MC :: Volume #34

#3311: The indigenous strong clan, Luo Shan is in danger

Chaos, pot shining starch. 混沌,一锅金灿灿的浆糊。 The middle and lower level position of this moment this pot starch, a shadow is similar to the leopard cat same fast beat, his movement seems a frog in water. 此刻这锅浆糊的中下层位置,一个黑影如同狸猫一样的快速跳动,他的动作仿佛是水中的一只青蛙。 Although is the movement is ungraceful, but is very obvious, his speed is quick! 虽然是动作不雅,不过很显然,他的速度很快! Beyond day crystal!” “天外晶!” When jie found beyond the day from the father remains the time of crystal, the alien race in this chaos also felt obviously existence that beyond the day passed! The name that both sides use slightly has the difference! 当蛮劼从老爹遗骨之中找到天外晶的时刻,这个混沌中的异族显然也感觉到了天外通的存在!只是双方用的名称略有差异! If this jewelled sash returns to the palace wall, feared that at least can give the General rank!” “若是此宝带回皇城,怕是至少可以给个将军级别!” In alien race heart one happy, lifts the hand to throw, that look rogue different mouse has caught up in his front, plunges jie. 异族心中一喜,抬手一扔,那只相貌凶恶的异鼠就已经赶在他的前边,扑向蛮劼。 However is very obvious, the alien race also treats as jie with Luo Shantian Venerable is so delicate, does not know that this old man is one has 5000 ultra Powerhouse! 不过很显然,异族把蛮劼也当做和罗衫天尊那么柔弱,不知道这位老者乃是一位拥有5000界的超强者 jie first feels the proximity of different mouse. 蛮劼第一时间就感觉到异鼠的接近。 What? In the chaos really has the unusual animals?” A jie big sleeve pendulum, the day passes in beyond the income pouch hastily. “何物?混沌之中竟然有异兽?”蛮劼大袖一摆,连忙将天外通收入囊中。 Hissing! Hissing hissing! 嘶!嘶嘶! Different mouse speed is really extraordinary, in an instant arrived at jie behind. Although this mouse look is similar to large size field-mouse, but the tooth tongue actually and poisonous snake is common, savage bloodthirsty! 异鼠果然速度非凡,转眼之间已经来到蛮劼身后。此鼠相貌虽然如同大号田鼠,可牙齿舌头却和毒蛇一般,凶残嗜血! It, has opened the fang, bites to the jie scruff! 它顿了一下,就张开獠牙,咬向蛮劼后颈! jie is Powerhouse of 5000 dimension, he did not turn head also to be able behind the sensation to have anything. 蛮劼是一个5000次元的强者,他不回头也能感知后边发生了什么。 Bastard! Do you also dare to sneak attack me? Snort!” “畜生!你也敢偷袭我?哼!” jie is similar to the telegram reporting victory is ordinary, had turned around! 蛮劼如同捷电一般,就已经转过身来! That different mouse is also the generation of bullying the virtuous and fearing the wicked, wants to sneak attack the jie scruff, has not actually thought that sees jie that pair of ruthless spicy both eyes! 那异鼠也是欺善怕恶之辈,本想偷袭蛮劼后颈,却没想到一眼就看见蛮劼那双狠辣的双目! Hissing! 嘶! The different mouse does not know well, spits the snake tongue, stops suddenly, turns round to walk. 异鼠知道不好,吐吐蛇舌,猛然刹住,回身就想走。 „To walk, late!” In jie both eyes the cold electricity flashes through generally, the big hand searches at will, seizes the clever different mouse. “想走,迟了!”蛮劼双眼之中冷电一般闪过,大手随意一探,就把灵巧的异鼠捉住。 Hissing hissing! 嘶嘶! However that different mouse is also slick, screamed one, slid from the jie hand unexpectedly most! 不过那异鼠也是油滑得很,尖叫一声,竟然从蛮劼手中滑出大半! Haha! The chaos different mouse, is really fierce slick, might as well attach in me honestly......” under the jie not regarding this thing the killer, but has the thoughts that has subdued to raise. “哈哈!混沌异鼠,果然是凶猛油滑,不如老实依附于我……”蛮劼并没有对此物下杀手,而是动了收伏豢养的心思。 But different mouse also jing is unexpectedly bright, understands the person regard, it hissing, as if must immediately give up resisting. 可异鼠竟然也jing明过人,懂人心意,它顿时嘶了一声,仿佛要放弃抵抗。 This different mouse such quickly pledges allegiance to unexpectedly......” “这异鼠竟然这么快就归顺……” The jie intention moves, has not actually thought, originally that different mouse is only the idea of deploying troops to decoy the enemy. 