the key, is also speechless, only then beckons with the hand saying: Now says these to be useful, key was you have brought Kosuke, now she has been in danger, we could not overtake, what to do did you say?” 叶空一句句,全都说中关键,蛮也无话可说,只有摆手道:“现在说这些有什么用,关键还是你把小佑带来了,现在她遇险了,我们都追不上,你说怎么办?” Ye Kong lowers the head red looks on the chaos token more and more far, with Luo Shan call for help that keeping hearing, every single word or phrase said: Has a plan for the present, only then transforms both of us to stimulate to movement your chaos boat!” 叶空低头看着混沌令牌上越来越远的红点,和不停传来的罗衫呼救声,一字一句道:“为今之计,只有将你的混沌舟改造成我们两个人催动!” Now transforms the chaos boat?” As if heard a super big joke, opens the mouth saying: Ye Kong, you crack a joke, let alone refine this chaos boat requires the time, said that this chaos boat refining up two people structure seriously, that wants the whole to refine seriously!” “现在改造混沌舟?”蛮仿佛听见了一个超级大笑话,开口道:“叶空,你开什么玩笑,别说炼化这混沌舟需要时间,就说这混沌舟重炼成两人的结构,那就要整体重炼!” In Ye Kong both eyes covers entirely anxiously, but until this moment he is very calm, opens the mouth to look said: Time should with enough time! Now arrives at the chaos side deep place, I guessed that the destinations of these people are most deep places! This sees only, a very long section of road must walk!” 叶空双目中布满焦急,可是直到这一刻他还是很镇定,开口看着蛮道:“时间应该来得及!现在才到混沌的极深处,我猜测这些人的目的地是最深处!这只见,还有很长的一段路要走!” I know to return sometime, but must refine my chaos boat seriously, that is a very big work load, we are impossible to be so quick! That time was too long!” “我知道还有一段时间,可是要把我的混沌舟重炼,那是一个很大的工作量,我们不可能那么快!那个时间太久了!” Has not related, so long as adds a stimulation of movement on the boat again Array Method, two Array Method also actuate!” “没关系,只要再在舟上加一个催动的阵法,两个阵法同时驱动!” But that needs refinement in massive chaos air bubble!” But the forced smile said. “可是那需要大量的混沌气泡中的提炼物!”蛮无奈苦笑道。 What let not think, Ye Kong lifts the hand, emits a bulk cream crystallization. 让蛮没想到的是,叶空一抬手,放出一大块乳白色的结晶。 I have!” “我有!” Originally before Ye Kong , the quantity of chaos air bubble obtaining is very many, but he used one major part to refine the white jade chaos boat. But remaining one-third are remaining, is protection emergency requirement! 原来叶空之前得到的混沌气泡的数量是非常多的,可是他只是用了一大部分来炼制白玉混沌舟。而剩下有1留着,就是防备不时之需! You also really prepare very fully.” Saw material matter not to be suitable late. “你还真的准备挺充分的。”蛮看见有了材料也事不宜迟。 Kosuke, you are supporting, we will save you!” Ye Kong was shouting one to the chaos token, helps to start Protector. “小佑,你撑着,我们会去救你!”叶空对着混沌令牌喊了一声,也帮助蛮开始护法。 The refiner in the chaos, that truly is a very dangerous matter. 在混沌之中炼器,那确实是一件很危险的事。 If outside has the people of chaos strong clan to attack suddenly, perhaps injured. Therefore Ye Kong must complete the protection work! 如果外边有混沌强族的人突然袭击,蛮恐怕就要受伤。因此叶空必须要做好防备工作! On the white jade chaos boat, Luo Shantian Venerable to look on the chaos token that red point to be getting more and more far, in the heart fell into immediately desperately! 在白玉混沌舟上,罗衫天尊看着混沌令牌上那个红点越来越远,心中顿时陷入了绝望! She thinks Ye Kong they come certainly back to save her, but has not thought, these two people discovered could not overtake stops! 本来她以为叶空他们一定回来救她,可是没想到,这两个人发现追不上就停下了! „Can I be given up?” Luo Shantian Venerable to look outside front light screen, chaos rapid backing up, the heart also downward sinks, more sinks deeply...... “难道我要被放弃了?”罗衫天尊看着面前的光幕外,混沌飞速的倒退,心也往下沉去,越沉越深…… If such as Ye Kong such Powerhouse, that can not want the chaos boat, jumps out the chaos boat to fly directly upwardly! 若是如叶空蛮这样的强者,那就可以根本不要混沌舟,直接跳出混沌舟向上飞去! But Luo Shantian Venerable is a day of eight dimension Venerable! If she left the chaos boat, that commits suicide simply! 可是罗衫天尊才是一个八次元的天尊!她如果离开了混沌舟,那简直是自杀! The beforehand chaos depth, she could not endure. 之前的混沌深度,她就已经吃不消。 Now, her not being able to endure! 现在,她更加的吃不消! Relax, Kosuke, supports, we were quick!” Is good because, suddenly spreads Ye Kong to encourage the sound from chaos token. “放心,小佑,撑住,我们快了!”好在,突然从混沌令牌之中又传出叶空鼓励声音。 However, along with increase of depth, the distance is getting more and more far, Luo Shantian Venerable gradually could not see that to select from the chaos token red! 不过,随着深度的加大,距离越来越远,渐渐的,罗衫天尊已经从混沌令牌上看不见那个红点了! Even, Ye Kong's words sound, becomes off and on, slurred! 甚至,就连叶空的话语声,也变得断断续续,模糊不清! Luo Shantian Venerable somewhat collapses finally. 罗衫天尊终于有些崩溃了。 