MC :: Volume #34

#3310: The God of chaos

A clan shining chaos as if flake gold color/look lake deep place, a white light cuts flake gold color/look, flies to escape after a Fang direction. 族金灿灿的混沌仿佛一片金se的湖泊深处,一道白光划破一片金se,向着后方某个方向飞遁。 Although white light speed fast, but back is jumping unceasingly not striking shadow, actually appears quick! 虽然白光的速度飞快,可是后边一个不断跳跃着的并不醒目的黑影,却显得更加的快! „It is not good! That shadow is any thing, the speed in chaos is unexpectedly quicker than the chaos boat!” Luo Shantian Venerable to be panic-stricken, fully stimulation of movement chaos boat, but she is the day of eight dimension Venerable...... Even if uses the strength of eight world, can have the big strength! “不好!那黑影到底是什么东西,竟然在混沌之中的速度比混沌舟要快!”罗衫天尊惊慌失措,全力催动混沌舟,不过她不过是个八次元的天尊……就算是使用八个世界之力,又能有多大的实力! Person's shadow that let alone back overtakes, even if on the chaos boat is lying that is only fearful strange mouse falling not to escape! 别说后边追上的人影,就算是混沌舟上趴着的那只可怕怪鼠也摔之不脱! Hissing hissing! 嘶嘶! That only fearsome strange mouse puts out the blood red tongue, in small eyes of brown color/look reveals God color/look that takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. 那只可怖的怪鼠吐出血红的舌头,一双褐se的小眼睛中露出幸灾乐祸的神se。 „It is not good, what to do?” Luo Shantian Venerable rear area shadow more to overtake shortly near, in heart dark anxious. “不好,怎么办?”罗衫天尊眼看后方黑影越追越近,心中暗急。 However at this moment, that shadow actually fiercely stops. 不过就在此刻,那黑影却是猛地一停。 Un, Powerhouse! In seeking for anything, is beyond the day the crystal!” “嗯,还有强者!在寻找什么,是天外晶!” When the shadow feels beyond the day crystal, immediately gave up pursuing Luo Shan, lifted hand one move. 当黑影感受到天外晶,顿时放弃了追逐罗衫,抬手一招。 Hissing hissing! That only fearsome mouse somewhat unwilling look Luo Shan, this fiercely shoves open the chaos boat with four short extremities, the side of person of return. 嘶嘶!那只可怖的小鼠有些不甘的看看罗衫,这才用四只短肢猛推开混沌舟,返回之人的身边。 Afterward, that shadow jumped two, vanishes does not see. 随后,那个黑影跳跃了两下,消失不见。 In the chaos boat, Luo Shan sees the shadow to disappear, this wipes on the forehead the close beads of sweat, escapes the strength general partly sits on the chaos boat. 混沌舟之中,罗衫看见黑影消失,这才一抹脑门上细密的汗珠,脱力一般的半坐在混沌舟上。 Meanwhile, hidden place. 与此同时,暗处。 uses/gives Xujia, you were too heartless, looks unexpectedly Luo Shan senior is in danger make a move not to rescue!” In the chaos a woman voice is constraining resounding. “施旭佳,你太无情了,竟然看着罗衫前辈遇险都不出手相救!”混沌之中一个女人声音压抑着响起。 Senior Sister, this woman in is Top Grade, was to us outside, was common! I look forward to that in God clan to seize this woman actually......” “师姐,这女人在界内算是极品,可是到了我们界外,也就寻常!我倒是巴不得那个界内神族抓走这个女人……” You believe firmly really a moment ago that strange fellow was in the God clan?” “你真的确信刚才那个奇异的家伙是界内神族?” Naturally is they! Legend, in the past certain time restarts in the samsara, somewhat lucky Powerhouse, they cheated the death! Although they were pressed the chaos most bottom, but they actually lived! As the number of times of samsara are getting more and more, these luck are also getting more and more! Because each of them was born has least God Lord Cultivation Base, therefore they say the God of clan chaos!” “当然是他们!传说,在以往的若干次重启轮回之中,就有些幸运的强者,他们逃脱了死亡!他们虽然被压到混沌最底部,可是他们却活了下来!随着轮回的次数越来越多,这些幸运者也越来越多!