蛮劼心念又是一动,却没想到,原来那异鼠只是疑兵之计。 A jie hesitant time, its personal appearance suddenly forward squeezes out, is separated from the jie palm. 只是蛮劼一个犹豫的功夫,它的身形就猛然向前挤出,脱离蛮劼的手心。 Bastard dares to deceive me!” jie many years had not been deceived, this moment violent anger, in the hand is impolite, clutches suddenly, seized the mouse tail of different mouse stubbornly! “畜生竟敢骗我!”蛮劼多少年没有被人骗过,此刻暴怒,手中也再不客气,猛然一揪,已经死死掐住异鼠的鼠尾! But that different mouse unexpectedly is also unyielding, although the tail was seized, the escaping will is strong. 可那异鼠居然也是硬气,虽然尾巴被捉,逃生意志却强。 Hissing hissing! 嘶嘶! ! 嚓! The different mouse turns head to cut by biting own mouse tail unexpectedly, dashes about wildly in the chaos! 异鼠竟然回头一口咬断自己的鼠尾,狂奔进混沌之中! Hateful! Do the young petty people also dare to bully me?” jie lets slip once again, in the heart gets angry, puts aside the mouse tail, immediately then must pursue again. “可恶!小小鼠辈也敢欺我?”蛮劼又一次失手,心中更怒,一把丢开鼠尾,当下便要再追。 However actually at this moment, his intention moves. 不过却在此刻,他的心念又是一动。 Some people......” he initially the jing God in outside the body read the most outer layer of strength, suddenly felt that a shadow jumps is catching up to this side. “有人……”他当初在体外的jing神念力的最外层,突然感觉到一个黑影跳跃着赶向这一边。 jie slightly has a knowledge to this, when he feels that shadow, he has color/look of shock immediately. 蛮劼对这下边略有所知,当他感受到那个黑影,他顿时目中有震惊之se。 My father leaves behind the record, said that the chaos deep place possibly has the life strong clan to exist! But I had suspected my father dies of the manpower, is it possible that is these people......” “我爹留下记载,说混沌深处可能有生命强族存在!而我一直都怀疑我爹是死于人手,莫非就是这些人……” jie discovered that shadow, immediately in heart one startled, does not dare to continue the different mouse that pursues that to run away. 蛮劼发现那个黑影,顿时心中一惊,不敢继续追击那逃走的异鼠。 But that shadow discovered that different mouse was seriously injured instantaneously, he is also somewhat surprised, felt that before this old man is not that woman is so delicate, therefore hides in the chaos immediately, looks for the opportunity in secret. 而那个黑影发现异鼠瞬间受了重伤,他也是有些吃惊,感觉到这个老者不是之前的那个女人那么柔弱,于是立即躲进混沌之中,暗中寻找机会。 „Did that shadow run away?” jie old both eyes dodge, the secretly thought, the father has to record the people in these chaos deep places, can more than one two, wait for the companion? “那黑影逃走了?”蛮劼苍老的双目一闪,暗道,父亲有记载这些混沌深处的人,可不止一个两个,难道说正在等待同伴? His time \; first, to seek for beyond the day passes \; second, to pick acting recklessly remains, now both basically complete. 他此次下来,一是寻找天外通,二是捡走蛮乾遗骸,现在两者都基本完成。 The father remains took most probably, but also somewhat leaves behind does not have any important. 老爹遗骸已经取了大半,还有些遗留也没啥重要。 At that moment jie moved the heart of return. 当下蛮劼就动了返回之心。 Brother Ye Kong, Ye Kong......” jie turns toward the direction that Ye Kong leaves to seek immediately, a short while later found was seeking for the remains Ye Kong. 叶空兄弟,叶空……”蛮劼立即向着叶空离开的方向寻找,没一会就找到了正在寻找遗骸的叶空 Ye Kong, my father remains have taken the major part now, I thought that we might as well return.” 叶空,现在我父遗骸已经取走绝大部分,我看我们不如返回。” The suggestion of jie, Ye Kong is not certainly able to comply, gives jie the plain white cloth bag, said, jie Sect Lord, your wish is completed, phenomenon reason that but I must survey the chaos agitation! This is the real objective that I get down!” 蛮劼的建议,叶空当然无法答应,把白布袋子递给蛮劼,道,“蛮劼门主,你的心愿完成,可是我还要勘测混沌搅动的异象原因呢!这才是我下来的真正目的!” This......” jie is depressed, but he also embarrassed rejects, has saying that that then continues to try thoroughly, tries.” “这个……”蛮劼郁闷,不过他也不好意思拒绝,只好道,“那便继续深入试试,试试。” In Ye Kong heart strange, before this jie, vowed solemnly how in an instant becomes ambiguous? 