MC :: Volume #34

#3308: Chaos deep place, acting recklessly remains.

3308 chaos deep places, acting recklessly remains. 3308混沌深处,蛮乾遗体。 „Does outside have the person to enter, this we have not recorded, rare and precious that but from to outside, history in few several people, thus it can be seen beyond the day passes!” Silk skirt floating Luo Shantian Venerable cannot help but sighs with emotion. “外边有没有人进入界内,这我们没有记载,不过从界内去往界外,史上不过寥寥数人,由此可见天外通的稀有和珍贵!”身后,罗裙飘飘的罗衫天尊不由得感慨。 But in the Ye Kong heart actually moves. 叶空心中却是一动。 „Before this Luo Shantian Venerable, said that this matter is related with her parents, is this what intent? Her parents also run away to outside the person!” “这罗衫天尊之前说此事和她父母有关,这是何意呢?难道她父母也是逃到界外之人!” Ye Kong thinks so, just about to asks, in the hand the chaos token actually transmits the telephone conversation request of jie. 叶空想到如此,刚要开口询问,手中混沌令牌却是传来蛮劼的通话请求。 „Is Ye Kong, doing?” 叶空,在干嘛呢?” Sect Leader, I in cultivate.” Ye Kong spoke thoughtlessly to pull one to lie. “蛮掌门,我在修炼。”叶空随口扯了一个谎。 You are actually diligent.” jie had not suspected, opened the mouth and said that Ye Kong, this time, some are having the goal actually! So-called not cannot benefit early! Although some have a mind to help you examine the unusual form in chaos, but before then, some actually private affair must manage!” “你倒是勤快。”蛮劼也没有怀疑,开口又道,“叶空,其实这一次下来,蛮某是带着目的!所谓无利不起早!虽然蛮某有心帮助你检测混沌中的异状,不过在此之前,蛮某却有一件私事要办!” jie comes the chaos the goal is to certainly seek for beyond the day passes, what makes Ye Kong surprised is, the jie tone actually probably knows destination is at! 蛮劼来混沌的目的当然是寻找天外通,不过让叶空吃惊的是,蛮劼的口气竟然是好像已经知道目的地的所在! jie knows where beyond the day does pass?” In the Ye Kong heart the thought dodges, opens the mouth saying that jie Sect Lord, your I get down together , helping by rights ought to mutually! You must handle the matter early not saying that before letting Ye, has a psychology to prepare! If there is matter of danger greatly, Ye advised politely Sect Lord do not violate the danger easily!” “难道蛮劼知道天外通在哪里?”叶空心中念头一闪,开口道,“蛮劼门主,你我一起下来,理当互相帮助!只是你要办之事也不早说,让叶某之前有个心理准备!若是大有危险之事,叶某奉劝蛮门主还是不要轻易犯险!” The jie heart said this surnamed Ye really astute, immediately laughs saying that leaf Sect Lord, this matter has not informed beforehand was really sorry, is only this matter concerned my father's corpse position, fears to reveal, therefore the political ability does to conceal.” 蛮劼心说这姓叶的果然精明,当下哈哈一笑道,“叶门主,此事没有事先告知实在是抱歉,只是此事有关家父的尸身位置,怕泄露出去,因此才略作隐瞒。” Corpse of acting recklessly!” “蛮乾的尸身!” Hears the jie last few words, Ye Kong and Luo Shan all calls out in alarm makes noise. 听见蛮劼的最后一句话,叶空和罗衫两人全都惊呼出声。 In the history book early has the record, acts recklessly when one time alone explores the chaos was killed, has not come out again...... 史书上早有记载,蛮乾在一次独自探索混沌之时丧命,再也没有出来过…… Cannot think that this jie actually knows the acting recklessly corpse position! 想不到这蛮劼竟然知道蛮乾尸身位置! When shock, the Ye Kong slight bow said, jie Sect Lord, this matter does not blame you to conceal but actually, the acting recklessly senior strength tyrannical corpse already became the treasure, if leaked the news to be taken away secretly...... The consequence is dreadful!” 震惊之余,叶空微微点头道,“蛮劼门主,此事倒不怪你隐瞒,蛮乾前辈实力强横尸身早已成宝,若是泄漏消息被人偷偷夺去……后果不堪设想!” That thanks little friend you forgave.” In the jie mouth the name changed, opens the mouth saying that actually my father many years ago on death chaos, but his position has the demonstration on my this treasure! These many years I have wanted to gather, but the strength is actually insufficient! This time just the chaos mix, to my actually gospel!” “那就感谢小友你体谅了。”