因为他们每个人出生就有最少主神修为,因此他们自称混沌之神族!” Here, the voice of woman resounded, afterward many Powerhouse of God of clan these chaos arrived in a chance coincidence outside! These Powerhouse have conquered outside indigenous, establishes the new chaos God clan! For distinguishes in one, says outside the God clan! In is in the God clan! Time ri is long, outside knows, in actually does not know bounded outside......” 说到这里,女人的声音响起,“后来这些混沌之神族的好些强者在一次机缘巧合中到达界外!这些强者征服了界外土著,成立新的混沌之神族!为了和界内一支相区别,就自称界外神族!界内的就是界内神族!只是时间ri久,界外知道界内,界内却不知有界外……” Here, the man voice resounded, good, therefore we this time entered taking advantage of the accidental chance, if can in the God clan relation, go back surely is great merit!” 说到这里,男人声音响起,“不错,所以我们这次借着偶然的机缘进入界内,如果能和界内神族联系上,回去定是大功一件!” Walks, overtakes that in God clan, do not alarm him, with him, arrives at their settling down places!” “走,追上那个界内神族,不要惊动他,跟着他,到达他们的定居地!” ...... Chaos deep place, arm same dry black burnt/anxious wood float there. ……混沌深处,一段手臂一样的枯黑焦木悬浮在那里。 So static float, does not know already many eras. 如此静静的悬浮,不知道已经多少纪元。 But at this moment, actually the azure clothes person's shadow dodges, appears near the arm. 而在此刻,却有一个青衣人影一闪,出现在手臂附近。 Cannot think really that acts recklessly is really formidable, although the body broke to pieces more than 300, but these fragments had not been ground by the chaos unexpectedly! This mortal body already cultivate to the great strength of terrifying!” “真的想不到,那蛮乾果然是强大,虽然肢体碎成了300多块,可是这些碎片竟然都没有被混沌碾碎!这肉身已经修炼到恐怖的强大!” In the Ye Kong heart to the jie father quite admires actually. 叶空心中对蛮劼的老爹倒是相当佩服。 Senior, I installed...... Ye Kong to want you the arm admitted the plain white cloth pocket the time, the brow was actually a wrinkle! “前辈,我把你装进去了……”叶空想要把手臂放进白布口袋的时候,眉头却是一皱! Very obviously, on this arm has by the trace of Magical Technique cauterization! 很显然,这手臂上有着被法术烧灼的痕迹! Acted recklessly in the past after the fight! Is it possible that was killed, then hews more than 300!” Ye Kong sees this scenery, in the heart to some words suspicions of jie. “蛮乾当年经过战斗!莫非是被人杀死,然后砍成300多块!”叶空看见此景,心中对蛮劼的话有些怀疑。 Actually Ye Kong jing is very bright, he collected over 200 fragments, above has not had the trace of bacteria together! 其实叶空很jing明,他收集了超过200块的碎片,其中并没有一块上边有细菌的痕迹! Does Powerhouse of Ye Kong 3000 dimension, have the bacteria unclear? 叶空一个3000次元的强者,有没有细菌不清楚? But, acts recklessly, if were killed, who is has that big skill to kill so Powerhouse here?” “可是,蛮乾若是被人杀死,那么是谁有那么大本事在这里杀死如此强者?” In the Ye Kong heart really cannot think that possibly makes the person of this matter! 叶空心中实在想不到可能做出这种事的人! No matter he , to continue to search, found the arm, at fingertips in not far away.” “不管他,继续搜寻,找到手臂了,相信手就在不远处。” Ye Kong seeks forward, actually unexpectedly from another direction, an old man also circled one to seek. Old man is carrying plain white cloth pocket, in another hand lifts, is actually an orange color/look small palace lantern! 叶空向前寻找,却不料从另一个方向,一个老者也绕了一圈寻了过来。老者一手拎着白布口袋,另一手手中托举的,却是一个橘se的小宫灯! In front!” “就在前边!” Obviously, when jie found together his father's bone, is absolutely not so excited! 显然,当蛮劼找到一块他爹的骨头,是绝对不会如此的兴奋! At this moment, inside the small orange lamp the orange color/look hazy light the unceasing craziness is dodging. When that frequency, compared with just put out, quick ten times have continued! 此刻,小桔灯里边橘se的朦光正在不断的狂闪。那频率,要比刚刚拿出时,快了十倍不止! Moreover, palace lantern star anise, ray that directions show bright! 