MC :: Volume #34

#3309: The person in chaos deep place!

The people in 3309 chaos deep places! 3309混沌深处的人! Who is acting recklessly senior will hew more than 300?” Ye Kong is startled very much. 【, Ka ~. Com writing / writing // “到底是谁将蛮乾前辈砍成300多块?”叶空很是吃惊。【,ka~.Com文字/文字// According to normal imagination, in chaos most important danger nothing but difference. 按照正常的想象,混沌之中最重要的危险无非两样。 Same is the strength loses by the heartless chaos crush becomes the powder, then, returns to original state the most basic element. The second type becomes lost in chaos, the road that finally could not find, dies in the chaos finally. 一样就是力量丧失被无情的混沌碾压成粉末,然后,还原成最基本的元素。第二样就是在混沌之中迷路,最后找不到回去的路,最后死在混沌之中。 If acts recklessly dies of the first type, his corpse vanished. If dies of the second type, he should retain the entire corpse! 如果蛮乾是死于第一种,他的尸体就消失了。如果是死于第二种,他应该是保留着全尸! But the present situation is, the corpse of acting recklessly was hewn more than 300! 可是现在的情况是,蛮乾的尸体被砍成了300多块! In the chaos also has other dangerous creature?” In Ye Kong heart immediately one startled, the spirit read the strength to double fiercely emits. “难道混沌之中还有其他危险的生物?”叶空心中顿时一惊,精神念力猛地加倍放出。 At this moment is the chaos extremely deep place! If here presents unusual animals, perhaps that strength is not really ordinary. 此刻已经是混沌极深处!如果这里出现一只异兽,恐怕那实力真的不是一般的。 Regarding the Ye Kong's issue, has not given the accurate reply. 对于叶空的问题,蛮并没有给出确切的回答。 Actually I do not know that is who does.” Said hesitant: I had guessed is my father's hostile these does, my father living time they detest my father, after dying, does not let off the corpse!” “其实我也不知道是谁干的。”蛮犹豫道:“我曾经猜测过是和我爹敌对的那些尊者干的,我爹活着的时候他们憎恶我爹,死了以后就连尸体都不放过!” Has this possibility, but the possibility is very low.” The Ye Kong heart said, can achieve here Venerable is the strong generations, if discovered that your father's corpse, insults the method of corpse to have, generally was impossible saying that hewed 300 multi-stages to place here. “有这个可能,不过可能性很小。”叶空心说,能达到这里的尊者都是超强之辈,如果发现你爹的尸体,来侮辱尸体的方法有很多,一般不可能说砍成300多段就放在这里。 En, I afterward also suspicion was here had the unusual animals......” “恩,我后来也怀疑是这里有异兽……” Ye Kong knits the brows, in chaos does not have the creature to survive, no matter the person and beast, do have heaven defying strange beast really?” 叶空皱眉,“混沌之中没有生物可以生存,不管人和兽,难道真的有逆天的奇兽?” However spoke of here, was actually the expression changes, somewhat happily said: Researches according to me, confirmed is in the chaos has the life, is one very small fungus category living thing!” 不过说到这里,蛮却是表情一变,有些得意道:“不过根据我考证,证实了是混沌之中有生命,是一种非常微小的菌类生物!” Is the bacteria!” Ye Kong nods, is the bacteria the corpse of acting recklessly senior will eat the spatial partition, en, this somewhat is actually possible.” “是细菌!”叶空点点头,“是细菌将蛮乾前辈的尸身蛀空分段,恩,这倒是有些可能。” Oh, cannot think that my father first hero, the corpse is not spoiled in the chaos trillion years, finally actually by bacteria use......” low-spirited, sighed one, said: Because distributes broadly, is not easy to collect, therefore asked Brother leaf you to help.” “唉,想不到我爹一世英雄,尸身在混沌亿万年都不腐,最后却被细菌使用……”蛮目中黯然,感叹一声,又道:“正是因为分布广,不易收集,所以才请叶兄弟你帮忙。” During the speech, puts out two white small pockets, gives Ye Kong, said: Discovered that my father's remains please install in this bag, the matter is not suitable late, we fight a battle to force a quick decision.” 说话之中,蛮又拿出两个白色的小口袋,一个递给叶空,说道:“发现我爹的遗骸请装在这袋子中,事不宜迟,我们速战速决。” Good!” Ye Kong received the bag, with separated. “好!”