叶空心中奇怪,这蛮劼之前还信誓旦旦,怎么转眼就变得模棱两可? Actually jie has the words, under you want that, but I have been ready, if meets the large quantities of chaos strong clans, I only then threw down you to run first. 其实蛮劼有话,你要下那就下,不过我已经做好准备,若是真的遇到大批的混沌强族,那我只有丢下你先跑了。 However at this moment, had the new situation occurrence. 不过就在这时,却有了新的情况发生。 Suddenly. 突然。 The jie intention moves, thought aloud, Ye Kong, a chaos token in your, hasn't given back to me to report the news?” 蛮劼心念一动,自言自语道,“叶空,还有块混沌令牌不是在你那,怎么还给我发消息?” The Ye Kong heart said that is Luo Shantian Venerable, but cannot think through, Luo Shantian Venerable to report the news, didn't expose? 叶空心说那是罗衫天尊,不过也是想不通,罗衫天尊发消息,不是暴露了? However waits for jie to open telephone conversation function, the sound that immediately Luo Shantian Venerable conveys, you were careful, in chaos, Powerhouse! It is not the person of our Venerate Realm, as if indigenous life in chaos!” 不过等蛮劼打开通话功能,顿时罗衫天尊的声音传来,“你们小心,混沌之中,还有强者!不是我们尊界之人,仿佛混沌之中的土著生命!” Originally after is Luo Shan meets that shadow, thinks, decides to remind jie and Ye Kong, for fear that they suffered a loss. 原来是罗衫遇到那黑影以后,思索一番,决定还是提醒蛮劼和叶空,生怕他们吃了亏。 jie one hear, anger said excitedly, Ye Kong, you did not say has not led her!” 蛮劼一听,勃然怒道,“叶空,你不是说没带她!” Ye Kong sees unable to conceal, let alone, leading her to be also good, she had also discovered we have not discovered! Cannot think, bottom of this chaos, really has the person! ” 叶空见无法隐瞒,只,何况,带着她也不错,她还发现了我们没发现的!想不到,这混沌底部,果然有人!” Ye Kong not extremely surprised, because Pangu suspected that bottom of the chaos has the mysterious race. However had not confirmed! 叶空并没有太过吃惊,因为盘古就怀疑混沌底部有神秘种族。不过一直都没有证实! jie emits own chaos boat, said that that a bit faster a bit faster! On first my chaos boat!” 蛮劼放出自己的混沌舟,道,“那快点快点!先上我的混沌舟!” They boarded the jie chaos boat, looks in the jie hand again the chaos token, discovered the white jade chaos boat distance that Luo Shantian Venerable is a little far. 两人上了蛮劼的混沌舟,再看蛮劼手中混沌令牌,发现罗衫天尊的白玉混沌舟距离有点远。 Kosuke, you wait/etc., our comes.” “小佑,你等等,我们这就过来。” jie stimulates to movement chaos boat immediately fully, was pursuing the luminous spot in the past. 蛮劼立即全力催动混沌舟,追着光点过去。 However does not have line of meetings, unusual form appears. 不过没行一会,异状出现。 Sees only, starts to escape in the opposite direction that on red the chaos token representative Luo Shantian Venerable! 只见混沌令牌上代表罗衫天尊的红点,开始向着相反的方向逃逸! Kosuke, you approaches to us, instead!” “小佑,你向我们这边靠近,反了!” a short while later, that side hears the shout that Luo Shantian Venerable to be panic-stricken, I have not stimulated to movement it, is it is running, is good to think that the invisible strengths are towing toward the chaos deep place me...... Saves me quickly, it was getting quicker and quicker!” 没一会,那边传来罗衫天尊惊慌失措的喊声,“我没有催动它,是它自己在跑,好想有一股无形的力量把我往着混沌深处拖……快救我,它越来越快了!” Then jie and Ye Kong look at each other are in great surprise, quick!” 这下蛮劼和叶空相视都是大惊,“快!” Today this chapter is a little late, because of the morning in the hospital, has managed in hospital, from now on renews is unstable. Small does not have the means that everybody do not wait, my symbol, can add my q whenever there is time 3,873,672 or the micro blog pays attention to me to renew the situation and time. 今天这章有点迟,因为上午都在医院,已经办了入院,今后更新更是不稳定。小蛮也是没办法,大家不要等,我一有时间就会码字,可以加我q3873672或微博关注我更新情况和时间。 { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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