蛮劼口中称谓都变了,又开口道,“其实家父很多年前就丧生混沌,只是他的位置在我这宝物上有显示!这么多年我一直想要下来收取,可是实力却是不够!这次刚好混沌搅动,对我倒是福音!” jie honest relative, Ye Kong also very much acclaimed, „, since were this matter, Ye helped by rights ought to! Even if somewhat dangerous, Ye does not refuse under any circumstances!” 蛮劼坦诚相对,叶空也很赞叹,“既然是此事,叶某理当帮忙!哪怕是有些危险,叶某也在所不辞!” Good!” The jie great happiness, said, you rest again a meeting, when the time comes I will call you, could go out of the chaos boat several times, you are ready!” “好!”蛮劼大喜,道,“你再休息一会,到时候我会叫你,可能要数次走出混沌舟,你做好准备!” Ok!” “行!” Switches off the chaos token, after the ear, immediately broadcasts the sound that Luo Shantian Venerable, „did your this promise him? Here is the chaos deep place, jie he got down has not dared repeatedly to take the acting recklessly corpse, do you actually want to help him make these?” 关掉混沌令牌,耳后顿时传来罗衫天尊的声音,“你这样就答应他了?这里是混沌深处,蛮劼他下来了多次都不敢取走蛮乾尸身,你却要帮他去做这些?” Although knew perfectly well that Luo Shan is to oneself good, but Ye Kong still shakes the head, I meet misfortune when Earth loses recalled, jie sends for helping me defend the crazy pledge world, otherwise already by class of recklessly to approach/insult Lve generation handsome cardinal virtue! Now he gathers the father remains, how can I reject?” 虽然明知罗衫是对自己好,可是叶空依然还是摇头,“我在地球落难失忆之时,是蛮劼派人帮我守住狂盟世界,否则早就被代俊大德之流肆意凌掠!现在他收取父亲遗体,我又怎能拒绝?” Ye Kong said, extends the protection of light halo the hand, has felt the outside grinding pressure, this also said, some graciousness, must report!” 叶空说完,将手伸出光圈的保护,感受了一下外边的碾压力,这才又道,“有些恩,是必须要报的!” Heard Ye Kong so saying that Luo Shantian Venerable in the beautiful pupil one to be gentle, pearl sleek/moist chin also put in the Ye Kong's shoulder, in the mouth said in a soft voice, I admire the affection and loyalty man!” 听见叶空如此说,罗衫天尊美眸之中一下柔和了许多,珠润的下巴也搁在叶空的肩头,口中轻声道,“我最是敬佩有情有义的男子!” Ye Kong was adored by the beautiful woman, in heart crisp suitable, said with a smile, Kosuke, you high do not visit me, actually I will also be careful that if encountered the danger, the escape was important, no matter what, I had no reason for jie died!” 叶空被佳人倾心,心中爽适,笑道,“小佑,你可别高看我,其实我也会小心的,若是遇到危险,逃命要紧,不管怎么样,我没有理由为了蛮劼去死!” Also downward good for a long time, Ye Kong extends make a move, feels grinds the pressure to be getting stronger and stronger! 又往下行了许久,叶空出手,感受到的碾压力已经越来越强! In the chaos, will have grinds the pressure, if surface layer the chaos, this grinding pressure average people cannot endure. 混沌之中,会有一些碾压力,若是在混沌表层,这种碾压力一般人都是吃不消。 Still remembers that initially Ye Kong went to ancient clan base in the chaos to search the treasure, that does not have the black prison tower unable to make the trip all the way! 还记得当初叶空去古族在混沌中的基地探宝,那一路上没有黑狱塔是无法成行的! But the present is the chaos extremely deep place! 可是现在是混沌极深处! Here, if emits black prison tower, perhaps in an instant, will be ground the decomposition! 在这里,若是放出黑狱塔,恐怕转眼之间,就会被碾碎分解! Becoming the most initial raw material! 成为最初始的原料! But true Venerable level Powerhouse, can actually with own great strength, in short roaming through! 而真正的尊级强者,却可以凭着自身的强大,在其中短暂的遨游! Finally, Ye Kong received passes message of jie, arrived, stops the chaos boat, comes out.” 终于,叶空收到了蛮劼的传音,“到了,停下混沌舟,出来吧。” Ye Kong watches on the token, the jie chaos boat really stops is not far. 叶空观看令牌上,蛮劼的混沌舟果然停在不远。 jie has gotten down the chaos boat, places oneself the body in the chaos, lifts the hand, receives the chaos boat. 蛮劼下了混沌舟,将身体置身于混沌,一抬手,收起混沌舟。 However Ye Kong cannot receive, Luo Shantian Venerable on the boat. Moreover, was unable to make jie see Luo Shan! 