叶空接过袋子,就跟蛮分开。 Before separation, said: Brother leaf, the chaos agitation will produce frequently has bulk the place of blank, there is the safe place, if after you , the strength is bad, with can go to rest.” 临分开前,蛮又道:“叶兄弟,混沌搅动经常都会产生有大块的空白之地,那里是安全的地方,如果你后力不济,遇之可以进去休息一番。” Knows.” Ye Kong nods. Blank that during chaos revolving some unavoidable bulk region overall extrusions present, before Ye Kong, had looked many times. “知道。”叶空点头。混沌旋转之中难免有些大块区域整体挤压出现的空白,叶空之前已经看过好多次。 Afterward, two people separate, start to seek for the skeleton fragment that the collection acts recklessly in the chaos. 随后,两人分开,开始在混沌之中寻找收集蛮乾的骸骨残片。 Although has the localization, but is a register mask, but is not each fragment has the mark, therefore must seek. 蛮虽然有定位,不过是一个定位标记,而并不是每块残片都有标记,所以也要寻找。 However what is completely different from Ye Kong is...... 不过和叶空完全不一样的是…… Ye Kong is the skeleton that seeking of sincerity acts recklessly, but saw convenient sorts, but he actually takes out a palm of the hand big fine small palace lantern from the sleeves. 叶空是真心的寻找蛮乾的骸骨,而蛮只是见到顺手的才拣一下,而他却是从衣袖之中又取出一只巴掌大的精致小宫灯。 The small palace lantern orange color, star anise, places in the hand is very attractive. 小宫灯橘色,八角型,放在手中很是好看。 In the lamp, hazy light is having rhythm one brightly one dark, probably is the heartbeat of person is ordinary. 灯中,一点朦光正在很有节奏的一亮一暗,好像是人的心跳一般。 Sees that bright dark orange hazy light, in the item to surge immediately excitedly. 蛮看见那一亮一暗的橘色朦光,目中顿时涌起兴奋。 Time press, Brother leaf help me seek for the remnant bone, just I can seek for my father past thing! If by these fellows were discovered is not good!” “时间紧迫,叶兄弟帮我寻找残骨,刚好我可以寻找我爹当年的东西!若是被那些家伙发现就不好了!” Very obviously, has matter not to tell Ye Kong, but he brings Ye Kong to get down, is makes Ye Kong gather up dead bodies to him, he has the important matter. 很显然,蛮还有事情没有告诉叶空,而他带着叶空下来,就是让叶空给他收尸,他另有重要的事情。 In the chaos seeks for the thing, that is really a long process. 混沌之中寻找东西,那真是一个漫长的过程。 However compared to Ye Kong and barbarian, stays Luo Shantian in white jade chaos boat Venerable, that appears long. 不过相对于叶空和蛮,呆在白玉混沌舟之中的罗衫天尊,那就显得更加的漫长。 She is all right to do. 她没事干啊。 The people are all right to do, likes being worried blindly. She is unable to relate with Ye Kong on, left right, does not know that many date and time like this pass. 人没事干,就喜欢瞎担心。她又无法跟叶空联系上,左等不来右等不来,也不知道多少时日就这样过去。 „It is not good, I must exit to transfer the revolutions, although my strength is very weak, but I am all right outside short.” Luo Shantian Venerable to study Ye Kong to stretch out the light to cover the hand outside, the outside pressure obviously somewhat is above her imagination, but she clenches teeth, drilled! “不行,我也要出去转转,虽然我实力很弱,可是我短暂在外边没事。”罗衫天尊学着叶空将手伸出光罩外,外边的压力显然有些超乎她的想象,不过她还是一咬牙,钻了出去! Very powerful grinding pressure!” Luo Shantian Venerable to stand in chaos, this knows, this chaos deep place with chaos surface layer that is really the different pressure! “好强的碾压力!”罗衫天尊站立在混沌之中,这才知道,这混沌深处和混沌表层那真的是不一样的压力! Differed is too big! 相差太大了! A feeling of hand was not real a moment ago, now the whole person comes out, discovered, a little could not endure really! 刚才一只手的感觉还并不真实,现在整个人出来,才发现,真的有点吃不消! The whole person, the entire body, as if anytime and anywhere must be crashed the squash to be common! 整个人,整个身体,仿佛随时随地都要被压破压碎一般! „It is not good, I go back.” Luo Shantian Venerable the present eight world, she how with having Ye Kong of several thousand world their comparison? “不行,我还是回去吧。”