However after she is also the Venerate Realm prestigious family, not that hysteria, but smiles bitterly lightly, said: Ye Kong, your I met by chance, everybody does not have too many occurring together. In addition the ants drag out an ignoble existence, why must do you go all out for the senseless person?...... Did not use.” 不过她也是尊界名门之后,也不会那种歇斯底里,只是淡淡苦笑一声,道:“叶空,你我本来萍水相逢,大家也没有太多的交集。蝼蚁尚且偷生,你们何须为无谓之人拼命?罢了……不用来了。” That side Ye Kong hear the Luo Shan desperate intonation, knows that she and other hearts of help died. 那边叶空听出罗衫绝望声调,知道她等援之心已死。 „It is not good, must make her have to seek livehood the hope of waiting rescue! This refine does not know when must refine, it seems like me must under a potent drug!” “不行,一定要让她有求生等待救援的希望!这蛮炼化也不知道要炼到几时,看来我得下点猛药!” The Ye Kong intention and this, was exclaiming to the token hastily loudly: f*ck your ancestor board board, Kosuke, who said that we are the senseless people! You have not seen, I to your sentiment root deep type, until death was already faithful! I will not give up! If you, me then have loved! Kosuke, you and others I, you are my love, I must save you, I......” 叶空心念及此,连忙对着令牌大声吼道:“日你先人板板,小佑,谁说我们是无谓之人!难道,难道你没看出,我早已对你情根深种,至死不渝!我不会放弃!你若一直在,我便一直爱!小佑,你等我,你是我的爱人,我一定要救你,我……” Ye Kong was shouting was shouting, detected that own chaos token was unable to pass the sound transmission. 叶空喊着喊着,就发觉自己的混沌令牌已经不能把声音传送过去了。 Was good, the distance was too far, she could not hear.” The sound that suddenly the ear broadcasts, had a scare Ye. “好了,距离太远了,她听不见了。”突然耳边传来的声音,把叶某人吓了一跳。 Turns head to look, in a brocade robe old man hand is holding a brand-new chaos boat, visits him smilingly. 回头一看,一个锦袍老者手中托着一只崭新的混沌舟,正笑盈盈看着他。 Sect Lord, did you refine? Speed, speed!” Ye Kong the pleasantly surprised whole face, in the heart actually criticizes immediately, own words listened to by this old fogy, the day fear was a scandal cannot shunt. “蛮门主,你炼好了?速度,速度!”叶空顿时惊喜满脸,心中却是暗骂,自己的一番话被这老家伙听去了,日后怕是一场绯闻是躲不开了。 Truly is this, although has not said anything, but on boat after Ye Kong, actually does not stop using the look that a pair smiles strangely to visit him, looks on Ye face to give off heat. 确实是这样,虽然蛮并没有说什么,不过和叶空上舟以后,却是不停用一双怪笑的眼神看他,看得叶某人脸上发热。 I said Sect Lord, do not visit me with this look, I actually for the confidence to increase Luo Shantian Venerable.” “我说蛮门主,你不要用这种眼神看我,我其实只是为了增加罗衫天尊的信心而已。” Knows.” Smiles to say with a smile: En, relax, any sentiment root deep type, is until death faithful, you continuously, I have loved...... Digs, my these have not heard.” “知道知道。”蛮笑笑道:“恩,放心,什么情根深种、至死不渝、你一直在,我一直爱……挖,我这些都没听见。” The Ye Kong established hoodlums cannot help but blush like this, said hastily: Good, hears to hear, but I think that we hurry to pursue!” 叶空这样的老牌流氓都不由得脸红,连忙道:“好吧,听见就听见,不过我想我们还是赶紧追上去!” Good!” “好!” Is 5000 dimensions, Ye Kong is 3000 dimensions! in addition the strengths of 8000 dimensions! 蛮是5000次元,叶空是3000次元!加起来8000次元的力量! The speed of instantaneous, chaos boat is almost original double! A white light lightning is common, breaks out the chaos starch, goes through to the chaos most deep place! 瞬间,混沌舟的速度几乎是原先的双倍!一道白光闪电一般,劈开混沌浆糊,穿行向混沌的最深处! However picked up the speed, wants to overtake is not simple, after all the time of refine chaos boat, Luo Shantian Venerable leave was very far! 不过就算是加快了速度,想要追上也并不简单,毕竟炼化混沌舟的时间,罗衫天尊已经离开的很远了! In the chaos, night and day, has nothing time! 混沌之中,无日无夜,无有时间! Also has not known how long, finally, on chaos token in hand along most border, the red points flash. 也不知道过了多久,终于,蛮手中的混沌令牌上沿的最边沿,有一个红点闪动。 In Ye Kong both eyes the different glow shines, followed!” 叶空双目之中异芒亮起,“跟上了!” Actually is one startled one for the first time, the exaggeration said: Digs, you are my love, I must save you!” 蛮却是一惊一乍,夸张道:“挖,你是我的爱人,我一定要救你!” In the Ye Kong heart criticizes, this is the teacher of barefooting, how with the barefooting same Eight Trigrams (gossip)? However fortunately, this matter, if barefoots to know that must gossip to the world all knows! 叶空心中暗骂,这蛮到底是赤脚的师尊,怎么跟赤脚一样八卦?不过还好,此事如果赤脚知道,那一定要八卦到天下皆知呀! However his thought has not disappeared, listens to think aloud: En, turns head to with my disciple share.” 不过他念头还没消,就听蛮自言自语道:“恩,回头一定要跟我徒儿分享一下。” Ye Kong clenches teeth snort/hum saying that old thing, was careful I silence a witness of crime!” 叶空咬牙哼道,“老东西,小心我杀人灭口!” Looks adless, entire writing correct novel, //-w.w.w. .c.o.m, your optimization! 看无广告,全文字无错小说,//-w.w.w..c.o.m,您的最佳选择! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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