不过叶空就不能收起了,罗衫天尊在舟上。而且,还不能让蛮劼看见罗衫! Chaos token of Ye Kong in the hand gives Luo Shan, gives Luo Shan the chaos boat jurisdiction, opens the mouth saying that in boat superior me.” 叶空将手中混沌令牌交给罗衫,又把混沌舟权限交给罗衫,开口道,“在舟上等我。” In Luo Shanmei pupil is startled immediately, because Ye Kong so does, must take very big risk! 罗衫美眸之中顿时吃惊,因为叶空如此做,是要冒很大风险的! If Luo Shanjia chaos boat is leaving, that Ye Kong could not go back! Although Ye Kong is Venerable level Powerhouse of 3000 dimensions, but cannot in the chaos deep place long-time is staying! 如果罗衫驾着混沌舟离开,那叶空就回不去了!虽然叶空是3000次元的尊级强者,可是也不能在混沌深处长久的呆着! Relax, is not good I to take the jie chaos boat to go back.” Ye Kong shows a faint smile, drills chaos boat halo. “放心,不行我可以乘坐蛮劼的混沌舟回去。”叶空微微一笑,钻出混沌舟光环。 Leaves the chaos boat, immediately can feel formidable grinds the pressure to raid, body has the strength that is unable to resist to squeeze in all directions everywhere. 离开混沌舟,顿时可以感觉到一股强大的碾压力袭来,身体的四面八方到处都有无法抗拒的力量紧压。 If Venerable could not have endured generally really!” Ye Kong raised the strength of oneself all things to resist reluctantly, swam away in the jie direction. “若是一般的尊者还真的吃不消!”叶空提起自己三千世界之力勉强抵住,向着蛮劼的方向游去。 Ye Kong and jie is not ordinary Venerable level expert, has several thousand world to high Powerhouse. 叶空和蛮劼都已经不是普通的尊级高手,都是拥有数千世界的至高强者 Therefore they can emit some spirits to read the strength in the chaos slightly, and can through reading the strength communicates. 因此他们在混沌之中还是能略微放出一些精神念力,并且可以通过念力进行沟通。 Here!” The jie spirit read force feeling Ye Kong, he greeted one immediately. “这边!”蛮劼的精神念力感觉到叶空,他立即招呼了一声。 Saw Ye Kong, he does not need to watch the chaos token again, had not discovered that the Ye Kong's chaos boat also stays in the nearby. 看见了叶空,他也就不用再去观看混沌令牌,也就没有发现叶空的混沌舟还停留在附近。 Arrived.” Ye Kong also felt that the jie position, hovered two, arrived at the jie front. “到了。”叶空也感觉到了蛮劼的位置,游动两下,就来到了蛮劼的面前。 Relax, so long as evens up my father remains, some will accompany you to continue the thorough chaos to be deepest, examines the chaos agitation the truth!” Sees Ye Kong to come, jie passes message immediately to Ye Kong is reassured. “放心,只要找齐家父遗体,蛮某会陪着你继续深入混沌最深,查看混沌搅动的真相!”看见叶空过来,蛮劼顿时传音给叶空吃一颗定心丸。 Ye Kong said with a smile, acting recklessly senior that was in the Venerate Realm history famous Powerhouse! Ye can strive for this reason, and takes this as the honor, does not use politely!” 叶空笑道,“蛮乾前辈那是尊界史上著名的强者!叶某能够为此出力,并且以此为荣,不用客气!” jie is deeply moved, expressed gratitude repeatedly, knows that leaf young friend was the person of affection and loyalty! After waiting, you swear brotherhood for the brothers!” 蛮劼大为感动,连声道谢,“就知道叶小友是有情有义之人!等出去以后,你们结拜为兄弟!” Ye Kong haha said with a smile, I also prepared to barefoot to swear brotherhood very much, wasn't that this rank chaotic? Good, jie Sect Lord, said that we must make anything!” 叶空哈哈笑道,“我还准备很赤脚结拜呢,那这辈分不是乱了?好了,蛮劼门主,说说我们要做些什么吧!” jie nods, good, surveyed according to me in the past, my father remains were hewn more than 300, scatters in this chaos. Although chaos agitation, but this change is not big, must revolve with the chaos together......” 蛮劼点头,“好吧,根据我以往勘测,家父遗体被砍成300多块,散落在这片混沌。虽然混沌搅动,不过这块变动不大,应当是跟着混沌一起旋转……” He has not said, Ye Kong on strange say/way, in the depth of this chaos, who is can hew the acting recklessly senior so?” 他还没说完,叶空就奇道,“在这混沌之深,是谁能够将蛮乾前辈砍成如此?” ps: Today two. ps:今天两更。 { Floating astronomy thanked fellow book friends' support, your support was we biggest power } {飘天文学www.PiaoTian.com感谢各位书友的支持,您的支持就是我们最大的动力}
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