罗衫天尊到现在不过才有八个世界,她如何跟拥有几千世界的叶空他们比较? Therefore she comes out one step not to go out, has to hide the chaos boat. 所以她出来一步都没走出,也只好躲回了混沌舟。 Ok, I harness the chaos boat to seek for Ye Kong!” Luo Shantian Venerable to draw back to ask next, at this moment could not attend to has discovered that found Ye Kong to be important. “算了,我还是驾着混沌舟去寻找叶空!”罗衫天尊只好退而求其次,此刻也顾不得蛮发现了,找到叶空要紧。 But the chaos boat has not been going in Romanian garment day your excellency far, suddenly, front presented a shadow! 可是就在罗衫天尊驾着混沌舟没行驶多远,突然,前边出现了一个黑影! Person's shadow!” In Luo Shanmei pupil one startled, is not Ye Kong is the barbarian!” “人影!”罗衫美眸之中一惊,“不是叶空就是蛮!” The chaos deep place, nobody can come here extremely generally, at this moment sees the shadow coincidentally, the fool also knows that is Ye Kong or the barbarian. 混沌极深处,一般没人可以来到这里,此刻刚巧看见黑影,傻子也知道是叶空或者蛮。 Overtakes! Ye Kong, waits for me!” Luo Shantian Venerable also obtained the operation jurisdiction of chaos boat, harnessed the chaos boat to trace that shadow hastily. “追上!叶空,等我!”罗衫天尊也得到了混沌舟的操作权限,连忙驾着混沌舟追踪那个黑影。 However quick, Luo Shantian Venerable discovered that is not a little right, because hovering of that shadow in chaos was extremely agile and clever! Probably a leopard cat walk of recklessly in its familiar environment! Ye Kong and in this foreign country, is impossible to be this degree! 不过很快,罗衫天尊就发现有点不对,因为那个黑影在混沌之中的游动太过敏捷和灵巧了!就好像一只狸猫在它熟悉的环境之中肆意的行走!叶空和蛮这种外域之中,根本不可能达到这种程度! „Is Ye Kong this boy so flexible?” Luo Shantian Venerable the doubt, in heart some does not dare to pursue again. 叶空这小子这么灵活?”罗衫天尊狐疑,心中有些不敢再追。 However her chaos boat has not stopped, the front shadow has actually discovered back tracing! 不过她的混沌舟还没停下,前边的黑影却是发现了后边的追踪! In the past!” That shadow will throw in the future, throws a black pellet same object. “过去!”那黑影往后一抛,扔出一个黑色小球一样的物体。 That object moves in the chaos is quicker! 那物体在混沌之中行动更快! Luo Shan this day Venerable is unable to see clearly its motion path! 罗衫这个天尊都无法看清其行动轨迹! Hissing!” A terrifying neighing sound, makes threatening gestures to have the mouse of sharp fang to put the white light of chaos boat to coat! “嘶!”一声恐怖的嘶鸣声,一只张牙舞爪有着尖利獠牙的老鼠已经扑在混沌舟的白色光罩上! This is!” Luo Shantian Venerable to frighten beautiful face changing colors, she has not seen the so fearsome mouse. “这是!”罗衫天尊吓得花容失色,她从来没见过如此可怖的老鼠。 Hissing hissing hissing!” This mouse not only has the sharp about fang, the snake same tongue, seeing Luo Shantian Venerable to keep sending out savage neighing, the light cover blocks, it will certainly throw Venerable to nip Luo Shantian crushes. “嘶嘶嘶!”这老鼠不但有着尖利的上下獠牙,还有蛇一样的舌头,看见罗衫天尊不停发出凶残的嘶鸣,要不是光罩挡住,它一定会扑上来将罗衫天尊咬得粉碎。 What thing is this?” Luo Shantian Venerable panic-strickenly, knows the shadow that oneself pursue absolutely is not Ye Kong and barbarian! “这是什么东西?”罗衫天尊心慌意乱,已经知道自己追的黑影绝对不是叶空和蛮! Chaos deep place also has other people extremely!” Behind Luo Shantian Venerable lives coldly, looks up, immediately is frightened out of one's wits! “混沌极深处还有其他人!”罗衫天尊背后生寒,抬头一看,顿时魂飞魄散! Originally that shadow obtained the information of mouse, returns to the body to fly back! 原来那黑影已经得到小鼠的信息,返身飞回! Runs away!” “逃!” Looks adless, entire writing correct novel, //-w.w.w. .c.o.m, your optimization! 看无广告,全文字无错小说,//-w.w.w..c.o.m,您的最佳选择! { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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