而且,宫灯八角,其中一个一个方向透出的光线更加的明亮! That side!” “那边!” Arrived!” “到了!” Almost is an instance, a azure clothes man and an old man present one piece in chaos at the same time! 几乎是一个瞬间,一个青衣男子和一个老者在同一时间出现在混沌之中的一片! But the dry black fist of person in their front, is gripping tightly. 而在他们的面前,是一只紧握的人的枯黑拳头。 Ye Kong and jie seeks for the acting recklessly remains separately, has not actually thought, here has bumped into. 叶空和蛮劼分头寻找蛮乾遗骨,却没有想到,在这里碰到了面。 „, Brother Ye Kong.” On the jie face awkward dodges, the palm turns, received the small palace lantern, said with a smile, has not thought that has bumped into one unexpectedly, how many bones did you receive?” “哦,叶空兄弟。”蛮劼脸上尴尬一闪,手掌一翻,已经将小宫灯收起,笑道,“没想到竟然碰到了一起,你收了多少块骨头?” „, I received more than 200.” Ye Kong flies, picks up the arm that acts recklessly, admits own white color/look cloth sack. “哦,我收了200多块。”叶空飞过来,一把捡起蛮乾的手骨,放进自己的白se布袋。 jie saw Ye Kong to receive that arm, immediately in heart depressed, wanted to demand, but bore. 蛮劼看见叶空收了那个手骨,顿时心中大为郁闷,想要索要,不过还是忍住了。 Ye Kong is actually swims to ask, small lamp that you in the hand took a moment ago......” 叶空却是游过来问道,“你刚才手中拿的小灯……” The jie busy say/way, is this, this is used to seek for the small treasure of bone in the chaos.” 蛮劼忙道,“是这样,这是用来在混沌中寻找骨头的小小宝物。” Right?” In Ye Kong has does not believe to flash through, he did not have the treasure to pick to find more than 200 bones casually. But jie is taking this treasure, unexpectedly is only the withered little arrange/cloth pocket, perhaps only has dozens bones. “是吗?”叶空目中有不信闪过,他没有宝物随便捡捡就找到200多块骨头。而蛮劼拿着这个宝物,竟然只是干瘪的小布口袋,其中恐怕只有数十块骨头。 jie sees Ye Kong not to believe that lifts the hand, takes the small palace lantern, gives Ye Kong to say with a smile, looks that the radiance flashing frequency of this lamp is different, can know that nearby has the bone.” 蛮劼见叶空不信,一抬手,又把小宫灯拿出来,递给叶空笑道,“看着此灯的光华闪动频率不一样,就能知道附近有没有骨头。” „, Specifically is used to look for the treasure of bone, is actually rare.” Ye Kong receives. “哦,专门用来找骨头的宝物,倒是少见。”叶空接了过来。 On the jie face awkward dodges, said, „your cloth sack must pack, might as well pour into my bag, this looks for the small lamp of bone to make you test.” 蛮劼脸上尴尬一闪,又道,“你那布袋都要装满了,不如倒进我袋中,这个找骨头的小灯就让你试用一下。” jie had found the thing of need, the small palace lantern does not want. 蛮劼已经找到需要之物,连小宫灯都不要了。 Ye Kong does not know has any trick, may after all this bag be the jie father's wreckage, naturally gives jie processing. 叶空也不知道其中有什么猫腻,可毕竟这一袋子都是蛮劼老爹的残骸,当然还是交给蛮劼处理。 Good, our bones add to approach 300, looks again, if not, was similar.” “好,我们两人的骨头加起来已经接近300,再找一圈,如果没有,就差不多了。” All bones of Ye Kong in the arrange/cloth pocket pours into the jie bag, then takes the small palace lantern to search in the surroundings. Because jie gave him the small palace lantern, he also no longer suspected. 叶空将布口袋之中所有骨头都倒进蛮劼袋中,然后拿着小宫灯又在周围搜索。因为蛮劼把小宫灯都送给他了,他也不再怀疑。 But jie looked that Ye Kong leaves, immediately is impatient from the arrange/cloth pocket pulls out that arm. 而蛮劼看叶空一离开,顿时迫不及待从布口袋之中掏出那只手骨。 Makes an effort to pinch, the arm opens! Anomalous black color/look glistens to have the crystal stone of person of pupil same structure to appear. 用力一捏,手骨张开!一颗不规则的黑se闪亮有着人瞳孔一样结构的晶石出现。 In jie pleasantly surprised dodges crazily, beyond day passes!” 蛮劼目中惊喜狂闪,“天外通!” { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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